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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 127 KB, 640x640, 20201013-00082561-futaman-000-1-view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7066016 No.7066016 [Reply] [Original]

Seen some talk of this series yesterday so I have something to say. To be clear, the reason this game never got a translation because underneath it all, it's actually not that good, right? It's supposedly a media icon in Japan, yet nobody talks about it at all and there's seemingly no interest in localizing it.
I want a translation myself just so I can actually see if it's worth it or not because I don't speak Japanese and before you call me an EOP, I speak Spanish, I have no interest in learning Japanese because it won't benefit me. But the fact that it hasn't gotten one has already made my opinion on it solid - it must be bad.

>> No.7066037

It's not that it's bad, it's just that most non-asians don't have the autism to deal with anything analogous to a VN or dating sim. Despite all the bias against anime that most western localizers had (and still have to this day to an extent), they were correct that those kinds of games wouldn't have done well here, even if they were done in a non-anime style.

>> No.7066038
File: 76 KB, 1920x1080, GameCenterCX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coincidence, just watched the GCCX episode about this game, best one so far.

>> No.7066040

Arino: "My wife calls me Daddy."

>> No.7066045

Tokimeki Memorial was pretty much the birth of the dating sim. Cliches and all.
Some of the shit you have to do to get with certain girls (specially the one on the cover) is ridiculous.

>> No.7066275
File: 40 KB, 496x314, be a predator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I saw that yesterday too. I remember it back from like 10 years ago being one of the best and it still holds up. Made me want to play the game. I'm learning moon now, so hopefully by next year I will.

>> No.7066295

>choose your own adventure clicks game
It’s for Jap incels. Fully half of all Japanese games are overt trash for the sexually unsatisfied.

>> No.7066368
File: 122 KB, 1280x960, hinomoto hikari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to learn is to immerse yourself and take study breaks to reflect. Last time I played this game was when I was weak in Japanese, but I looked up every word and even made some edits to include furigana to reference when my memory went bad on a certain character. If you can't edit images well, it might be good to retranscribe the lines, and dissect them and reference them when you're lost.

Even if you don't understand it all right now, be patient and give it a try instead of thinking, "I'll try it when I'm better." Not to assume what you're thinking, of course, but that's a pretty common attitude. You got this anon.

>> No.7066384

That doesn't fit Tokimemo at all.

>> No.7066479

Thanks anon, it's something I've wanted to do for decades so figured now was the time. I learned the kana systems 23 years ago for fun but never much more than a few dozen kanji and no grammar until now because other things kept getting in the way. It's nice to start now with the head start of already knowing the alphabet basically so I feel I can move along faster than an otherwise complete beginner, but I still just don't know enough words to really do much so I'm doing the 2k Anki program to build vocab. So far it's going great after a month. I've been watching animus and can understand short sentences here or there and am starting to recognize the difference in verb forms (動かない vs 動けない) when a character says it. I am still early on but can already feel it is a hell of a lot easier than learning French was, so it's encouraging.

>> No.7066556
File: 83 KB, 1024x518, 5jzbwvrfzfv21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend this video series, it's what propelled me even further, and it actually helped me fundamentally understand the difference between は and が better than any textbook. Once you get past the weird robot voice and some cringy content, it really help and builds you up from the beginning to understand grammar and think in a more Japanese kind of way. Just ignore how much she goes on and on about how the "muh textbooks don't teach you this", it's true but she does reiterate a bit too often.

Proud of your progress anon, you're doing great. Keep it up!

>> No.7066982

My god, that voice is digusting. Horrible, weedy sounding posh English woman, what the fuck.

>> No.7067026

Played it after getting a solid grasp on Japanese. It's the proto-dating sim. Nothing but min-maxing your stats and going on dates where you pick the least retarded answer to the girls' questions for three in-game years to be awarded a barely animated girl telling you she loves you.
I realized I just don't care for dating sims at all, but I don't regret playing it at all. There is some undeniable charm to it.
Found out while writing this post that you can start with max parameters by giving yourself the nickname こなみまん. Thought that was kinda funny.
There's nothing even remotely sexual in Tokimeki Memorial though.

>> No.7067030

Oh yeah, it's fucking horrible to listen to. But the information is extremely useful.

>> No.7067350

>a barely animated girl telling you she loves you
That's more than I'm getting now