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File: 42 KB, 768x669, ArkistasRingEnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059357 No.7059357 [Reply] [Original]

You know what? Sometimes I just want to chill out and relax and play a game.

That's hard to do with the NES library. Everything is brutally difficult. You have to practice. You have to get good. You have to memorize. You have to sink your teeth into it.

It's rare to find an NES game where you can just chill out and unwind. Arkista's Ring is that game. It's not very hard. You play 32 levels and then the game loops, each loop getting progressively harder. 125 levels total. Each level takes maybe a minute to complete.

I beat this my first time playing. I had a great time and I look forward to beating it again and again in the distant future.

It was made by the same company that did Rolan's Curse, Rolan's Curse II, and Ninja Taro, all on the Game Boy, all really fun games.

If you haven't tried this game, check it out. It's basically Zelda+Gauntlet. The image I posted is the end screen after beating the loop 4 times. You play as an elf girl named Christine. This game was never released in Japan as far as I can tell.

>> No.7059430

I appreciate this post, it's very moderate effort. A perfect amount

>> No.7059656

It does seem to be a US-only release and it's also a small CNROM game with only 64k of ROM so naturally going to be pretty short.

>> No.7059672

Good rec, OP. Never heard of this one, and it sounds cool.

>> No.7059786

A US only release but with an anime styled character. Interesting. I'd check it out, but I don't know if Gauntlet is my kind of game. Maybe if it's more Zelda than Gauntlet.

>> No.7060586

The developer was NMK and they were Japanese. So it's very much a Japanese game. Why it never had a JP release is mysterious because their Game Boy offerings did.

If you want a game that's more Zelda than Gauntlet check out Rolan's Curse II for Game Boy. It's my favorite NMK game. It's a party based adventure game. Great graphics (for the game boy), great adventure, not that hard. Super fun. Some of the most fun I've had in a Game Boy game. Criminally underrated.

>> No.7060739


>> No.7060821

Play a Kirby game. None of them are difficult and all are quite enjoyable in spite of that.

>> No.7060851

>It does seem to be a US-only release and it's also a small CNROM game with

is this some meme like Sega System I'm not in on?

>> No.7060865

Kirby's Dream Land extra mode raped my ass a little bit

>> No.7060876

CNROM means the banking scheme used. You just swap the CHR ROM in one whole 8k piece. Basically a single bank NES game but you can switch in different graphics sets.

>> No.7060879

This game is fun! I played it a lot on an emulator about 15 years ago.

If you're looking for another NES game you can just chill on, check out Guerrilla War. Unlimited continues. Just blast enemies until the end of the game. If you want a challenge you can go back and donot with limited deaths.

>> No.7060930

Guerilla War has no difficulty at all because there's no way to lose. I dislike it for that reason. You could impose your own number of lives I guess.

Funny side note: That game literally stars Che Guevara and Fidel Castro as the two Guerillas.

>> No.7060940

but then they just changed them to generic dudes in the US release for...reasons

>> No.7062456

This happened many other times, as well. Monster Party was only released in the US even though it was planned to be released in Japan as well apparently, but there were several other Japanese-developed games that only were released overseas besides this one.

>> No.7062458

Che hated blacks and fucked up millions of his followers' lives. Based.

>> No.7062461

Dream Land 2 (and the "completion bonus" modes in 3 & 64) can be unnecessarily frustrating however.

>> No.7062489

There's a guy at my work who says he hates bigotry, especially homophobia. Dumbass wears a shirt of El Che. The only reason Che gets any recognition despite being a massive cunt is because he's a handsome devil.

>> No.7062617

Hard games are relaxing though. Easy games a frustrating, because you feel like you're being patronised.

>> No.7062659

I wonder how many people who wear his face actually even know his name.

>> No.7062664

Instances like this (and possibly Monster Party) are likely due either to contract work by an American publisher or because any particular Japanese developer was developing a game and couldn't find someone to publish it in Japan for whatever reason yet they did find one outside of Japan. Arkista's has an fantasy adventure theme, popular with kids and families in '80s and '90s America, and Monster Party has a Halloween theme, popular with everyone in America especially kids.

>> No.7062671

found the masochist

>> No.7062678

Not even. A hard game will engage the brain, and bring you into a meditative state, leaving you feeling refreshed. An easy game is like watching paint dry. It's not relaxing. It's agitating.

>> No.7062742

Use save states. Good for if you just want to play through to relax

>> No.7062747

Thanks OP, I will try it out.

>> No.7062757

It's a good thing NES games were so difficult, would give you an opportunity to actually go outside and play with your mates and then go back to the game later.

>> No.7062813

I tried it. Lovely game. I will play it some more tomorrow. Thanks, OP.

>> No.7062820

Has this Nigga never played Kirby's Adventure?

>> No.7064467
File: 88 KB, 500x567, Deedlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what's your strategy for the Ninjas?
I got to level 30 and I just couldn't kill any of the damn Ninjas before they all cleaved away my health. I'd used all my stun bombs wisely, or so I thought. Maybe I was wrong?
I feel like maybe I missed a powerup because these bastards take many shots.

>> No.7064476

I would just get mad and throw the controller. Then I had to go to time out.

>> No.7064492
File: 58 KB, 598x711, 985993DD-3A21-4961-8516-7D771565E8CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao capitalists profiting off of the images of commies after they died

the cucking never ends for leftists

>> No.7064512
File: 46 KB, 382x640, 1604627301958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7064575

Fuckin saved

>> No.7064684

hey this is a fun game op thanks

>> No.7064743

>That's hard to do with the NES library. Everything is brutally difficult.

Ah come on man the NES has plenty of JRPGs, many of which lack difficult puzzles. You just grind and absorb story until you win. Don't say everything is difficult on that console.

Mario 1-3 (US) should be easy yet endlessly charming playgrounds, if you're decent at action games. I guess maybe you're not, but in that case you should have trouble with many many games on other platforms too.

Go play Casino Kid or River City Ransom or The Little Mermaid if you really think every NES game is Contra or Battletoads.

(But otherwise, godspeed with your unusual thread that actually talks about a game that people don't often hear of.)

>> No.7064751

>if you really think every NES game is Contra or Battletoads.
Or Silver Surfer. That's a nasty one.

>> No.7064792

>Hey, what's your strategy for the Ninjas?

You need to hope and pray you have enough Ninja Stunners. Try and use them only on Grey Ninjas. If you get to the final levels with 3 or 4 Ninja Stunners and you only use them to take out grey ninjas you should be ok.

The second to the last level is the hardest level in the game. Waves of ninjas. And after you beat them, you have to determine which of dozens of exits is the real exit, and as you try to find the real exit more grey ninjas keep spawning.

If you're out of ninja stunners keep shooting a grey ninja til you're low on health, then use a potion.

If you get to the final stages with no potions AND no ninja stunners it might be impossible to win. Then it would depend on you being able to kill lesser ninjas, acquire their loot, and hope that they drop a ninja stunner, which can happen.

Also, after the first loop, you have the Elf Mirror which means projectile weapons don't hurt you, and Arkista's Ring which allows you to regain health just by walking around. So the first loop might actually be the hardest loop. Although in Loop 4 the enemies are moving SO FAST that killing them presents a great struggle.

>> No.7064806

jrpgs are made for this

>> No.7064815

I bet you a whole dollar I know what happened with this game.

I've read about how some companies in Japan would create a game specifically for cheap hardware they were able to find. Arcade companies would get a sweet deal on a hundred low end arcade cabinets, and they'd make a new game specifically for those cabinets. I bet the same thing happened with NES cartridges. Arkista's Ring is a late NES game, coming out in 1990. Despite this it looks like a very early NES game, and it's also very small, only 38KB.

My bet is NMK happened upon a batch of low capacity NES cartridges and thought "Shit. We're already making Rolan's Curse for the Game Boy, let's make a game like that for these cartridges. It'll be easy."

Then with fantasy games being so popular in the USA, and Zelda in particular, they made a simple little action adventure game starring a green haired elf girl and sold it only in the USA.

Bet you a whole dollar. Arkista's Ring screams "Competent design staff make simple game for low end NES cartridges they bought for cheap."

>> No.7064819


Arkista's Ring is a 64k CNROM game. That's 1986 level of tech but the game is from 90.

>> No.7064827
File: 12 KB, 256x224, monster_truck_rally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Truck Rally is another 64k CNROM title from 91 (!) This was developed by Realtime Associates, a studio made of ex-Mattel staff and not a Japanese studio.

>> No.7064828

Exactly. I think NMK got a really good deal on obsolete cartridges and thought "We can do something with these."

>> No.7064835

Hey thanks.
I've had three failed runs on account of not being able to deal with those damn ninjas.
They cleave off so much armour and health and the positioning is so tricky. I am halfway tempted to just try to have all stunners by then. Maybe a wand so I can get get rid of stunned ninjas without having to position first.

>> No.7064841
File: 199 KB, 1011x726, 8998909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think NMK got a really good deal on obsolete cartridges and
It's not though. It shows the date codes for the chips and they indicate that three of the four ICs were manufactured in early 1990 and one in summer 89. So the cartridge had freshly-made components, not stuff that had been sitting in a container for years.

>> No.7064859

Keep in mind that Wands only kill weak enemies. They merely damage stronger enemies. So by the time you're fighting Grey Ninjas (I think they're grey. I mean the ones that take 10 hits to kill) you should just abandon them to free up item space for better items. An ideal loadout for the final ninja levels would be something like 1 Fire Wand, 3 Ninja Stunners, 2 Potions.

Also don't forget that (with some luck) you can end up in the final levels with 4 or 5 extra lives.

Try and keep a Blue Wand on you in the early and mid levels. The Blue Wand only kills supernatural enemies that can't be killed without one. Zombies that resurrect, skeletons that resurrect, green slime, willowisps, shadows, etc. If you can't kill it with arrows it has to be killed with a blue wand. And I've noticed that these normally unkillable enemies seem more likely to drop extra lives.

>> No.7064861

>(But otherwise, godspeed with your unusual thread that actually talks about a game that people don't often hear of.)
This, actual discussion and actual good thread.

>> No.7064864

Well dang, so much for my theory then.

>> No.7064879


This is totally an American game in its design and overall aesthetic. I'm actually sort of impressed that they pulled off full eight directional scrolling on a CNROM cartridge with fixed mirroring. Even SMB3 and Kirby fudge it by only scrolling a single screen in the V axis.

>> No.7064887

it's actually pretty easy because the truck is the only thing moving on screen so the CPU has loads of time to move the screen around. on SMB3 with shitloads of enemies and other stuff going on it's impossible.

>> No.7064943

And I was meaning the fire wand against the ninjas because it means that I don't have to wait for them to be in a position where I can shoot them normally. Waiting is very dangerous and I can't seem to change facing without moving and therefore altering where the ninjas end up.

For my part, I'd like to suggest Jaws. I have never found it to be very challenging or all that stressful. Mostly you're collecting shells under the sea.

>> No.7064964 [DELETED] 

Just remember that pigger boy will be getting his bussy gaped out in prison for the rest of his days

>> No.7064981

>t. pedo fantasizing about child rape
His lawyer is the one that made CNN pay the Covington kid millions.

>> No.7065000 [DELETED] 

It matters not. The day of the MAGAt is over. Come 2021 we're forming antifa deathsquads, hunting you redhats down in the streets.

>> No.7065005

Not video games.


>> No.7065012

checked and based

>> No.7065068
File: 697 KB, 1059x975, Arkista 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it!
It gave me the ring after the first loop, though. It must be random.
Also do you know how to tell when you get a bow upgrade?

>> No.7065250
File: 129 KB, 960x816, 1604925203127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you'll still never pass.

>> No.7065376
File: 162 KB, 1169x975, Arkista 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I made it though and had a great time. However the Wealth Amulet is still missing... hmm.

>> No.7065379

Modern games will fit you just right. Anti white rhetoric, braindead difficulty, lots of cutscenes, everything a tranny enjoys.

>> No.7065481

Go play Chuzzle

>> No.7065524

Thanks for the thread OP, my copy came this morning and I did one loop. You mentioned Rolan’s Curse 1 & 2 and that’s all I needed. Fun, chill game.

>> No.7065964

I don't know how you tell when you get a bow/arrow upgrade. I suppose if you're really paying attention you can tell when your arrow range increases. I feel like there was meant to be a status screen you could activate with Start or Select but it was never implemented or something.

All the Wealth Amulet does is give you points for walking around. It's neat to find every treasure in the game, but from a gameplay perspective the Wealth Amulet does nothing. I don't think point score actually does anything.

Rolan's Curse 1 & 2 should be on everyone's Top 20 GB Games list. Well, at least Rolan's Curse 2. The first game is fun but it's very simple. The second game is greatly expanded.

>> No.7067587

Absolutely. Roland's Curse, while simple, is an extremely solid action RPG. Especially considering the era and hardware. 2 is just excellent. Once again, thanks for the heads up. It's greatly appreciated.

>> No.7067686

Play simons quest and enter password oyzy uqau r12s smia and then just follow the path left until you hit a wall and duck with blue deal and then walk right after tornado

>> No.7067702

>I feel like there was meant to be a status screen
I felt that, too. It's probably a really rushed game but if so they correctly concentrated on the most important stuff.
If I could make a change, it might be to the movement of the enemies.
Really enjoyable game, though.

>> No.7067714

It's only got 64k of ROM. There wouldn't have been enough space for a status screen if they wanted to.

>> No.7067884

I keep checking this thread for lewds of Christine but it never happens.

>> No.7068114

Maybe true. Maybe we could have just been able to see the end screen display like in the OP with the select button, I don't know. I'm not really willing to be critical of the game in any serious way.