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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 236 KB, 750x1000, melee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7020947 No.7020947 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7020954

>teaches a generation to pronounce the word melee wrong

>> No.7020963

Still waiting for Super Smash Brothers: Ballroom Blitz

>> No.7020982


>> No.7021234

>may lay
Sounds gay

>> No.7021427

i heard none of the pros are interested in the game since it turned 18.

is this true?

>> No.7021581

mfw Too old

>> No.7021595

Projector Pedo!

>> No.7021606

melee is a pretty good game. definitely one of the better games in the series. i just don't understand why the community is so toxic and hates the other games in the series so much. you literally can't discuss any other smash game on 4chan without some obnoxious meleefag coming in and shitting up the thread with memes and combo .webms.

>> No.7021612

Take a shower stinky

>> No.7021620

shitty meme

>> No.7021683
File: 58 KB, 960x674, CVBzc8-UEAArDYR_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melee players are the actual fucking worst.
Its not a joke when we say you're repulsivly ugly, smell really fucking bad, and you're annoying as fuck. Im a TO and I avoid Melee tournaments like the fucking plague. We actually pay out of pocket to place deodorant ontop of every fucking CRT. WE PLAY MELEE IN A FUCKING AIRPLANE HANGAR TO AVOID THE STANK.

Also, you motherfuckers are cring meme spouters, and have no fucking respect for equipment that isn't yours. You faggots break 40% of our 1st party gamecube controllers every fucking time. Stop slamming the fucking analog sticks left and right with all your retard strength DURING FUCKING LOADING SCREENS Jesus fucking christ. I hate you all so much, and im not shocked or surprised in the fucking slightest that a bunch of you are pedophiles.

>> No.7021691
File: 2.26 MB, 1685x8011, smash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't stand for the smash tourneyfags, I'm sure a lot of them are ugly and smelly, but you know what? So are any other tourneyfags, and so are YOU.
Also, pic related, cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.7021694


There is a huge difference between normal ugly, and autism ugly. You repulse people, I make people feel utterly indifferent.

>> No.7021696

Seething stinky pedo

>> No.7021702

>I make people feel utterly indifferent.
Keep telling that to yourself, ugmo specimen.

>> No.7021707
File: 69 KB, 603x719, 1602007094795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have absolutely no interest in the "Tournament Community" and think wavedashing is fucking gay, as well. Always have. But this game is still one of the greatest of all time, in my opinion. The trophies are still the best the series has ever gotten, and so are some the advancements (of the series via this game) and modes. Really dumb we can't discuss this game anymore without furry and pedo dregs being brought up, but that's the way (justifiably) ruined reputations go, I guess.

>> No.7021712


I hate melee fags with a burning passion, but I also agree with everything you said. GOD i miss trophies.

>> No.7021724

I don't get this game or why this became such a big deal.

>> No.7021725

Yeah man. I like the later games' gameplay more probably, and like that they have tons of new characters, but those additions (and improvements) take nothing away from this game, I think. Another thing I really miss is the stickers and CDs from Brawl, besides Subspace Emissary and some of the other things from that game. Why can't we all just get along?

>> No.7021734

Crossover games have always been a big deal. MvC, KoF, etc would not have gotten away with being as popular or well-loved as they were and still are just on their gameplay (which is great, in both cases), either.

>> No.7021737

Didn’t read plus you smell bad go take a shower queer

>> No.7021751

Keep projecting, ugly mess

>> No.7021948
File: 53 KB, 720x644, exde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine taking the time to create that image.

>> No.7022130

I mean, yeah lol. But I saved it because it's actually kind of cool how it BTFO's the autistic "b-bb--but smash isn't a fighting game!" NPCs.

>> No.7022134

Smash isn't a fighting game. It's a casual party game for smelly incels.

>> No.7022135

Not sure about that, but if that was the case, you should be a Smash fanatic, right?

>> No.7022141

The english language is totally fucked anyway.
Mee-Lee sounds more badass than may lay.

>> No.7022143

I'm no fan of compfags most of the time but I have to admit a certain part of me likes how huge this became as a competitive game, blowing apart huge disadvantages such as no online and Nintendo not only not supporting on it but actively trying to kill it .

>> No.7022147

The "Smash Brothers" documentary is pretty great in explaining the history of Melee tourneys, at least in USA.
I have to say the only tourney shit I sometimes still watch is whenever Isai plays against captain jack or some other japanese 64 player.
Otherwise, I enjoy playing Smash with friends, but I don't give a shit about tourneys or following the current shit.

>> No.7022149


>> No.7022151


No it doesn't, because smash isn't a fighting game.

>> No.7022154

How does one game manage to live rent free in the heads of many zoomies?
I'll never understand putting so much effort into screaming about one small community online especially if you find the game apparently outdated.

>> No.7022169
File: 395 KB, 719x1125, Screenshot_20201024-194424_Adblock Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part about Smash fans obsessing over having Smash be considered a fighting game, is they actively go against every single FGC norm and etiquette because they dont like it. Like, ok, dont like the FGC? Fuck off and stop trying to be part of the FGC.

Also, for fucks sake, stop throwing tantrums at tournaments.

>> No.7022179
File: 321 KB, 540x971, Screenshot_20201024-194613_Adblock Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7022183
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>> No.7022184

It is a fighting game, though. Cope.
LMAOO based Armada.

>> No.7022187

Going to need to give a better run down there phoneposter.
Plenty of times /v/ had title and first paragraph Kotaku posts and turns out it was clickbait.

>> No.7022194
File: 511 KB, 540x1739, Screenshot_20201024-194934_Adblock Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope. And no amount of kicking and screaming will ever change the fact. Its in the same category as Powerstone and Playstation Allstars, neither of which have ever been considered fighting games.

>> No.7022204
File: 322 KB, 719x925, Screenshot_20201024-195149_Adblock Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The malfunction controller bit, there is a manufacturer in error in some 1st party gamecube controllers that lets you abuse a glitch more reliably. Said player didn't have said controller, promptly shit his diaper.

Fag who ragequit due to "the audience" did so because they were """coaching""" his opponent. Aka, shouting the names of moves and techniques. ACTUAL coaching in the FGC is when someone in your friendgroup comes up in between rounds and gives you advice.

>> No.7022213

This one actually reminds me more of certain Mario Party mini-games.
Smash Bros is different, for one, it's horizontal, not 3D or isometric like Powerstone, Smash plays like other fighting games as Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter or Tekken, although, like VF is different to SF, Smash Bros is also different. They all share a lot of similarities when it comes to combos, cancels, footsies and more, all in their own way but the basics are there. Just look at a smash bros pro player's APM.
>Playstation Allstars
They actually got a bunch of FGC tourneyfags to help with the game design IIRC, so they tried. The game was just abysmal, there's far better Smash clones, like that hudson+konami+takara one.
Smash is a fighting game lol, I'm sorry you can't accept this fact.
>but smash fans are all fat and ugly!
Again, the same can be said of the rest of the FGC (and add niggers too lmao)

>> No.7022214
File: 297 KB, 540x953, Screenshot_20201024-200059_Adblock Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7022217

melee players are living inside this guy's mind rent free lol

stay salty.

>> No.7022225

>(and add niggers too lmao)
ikr, wtf is up with niggers getting drawn to FGC. At least Nintendo brings some white NEETs who had middle class parents.

>> No.7022296

>"Nintendo not only not supporting on it but actively trying to kill it ."
> when Nintendo STILL hasn't shut down slippi online
they're keeping it alive on purpose. it's basically free advertisement for their IPs. plus they know how autistic the community is and how big the backlash would be

>> No.7023638

stop using Fox

>> No.7023664

Imagine taking the time to make an image of an imaginary conversation you had with one of your personalities.

>> No.7023736

Yeah whoever did that pic was a sperg no doubt, but it really does shut up all the actual spergs who echo chamber their "smash is not a fighting game!" mantra, so fuck it.

>> No.7024139


No it doesn't, lol. There comes a point where something someone says is so stupid, the only winning move is to ignore it entirely.

Smash still isn't a fighting game.

>> No.7024151

Smash isn't a fighting game. That's why it's good.

>> No.7024203

my favorite part of this is that not only did it get EVO cancelled but 4 months later and i'm still seeing people make jokes about smash players being pedos.

>> No.7024205



>> No.7024212

rape the targets!

>> No.7024239

what did you expect? smash players are mentally ill pedophiles.

i think the biggest thing that shuts up the "smash is a fighting game" argument is that the creator of the fucking games doesn't consider them fighting games nor does he design them as such.

>wtf is up with niggers getting drawn to FGC
i think it mostly goes back to when arcades were more widespread in urban areas.

i remember a friend of mine talk about how he spent most of his childhood in brooklyn at arcades playing street fighter 2 and would sometimes cut classes to do so.

>> No.7024378

It took me so long to pronounce it the right way thanks to that fucking party game

>> No.7024382

Absolutely. You don't play the same fucking game for 19 years and don't get at least a little bored of the same matchups on the same approved stage list

>> No.7024570

Anybody watching Slippi week 3 in here?

>> No.7025690

>Smash still isn't a fighting game.
Keep repeating the mantra, maybe it'll become true one day!

>> No.7026465

This game alongside Star Fox Adventures and Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters: Melee changed my fucking life bros.

>> No.7026493

Take a shower and grow up, incel.

>> No.7026527

Dilate you worthless nigger.

>> No.7026547
File: 767 KB, 480x270, MFW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll drop this here.

>Be me
>in college
>partying, learning, good times
>3-4 virgins on my hall always in the same room playing Smash Melee.
>They start the Smash Melee club.
>I like video games, but not really a smash fan, play with them once to be friendly.
>Thought I was average at the game, but they all beat me easily.
>Their Smash autism force turns from neutron star to black hole.
>Leaving to catch 8:30am class, hear them debating about which character has the best blocks/whatever.
>Come back after party at 2am, still here them playing Smash and having their "smash debates."
>Their dorm room is right next to the stairs, and the elevator takes forever.
>Every time I walk by they are playing Smash. Leave for breakfast - smash. Back to get books mid-day - smash. Bring qt3.14 back - smash.
>other hallmates give them the nickname smash fags.
>midway through first semester, all of them leave but one when the start flunking all their classes.
>The one to rule them all achieves super massive black hole autism.
>RA has to speak with him about showering. Asks him why he isn't going to class, etc.
>"LOL, dude I have 4.0."
>This guy has literally never gone to class, how is that possible?
>Next semester get off campus apt.
>See school newspaper.
>Smash fans are the absolute best

Not OP, delivers link.


>> No.7026728

You're wrong on all ends.
Don't talk if you got no clue.

>> No.7026741

It's Mel-ay though.

>> No.7026751

Don't know why they can't just make another game with that same fast snappy feel. I don't give a fuck about wavedashing, the later Smash games just feel sluggish.

>> No.7026753

The FGC is niggers lol

>> No.7028025
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>leave tournament after audience fucks with you
I don't really see the problem with this, the players are there to play the game, win at the game and have fun, not act the part of clowns for some onlookers. If they start shit, do the players really need to take it? They could just go elsewhere.

>> No.7028132

On one hand, I really really like the chill, almost suspenseful music of the menu in Smash 64, but on the other hand, I love the epic (yes, epic) music of the menu in Smash Melee.

>> No.7028870

My all time favorite game.

Tourneyfag play is fun and casualfag play is fun. Never got why people in both groups have to shit their pants over other people having fun the wrong way.

Not a big fan of later smashes cause I think they fucked up the movement, but I just avoid threads about those. Anyone who comes into melee threads to talk about meleefags being obnoxious about other games needs to take a look in the mirror.

>> No.7028887

>noooo stop proving me wrong! You can't use evidence on 4channel, its only schizo conspiracies here!

>> No.7028926
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melee had this early 2000s future look that I love. Combined that with the music and Melee has one of the best menus ever.

>> No.7029139

>Never got why people in both groups have to shit their pants over other people having fun the wrong way.
largely because tourneyfags tend to not only be the face of the community but also embody everything wrong with it.

autistic shitfits, entitlement, poor hygiene and now pedophilia pretty much sum up the kind of people in the competitive smash scene and it's completely understandably why someone wouldn't wanna be associated with them.

>> No.7029937

Hi there anon, it seems you're autistically posting in the reddit format, you don't have to do that!

>> No.7029943

The FGC think having fist fights in arcades is part of their culture. They wouldn't get it.

>> No.7029968

>the FGC
If you think playing video games makes you part of a super-secret club then you need to take medication. There's no "community" with you and the dipshit next to you playing Street Fighter.

>> No.7030120

>i got no counterpoint so I'm just going to attack you instead.

>> No.7030391

I don't care about your shizo posting, faggot. At least try and hide being a newfag.

>> No.7030665

>autistic shitfits, entitlement,
Where? In this thread the only ones acting like that are the casual elitists.

>poor hygiene and now pedophilia
Barely applies to the melee scene, this shit is almost all in the ultimate community. Name three melee focused players who were caught up in that filth, and I’ll be genuinely surprised.

>> No.7030698

It all depends what it was about, but EPL games have been stopped due to someone yelling something racist.

There's no "super-secret" anything guy, you sound retarded and like you are unaware of anything.

>> No.7031129


Are you a fucking retard?

Audience members are allowed to yell out whatever bullshit they think they would do to win. Its part of being a spectator and being excited. Literally no fighting game player has a problem with this.

>> No.7031134


Secret club? What? The fuck are you droning on about? Fuck off.

>> No.7031135


>> No.7031142
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>> No.7031149


>reddit format
You mean, college educated format? Because that's proper text formatting. Nobody even knows what "reddit format" means.

>> No.7031163

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.7031187

>yell out whatever bullshit they think they would do to win
What? You mean, yell out suggestions to the players? I'm pretty sure that's not what happened in >>7022179. Regardless, onlookers are not part of the game so I still don't see why players would have to take any shit from them if they don't want to. You don't need an audience to play a video game for money. If you think you do, you're probably part of the audience yourself with a heightened sense of self-importance.

>> No.7031204

And fuck zoomers who take the tourney scene seriously