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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7026342 No.7026342 [Reply] [Original]

What do people here mean when they talk about CRTs having true black levels? I put my CRT next to my OLED and the CRT blacks are gray compared to the OLED blacks which actually look black. Is "CRTs have perfect blacks" just a meme like the "delete system32" 4chan meme?

>> No.7026347

By 'perfect blacks', blacks on a CRT should match the tube color. As in, black should look no different than a powered off CRT. If you're seeing brightness beyond that when turning your CRT on then you're settings are fucked

>> No.7026348 [DELETED] 

You already knew the answer to this, you cunt.

>> No.7026381

you know glass reflects 5% so if you shine room lights on it you get 5% of that which is 1 Million or so x brighter than what looks black so turn the fucking room light off dumb shit

>> No.7026382

Throw your PVM away. Get a HI Black trinitron. Also what the other anon said, It greatly depends on your brightness and contrast settings. Also if you grew up with LCDs, and its obvious you did, dont bother. Your IQ is fucked anyway.

>> No.7026402
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>Get a HI Black trinitron
Those look grey even when turned off.
Literally not even as close to black as OLEDs. Did you get memed?

>> No.7026406

Blacks on CRTs can look darker than when the tube is powered off.

>> No.7026407

>goes to a movie theatre with the house lights up
>eyy this shit is white? movie's gonna look shit im outta heah

>> No.7026408

Holy shit no one here knows how these fucking things work apparently

>> No.7026412

>dude just turn every single light off in your house and have black out curtains or live in your moms basement and even then CRT blacks aren't black but it's ok just get cucked by the meme

>> No.7026473

they mean perfect blacks because they don't need to emit light, but they are only good if you play with no lights on

>> No.7026478

That's not how that works.

>> No.7026484

you might be confused because you turned all your lights off and set your crt to display black, under which conditions your eyes adjust so much that you start to be able to see the screen emitting like 1 millilumen of light.
the problem with this approach is you're missing the fact that if you turned a single pixel in your output signal to be anything other than black, the brightness difference between that and the rest of the screen is a thousand times larger than between the screen and the room, so with the re-adjustment of your eyes dynamic range, the black pixels output is now imperceptible.
You don't actually need the room to be dark just dim not pointed AT the screen

>> No.7026487

*dim and your lights not pointed AT the screen

>> No.7026494

>your eyes adjust so much that you start to be able to see the screen emitting like 1 millilumen of light
Do CRTards actually believe this? They don't know that the human eye takes more than 5 minutes to adjust to the dark?

>> No.7026559

>the human eye blurble bleeble
not that you shouldn't wait 5 minutes but there are at least three times constants for adjusting your eye's sensitivity:
the iris muscle 1/2 a second or so
the nerve cells own sensitivity 30 seconds
some other thing which takes more like 5 minutes
the final one which is gene expression of actually growing more proteins and takes an hour or so.
I don't know what your point actually is

>> No.7026560

It absolutely is though you fucking retard. There are CRTs that have gray screens when powered off but can produce really nice blacks when powered on. Have you never seen a cheap consumer set in your life?

>> No.7026587

that's because of this >>7026484, and you have to say that rather than saying it becomes darker because as far as i'm aware there's no physical process going on that makes the phosphors "darker". that doesn't even seem possible but if someone wants to correct me who has a proper technical understanding, i'll listen

>> No.7026594

black on crt is lack of luminence. black on lcd is dark hue light.

>> No.7026608


>> No.7026616

It's achieved through contrast. CRTs are capable of producing darker blacks simply because of how light is displayed on them. Glare has an effect on CRT displays, as it does on ALL displays, but that is not the reason that naturally gray CRT screens can produce very good blacks. It has to do with the electron guns producing bright light and the screen contrasting itself in areas it isn't producing bright light as a result. This is technically an illusion but with the way that light and color are distributed on a CRT it does actually make a naturally gray screen appear MUCH darker than it would be if powered off, completely regardless of glare or ambient light. Plenty of old sets do this, both monitors and TVs. It's common and well known to anyone with really any experience with CRTs, especially pre-90s sets. You don't have to believe me.

>> No.7026621

ok yeah that's what i said above

>> No.7026625

Yeah sure it is retard
Go fuck yourself

>> No.7026631

it's literally exactly what i said here >>7026484 as referenced in the post you replied to. i was asking if someone had a different explanation, but you backed me up which, while unnecessary, was all to the good.
so i don't know why you are angry now

>> No.7026714

>We suffered through regular LCD trash, could have had this shit by the early 2000s
Feels bad man

>> No.7026803

Sorry anon I thought you were the anon I was replying to

>> No.7026808
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He's right though. This was taken in a dark room where the only source of light was the CRT itself. You can very clearly see the slot mask all over the set, and the areas around the brightened sections are illuminated to the point of being grey. Look to the right of the text box, and note how bright that is, before hitting true black which is where the slot mask ends in the tube.

You're going to see this on every SD CRT in person. Can a CRT display "better blacks" if nothing is being displayed at all? Of course, but that's never something you're going to see when playing vidya. Something will always be on the screen, and if something is on the screen, light is going to reflect off the glass and illuminate the surrounding mask, and that may end up giving you subjectively worse black levels than an LCD screen.

>> No.7026817

yeah because you have the brightness up literally 1000x times too high

>> No.7026821 [DELETED] 

It's an old meme from the LCD. CRT contrast doesn't compare to 10-bit OLED.

>> No.7026829

>>7026342 (OP)
It's an old meme from the LCD days. CRT contrast doesn't compare to 10-bit OLED.

Are OLEDs still multiplexed and prone to burn-in, making them a poor choice for work displays?

>> No.7026832

Eye searing vibrant colors are one of the only things CRTs have going for them. Perhaps it's time to accept that CRTs aren't 100% perfect.

>> No.7026836

Its not just the black levels, its also the way they handle motion and the blooming of the triads. You can sort of replicate it in retroarch but you need some blur but not too much and its just a lot of pissing around.

>> No.7026838

That's the only reason I'd still play anything at an arcade instead of on MAME. Asteroids is still the best arcade game, with its cataract graphics.

>> No.7026842
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>> No.7026848

CRT-Royale is pretty great. Combined with run-ahead, and a fast gaming monitor, there's no reason for me to use a whiny and flickery cancer ray tube and get headaches. I'm not a speedrunner, so I no longer have need for my actual consoles.

>> No.7026850

OLEDs have very obvious burn-in and color degradation, which makes them completely unsuitable for gaming. Within a year or two, every OLED will wind up looking very fucking blue.

CRTs do not have perfect blacks, but they do have great low light contrast. There's a reason dark games didn't have a mandatory "adjust your brightness now" section before LCDs came about.

>> No.7026880
File: 271 KB, 783x1000, World-Largest-Pac-Man-Galaga-Arcade-Game-Rental-San-Francisco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be nice when we have microLED instead of OLED. MacroLED displays look fantastic.

>> No.7026895

Vibrant colors are tied more to contrast than brightness though. Brightness is literally just black level.

>> No.7026908

>and get headaches
Take some midol, susan.
>There's a reason dark games didn't have a mandatory "adjust your brightness now" section before LCDs came about
I think that's more about developers caring more about the fact that 50 different gamers are going to have 50 different setups (which was also the case when CRTs were primarily being used), and wanting their work to be viewed in the best light possible.

>> No.7026925

>and wanting their work to be viewed in the best light possible.
No, it's the reality of dogshit displays.

What's next, you think reaction based gameplay was removed in favor of mashing QTEs because they wanted grandpa to be able to enjoy the game too? No, it's because old games are literally unplayable on many modern TVs because the input latency is too high.

The obvious game to look at when it comes to this shit is Doom 3. It was released right when a lot of gamers were starting to buy LCDs, and there are a LOT of complaints about the brightness. If you play the game on a CRT monitor, it looks fine.

>> No.7026936
File: 200 KB, 1400x1050, original qte memegame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you think reaction based gameplay was removed in favor of mashing QTEs because they wanted grandpa to be able to enjoy the game too?
My honest take is that I don't think there's any correlation between LCDs and QTEs, pic very related, and that 'reaction based gameplay' is more mainstream than ever with things like Souls games or Sekiro being extremely popular.
>and there are a LOT of complaints about the brightness
Not in the way you're implying. The complaints were always that the game was just too dark, and you couldn't have your flashlight and gun out at the same time. That was where all of the duct tape memes came from. I think you're misremembering things.

>> No.7026937

It's fun to connect a console to a fast monitor and steamroll everyone because they're playing on laggy TVs lol

>> No.7026938

Mate OLEDs already look fantastic

>> No.7026941

You're probably right. I used to play fast on a DLP without issue. We're pretty good at compensating for different latencies. It takes about 200 milliseconds for a human to react and press a button, but an anticipated button press can be consistently timed to within a frame of ~16 milliseconds.

>> No.7026942

Brightness settings became mandatory since 5th gen when games had depth so you needed to be able to see in shadows

>> No.7026946

QTEs became popular solely because of God of War

>> No.7026953

It probably was more about game engines than display tech. Older games just didn't have that kind of dynamic lighting.

>> No.7026971

looks like a microwave to me. Fuck sony

>> No.7026972

imagine playing custers revenge on that thing

>> No.7026976



>> No.7026994
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>> No.7027027

>that 'reaction based gameplay' is more mainstream than ever with things like Souls games or Sekiro being extremely popular.
If you think souls games require fast reactions, you're actually retarded.

I beat bloodborne over PS Now. Latency does not matter at all for those games, moves all have massive wind-up animations.

>The complaints were always that the game was just too dark
Exactly. Because LCDs had garbage contrast. If you play on a CRT, it's dark without the flashlight, but still totally playable. On an LCD of the same time period? You can't see shit.

>> No.7027032

>episode #37024 of zoomer pretends he was actually there while getting literally everything wrong and completely fails to fit in

>> No.7027043

I had no idea this existed, and as someone who's already dead inside, this made me unexpectedly upset. Humanity needs to either be reset or go extinct.

>> No.7027050

It's a joke, by gamers. You must be underage to not immediately see that.

>> No.7027052

Did you click on the link or are you just being facetious

>> No.7027053

I have no idea how reddit works or how hard they try with postmodern meta "humor". This shit isn't funny ironically, either. My point stands.

>> No.7027056

If that's really meant to be the case, what settings are you supposed to set for your CRT normally or what general rules so you follow? My CRT's black levels kind of look like shit at the moment.

>> No.7027062

They probably don’t, you’ve just got to remember these people are talking about playing in a dark setting, any light shining on the CRT is bad for black levels

>> No.7027065

That's a trick of your eyes. The bright areas make the unlit areas seem darker by comparison.

>> No.7027067

I'm 31 and I've always thought of CRTs as being gray, because they are. They never had good blacks. They can have pretty good contrast, and that continues becoming less true, but there's other reasons to use them.

>> No.7027628

Motion clarity is really the only big advantage CRTs have left modern displays can't match. There is the whole input/display lag thing but modern displays are getting to the point where that is irrelevant for most things getting you within a frame of lag from a CRT. Within a retro context, they are the best no doubt. But people who keep touting that they are sufficient as modern displays are mental. HDR, 10 bit color, 4k@120Hz are things that CRTs are never going to have and are relevant to modern gaming. Giving that up for the above CRT advantages is basically like throwing away a dollar for a dime on the ground. When microLED solves the last several issues with OLED like burn-in and sub 1000 nits peak brightness and match the CRT response time in nanoseconds rather than microseconds which solves the motion clarity problem then there should be a good discussion about actually replacing CRTs at that point because I don't know how many more of the tubes can survive out there.

>> No.7027659

Your brightness and is set too high.

>> No.7027660

Very much so, yes. I use one on my computer, and regularly, but I've gone way out of my way to reduce retention/burning. Hidden taskbar, screen saver set, full screen mode browsing with extensions/tabs to make it easier. It will absolutely burn in if you don't do this. Don't believe me? Just leave something bright on with any OLED on high brightness settings, then switch to a grey window after a few minutes.

It's still an awesome fucking display but yeah, burn-in is a real achille's heel and should not be understated.

>> No.7028945

The blacks argument was legitimate when LCDs were even worse than they are now. It got blown way out of proportion and soon the CRTs defining characteristic was black levels even though they were never that great, just better than the competition at the time. So yes it is basically a meme.

>> No.7029271

Shenmue, zoomie

>> No.7029287

I really wish it wasn't. Sure, some retro games are good for casual fun, but there's no denying modern games are a plague on western "civilisation"

>> No.7029306

That's why r/BanVideoGames works while r/GamersRiseUp failed: It wouldn't be a problem if it were sincere.

>> No.7029361

shenmue didn't popularise them dumbass

>> No.7029445

>source: my ass
Also fuck you

>> No.7029446

Yes OLEDs are better than LCDs which still need backlighting. No, using CRTs won't totally fuck up your OS like deleting system32 would. And that's not a meme either.

>> No.7029454

How many QTE games do you know around 1999?
How many do you know after 2005
Shenmue wasn’t the first game to use QTEs you know

>> No.7029460

How will microLED be marketed when LED matrix-backlit LCDs are being called just "LED"? Could it be another case of Wii U?

>> No.7029465

Mate do you know what most people care about that?

>> No.7029574
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>> No.7029591
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>> No.7029631

now post the images with light like most people play

>> No.7029650

That's a shitty LED.
This thread is about OLED.
Do you know what LED is?
Do you know what OLED is?
Probably not, poorfag.

>> No.7029672

My friends think I'm autistic and my wife "won't bring it up" about the fact that I have a 200lb trinitron that I wont play because I cant get the geometry acceptable but its too heavy and uncommon to get rid of it

>> No.7029921

>Do you know what OLED is?
>Probably not, poorfag
I mean, do you? I've yet to see anybody on this site post evidence that they actually own one. Just blind shilling from anti-CRT autists.

>> No.7029976

so, your thread is stupid because you're forcing a claim that some $1500 brand new thing is finally almost as good as a $10 screen from the classifieds

>> No.7029979

>I cant get the geometry acceptable
what exactly do you mean and why not?

>> No.7029994

Crt's are a meme, even budget qled TVs have dark blacks

>> No.7029995

it's all good to me, except tn panels, fuck that ugly shit

>> No.7030005

Almost anyone with a mid or high range smartphone or tablet also already knows how good oled is, though at a much smaller scale. I hope it gets more affordable for monitors and tvs in the future as well.

>> No.7030008

it already is pretty affordable

>> No.7030010

Yes I have a 60".

>> No.7030067

They're still twice as expensive than typical LCD models with the same feature set. A typical 55" lcd will set you back 550-850 euros, whereas oled models usually go between 1200-1600, which makes it hard to justify if you're on a budget.

>> No.7030068

lmao this is the worst cope I’ve ever seen

>> No.7030109

I have OLED, I think it's utter garbage. Light use has seen major performance degradation in all the OLEDs I own, they are designed to fail on a scale that make early plasmas look like a breath of fresh air.

Do they have great colors? Sure, for the first month. Give it a few thousand hours and they'll already need heavy recalibration, and every year you're losing more and more brightness when you didn't have much to begin with.

They're only suitable for smartphones, and only glued together smartphones designed for retards who will throw it in the trash after 2 years and buy another.

>> No.7030115

As someone who owns a 4K Panasonic OLED from 2 years ago, maybe you should do some research before buying a cheap piece of shit OLED

>> No.7030119

Then show them in light

>> No.7032060

OLEDs degrade in 5 years and that's pretty shitty for a 2k TV.

>> No.7032071

CRTs don't have "perfect blacks" becasue of phosphors glowing and the actual color of the tube being dark grey but they have black levels way the fuck better than any LCD, especially in the dark.

>> No.7032081

That's not an IPS panel, it's a VA panel marketed as an IPS panel. Dirt-tier companies like Acer and Asus love playing kike tricks like that.

>> No.7032114

>$1500 brand new thing is finally almost as good as a $10 screen from the classifieds
Such is the state of the display industry yes. Though a $1500 OLED will BTFO a tube in anything except motion clarity and input lag.

>> No.7032295

>motion clarity
>input lag
>the two most important display features during gameplay

You killed your own argument right there.

>> No.7032316

Yeah tubes are kind of amazing for that. Your input lag is just whatever the refresh rate is and the phosphors decay so quick they don't have any persistence issues. And modern LCDs are actually depressingly bad at this. So bad in fact that motion blur pretty much masks any kind of motion quality gain above 90Hz.

>> No.7032340 [DELETED] 


Like most people DONT play, you mean.

>> No.7032345 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 1440x2164, Screenshot_20201012-140249_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesn't know

I own an OLED and a PVM

>> No.7032353

He’s probably right actually, most people are retarded

>> No.7032357

>input lag
You mean display lag. Input lag has to do with controllers, the console and the game. Display lag has to do with the display. They are two different things, but pretty easy to get mixed up.

>> No.7032453

What do you use the MPX8 for, are you a streamer?

>> No.7032456

this setup will forever suck

>> No.7032642 [DELETED] 


Wannabe streamer, yeah. I dont have viewers, of course. It was cheap enough, and I have shitty memes assigned to it, like "guy Cummings loudly", the Hot97.5 reggae airhorns, SpongeBob saying "i wonder what I should do today. I guess ill-" and gets interrupted by Snoop Dog singing "smoke weed every day." Also, a Wilhelm scream.

I mainly just stream myself painting 3D printed miniatures at 2am. Sometimes.

>> No.7032650 [DELETED] 

>Even the microphone has LEDs

>> No.7032670

I thought that was comfy until I saw your computer.

>> No.7032756
File: 133 KB, 1267x1370, 586019_puddingbytes_confused-mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this theme too autistic to discuss?
What is the best display to play snes and sega saturn games?

>> No.7032761

for real. Who are you? what job are you doing? How do you got so much free time to post it 24/7 and still buy that stuff.

>> No.7032786

They're talking about things LCDbabies can't grasp.

>> No.7032790 [DELETED] 


I was trapped into doing con jobs under the guise of legitimate work. A cars salesman at a pawnshop, where my job ended up being selling cars to people who can't afford them, collecting a nonrefundable down-payment, and repoing the car after they fail to make the first payment on time. I also had to buy stolen goods from drug addicts, which weighs heavily on my conscious and keeps me up at night. You begin to question yourself, and wonder if you technically killed them by giving them money you knew they would spend on drugs.

After doing that for 70 hours a week, I hated myself just enough to finally quit. Then I got a job as an "administrator" for an online radio station. I was very excited to have an office job, and the pay was ok. $650 a week, untaxed. Wasn't as much as the car dealership, but I thought it was honest. Turns out, it wasn't. It was a scheme. Offer a free 8 minute interview to business owners, they go on the air, then a salesman will tell them that the network wants them back for a premium show, and the phones were ringing off the hook. We had zero listeners and a premium show cost as much as $5,000. I quit that.

I've also done carpentry, rubbish removal, and other sales jobs like selling paint.

Tldr: I'm a massive fuckup and I kinda want to kill myself for all the things I've done, and im not even 30 yet.

>> No.7032795 [DELETED] 


CRT for the saturn. I prefer CRT for SNES, but it looks great on an HD display through a cheap upscaler like the RetroTink.

>> No.7032796

Sell all your shit and give the money you make to charity instead.

>> No.7032804 [DELETED] 


I actually try to give as much as I can afford now, and I volunteer my time. It doesn't make me feel any better, but I know I'm making others feel better, and that makes me happy for them.

>> No.7032808

for real its not your fault.

Hows your social life? Keep your stuff and try to get in a company that pays enough and doesn't rob people.

wish you the best

>> No.7032821

so wheres the deal about CRTs and OLEDs

>> No.7032829

I think you are the ones who are retarded, dilating your pupils so you can burn your retinas as much as possible

>> No.7032847

Crt is a meme , i tried old crt pc monitor and it felt like someone shoot nedles in my eyes , how the fuck could i spend hours in front of that shit, even tru protective glass

>> No.7032865 [DELETED] 
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You forgot the radiation shield, you fucking retard.

>> No.7032873

>that pink shit
kek, fag, you’re not a woman and never will be delusional tranny

>> No.7032887 [DELETED] 


I'm a guy though? And I don't pretend otherwise???? I'm allowed to like certain colors lol

>> No.7032891

Try at more than 60hz next time

>> No.7032898

ok mr eye doctor retard faggot

>> No.7032930
File: 272 KB, 692x931, D9AD5938-A519-4D6F-9FF2-D91F565C2356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7032947


>> No.7032976

I have a Sony A8H set up side by side with a FV310 and I can confirm that the 310's sole utility is video games and OLED black level is way deeper and there is zero blooming or light bleed, it's based. There is nothing apart from old games that looks/performs better on the CRT. If I wasn't as fussy/partial to light gun games as I am I'd probably just get rid of the CRT and play most stuff via my nvidia shield but alas the input delay on that makes it not quite an endgame solution yet.

I feel like there's a lot of CRT weirdos who feel like it's some kind of sacrilege to admit that they aren't actually superior in every measurable aspect to modern displays, like it's ok to just prefer the way they look "just because" lol

>> No.7033006

They aren't superior to modern panels in every way, but imo even today they hold up reasonably well. I plan on replacing mine with an OLED when I can get one that's a proper monitor and not a TV.

>> No.7033018

I think you make a good point in the fact that current technology is superior, but it needs to be noted that it only really applies to $1500+ sets. If price isn’t an issue for you then great but IMO there’s more than enough room for both technologies and plenty of viable reasons to prefer CRTs for retro games currently, even outside of price range. The plug and play simplicity and the fact that you don’t really have to mess with external scalers or console mods for ideal, or even just perfectly acceptable, performance and image quality is a huge plus. There are good reasons to use them beyond “just because.”

>> No.7033019

I was thinking of replacing mine with a VG259QM. But then I realized that the input lag, even though it refreshes way faster, would only be about 1-2ms faster on a $500 display. And then I'm also getting a panel that only does 1100:1 contrast, probably worse than my CRT, and also doesn't have proper black levels which I've been extremely spoiled by. So it doesn't really make sense for me to replace this monitor with anything other than a better CRT.

>> No.7033072

I mean yeah no arguments I'm just saying there are actually people who will say with a straight face that watching old 480p dvd's on a CRT is a better movie experience than "any modern display" like there's some real psychos out there lol. every drawback is just an advantage to them. "175lbs nearly gave myself a hernia getting it out of my truck but she's a beaut, they don't make em like this anymore!" "convergence is out near the corners, got some bowing happening and scrolling is a bit wavy but the imperfections are what make it so soulful" "Why don't they make CRT's anymore, I just don't understand"

>> No.7033079

Your CRT might need servicing, but yeah OLED has better contrast and black levels no one denies this the only thing missing for OLED to be endgame it's longevity and motion clarity, microLED might fix the former and the latter would be fixed on OLED if manufacturers gave a fuck
It really depends, for starters tweaking brightness should help a lot, if it still looks gray odds are that you need to tweak pots inside the monitor, on the latter Trinitron's you had to connect a TTL cable to a serial port and use a program called WinDAS
desu you can fix back levels being shit on LCDs by adding bias lightning, as long as you have over 1000:1 contrast on your panel (which you really should unless you have a chinkpad tier panel) it will look acceptable

>> No.7033082

MicroLED will fix motion clarity for sure, LEDs can switch on and off in literal nanoseconds. You can even do foldable and transparent meme shit with microLEDs. The only thing that's up in the air is display lag.

>> No.7033702

Very nice

>> No.7034045

there's lots of monitors that have very low grey to grey pixel response times and OLED is near instantaneous as it is, it doesn't really have anything to do with motion blur if the way the image is drawn on the screen is still sample+hold. MicroLED could fix motion clarity by being bright enough to not be hurt by an aggressive BFI though

>> No.7035715

Nice game store you're running

>> No.7035732

Getting attached to material objects will only get you more depressed. Go outside and interact with people or just go for a walk in the park. The less you have the better you'll feel, or at least have the space to breath. Good luck anon

>> No.7035738

No it isn't

>> No.7035745

This thread is retarded. OP and a few others here seem to have a very superficial or poor understanding of how CRTs work.

>> No.7035758

there it is! booyah!

>> No.7035768

OP isa faggit and the word goes in all fields

>> No.7035926 [DELETED] 

Shenmue > RE 4 > God of War
Not ordered by "how much I like them", but rather "importance in popularizing
Shenmue poster is right

>> No.7035938

Shenmue > RE 4 > God of War
Not ordered by "how much I like them", but rather "importance in popularizing QTEs"
Shenmue poster is right

>> No.7036339

>people are parks are immaterial

>> No.7036357

Building relationships with people is immaterial but it’s not surprising that autism has trouble recognizing or understanding that.

>> No.7036361

>meme setup poster that everyone hates
>is also a complete degenerate and fucks people over for a living
>all the meme trash he has is blood money
Just kill yourself already for the greater good. Both this board and the world will benefit from it.

>> No.7036382

he's not and neither are you
you're talking about which games did it first in which >>7026936 already posted an early example
after GoW every single game had QTE's therefore it is the game that popularised them

>> No.7036386

Turn all your lights off and look up the color black on google or something and set it to fullscreen. Turn your brightness all the way up and experience the brightness of your lcd monitor.
Now turn off your monitor and sit in the dark. That is what true black looks like on a CRT.

>> No.7036427

Yet you still can't post a picture of a OLED next ot a CRT because it would show that the CRT doesn't have perfect blacks like the OLED does. How sad.

>> No.7036598

>it’s not surprising that autism has trouble communicating using words

>> No.7038383
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're in dark room with only the light of the display visible then when a 0,0,0 black full screen image is seen you should not be able to detect the image within your vision. It should be like the display was turned off and you were just sitting in pitch dark.

There are six display technologies that can pull this off. Can you name them?

>> No.7038574

Zoom. Not even once.

>> No.7038734

Incorrect. You got 0 out of 6.

>> No.7038805

No you are legitimately retarded or likely weren’t alive at the time of its release if you think Shenmue didn’t popularize them.

>> No.7038987

>doubles down on stupid
yikes. back to le tiktok little zoomie

>> No.7038989

>the CRT blacks are gray compared to the OLED blacks
You've got the brightness too high you absolute retard.

>> No.7039030

>playing wii in dark basement
Fucking lightbar shining light in my eyes

>> No.7040442

>being too zoom to have used a wii
wew lad

>> No.7041086

>not being able to see infrared

>> No.7041202

You keep believing that with no evidence then
While I have countless evidence proving that GoW was the culprit

>> No.7041341 [DELETED] 

LED LCD with local dimming
LED/Micro LED (not sure if these count as different display tech)
DLP with global dimming
Laser Display

All the ones I know of.

>> No.7041382 [DELETED] 

LED LCD with local dimming
LED/Micro LED (not sure if these count as different display tech)
DLP with global dimming
Laser Display

All the ones I know of.

>> No.7041619

>inb4 the zoomie copeposts about how he+she+it has a special condition where that's actually true.

>> No.7041651

I've never seen a CRT with true blacks, even if the screen is completely black. There's always a very dim light when compared to the display turned off.

>> No.7041901

I've only ever seen CRTs with true blacks. It was on an expedition to unknown parts of the dark continent. The 1/1024ers, race fakers, and plain old 100% poor white trailer trash only loot LCDs.

>> No.7042116

I can't percieve any difference between the dark areas of my PVM and the surrounding areas with the brightness properly calibrated. On shitty consumer sets? Yeah, I remember "black" looking grey in the dark.

>> No.7042384

>If you're in dark room with only the light of the display visible then when a 0,0,0 black full screen image is seen you should not be able to detect the image within your vision
And how often does that occur during vidya? Or is there always going to be SOMETHING illuminated on the screen, which in turn illuminates the mask on the set making those inky blacks actually pretty grey and noticeable?

>> No.7042637

>And how often does that occur during vidya?
>posted from my parents basement
lmao. Not even the anon you're coping to but you're a ridiculous cunt.

>> No.7042645

I have no idea what you're even attempting to imply. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was some bizarre ESL miscommunication. Would you like to try again?