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7058123 No.7058123 [Reply] [Original]

With the long overdue official rerelease and source port coming early on in 2021, only one question remains:

Rise of the Triad: Based or cringe?

>> No.7058134

I had a pirated copy of this as a kid, I think the enemies begging on their knees not to be killed kind of traumatised me.

Good game, tho.

>> No.7058179

They only do that as a trick though from what I recall, and continue shooting at you after until you kill them.

>> No.7058182

Yeah, if you don't finish them off they'll get back up and start shooting again.


>> No.7058190

Always thought this was just some bad doom clone. Still kinda do.

>> No.7058207
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Its so much more than that. It's getting an official rerelease on Switch, Xbox, PS and PC and you should definitely give it a try when it does. It's not a DOOM clone, its actually running on a highly modified Wolf3D engine. It was also the first FPS to have rocket jumping as an intentional gameplay element.

>> No.7058242

RoTT was originally intended to be a sequel to Wolfenstein 3D. That's why some of the enemies kinda look like German soldiers.
It actually used a heavily modified version of the Wolf3D game engine.

>> No.7058394

Aggressively based.

It's really very different from Doom in so many ways.

>> No.7058407

Pretty damn based.

>> No.7058495

But why the hell now? Releasing it alongside the ROTT 2013 would have made more sense. I guess the two dozen people that appreciate it will be fulfilled now.

>> No.7058553

How Did I Do?

>> No.7058597

We are still in a 90s retro shooter revival and I think its going to be a big hit on modern gaming platforms with zoomers who have been hooked on Bethesdas rereleases of the classic Dooms+curated mod support on consoles - its something many have never experienced as it really is one of a kind.

>> No.7058637

>God Mode
>Dog Mode
It's based.

>> No.7058638

Doom has kind of a universal appeal, so it's nice to have just a straight port of the original games that's largely authentic in graphics and behavior (though I think that the console versions need the functionality to remap your controls, and there should be a warning that using Vertical Sync will give serious input lag), something for the kids to just grab and check out.

ROTT, on the other hand, is a real different animal, I think there's some who would like it (I always figure its arcade trappings would appeal to the Japanese), but it's also a really weird game which goes against conventions even back in its day. At any rate, I'm happy to see it done proper, because all the sourceports are miserable pigshit.

>> No.7058685

What's with the coins and jump pads. Why?

>> No.7058714
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The music is so fucking good, DOOM tier or even better.
It won't be for everyone but it really is cool and I think the novelty will warrant a buy for many.

>> No.7058717

Because its fucking based

>> No.7058718

Coins are because it has a score counter and overall is a very arcade style game, jump pads are for reaching great heights, and perhaps they figured there'd be no worthwhile reason to have the player be able to jump on their own, because there's nothing you'd be able to realistically jump over without a pad anyway (but then again, realism seems an odd concern for this game).

>> No.7058719

>The music is so fucking good, DOOM tier or even better

>> No.7058875

>there's nothing you'd be able to realistically jump over without a pad anyway
You can literally rocket jump in this game, its REQUIRED to get the good ending. First FPS to do this.

>> No.7058883

Literally nobody has ever played it.
People will say they did. But they didn't.

>> No.7058890

There's something very uncanny and jarring about digitised sprite real life people.

>> No.7058909

Not a Mortal Kombat fan I assume?

>> No.7058916

I just got done playing it and I've beaten it and even the Extreme add-on (which is fucking bonkers)

>> No.7058937

First played it in 2018, and it shared my GOTY with the Shadow Warrior 2013 reboot.

>> No.7058953

Not the Rise of the Triad reboot you fucking nonce, the original

>> No.7058972

Aren't MK like photographs? Those are way higher quality than when you digitise in a FPS. Or something. Either way MK looked better cus I guess you only had two on screne and they were large and the focus.

>> No.7059018

That's what I meant, you fucking paki.

>> No.7059024
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Rise of the Triad used the same technique as MK did to digitize the characters... The sprites weren't scaled different sizes depending on distance and rotated like in Rise of the Triad which is why you think it looks worse.

There is tons of footage of Tom Hall ans the photo capture for digitization of Rise of the Triad:

>> No.7059028

Using photos/cameras for your graphics is the exact same thing as digitizing. How else do you think it works?

>> No.7059029

I really appreciate a lead dev putting himself in makeup and costume to play the final boss.

>> No.7059031
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I know, the man is based

>> No.7059251

I played the shit out of the demo but didn't find the full game as interesting

>> No.7059270

>not even betacam
poor studio

>> No.7059427

It was fucking Apogee (later renamed 3D Realms). Believe me, they had plenty of cash.

>> No.7059758
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I suppose the time is right

>> No.7059907

Good game but it felt like it was on a different timeline to doom, when I first played it I thought it was older than it was. It some ways it seems older than doom but other ways more advanced.

>> No.7060025

Based as fuck game.

>> No.7060054

Apparently not enough, kek

Also lol@Tom Hall's forehead

>> No.7060059
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>> No.7060067

I actually played it a bit back then. Never got far because little me was easily confused by the level. Also played shit like Operation Body Count, Island Peril, and Josephine: Portrait of an Assassin.

>> No.7060082

Dumb people are always kinda self centered, aren't they?

>> No.7060095

> Operation Body Count,

OBC really isn't that bad

>> No.7060382

>shit levels
>shit enemies
>shit guns
>crude and glitchy overall
Defend yourself.

>> No.7060441


>> No.7061153

Based Hulshult poster

>> No.7061276

Some of the tracks are good, but I feel he kinda missed the point with ROTT's soundtrack turning it all into metal.

>> No.7061401

Its not a bad game but to me, the fundamental game design just does not work as well as the regular id FPS formula. Infinite ammo machineguns removes a lot of the tension and strategy of resource management. And on the other hand you have to over-manage your rocket launcher slot. Also the rocket launchers arent even that great, half the time theyll hit one guy and fail to kill a guy standing right next to him.
But you have to give them kudos for going all-out in making the Wolf 3D engine as exciting and varied as possible.

>> No.7061491

That's why its fun, its totally unique. Get out of the mindset you're playing a DOOM clone and youre gold.

>> No.7061497
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>> No.7061551

There is not another single FPS that replicates the gameplay of Rise of the Triad

>> No.7061598

I love the rocket launchers in this game. They have lots of them. I'm pretty sure it's the best retro ost of all times.


>> No.7061901

Joseph, if you are reading this, I'm sorry for ragging on you about playing it

>> No.7062276

Not only was the game based, but so was its soundtrack.


>> No.7062393


>> No.7062509

I've tried to give this game a shot for years, and every time I just get bored at some point. The idea of rocket launchers being the primary weapons is really cool, but the glorified Wolfenstein level design just gets tedious after a while, and the enemies being the same handful of dudes slowly walking around who you blow up with a single rocket or stunlock with the MP40 over and over again loses its charm. Maybe if they integrated the arcadey design into the combat like rewarding chains of enemy kills or something, the moment to moment gameplay could've been more interesting. But as it stands, it's just brainless maze running compared to the nuance of Doom or the Build shooters.

Greatest soundtrack of all fucking time, though. Lee Jackson utterly destroyed Bobby Prince.

>> No.7063081

I think the MP40 is really satisfying to use, I don't know why. That Ratatatatatat it makes just feels good. I do agree the lack of more level textures and enemies can make it feel a bit samey but its still fun and totally unique compared to other FPS.

>> No.7064154

It's more than just the textures, it's also the level architecture. Everything is just a flat maze, with the only variation being height coming from the floating platforms. You never get anything with the layers and interconnectivity of something like E1L1 of Duke 3D, or the looping flow of E4M2 in Doom. It's just running from room to room with just bounce pads and floating platforms to break up the monotony.