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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 307 KB, 414x356, 1541969882702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7073868 No.7073868 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7073872 [DELETED] 

Yeah, Rondo's gonna have a hard time in pop culture as cancel culture and such keep growing... RIP Rondo fans.

>> No.7073903 [DELETED] 

cancel culture is full of pedos. counter signalling is a self defense mechanism and a way to attack something they aren't proud of

>> No.7073925 [DELETED] 

whatever, fact is Rondo won't have a very good look for future generations, at least in the way modern culture is going forward.

>> No.7073937 [DELETED] 

it gets a pass because its japanese and zoomers love weebshit

>> No.7073964 [DELETED] 

We'll see how future generations react.

>> No.7073971 [DELETED] 

>self-loathing pedos

>> No.7073975 [DELETED] 

>cancel culture and such keep growing
it reached its peak years ago. the only thing that's growing now is the backlash against it

>> No.7073980 [DELETED] 

I still don't see it, seems like it keeps growing, but I sure hope you're right.

>> No.7074219 [DELETED] 

>she's under 40 pedo
>gender redact
>i-it's ok cause now she has a penis
embrace the future goyim

>> No.7074241 [DELETED] 

This is why we should have never let women into the industry.

>> No.7074269

Doujins when?

>> No.7074278

already exists, but her as an adult

>> No.7074394 [DELETED] 

I am not American, so I can't understand this SJW conundrum. Sometimes, I think it is just a big shitpost or a joke which you play upon foreigners.

>> No.7074408 [DELETED] 

I love beautiful feminine legs in frilly skirts.

Both ends of the horseshoe are getting bigger and/or louder. Backlash against both ends of the horseshoe is also getting bigger and louder.

>> No.7074597
File: 93 KB, 625x1000, 1598524292444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7074608
File: 1.45 MB, 1040x960, mariarenard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7074663 [DELETED] 

>le enlightened centrist appears

>> No.7074784
File: 576 KB, 569x597, 1605140642786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so no one's posting in the Castlevania /vg/ thread, the threads always die off on /v/...

So it seems like people already settled on completely taking-over /vr/ and making the board about Castlevania games rather than retro ones. Is that really what we've settled on? If so, people really need to step it up, individuals can only make so many.

>> No.7075163

Conceptualize the aroma

>> No.7075168

No, it's just different flavors of autism. Look at the catalog again, there's an autist spamming RE4 threads, another posting Sega System™ threads, and so on. I hope the Castlevania autist leaves after awhile.

>> No.7075314

Really? I don't see anything questionable about OP's picture, it's not like you can see her panties or something

>> No.7075341

Is that from the manual? Looks official.

>> No.7075601

Yeah, despite the rating of the game and Maria's age, erotic images of her were plastered all over the manual, one of which even depicting her stroking Richter's cock.

>> No.7075610

Japanese games didn't have ratings in 1993 and suggestive images of her are in the actual fucking game. So your attempt at sarcasm is retarded.

>> No.7075637

>Ask a retarded question
>Get a retarded response
If you wanted to be a smartass about it then you should know what the manual looks like by now, you gullible cunt.

>> No.7075638

How to unlock those?

>> No.7075774

Yes, asking a neutral in tone question about a moonrune manual for a meme game that isn't worth going on a google scavenger hunt for makes me "gullible." Why are you so retarded?

The OP is in the actual game. And you can't see there but Maria has giant tits.

>> No.7075964

What do you think her feet smell like? ha ha I just want to know for laughs ha ha

>> No.7075984

It's the 18th century. It would be vile.

>> No.7076035

zoomer thots love sailor moon, maria isn't any different

>> No.7076050

It doesn't have to show her panties, it's the implication of an upskirt shot. seeing under a female makes the cancel culture fucks angry just by making them think "thing" even if it's not in the property or not.

Sort of how that one company that was called round eye noodles. round eye is a racist slur asians use against white people, so when a bunch of white people made a chinese food place, they thought they were ok in calling it round eye noodles since the slur was used against whites. But they got shut down for being racist because round eye apparently makes asians think of slant eye and just making them think of a racist slur even if it was not towards the group that complained got the restaurant shut down for being anti-asain.

I expect cancel culture to get a whole lot worse as time goes on. Hope the bubble bursts in my life time and we can go back to not being as sensitive to shit like we used to do.

>> No.7076086

kek, nice job on this.
now pixelate it

>> No.7076360

Okay :)

>> No.7076454

Are you gay?

>> No.7076478

Go find a date somewhere else

>> No.7078197

Did they add Maria so that your little sister can use a different character on her credit?

>> No.7079613


>> No.7079656 [DELETED] 

>it will get better!
They will lock up and chain gang every toxic inkwell actually. The slippery slope takes literal eons to stop or we'd not be banning kratom right now all because the Chinese banned heroin in the late 1800s, of which was caused by the middle east banning weed int he 1300s.

culture go brrrrrr

very yes

>>cancel culture is full of pedos. counter signalling is a self defense mechanism and a way to attack something they aren't proud of

That was pruned? Someone had their sjw redditor moderator/janny feelings hurt huh?

Feminists man.

>> No.7079670 [DELETED] 

>Someone had their sjw redditor moderator/janny feelings hurt
Nah, we just don't want posts like yours, rambling away about POLITICS on a GAMING board like a nutjob. Seriously, fuck off back to >>>/pol/, this place is for games. We come to these specialised boards precisely to get away from general whiny bullshit.

>> No.7079714

consider professional help

>> No.7079720 [DELETED] 

>like yours
That guy's not me in case you've implied it.
As if you are everyone here, and also this entire thread is poltard bait anyway retard.

Have you tried not going into threads you hate?

>> No.7079724 [DELETED] 

Also, pol is far too fast. Even if I wanted to use a pol board I'd not use one on any chan site that I know of. They're either overly fast or dead.

And to clarify I'm the guy you replied to that quoted the anon that was deleted, that's what I meant about the implying thing BUT ANYWAY--

The thread is a shitpost yet you want to attack a guy randomly INSIDE THE SHITPOST?


Seriously faggot? You bumped it didn't you? At least while you sit there try to get banter going if you're going to bump trash baits.

>> No.7079735 [DELETED] 


>> No.7079745 [DELETED] 

>pol is far too fast
Damn, sounds like a you problem. Fuck off.

>> No.7079771 [DELETED] 

Either way, take it somewhere else.

Also just because the first poster >>7073872 devolved the thread into your schizo >>>/pol/ shit doesn't mean the thread itself is about that. It's clearly a Maria from Castlevania appreciation thread. If it was instead about the shit you morons turned it into, it would have been deleted on sight.

>> No.7079820 [DELETED] 

Yet you're the one that's bothered by me, so not really.

Get over it.

This thread is a shitpost so poltarding it up is the best thing for it.

>> No.7079824 [DELETED] 

not really you just sound like a retarded schizo and /pol/ is full of fake information and conspiracy theories. nobody but poltards want polshit in their board

>> No.7079835 [DELETED] 

>This thread is a shitpost so poltarding it up is the best thing for it.
It's still at least about games unlike what you're posting. Go to another chan's /pol/ board if you want to talk about how politics affects media, at a slower frequency.

>> No.7080293

is that official art?

>> No.7080895

what do you think?

>> No.7080906 [DELETED] 

other chan's are overly censoring while also being TOO LOW in traffic

s a g e

>> No.7080907

One of the pages in the manual is subtly of a different paper material to the rest. If you peel it in half, two pin-up style pictures of Maria are inside, and also Richter in the corner with his bandana off.

>> No.7080912 [DELETED] 

Oh, so the only acceptable forum on the entire internet for you to post your resentcuck drivel just happens to be /vr/, what a coincidence!

>> No.7080917 [DELETED] 

>guy brings up cancel culture
>leave comment up while deleting the guy that responds to it
>be third guy that notices the hypocrisy and rightfully and with virtues takes giant dump on a 'woah' thread using political opinions
no I won't faggot

keep the politics away from me or I'll flame everything

I don't even follow the (((news))) nor have ever been a poltard but virtues go brrrrrrr

>> No.7080919

I'm gonna need to see a scan of this page or else it doesn't exist

>> No.7081554


>> No.7081720


>> No.7082791

the only results i got from a reverse image search was a twitter tranny account and an 8kun loli thread so i thought 'no'

>> No.7083397

Just buy the game

>> No.7083404

Scan: >>7074597

>> No.7084095

How in any way does that look official

>> No.7085285

she's sexy

>> No.7085308
File: 240 KB, 798x766, 1370834421800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7085431

She's fun. Perfect for your little sister's turn.

>> No.7085502

In what sense was she actually helping Richter's campaign between the stages? Did she just stay back like he suggested?

>> No.7085808

Fake news

>> No.7085883

That's never happening as long as twitter exists

>> No.7085905

at 17:02

>> No.7086123

Learn to timestamp

>> No.7086659

Translation? What is this from?

>> No.7086878

Literally just type it into Google Translate you lazy moron.

>> No.7086908

>just type japanese characters you have no idea about into google bro

>> No.7086919 [DELETED] 

only nigger lovers spam lewd threads on safe for work boards

>> No.7087571

12 years old dude

>> No.7087896 [DELETED] 

only nigger lovers spam lewd threads on safe for work boards

>> No.7088162

that's right, you ain't black.

>> No.7088184

>those tits
>that ass
whatever I'm a pedo

>> No.7088792

there's nothing lewd in this thread. go away CIA

>> No.7088827

Please keep making more coomer threads (ESPECIALLY with pictures of prepubescent girls) I'm tired of talking about retro video games but am incapable of changing to another board.

>> No.7088901
File: 22 KB, 288x344, 1537393805852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what you did to Maria...

>> No.7089940


>> No.7090080

RoB Maria is underage but obviously not prepubescent

>> No.7090083

-is when women can have babies

>> No.7090149


>> No.7091451

Jesus fucking titty christ, the cancerous s.0.y lactating on this thread

>> No.7092806

...but enough about my wife!

>> No.7092816

she's a cartoon schizo

>> No.7092819


>> No.7092868

Shes literally 12.

>> No.7092890
File: 673 KB, 240x257, young dr wily excited for his egg breakfast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is great

>> No.7093140

what game?

>> No.7093193

This is actually a real problem for girls who develop early. Maria's chest being fully developed at 12 is not that unusual and for those girls it's like going from childhood to adulthood within 24 hours. Suddenly these girls start getting attention from much older men who either overestimate their age or don't care and it can be destabilizing for that to happen so suddenly.

>> No.7093265

Yeah Kodomo no Jikan explores this topic

>> No.7093298

there aint no 12-13 year olds that look like maria

>> No.7093318
File: 59 KB, 474x834, jeh jeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, now

>> No.7093326

>What is Maria's personality?
>idk give her tits envy lol

>> No.7093457

Never heard of it. Any good?

Well she is a cartoon. But read up on how there's some suspicion that girls are developing younger now because of hormones in the meat supply. Not sure about the causal link but it does indicate that people notice when a young girl looks several years older than is normal.

>> No.7093513

>Never heard of it.

The fuck?

>> No.7094362

You sound like a pedophile.

>> No.7094431

If i was misa amane magical loli edition i would also have tits envy

>> No.7095080
File: 743 KB, 1200x1000, mega maria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, it's time for the weekly Lust After Maria Renard Thread!

>> No.7095190

God I love that 90s anime art-style

>> No.7095192

Where'd the mouse go?

>> No.7096631

>mfw beating Castlevania Judgement

>> No.7097901

Yup... Know severam women who went throigh this as kids. Just because you are a kid doesn't mean you are automatically flat. Most buxom women were quite developed as kids, that's how genetic works

>> No.7098607
File: 168 KB, 850x1133, maria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2d doesn't have to adhere to 3d rules. It is better than reality.

>> No.7098802
File: 312 KB, 600x800, 0D493D64-90AC-4ED3-BCF8-A5C8E290809A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Maria in SOTN doesn't feel like the same person. It's not just the art style either. It seems unlikely that Rondo Maria would grow into SOTN Maria.

>> No.7098810

Ofc, but busty lolis are a thing in reality

>> No.7098879

They're called children when they're real humans.

>> No.7100271

old hag

>> No.7100309

Women start ovulating at 9 friendo :^)

>> No.7100318

Best Maria.

>> No.7100324

People change as they get older Seems believable to me.

>> No.7100517
File: 41 KB, 418x599, E6A91043-DA68-4C45-8094-B6EBD8BA224E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She went through a heavy redesign in the remake to bring her more in line with her older self.

>> No.7100853
File: 16 KB, 553x698, 1370830474038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's weird there was even a mouse in the first place, since it's not one of Maria's sub-weapons like the other 4

>> No.7101229

>Kodomo no Jikan
>Never heard of it.
Newfags get out