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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7034235 No.7034235 [Reply] [Original]


what do I need to learn to be able to do this wizardry?

>> No.7034253

years and years of learning 6502

>> No.7034258

It's neat, but it's not that impressive considering it's 512kb, and the entirety of SMB is 41kb.

>> No.7034262

this does prove how much less capable of demos that it is against C64 because the NES hardly has any raster time. you can't touch the PPU while the active rendering is in progress.

>> No.7034265

I was surprised that Amazon's Running Diet was 512k. What did they honestly do with all that space? The game doesn't seem like it should need anywhere close to that much.

>> No.7035940

If you have to ask...

>> No.7036023

How the fuck are they doing those 3d looking polygons on a nes?

>> No.7036118

pre-rendered graphics. It just uses flat polygons to make you *think* there's something technically advanced going on - being too fancy would give away the game

>> No.7037678
File: 246 KB, 1920x1079, smb_disasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NESdev wiki good place to start. If you've never played a piano before, you ain't playing Clair De Lune anytime soon. Start with the Nerdy Nights tutorial, make some simple demos, and work your way up from there. Have fun with it!

>> No.7037683

And unless your code is very short you'll have to play with any of the 820 banking configurations.

>> No.7037803
File: 64 KB, 300x276, mario_isScrewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 820 banking configurations.
MMC3 appears to be a strong winner IMO. But yes, bank switching is a pain in the ass.

>> No.7038640

>MMC3 appears to be a strong winner IMO
MMC3 makes coding a game significantly easier, but it's really for big projects with >128k of ROM. Using it on some little rinky-dink 32k game is a waste.

>> No.7038665

> comes with source code
shiru is fucking awesome.
>and the entirety of SMB is 41kb.
>comparing an early nintendo release to a modern demoscene production
you have the iq of beach sand.

>> No.7038671

>How the fuck are they doing those 3d looking polygons on a nes?
tiles and maps as animation frames.

>> No.7038697

This was written in C though.

>> No.7038708

As opposed to the Master System or Gameboy where there is just one banking configuration unless it's an unlicensed/pirate cart.