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File: 52 KB, 570x428, Shotg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
702136 No.702136 [Reply] [Original]

Most satisfying weapons to use?
Pic related.

>> No.702138
File: 68 KB, 639x399, EthCrossbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one.

>> No.702158
File: 795 KB, 1680x1050, doom2QQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double barrel shotgun from doom 2, man I am so good at twitching that thing around at doom speed I would get bant for being too good

>> No.702160

I found the necromancers gloves to be the best in heretic because it pulls the enemies in. Honestly probably one of the scariest thoughts imagineable is dying by those

>> No.702165

Dark Forces: Stouker concussion rifle
hell yeah

>> No.702172

Razor Wind in Turok 2.

>> No.702187
File: 22 KB, 288x288, rl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This baby. Not only can it turn your enemies in to chunky salsa, it serves an explosive pogo stick.

Those incredible sound effects, man.

>> No.702191

Fallout1/2, bare fists with bloody mess

>> No.705576
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>not railgun

>> No.705612
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>> No.705615
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>> No.705620
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>> No.705626

Would've rather had the AICW that was supposed to be in the game.

>> No.705642

Heeeey, the 'ol snotgun. Good times.

>> No.705646

In a server for UT I used to play in, they had tons of weapon mods.

>Pistol that shot BFG missiles from Doom
>Mini-missiles and lasers as shrapnel on BFG impact

>8ball shoots 3 razor claw blades as well as 8 grenades when fully charged
>Blades make bio-rifle splatter every bounce
>If enemy is hit with a blade, it acts as blade hit and direct hit with charged bio-rifle

>> No.705654
File: 3 KB, 104x103, Bazooka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.705659

Heretic II storm bow, especially with the Tome of Power where it has lightning shockwaves. Or the Future Cop LAPD concussion beam.

It's not bad but it's nothing compared to the Quake III one.

>> No.705663
File: 24 KB, 316x235, Ripper[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really that efficient sometimes, but really enjoyable.
Throwing some discs into a room, going around and hearing "headshot" out of the blue was great.
Even funnier was throwing a bunch, moving and for some reason have one behead you and watching the camera rotate mid-air.

Now that i write this, the translocator is also a great weapon. Avoiding shots, throwing the beacon towards someone and telefragging them was amazing.

>> No.705674

tri-rockets from jet force gemini.

for when you really need to repaint the room

>> No.705669

I meant Ripper, not Razor Claw.
I don't even know.

>> No.705689

You kidding? Nothing was more pleasing than instagib snipershot when playing Quake 2 railgun servers online.

blast of nostalgia

>> No.705712
File: 4 KB, 200x134, k7 avenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple, powerful, and effective.

this is my favorite perfect dark weapon (though I do like a lot of the wonky ones)

it's stupid strong though and enemies can kill you in seconds with it.

>> No.705737

I was strictly talking about firing the weapon, not fragging with it.

>> No.705741

That's not even the most satisfying gun in that game. That's not even the second most satisfying gun in that game, it's not even the third most satisfying gun in that game to use.

>> No.705746

Red Riot in Shogo.

>> No.705763
File: 29 KB, 640x480, magnum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw always saving ammo to one-shot Vorts with it

>> No.705765
File: 60 KB, 627x318, Deus-Ex-Human-Revolution-Bonus-Content-Thumbnail-627x318[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deus ex HR longbarrel silverback shotgun

>> No.705773

omg I loved to do this

best thing about half life

>> No.705775

Any shotguns/double barrel shotguns. They feel amazing to use.

>game released in 2011

>> No.705782


Who keeps letting /v/ through the door?

>> No.705785
File: 482 KB, 1280x800, perfectdark_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


woops i forgot this is a /vr/ thread and not /v/

that said, the cmp150 from Perfect dark

>> No.705804
File: 150 KB, 400x301, 400px-007_Phantom[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the phantom in Goldeneye was fking awesome

>> No.705807
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, LSoNP_TehFlak_State3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can never decide between the shots or the bombs since both are equally amazing.

>> No.705814
File: 31 KB, 512x384, quake10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake 1 Multiplayer (or Zeusbots), water level, nabbing a Thunderbolt and frying a few dudes with it, still alive but left with 5> BATT, invincibility is nearby, you hear some splashing headed your way, dive into the water while invincible, fire Thunderboltwhile underwater, and get a multi-kill from it.

Fuck. Yeah.

Best use of a pathetic amount of leftover ammo that wouldn't be as effective on it's own. I loved that Quake allowed for shocking your enemies in water like that. However, if you had tons of BATT left (100+ ammo) and did the same thing, you just screwed yourself out of a few kills doing that same exact trick. Especially satisfying the less ammo you have, and the more dudes are chasing you underwater.

With or without invincibility, you take at least one dude out with that trick, it's still a fun way of dicking them over; also especially the closer to death you are as well if no invincibility is in range.

Best case scenario:
CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP!!! ...Sucker! BRRRRR-ZAAAAAPPP!!!!! (Anon1 has discharged into the water; Anon2 and Anon3 accepts Anon1's discharge. Anon 4 accepts Anon1's shaft.)

Pic closely related (need to be in water to discharge).

>> No.705815

Sharpnel if someone comes at you and you are far from facing a wall; alternative if they run from you or you are about to enter a room.
Did it like that, worked most of the time.

>> No.705829

> round a corner
> opponent right in front of you
> aim for the torso
> instantly press LMB
> every piece of shrapnel hits it mark
> gibs, gibs everywhere

no other weapon has that total stopping power and glorious feeling, that the flak cannon has.

>> No.705837

> to one-shot Vorts with it
Why, that's excessive when like 3 shots with the pistol that has a shit ton of ammo all around will do the job.

>> No.705843

If you aim for the head, the shotgun can one-shot vortigaunts too. I save the magnum for grunts and controllers.

>> No.705863

You sure about that? I remember them taking 2 shotgun shots.
And it just feels good, in any case. There should be a "enemies that are satisfying to kill" thread. Like Pinkies from Doom or Kleer from Serious Sam, there's just something eternally fun about them.

>> No.705875
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, impact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flak is fun as hell (personal favorite).

However, if you truly want to feel satisfied, try actually getting a kill with the impact hammer, especially when you're out of ammo, and you're being chased by someone carrying a weapon you're good with (and with plenty of ammo to boot as well).

>> No.705885


>> No.705904

Redeemer has that kind of stopping power.
A shock combo has that kind of power.
A full suck bio shot has that kind of power.
A ripper to the had has that kind of stopping power.
Sniper rifle to the head has that kind of stopping power.
A full volley from the eight ball has that kind of stopping power.

>> No.705976

Vorts have 55 health.
Glock 17 does 8 damage, or 24 with headshots. Pop 3x in the red eye = 72 damage.
So, yeah kind of am sure about that. They're easy as fuck to pop and from an absurd distance if you need and they're slow as fuck and easy to hit. I'd save the shotgun for something else, possibly hceu if you don't have mag.
Shotgun does 30 damage with all pellets hitting, 6 pellets x5 per pellet. If you're a better shot, the starting pistol can shoot 24 damage a shot, far outweighing the speed and damage of the shotgun. But even in singleplayer the registration of shots can be wonky. You can plow grunts with 120 damage two point blank shotguns and they only have 80 health on the hardest difficulty and they won't die sometimes. Typically if you hit them during portions of their animations. It's wonky.

>> No.706000

Kleer never did it for me. I prefer popping the explosive guys or the sliding of the bull fucks.
The only enemy that I've really ever actually had any form of satisfaction from the act of killing rather than the fight itself, any of the robot fucks from UT2k3/4. Oh man, you gut their shit a flak/shock/insta and parts go flying and the hear the sound of metal tearing apart and bits bouncing all around, it just feels like you totally fucked up someones day.

>> No.706015

The colt python in RE1.

No words fit to describe the feel.

>> No.706323

OP here, whatever you say man. It's all about the sound it makes. It just sounds huge.

>> No.706364

For me it was how over powerful it felt back then.

You have a Berserk coming up to you. He's too close. You feed him a two-shell shot of that beast cradled in your arms, point blank, and he's on the floor.
You're all "Holy fuck this is the best thing!" and he's going up back on his feet.
Scared, you pump another shot on his face. Now he is three flying chuncks of meat that don't make sense.

The buzz that left on your ears was great, the power it had was great, not using other weapons until you ran out of shells was great. It was criminal to even have that coded in the game.

>> No.706398

>Holy shit, this is awesome! The adrenaline is making me sweat!

>Doom 3: fut-fut-fut-fut-fut-fut, bop-bop-bop-bop, bang
>Another boring level done, when will this game end?
I know about sequel degradation, but gods fucking damn it all to oblivion, iD!!!

>> No.706452
File: 506 KB, 1600x1200, render_050827_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love it when we get these games that make such huge, over-barring weapons that aren't logical to have in any sense.

One of my favorites would be the handgun in SiN - Especially in the expansion where you get two of 'em with silencers equipped.

>> No.706479



>> No.706484

Q2 shotty is my favorite shotty of all time. I absolutely dominated Q2Lithium back in the days with that shit.

>> No.706503

Nobody likes you.

>> No.706526
File: 39 KB, 552x280, 2210.03-CerebralBore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by far the most satisfying weapon to use. ever

>> No.706634

SiN was fucking cool as hell. I even liked Emergence a lot.

>> No.706663

This guy.

Also the Charge Dart and Cerebral Bore from Turok 2.

>> No.708994

yes. Been emulating this fucker recently. I had totally forgotten how sweet that gun was. All the guns feel great in PD actually but that one in particular so far is very sexual.

>> No.709040
File: 9 KB, 173x105, 2438018-concussion+rifle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one from Dark Forces.

>> No.709221

Shotgun in Doom

>> No.709227

Starting pistol in duke nukem 3d.

>> No.709254

Personally, loved the mighty boot. Kick alien scum to death? Check. Stomp alien scum to death (shrink ray)? Check. Kick alien scum to death by shattering (freeze thrower)? Check.

Come to think of it, using the Ripper was amazing...

>> No.709286
File: 13 KB, 407x261, Reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reaper in perfect dark! That secondary function!

Also the golden gun in goldeneye

>> No.709314

The tommygun in Blood. Especially with guns akimbo. Too bad the ammo ran out so quickly.

>> No.709318
File: 50 KB, 448x392, ContraSpreadGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck shit up.

>> No.709327
File: 257 KB, 600x480, dark-messiah-of-might-&-magic-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you played Sir Kicksalot Deathboot in the Land of Conveniently Placed Spike Racks?

>> No.709337
File: 442 KB, 640x480, Turok2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people would choose the Cerebral Bore from this game, but I prefer the Shredder

>> No.709350

quake's rocket launcher
fast, powerful and glorious, the weapon felt so right. be it in single or multiplayer. just compare it to half life guns, they feel like shit.

only game to come closer to quake's guns feel was serious sam.

>> No.709358

Nail gun was more satisfying for me.

>> No.711203

I love the ripper, especially in tight corridors where there's no escape. HEAD-SHAWT

>> No.711228

It's the same problem Doom 2 has, the double-shotgun is way too powerful, to the point that you'll barely use any other weapon once you have it.

>> No.711237
File: 218 KB, 1440x900, IDIDTHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and the voodoo doll

>> No.711240


>> No.711248

>preferring any weapon in Blood over another
Seriously, no game has a better overall weapon selection than Blood.

>> No.711261

true, every weapons is useful for basically everything, nothing will just fall to the wayside.

>> No.711713
File: 45 KB, 720x576, Morph_Ovum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing more satisfying and entertaining like turning your opponent into a chicken, and then slaughtering them (Heretic deathmatch, and somewhat in SP (against heavier enemies)).

>> No.711775
File: 15 KB, 200x250, 1753061-quakequaddamage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a weapon per se, but everything about quad damage is just amazing. That blue tint the screen gets, that guitar chord, the way everything just fucking EXPLODES.

>> No.711869

My africannorthamerican

>> No.712393

>pick up quad damage
>pick up invulnerability
>rocket launcher

>> No.714170

My first monster kill. Nostalgia.

>> No.714175

>smiley face on receiving end of flak shell

>> No.714660
File: 112 KB, 305x333, Deagle_css.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can say whatever you want about the game, but it has some amazingly satisfying guns.

Deagle, AK, M4,...

>> No.714826
File: 20 KB, 273x198, ASMD_Shock_Rifle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shock rifle?

>> No.714856
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mah nigga

>> No.714880
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>> No.714895
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 628695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marathon Durandal and Infinity's WSTE-M5 shotguns are incredibly satisfying. Even though the SPNK-R rocket launcher was devastating in multiplayer, I always ran shotguns akimbo because they were so much fun to use.

>> No.714971

my nigga!

>> No.715506


Mah soul bruthahs!

For LOL satisfaction though, I always liked the cow launcher from South Park.

>> No.715561

My votes for the flak cannon as well

>> No.715705

This. If you've ever played it online too, you know that the RL was the bread and butter of fast paced fps.

>> No.716321
File: 45 KB, 344x505, 1365017668280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"I can't think of a name for this boss."
>just labels it BOSS.

>> No.716335
File: 23 KB, 350x330, Flameshot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Flame Shot from Metal Slug 2