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7084252 No.7084252 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Nintendo refuse to add beefier plots or story continuity to these games? Think how these things have enhanced other games like System Shock, Half Life, and Soma, and how much the little that was in BOTW did for that game.

>> No.7084257

Because that's zoomershit, Zelda works best as a fairy tale that leaves things for imagination rather than some faggy cinematic story

>> No.7084260

Console pleb detected.

>> No.7084267

They do in small ways but not enough to make the player feel like they're missing out on the other games. I like how Final Fantasy has every entry be it's own self-contained story, so I don't need to play like 20 different games to get the lore.

>> No.7084270

> Why does Nintendo refuse to add beefier plots or story continuity to these games?
Ironically ALTTP and OOT did just this and were universally lauded for it. They were fledgling steps towards establishing a Hyrule legendarium, but we never got it.

>> No.7084290

Zelda's entire success is based upon people not having the attention-span or funds to play the fully-fledged adventures and rpgs prominent on personal computers, or later with the action-adventures on the more powerful consoles. You're asking for it to abandon one of the keys to its success. If you kept upping the complexity with stuff like deeper story, you'd just have ended up with a PC adventure, or nowadays a AAA action-adventure (which BOTW actually comes closest to, hence the insane cross-platform critical acclaim), which would upset the girly core fanbase.

Just let it have its niche. There are plenty of deeper competitors already.

>> No.7084294

Zelda games are intended for little kids. They're extremely linear and simple to play.

>> No.7084298

Meh they couldn't even keep the timelines consistent between those 2. OoT kinda seems like it was the imprisoning war but then it wasn't. Then years later they decided to half ass a full timeline with forks from OoT and it's a mess and makes 0 sense.

>> No.7084309

Even as a fairytale Zelda kinda sucks

>> No.7084372

story is for women and trannies

play games for their gameplay

>> No.7084381
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>for women and trannies
So, zelda? Minus the women course.

>> No.7084416

It was the imprisoning war until it was retconned. The timeline was completely consistent and linear until the early 00's when they lost track of whether Ganon was dead or just sealed and where the Triforce was. Wind Waker, Minish Cap, the Oracle games and Four Swords basically fucked up everything.

>> No.7084447

Nintendo games in general have very little story.
As a developer, nintendo always places gameplay over story and they play around with gameplay ideas years in advance before building the rest of game around it.
Another reason would be is that nintendo themselves don't care about the setting of zelda. There's a reason the general plot is always so rote, almost always just being about link, zelda and ganon. I think this is exemplified further when you remember the official timeline and how ass it was. Nintendo never wanted to connect the games, they probably want them all to exist in a vacuum and only did so after western outcry.
Another reason I think nintendo doesn't really care about the setting of zelda, is when you start reading about the development of the games, you begin to see how many times they wanted to completely overhaul the franchise before toning it down. Alttp was supposed to be sci-fi, botw was originally modern day with an alien invasion plot. I really don't think they have any love for the western fantasy the franchise is known for. Which is also probably why zelda has gotten more and more japanese feeling as the franchise has progressed.

>> No.7084471

And to invoke that miyamoto screencap, I don't think nintendo themselves don't really understand what western audiences like about the franchise.
People more or less loved every game up until wind waker—which was also the first game that was a huge departure tonally, stylistically and so on. Outcry had nintendo make twilight princess, but the game was also kind of crap because nintendo had no idea what the audience really wanted beyond vague concepts of a dark and mature series.

>> No.7084474

Story in videogames is retarded. Nintendo don't give a flying fuck about them, that's what makes their games great.

>> No.7084518

Because only faggots play videogames for their story.

>> No.7084538

But they've literally been doing that? Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild both had way meater plots with full on cast members. Hell, so did Twilight Princess with it's whole cast of characters that they wanted you to care about and even Wind Waker with Tetra's crew and your sister + grandmom.

>> No.7084591


>> No.7084616

these sorts of plots are almost always a sign of very poor taste

like dude they ain't CS Lewis, let them stick to what they're best at

>> No.7084638
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>it's a mess and makes 0 sense.
Made sense to my wrinkly brain

>> No.7084654

>requiring imagination
Need someone to take your commission for that gerudo link anal fagfic there, buddy?

>> No.7084662

This is the kind of writing you want in a video game:

"The eggs we found near the observation chambers are different than the ones in Hydro. They release some kind of disgusting flying swarming thingies. Bullets don't do anything. Bullets! For Christ's sakes, I never even fired a gun before this morning!"

"Damn! Why don't I just make a bonfire and throw ALL my nanites on it. Last night with Nikki was amazing. Holo-woman, real woman, you gotta love technology. But I must have left ALL my nanites in her room in the Sensual Sim Center. What a maroon."

"I believe the plans the Many have for me are greater than I even imagined. The change is upon me. But the path is more glorious than we imagined. It does not stop at a mere single mutation... the form I've been promised is more beautiful than even that... They tell me I will float through the air and strike at the foes of our biomass with my mind... with our mind... my cup runneth over..."

>> No.7084664


>> No.7084670
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>muh overarching narratives in nintendo mascot games

>> No.7084679

They did, you idiot. Did you not play Link's Awakening or OoT?

>> No.7084686

It's just a form of conservatism. It has advantages and disadvantages. A big advantage has been that none of their major characters have become associated with autistic fan followings.

>> No.7084695

How do you explain all those crazy people going nuts over link dressing up as a girl

>> No.7084697

This is the right answer. The best Zelda story is the first one, which is also the most minimal, and the worst Zelda story is Skyward Sword's--the most bloated. Almost anyone capable of writing dialogue worth reading isn't working in video games. Even modern novelists are generally garbage

>> No.7084704

Fetishes, anon. Welcome to the internet.

>> No.7084712

>link dressing up as a girl
I think botw quite possibly permanently tainted link as character.
Not really because he dressed up like a girl for a story quest, but because he's a pretty fucking convincing girl.
I think it's gonna have weird ramifications for the franchise down the line.

>> No.7084735

But that means he now has an autistic fan following

>> No.7084740

So? Just ignore it.

>> No.7084751

Yes we can do that however
Its existence contradicts the post here >>7084686

>> No.7084764

Oh, well Zelda has had autistic fan followings since at least the OOT days so idk what that guy is smoking. Go look up how much Link x Shadow Link slash porn there is some time for example

>> No.7084825

Zelda didn't start being a cushy family friendly fun Nintendo game with no story until OoT and especially Wind Waker, yes. What's your point?

>> No.7084895

LTTP existed you know. I fail to see how that has more of a story then either Wind Waker or OoT

>> No.7084957
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Beware the hidden secrets of ALttP

>> No.7085062
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>> No.7085087


Amazing people are arguing with you wanting 25min unskippable cutscenes added.

>> No.7085103

I think Nintendo has added quite enough "plot" to the series, OP. Jesus, when I was younger I *thought* I wanted a comprehensive Nintendo-sanctioned timeline. Chalk that one up to wishing on the monkey's paw, I guess.

>> No.7085203

Think about the quality of writing in a typical or even above average manga/anime... Now remember that this is a video game.
Do you really want hideo-tier writing in your Zelda game?

>> No.7085367

This. WW in particular was 90% responsible for fucking up Zelda's story and making it into incoherent nonsense. Prior to that, certain details were unclear, but there was a clearly established sequence of events that has each of the games take place after each other in a well defined order, serving as the backstory for the rest of the series.

WW is odd, because it comes in how high ambitions, it wants to end Hyrule for good, except that completely makes no sense because there are several games that take place after it given it's so adamant about being a follow up to OoT, so it completely screws over everything and prevents any kind of story progression happening for the rest of the series, which goes from something with a seemingly rich and open ended history to something closer to Mario where Ganon constantly just randomly shows up all the time just 'cuz he's the baddie.

The first six games are the real core canon and nobody will convince me otherwise.

>> No.7085389

games which focus on "plot" immediately attract people who don't play or buy video games but incessantly comment about how your video game isn't "inclusive" enough to whatever degenerate group they identify as

more studios should avoid adding deep plot to their games

>> No.7085398

That was a sequel on SNES of all things, and it introduced us to Zelda and Ganon and even the triforce as proper characters for the first time, supporting characters like Saharasalaasdasd, and lore like the dark world and light world, the 7 maidens, the war for hyrule, etc.

>> No.7085401

>games which focus on "plot" immediately attract people who don't play or buy video games but incessantly comment about how your video game isn't "inclusive" enough to whatever degenerate group they identify as
What a retarded generalization. I bet you only play Nintendo.

>> No.7085429

Not everything has to have some heavy plot with tons of cinematics. I enjoy System Shock, Half Life, MGS, etc. But I enjoy Zelda too.

>> No.7085441

Do a barrel roll!

>> No.7085935

he may be correct for Western plot focused games. See Sony.

>> No.7085936

>prevent cancer foundation
how ironic

>> No.7085953

And...? Are you really going to try and claim that OoT doesn't do something very simila

>> No.7086026

Metroid. Also Xenoblade

>> No.7086034

Read the manga if you care so much about story.

>> No.7086114

Nobody asked for your opinion Covidiot retard

>> No.7086559

there are no good Zelda mangas

>> No.7086563


It's not an rpg.

>> No.7086832

What's wrong with them?

>> No.7088241

That’s just hot, there’s always been rule 34 of zelda characters anyways
Link has always looked like a girl, he even wears earrings. I’m sure the androgyny is on purpose too, since the series sells so well with girls

>> No.7088250

Hence why zelda should keep sidelining the story. The series thrives when you’re exploring, not reading dialogue boxes

>> No.7088259

Ocarina of Time's Link was in part designed based on what women would find attractive.

>> No.7088512

>Link has always looked like a girl, he even wears earrings. I’m sure the androgyny is on purpose too, since the series sells so well with girls
Yes? That thought process is what gave way to the femboy link of botw.
Now where get to watch where we go from here.

>> No.7088557

Ah yes, Breath of the Wild, my favorite retro game.

>> No.7088570
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Not true, there are some good ones.

>> No.7088586

Sony is not the only game who makes games with stories, you idiot. The three games in OP are western.

>> No.7088590

No it doesn't. Because most of what was introduced in OoT is a rehash of the same stuff that was introduced in LttP, except for the origin of the Triforce.

>> No.7088602

2 of 3 are from days long gone, the other is indie

>> No.7088653

they deviate too far from the source material instead of adding to what the games provide
the worst is probably the TP manga where Link is actually some sorcerer that ran away from his town after doing dark magic shit and getting his arm cut off in the first few chapters

>> No.7088669

Why shouldn't the manga deviate? It should offer something the game isn't already offering.

>> No.7088673

>why can't it be like muh jarpigs? there's too much gameplay in this game! ;_;

>> No.7088695

it should expand and build on what the game already has, not rewrite things entirely and make it completely different

>> No.7088769
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this is a fact. every time zelda has flirted with expanding beyond the basic hero's journey/fairy tale its been been tedious crap. the story in the earlier games is the journey you make over the course of gameplay. any body begging for exposition and world building like some trashy YA novel is obviously retarded

>> No.7089247

And the sages
And characters lime Impa and the deku tree
Oh and fucking Ganondorf instead of Ganon

>> No.7089627

technically Ganondorf was first mentioned in ALTTP but OoT fleshed him out, plus introduced the Gerudo and tied them to him

>> No.7089650


>> No.7089662
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-Sages were mentioned in ALttP and are in the intro, maidens are mentioned as descendants of their line
-Impa is from Zelda II
-Deku Tree is just second-hand cut content from ALttP
-Ganondorf also mentioned in alttp first per >>7089627

Everything that OoT is it stole from ALttP

>> No.7089775
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Adding a beefier story to Zelda will only make you realize how shallow the entire narrative for the series really is.