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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7091569 No.7091569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it just another case of fox and grapes?

>> No.7091584

>this board is anti-collector
Is there a new rule in the sticky that I missed?

>> No.7091597

It's a materialistic hobby for people who value owning things over doing things or even experiencing things. Spending your whole life consuming media but never creating anything is pathetic. But collecting is a whole new level of pathetic below that. It indicates that you actually see accumulating this media as some sort of accomplishment, rather than something you simply enjoy doing for its own sake.

>> No.7091607

because collectors are puritans who don't want you to install hardware modifications or fuck with your electronics in any way

they are anti-fun and anti-life

>> No.7091639

Don't define an entire board's population by a bunch of loudmouthed virgins from /v/ that can't let anybody enjoy a hobby without shitting on it.

>> No.7091667

my vote is "i don't care"

>> No.7091670

No, just a bunch of mustard emufags who fap to filters.

>> No.7091692

"Anti-collector" = being a normal person who points out that it's peak retard/s0i mindset to act like collecting and spending a bunch of money on software for old systems makes you superior to people who opt to not flush their money down the toilet for reddit clout

>> No.7091713

People see it as a waste of money, and underlying it, there is a jealousy that some random dude can afford to blow sometimes pretty serious cash just to have a piece of plastic/metal and display it.

Same goes for pretty much any collecting hobby desu.

>> No.7091716

Collectors are just obnoxious so they get shit on more frequently.

>> No.7091717

I have both 15khz and 31khz CRTs and fully hardware fagged on building a retro PC for the latter. Guess what I have connected to my consumer TV? A computer with Retroarch on it. I have ZERO desire to own the husks the games came on. They're redundant, they're dumped, and they belong to the world now. Also, at the end of the day, I STILL just play everything on my OLED, and my CRT shit is just a side project

Collecting is dumb, and we hate you because your med deprived addled brains think that owning game husks somehow validates your experience with the games more than someone who runs them on flashcarts or 99% emulators. It doesn't.

>> No.7091880
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It's because this board is just a cesspit. Probably one of the top 5 worst boards on the site now. I remember I tried explaining why and got "That's the whole site" except it's fucking not. It's literally just /v/, /mu/ and maybe some other shithole boards. Everytime I come in here the catalog is flooded with 1 line shitpost threads, bad memes, etc. The discussions are usually swarmed with ill-informed people who just get asshurt about something because it's not what they do. Reminder this is only /v/, /mu/, and other shithole boards.

I was excited for the 6th gen, but did not factor in how subhuman the average /v/ermin is. The rule change did irreparable harm to the entire board.

>> No.7091884

Because collector consoomers are fucking annoying

>> No.7091897

Found the collectorfag.

>> No.7091941

Are you new here? This board is anti-everything.

But maybe it's because younger people just getting into retro gaming are pissed off that they missed the boat, and don't like being called emubabies and poorfags.

>> No.7091943

Most people seem to care more about playing the games. It's super easy now to play almost anything you want now, whether through emulation or flash carts. So there's not much reason for collecting besides the collection itself.

>> No.7091947


>> No.7091949

>f fox and grapes

>> No.7091951

the fox couldn't reach the grapes so he said that they're too sour

>> No.7091960

Using a tube tv and setting up electrical connections and RF output and shit in 2020 is pretty sour alright.

>> No.7091973

this analogy doesn't work.The non-collectors are foxes who have readily available grapes in their backyard. They don't think the grapes are sour as they can taste them easily. They think it's waste of time/energy to go hunting out for grapes in the wild when you can just start your own grape farm at home.

>> No.7091974

That is BS. I have collected and played every game I bought. When I got a great deal on a sealed game, I bought it and opened that shit and played it. Fuck the sealed collectors. I have money and I am coming for your sealed games.

>> No.7091981

How could it be fox and the grapes when you still get the grapes by emulating?

>> No.7091992

this is an apt metaphor. because the fox can not reach the grapes he tells himself that they are not worth the effort to obtain them. and he is right. because grapes are toxic to foxes.

likewise us non-faggots who don't hoard plastic tell ourselves it's not worth the effort to hoard plastic and we too are right. because emulators and roms are free and readily available and provide a superior experience.

so instead of coveting plastic, we play games. and instead expending energy to eat toxic fruit, the fox goes on to eat a nutritious and delicious mouse or vole.

>> No.7092004

>just emulate your grapes bro
I bet you drink grape soda

>> No.7092016

Cause paying money for 30 year old ROMs is beyond retarded and no one is impressed by it.

>> No.7092060

not if you're using emulators on your wii or PC properly hooked to a CRT TV :^)

>> No.7092078
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Stay mad poorfags

>> No.7092085

is there a youtube channel where someone buys expensive one of a kind mythical collectors retro game cartridges for $3000 and just smashes them on camera

that would be such great content for /vr/

>> No.7092094

No but you could start one. Sounds like a great investment.

>> No.7092136

Collecting games that you want to play on the actual console hooked up to a CRT is okay, hoarding games just so fellow anons can't get a copy/to raise prices and buying "hiden jems" from (((collectors))) in amazon for $200+ a piece just so you can put them in a shelf and never touch them again is not.

>> No.7092181

Yes, it’s fox and grapes. Emulatorfags are very vocal about things that apparently don’t matter to them, and they cannot see an image of a physical game without voicing some fucktarded statement about how emulation is better. They also use braindead strawmen to distance themself from people who own games.

>emulation is easier!
Requires plugins and sometimes complicated setups, which often end up emulating inaccurately anyway. Controller software, USB adapters, running the Rom anytime they want to play the game. All of these things end up being at least on par with the “chore” of connecting a console and putting a disc in.
>at least I play games!
Reddit-tier unsubstantiated fantasy that collectorfags don’t play their games, or that they can’t just emulate on the side
>you’re hoarding plastic and wasting money!
None of which matters to anyone but the person buying the game. The emulatorfag has zero reason to be concerned with this, as the video game market has no effect on their experience.
>game discs will eventually die to disc rot!
Even if games eventually run out, it’s not likely to happen anytime soon. It makes no sense to act as if it already happened just because. Also, collectorfags aren’t locked out of emulating in that case. Also, it doesn’t fucking matter to anyone but the person owning the disc.
>all consoles will eventually break!
See above. Also, if you know consoles will run out, it makes little sense to preserve original discs by emulating. You’ll have nothing to play them on anyway.

>> No.7092195

>having fun
being a loser man child drowning in eternal hedonistic emptiness to avoid actually living life which he's scared of.

>> No.7092198

Yeah for me I understand collecting games, when you buy the ones you like and actually play them. What I don't get when somebody wants buying everything, even the shitty ones, and then bragging "look at my complete sixth-gen collection of Madden/FIFA/NHL/NBA games."

>> No.7092216

>mindset to act like collecting and spending a bunch of money on software for old systems makes you superior
>makes you superior
No one ever claimed this. Emotional strawman.

>> No.7092236

I don't like people who collect prototypes/betas just to hoard them, don't care about anyone else

>> No.7092240


>> No.7092270

It's not that there's anything wrong with collecting per se, but they bitch and moan constantly about prices and when they're not crying about whatever boogeyman makes them want to not give them things for free they act like this >>7092078

It's not hard to see why no one likes them.

>> No.7092281

lol you typed all that out just to sound like a homosexual!

just pirate on original hardware, you don't need to use emulators to avoid being a collectard

>> No.7092289

>PC building faggot
We hate you because your med deprived addled brains think that building some incel machine somehow validates your experience with the games more than someone who plays on a normal retail laptop.

>> No.7092293

I collect some things, I pirate, and for certain purposes I will emulate. There is nothing some screeching faggot can do to justify their obsession with how other people spend their spare money.