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File: 91 KB, 710x340, earthbound-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7031083 No.7031083 [Reply] [Original]

I'm that guy who was struggling with Mother 1 if you remember my previous thread. I'm playing Earthbound and literally everything except for the gameplay feels so bland compared to the first game. I'm 6 melodies in and I'm not digging the atmosphere at all. Am I the only one like this? Maybe I need to finish the game first but I'm not sure if I'm going to make it, I'm just bored as hell

>> No.7031094

Congrats. You just realized the truth about Earthbound: its an uninspired sòynigger DQ clone created by some fag who didn't even play video games, touted by trannys as the second coming of Christ.

>> No.7031461
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Earthbound's atmosphere embraces more of the wacky sci-fi antics as opposed to the more grounded peanut-esque atmosphere of 1. It's okay to prefer one over the other. If you were completely sold on just playing the first game 2 more times you likely will hate 3 as well. Personally I love them all for setting their own tones

>> No.7031495

Coming from Mother 1, I also wasn't completely feeling Mother 2 at first. Mainly because I expected it to be a remake of 1.
On its own, Mother 2, while still very similar and obviously reworks ideas from 1, goes for a different vibe, and has a different plot. 6 melodies in and you're not enjoying it yet? I think by the time Jeff joined I got very into M2, but I wasn't completely sold until that point. On replays though, I really enjoy the whole ride. The beginning scene, exploring the Onett hill at night with that Twin Peaks-esque music is pure atmosphere, only found in M2.
Mother 1 feels like a classic 80s comic of age adventure movie, it's no secret that movies like The Goonies or Stand By Me were influential for Itoi's vision and I think the first game captures that same feeling of kids going through really dangerous places and situations, in a way Mother 1 feels the most realistic, while still having its magic or cartoonish moments.
Mother 2 is the 90s sequel and it shows. It's very "Nickelodeon" in terms of aesthetics, can't help but get reminded of stuff like Rocko's Modern Life or Ren and Stimpy with Mother 2's art style and even music, as opposed to Mother 1 which made me think more of 50s and 60s cartoons, like Peanuts or even Iron Man 28.
Mother 3 deviates a lot, it started as a 3D game for N64 and had a really unique aesthetic, in a way it reminds me of european classic comics, stuff like Lucky Luke or Asterix, I get that sort of vibe from the 3D character models and general aesthetic of what we could see of that version of the game.
With the GBA release of it, they just went back to the classic Mother 2 spritework in 2D.

>> No.7031589

You summed it up perfectly
>Mainly because I expected it to be a remake of 1
Same. While playing 1 I also had this sense of mystery, I felt like I was going through a really weird and unique game. So far the only thing I liked in 2 was Moonside but that's because it reminds me of Yume Nikki which I like a lot. I'll try finishing this game but it will be a while til I start Mother 3. I sort of feel exhausted

>> No.7031643

/thread. Series is good, but autist faggots will be what they are. And OP is very right that the NES original is way better than the SNES (still good) sequel.

>> No.7031660

Why do vehement mother-is-shit posters insist on relating mother fans to trannies when the series isn't very kind in it's portrayal of such? It's literally one of the reasons it hasn't received a localization yet and likely never will before it gets remade and softly rewritten.

>> No.7031664

referring to 3

>> No.7031679

Schizo thread?

>> No.7031690

>Series is good
Anon that's the opposite of what he said... Also I don't think that 1 is better than 2. They are both good in their own ways. For me 1 has better atmosphere, characters, story and maybe music but 2 is way more pleasant to play. That's just my opinion though

>> No.7031703

Go play Lisa the Painful instead. It's like Earthbound, except good.

>> No.7031710
File: 80 KB, 634x732, 1586743956461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LISA is cucked shit though

>> No.7031715

Austin having a meltdown after he made the game doesn't reflect on the game itself.

>> No.7031719
File: 112 KB, 1000x563, Oh+look+protomagicalgirl+_21113603057b275d1f01b8e85806a761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. seething EB tranny

>> No.7031731

>it's more than ok to be white
What he meant was that he was tired of black people being treated like gods and that they forced him to feel ashamed

>> No.7031734

lol no

>> No.7031768

Yes. Years after he finished the game, the guy's dad died. In that depressed, vulnerable state, the anti-white propaganda that they bombard us with did exactly what it was designed to do, and it really fucked him up.

>> No.7031775
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 1406595380683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah maybe let it rest a bit. Don't force yourself through the series all at once. Hell if you're feeling burned out right now then make a pause and come back to it later.
The final part of Mother 2 is probably its most famous, it has a really great final boss that I'm sure you already know about, but experiencing it is something else.
The good news is that Mother 3 is very different from 1 and 2, so whenever you start that one, it will feel like a breath of fresh air for sure.

>> No.7031776

I wasn't trying to imply he said that, but added that to conditionalize his statement that I mostky agree with. That's fine that you like 2 more than 1, as well. I like 2.

>> No.7031947

why is it that everyone tries to actually just discuss the game someone brings up the shitty fanbase that makes it difficult to even talk about the game? you're doing what they do, blocking conversation about the game.

>> No.7031964

Tranny = someone I don't like
don't read into it too much

>> No.7032040

Tranny, figuratively, means someone effeminate who gets angered easily when their opinion is challenged (just like literal trannies do), retarded tranny.

>> No.7032356

>guy supports genocide
>b-but think of his feelings!
Go fuck yourself, fanboy

>> No.7032394

Why dont you cry more about it faggot?

>> No.7032424


3 is interesting. I could not get into it. I got about 10 hours in and stopped due to total disinterest. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts. I know it's a truly beloved game. I also know there's some guy hating on it hard around here lately who keeps saying it has "overly mature themes" or some variation of that.

I don't think that hits the point either. So, I'd be curious your thoughts. I appreciated your thoughts on Mother. The board needs more of that for sure.

>> No.7032463

Nobody cares. Go back to /pol/ or to your shemale threads on /gif/.

>> No.7033274


>> No.7033432

I played Mother 1 and Earthbound for the first time a year or so ago, and yeah, as a whole, I think Mother 1 is much better. Despite it mostly all coming toward the end, I also think it has a better story than Earthbound, and it's a fucking NES game. Bit of a shame there's so many Earthbound-likes and not many Mother-likes, if any. I should get around to playing Mother 3 eventually though.

>> No.7033446

Group of people are remaking Mother 1 right now calling it Mother Encore. Has a style similar to Mother 3. Looks like it might be cool.

>> No.7033449

If it's the sóy section of the Earthbound fandom (ie, most of the fandom), it will not be.

>> No.7033559

>guy supports genocide
In all likelihood, every single person you know supports you being killed for something as benign as jaywalking via the state's escalating use of force and monopoly on violence.
>b-but think of his feelings!
I'm not asking you to forgive him, only that you understand the circumstances surrounding his fall.
I'm not a fan of the creator, I'm a fan of the game. Do you know who's incapable of separating creative works from the creator? Shitskins and women. Is that really who you wish to emulate?

>> No.7034127

OP here, I beat the game. I really liked the final boss and the ending. Giygas > Giegue, both are cool fights but that's just how I feel. I'm burned out right now, I guess I'll play Mother 3 in a month or so