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File: 160 KB, 1680x1050, sound sega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7058881 No.7058881 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm sorry, but sound? Goes to SEGA

Do people unironically pretend to actually like the Genesis bass burps?

>> No.7058886

they're inimitable and quintessentially video game

>> No.7058893

Sonic games sound good, but yes, some sound awful in a special way that only Genesis games can.

>> No.7058901

If multiplatform, I prefer the SNES sound.

>> No.7058938

>The Genesis sounds bad
Could you try harder to be more retarded?

>> No.7058978
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>Game has a kino techno soundtrack and crunchy sound effects
Yep, you won't be hearing this on those faggy super nintendo sample sounds

>> No.7059034

I think a lot of music sounds great on the mega drive
The problem is they all sound similar and don’t have as much variety as the SNES
Also sound effects were miles better on the SNES

>> No.7059070
File: 782 KB, 1000x1000, DE7B0186-C491-4DBC-B9EB-C63380AF3D4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This effectively boils down to FM Synthesis vs sampling for sound and sound effects (though the Mega Drive could utilize a single one of its FM channels for sampling) and I personally think the former can sound better, but with the caveat that it has to play to its strengths.

Example: the harp sounds in the first video and the whistle sounds in the second

>> No.7059081
File: 9 KB, 320x224, Sega MegaZord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're farts, not burps, thank you very much.

>> No.7059107

Genesis sounds like how a real video game should sound

SNES sounds like you're playing midis on a PC but with really shitty sound hardware

>> No.7059109

soul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-UzZz8bqUI
soulless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-NdII-GGGg

>> No.7059118

Every SNES vs Genesis video on youtube is cringe. Didn't AVGN once say SNES had better beat em ups since he liked SNES Final fight?

Yes, Genesis sounds better than your SNES.

>> No.7059126

That's how pretty much every comparison goes. SNES only sounds better if its Western developed shovelware from the likes of EA. In which, yes, it sounds better on the SNES, but is a garbage game on any platform.

>> No.7059130

Loud and tinny is best

>> No.7059132

No, these are farts.

>> No.7059145
File: 43 KB, 493x449, 1505676005148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People make Genesis remixes all the time but have you ever seen a SNES remix?

>> No.7059170

It can sound great but the people making it need to know what they're doing. Using canned sounds from GEMS by somebody who didn't know what they were doing is what gave the music a bad name.

>> No.7059178

Gen-X here. I absolutely love it. My fav system.

>> No.7059179

nobody makes them because the snes sounds like dog shit and everyone knows it. It's just samples at a god awful low bitrate and literally everything else does this better.

>> No.7059181

But what if I sample nothing but edgy tryhard crunch sound effects?

Checkmate segacuck, Segcan't What Nintencando

>> No.7059183

No good ones.

>> No.7059185

That National Park Genesis theme sounded so fucking beautiful.

>> No.7059210

> National Park Genesis
Is that some kind of Evangelion spinoff?

>> No.7059395

so glad music from Trouble Shooter Vintage got linked first.

>> No.7059409


Get fucked.

>> No.7059423
File: 2.80 MB, 1560x2200, 2053B3A9-184A-4034-8ADF-B180DCFCCF5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have some more:

>> No.7059424

>console wars
wow i thought only i knew of this cringe kino channel

>> No.7059445

why do you think people made remixes of them in the first place? obviously the genesis originals sounded shite to begin with

>> No.7059501
File: 326 KB, 1000x1628, Earthworm_Jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earthworm Jim in unplayable on SNES if you've played it on Genesis.



Stage 5 of Earthworm Jim is also the greatest underwater level of any game, ever.

>> No.7059508

The actual music sounds better but the sound effects are cucked. Why does every Genesis game have the same explosion noise?

>> No.7059646

>Cringe kino

Literally make some of the best gaming videos ever. The fuck?

>> No.7059824


>> No.7060080
File: 20 KB, 784x349, Opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060254

Music is fine on genesis but it all still sounds so similar and when playing the games sound effects are just trash on MD

>> No.7060263

Except for their awful skits. I get the dudes are just having some fun but it is god awful.

>> No.7060267

>no lowpass filter
anon cmon now

>> No.7060269
File: 158 KB, 479x564, thereitgoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for contributing

>> No.7060272

I don't know that arguing over which awful piece of shovelware is better is fun.

>> No.7060280

maybe an ignorant post but isn't it easier to make new patches for the genesis soundchip than to sample new sounds for the snes? all the snes remixes i have heard seemed to have samples from other games. so these remix comparisons don't seem fair to me

>> No.7060281

what are you even talking about?

>> No.7060283


>> No.7060285

You can sample anything on the SNES. It is limited by storage. The reason that snes remixes you hear suck is because the people making them don't have any skills beyond ripping the sounds from Megaman X.

>> No.7060293
File: 67 KB, 650x650, Garfielf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, see you next time!

>> No.7060297

wow I can almost hear the twangs and farts in this post

>> No.7060302

Need some cream for that butthurt?

>> No.7060310

>let me just cut all those sound channels for a fart sound effect bro

>> No.7060316 [DELETED] 
File: 3.37 MB, 400x225, lubeitup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeech, so many negative vibes. Get that anal ointment already. Report back when you're better.

>> No.7060321
File: 3.37 MB, 400x225, lubeitup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeech, so many negative vibes. Get that anal ointment already. Report back when you're better.

>> No.7060334
File: 47 KB, 1024x896, demon's crest[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzy2d2j.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least use your dated memes right that shit doesn't even make sense

>> No.7060335

do you know anything about the tech you ape?
why do americans say this cringy stuff?

>> No.7060337

see now this is where you should use your butthurt memes

>> No.7060361

See ya around anon.

>> No.7060859

I think people overrate the Genesis sound capabilities because they have access to nearly 30 years worth of practice and modern development tools to make it easier to work with.
You should try to look at things from a contemporary standpoint.
Obviously FM synth of the past is going to be more interesting today compared to yesterdays sampling abilities.

>> No.7061756

Graduating into an adult is understanding how fantastic FM Synthesis is.

>> No.7061834

I wouldn't know the bass line's supposed to be slapped on either of those without the Sega CD track.

>> No.7062198

meme opinion, snes music is the one that is samey.

>> No.7062215

And? the only ones who couldn't do good FM music were ameritards.

>> No.7062216

I'm talking about the way everything sounds, not the music
like this couldn't be done on mega drive, it would still clearly sound like the mega drive

>> No.7062226

I like the synth FM sound of the genesis. There's some things it can do that the SNES can't do, and vice versa. The many samples the SNES had could never produce a "proper" electric guitar, something the Genesis chip could evoke better.

>> No.7062227 [DELETED] 

You are retarded if you think some shitty GEMS shovelware sounded the same as what a good jap composer did at the time.
Either way those sampled guitars aged like shit and sound very similar to the ones Follin or Wise did despite being different composers. FM is great because it's its own thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZP9sqHab6k

>> No.7062231

You are retarded if you think some shitty GEMS shovelware sounded the same as what a good jap composer did at the time.
Either way those sampled guitars aged like shit and sound very similar to the ones Follin or Wise did despite being different composers. FM is great because it's its own thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFng5qjbVVc

>> No.7062242

Again you’re not reading what I’m saying, that still sounds similar to most mega drive games, I’m not saying they’re not good, I love thunder force iv soundtrack and shining force but they still lack the variety that the snes has

>> No.7062247

>muh variety
Said the retard praising samey shitty guitar samples.

>> No.7062251

Samey to what?
I don’t remember hearing that sort of music in final fantasy vi or in demons crest

>> No.7062252

>muh fake orchestra
it's always the same with the snespigs uh

>> No.7062264

to other snes guitar samples, they all sound the same, the genesis can do them too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyzBtP8TQUA
good thing FM "guitars" sound much better than those.

>> No.7062270
File: 53 KB, 570x568, designed in california.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miss the entire point

>> No.7062273

>talk about samey guitar samples on the snes
>deflect to fake orchestras instead
Anon I think you are retarded.

>> No.7062282

I'm not even that other guy. It's just impressive how dense you are.

>> No.7062283

t. dumb fake orchestra sucker

>> No.7062287

Why are you this invested in console wars from 30 years ago, anon?

>> No.7062290

don't give a shit about console wars honestly, just use it as an excuse to preach FM superiority

>> No.7062346

Same could be said about the compressed muffled piss-stained shit samples that the SNES emits. Overall, the burden of sounding good does not lie on the console, but on the developer.

>> No.7062354

Maybe because the SNES doesn't rehash the same sounds like Genesis?
There aren't SNES remixes, there are Mega Man X, FF6 and Super Mario World remixes.

>> No.7062361

>Maybe because the SNES doesn't rehash the same sounds like Genesis?
yes it does and moreso than the genesis retard.

>> No.7062383

at 4:02 in this Skitchin' longplay:
it's basically the same music as this (at 1:15):

you really think the genesis version sounds better?

>> No.7062457 [DELETED] 

both sound meh, though the fm channels are fucked in the video you put.

>> No.7062469 [DELETED] 

both sound meh, though the fm channels are fucked in the video you put.
now this is some real shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5mC3CFZHkM

>> No.7062472

both sound meh, though the fm channels are fucked in the video you put.
now this is some real shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMHFn-YAfWI

>> No.7062543

But they don’t sound like that on the systems themselves, it’s fine you like how they sound on emulation but they need a low pass filter to sound accurate

>> No.7062557

FM synth is objectively superior to samples, even if the Mega Drive had emaciated sound due to some retarded internal revisions.

You can get absolute garbage out of FM synth, but when played to its strengths, the MD blows the SuFami out of the water. A lot of these early sound chips are effectively instruments in their own right. There's a reason people still make music for the SID chip today.

>> No.7062561

And people make music with gameboy too, what’s your point?
The argument here is between games on the consoles, if you think mega man x or chrono trigger has worse music than majority of mega drive games you are deluded

>> No.7062574

Arguing about sound based on the composers each platform had is criminally retarded. The highs of FM synth are better than anything the SuFami could manage, and Lagrange Point is the best sounding game on the Famicom for a reason.

They backed the wrong horse at the time, almost certainly because Yamaha was in Sega's pocket. The SuFami had a better sound chip than the PC Engine, but the 64k of RAM ensured that it would never sound significantly better than it in actual gameplay.

>> No.7062680

You aren’t even arguing about it’s implementation anymore but solely on what it’s capable of which is completely irrelevant to this thread

>> No.7062709

Super Braptendo

>> No.7062771

Ok nigger https://youtu.be/Q_CxUs2ViCs

>> No.7062865

You've obviously never played a lot of Genesis games. The sound quality on Splatterhouse 2 & 3, plus the Streets Of Rage & Sonic games are increadible.

>> No.7063065
File: 18 KB, 399x399, borgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>akchually the Genesis sounds better than SNES guys
>[YouTube] obscure jp game that nobody played
>[YouTube] obscure jp game that nobody played
>[YouTube] obscure jp game that nobody played
>[YouTube] obscure jp game that nobody played

>> No.7063130

> fm synth has a lot of easy options to sound like shit but can manage better quality than samples in the right hands
> samples are harder to fuck up if you have decent ones but will ultimately suffer in quality and storage space
They both have strengths. The Genesis CAN sound better than the SNES but the fact is it usually doesn't. This entire argument is asinine in the extreme.

>> No.7063134

That song does sound nice, but there is not a lot variation in the sega sound chip. It's limits are tiny and once you leave the limits to get some variation it will sound shit. So either have only a few tracks that all sound similar or have songs that sound like a tin bucket full of donkey piss falling down the stairs with your head in it.

>> No.7063138

why does not a single genesis track sound this good?

>> No.7063143

that song has some nice parts but also some ear bleeding parts. I think some people hear sound different so they don't notice how ear bleedingly painful that song sounds in some parts.

>> No.7063147

here starts the problem. Yeah you have a huge control over the audio, but the problem is they all sound similar. There is a lack of certain sounds.
The genesis sounds like all bagpipes and synth organ. There is a massive lack of base and natural sounds.

>> No.7063148

The same reason MMBN is one of the best sounding games/serieses on the GBA. They don't obsess over trying to make the sound hardware do something it's not meant to. Almost everyone who composed for the Genesis in its time was trying to do exactly that.
The Genesis Sonic games have, like, three or four instruments total that are clearly supposed to sound like something real, and the rest is totally electronic, just supposed to sound like FM. Then you have GEMS and what do you fucking know, most of the instruments are trying to be brass or bells or woodwinds and maybe some electric guitars- because that's all FM synth can even remotely sound like- and most of it is fucking garbage.

>> No.7063157

the underwater song sounds almost exactly like one of the tracks in sonic spinball. I think it's level 3. Shame no one posted sonic spinballs audio yet. It's one of the best on mega drive.


>> No.7063161

forgot to post the boss track!
https://youtu.be/sN-LofOjN0M (intro)

>> No.7063178

anyone know good tracks from cartoon games? Disney or WarnerBros?


snes for comparison:



>> No.7063185

Not everyone likes to listen to music inside of a cave breh


>> No.7063232

yeah because sor and shinobi are obscure right, retard.

>> No.7063239

nigger I posted real hardware recordings, you posted badly emulated shit.

>> No.7063251 [DELETED] 

t. dumb fake orchestra wanker

>> No.7063264

It's the emulator, it's mellow on the real thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=915k0mMK-Fo

>> No.7063275

t. generic fake orchestra wanker

>> No.7063340

genesis games actually sound 16-bit. the pseudo-realistic sampling capabilities of the snes were an advantage at the time but who plays 16-bit games for realistic sound effects? i prefer crystal clear synths from the ym2612 to compressed-to-shit "real" instrument sounds

>> No.7063383

soul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wctgPxkNrYU
choking ducks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO5TaLbxtys

>> No.7063396

>unironically pretend
Do you even know what either word means?

>> No.7063441

OPN2 is nice, but for me it's OPL.

>> No.7063573

is it the emulator? I heard the mega drive had a different sound chip on a certain generation or maybe region. I had a mega drive as a kid and I found a lot of games audio awful back then too. I am confused. I've seen a corrected version of the sonic spinball options menu too. I wonder why there are those two version:

>> No.7063591

I guess I was wrong. There is a seperate chip for sound but not different versions of it.

In this vid are some neat mega drive tracks:

>> No.7063596

that's interesting. The rocket knight song in that video never sounded like that for me. The sound quality was much worse in the track I heard on my real mega drive and crt tv.

>> No.7063631

>The sound quality was much worse in the track I heard on my real mega drive and crt tv.
shit tv speakers, and maybe a not so good md revision

>> No.7063659

Because a real mega drive outputs at lower kHz so it’s more muffled and base, every youtube clip posted here is playing the music at a clearer range through emulation and therefore inaccurate

>> No.7063669

Emulators are worse than real hardware because the instruments are fucked and poorly emulated, retard. See >>7063264 >>7059118

>> No.7063674

It’s not, it’s literally just kHz range

>> No.7063679

Whatever you say retard, everyone knows md sound emulation was shit for a long time.

>> No.7063721

1st world problems

>> No.7063728


>> No.7063736

Here’s a comparison

>> No.7063741

The SNES, while technically superior, just does not sound as nice.

>> No.7063754 [DELETED] 

barely any difference, not even close to some of the poorly emulated shit in this thread.

>> No.7063759

Genesis music is 100% patrician.

>> No.7063764 [DELETED] 

barely any difference, not even close to some of the poorly emulated shit in this thread. Also some nerds mod their soundhip for higher khz if you are that concerned with it.

>> No.7063768

I think fact tha snes does sound effects is all you need to know it’s better
>barely a difference
Ok anon

>> No.7063769

barely any difference, not even close to some of the poorly emulated shit in this thread. Also some nerds mod their soundhip for clearer sound if you are that concerned with it.

>> No.7063776

>muh sound effects
even those sound worse on snes, see ewj

>> No.7063801

I get you’re a shitposter but there’s no more console war mate
Everyone here has both consoles and likes both systems

>> No.7063805

ok, keep wanking over fake orchestras and buttrock then

>> No.7063824

I have no idea what you are talking about, why are you so obsessed with a “fake orchestra”

>> No.7063834

because it's the first trash dumb snesfag rely on for """good""" music

>> No.7063839

Who cares

>> No.7063954


>> No.7064138

Why yes, I enjoy sega genesis music

>> No.7064179

Reminder that Model 1 consoles got better sound.

>> No.7064257
File: 53 KB, 340x510, 1402369818452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>akchually the SNES sounds better than Genesis guys
>[Youtube] same Jarpig and Nintendo games people have posted over and over again for the last 20 years
>[youtube] same compressed wind tunnel horns and trumpets

>> No.7064292

b-but muh final fartasy!

>> No.7064301


>> No.7064336

ackshually snes farts are more varied and realistic

>> No.7064343

> jarpig
Back to your containment thread, shmupshitter.

>> No.7064379

at least link it being played on real hardware or nuked, instead of that noisy ass upload

>> No.7064414

Or Adventures of Batman & Robin or Earthworm Jim or Comix Zone...

>> No.7064432

SNES Shadowrun vs Genesis