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7047750 No.7047750 [Reply] [Original]

What's /vr/'s opinion on Goichi Suda and Grasshopper Manufacture games in general? The stories for most of them seem so hard to follow and confusing in general but the art styles they use look so incredible. I'm not really sure what to think about them.

>> No.7047758

As a teenager I found him to be one of the most interesting game designers, but in reality I just liked Killer 7. I've tried No More Heroes and was disappointed, Contact, and then the other retro games were wrestling and stuff. Samurai Champloo on PS2 looks really stylish though, but never played it.

@ 17:00

>> No.7047770

>Samurai Champloo on PS2 looks really stylish though, but never played it.
I have it. It was a game my dad bought for my mom as a Christmas gift back in 2006. Decent hack n' slash. I never beat it, though.

>> No.7047817

>The stories for most of them seem so hard to follow and confusing in general
Confirmed brainlet

>> No.7047830

No bully pls I'm just a jabroni :(

>> No.7047839

I've always liked the way the dialog flows in the games directed by him. Same with the very punky graphical styles.
Pretty much my favorite auteur game dev. So glad that he's back in the director's chair these days with Travis Strikes Again and NMH3.

>> No.7048846

the vidya equivalent of tarantino: not bad, but vastly overrated quirkster

>> No.7048965


I want to try that blood + game by him too but i dont think that got localized

>> No.7049019

Somewhat true. No More Heroes is unquestionably the best example of satire found in video games though and I refuse to accept any other opinion.

>> No.7049074

Just looked it up. Looks like Killer 7 with No More Heroes mixed in, right down to the dot-matrix LCD battery UI.

I bought Killer is Dead two years ago, still haven't gotten around to playing it.

>> No.7049160


>> No.7049251

This is accurate I think, NMH is basically Kill Bill but if it was a wacky johnny knoxville lookalike otaku martial artist instead of Uma Thurman.
Even though my favorite 7th gen game is Bayonetta (and it's miles ahead of anything Suda can do in terms of sheer mechanics), NMH1 still stands out as one of the titles that defined that generation for me personally, one of my favs, top 10 for sure. NMH2 also wasn't bad, in some ways a little bit better in gameplay, but what made NMH1 most memorable was the bosses and their backstories/introductions/dialogues. NMH2 feels kind of like a joke in that regard, especially since it was advertised as having like 50 bosses (and like 40 of them were cheerleaders for one of the bosses, so it was just a prank). Suda is a prankster so I wouldn't be surprised if he intentionally made the bosses be less about their own stories and open space for the plot development between the love triangle of Travis, Silvia and Henry.
I think

>> No.7049328

a faggot who makes games with shitty confusing stories the average retarded gamer will think they are deep and interesting but in reality it's just a bunch of nonsensical edgy bullshit for the sake of looking cool
it's the video game equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.7049354
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>NPC who thinks he's smarter than he really is was filtered by NGE
Every fucking time.

>> No.7049409

He does some cool stuff, but at the same time a lot of design decisions hamper his games.I remember Killer7 having a pretty anticlimactic final boss.The first NMH made you run a corridor just to Henry steal your kill . The sequel had that stupid scorpion minigames. Too much style, less substance. I feel that he is yet to do a masterpiece.However,his games while flawed are fun.Some Platinum partnership could improve his vision.

>> No.7049457

>what made NMH1 most memorable was the bosses and their backstories/introductions/dialogues.
Yeah the boss fights in NMH1 were great. Fun to play too. I like Killer7 more, but NMH was more fun to play because of the bosses.

>The first NMH made you run a corridor just to
He really amped up that fucking fight too with the machine charging, just to blue ball us.

>> No.7049465

Cool ideas and shit execution, like the early Yoko Taro games.

>> No.7049493
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I like contrived japanese plots, I like saturated cartoon visuals full of post processing, I like sex and violence. Buuut I have a feeling his games have no real commercial appeal.

>> No.7049518

>>He really amped up that fucking fight too with the machine charging, just to blue ball us.

He do a lot of these things on purpose and while it is memorable, I would say it actually hampers the experience.At least game mechanics are well made, so put him above Swery.

>> No.7049521

style over substance tripe with mediocre gameplay

>> No.7049561

Muh gaymeplay. Muh frustrating 2 hours Ninja Gayden sessions while resetting run at every minimal mistake for internet cred no one cares about. Grow up.

>> No.7049860
File: 1.52 MB, 500x500, 1482298102_dont give up senpai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked Let It Die's style but the F2P mechanics were too brutal for me to grind through. Somehow my friend managed, it's a tense game to spectate from time to time, couldnt imagine how stressed he felt. But even as a F2P game, they have been generous with handing out rainbow skulls from time to time. Fuck Bloodnium though
Fair enough

>> No.7049941

Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJO8uo3UMko

>> No.7050421

It’s not just to be memorable. That blue ball level is specifically a commentary on disappointing video games. NMH as a whole is a satire of video games and the people who play them. I think once you view it from that lens it really elevates it to something so much more than this game about this goofy character saying bad words. The writing in No More Heroes is unironically very good.

>> No.7052159

That sounds about right

>> No.7052168
File: 66 KB, 640x640, a0-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should stick to adventure games. The Silver Case and The 25th Ward are his best work. Flower, Sun and Rain is interesting at least, though not good.

Always wanted to play the Twilight / Moonlight Syndrome games, which he had a hand in. But my Japanese is not yet up to par.

>> No.7052260

25th ward is pure Suda excess troll game
His best work is the NMH finishing moves on wiimote

>> No.7052536
File: 63 KB, 650x350, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Silver Case and The 25th Ward are his best work
Seriously though those games are fantastic the art style and presentation is on point. I really appreciate ho ridiculous things get in both games.

>> No.7053009

Should I get NMH for Switch? I've never played a Suda game

>> No.7053018


>> No.7053396
File: 2.33 MB, 1164x2100, 1591042842398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did the story mode for pic related, which was his first gig, hence the game's infamous ending - so infamous it deserves a Dark Side of the Ring episode.

>> No.7053514

Suda is just like Kojima.
He's an overrated hack who gets his dick sucked by faggot weebs.

>> No.7053535

Not my thing but I understand why people would like the flashyness of them

>> No.7053573

I think that Suda and Kojima are friends

>> No.7053578

They is.

I think he’s also close to Kamiya.

>> No.7054689

I know you’re here, Hikikomori Media. I like your videos. Fuck you.