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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7048060 No.7048060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to turn back the rule of allowing gen 6 games

>> No.7048062

Find another board. Rule change was desperately needed and shitty threads like this were a big part of the reason.

>> No.7048063

the board is fucked now, newfriends will stay even if gen 6 is banned again

>> No.7048067

Yeah, it's called "enough self control to avoid posting in threads that dont interest you"

>> No.7048072

>tfw theres half life 2 threads and call of duty threads on /vr/
>/v/ermin have started spreading all their cancerous forced "memes" onto the board

>> No.7048082

Ugh and then you'll all clamour to be allowed on it and all new threads will once again start with baity bullshit titles like "why did (game) suck so much", I actually think I hate you

>> No.7048090

Don’t be stuck in the past OP.

>> No.7048095

The problem seems to be that a ton of users actually left, instead of just bitching like everyone expected them to. Comments have slowed to a crawl, while posts have picked up slightly. The old board was too slow post wise, but the new board is too slow comment wise, which indicates to me that the regulars have fled.
If there was some way to scalp large numbers of new users from some other board, that would probably fix it. It's on a downward trend now though, as people come in from elsewhere, get no replies, then leave.

>> No.7048098

Yeah /r/retrogaming sounds like the place for you

>> No.7048103

are you that desperate to go back to having daily threads about the color of the sky on mario or autistic deep lore?

>> No.7048107

Not even the toxic ones. I swear the actual "loss of board culture" is mostly based around CRT autism and scalper hate

>> No.7048123


At this point all we can do is beg for another board for discussion of gen 1-4

>> No.7048129

I don't want to go wherever you are. This place is still far from perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than it was.

>> No.7048163

I wanted to like the change but it attracted way too many /v/irmin and its not fun posting here anymore. What ever happened to the saying "lurk moar" I dont know

>> No.7048173

Console war faggotry raised quite after 6th gen rule.

>> No.7048191

Not really. I had been avoiding all Nintendo threads for nearly a year before the rule change because they would without fail become filled with Sega or Sony fanboys trying their hardest to derail them. If anything things have finally started to look better now

>> No.7048197

The board is unironically better after the rule change aside from the handful of spergs still crying about it

>> No.7048202

I forgot to say I'm a zoomer and I love black cocks

>> No.7048218

I counted nine seventh gen threads in the entire catalogue right now. Get over yourself. Aside from a mild uptick in /v/ meme shittery, it's still the same slow board it was before, but now we have a greater diversity of games to talk about and new people to discuss the old stuff with too. In the previous state, the board had ran its course about ten times over. and honestly I'd rather scroll past gay memes than have to encounter the same ten autists over and over again.

>> No.7048320

>Don’t be stuck in the past OP.
>in a retro board

>> No.7048327

If you're a mod or the site owner, you might be able to switch 6 Gen retro games to it's own board(/vr2k), which has been suggested but never utilized.

>> No.7048331

All the anti-RE4 threads are pissing me off ever since they allowed 6th gen here. I miss the days when people were shitting on the Sega Saturn.

>> No.7048516

>the worse shitposting will go away in a week, just wait!

>> No.7048548
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There's only one man who can save this board now.

>> No.7048580


>> No.7048650

Probably not, once things change they are rarely changed back, things never get better, only worse.

>> No.7048694
File: 775 KB, 700x933, Sumeragi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1987 anon here. 6th gen is pretty old by this point. The Dreamcast came out when I was 12. Times change; everything becomes old. You wouldn't say that Mickey Mouse is a newschool Zoomer character just because he was viewed as such compared to Felix the Cat 90 years ago.

>> No.7048705

Gen 6 is not retro. And it was able to be discussed on /v/ with no problems

>> No.7048709

>was 13 year old when the PS2 came out
>that means the PS2 was part of your childhood

>> No.7048716

>tfw was never a regular but always found it a comfy board
Now i wish i spent more time here

>> No.7048771

Get out, loser.

>> No.7048796


>> No.7048820

This. It's time to consider Limp Bizkit and Slipknot as Classic Rock. They've been around for like 20 years now, times change; everything becomes old.

>> No.7048834


Everything becomes old, not everything becomes classic.

>> No.7048880

This seems like the post of an anon that says "aged badly"

>> No.7048886

Damage is done. Lots of oldfags are gone. The cancer is here to stay. Jannies don't care. Better get use to 1/3rd of the catalog being 1 sentence bait threads, and every other post being bait from someone who hasn't even played the game being discussed but is desperate for (you)'s.

>shitty threads like this were a big part of the reason.
>People were complaining about the 6th gen before the 6th gen was allowed
Man those tidepods did a number on you guys, huh?

>> No.7048903


>You faggots whined and whined and whined about how allowing gen 6 would destroy the board forever
>It's still got plenty of pre-gen 6 discussion and more video game discussion than /vr/ has seen in a while

Keep whining, it's cathartic after all those "Never ever"s.

>> No.7048904

Tbf people were complaining about the 6th gen before it was allowed

>> No.7048921

Ah yes great discussion like "x game is shit"

>> No.7048943

This place was a fucking mess of the same half dozen troll threads reposted over and over. This very OP image included. It was lifestyle trolls who took advantage of the slow board to force memes that were part pf the reason changing the rules to bring bring more discussion in was important.

>> No.7049042

Revisionism. Low effort /v/ threads were ridiculed and deleted by the janny. Anybody have that screens hot of /vr/'s catalog right before the announcement?

>> No.7049053

Say what you want but I lived through too much of the same shit over and over for too long. Sure there's some new shit but at least it's a little fresh. If you don't like it here anymore, fuck the hell off with the rest of them. Go look for Babs or something lol

>> No.7049093

The problem is with so many 6th gen threads the board is 2x faster than before and now quality threads die before the day is done. Used to be a thread would last 24 hours, now it can 404 within a matter of hours.

>> No.7049106

It just seems pointless when a Morrowind or RE4 thread on /v/ has as good a chance of hitting the bump limit as most others, even before all the board splits. Hardly any of it is at the point where it can't survive on anything but a slow board, which was why /vr/ was created in the first place.

>> No.7049108

You think the current state of the board isn't ruined?
BTW; when people said that allowing 6th gen would be a bad idea, it wasn't really because of 6th gen games or systems themselves, it was because it'd bring new people to /vr/.
See for example: Ruggarell started posting on /vr/ as soon as the rules changed (ruggarell is the black playstation fanboy who posts pics of his PS2 collection showing his black hand).

>> No.7049249

6th gen should have never been allowed. All the anti-Half Life and anti-RE4 threads are getting on my nerves.

>> No.7049259

Fuck off with that shit already.
This is not the "these particular decades" board, it's the retroboard. Do you even know what retro means? Imitative of a style or fashion from the recent past. Nowhere in that sentence are any decades mentioned.
Now leave the board.

>> No.7049271

The old board is now retro KEK

>> No.7049274
File: 10 KB, 275x250, microsoft-xbox-360-arcade_35f8.300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tick tock /vr/...
Only a matter of time now, you think the board is bad huh, nothin personnel kid.

>> No.7049283

Could always bitch about it enough. It worked for the zoomers, they kept whining about 6th gen being allowed and everyone knew it was just an excuse to allow more shitposting.
Honestly we should have gotten /vr2k/ but instead we got /vmg/ that doesn't allow generals.

>> No.7049290


>> No.7049298

It already is. Retro means childhood experiences, and no one here is a child anymore.

>> No.7049303

That's because the mod who changed the rules was one of the zoomer shitposters.

>> No.7049378

This board aged badly

>> No.7049425

Kill yourself, I made a thread about old video game websites not too long ago and it didn't archive until day 6 or 7.

>> No.7049438

>no one here is a child anymore.
Lmao zoomers are nostalgic for fucking minecraft and five nights at freddy's already

>> No.7049589

>All the anti-Half Life and anti-RE4 threads are getting on my nerves.
I suggest taking your medication and learning to deal with differences in opinion.

>> No.7049594

No one's stopping you from making whatever dead horse Mario 3 vs Mario World bullshit you want.

>> No.7049615

The irony.

>> No.7049694

you could try turning back time

>> No.7050116

I wasn't really opposed to it at first but now it seems like the entire board has gone massively downhill in quality. It definitely feels more like /v/. You guys were right.

>> No.7050150

>one gen has more threads than five gens togheter.

>> No.7050231
File: 47 KB, 813x411, 5B87CBF9-4D2A-48D9-BD7C-D012047D7F5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find another place

>> No.7050328


>> No.7050330

The place just needs more SNES.

>> No.7050357
File: 18 KB, 445x332, 41W3heP3MzL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw sweet, a place to share my child porn!

>> No.7050364
File: 16 KB, 300x300, kpUoSNaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1967 anon here. time to just accept that the late 2000s are retro. pic related, a retro frog from that era

>> No.7050504

They should remove the 14 day autosage.

>> No.7050551

This board fucking sucks with all the spam and /v/ kiddie bullshit like tranny obsession, I just wanted to talk about some old vidya ffs.

>> No.7050554

But trannies are always the ones who complain about elitism and exclusion

>> No.7050556

Who the fuck cares what trannies think, as if they are one community or group anyway? I can gaurentee theres trannies in literally every community youre a part of because anyone can be a tranny. Why waste so many braincells and oxygen giving a shit?

>> No.7050560 [DELETED] 

All trannies should be made to feel excluded. They're the niggers of the internet. (I'm using the terms in opposition to 'transpeople' and 'black people')

>> No.7050563

Are you 14 or something? Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.7050564

I ain't clicking that shit

>> No.7050570

This but unironically.
It would be pretty funny to move the hardware cutoff to 2005 so the 360 is retro but the Wii and PS3 aren't. Imagine how much seethe that would cause

>> No.7050572

They're not bad because they're trans, they're bad because they're trans and ruining everything.

>> No.7050574

The lack of self-awareness is atonishing, anon. You need to spend less time on the internet if you really think that

>> No.7050576

Glass yourself, nazi pedophile scum.

>> No.7050579

Under gen 5 limit, the prime shitposting was:
>Gen 4 console wars
>Gen 5 console wars
>European home computers vs consoles

>> No.7050584
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>> No.7050585
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>> No.7050595
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>> No.7050602

lolis hate 6th gen

you wouldn't want to make a loli cry would you?

>> No.7050617

I used to think the same, but now I don't care.
When I saw how snobby, quick to anger and elitist /vr is, it's good to see the boomers suffer.
You might be surprised to know that a lot of young adults were born after the release of PS1/PS2 and GBA, shocking right?

I miss the well informed posts where I'd learn a lot of new facts, it was better than putting up with HG101, but I guess those users have since left (it's a shame the janny didn't leave too.)

>> No.7050625

the playstation 2 came out 20 years ago. deal with it nerds.

>> No.7050636

I think that's what anon was trying to say.
I don't think they are even fanboys of anything in particular but just insufferable faggots who enjoy being pieces of shit.

>> No.7051570

Doesn't make it more retro, faggot

>> No.7051606

Hehe Ring of fire box says once again hello

>> No.7051613

The Xbox 360 is barely any different from the Xbone and the Series X. It will never be retro.

>> No.7051636

>Retro means childhood experiences,
Of all the idiot takes on the word "retro" this has to be the most braindead I've ever seen. Retro has nothing to do with "childhood", nobody gives a shit about your childhood.

>> No.7051651

Seethe, cope, die mad

>> No.7051667

I'm grateful for it, I didn't really play older titles that much (I had never beaten the first SMB game for example), but after the rule change I abandoned /v/ for good and it has been a blast discussing games with /vr/anons, I'm playing a lot of older titles now.

>> No.7051670

Any board where it still takes 15+ hours for threads to archive has no right to complain.

>> No.7051681

if only I could turn back time, I would stay for the night

>> No.7051684
File: 1.85 MB, 250x188, Sweet Jesus, help me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ is added to "fast boards", with mandatory autosage on threads
>This kills various generals, as they get auto-saged before hitting 200 posts
>despite launching various new and often superflous boards, /vr2/ is not created
>instead, 6th gen is forced into /vr/
>the traffic speed doubles, the quality halves
>/v/tards feel welcomed and already bitch about year 2010 as the new border for "retro"
It's almost as if someone deliberately wanted to fuck this board up and turn it into hot garbage

>> No.7051695

Daily reminder that gook moot doesn't care about the quality, but quantity. The more traffic 4chan generates, the more money he earn, so fucking up boards solely for the sake having them in endless shitstorm is up in his business plan. And the worst part is that the logical conclusion of it - quality dropping so low, a board dies - doesn't really happen, because it's just repopulated by morons anyway.

>> No.7051708

... which is why everyone from /vr/ will tell you that 6th gen belongs to /vr2/, a new board for old, post-200 games.
Instead of chasing a retarded definition of "what's even retro" and having countless arguments, why not simply having a division where /vr/ is for pre-2000 stuff, /vr2/ for post-2000 stuff and everyone could be happy, while actual traffic would still be increased, since new board does what those people are doing on /vr/, while /vr/ doesn't have a drop of "natives" due to migration of outsiders.
A win-win.
So obviously, we've got 6th gen on /vr/ instead.

>> No.7051724

You know what I find funny about this?
When the old rules were still applying, we had the Gothic poster. He kept trying to force Gothic on /vr/ as an exception to the rules and was really dedicated to his goal.
Ever since rules changed, he never showed up again. Not a single Gothic thread in his style since and literally just a small handful of Gothic threads in general, always dying in less than 50 posts.
Irony at its finest, if you ask me.

>> No.7051781

>re4 bait op
>zx spectrum bait op
>half life bait op
>mother 3 bait op
>jet set willy bait op
What am I missing?

>> No.7051783

/v/ in an hour has more sincere threads than /vr/ ever had in ages. This board is like the worst parts of /v/ condensed but I can't help but take a peek sometimes. What a shithole.

>> No.7051794

>can you put the Genie back in the bottle
Protip: No. Look what happened to /a/ and the shounenniggers crying to be included on the board. You can't ever go back.
Just like /a/ became largely de facto /ag/, /vr/ will become /vrg/. I won't predict the timetable but it's inevitable.

>> No.7051894

What's /vrg/?

>> No.7051909

It's crazy to think this used to be the defacto oasis from /v/.
I knew it was all over as I saw the sonygger guy posting pics of his hand here.

>> No.7051921

No it isn't you lying fuck. There is nothing honest in that shithole, I say this because I used to browse only /v/ before coming here.

>> No.7051928

That was only ever a pipe dream of weaklings. If /v/ is too much for you, you never belonged on 4chan in the first place. Everyone here who bitches about /v/ are fodder.

>> No.7051942

don't forget the painfully unfunny influx of ironic /tv/ facebook normie humor

>> No.7051949

I mean just being overall tired of the childish console war behavior of /v/, rather than it being overwhelming or whatever you thought I mean

>> No.7052001
File: 110 KB, 480x640, f131d1e0-1da2-012e-906c-0050569439b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no point in having a fucking cut-off date anymore, the term "retro" is so nebulous that the sticky and rules will be updated every few years to encompass more youngfags childhoods.
Just rename it VIDEO GAME NOSTALGIA and open the floodgates for every newfag to post about whatever they grew up with.
This board should have been called Classic Video Games from day one and had a very clear time-frame cut off point that would never budge.

>> No.7052150

24 hours is even too short, as I recall /vr/ threads lasted days or weeks. You can't have a meaningful discussion anymore. This board used to work fine for people with jobs and families, aka the fucking people who would post about old games. Now what are you supposed to do, babysit a thread like you're on /v/?

>> No.7052178

Sega system, scotformer, metroidvania

>> No.7052313
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you could just leave, boomer

>> No.7052326
File: 281 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2020-11-03 20-52-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the board is 2x faster than before
It had one spike and drop back to normal. /vr/ is still a slow board.

you can make threads you like and stop being a doomfag

>> No.7052352

as of know /vr/ is slower than it ever was before the rule change. last July was the highest for old /vr/. my main board is double the size of /vr/ and I can easily necrobump it to make it last longer.

>> No.7052359

This board was never good at discussing anything but AAA Japanese console games.

>> No.7052365

>This board used to work fine for people with jobs and families, aka the fucking people who would post about old games
>people with jobs and families argue about the sky color in SMB or what's the best Doom mods

>> No.7052421

It's always been pretty good at bitching and moaning abut the quality of /vr/

>> No.7052442

Fuck off white boi.

>> No.7052745 [DELETED] 

>I'm grateful for it, I didn't really play older titles that much (I had never beaten the first SMB game for example), but after the rule change I abandoned /v/ for good and it has been a blast discussing games with /vr/anons, I'm playing a lot of older titles now.
/vr/ 2020

>> No.7052754

>"I'm grateful for it, I didn't really play older titles that much (I had never beaten the first SMB game for example), but after the rule change I abandoned /v/ for good"
>"/v/ in an hour has more sincere threads than /vr/ ever had in ages"
/vr/ 2020

>> No.7052789

Right? It's not fair. Why can't we discuss soeccy games more!

>> No.7053050

So you're a seething boomer. BIG surprise lmao.

>> No.7053070

I ain't mad in the slightest. You, on the other hand, seem angry since you were reminded that your childhood will never be retro but just old. Die mad.

>> No.7053115

>There's no point in having a fucking cut-off date anymore
>the term "retro" is so nebulous that the sticky and rules will be updated every few years to encompass more youngfags childhoods.
You realise there was fucking NOTHING preventing from removing word "retro" from the sticky and keeping this board simply for games released pre-2000... right?
Instead, the dumbest possible option was picked, so endless chase by endless evolving "retro" and what it means.

>> No.7053126

It was only a disaster for the first few days.
It did.

>> No.7053170

The "mods" don't care about the quality of this board, or any board on this website. They want to bring in as many anarchistic, sociopathic, intellectually regressive subhuman troglodytes as possible so that they can make money off of them through ad revenue and because they're under direct orders from hiroyuki to do so. Furthermore, if you use the report function against those aforementioned "people" and their shitty, rule breaking threads and posts and encourage others to do the same in order to help improve a board, you get rangebanned from reporting and posting.
The only possible way to salvage 4chan is by a changing of the guard, and since they refuse to step down willingly, they must be removed forcefully.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, therefore each and every single mod needs to be doxxed, hunted down, and murdered.
swaglord is an ideal starting point since his identity is already public knowledge and because the mod team is primarily consisted of moot's real life friends, who swaglord undoubtedly knows as well since he's also friends with moot. Which means that with enough torture, he can tell us where the rest of them can be found.