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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 97 KB, 800x781, Hexen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7041037 No.7041037 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / 90s FPS THREAD - Last thread >>7033095

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Classic Quake Trilogy pastebin (Updated 2020): https://pastebin.com/sBFzczxD
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Doom Shovelware

Doom RPG series



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.7041040

500ml of /vr/ (for Blood)
Deadline: November 10th
Rules: >>7025543
MAPEDIT: https://archive.org/details/BloodMapedit
Discord: https://discord.gg/NfFP9Pu

=== NEWS ===

[10-30] Hexen turns 25! Anon shares their folder of Hexen wads to play.

[10-29] vkQuake updated

[10-29] ter_shibboleth got a redux version with a conversion to the Drake mod

[10-29] Zero Master beats Plutonia on Nightmare in 34:28

[10-28] Anon writes a random Doom map launcher script (and updates the Quake launcher script, see below)

[10-27] Modder makes Doom playable in Sonic Mania

[10-27] Halloween Jam 3 for Q1 released

[10-26] UnrealHD updated to 3.0

[10-25] Anon writes a random Quake map launcher script

[10-25] Judge Doom first alpha released

[10-23] Megaman 8-Bit Deathmatch v6a released

[10-23] New Duke 3D episode: https://www.moddb.com/mods/pretomurara/addons/downtown-journey

[10-22] New fan episode for Quake released (10 maps)

[10-20] Strife Veteran Edition updated, coming to Switch

=== PREVIOUS ===



>> No.7041046
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>> No.7041051
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Did he really intentionally make it this way as he claims or did he just fuck up the map?

>> No.7041056 [DELETED] 

What do you like about Hexen?

>> No.7041063

the mace that goes *whoosh* *crunch* when you hit stuff is the greatest starting weapon ever invented.

>> No.7041064

The spooky gothic aesthetic is probably my favorite part. The addition of scripted sequences and jumping to the id1 engine is also pretty cool.

>> No.7041070
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>"Everyone knows Doom II is the better game because of the double-barrell"
-John Romero

Is he right?

>> No.7041074

it's the balance between the SSG and the expanded roster

>> No.7041078
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The artstyle and the mix of combat and puzzles.

>> No.7041082

I know that Hexen 2 has FMV, but what about Hexen 1? Do any versions of the game (except of course for the N64 version) have anything like that? Its been a while since I last played Hexen.

>> No.7041087

Hexen sux

>> No.7041089
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Happy Halloween!
GZ PT is out! Are you ready to explore the haunted corridor in this GZDOOM-based standalone remake?
Get it here: https://batandy.itch.io/gz-pt

>> No.7041090

Given the lack of time Romero put into Doom 2 due to production duties elsewhere and Doom 1 DMing, I expect it was a mistake on his part. Cool of him to congratulate zero master though.

>> No.7041094
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reposting for the anons, since these didn't make it to the news post:

[10-30] Mystery of Red Island demo >>7039682

[10-29] Somewhere in Nevada 0.03 alpha >>7038325

>> No.7041096

t. filtered by Seven Portals

>> No.7041097

The PS1 port actually has FMV. Only redeeming thing about it really. Kind of funny that they call it "the world of Hexen" though (the world is called Cronos).


>> No.7041101

I can't go back to Ultimate Doom anymore nowadays. I played through SIGIL because it was new and had cool visuals, but no SSG just fucking sucks

>> No.7041102

Happy Halloween
anonfiles h6E0lblepd/happy_halloween_rar

>> No.7041105

My bad. I missed the stuff linked to the OP post and not the news post. Wasn't sure what that Nevada thing was either, but thanks for being attention to them.

>> No.7041108

I bought doom 2 on steam today and this is my first doom game, i can't get pass level 5. Should I kill myself

>> No.7041112

>only way to play hexen outside of DOS or GZoom is through crispy
>which you have to compile from source

>> No.7041113

lies and slander
romero hated the SSG

>> No.7041115

Doomsday also plays on Purist mode

>> No.7041116

What difficulty are you playing on? Are you playing with a sourceport?

>> No.7041118

Huh. It IS Halloween now in Europe, I suppose. Fuck it. I'm putting up the Halloween party server now because I feel like playing some Doom. Come play with me if you like. I'll play for two or three hours then be back tomorrow since I turn in early in American time.

Server Name: [TSPG] /vr/ Halloween Party - Skeletons Welcome Come As You Are

WAD Running: Whitemare 2 UV

Connect Password: wekillyoutwocents

Try Doom 1 first, anon. Doom 2 is harder. Final Doom is the hardest of the commercially released classics. Also, what skill are you playing on? Hurt Me Plenty may be best if it's your first 90s shooter.

>> No.7041119


>> No.7041120

in europe helloween is a heavy metal band, not a holiday

>> No.7041121
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I'm playing on ultraviolence and just playing whatever this is

>> No.7041126

Honestly I don't have trouble until the pit, which is a terrible fucking map and I hate it. Luckily refueling base is my favourite and keeps the run going.

>> No.7041128
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Kojima's PT remade in gzdoom.

>> No.7041130
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Hacx: Based or cringe?

>> No.7041131

Nice one, anon. I loved Helloween when I was younger.

Consider a sourceport. Our getting started guides in the OP may help you to configure it. You want the link under "so you want to play some fucking DOOM" to find out more. I'll be in and out of the thread since I'll be playing on my server. The only difference for you is that you have a Doom 2.wad that you bought. To be honest, I bought the WADs myself earlier this year after a good 1000 hours of playing pirated ones. I just felt bad and love new id games too, so I thought it was a great way to support them in addition to my purchase of Eternal.

The Pit is fine unless you're pistol starting. Then it's my personal hell. Same to refueling base.

>> No.7041134

Helloween is fucking great

>> No.7041135

I gotta get off /v/ for a bit... whew

>> No.7041136

Someone asked him in the replies to these tweets if it was intentional and he says yes

>> No.7041139

its a fine map gameplay wise, but I find the mismatched textures really unappealing. Its possibly the ugliest map in doom 2.

>> No.7041140
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Yeah but is Hacx based or cringe in your opinion?

>> No.7041141

Hacx is fine, but fuck those ugly cyberspace maps.

>> No.7041143

I don't like the enemies for the same reason I don't like the doom 64 enemies. Hate the claymation look. Weapons and maps are good.

>> No.7041145 [SPOILER] 
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cool fuckin' beans. thanks.
has this been posted anywhere?

>> No.7041162
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One of the best total conversions ever, as that is basically what is was, albeit an official one that was sold at retail (and actually the last Doom engine game to be).

>> No.7041178
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, 2020-10-30 20-37-58.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7041180

batandy does it again

>> No.7041182

Guys, please read my thread and tell me if I'm being retarded. I don't know anymore.


RE: nash's post, I feel like GZD is getting more and more cemented into needing it's own editor.

>> No.7041184

>Halloween party
>Winter themed wad
>No vrskins
Kinda gay but i'm coming anyway

>> No.7041204

Good point. What's the wad name for vr skins? I'm stuck on MAP07 here so I might kill the server and add the skins in. You might want to switch lighting to legacy so you can see. Whitemare 2 is dark.

>> No.7041208

At least if GZDoom had its own editor shit would actually have documentation so it wont be such a pain in the ass to learn

And heh, Hexen. My only memory of that game is playing the PS1 version at 8 years old and not being able to beat the first level. Maybe I should go back and give it another go since I know how switches work now LOL

>> No.7041234

>Fingerless gloves
>Holding a Uzi like a fucking BOSS

Could this BE any more radical to the extreme? How have I never heard of it???!!! Please tell me it's got some hella bodacious freaking babes!

>> No.7041287

Alright. I died on MAP08 after clearing most of it. I switched the map pack to BTSX e2. Maybe Whitemare 2 can be played for Doom's birthday in December if I feel like hosting again. That's a better time for it imo. I also added Samsara. Some of my best MP memories are of playing it in survival and hey, if you want to play vanilla Doom, you can do that even with Samsara running on the server. No additional heroes unless there's a specific request for them. Some of the later additions are a little wacky for my taste, though I do love Caleb. Password and server name are unchanged. I'll be there.

>> No.7041290

I've gotten so much mileage out of that Uzi for sprites it's not even funny.

>> No.7041306

Doom 1 had rather boring roster of enemies - really basic attacks, lots of bullet sponges, and despite what Romero says, they were completely unprepared to deal with circlestrafers. Doom II completely rectified all these problems - new monsters are not spongy, but they have varied attack patterns made specifically to challenge circlestrafers except Hell Knight, but he has the other purpose, and SSG provides a reliable burst damage while also using shell ammo, which in original game was less relevant in the late game due to regular shotgun having rather meh damage. So it's a matter of good game design and not a meme like John "I Support Children Mutilation" Romero implies. Something that he was supposed to be good at, yet ultimately failed to provide at id when they relied on him the most.

>> No.7041309
File: 26 KB, 170x70, hacx3d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking based, dude. 90's cyberpunk to the max


This is an excellent site all about the game. Everything you could ever want to know about it. Also had a sequel in the works in the Quake 1 engine before it was abandoned and there are screenshots on this site... I wish someone would remake it in the Quake engine based on the screenshots, I'd do it if I could.

Excellent review of HacX:

>> No.7041310 [DELETED] 

>John "I Support Children Mutilation" Romero
christ the schizos are coming early

>> No.7041316

>shilling for alf

>> No.7041319

He really does though.

>> No.7041326 [DELETED] 

the hilarious this is that transfolk have most likely had sex with more people than you have had a conversation with

>> No.7041327

I wish there were more games like Hexen. I tried Amid Evil and it didn't capture the spooky gothic atmosphere at all. It's covered in flashy lighting and everything is coated in oil.

>> No.7041334 [DELETED] 

Well, LGBT trash is known for being sexually promiscous, not sure why do you think it's a good thing though.

>> No.7041345
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there she is

>> No.7041349
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babby and sector toilet

>> No.7041354
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>> No.7041356

Sex is a lot of fun, you should have some and see.

>> No.7041360
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oh no

>> No.7041362

>RE: nash's post, I feel like GZD is getting more and more cemented into needing it's own editor.
I dont know if youre retarded, but youre definitely not understanding this particular thread. That is basically Ultimate Doom Builder (formerly known as GZDoom Builder). As Nash says, it has user-friendly ways of creating & managing sloped 3D floors.

>> No.7041368

>you probably virgin lol
Are reshiterra faggots really have no other arguments?

>> No.7041373

Even if its an alright TC, they were fucking stupid for trying to sell a Doom TC as a commercial game in the late 90s. Besides 2.5d engines being woefully outdated, there were already a ton of quality free wads for Doom.

>> No.7041381

So how's that doom wad coming along anons?

>> No.7041386

Not great, to be honest.

>> No.7041389

Well lads, I forgot BTSX adds additional monsters in co-op. Somehow Decino cleared E1 by himself with the additional enemies, but I'm stalled at E2M2! The server is currently empty. Post here if you want to play and I'll hop on. Info is earlier in the thread. I'll switch to something more viable for solo play before I hang it up for the night.

>> No.7041402
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I didn't make a map. Here is my Halloween reference shitpost instead.

>> No.7041413

Why doesn't someone just make Doom but with it having slopes

>> No.7041414 [DELETED] 

Since people often say there are retro FPS they have never heard of mentioned here, this and following posts are every FPS released for the respective year(s):
| Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold | Bram Stoker's Dracula | Catacomb Abyss, The / Catacomb Abyss 3D | Catacombs 3 / Catacomb 3-D: The Descent | Corporation | Curse of the Catacombs / Catacomb Apocalypse | Cybercon III | Deadline (cancelled) | Doom (: Evil Unleashed) | Freaks! | Hovertank 3D | In Extremis | Isle Of The Dead | Jurassic Park | Ken's Labyrinth (Walken) | Lethal Tender | Maze Wars | Midwinter II: Flames Of Freedom | ShadowCaster | Space Hulk | Spear Of Destiny | Terminator, The | Terror of the Catacombs / Catacomb Armageddon | Wolfenstein 3D

>> No.7041416


>> No.7041419

| 4-Ever Doomed | Blake Stone 2: Planet Strike | Christmas Carnage / Xmas Carnage [G] | Complete Doom Accessory Pack Volume II, The | Complete Doom Accessory Pack Volume III, The | Complete Doom Accessory Pack, The | Corridor 7: Alien Invasion | CyClones | Depth Dwellers: The Quest | Doom + Accessories | Doom 2: Hell On Earth | Doom Extras | Doom: Companion CD-Rom / Doom Companion Edition | DoomWare Developers Network CD Occurence 1 | Fortress Of Dr. Radiaki, The | Heretic | Hidden Below, The (THB) | La Cosa Nostra | Lunicus | Magic Carpet | MegaDoom Adventures | Nitemare 3D | Operation Body Count | Red Babe | Rise Of The Triad: Dark War (Wolfenstein 3D: Part 2) | Robinson's Requiem | Rock'n Shaolin: Legend of the Seven Paladins (Chut Hup Ng Yee) / Euijeok: Im Kkeokjeong / Qi Xia Wu Yi 3D | Spear of Destiny Mission 2: Return to Danger | Spear of Destiny Mission 3: Ultimate Challenge | System Shock | Terminal Terror | Terminator, The: Rampage | Toom Parade, The | Troubled Tower | Wolfenstein 3D and Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold Companion Edition | Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrades

>> No.7041426

| 1001 Nights of Doom | Arcade Mania | Bad Toys 3D | Castaway: The Ordeal Begins | Complete Doom Accessory Pack Volume IV | Cybermage: Darklight Awakening | D-1000 Levels | D!Match | D!Zone 150 | D!Zone 2: for Doom & Doom 2 | D!Zone 3: for Doom & Doom 2 | D!Zone: for Doom & Doom2 | D!Zone2 150 | DeathDay Collection: for Doom 1 & 2 / Ultimate Add On, The: Collection For Doom | DeathMatch for Doom I & II | Deer Napped | Defcon 5 | Demon Gate: 666 New Levels for Doom 1 & 2 | Demon Gate: Mega Collection | Doom 2: The Master Levels | Doom Construction Kit | Doom Game Editor | Doom Hacker's Guide, The | Doom Heaven II | DOOM II Explosion | Doom II Mania !!! | Doom Mania !!! | Dungeons of Kremlin | Eternal Prison | Extreme Rise Of The Triad | Gore Galore: The Breakout | H.U.R.L. / Slob Zone 3D / Blob Schlammschlacht 3D | Heresies Developer's Network CD Occurrence III | Heretic: Magic & Mayhem | Hexen: Beyond Heretic | Home Edutainment Collection Volume 4, The | I.M. Meen | Immoral Cumbat | Industrial Killers | Lost Episodes Of Doom, The | Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds | Magic Carpet: Hidden Worlds / Magic Carpet: The Hidden Worlds | MegaDoom II | Mortal Coil: Adrenalin Intelligence | Nerves Of Steel | Old Gold 3D [Ru] | PCZone April 1995 Coverdisk: The Final Doom Showdown | Rebel Moon | Rise Of The Triad Site License | Rise Of The Triad: PowerPack | Rise of the Triad: The Hunt Begins - Deluxe Edition | Rolemaster: Magestorm / Magestorm Millennium | Skaphander: Der Auftrag / Virus Explosion | Space Station Escape | Star Wars: Dark Forces | Super Noah's Ark 3D | Supergames Volume 1 | Supergames Volume 2 | TekWar, William Shatner's | Terminator, The: Future Shock | Terror In Christmas Town | Thor's Hammer | Total Ruin | Tricks of the DOOM Gurus | Ultimate Add On Collection for Doom & Doom II, The | Ultimate Doom, The: Thy Flesh Consumed | Witchaven | Wrath Of Earth

>> No.7041428

Ok anon but which ones are GOOD

>> No.7041429

96 part 1
| 3D Game Alchemy / Tricks of the DOOM Programming Gurus (2nd Edn) | 3D Hamster's Adventure | 3D Nightmares | Aftershock Toolbox for Quake | Alien Trilogy | Arcade Explosion | Arcade Explosion volume II | Ashes To Ashes: Feeding The Fires Of War | Assassin 2015 | Atomic Chill | Chex Quest | Chex Quest 2 | Chill Manor | Colosso Adventures, The | Continuum | Corridor 8: Galactic Wars (cancelled) | CyberDillo | Death Match: The Ultimate Game Player's Kit | DeathMatch 2 for Doom II | Deus | Doom 2: Hell To Pay | Doom 2: Perdition's Gate | Duke Nukem 3D | Duke Nukem 3D Addon Total Meltdown | Duke Nukem 3D Addon: Duke!Zone 500 | Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition / Plutonium Pack | Duke Nukem 3D Level Design Handbook | Duke Nukem 3D Screensaver & Entertainment Pack | Duke Nukem 3D Strategies & Secrets | Duke Nukem 3D: Total Chaos | Duracell: Run The Bunny | Eradicator | Escape POW | Fate (cancelled) | Final Doom | H!Zone: For Hexen and Heretic | Heretic: Shadow Of The Serpent Riders | Hexen MissionPack: Deathkings Of The Dark Citadel | In Pursuit Of Greed / Assassinators | Instant Doom Levels: Level Master II For Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen | Island Peril | Josephine: Portrait of an Assassin | Killing Time | Marathon 2: Durandal | Master Won Liu 3D | Maximum Death For Heretic | Maze!, The | Nuke It! v2.0 | Powerslave (Ruins: Return of the Gods) / Exhumed | Q.... Das Nachbeben | Q2 for Quake | Qua.. it! Volume 1 / Quake It! | Quake | Quake 'em | Quake Addon: Aftershock | Quake Addon: Dark Hour | Quake Deathmatch Maker | Quake: Eternal Darkness | Realms Of The Haunting | Rex Blade: The Apocalypse / Domination | RoboQuest

>> No.7041432
File: 69 KB, 640x480, zpc_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

96 part 2
| Rodger Ramrod | Santa Slayer | Secret Agent: The Escape | Space Hulk 2: Vengeance Of The Blood Angels | Strife: Quest For The Sigil | Super Duke Volume 2 | Superdead | Terminator, The: SkyNet | Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri (Free Fall) | Transland | Westworld 2000 | Witchaven 2: Blood Vengeance | XS: Shield Up Fight Back | ZPC (Zero Population Count): No Flesh Shall Be Spared

>> No.7041437

| Alien Cabal | Amulets & Armor | Angst: Rahz's Revenge | Blood (Horror 3D) | Blood Addon: Cryptic Passage | Blood: Plasma Pak | Chasm: The Rift | Codename Tenka / LifeForce Tenka | Defiance | Despair Trilogy | Duke - It's Zero Hour | Duke 3D Mania | Duke Assault | Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach | Duke It Out In D.C. | Duke Nukem: Kill-A-Ton Collection | Duke Screw 'Em 38D | Duke Xtreme | Duke: Nuclear Winter | Duke!Zone 2 | Forbes Corporate Warrior | HACX | Hexen 2: The Beginning Of The End | Hexmaker For Hexen II | Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 | Last Rites | LevelPack 14: Additions for Shadow Warrior | MadSpace | Nuke It! 1000 | Operation Omega | Outlaws | Outlaws MP: Handful Of Missions | PCZone March 1997 Coverdisk: Over 500 Quake Levels & Utilities plus Over 500 Duke Levels | Q!Zone | Quake 2 | Quake Level Design Handbook | Quake Level Master V | Quake MissionPack 1: Scourge Of Armagon (The Rift) | Quake MissionPack 2: Dissolution Of Eternity | Quake Total Conversion: Malice | Quake Total Conversion: Shrak | Quake Total Conversion: X-Men - The Ravages Of Apocalypse | Quake: Future vs Fantasy | Quiver | Rebel Moon Rising | Redneck Rampage | Redneck Rampage MissionPack: Suckin' Grits On Route 66 | Redneck Rampage: Cusspack | Revenge of Dr. Chang 3D | Shadow Warrior (Ninja Master) | Smuta (Distemper) | Thanatos 3D: The Challenge / Army Of The Night | Tremor for Quake | Turok: The Dinosaur Hunter

>> No.7041440
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

| Aliens Online | Blood 2: The Chosen | Blood: One Whole Unit | Bobenstein 3D | Damage Incorporated: Never Cry Submission | Delta Force | Emissary (cancelled) | Eternal Destiny | Extreme PaintBrawl | Half-Life | Half-Life: Counter-Strike | Half-Life: Team Fortress Classic | Hexen 2: Portal Of Praevus | Jedi Knight MissionPack: Mysteries Of The Sith | Liquidator | Mr. Pibb: The 3D Interactive Game | NAM (Napalm) | Osarium | Pyl (The Dust) [PL] | Qoole for Quake II, Quake & Hexen II | Quake 2 Addon: Zaero | Quake 2 MissionPack 1: The Reckoning | Quake 2 MissionPack 2: Ground Zero | Quake 2 Netpack: Extremities | Quake 2 Total Conversion: Juggernaut - The New Story For Quake 2 | Quake 2: Complete Gamer Add-on | Quake 2: Deathmatch Maker II | Quake 2: Total Destruction (Toolkit for Quake 2) | Quake 2: Unseen (cancelled) | Quake: Abyss Of Pandemonium | Rainbow Six, Tom Clancy's | Redneck Rampage Addon: So You Wanna Be A Redneck | Redneck Rampage Rides Again: Arkansas | Sin | Spec Ops MissionPack: Ranger Team Bravo | Spec Ops: Rangers Lead The Way / Spec Ops: Ranger Assault | Star Trek: Klingon Honor Guard | Starsiege: Tribes | Sword Of Ares, The | Target [PL] | Thief: The Dark Project / Dark Project: Der Meisterdieb (The Dark) | Trespasser: Jurassic Park | Twin Dragon | Unreal | Unreal Add-on CD "Complete Gamer Unreal Issue" | Unreal Add-on CD "fUnReal" | Unreal Add-on CD "PC Games" | Unreal: Creative AddOn | Unreal: Not Real | Unreal: Official Strategy Guide GW Press Addons | Unreal: S3 Gallery Beta 2 | Unreal: Special Edition | Unreal: The Real Add-On | Unreality: Das Ultimative Tool & Level Addon Fur Unreal | Unreality: Expansion Set | Varginha Incident, The / Alien Anarchy / Alien Shootout | Vigilance | Z.A.R. (Zone of Artificial Resources)

>> No.7041443

| Aliens Versus Predator | Blood 2 MissionPack: The Nightmare Levels | Codename Eagle | Dawn Of Darkness | Deadlode II | Delta Force 2 | Disposable Heroes | Exploding Lips | Extreme PaintBrawl 2 | Half-Life MissionPack: Opposing Force | Half-Life: Further Data V.1 & V.2 | Hidden & Dangerous MissionPack: Fight For Freedom / Devil's Bridge | Hidden & Dangerous | Kingpin: Life Of Crime | Mortyr: 2093 - 1944 | Nerf Arena Blast | Nutcracker | Quake 2 Anthology | Quake 2 TC - Infinity: The Kai'Ren Threat (cancelled) | Quake 2: Fanatic's Complete Set | Quake 2: Oblivion | Quake 3 Arena | Quake World | Quake World 3 | Rainbow Six 2: Rogue Spear | Rainbow Six MissionPack: Eagle Watch | Raising Dead | Rebel Moon Revolution (cancelled) | Redline: Gang Warfare 2066 | Requiem: Avenging Angel (Wrath Of The Fallen) | Saints Of Virtue | Sin MissionPack: Wages Of Sin | Skout | South Park | Spec Ops 2: US Army Green Berets | Spellbinder: The Nexus Conflict | SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle | System Shock 2 | Thief Gold | Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil | Unreal Add-on CD "Unreal World" | Unreal MissionPack: Return To Na Pali | Unreal Tournament | Unreal: Fusion Map Pack | War in Heaven, The | Wheel Of Time, The | WW 2 GI | Z.A.R. MissionPack

>> No.7041446

The year it all and wrong.

>> No.7041450

English please

>> No.7041452

*Went wrong

Also, where's Goldeneye the greatest FPS ever made? And Doom 64? This looks like a pc cuck list.

>> No.7041458 [DELETED] 

shit taste

>> No.7041460

Console faggot games are not included unless they also had PC versions like Turdcock

>> No.7041461

Alright, server restarted with Ancient Aliens and Samsara. Hopefully AA is easier to manage solo while I wait for people to join. I'll probably leave this setup running overnight for anyone who wants to play. Server info, as always, is earlier in the thread.

>> No.7041462 [DELETED] 

the best year

>> No.7041467

Get fucked retarded nonce
This is the best year:

>> No.7041471 [DELETED] 

only Duke 3D and Quake are good.

>> No.7041476

Ignore it, alf and his butt buddies are desperate, just report them for derailing.

>> No.7041479
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I've been lazy so I'm gonna pull an all-nighter for this one.

>> No.7041481

>Ignore it, alf and his butt buddies are desperate, just report them for derailing
Telling people to mass report is against the rules and I have seen your posts telling people to do this get deleted before, are you ban evading?

>> No.7041492
File: 13 KB, 558x534, 1588345983527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7041495

It isn't against the rules when the niggerfag had on everyone's patience to the point of having threads about him and his friends from resetera creating bait threads here on /vr/ and /v/

i still say that a classic zd weekend with UAC invasion and Scythe would be great

>> No.7041497

Also i am not ban evading, the only few times when i get banned is when /co/mblr mods seethes over a storytime thread and everyone gets the axe, or /a/ iron fist.

>> No.7041501

How in the fuck is posting info about Hacx shilling for Alf? I don't even know who that is. This spamming about your friend is getting cringe.

>> No.7041502

TL;DR that youtube link you posted is from the same autist that shits up these threads.

>> No.7041504

You are the only perosn I see constantly speeding and derailing threads by autistically accusing everyone of being him

>> No.7041506

DWTerminator? He posts here? I just like that review. What did he do?

>> No.7041507

Like I said. TL;DR he's the autismo deluxe that's been samefagging and shitting up threads, usually obsessing over HL

>> No.7041508


>> No.7041512
File: 785 KB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he gon fuck 'em up

>> No.7041514

So DWTerminator = Alf. And how do you know its him? Where is he called Alf?

>> No.7041517 [DELETED] 

rent free

>> No.7041521

Whoa. Neat.

>> No.7041526

We call him Alf for his half life obsession, some other brilliant autist figured all this out and posted a massive chart of his stupid bullshit, I don't have it saved but I'm sure someone else can post it.

>> No.7041527

>"Hey guys so I have a question abo--"
>"Oh, look! It's (whoever did something similar before). IGNORE GUYS!"
>"What do you guys think about this wa--"
>"Oh, look! It's (some autismo nobody cares). IGNORE GUYS!"
>"Hey guys so I made thi--"
>"Oh, look! It's (a literal who). IGN--"
Gee... I honestly can't tell if you guys are traumatized/insecure about something or need to grow a spine.

>> No.7041530
File: 15 KB, 175x224, hank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop responding you twat

>> No.7041532

Maybe I'll run the Scythe wads tomorrow. I got to map03 of AA but I'm falling asleep here after two deaths in different places. Play if you all like and I'll be back in the morning. I may not be able to give candy to trick or treaters tomorrow but I still have Doom and plenty of candy for myself. Fuck this pandemic.

>> No.7041534
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>> No.7041535
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, quakespasm 2019-10-16 13-52-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because its obvious to notice when he is evading and shitposting, he is so retarded that he delivers himself at the slightest weakest bait.
and when i and other people starts to ignore him by posting what he hates and discussing games as this thread should be, his hemorrhoid bursts and he and his fag friends disappears for a while.

Just look at the tons of shitpost and anti quake 1/2/3/4, HL and even other fps related games he does here ever since the threshold was increased, which >>7041507 >>7041502 >>7041526 points it out
He doesn't even play the games, he picks recordings from other people and calls it a "review" even Dwars the furry fuck does a better job than him.

also i remember that someone posted here his meltdown over HL

>> No.7041539

He does this in literally any thread that expresses opinions he thinks only this Alf guy has, he was cross replying to different threads earlier in this one, he's a fucking schizo

>> No.7041543

Stop responding to the guy talking about Determinate/Alf? He brought it up.

>> No.7041549

you can really tell when his discord friends rush to his side to defend him lmao

>> No.7041556

Its literally just me right now and I have no fucking idea who this guy is besides also being a YouTube reviewer I guess also? You accuse people of being him you could at least give a run down of who he is and why

>> No.7041557

Alright, but who the fucking cares? Why are you even bringing this up in the first place. If (whoever that guyis) is really retarded... then just ignore his retarded ass. You are giving an impression that you either have some issues to be dealt with or (whoever you are talking about) isn't as retarded as it seems.
It seems like you got told and just want to scream "BAHH RETARDEDDDD" at every post that makes you remember him as a way to feel better about yourself.
Grow a fucking spine ffs.

>> No.7041559
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>> No.7041563

I posted aboit Hacx and got called a shill for some guy I have never heard of beyond that YouTube video and I'm bringing it up? You faggots are the ones doing this any time someone says something critical of Half Life or whatever else you think only this person does, you are literally the ones bringing it up every time.

>> No.7041569


>> No.7041573
File: 651 KB, 1366x728, 1586005818717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started making this map, but after finishing my first room, I got mapper's block.

>> No.7041574

go on, tell me its not one autist doing 90 percent of the posts. you won't because it very obviously is.

>> No.7041576 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 1325x366, 1604108322757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no a counterargument

>> No.7041579

any mods to give ghostrunner movement to a game like Quake?

>> No.7041604

at least i can defend myself with the "alf won is god" shitpost at the beginning because i pretty much gave up back then when none of the mods came here to deal with that fag and his butt buddies over 3 days of incessant rampage all over this board.
also the nigger was possibly banned in 2019 and he returned recently, because his shitposts dates back 2017 and its the same retarded spam argument.

it is enough that /v/ has to deal with the same retarded psycopaths like Michael, Barry XVKun, Sonicfox and others, but here is another story that it should had been cut from its roots earlier on.

None of it as far as i know

>> No.7041618

This general is the /vr/ equivalent of the Dragon Ball Super threads in /a/.

>> No.7041624

The absolute SIZE of that shotgun.

>> No.7041627 [DELETED] 

Quake 2, Half Life and Turok suck.
Literally no good fps after those games.

>> No.7041629

just took a look, at least the autists get their posts deleted there.

>> No.7041632

They're not even remotely comparable, one was always trash for a trash subject and the other is currently being subverted by a rampant shitposter under a moderation team that might as well not exist.

>> No.7041648

So is Rednukem just eduke32 but with more game compatibility? I tried dicking around for a few levels of Duke 3D in it and I don't see any differences between it and eduke.

>> No.7041662

Who would win, Gohan Blanco or El Doom Slayer with a Berserk Pack?

>> No.7041678

So, I'm kinda of a noob in doom and I'm playing really slow through 2048, my question is, are the secrets really that convoluted or I'm just really retarded? The one in "30 days in the cooler" I just dicked around the map for half a hour trying to open the door to the supercharge + used the automap cheat to find where I'm supposed to go and still didn't find it.
unless the map is broken in gzdoom I have no idea how this shit works.

>> No.7041681

I wish alf would be struck by a meteor already so this general can be remotely decent again

>> No.7041686

you might have found a bug, but some of them are pretty obnoxious too.

>> No.7041689

Hey, decorate scrub here. Just how interesting (yeah, I went there.) is a monster that starts as a standard monster, dies, resurrects and triggers a pseudo scavenge hunting event where the player needs to kill three pillars in order to "truly" kill it? Be honest. Because I came up with this idea a couple hours ago and I`d seriously cry IRL if I show this to a "typical guncastertard" and get laughed at.

>> No.7041692

to find and kill three pillars spread around the map*
Sorry, I`m sleepy af right now.

>> No.7041694

Might be a pain in the ass if the pillars get placed somewhere behind locked doors or in secrets.

>> No.7041697

This: >>7041694
and if it happened more than once I would definitely be annoyed. That's a one and doner gimmick.

>> No.7041701

would be good if it was super rare like the legendaries in complex or the black enemies in that color mod.

>> No.7041707

Give me a shout-out if you find all the secrets in map13.

>> No.7041710

Got it, thanks. I`ll keep that in mind.

>> No.7041713
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you offering?

>> No.7041715
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>> No.7041716

>The average Dark Souls II player

>> No.7041720
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i was looking at rogue/ground zero yesterday while testing the carrier upscale texture which has barrel texture mishmash issues, when i noticed something that i think no one ever noticed it.
The Iron Maidens at the Carrier boss map seems to have cut custom textures that aren't in the game files, they do not only reuse the Xatrix beta bitch skin, but also a new version of the maiden(bitch2) seems to be had been planned too

Also, i've got to see this after i turned on the download files from client on yamagi, i kinda wish it was possible to contact someone from the late rogue entertainment about this one, or if the skin textures still exists.
also if they have other leftovers from Q1DoE development too

>> No.7041723

There's a pillar that you lower early in the level with another switch on the back of it. You can still trigger the linedef once it's lowered, like in Doom II's MAP01.

>> No.7041725

Also is there a program that converts images into 8bit pcx files using Q1 and Q2's Colormap pallete?
i tried with gimp but it isnt working, and photoshop 2019 hates imgur act files

>> No.7041740 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 1604115520633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7041756

oh, ffs, I also play with nashgore so I might have completely missed it since the beginning of the map is a clusterfuck.
I did, kinda by accindent tho, also what happened, wasn't barge the first map on earlier versions?

>> No.7041763

that's exactly why aids is such a problem around them lmao.
>have sex incel!!!

>> No.7041764

there's also Chocolate Hexen and Crispy Hexen, don't need to compile them

>> No.7041774

>Crispy Hexen
Post how to get a crispy-hexen-setup.exe then, because I have no clue how to set up my keyboard config and I cannot find a binary for crispy hexen at all.
Waah spoonfeed me

>> No.7041785

You'd have to compile it from their sources.

>> No.7041793
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to draw doom monsters but you people keep hiding the secrets

>> No.7041795

Why was he so concerned about jeans? Just got some levis and be done with it...

>> No.7041796
File: 24 KB, 624x381, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lossless Scaling
Seems like it would've worked, but sadly not compatible with Win7 which I stubbornly cling to. Thank you for the suggestion though anon
I think I'll just play Quake at high res and avoid the hassle altogether, even if I think it loses some of the atmosphere

>> No.7041804

Thats one fine-ass sector toilet

>> No.7041823
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, russian-hexen-wide 2020-10-30 21-24-02-765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something called Russian-Hexen-Heretic, which is a Russian compiling of Crispy Hexen/Heretic. Just uploaded it to mediafire.
Use the launcher to change the aspect ratio and to launch english versions. Use the setup.exe as you would with Crispy Doom to set full screen, graphics, controls, etc. You must supply your own Heretic and/or Hexen wads.

>> No.7041828


>> No.7041843

bought blood fresh supply recently. its really good. love the atmosphere.

>> No.7041846
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, jumpjam_here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Win7 which I stubbornly cling to
like you were told in the last thread, you should be able to turn the widescreen stretching off in the driver options (nvidia control panel or the amd thing).

you'll still be left with either a tiny frame or the whole screen blurred by upscaling. two ways to avoid that.
one is using "r_scale 4" in Quakespasm at a higher resolution. you'll probably want mipmaps off for this to look right ("gl_texturemode 1").
second option is using MarkV engine instead of Quakespasm. in software mode, it has "stretch" option that does the "lossless" scaling internally.

>> No.7041848

>I live...again...

>> No.7041858
File: 2.79 MB, 1920x1080, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random mostly useless grass-hopper themed speed powerup off to the side in this fight.

>> No.7041870
File: 13 KB, 219x241, 1564240245476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a toaster with integrated graphics right now so I can't use any GPU trickery, but r_scale 4 (or 3 because this shitter has a 720p monitor) works great, thank you. I'm fine with widescreen as long as I have the vanilla look. I'll beat the niggur extra hard for you.
Should I play on Hard or Nightmare? I played Quake on its medium skill a long time ago and I'm ready for the real thing but I see debate on what the "real" difficulty is

>> No.7041875

Hard makes ogres more dangerous, Nightmare makes grunts, enforcers, scrags, zombies, fiends, and other enemies more dangerous. Up to you.

>> No.7041882
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, retrojam6_mukor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard/nightmare have the same enemy spawns. enemies are more aggressive on NM and less easily stunned, but on Hard there's a bit more variety in behavior.
if the manual is to be believed, the game is designed around Hard.
but really, do whatever. you can switch over to nightmare before jumping to the next level with "skill 3".

>> No.7041885

And if you're feeling randy, there's a mod called Copper for Quake that makes Nightmare a little more interesting by halving your health, and giving ogres Z-targeting i.e. they can aim down at you from above instead of aim where you are above your head.

>> No.7041893
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, ive got my eye on you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool grayscale chess level

>> No.7041903

Why are you posting Alice screenshots in the FPS thread?

>> No.7041917

probably the american mcgee connection

>> No.7041920

Always meant to play these games, started with madness returns and was so unsettled after leaving the city and encountering the cook dude I never touched them again.

>> No.7041924

does anyone have this problem with the gl renderer in nblood where it just freezes intermittently?

>> No.7041928


>I’m sure this is clear already, but the original November 1st release has been pushed back. As is always the case with these kinds of projects, the more you work on it, the more clear the scope and size becomes. The original estimate was based on the development velocity at the time of writing, which of course cannot be consistently maintained for various reasons.

>That said, the project is still in progress. But there will be no release in November.


Good thing I never had much faith in lucius

>> No.7041931
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, like zoinks scoob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's.. cool

>> No.7042000

anyone got a link to the latest 2048guns (dehacked)

>> No.7042082

maybe check the doomworld thread?

2048 should be up on idgames soon, apparently the archive maintainers have approved it...

personally i'm using an older version

>> No.7042168


>> No.7042172 [DELETED] 
File: 1.92 MB, 640x360, aggydaggy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/ thinks about id:heaven?

>> No.7042180

Not retro, keep that shit outta here.

>> No.7042183 [DELETED] 

Fun fact: id:heaven stands for sage on the boards with ids on Russian imageboa...
Дa eб твoю мaть.

Boomer shooters are retro, dilate.

>> No.7042192
File: 14 KB, 300x269, 1547012309374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted the newfag.

>> No.7042193

Not indie trash from agdg, especially the incoherent garbage that particular mental defective is making. Fuck off to /vg/

>> No.7042216
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042224
File: 580 KB, 1303x608, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing some Texture sperimentation, today i've tried to use a door texture as a support, i've discovered also that one of the doom 1 esclusive textures (a 64 by 128) and SPCDOOR4 really fit as support textures.

>> No.7042242

>CRT filter
What did you use, Reshade?

>> No.7042251
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, 2020-10-31 08-35-14.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...you guys wait a week to post your own mods/maps/etc? Uh... here's the "die, resurrect, event trigger" monster I was talking about.

>> No.7042256
File: 219 KB, 648x818, 1566864521293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042262

Hm? Uh... okay, have fun. :^)

>> No.7042294

We don't wait a week, it's just screenshot saturday is a good time for people to come together to show our work.
I often just post whenever I want to.

>> No.7042356

This doesn't have any relation to a retro series nor came out prior to 2007 you fucking mong.

>> No.7042358
File: 1006 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20201031_090635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is mainly meant for modders, but this week I learned how to host a Doom server. It works well and I'm almost perfectly happy. Co-op monsters on some wads make it difficult to play by myself until someone shows up though. For example, this motherfucker right here in AA MAP05. There's no archvile after the blue key grab in SP. There's also only one cyberdemon in SP instead of two.

>> No.7042359

Are you hosting on a dedicated server or on your personal computer ?

>> No.7042364

I'm using Sentinel's Playground, so the former. What I'm doing now is idling in spectator mode in the server. Drop a message here if you want to play. I'll switch it to Scythe later since there was a request for it and I love those WADs.

The info for the server is here so I don't clutter the thread by repeating it.

>> No.7042365

What a coincidence, I'm currently playing through Cult of Despair.

>> No.7042375

Actually, it is based on a setting that was memed up on Russian imageboard that shares a name with another Russian imageboard that, in fact, existed prior to 2007. Therefore it's clearly retro.

>> No.7042379

Aaaaand I just learned that the /map command kicks other players. Sorry about that. Also MAP06's floor won't lower without someone else present. AA is having too many problems. I'm switching to Scythe 1. Scythe 2 later perhaps.

>> No.7042393

Can't map changing without kicking out people be done with the mapvote command? If I remember right everyone on the server can use the command so you wouldn't have to change the map yourself.

>> No.7042402
File: 74 KB, 640x720, ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never beat hexen to this day
Fuck, I should probably try again, I remember getting stuck a little ways in and not coming back

>> No.7042425

Instead of using MAP, use CHANGEMAP, which acts as if the level ended and you moved to whatever map you specif. Using MAP commands will change the map but everyone will have to rejoin with a pistol start so it's often not what is desired. I usually use CALLVOTE CHANGEMAP MAP20 or something like that if the map is stuck on a non coop friendly trap or something.

>> No.7042429

It's both.

>> No.7042432

>Still awaiting HeXen 3 to this day...
It's been around 15 years since I made this fanpage:

>> No.7042447
File: 51 KB, 768x240, h3logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was happening.

>> No.7042448

Any good James Bond wads?

>> No.7042472

He said it in the TechCentral podcast interview and I think he may also say it in the IGN Doom let play he did.

>> No.7042474

2. Sorry m8, I can't see SHIT.

That said, could be cool. How do you spawn the pillars and do you have a check that doesn't make them spawn somewhere inaccessible?

>> No.7042480

Cool as fuck, I pillage resources from it all the time. Oh, as a game? It's ok I guess.

>> No.7042490

Got it. I played Scythe up to MAP17. I don't think it adds monsters in co-op. It was too easy for that. Server's up if anyone wants it. I'll post here when I'm ready to jump back in.

>> No.7042498

>How do you spawn the pillars
Die, do (cool thing), spawn three pillars after that.
>do you have a check that doesn't make them spawn somewhere inaccessible?
The pillars don't have any fancy flags or something derpy like +NOCLIP... so I don't see a reason to add such checks.

>> No.7042509

No, I meant, what do you use to spawn the pillars? Just Spawn() at random coordinates or what? As for you second point, right here on MAP01, what if a pillar spawns in the yard at the start behind the fence? You can't reach that without noclip; or if it spawns on the wall in the big yard? I mean, yeah, you can shoot them, but what if they spawn somewhere where you can't shoot them?
And did you consider the fact that depending on how your spawn function looks like, the pillar won't spawn in an occupied space? Or does it just telefrag? Not trying to talk smack, just wondering.

>> No.7042518

>what do you use to spawn the pillars
Again, there's nothing fancy with the code -- it's just plain and simple decorate "scrubbery"; A_spawnitemex, make the pillars "run" with PIL AAAAAAAA, etcetc.
> what if they spawn somewhere where you can't shoot them?
The pillars are treated as (common) monsters -- so I'm 100% sure it won't spawn inside walls, objects and whatnot.

>> No.7042545
File: 1.80 MB, 720x1146, Capture+_2020-10-31-10-02-04(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the site of Rich "Nostromo" Johnston, a playtester on the original HacX and he also made Map 12 and tweaked a few others. He is caretaker of all the original files and he and a few others still work on it sometimes, with their goal being a HacX 2.0

That website is amazing relic of Web 1.0 design that he still updates as recently as yesterday. Theres a sweet little memorial to all his cats over the years at the top as well.

>> No.7042551

What zdoom wads use realm667 or monster resource wad monsters? I've played ultimate torment and torture, stronghold, eternal doom 4, zen dynamics, unloved, demon eclipse, ultimate simplicity, thunderpeak, knee deep in zdoom and those zdoom community projects. Is there more?

>> No.7042552

Strange Aeons

>> No.7042559

I want to play Eviternity and from gameplay videos I've seen it start with a chapter select screen. I'm not getting a chapter select, just difficulty selection. Is there an option I have to tick for this? Tried PrBoom+ and Woof.

>> No.7042562

It only shows up in GZDoom because of MapInfo support.

>> No.7042564

Ah, makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.7042565

Arino playing SNES Doom when? After his trip to Russia, I feel like I honestly can expect anything from him now.

>> No.7042567

Only that Goldeneye TC.
RIP ;_;

>> No.7042569

Ahhhhh now I understand - I thought they were stationary somewhere placed in the level.
But with A_SpawnItemEx, there's definitely a spawn spot check, but there's flags for that.

>> No.7042572

What a cute little corner of 90s web design.

>> No.7042574

GZdoom 4.5 has been released
NOTE: IT COMES ONLY IN 64 BIT (Mac and Linux should come out soon also.)

>> No.7042578

if you want more, look at the official homepage of My Summer Car. It's like entering a time machine.

>> No.7042583

>FLOAT flag
>wiki says it makes the monster change height at hill
>but it actually does not
>it doesnt do jack if the monster is inside a hole/low elevated spot
im confused

>> No.7042586
File: 1.25 MB, 1232x736, skin2_4x_Fatality_01_265000_G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going slowly because im lazy and having to check it all time is boring
also the manual and beta screenshot doesn't help that much in remaking the original skin shading again so the AI does it and i need to do a few edits.

Yes, look for the analogic pack.


>> No.7042635

So the shitposter is a youtuber?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.7042648

I'm back on the server if anyone wants to play some Scythe. Now that I know how to change maps without booting people, it should be a smoother experience.

Cool. I have a strong machine for modern games, so bleeding edge GZDoom is awesome for me. On the other hand, I do pity people that don't have good enough hardware for it, since a lot of gameplay mods require recent, demanding versions of it.

>> No.7042676

callvote changemap my dude

>> No.7042681

Doesn't Eternity have that too?

>> No.7042689

Maybe? I'm not sure. I just main Crispy, prBoom+, LZDoom.

>> No.7042693

so i just tried the project brutality mod pretty good but why the fuck doe it bring back doors shutting on you killing you? even the build engine guys saw that as a bad bug

>> No.7042697
File: 328 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20201031_041330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't made any new sprites or posted in a year or so, so I started my little blake stone paletted wad yesterday.

>> No.7042703

Gun needs some work, but I like the wall textures.

>> No.7042712

GZPT is actually too fucking spooky for me

>> No.7042715
File: 79 KB, 272x292, silky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea gun was a 2 second slapjob placeholder. I'm mostly fussing with the hud and enemies first.

>> No.7042716

not him but Those textures are from blakestone anon.

>> No.7042719

fuck you you are not allowed to be scared go fucking die

>> No.7042720

you now have my attention. What is this you are working on ?

>> No.7042725 [DELETED] 

Lmao hl lives in your head rent free

>> No.7042727
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>> No.7042735
File: 4 KB, 272x292, silkymug4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like Blake Stone but in a better engine, kinda like Return of the Triad did for rott. New weapons and monsters based on cheesy movies and games.

>> No.7042754 [DELETED] 

Why isn't this thread deleted?

>> No.7042762

How does the doom community treats codes that have been "stolen" from other mods? Because I'm seriously considering downloading other mods and use their codes as "inspiration" for my mod. Not just "copy and paste".

>> No.7042771
File: 70 KB, 777x523, Elo0cWJVcAQr_G-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombie and cultist voxel models are out

>> No.7042772

This time it isn't my fault. The server crashed and TSPG is showing I have zero servers up, so it's probably an error on their end. I'm going to give it a rest. We'll return with Scythe 2 later today. What's the exact name of the wad that allows a co-op exit timer? I can't find it easily on TSPG and looking at other survival servers in Doomseeker isn't turning up any WAD names that make sense.

>> No.7042778

I think bones like your girl.
Ask the authors and give credits I guess ? If you ever publish something I mean.

>> No.7042780

The other day I said Quake 2 was shit and now having finished it I take it back. Its ok.

>> No.7042784
File: 11 KB, 258x292, bones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7042793
File: 43 KB, 272x292, silky_boing2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7042796

hey I'm the anon who asked if the server was dedicated. I have a VPS I could use to host a 24/7 doom server. But I have no idea if there's documentation for that. Like Zandronum on a debian server I connect to through ssh. Any idea ?

>> No.7042807

I'm not a hosting expert either, anon. TSPG was recommended by the thread and I used it. That's the limit of my knowledge. Your idea sounds cool but I don't know enough to help you. What I do know is that someone needs to commit to playing on the server every now and again to get the ball rolling for the thread. It can work, but alongside the technical hurdles I can't help you with, there's a time commitment after that to build a community to play.

>> No.7042812 [DELETED] 

Here's some uncomfortable truths about Half-Life:
>roughly half of the levels are poorly designed filler
>almost every weapon handles poorly and is unsatisfying
>the two somewhat satisfying weapons (crossbow/magnum) don't have nearly enough ammo to be regularly used
>bullet sponge hitscanners aren't fun to fight
>damage feedback is extremely poor for a game from 1998

Opposing Force fixed a lot of those issues, and is overall a much better experience. I'd even go so far as to say Blue Shift is much better than the vanilla campaign, because at least it isn't padded to the moon with garbage filler segments.

>> No.7042817

Yeah I hear you. I'll still look into it and post update here if I manage to get something running.

>> No.7042818

Okay, cool. Now... why are you talking about half-life in a non-halflife related thread?

>> No.7042819 [DELETED] 

prove me wrong

>> No.7042823

Why waste time replying to the troll ?

>> No.7042824 [DELETED] 

how's that post trolling valve drone?

>> No.7042825

Very nice jiggle.

>> No.7042826
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>> No.7042827


>> No.7042835
File: 104 KB, 560x200, RShwbPq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also has completely new widescreen assets, made from scratch and animated

>> No.7042839 [DELETED] 

HL niggers are so pathetic.
They can't defend their game.

>> No.7042853
File: 962 KB, 171x172, 1578548337707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hell has green grassy cliffs

>> No.7042859

>muh dikdik

>> No.7042875

The fire on the right looks kind goofy and out of place, it doesn't match the scale or style of the rest of the image.

>> No.7042882

have you even bee able to buy a new 32 bit CPU in the last 10 or so years? its about time people stopped making 32 bit applications

>> No.7042883

Nash had to make them himself so that they wouldn't be using Stuff from the unity port.

>> No.7042886

That's in the original graphic, they just extended it. I'd straight up have replaced the big roaring fire on the right with some little caves and paths in a dark distance though.

>> No.7042892

...aaaaand now I want to add lewds to my mod.

>> No.7042895

I remember one guy was seriously mad at the increasing lack of software supporting 32-bit systems, as if they aren't now relegated to a bunch of niche applications for industrial machines and Internet Of Things dogshit.

>> No.7042898

I encourage you to do so.

>> No.7042901
File: 472 KB, 1520x1868, 1589918571029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked back through the archives... It seems to just be assumed its this DWTerminator guy from YouTube. I found this but I still don't see confirmation its him. This must be spillover from some other forum or something, maybe Doomworld or Discord?

>> No.7042909

it looks alright just a little "huh".
>I'd straight up have replaced the big roaring fire on the right with some little caves and paths in a dark distance though.
That would have been better

>> No.7042924

It's dubious, Arsjac is probably not him, which suggests he's probably not any of the others either.

>> No.7042925 [DELETED] 

Even /v/ agrees HL1 is great.
Seems like you boomers can't let it go.

>> No.7042928
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, if only pinkies had a pelvic thrust animation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7042929 [DELETED] 

Kys hl nigger

>> No.7042932

He's been shitposting even earlier from 2018, and with the same repeated baits.

could someone put this and the unity one side by side

>> No.7042936

so not only is he an annoying asshole he also sucks at half life
got it

>> No.7042937 [DELETED] 

take your meds

>> No.7042940

Why would a guy who likes hl1 shit on it that much? Seems like a weird attempt to plug a channel or deflect from whoever. Boogeyman hunting is always a pathetic exercise.

>> No.7042947 [DELETED] 

cope hl1 is good.
Your bait thread failed.

>> No.7042969
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, something something otherwordly blowjob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043029 [DELETED] 

How does it feel people will still love hl1 and its mods, doomcucks?

>> No.7043036

Fuck off and die, samebitch schizo

>> No.7043038

Damn, I wish, he actually found a Doom cart when he went to America or France IIRC but the thing didn't work.

>> No.7043039
File: 41 KB, 690x879, memenumbersandopenvoodoodollsectors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy this hot shit that I made over the past couple days as an excuse to get back into mapping for the first time in four years


PrBoom+ -complevel 9, MAP31, jumping/crouch disabled in MAPINFO, seems to be not broken in GZDoom but I didn't care to play to completion to confirm

>> No.7043043 [DELETED] 

long live half life.
You will see more threads and hl discussion in the future, doombaby.

>> No.7043049

you do know many people like both games right?

>> No.7043054 [DELETED] 

no, /vr/ believes it ruined fps and gaming.

>> No.7043057

ok but not everyone is /vr/ idiot

>> No.7043061 [DELETED] 

the majority of posters are.

>> No.7043065

if anything ruined FPs its HL2 but its more liekly to be halo that proved in a very light way that FPS can work on consoles but only if you water then down heavily and make them shit

>> No.7043067

Why are you mongoloids even caring about what an off-topic schizo is posting here? Just ignore him. It's not that hard.

>> No.7043109

>weird wavy knife
>also a rocket taking off into space

>> No.7043110 [DELETED] 

Why do HL and its mods make you seethe?

>> No.7043116

When was the connection made that it was this YouTuber DWTerminator? Does he make anti-HL videos or something?

>> No.7043120
File: 73 KB, 919x737, alflife2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7043126 [DELETED] 

except doom and quake cucks hate HL1

>> No.7043139

That flame is fucking awful

>> No.7043142

Yeah. Thank fuck I won't see it on my 16:10 screen

>> No.7043167
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, 2020-10-31 15-42-34.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7043181
File: 1.23 MB, 1532x1243, Bilde_2020-10-31_194849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy halloween everyone. I'm celebrating at home alone as the party I was supposed to attend got cancel'd due to lockdowns. Feels a little sad, man, as it was supposed to be the first social gathering since February.

I wish I could start a new map again but I have so much for work coming the next weeks...

>> No.7043197 [DELETED] 

Reminder that real boomers liked HL1.

>> No.7043276
File: 1.89 MB, 400x400, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Okay, time to make a new sprite! I will just inherit with this, that, aaand..."
>Game: "Nope."
>"Okay, maybe if I change some properties...?"
>Game: "Nope."
>"Geez, what about the hei--"
>Game: "Nope"
>Game: "lolno"

>> No.7043282
File: 17 KB, 300x240, 1597913032279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Hexen 2 compare to the first one? I really, really wanted to like it, but I found the lack of combat compared to the amount of backtracking to really weigh down the experience.

>> No.7043290

I once borrowed my friends hexen 2 cd but never returned it.

>> No.7043292

>muh unskippable cutscenes at the beggining
Holy shit anti hl1 fags are retarded low iq kiddies.
Just use the console commands retards.

>> No.7043293

Forgot a semicolon?

>> No.7043296
File: 118 KB, 560x440, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043307

Nope. But I think it's something related to the sprite size that is different than the previous... can't really tell what is going on. The code is exactly the same (I even tried copying its previous actor and just switching sprite names and not modifying it at all) but for some reason it does not get the same desired effect.
It has been like, what...? 2 hours that I'm trying to figure out what is going on? Well... my head hurts like fuck because of it, that's all I'm saiyan'.

>> No.7043319

...aaaand what the heck, fine. Here's the code for both actors.
And what I want here is to be able to shoot the pillar, make the medkit fall down and then allowing the player to get it. I already have the last part covered. It's just the "get the medkit out of the pillar" is what is fucking me up right now.

>> No.7043332

Is Alf the Turdcock poster too?

>> No.7043335

While top right and bottom left look better in GZ, Unity version's blood lake is better than silly fire

>> No.7043339

It's the most autistic shit I have seen in these threads, and they most likely have the same person behind.

>> No.7043349

gog just pushed out an update to Strife Veteran Edition and this got me wondering: what's the best way to play this game?
chocolate strife?

>> No.7043352

...and where are you inheriting? And do you want to shoot the medikit away? Because you can also specify an item for a monster to drop on death, like a shotgun or chaingung or something else. Would be easier than defining some spawning shit imo.
And instead of directly going to the "waitingtogethit" state you can also use "wait" instead of "loop", so it will only loop the last defined state. BUt you don't have a super complex monster anyway and only sprite overall, so why use the #### at all and not just define the regular sprite name?

Haven't looked deeper into the code, maybe I missed stuff.

>> No.7043353

Probably a dumb question, but would you say that it's mostly by coincidence that most FPS games back in the 90s were almost all fast paced, or were devs trying to "copy" Doom in that respect by making their games like that? Cus while the movement in games like Duke 3d, Blood and Quake is fun as hell, I dunno if movement was one of the main focuses of development, if that makes sense.

>> No.7043357

It was lack of understanding of normalisation of movement inputs.

>> No.7043372

Pretty cool.
Maybe I'm just stupid but seems like I can't get past the point when the bathroom door opens.

>> No.7043378
File: 246 KB, 144x205, 1533909755746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fairly similar in game design. The puzzles are more on the item recipe side than the switch hunt side. The combat is more difficult. Like Quake there's fewer enemies but theyre a lot tougher.

>> No.7043379
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1440, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is guys, the 500ML /vr/ Halloween Beta! The maps are balanced for all difficulties and have been designed around single player, bloodbath and co-op.

Everything is playable in Fresh Supply, but the compatibility is kinda shitty, so use Build GDX or NBlood. Suggestions and feedback are very much appreciated.


>> No.7043385

>and where are you inheriting?
That's when I gave up and tried something else. This code is the most recent.
>do you want to shoot the medikit away?
That's what I tried to do on the first actor -- to make it shoot a projectile instead of just dropping an item. But for some reason it didn't worked so I was """forced""" to do a simpler approach.
>And instead of directly going to the "waitingtogethit" state you can also use "wait" instead of "loop", so it will only loop the last defined state. BUt you don't have a super complex monster anyway and only sprite overall, so why use the #### at all and not just define the regular sprite name?
Thanks for the tips -- I'm gonna check the zdoom wiki on how am I suppose to use "wait" properly.
> Because you can also specify an item for a monster to drop on death, like a shotgun or chaingung or something else. Would be easier than defining some spawning shit imo.
Yeah, I know. I'm just trying to come up with something new. I might be a "decorate scrub", but I'm willing to get it done.
Here is what the "flyingmedikit" does, btw: https://pastebin.com/zRDkdWVz

>> No.7043397

Okay, so what exactly are you trying to do? Having several types of pillars that all do the same or what?
For inheritance you want to use something like

Actor Thing2 : Thing1

That's inheritance. Then you only change the parts of the code that need to be changed.

Also, holy shit a medikit with 50 radius and 69 height, that's what, a Mancubus?

oh and btw, for shooting projectiles towards the player you have to make the pillar have something like a_facetarget and have it set the player as target unless you want to do lots of math.

>> No.7043401
File: 558 KB, 640x480, HLuuxPi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043407
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x768, notpeachtrees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started building a megablock.
Currently agonizing over an elevator system with floor choice.

>> No.7043414

>Okay, so what exactly are you trying to do?
A pillar with a medikit on top of it -- which when shot, drops the medikit. And those pillars are meant to be simply alternative spawns for the medikit.
And what I had in mind was just a medikit "realistically" dropping off the pillar -- and not a "toss on the player's face" kind of drop.

>> No.7043427

But in your code the medikit just simply drops, doesn't it? The Dropitem actor property does exactly the same, with less code.
If you want to use spawnitemex, at least give it some kind of z velocity and a small random x/y velocity or something from the appropriate z offset so it actually pops out.

>> No.7043452

...and now using wait is making my game freeze. Ah, fuck.
>But in your code the medikit just simply drops, doesn't it?
Like I said previously... that wasn't my main intention at first. So yes it does simply drop "now".
And I'll try fiddling with dropitem and spawnitemex a bit more, I guess.

>> No.7043479

do you mean the part after it re-opens or are you stuck IN the bathroom?

>> No.7043486

Are people on Doomworld aware of the threads here? Do very many people from there lurk these threads? Here you at least have the benefit of anonymity: Somone tell that faggot Nash to change that shitty animated flame in the right corner holy fuck

>> No.7043491

If you use dropitem, you don't need spawnitemex, otherwise you'll get two drops at once. And since your pillars are monsters, you can make them face the target and then shoot the medikit in their direction, if you like.

Try this for example:

ACTOR Justalousymedikitgus {
MEDI A 0 A_JumpIf(countinv("oofimhitphamgus") == 1, "Death")
TNT1 A 0
MEDI A 0 A_SpawnitemEx("Medikit",0,0,56,random(0,5),random(0,5),random(3,7),0,SXF_NOCHECKPOSITION|SXF_TRANSFERSPECIAL|SXF_TRANSFERAMBUSHFLAG)

>> No.7043492 [DELETED] 

Mods are pathetic they delet post or threads liking or praising hl1 but keep the ones shitting on it.

>> No.7043494

only good thread on /vr/

>> No.7043496

The server is back up for anyone who wants to play Scythe 2 with Samsara. I think I got the weapons to stay and I know co-op exiting is on there now. Unless something else comes up, I don't expect to take the server down again for a while. Maybe I'll run it until the American election Tuesday since I'm going to be up late that night watching the returns.

>> No.7043508

No I mean when the bathroom door opens for the first time and you can hear the baby crying inside. Nothing seems to happen and all the doors stay locked.

>> No.7043510

Your retarded posts got deleted because you're autistically spamming and cross replying to threads like it's /v/ while screaming people are YouTube game reviewers or Alf

>> No.7043515

how many buttons are on your mouse, anon.

>> No.7043519
File: 676 KB, 435x250, horse[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbd378w.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard here, i wanna make a shitty midi for my map. I'm using FL studio, does anyone know how to add a MIDI-out Drum? The ones listed are melodic drums. I'm looking that default MIDI-drum that Doom uses.

>> No.7043521

about 3

>> No.7043526

Your anti hl1 thread sucks.
You literally cried when people said it was better than Quake in that /v/ thread.

>> No.7043534

Fucking shit I had the secondary fire set to left trigger for some stupid reason.

>> No.7043539
File: 376 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20201031_165042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043540

Awesome. Keep dying in stupid ways in Tee Off but I'm loving the attention to detail. Can't figure out how to leave the part in the toilet that sends you to heaven.

>> No.7043546

Ah nvm I just figured it out.

>> No.7043571

don't look in the corner fellow alive people

>> No.7043578

Thanks man, glad to hear your enjoying it. By the way, you have to play golf to finish the level. Only golf masters are permitted to exit.

>> No.7043589

I enjoyed Half Life.

>> No.7043609
File: 50 KB, 560x200, TITLEPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come watch some Doom

>> No.7043621

I figured that much out. After having beaten the level I have to say I was very impressed. Difficulty on Lightly Broiled felt good with no unfair fights, you could always freely move around without resorting to corner peeking. Could do with some more shells overall. I really do think that you should make the exit from the part in my spoiler clearer, maybe changing it to a row of gradually higher pillars suspended in the void so that it's obvious you have to jump on them (the candelabra doesn't stand out enough to me and it kind of kills the pace of the level figuring it out). I liked the final ambush, I was stacked on tesla charge and going HAM with the akimbo tesla was very satisfying. Also felt like a rare good usage of a stone gargoyle, since the cultists force you to keep moving and not crouch. I'll play the other one later and give feedback.

>> No.7043634

Noted. I'll make the heaven section progression more obvious and sprinkle some more shells around the level. Thanks again for the play through / review!

>> No.7043638

same here

>> No.7043647

What's about the HL1 marines that filters people now?

>> No.7043665

Alf is fag, and hl is good, but better than quake? That's just insane.

>> No.7043667


>> No.7043697

Because Scythe 2 has co-op monsters, I'm switching the server back to Scythe 1. At the moment, I'm done playing but may jump in later. The server will remain up. One thing I want to open for consideration is the possibility of us doing a weekly session. Zandronum as a community used to have Saturday Night Survival and I used to frequent it. My first Doom MP game was there. Maybe we could do a Sunday event since we already have screenshot Saturday? That would mean one day for modders to show off their work and another day for people to get together and play.

>> No.7043698

>stretched hud

>> No.7043703
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, scr-e1m1[500ml.ini]-0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's review time fagits. Played on lightly broiled.

E1M1: Tee Off!
We're off to a strong start. Graphically, the map is excellent and detailed well. It perfectly nails the classic build engine shtick of levels being set in a real world location. The encounters were fluid and fun to play through as well. The golfing sections were kind of annoying and interrupted the otherwise fast paced combat, and the balls could sometimes get stuck in small spaces. Making them required for completing the map is also a negative imo. I think it would be better if you got a reward at the end of the map for completing all of them instead of making them required.

Small complaints: You can only open one of these double doors at a time, pic related. The midi didn't feel blood related at all but i'm not going to tell you what you can and cannot use for your map.

>> No.7043708

Server anon here, I could use a breather from Doom. Let me get Blood set up from the Mega. I keep meaning to pick up Fresh Supply on sale (like it is now) but I only buy games when I feel like playing them right away. That's why my backlog is only five games long right now.

>> No.7043709

That's what I mean, you are accusing me now just for posting the observation that you're insane and probably ban evading now as well.

>> No.7043712

take your meds

>> No.7043720

>no u
Sure, sure. Go back to shouting at clouds about DWTerminator

>> No.7043723

ok alf

>> No.7043731

>hate blood because the flare gun left a really bad impression on me
>realize that its meant to weaken enemies and that you should switch weapons to finish them off
damn i felt like an idiot

>> No.7043738

It's good at clearing groups of weaker enemies too with the secondary fire. It takes a lot of ammo but you never really use the gun so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.7043764
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, WHY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043778

Anon, that code was for the green pillar medkit....

>> No.7043781

Do you faggots really?

>> No.7043782
File: 443 KB, 840x854, 1557974635653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok alf

>> No.7043784
File: 1.28 MB, 2480x2500, 1574124398485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043786

Like I said... green pillar is fine -- only the red one is busted. So I just got your code and use it for the red one instead.

>> No.7043789

hurry up and bump your shitty thread it's dying.

>> No.7043793
File: 1.30 MB, 1432x1080, pillar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, did you paste the code into the skull pillar medkit? Because it's spaning a "projectile" instead of an "item" like the green one does.

>> No.7043795
File: 412 KB, 840x854, twiBWFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurry up and bump your shitty thread it's dying

>> No.7043797
File: 60 KB, 1200x675, CegXBCyWAAAajKq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043798

And I forgot to add, no idea where your problem with "wait" comes from, works on my machine.
What GZD version are you using and what compat settings?

>> No.7043803

You're not helping matters at all spamming this garbage, quit poking the mental defective and shitting the thread up, dumbass.

>> No.7043804

like clockwork

>> No.7043814
File: 2.79 MB, 956x720, abouttwothirdsintothemovie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7043816

Alright I played a level and a half. The second level's texture work was hurting my eyes and I died by falling, so I didn't feel like finishing it. Going back to the first level, I liked it. Is it possible to have an indicator so the player knows how many golf holes they have yet to complete? In terms of ammo, you could add more. I felt like I had enough at the end, but the first 2/3rds of the level was tight on Lightly Broiled.

>> No.7043818

Also also, as far as I can see, there is no differentce between those two medikits, so why have two different actors at all?

>> No.7043823

I placed your code right when the projectile "dies" and spawns the item after receiving the fake inventory.
> Because it's spaning a "projectile" instead of an "item" like the green one does.
Do you still have the green pillar code? Because if you do, try simply switching the sprite from COL1 to COL6 and see what happens. In the meantime, I'll go take a look at it. But I'm fairly sure that using the exact same code but for different sprites gives a different outcome for whatever retarded reason.
>no idea where your problem with "wait" comes from, works on my machine.
Neither do I, to be honest. But it seems that the engine freezes if you make a call/loop with zero ticks...?
>GZD version
It's the latest aaaand I'm running it on wine, Linux.

>> No.7043826
File: 48 KB, 720x405, 594106891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7043832

>so why have two different actors at all?
Those are meant to be spawn alternatives for the medikit.

>> No.7043839

>Neither do I, to be honest. But it seems that the engine freezes if you make a call/loop with zero ticks...?
Okay I found your problem. In your "A_radiusgive" you have "justalousymedikit" where it should be the skull version. Now the red pillar also throws a medikit away like it does with the green in >>7043793

>> No.7043841
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, 20201031231001_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake is the perfect Halloween game.

>> No.7043845

>So I've been playing some Build Engine stuff recently. I remember some guy saying that you can't really create any unique encounters with Duke Nukem 3D enemy roster, their purpose is to look cool and die with some fancy visuals. This is what I've experienced pretty much, there's no real drive to the combat like in Doom or Quake, you won't be maneuvering around hundreds of enemies using their bodies to hide from chaingunner fire or revenenat rockets, you won't go through crazy shit like archvile carousel from sunlust or mancubian candidate from valiant, or solve enemy puzzles like in cyberdreams, you won't be getting that sick Quake movement and it's weapon switching combos either, that's all because the Build Engine games weren't designed to support that. That applies to all games from the mighty trinity: Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood. So you end up going through levels enjoying pretty visuals while doing some trivial combat from time to time, I guess you can say that cinematic shooters really started with Build Engine games, even before Half Life came out.

I swear you are as insufferable as Nintenfags at times.

>> No.7043849

>Quake is the perfect game

>> No.7043850

E1M2: Shafted 2
This one had a rocky first half. The tight corridors were not fun to fight in at all, with the hell hound in the vent leading to the fire key room being the worst offender. Thankfully, the map becomes far better after the fire key door, opening into a spacious industrial area. The combat was far more fluid here, with lots of classic build engine explosions. There were two encounters at this part that were densely packed and over the top, which is always welcome. The atmosphere here was pretty good too. I don't have much else to say about this one.

>> No.7043859

I'm glad we have brandwarring faggots like yourself to keep things in balance.

>> No.7043862
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, 2020-10-31 19-46-27.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I wasted 5 hours of my life trying to figure out something that silly/retarded while it was only a matter of taking my time to read the whole thing again. Thanks a lot, anon. You just taught me how important it is to...read.I'm going to fucking srangle myself.

>> No.7043864
File: 2.26 MB, 478x410, 1594641804757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043868

Don't worry. I can't count the hours I spent looking for missing curly bois.... I once had a dialogue that wouldn't start no matter what, until I noticed a missing semicolon.
Or when I tried using a function that I had used countless times before in a script and it gave me an error even... then I noticed I forgot "#include "zcommon.acs"", so yeah....
btw, notepad++ has a nice function where you can put two pieces of code right next to each other, makes finding differences easier.

>> No.7043879

oh and btw, for the green pillar wait thing, my code looks like this:

TNT1 A 0 NoDelay A_CustomMissile("Justalousymedikitgus", 32, 0, 0, CMF_AIMDIRECTION)
COL1 A 1

>> No.7043884

Yeah, I could add an indicator to tell you how many times you scored.

I'm also going to add messages telling you how to exit and make buttons that dispense the golf balls, so they don’t get flung around during combat. I’m adding ammo as you read this.

>> No.7043889

The first section of Shafted was conceived as a frantic deathmatch map with enemy placements added later (you can probably tell). Not much I can do about it’s claustrophobic nature, unless I widen up the spaces a significant amount.

That hell hound is a dickish enemy placement, I agree. I’ll make it a skill 4+ spawn.

>> No.7043892

I see how the required golfing could be annoying, but I don’t think many players would bother if it just gave you resources. Since the map gives you practically all the weapons and a significant amount of ammo, a stockpile of supplies might not be enough to entice players. My original idea was to make that the secret level exit trigger, but I don’t think there will be enough maps to justify that.

The main reason I want to keep it is because it makes the map unique. The thing I enjoy most about Build is it's level of interactivity. Having the player engage with the level more instead of getting keys and darting to the exit makes the level memorable. I think I’ll make it so only 2 or 3 holes are required to exit the map.

>> No.7043895

...and here's what the code looks like now: https://pastebin.com/i7dV4i0b
I cleaned it a bit, made it more appropriate...etcetc.
But I'm gonna try your custommissile regardless.

>> No.7043896
File: 96 KB, 475x258, 1590692633405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043897

>I think I’ll make it so only 2 or 3 holes are required to exit the map.
I think that's a good compromise. I must admit, I hated the head ball secret in the Carnival level, so a level that *requires* me to finish that should would make me stop playing altogether.

>> No.7043901

Looks cool man

>> No.7043904

Dangit, forgot to use wait...sadasda
but eh you get the idea.

>> No.7043915

Okay, just a few things:

-Why do your pillars have no height or radius?
-You have a wait at the end of your skullmedikit's spawn, I take that's not intended?

And I didn't do anything about the custommissile, I merely changed some parameters in a_spawnitemex (in your justamedikit's death states); I gave it a little bit of x/y/z velocity so the medikit will be ejected instead of just dropped.

>> No.7043924

...aannnnndd I just learned that calling "wait" for a line that has zero ticks freezes the game.
>You have a wait at the end of your skullmedikit's spawn, I take that's not intended?
Because of its inventory check -- so the projectile can "die" after receiving the fake inventory from the pillar.
>Why do your pillars have no height or radius?
...that's a good question. Because I made those from scratch and never really bothered messing up with its height or radius. But sure, I can always get its default values from the wiki and just paste on the code, I guess.

>> No.7043928

...oh, yeah. Maybe I should add that the first custommissile call is intended to "mix" two sprites into one -- giving a false impression of a "new sprite".

>> No.7043929

Oh, so the justamedikit is SUPPOSED to die instantly? Then why not spawn the flyingmedikit directly? Would spare you the custom inventory.

>But sure, I can always get its default values from the wiki and just paste on the code, I guess.
No, you MUST, it's the collision box. Spawn one of your pillars with the new code and try to shoot it.

>> No.7043930
File: 287 KB, 1616x688, HECU_orig_models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For some reason I still fucking love the original ones. The low and higher poly.
The radio chatter, the fact they looked so professional, and won against the aliens tons of times. Less annoying then the chatter in ion fury.

I wish there were more mods around them, Opfor is not enough.

>> No.7043932
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x1024, Hershey screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In celebration of Judge Doom anon going forwards with his wad
here is a Halloween Judge Happy Hershey made on hero forge as a trick or treat gift

>> No.7043934

Not die instantly. Like I said previously -- the idea is to make a pillar with a medikit on top of it that drops the medikit when you shoot at it. And for that... the pillar needs to "die" first. Which means, the medikit needs to wait for the pillar to die so it can also die.

>> No.7043935

Looks kinda gay, like anything made in heroforge.

>> No.7043967

Yeah, I tried some things....

Speed 0
MEDI A 1 A_JumpIf(countinv("oofimhitphamgus") == 1, "bouncing")
MEDI A 1 A_ChangeFlag("NOGRAVITY",false)
MEDI A 1 A_SetSpeed(9.0)
Use this as your flyingmedkitgus, and you can scrap the justamedikits, just make sure you spawn the flyingmedikitgus on your pillar. Now it won't be ejected but just dropped, but that should work as you intended; and you can get rid of two superfluous actors.

>> No.7043970

lmao nice

>> No.7043972
File: 141 KB, 640x400, angst_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just been picking out random ones I have never heard of and googling them, then I do Angst: Rahz's Revenge. Lmao wtf

>> No.7043984

Ooooh...I get it.

>> No.7044007
File: 561 KB, 1280x720, nope.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use this as your flyingmedkitgus, and you can scrap the justamedikits, just make sure you spawn the flyingmedikitgus on your pillar
So all I have to do is to get rid of justmedikits with your actor, right? So the first lines of the pillar actors are something like... this? https://pastebin.com/vUWPQYaF Right?
Then I must be doing something wrong because, uh... it didn't worked.

>> No.7044013

Oop...forgot to mention that the "yoink" actor = yours. I just renamed it for ease of use.

>> No.7044024

No, you just replace the old flyingmedkit with the one I posted; then you change all "justalousymedikitgus" in your green pillar to "flyingmedikitgus". Like so:

Actor MedikitonaGreenPillarGus {
Radius 16
Height 40
health 1
speed 0
States {
TNT1 A 0 NoDelay A_CustomMissile("FLYINGMEDIKITGUS", 32, 0, 0, CMF_AIMDIRECTION)
COL1 A 1
"####" A 1 A_radiusgive("oofimhitphamgus",64,RGF_MISSILES|RGF_NOSIGHT|RGF_INCLUSIVE,1,"FLYINGMEDIKITGUS")

Remember that this will only make it drop, not be ejected. Also, I changed a_radiusgive to 64, because 900 is WAY too exaggerated.

>> No.7044029
File: 9 KB, 192x197, 1604109747610s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright thread, I'm back in the server if anyone wants to play. Since we played most of Scythe 1 earlier, I switched it to Unholy Realms. I opened up the WAD file and it doesn't look like there are MP only monsters, at least on the first level. Funny how I've seen this image before in this thread, but when I found it earlier today, it was somewhere else.

In case anyone wants to join that hasn't seen the server info yet, it's here:

>> No.7044040

Uh...but that's what I did...? My previous post shows a code that has exactly the same first lines.

>> No.7044049

Ah, you just posted part of the code. Did you also change the name in the a_radiusgive line? Because that is what makes the thing fall down later.

>> No.7044051

Wait...OHHHH OKAY. I see it now. Hang on.

>> No.7044056
File: 1.45 MB, 1024x1024, Ranger screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more DWalfnator

>> No.7044060

>Nerf Arena Blast
I bet somewhere out there was a place full of kids doing LAN parties of that game

>> No.7044062

Ugh, that blood lake doesn't really look better. Once I get back home to my computer, I gotta make a composite of these and replace the lake/fire with something else.

>> No.7044069



>> No.7044071
File: 2.60 MB, 1430x1080, pillars.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left: Eject version with justamedikits.
Right: version with only flyingmedikit.

>> No.7044080

IIRC, Nash has kind of an attitude to him, and would probably reply with "Fuck you, pay me."
His commissioned sprites are pretty expensive, but you also get what you pay for, no Frankenspriting, all new graphics, and good ones.

>> No.7044082
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, IT WERKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...okay, it worked now. Spawn is a little off tho... but there's nothing better than a "little y" to fix things up. Thanks, anon!

>> No.7044085

ignore him, last time he was acussing everyone of being Term for some reason
just report

>> No.7044107

Cheers, anon, no problem.
But PLEASE, turn off that filtering, it's making me sick.

>> No.7044120
File: 1.20 MB, 1100x1357, ab9bb7df63ff99e5bd383d7a1a1e8045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished all of Doom 64 on Watch Me Die, had a great time, found all the secret levels, beat 'Lost Episodes' on WMD as well. I appreciate that Kaiser made the bonus episode's levels harder than the base ones, the final level was downright Plutonian. I'd have suggested to tag the Motherdemon as with Nightmare demons/imps, just to crank up the fuckdial and maybe remove one of the invulnerability spheres on WMD, because it's real easy to save one of them for the boss and make her trivial. Or just have you fighting two of them at once.

The 'Fun Levels' are a nice challenge gauntlet, Cat & Mouse was tough and nice, Hardcore lived up to its name and I actually had a hard time with the teleporting cyberdemon, very devilish design. The new one, Panic, was the only level in the game that I just couldn't beat, two cybers teleporting around, and the outer rim of the arena being guarded by auto revenant rocket turrets? That's WAY above my pay grade, I have to applaud adding a new challenge which is a genuine ballbuster.

Overall, 9/10 experience, will be coming back to play it again one day, wish there was more. Recommended to anyone who hasn't yet played Doom 64. Pic unrelated.

>> No.7044131

The altfire on the flaregun is wicked, if you dislike its regular gimmick you could plain save your flares for that, and it'd pay off.

>> No.7044134
File: 614 KB, 1920x1080, 2020-10-31-213917_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oop! My bad.

>> No.7044137
File: 928 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20201028_190955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044140

imagine spending halloween by making a thread of an almost 22 year old game and seething over it.

>> No.7044151

TerminusEst is one thing and he is a good guy besides his autisms and roljects ending to a halt

DWTerminator the shitty youtuber who spams anti half life and quake baits ever since the early days of /vr/, known as ALF, is (you)
And it easy to see your ass scratch and bleed in pain this hard when someone calls you by name.

its psychopathy, all that can be solved by beating the shit out of him until he gets off, unless he is a masochist who loves it.

left looks great, but right is more simple.
in fact left would look nice if it had a 3d model or one of the old voxel items made for gzd some time ago

>> No.7044162

Don't know why there aren't more maps with 64 as a base

>> No.7044164

There is the Doom64 remake that rolls as a "what if it was made for dos"

>> No.7044169

Yeah, he could be watching fun horror movies, hanging out with friends and family. I guess he has none of those things, and instead of carving a pumpkin, just heats up a watermelon in the microwave.

>> No.7044180

How flexible is that? I figure 64EX could run custom maps, but can this new port do that? It's based on 64EX, isn't it? Isn't there also a Doom64Builder?

Doom 64 For Doom 2, I hear it's very good, too. Obviously doesn't have those Doom 64 visuals though.

>> No.7044181

>blackmail, gaslighting, gatekeeping, stonewalling; manipulative, creating false information to smear campaign people.
>good guy
nice meme term.

>> No.7044184

are you ok?

>> No.7044187

i feel that he carved a pumpkin as a dildo, named him gaben carmack and he sits on it saying that they fucked him for creating HL and quake.

Sarais, i take term's starscreamy methods over your autismo.
at least he did good shit, you on the other hand...

>> No.7044189
File: 391 KB, 478x463, 1604024972196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044207
File: 937 KB, 2268x2257, 20201031_014414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Halloween everybody!
I made a pumpkin.

>> No.7044215
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, doomguy with a medikit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy halloween to you as well, fren.

>> No.7044243


>> No.7044249

It's sarais. He believes that there is a massive conspiracy of Doominati (his term) lead by Terminus to keep him down for being a visionary and not using snap to grid in Doom builder (I'm not fucking kidding). Don't worry, unlike alf who's a spinal cord of some lesser animal wired to the computer and who is therefore can post "hl bad quake bad" on repeat 24/7, sarais usually gets overwhelmed by paranoia after a hour or so and runs for his life and then hides under his bed for months sobbing uncontrollably, thus sparing us his presence.

>> No.7044253

>He believes that there is a massive conspiracy of Doominati (his term) lead by Terminus
I mean he is right, I'm a part of it.
You won't believe me anyway

>> No.7044258

>I'm a part of it.
We all are, friend, we all are.

>> No.7044262

EX and the rerelease are cross compatible so you can make maps and play them in both. I think you can switch the iwads around too, if you want uncensored health packs or lost levels in EX.

>> No.7044265
File: 226 KB, 1250x550, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like samsara is keeping me from connecting. I'm guessing it might be a problem on my end but I tried downloading the file again and same thing happens.

>> No.7044290
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1000, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, why did nobody make a port of first two original Thief games on Dark Mod engine?
Are people that afraid of Eidos coming after Dark Mod if those would be available?

>> No.7044296

Probably because it's a huge amount of work for a relatively useless project. I'm sure anyone patient enough to play the original Thief games won't mind dated graphics.

>> No.7044297

I guess cause the dark mod while really nice, and a work of love, its not really that amazing.

The sword fighting is ass, the movement not nearly as good like the first two games.

I would prefer a refined deadly shadows on the dark engine.

>> No.7044298


Thief 1\2 was never a pretty game, and it kinda looks weird on youtube\videos.

But playing it the sound design really comes through and the great world building.

>> No.7044305

Strange. I had that issue with Scythe 2. The solution was to download a copy straight from TSPG. Apparently the file wadseeker grabbed and theirs didn't match. I didn't have that problem with samsara though. The file wadseeker fetched worked fine for me. Anyway, I'm done playing on the server, so this is more rearview than anything. Thanks to everyone for playing. I had a good time and learned a lot.

>> No.7044308

the legal stuff pretty much. it's been brought up on their forums a bunch of times. basically, you're free to do a full remake on TDM, but they aren't going to host it on their servers or list it in the FM list.

>> No.7044317
File: 2.71 MB, 2560x2646, unused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been digging through the Q1 sources posted earlier in the thread, picking out unused textures. gonna post on quaddicted in a couple hours, probably.

>> No.7044324

DW forums
>hey guys i made my first maps, please check them out
it's all slaughtermaps
>hey guys here's my speedmap!
it's a slaughtermap

>> No.7044347
File: 95 KB, 480x360, slaughermaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044353

I don't see a better thread to ask so I'll post it here:

I'm trying to get into DOS games (including Doom obviously) and I want to try and replicate the visuals of what you would've experienced in the mid 90's as close as possible with a modern 1920x1080 LCD. My questions are:

-Were all monitors displayed at a 4:3 aspect ratio?

-Did monitors back then have scan lines or other visual effects you would not natively get with an LCD?

Thanks in advance.

>> No.7044354

What i find interesting on Q1 's techbase textures, and that later with QC, is that the scientists in Q1 timeline were receiving briefing notes from the Shub, who introduced them to Strogg Slipgate Technology and even how to recreate it.
The symbols are also magic runes and the writing is strogg alphabet

>> No.7044356
File: 142 KB, 1400x855, slaughermaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, scratch that.

>> No.7044357


>> No.7044373

Lads, decoratetard here with another idea, Just want to know if this is possible:
>spooky floaty healthbonus
>player touches it
>suddenly, player is surrounded by spooky textures
>its a boss fight
>player has to kill a random() amount of monsters before he dies
>when the player reaches desirable amount... spooky textures fades out and everything returns to normal

>> No.7044376

Forgot to mention
>player suffers damage over time because "hell purgatory", etcetc
>player cannot move
Think of it like a "spooky target practice" event.

>> No.7044378

>taking away player movement because ???

>> No.7044383

Because I don't think it would be a good idea to keep the player's movement intact while he has his view blocked by spooky textures.

>> No.7044420

Should i buy the NightDive releases of System Shock, Turok 1 and 2 and SiN,, or should i use a source port or a patch or something?

>> No.7044421
File: 14 KB, 123x269, grr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys should do a short readme or something.
in gdx, I can see individual maps in "custom content", but is there a way to load them as an episode? also, is there a way to record demos?

>> No.7044425

"enhanced" shock1 is neat (and more usable), comes with the dos original.
sin gold is basically vanilla, worked for me out of the box some years ago. the weird upscaled sin hasn't come out yet.

>> No.7044427

You're right. I don't. The Doominati server was fractured and disbanded years ago you fucking retard. Term has withdrawn from most community things and keeps to himself.

>> No.7044430

I've only played the Turok ports, but they're alright. You can't rebind weapon keys, though.

>> No.7044436

Are you blind? That blood lake fits with the original art and looks good, instead Nash sticks in a HD flame gif with pixel art.

>> No.7044438

Whats his best work?

>> No.7044443

You can run it as an episode by launching the "500ml.ini" file. I didn't get around to making a proper read me today, the full release will definitely have one.

I'm not sure if GDX supports demo recording, I haven't tried it. This is all I know about making demos.


>> No.7044445

No one here is some random youtuber you are a fucking psychopath

>> No.7044446


>> No.7044450

Thanks for the help guys. I never played any of those games and heard great stuff about them so i wanted to try them out.

>> No.7044469

Do you think it would be interesting/cool to play a mod where healthbonus had a (very rare chance) to trigger hallucinations?

>> No.7044514

...and posted: https://www.quaddicted.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=4211

>> No.7044532

Accusing yourself by projecting the others doesn't help either


>> No.7044541

100% unintentional. Romero loves lying to live up to his legend.

>> No.7044547

I don't have much experience on Doom mods but damn Aliens:Eradication is good. Gonna check out many other mods from now on

>> No.7044591

Interesting. Ive seen a texture wad claiming to have all the unused textures floating around, but this looks like even more unique stuff. Those face animations are especially creepy and cool.

>> No.7044592 [DELETED] 

Holy shit bros he has lost it.

>> No.7044697

hmm shit

>> No.7044698
File: 134 KB, 500x305, 1589900137903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some good walking simulator wads, i want to play something else besides killing shit.

>> No.7044717


>> No.7044726

Not Doom but play the Explore Jams for Quake

>> No.7044684
File: 2.43 MB, 2319x1467, 1c02b23bd5ede3f46bda934ccd1259fac2c2193643c7da4dfdbccff6e43125ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while things can get kind of muddled with the open design at times (though I only ever got really fucked by a puzzle in hub 3), the open world design is really fucking nice and impressive considering it's age, and also the classes are fun though I ended up missing the roster of weapons at your disposal you had in heretic (and the tome of power of course, shit was amazing)
the autumn trees look amazing to me too, hexen has a great artstyle
main game is fine for the most part but I wasn't able to finish death kings
should not have went with the mage especially after using the fighter in the main game

>> No.7044808
File: 435 KB, 2016x1246, Never ever, mortal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder.

>> No.7044828

What the fuck? Mage is like the easiest class. Infinite rapid-fire railgun, Slaughtaur-penetrating lightning, easily predictable and fun flechette-timebomb.

>> No.7044830

A lot of people never learned the Frost Shard dance.

>> No.7044832

Quakespasm doesn't have dithering command??

>> No.7044837

Throw away FruityZaloops and open Anvil Studio.

>> No.7044839

Oh, so I'm sarais now, not alf?
Get a hold of yourself asylum reject.

>> No.7044841

Oh, back to sarais now?
Pretty sure we were bitching about alf
Go back to your therapist; you have brain damage.

>> No.7044842

If you have to use console commands or file manipulation to play, the game is badly designed.

>> No.7044845

you are shit, term.
there is no alf here
there is no sarais here
you are a faggot
and you will not cover things forever

>> No.7044847

>bringing up xenofag for zero (0) purpose
It's term.

>> No.7044849
File: 128 KB, 272x292, Silky_Painstates2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wageslave all day
Sprite all night.
Here's my rough stuff.

>> No.7044851 [DELETED] 

Terminus shitposting style checks out.
Stop being a fag Estrogen-13

>> No.7044853 [DELETED] 

>I, the great Terminus, would never lie to shit up a thread then smear it on others because I am a hook-nosed goblin from Israel.
>What do you mean HL1 was good? You're Alf or one of the other billions of ghosts that me and my cock-suck battalion sheepishly leap at so I don't need to accept responsibility for being such a furry-cock loving whore!
every time.

>> No.7044858
File: 29 KB, 567x567, Ek23GYDWAAIg_dC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he seriously tried the sarais card again
was alf not enough excuse for you, kegan?

>> No.7044859

weeaboos = furries

>> No.7044863 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, no way.
He actually went from 'alf' to 'sarais'
proof any mention of alf is just shitposting

>> No.7044864

what is it about retro vidya that causes schizophrenia and transvestites?

>> No.7044879

no engine does

>> No.7044881

shut up alf

>> No.7044894

He also likes making jokes.

>> No.7044896

Looks nice.

Weebs are better than furries.

>> No.7044915

It honestly sounds kind of annoying, and would probably prevent me from picking up a healthbonus unless there was a greater reward attached to fighting that encounter. I would suggest to tone the encounter down a lot if it's straight up just for +1HP (or just not having it), or to attach an encounter like that to more significant items, like keys or large health powerups.

If this is for just a gameplay mod, this seems like it would be troublesome to implement given the wide number of places which a health bonus may appear at, what if the player gets stuck in some corner or alcove in the event? Seems like this would be an idea much more easily implemented in a custom map (also using ZScript instead of Decorate would probably make it more straightforward to do, though you only know Decorate, like me, so that isn't maybe so helpful).

At any rate, consider risk versus reward for things like these, if the player figures the effort isn't worth the earnings, they may avoid this altogether after the first time.

>> No.7044918

ASMR shotgun on Sunder.

>> No.7044926

weebs ARE furries

>> No.7045037

Turok 2 remaster btfo's the original

t. played Turok 2 on release

>> No.7045047

>dusk delayed on Switch

>> No.7045068

Here's a great dosgames pack to get started with.
To answer you other questions, there have been cases of other aspect ratio CRT's, but they were very expensive and for a more niche market (John Carmack owned a huge widescreen CRT that he used for programming). However 99% of households just played on a 4:3 CRT. In the 90's you still had low refreshrates too, so it often would be 640x480 @ 60hz. It would flicker so much you got eye strain and headaches. I don't recall seeing scanlines on the CRT monitors as a kid, atleast not as noticeable as on a TV CRT.
With Dosbox, you can replicate the look of an old CRT by enabling the scalers called "tv3x" or "scan3x".

>> No.7045086

What I had in mind was something like a """ghost pack"""" of pinkies slowly rushing towards the player and then vanishing after reaching melee range. Or a cyberdemon that vanishes after the first shot hits. Something to grab the player's attention everytime he sees a healthbonus laying around. And that doesn't seem so troublesome as you are implying.
I mean, I could always make a distinct/different healthbonus or add a "drunk" state of sorts after reaching a certain threshold of health bonus pickups... that slowly wears off after some time.
>"Why are you doing this, anon?"
Because the surprise factor is one hell of a drug.

>> No.7045092

...oh, yeah. There's also the "value of importance" to consider. With this idea, the player won't just "hurr healthbonus" and just run over it, but "If I get too much of those, a giant ghost cyberdemon can appear and block my view!".
It can be a gamechanger -- while not being your typical "ultra hard monster that shoots 999 balls".

>> No.7045097

Oh, you mean like just plain hallucination sequences, well that could actually be pretty neat.

>> No.7045102

Demonstrably not, now go back to >>>/trash/

>> No.7045106

Indeed! Something like a "hidden story mode" that is told via hallucinations.

>> No.7045135
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any mention of discord raiding too
honeslty it just feels like its the same dude replying to himself ad nauseum
every time, without fail, someone will show up and shit up the thread and then accuse everyone and their mother of doing it

again, just ignore and report

>> No.7045186
File: 189 KB, 492x519, when-you-grisly-but-she-still-grotto-15060576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually find Nightmare to be easier due to predictable enemy AI.

>> No.7045236 [DELETED] 

its kinda a surprise seeing you and your imaginary friends defending alf, sarais.
and you calling all of us psychopaths, when you are the only person here who hates /vr/ for staying with terminus, and for saying that all of us are part of the "doominati"

i remember seeing a Zdoom map that did something closer to that years ago.
and it was a painful trip of difficulty

>> No.7045254

Are you actually, seriously trying to reason with village idiot?

>> No.7045271

Because its easy to bait when they rush to defend one of them after being exposed.
i still think that the next janitor appliance needs to be someone from here to catalog and wipe them out at the 1st report.

Quake maps weren't made with nightmare in mind, Mission packs were.
In Q1's case when you start getting scorpions in SoA followed by Flesh bombs, vore and shambler traps, in DoE when wraiths are introduced and Multigrenade ogres becomes common

>> No.7045304

I don't think you can properly spawn textures at runtime like that without having the linedefs on the map. Maybe ZScript can do that, but I don't think it's possible with decorate.
Of course you could easily make a map that has such a feature.

>> No.7045314 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 600x603, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see, the janitor position on 4chan is a Catch-22 - no decent, self-respecting person would ever apply for such a degrading position, and people who actually apply for it should never be allowed anywhere near it.

>> No.7045320

Weebs are vastly superior to furries.

>> No.7045368
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, 2020-11-01 12-40-59.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's a "nobrainer" I came up with regarding this idea.

>> No.7045401

Anyone have IronTusks Diablo 3D mod link? Lite Version.

>> No.7045519
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, 2020-11-01 13-52-51.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7045610

Make the fade-in/out slower

>> No.7045663
File: 10 KB, 288x288, 1588143404916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to not watch decino because I didn't want to spoil maps I haven't played, but I realized I will never catch up since I play like one map per day so I started watching, and I would recommend/10. It's pretty comfy and you get better at Doom just through osmosis

>> No.7045682

I just put on that DOOM demo Twitch channel sometimes to get my fix of that.

>> No.7045687
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>> No.7045691

If you mean the melee, its not really worth learning since the fighters axe does the same damage but way faster with better range.

>> No.7045694
File: 2.40 MB, 600x300, 2020-11-01 15-35-24.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I think I nailed it now.

>> No.7045696

Probably not textures, but you could probably spawn flat sprites that use the desired textures.

>> No.7045697
File: 43 KB, 264x263, 1603588785137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow you get to use the axe while playing as Mage?

>> No.7045712

Frankly, you should have it become completely "solid" at least for a moment. This is a ghostly apparition, but it's always recognizable as one. Making it completely materializing at least for a moment gives the player an "OH SHIT" moment the first time it happens.
After that you should make them spawn behind the player or in a closet or something, so they'll never know when what how.

>> No.7045730

I meant its not worth learning because its not worth playing the mage despite it.

>> No.7045796

Then make a 1/128 chance of it actually being real, just in case the player gets too comfortable ignoring it :)

>> No.7045798


>> No.7045806

That's... a great idea. I'll see what I can do about it.
>player gets healthbonus
>"""ghost""" cyberdemon appears
>it starts materializing
>(insert very angry cyberdemon scream here)

>> No.7045832
File: 69 KB, 244x301, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Factually are. Check your Yiff privileges. The inventor of anime was a furfag.
Schizo. There is no Alf or Sarais
Which is why you're getting baited and responding to yourself, isn't it, fagknocker?

>> No.7045837

Started playing Doom Zero. Very enjoyable wad. Many wads that try 90s aesthetics tend to just feel like bland crap, that feel amateurish and look ugly without 90s charm. Doom Zero howerer manages recreate 90s feel, and be that lost official 90s expansion that it acts to be. It tries new things, and has it's own unique soul, while staying in the 90s frames like real 90s wad would do.

(From 90s worshipping Doom 2 wads I did also enjoy Reverie and Jenesis.)

>> No.7045840

Weebs ARE Furries.

>> No.7045876
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>> No.7045880

1) Japan had been making animation since the 20s, Tezuka just made it more affordable thanks to cost-cutting techniques allowing for it to become much more prominent
2) The people who made the Matrix later became trannies, does that make any show to take inspiration from it trannyshit?

>> No.7045883

I'm pretty sure more people have died in matrix themed deaths than any other film on record.

>> No.7045892

based and redpilled
Nevertheless; he still is key for it's proper inception; so you cannot get around this.

>> No.7045894

Matrix is full of and built on tranny references dude. It's literally Tranny Film

>> No.7045904
File: 97 KB, 640x961, 140759709350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the guy who introduced the world proper to eldritch horrors wrote several of his most popular stories with the allegory of miscegenation, that doesn't mean anyone sitting down to play Call of Chthlulu is a racist. Nobody's arguing Tezuka wasn't a furry but I don't see how that makes everything to come after him furshit.

>> No.7045905 [DELETED] 

Ok Furry.

>> No.7045912 [DELETED] 

lol gottem

>> No.7045913 [DELETED] 

At this point I think you're just deflecting. Why do you have those furry Tezuka images saved onto your harddrive anyway?

>> No.7045915

the second and third were.
and its literally fucked up why it became that.

>> No.7045916

Fuck them for that.

>> No.7045917 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7045919 [DELETED] 

Ok Furry.

>> No.7045921 [DELETED] 

Did I got sucked into a board portal and landed on /v/? Because I thought this was the retro fps thread and not the schizo shitposting general.
I really hope everyone of you participating in that retarded discussion dies a swift, but painful death.

>> No.7045937

Any news from btsx e3? The wait is making me insane. It could be few weeks, or 5 years.

>> No.7045946 [DELETED] 

It's always been like this. Don't kid yourself newfag.

>> No.7045951

Calling someone a newfag is the most surefire way to out yourself as one

>> No.7045960 [DELETED] 

Akshually it started when new gen consoles got acccepted here and zoomers flooded into /vr/. Doom threads are actually only threads i'm following on 4chan right now. Everything else is filled by children now, but it looks like inevitable future for these threads too. Really shame. It's been fun ride, but fun has to end eventually.

>> No.7045979

>Hugo Martin's first doom game was Doom 64
>2016 and Eternal's visuals have the same feeling.
Does this make undeniable confirmation that 2016 and Eternal are successors to 64?

>> No.7045986 [DELETED] 

They come here because we're not like the rest of the board. It's crab bucket mentality, same reason why if some remotely good OC gets made on /v/ shitposters start flooding the thread with wojak. The modern era of shitposters gets offended when a thread isn't wallowing in its own filth.

>> No.7045992 [DELETED] 

No, it has not. The general used to be pretty chill but in the last couple months literally one or two autists have been shitting it up and the janitors havent done shit. At this point they need to rangeban whatever sperg is ranting about terminus13 and other random personalities.

>> No.7045995 [DELETED] 

Reminds me of the time when somebody was criticized the posts/poster ratio, because that person couldn't fathom people having an actual discussion with several posts instead of leaving a shitpost and continuing to the next thread.

>> No.7046000

>same feeling
>somber, dark colors in abandoned techbases with tense ambient music compared to saturated fantasy-filled otherworlds playing noisemetal constantly

>> No.7046001

Guys I'm having some trouble with

>> No.7046006

I don't like Doom 64

>> No.7046009 [DELETED] 


Damn, I'm not even that drunk yet

>> No.7046020 [DELETED] 

Imagine being this new.

>> No.7046027

It's not the worst of worst, but it does have lot of problems. The lack of most interesting/fun doom 2 monsters and it's tendency of having shitloads of switch hunting. It tends to get repetive fast. I do still have feelings of nostalgia towards it though.

>> No.7046031 [DELETED] 

Be old or be new. Who cares. Just talk about doom or retro fps.

>> No.7046034

I used to put on the DSDA stream while cooking, but since I moved out on the country, my connection is way too slow, and Twitch usually only streams in 720p or higher.

>> No.7046042

Why though? I mean, I was apprehemsive of it, I don't really like the music much, and I thought the lack of archies and boners really sucks, but actually playing it, it's really fun, seriously didn't think I would enjoy it much, but I really did.

>> No.7046062
File: 956 KB, 1280x913, Gordon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No sight of a DBP29 release

>> No.7046069

I like a man who's willing to fuck with the player like that.

>> No.7046082 [DELETED] 

Mental illness

>> No.7046106 [DELETED] 

Mental illness: It's You.

>> No.7046110 [DELETED] 

the game lives in your head rent free

>> No.7046119 [DELETED] 

I live in your head rent free, schizo.
HL is shit.

>> No.7046120 [DELETED] 

Alf was shitting around for years before that, and Sarais have had his tantrums at time, then we have Donald, which a lot of people here now probably weren't around for, as well as babbyman, who has actually been absent for quite a while, unless he changed his MO.
Now, I'm not saying wild fingerpointing is a good solution, in fact I think the guy who's doing that is a fucking idiot and asshole, and doing us all a disservice, but it should demonstrate that this general has had its pests and pariahs for quite a long time, most of its existence even.

The jannies are however lazy as fuck as of late, so there's that.

>> No.7046126 [DELETED] 

so, you?

>> No.7046127 [DELETED] 

Lol so mad

>> No.7046134 [DELETED] 


>> No.7046135 [DELETED] 

Yes you are

>> No.7046147 [DELETED] 

>no u!
do go back to kindergarten

>> No.7046151 [DELETED] 

He needs help.

>> No.7046152

oh my god shut up

>> No.7046154 [DELETED] 

You need help.
HL was bad.
Stop devouring gabe's penis

>> No.7046161 [DELETED] 

Take your meds.
This is getting sad, dude.

>> No.7046165 [DELETED] 

Well, no, I would generally say to just identify them quietly, and then report and ignore. Oh yeah, that was another guy who was around for a while, "Remember To Report And Ignore." who actually submitted a level to 300 Minutes Of /vr/, so he was actually a good few steps above those other shitters, even if he was spamming.

My point is merely that shitters aren't a new phenomenon around here. Just don't make noise about it like the dumbass who can't shut up about it all the time.

>> No.7046172 [DELETED] 

So yes, shitters like you.

>> No.7046175 [DELETED] 

You're just as bad, and so am I for replying to you. That other guy is correct though, you need to shut the hell up.

>> No.7046180 [DELETED] 

"Other Guy"
Stop pretending to be multiple people

>> No.7046181

HL1 is based

>> No.7046184

With what? What are you having trouble with? Anon?!

>> No.7046185

HL is cringe and should be banned due to being the cause of modern shooter.

>> No.7046189 [DELETED] 

All you had to do was to report and ignore.

>> No.7046193 [DELETED] 

He isn't here for that, he just wants to shit the thread up.

>> No.7046194

seethe more /v/edditor

>> No.7046212 [DELETED] 

>responding to yourself
Now that's cringe.

>> No.7046224

>everyone is a samefag shitposter except me because they like the game.

>> No.7046231

New Thread

>> No.7046234
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Mage is stupidly powerful, he just requires more brain power to play than the Fighter. Fitting but yeah.

>> No.7046241

obvious shitpost thread
real thread when?

>> No.7046245


>> No.7046249
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>> No.7046252

don't use the linked thread it's just shitposting
somebody posted a fucking whale

>> No.7046254

Try out Nihility if you want something that feels really retro and 90s, it uses a bunch of Alpha/Beta textures and sprites, it looks so familiar, yet also so different, the maps really feel like lost 1993 era iD Software designs.

>> No.7046298
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>> No.7046306

Jesus christ, anon.

>> No.7046474

So, other thread is bait.
post wads

>> No.7046512

>So, other thread is bait.

>> No.7046789
File: 303 KB, 500x500, MM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks very much for this!

>> No.7046816

Quick question about your entities. If I was in the middle of making a map with Quoth, and I switch to your fixed .fgd, things'll be okay at compiling? Lots of stuff shows up as red cubes.

>> No.7047270


Where is this from?

>> No.7047270,1 [INTERNAL] 
