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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7057885 No.7057885 [Reply] [Original]

edgy overrated piece of shit

>> No.7057891

holy shit man, take your meds

>> No.7057892

Reminder, this is one of the many "filler" threads that gets reposted endlessly. Please don't respond.

Bot-posting the same edgy bait threads is how this board became trash in the first place.

>> No.7057897

this game takes itself too seriously.

>> No.7057904

i mean, am i wrong for not liking mother 3? it's an edgy, stupid and unfun game that shits on earthbound.

>> No.7057973

do you even know what edgy is? zoomer retard

>> No.7058228

well, you certainly did.

>> No.7058236

shit dude you're still at it? it's been like two months since you started posting this on >>>/vrpg/
seriously you could've done much good for your life instead of obsessing over a japanese gameboy game
just get some dumbells and lift them a bit every time you get the urge to post, better yet, get a rifle and kill yourself

>> No.7058497

This game IS overly edgy and the edge is juxtaposed horribly with the cutesy world the game takes place in.

>> No.7058865

>calling a childrens' game "edgy"
Woah, that's pretty impressive there, being quite edgy yourself while also being a sensitive snowflake

>> No.7058930

Really? I found it pretty tame compared to those torture flash games.

>> No.7058935

stop making these shitty threads lol

>> No.7059017

Claus death comes right after an overly goofy cutscene of the main villains super device fucking themselves.

See why that juxtaposition doesn't work?

>> No.7059021

But 6th gen won't bring in more shitposting, right? We just have to wait a week, right?

>> No.7059398

It is edgy in comparison to its contemporary.

>> No.7059536

Taking cute little cartoon people seriously
Dude take ur meds hahaha

>> No.7059545


>> No.7059547

>paula was going to be sacrificed in a ritual by a creepy cult
Holy shit

>> No.7059581

IDK how you say it's overrated. It's panned everywhere.

>> No.7059715
File: 29 KB, 497x427, OP lives here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edgy overrated piece of shit
I can't remember the last time I found an OP who described themselves with such honesty.

>> No.7059717

you know what? i agree with OP now
it insists upon itself

>> No.7059718
File: 39 KB, 608x256, not-retro-.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7059883

I'm pretty sure at this point he's replying to himself. He already replies multiple times to the same post.

>> No.7060171

Scary in a whimsical game. Mother 3 is far more serious.

>> No.7061751


>> No.7061983

Dude. Shut. The fuck. Up. What's your damage? You don't have to make a thread /every/ single time you have a sperg-out. We get it, you hate Mother 3 more than the RE4 retard hates RE4. Awesome. Nobody cares.

>> No.7061986
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>> No.7062000

Not retro

>> No.7062151