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File: 2.41 MB, 2056x2732, alucard-sotn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7083235 No.7083235 [Reply] [Original]


Why are sexually insecure mutts so cringe? Are they not aware that Alucard was inspired by Elric of Melniboné, a much better graphic novel than Conan? Honestly, only Europeans should be allowed to have an opinion on Castlevania.

>> No.7083236

great thread 10/10

>> No.7083237

>only Europeans should be allowed to have an opinion on Castlevania.

This isn't allowed for anything anymore as you all will find a way to fight a war over it. Listen to China or America from now on.

>> No.7083254
File: 174 KB, 408x306, Sancho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only Europeans should have an opinion on a Japanese game series

>> No.7083263

yeah show that strawman who's boss

>> No.7083273
File: 56 KB, 704x540, 1568817029514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a bishy?

>> No.7083327

The original Simon and concept art are pretty cool though. The problem is that they dragged it out untl Rondo. Ayami Kojimi certainly breathed new life, the peak of the character designs, though. I even prefer the Chronicles redesign of Simon, as we can always keep Trevor and others as the plain barbarians.

Bishonen. I think it means a male of a higher tank in Japan, or their teen mangas or something.

>> No.7083329


>> No.7083349
File: 9 KB, 248x189, 1514941201451s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elric of Melniboné[1] is a fictional character created by Michael Moorcock
>Michael Moorcock
no wonder his char is gay as fuck lmao

>> No.7083530

It just means he has more spunk than other writers, idiot

>> No.7083785 [SPOILER] 
File: 380 KB, 484x410, 1605477941564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a bishy?
This in particular, OP, and not only that, but the idea of a longlived, immortal, magical entity having a beautiful humanoid appearance reflecting those traits isn't unheard of. Those also happen to be traits that not every character, especially protags, tend to have.

But more than that, frankly, I for one don't like so many characters having similar designs, especially when legacy characters lose some of their, well, character. I look at Simon and regardless whether it's barbarian armor or knightly armor, I see a strong, noble-hearted man who doesn't even lash out in any fashion at lying villagers shit-talking him to his face. Runway model Simon just doesn't do it for me though it'd be nice to have a game with exactly that, I wish the series played more with a modern setting, Aria did fuck all with besides some comparatively useless guns.

>> No.7083794

I'd unironically like mooks, bosses, and even settings from more places than just Europe and Japan. Like, we probably already get some of that, but whatever.

>> No.7083957

I don't think anyone ever cared about Alucard being the way he is, just that Ayami Kojima only draws Alucard in different outfits and calls it a new character. The English dub of SotN deserves way more credit than it gets for being one of the only localizations I've seen that gets the bishounen trope right with the English casting, giving him a really deep voice.

>> No.7084236

People hated these designs?

>> No.7084256

more spunk in his asshole because he's a faggot, maybe.

>> No.7084620


But it really doesn't. People didn't go around daily life in the 1700s looking like Alucard unless they were royalty or near to.

>> No.7084632

What is a bishie?

>> No.7084659
File: 29 KB, 960x960, 1598818197628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do homosexuals always become OP's who start their post with some inane strawman of something that no one has ever said and why do those threads get replies?

>> No.7085425

>daily life
Dracula's Castle isn't daily life.

>unless they were royalty or near to.
He's a nobleman. Literally Count Dracula's son.

>> No.7085498

Read the thread. Some people are just so tasteless that they don't like one of the greatest artists to ever grace gaming.

>> No.7085586
File: 171 KB, 596x622, 1602007557924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7085751

the only person i ever heard complain about anime influences in castlevaina was james rolfe and his complaints were about them dropping the influences from the old B&W monster movies.

>> No.7085870

Never heard anyone complain about Alucard. Aside from the occasional gripe about Dracula X's artstyle (and nu-simon) I only hear a lot of complaints about DoS's style.

>> No.7086052

There's a mod to fix the anime portraits of DoS and PoR back to Kojima bishie style.

>> No.7086704

>He's a nobleman
I don't think his status is recognized by the monarchy

>> No.7087637

le anal sex dhampire

>> No.7087646

Fuck this faggot shit. Play Jet Set Willy on the Speccy. All slat eyed developers envy this game you know. Miyamotto seethes to this day

>> No.7087663


>> No.7087906

>Honestly, only Europeans should be allowed to have an opinion on Castlevania.

When you shits start making decent games besides DKC you can get an opinion

>> No.7088871
