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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 554x554, F0C4872F-3C80-4162-9AF4-E2CDD6CC93EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7040017 No.7040017 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the best way to play classic retro GBA games on the go on a back-lit screen without mods, AGS-101 or Game Boy Micro?

>> No.7040025

You literally just posted it.

>> No.7040028

the micro is too small to play comfortably for more than 15 minutes at a time. And it downright sucks for any game that uses the shoulder buttons a lot

>> No.7040079

the DS lite, but the cartridge sticks out so you have to be careful not to touch it too much.
a backlit GBA is 100 dollar on aliexpress though.

>> No.7040086

Phone w clamping bluetooth controller probably. Maybe 3ds w vc injection.

>> No.7040106

Yeah I agree the DS is a classic retro handheld that many have called the spiritual successor to the N64 with tonnes of retro soul.

>> No.7040125

Your mommys iphone

>> No.7040146

PS Vita

>> No.7040217

Whatever you choose, not the GameBoy Player for GameCube. It has frameskipping and latency issues.

>> No.7040261

hacked DSi. clicky buttons, cheap to get, easy to hack

>> No.7040303

Most game have issues or just straight don't run on GBARunner2. Terrible advice.

>> No.7040313

Your phone and some telescopic controller.

>> No.7040327

How would one go about affixing a phone to a regular controller? Tape and a piece of plastic could do the trick.

>> No.7040353

Such a soulful image.

>> No.7040441

Use it with gameboy interface and its perfect though

>> No.7040450
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x796, visible_input_delay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3ds OpenAGB.
Enjoy your input lag, smeary screen, and looking like a dork

>> No.7040983
File: 214 KB, 466x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are clips for that too

>> No.7041058

This setup is terrible and I have no clue why people keep recommending it

>> No.7041072

The Game Boy Player with a portable CRT.

>> No.7041423

Because it only requires some piece of plastic to work? The controller is already guaranteed to be better than almost everything else you can find.

>> No.7041427

Yeah but the weight distribution is shit and makes it miserably awkward, and isnt properly portable at all

>> No.7041442

Original hardware? An NDS lite like pic related. Best life and lighter weight than latter version. Unless you have fatty hands, then you will hate it.

>> No.7041445

The weight distribution is pretty good with my 5" phone. About being portable, it wont fit on your pockets, but if have a backpack or a car, you already got this covered.

>> No.7041542

EZ Flash omega comes with an alternative shell that fits flush in the DSlite.

>> No.7041587

>portable system
>better bring a backpack or a car for this one


OP I have a micro, an AGS-101, an IPS SP, several DS Lites, and an IPS New 3DS. You said you don't want mods, so restricted to just micro, 101, and Lite, I'd strongly say either micro or 101, and it depends on your use case. Either one will do fine; If you need GB game support, if you don't mind a little bigger system, and if you don't need headphones (or can live with the adapter) then go for SP. If you want the ultimate small handheld, need a headphone jack, and can work with the size, then go for a micro. Personally, I'd recommend micro as having the edge. It's a little small but you get used to it quickly, and it's the most portable thing you'll ever find. Plays games fine too, and has a headphone jack. You can go either way though. I just got the IPS SP and I've been switching off and on between it and the micro. You can go for either one and not lose out. Just consider the features of each and make a choice.

>> No.7041612
File: 111 KB, 448x736, 1595889584358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't pick the DS Lite if you want GBA games, because:

>basically no accessory support
>oversized vs the others
>carts stick out
>no GB support
>entire second screen sitting there useless
>doesn't even fill up entire screen, meaning it's smaller display than SP despite being twice the size when pocketed

I love the DS, but use it to play DS games. If you're going to play DS games a lot and also want to have some GBA play on the side, THEN get a DS. Even then though, a DSi will be much better for playing DS games. They have bigger, more beautiful IPS screens, and will run additional DSi functions (though some function is admittedly lost when you have no slot 2).

so tl;dr don't use a ds lite for gba unless you're planning on it being a side feature; DS Lite is low on the list for GBA play IMO

>> No.7041704

If you like dogshit sound quality, sure

>> No.7041719

Both DS and DSi can emulate GBC perfectly.

>> No.7042325

>i am a baby with low standards
Why would anyone brag about this on the internet?

>> No.7042376

It makes a difference when DSes are dirt cheap.

>> No.7042381

>No, you can't have the entire gameboy library on an SD card, you have to buy all the carts.

>> No.7042382

>Game boy advance games were meant to be played on my Android phone. They're both arm based so it's the same thing.

>> No.7042412

>GBA games were meant to be played on a backlit screen. Nintendo released one, so it's fine.