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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 176 KB, 632x410, Sega Genesis Desert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote Front Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
702349 No.702349 [Reply] [Original]

Some random, little things from your childhood gaming that you loved

>Get this game
>Run up behind the Coyote
>Coyote jumps, falls off a cliff, hear a satisfying thud

Childhood complete.

>> No.702950
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>> No.702964
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>> No.702976

in Harvest Moon for SNES you couldn't pet your dog

You could just pick him up and put him down

So every day I would go over and pick him up and put him down repeatedly to "pet" him

>> No.703013
File: 559 KB, 400x276, 1344384520455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my sister playing the first level in Mario 2 and pretending that the cave was our home and we'd have to go out and hunt and gather food.

>> No.703018

>101% complete

God that felt satisfying.

>> No.703049
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Don't fucking mind me, bro.

>> No.703073
File: 242 KB, 475x347, Plok! (USA)-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to put on this game and leave it on the map just mainly for this song. The actually map was always pretty awesome to look at too. Plok is SO awesome.


>> No.703107

also, apparently plok! was made by a very small team.

>> No.703132
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>> No.703138

Yeah man, definitely one of my favorites. Just god damn that music.


>> No.703148

>implying you didn't shit your pants at how hard the game was
>implying you didn't literally shitrocket out of your house at the first boss


There are no cheats, no safe havens. Only Plok.

>> No.703185

would have been much better with a continue feature, I could never get further than the boss fight with those 3 flying pink guys until I played it on an emulator with save states

>> No.703196

You get a continue feature after the floating balloon like boss things. But cmon now... are you saying you don't know about the warps?

>> No.703265
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1275892946090_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga that's kawaii

>> No.703272
File: 60 KB, 320x288, Final_Fantasy_Legend_III_331_zps359f8a4a[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't think of anything really
>Think really hard
>Memory resurfaces vaguely
>Remember being really young and playing Final Fantasy Legend 3
>Just walking around towns being totally immersed as if I really was in the adventure and getting into it, jumping around

>Remember thinking up elaborate scenarios, as if playing with dolls, at the inn and other spots with beds about who was sleeping with who

god DAMMIT /vr/ I hate you sometimes for making me remember weird shit I did as a kid

>> No.703327

So basically this.


>> No.703331


That's kinda cute, truth be told.

>> No.703357

I know how it goes. My little prepubescent mind always assigned some characters as totally banging eachother long before I knew the implications of that.

>> No.703379
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>Any 3D platforming games
>Running around the levels and imagining someone was following me around. If i stopped, i was sure to be caught, so i kept continuing and continuing.

Shit was pretty fun to do.

>> No.703408

The thought of someone following me in a game has always been more of a disturbing experience.

>> No.703431


Back in the days, i rarely got new games, so it's was my own way to make the game interesting when i just wanted to fuck around in a level or just listen to the music.

2D games was more of just fucking around with the abilities i had.

I liked the disturbing feel it's gave to me, I never got around to why i actually enjoyed it, through.

>> No.703452


Actually getting that in game was always awesome to hear.

>> No.703460

I don't know if it was exclusive to certain versions, but breaking the back board. That was amazing, even if I had no idea how to do it.

And playing as Bill Clinton.

>> No.703464

>tfw when breaking the backboard and then keeping broken for the rest of the quarter
Only ever managed that once.

>> No.703473


Good for you. I do the same sort of shit with newer games like Half Life. I barricade entrances as I continue pretending that it might slow down any following Combine.

>> No.703505

>wanted a 3D Pokemon game so bad
>any game that allowed me to throw stuff, I would pretend the things I were throwing were pokeballs and I would catch imaginary pokemon

It started with Zelda oot. I would throw the deku nuts at monsters and pretend I caught them. Almost like playing a game within a game.

>> No.703558


Shame that i don't do that anymore. When something is following me in-game, i prefers to face it right away and kill it while seeing what it's can do to me instead of running away and hope the worst won't happen.

I guess in the end, it's because it's feels like i might get to see my Mc getting beaten up or raped and there's nothing to do about it. As a kid, you don't really know about that shit, so that's add up to the fun of doing that kind of shit.

Half-life had me surprised when i actually got beat up at some point and thrown into the dumpster.

>> No.703623
File: 11 KB, 256x192, CTF-November3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any game that allows a debug or summon creatures mode, I just go into god mode and noclip mode, summon monsters in random spots of certain levels (including some multiplayer ones), and make up my own missions/stories, and go nuts.

Unreal Tournament, and still having Unreal data in it made that plenty a reality, and CTF-November was definitely a fun level to do that stuff in.

Nothing like rescuing a sub pen from a Skaarj infestation, and then facing off against the Skaarj Queen in the core of the Blue Base where the flag lies.

Monster Hunt and Oldskool Amp'd (with Operation: Na Pali) just made things even better; and toss in other mods like Unreal 4ever (U4E) and Dark Magic, and things just rockeder hard from there.

>> No.703650
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Awww shit, thanks for making me remember i used to do the same shit.

Ages of Empire was great for that kind of shit.

>> No.703673
File: 5 KB, 251x241, 1360191044652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play a scenario of Rollercoaster Tycoon
>Make sure everything is perfect
>As the game soon reach it's end, create more pathways and a shit ton of looping coasters
>Finally hear the sound of americlaps everywhere
>It's begins.png
>Lock up everyone in the park by terraforming a giant wall at the park exit
>Take the maddest mother fucker and set it on a pillar of earth along with benches and other kids surrounding him
>Looping coasters and anything that can kill are set to deadly mode
>make sure every exit to each attraction lead to glorious water
>Kill the rest through water way
>Fuck around with the last remaining person, throwing him around and shit
>Usually kill the fucker

I still do this shit.

>> No.703682


I got that game as a random christmas gift and was surprised how fun it was.

but my favorite little thing from gaming
>playing Turok 2
>huge group of enemies
>use a Sunfire Pod
>watch them synchronously move about

I even invented a little song I would sing while they rub their eyes with their scaley flesh.

>> No.703710

>it's gave to me

That is not how English works, anon

>> No.703745
File: 30 KB, 480x360, 0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here.

>> No.703757
File: 203 KB, 500x438, Mother-clucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I do that in games (general collateral damage), I am always rather curious of the townsfolk's reactions.

I mean, it's like I wake up one day, discover my plants are missing, there are dents in my house and clay shards everywhere, and my driveway is riddled with craters, and the back of my car looks like someone planted a dozen bombs on it and set it off in a single go, just for the hell of it. And the only thing still around is a rather pissed off pet chicken I have, and what appears to be tracks left behind along with a blood trail of the poor sap that was abusing it; although I'm still puzzled at how there's enough feathers lining my yard to make up an entire flock, instead of a single chicken's worth of down.

>> No.703760

That is the quickest way to make money in the Oracle games, sometimes you dig up rupees that are worth 500 just by digging every square inch

>> No.703764
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>> No.704281
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I used to have imaginary boss fights just for the hell of it.

>> No.704290

Holy shit op, now I have to hunt down this game. The coyote's running music was burned into my brain as a child.
Shit was so fun, although looking back, it would have been hilarious if they would've made Coyote's missions Ghosts and Goblins hard with the same unfufilling ending, hehe.

>> No.704305
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, FacingWorlds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Facing Worlds
>Enjoy music more than the map itself
Oh, how we used to take pleasure in the little things back then.

>> No.704313


>The little things

But they weren't. They were grand, fantastic things.

>> No.704314

When playing an rts with a unit thats survived a long time and done a lot of work for you like getting loads of kills or scouting the whole map for you etc i retried them to the back of my base or somewhere safe where they wouldnt be killed and id never sacrifice them to free up space to build more units if there was a cap or anything

i did this alot with command and conquer and stronghold where you couldnt heal units and i didnt want them to die so i just hid them somewhere safe near my HQ building

and id usually let them go and get the last kill or shot in before i won the map

I still do this today but I started doing it when I was a babby, especially with games that show you how many units that particular unit has killed, feels bad letting a good unit die

>> No.705897

Well its not like a little thing, but I could imagine situations of those games on my real life (Dat childhood imagination) and shit I could make a brush a huge cannon or things like that and just play with my imagination for hours..... I miss that

Also the music, from before, I dunno maybe not nostalgic as much but some songs from older games have actually got me quite borderline on tears because I feel somehow related to some lyrics, maybe Im being a bit too emotional but its still nice, and I wouldn`t change that magic for anything just like my childhood imagination

>> No.707587
File: 123 KB, 500x375, 1344985417849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When getting a Snack or something like that, i usually boot up the same game that i ate the snack on back in the days.