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7017069 No.7017069 [Reply] [Original]

>Names characters after friends

No one was autistic enough to do this, right?

>> No.7017072

Sorry didn't know fun was outlawed, faggot

>> No.7017103

Surely it's more autistic to make up fantasy names?

>> No.7017107

>name the characters after your friends, they get a laugh out of it and you goof around pretending you and your buddies are saving the world
Where is the autism

>> No.7017114

Seems impossible with 4 letters

>> No.7017169

I named the girl in Secret of Mana after the girl I had a crush on in Jr. High. I didn't give the guy my name so I guess I cucked myself.

>> No.7017185

As a kid I always did official names if they were available, or I went with the same names I first came up with when making my original Dragon Quest 3 party


In tactical games like xcom, I name them after Mega Man X bosses, or at least in the style of MMX bosses, usually based on role. I feel like it fits the military theme well. So like big grenadiers would be:
>Launch Octopus
>Flame Mammoth
Where as support would be
>Bubble Crab
>Sting Chameleon

These days in RPGs I name characters after FF characters that would match their role. So if I made a tank, a healer, a monk and a mage they'd be

Thanks for reading my autistic blog

>> No.7017192

Based autist

>> No.7017198

>name girl character after your crush
>you get NTR'd
Bahamut Lagoon

>> No.7017203

Cringe: Naming Link "Link"
Based: Naming Link "(your name)"
Cringe: Naming Pokèmon their pokedex names
Based: Naming Pokèmon with individual nicknames
Cringe: Naming party members "(class)"
Based: Naming party members "(race specific, setting consistent name)"

TL;DR: Imagination is based and lack of it is cringe.

>> No.7017242

I know it's subjective but I feel there are plenty of 4 letter names you could use which would work in other fantasy games. I use food for names, the more ridiculous the better

>> No.7017586

just play in japanese retard

>> No.7017587

>having friends

>> No.7017609

No, my go to names for the 8-Bit FF were:

>> No.7017614

*if it only allows 4 characters I just do shortenings of those

>> No.7017723

Last time I played FF1 I named the characters after me and my family members

>> No.7017758

this. fucking autists with their friends

>> No.7018054
File: 69 KB, 675x675, 1589834472877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>named the characters in ff1 after myself and my irl friends
>one of them leaves the friend group
>now the game feels super weird

>> No.7018084
File: 41 KB, 320x201, 2989035-the_oregon_trail_the_digital_antiquarian_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time it's acceptable is when you're playing pic related

>> No.7018501

I would name the characters after the members of different rock bands. My party in Trials of Mana were the members of Nirvana, for instance.

>> No.7018509

I do this too, I would name my party members after classic prog rock band names

>> No.7018526

>people that play jarpigs
>having any friends
I don't buy it.

>> No.7018538

Yeah, I honestly could never do it in any RPG I played.
I just get an overflowing feeling of cringe/spaghetti when I think about doing it, and how they would react if they ever saw that.

>> No.7019106

Only named them after my crushes

>> No.7019112

How did that work out with Aerith?

>> No.7019126
File: 49 KB, 640x480, r0eSkVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mega ultra based

>> No.7019138

I've been doing this shit since Organ Trail. Oh no, John died of dysentery!

>> No.7019141

I've never had enough friends to fill out a JRPG party with

>> No.7019154
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Yeah, it's totally a sign of autism that you have a large enough cadre of friends to name video game team members after them and to have fun imagining adventures with them than it is to be a nofriendz who tries to gargle fantasy names out of 4 character limits because fantasy gaming is serious business.

>> No.7020820
File: 1.78 MB, 400x279, 1573048767120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you go to a friend's house and he's playing a JRPG and you notice he named the main waifu characters after his ex girlfriend and his cousin

>> No.7021282
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>> No.7021286

I would name characters after both siblings and friends. Sometimes it would get really awkward if two characters I named after my brother and sister turned out to be romantically involved.

>> No.7021294

>Cringe: Naming Pokèmon their pokedex names
I remember on one playthrough of Pokemon I did as a kid I just renamed all the pokemon so they'd have properly capitalized names instead of all caps. What I didn't expect (being a dumb 9 year old) was ending up with a venusaur named Bulbasaur, a beedrill named Weedle, etc.

>> No.7021369

Last playthrough of FF1 I named them after my online friends... not sure that's any better actually

>> No.7021479

>Naming party members "(race specific, setting consistent name)

>> No.7021486

>Naming Link "(your name)"

>> No.7021495

It's not imaginative, it's based.

>> No.7021502

fuckin based i was gonna post this

>> No.7022803

>not naming your characters "cum", "poop", "dick", and "sex"

>> No.7022825

>Pick 4 random names in Final Fantasy 1 GBA Dawn of Souls
>Work those same 4 names into ever RPG whenever I can after that.

Oddly Kino.

>> No.7022856

My go to names were

>> No.7022869

I found my long lost copy of Dragon Warrior III (NES) and to my surprise the save still worked. Every party member was named after each of my buddies in highscool from 20+ years ago.

>> No.7022873

this. I named some generics in Tactics Ogre Luct after friends and I think they kinda liked it. they know it's just for fun.

>> No.7022880
File: 2.17 MB, 4160x3120, 20201025_002417-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funnily enough, out of everyone I've known, I still talk with all three of these guys to this day.

>> No.7023026

Ironically, the graphics in 3 and 9 are the best in the series because they're the player imagining people he knows.

>> No.7023041


3 was the first "best" one I played, probably for that very reason. 9 I was lucky enough to play with a couple of friends. 1, 3, 8, 9, and 11 are my favorites because I have good memories tied to all of them.