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702771 No.702771 [Reply] [Original]

I always fucking hated Wacky Workbench. First time playing Sonic CD I was having a blast, and then this shit appeared.

>> No.704721
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>hating Wacky Workbench

Too bad for you. I liked the design of this zone.

>> No.704743


Me too, dat bouncing floor physics man... sure, annoying as fuck at first, but then you learn the level layout, and with a little of timing you can breeze through this stage.
Bouncing is just so fucking fun.

>> No.704753
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Something about Wacky Workbench Past makes me feel really comfortable.
I really like how it feels as if the whole place is actually being built.

>> No.704781

I don't like Sonic games where you don't go fast.

>> No.704862


>Sonic CD
>not going fast

nig, you even Sonic CD?
you just need to memorize the levels, I can get through most levels in Sonic CD in an average of 1'30'' except metallic madness round 2 which takes like an extra minute. But I can clear Palmtree Panic rounds 1 and 2 in less than a minute, too.
Wacky Workbench is easy to race once you learn where the shortcuts are and how to deal with the bouncing floor.
I've played all the levels on time trail too many times.

Anyway this is not how you're supposed to play Sonic CD, I think the game isn't as fun as the Genesis games if played just by going fast, because what makes the game good is the time travel and exploration, as an addition to going fast anyway, because even though you may not be going only to the right, you still go super fast, really. Especially since, as you know, the game is filled with springs. If you use the ones that are there for your adventage, you will be always breezing through the game.

TL;DR Sonic CD is good, but in a different way than the other Sonics, while still having the same gameplay. What changed here is the concept and level design accordingly to that concept.

>> No.704870

You always post the same argument. Having to memorize a whole game to go fast doesn't make it a good sonic game.

>> No.704908

"You've just got to know the game inside out before you can actually enjoy it"
Being able to speedrun a game you've memorized is the stupidest argument I see for these Sonic games.

Fact is Sonic games generally only had spurts of speed before slowing back down for platforming. SonicCD, more so than any of the classic games, does it's damnedest to stop you dead. Considering time travel requires a sustained speed for a few seconds, that shit gets annoying.

>> No.704937


I said memorizing the levels to speedrun them is optional, it's for the time trial, you don't need to do that in the main game and in fact you will get a bad ending if you play like that. ALso I'm not saying you should like Sonic CD, it's fine if its not of your personal preference, but saying it's a bad game is just downright ridiculous. The game is good and I'm saying why. No, going fast and rush to the goal is NOT the main point in the game.
You still go fast, but you need to make a good future in the level before exiting it. It wouldn't be as interesting to time travel and search for a hidden machine if the levels were straightforward like the classic sonics, right?

Again, I respect your opinion, you just don't seem to respect mine or care about my argument at all.

>> No.705109

>Too bad for you, I don't have the same opinion

Oh u Chen!

>> No.705472
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Go to the past, Anon. It's much more fun that way in that zone.