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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7069008 No.7069008 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled.

Is 2D superior to 3D?

>> No.7069025

For Castlevania? Absolutely, it's not close at all. 99% of the 3D is bad.

In general? 3D is superior with more complexity and potential. That's why 2D is almost completely abandoned besides the amateurs reinventing the wheel.

>> No.7069032

always has been

>> No.7069038
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>Now that the dust has settled

>> No.7069045

>only posting one (1) castlekino discussion
Not very generous, hmm?

>> No.7069050

>no video filter

>> No.7069057

Of course. Sprite graphics look amazing, polygon graphics are ugly.

>> No.7069103

3D can be better but only at the highest level, like Ocarina of Time. You have to have true 3D level design & exploration otherwise I might as well play SMW.

>> No.7069152


>> No.7069158
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Arcsys has shown me that 3D can be good. But fuck does it almost never get there

Like if we could get a modern 2D castlevania with arcsys level 3D instead of whatever the fuck bloodstained was then I'd be totally happy with 3D

>> No.7069786

>Arcsys has shown me that 3D can be 2D

>> No.7069993 [DELETED] 

No. But that goes both ways.
2D and 3D are just different.
You mean, making 3D stylized instead of trying to make graphics realistic makes it look better? Whoa, what a revolutionary idea.

>> No.7070028

I don't consider 3D "games" to be actual video games

>> No.7070059

Almost always. Unlike what >>7069025 says, 3D games are typically LESS complex than their 2D brethren. More effort has to go into graphics, and while that doesn't always negatively affect gameplay, it often does.

>> No.7070127

Real retro gamers appreciate both.

>> No.7070131
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For Sonic, yes.
For Mario....the jury is still out on that one.
Metroid 2d > FPS Metroid
Zelda 2 > OoT

>> No.7070136

SOTN is a 3D game.

>> No.7070148

a 2D game is harder to figure out intuitively if it is more than a sidescroller or shoot-em-up. However a lot of people praise Street Fighter 3 over everything that game latter, and there is something smooth about 2D animations compared to uncanny valley or blocky 3D motion.

>> No.7070154

3d racing games are way better than 2d racing games. the only 2d racing game i like is Neo Drift Out

>> No.7070272

Fpbp, /thread

>> No.7070282

what about outrun/outrunners?

>> No.7070283

Neither is superior to the other, they both offer different experiences that neither can fully recreate

>> No.7070286

For Platformers and Adventure games 2D is certainly superior.

>> No.7070332

I don't understand this whole 2D and 3D thing. Aren't all video games presented on a 2D surface? This isn't like going to the movies and putting on 3D glasses or anything. Your TV screen is in 2D, so any game you're playing is 2D. What does everyone mean??

>> No.7070372

80% of games are better in 2d than 3d. In most games 3d is just a gimmick

3d games are harder to play and understand. For example zelda ocarina of time is much more difficult to control. This adds to the immersion but also can limit the fun.
Another example is broodwar and starcraft2. The 3d graphics are a pure gimmick. But they make the game much harder to read because of the non uniform unit visuals. Its bad from a fun and spectator perspective. Broodwar is much better as a esport because watching it is less exausting.

>> No.7070380

Yes, except for Ocarina of Time that rocks your face off.

>> No.7070692

>Unlike what >>7069025 says, 3D games are typically LESS complex than their 2D brethren.
I didn't say that you illiterate retard. I said 3D itself is a more complex perspective. That's why so many 3D games struggled to meet older 2D standards initially.

I can't fathom what degree of a subhuman mind you'd need to not realize 3D is the future. It would be like retards thinking silent and black/white movies are inherently superior to modern ones.

>> No.7070731

>It would be like retards thinking silent and black/white movies are inherently superior to modern ones.
2D Sonics and Metroids are still superior, and a lot of other franchises still have yet to master 3D.

>> No.7070790

Yes, but new franchises have fully embraced and suceeded in 3D

>> No.7070793

>I can't fathom what degree of a subhuman mind you'd need to not realize 3D is the future.
You dont understand that realism is far less ideal than a well design. You are lacking in education. I work in marketing and 2d ads work much better than 3d. For many reasons i could list but i prefer you educate yourself. Just know that your thibking completely wrong. Also i explained it before in this thread. You just seem not to understand it.

In short:
Message simple = fun, attractive, high spread
Message complicated because of unnecessary third dimension =reduction of attractiveness

>> No.7070809

Among Us, Cuphead, Terraria, Undertale all modern and all sold well. some games are just better suited for 2d.

>> No.7070823

if you prefer 2D over 3D you are a retard, and most people agree
Everyone loved GTA 3 when it came out. Tell me, would that game be better in 2D?

>> No.7070829

you now realize there are literal retards in this thread that are discussing sprites vs polygons rather than 2d vs 3d gameplay

>> No.7070863

For that game it benefitted greatly much like Metal Gear solid did. But then u have abominations like Sonic Adventure that took a step back. And then theres titles like Super Mario 64 that in my opinion are equally as good to old and new 2d Mario platformers.
The original post simply asks is 2d superior to 3d.

>> No.7071181
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Around these parts, we don't like the future

>> No.7071207

>3D is the future

Polygon video games are literally 80s tech and look like shit compared to sprites to this very day.

>> No.7071231
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>> No.7071271 [DELETED] 

Graphics in general are redundant and distracting from gameplay. They should be strictly mimimal and functional.

>> No.7071282
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, heil 2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7071286

Why are mode 3d games gradually evolving to be shooters?

>> No.7071296

Where are the 2D equivalents of Thief or Deus Ex?

>> No.7071302
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Metal Gear.

>> No.7071304

Metal Gear?

>> No.7071327

Solid Sanke

>> No.7071827

that game kinda sucked and it was also much easier to just run your way past most of the guards instead of sneaking around

>> No.7071831

MGS for the GBA.

>> No.7071870

of course 2D >>> 3D

3d is when games stop being kino soulful product and tries so hard to be realistic, thus killing the fun of imagination and surreal/cartoonish feeling

3d is when games focus on soulless shit such as graphics instead of what's really important: gameplay

3d is filled with tutorial cuz it's so goodamm unnecesary compliated shit, unlike 2d, which is comfy

>> No.7071880


>soul kino comfy feels

can you express yourself using anything other than 4chan buzzwords, or is your brain legitimately this fried?

>> No.7072256


comfy soul kino feels are legit words
grab a dictionary retard. i've been using these words before you were even born kiddo

>> No.7072260

The absolute state of /vr/.

>> No.7072505

Yes. /thread

>> No.7072514

based, and told

>> No.7072595

Only for strategy games