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7011975 No.7011975 [Reply] [Original]

What went so right?

>> No.7011984

Everything. It was a tightly designed game. Probably my second favorite RE

>> No.7011986

Well Alone in the Dark was popular so they took it and tweaked it just enough.

>> No.7012006

They made the VAs sound fucking silly and it pretty much worked in their favor
Great use of the sedentary nature of a spooky house i.e. the "one screen at a time" exploration
It's a zombie story... but it's really an evil corporate entity scifi adventure
they kinda just threw the dice and all of them came up 6s

>> No.7012016

Absolutely everything. It is a masterpiece.

>> No.7012047

then REmake happened and ruined it

>> No.7012050

Literal meme game.

>> No.7012245

not this

>> No.7012271

kek nobody ever wants to talk about this

>> No.7012332

>never got far in AITD
>play and beat RE1
>try AITD again with boosted confidence
>still got, as the hip faggots say, "filtered"
oh well

>> No.7012357

aitd was obsolete the day re1 shipped

>> No.7012481

Is AiTD even good? RE still plays the same as it did when it launched. Does anyone even want to play AiTD or is just something brought up for hipster bragging rights?

>> No.7012514

i just watch a long play. I remember playing 4 (a new nightmare) and it was good

>> No.7012603

This. Even the corporate meddling ended up being good for the end product. It was like the project was blessed.

>> No.7012645

The original AITD is pretty intense, but be careful. It has a few dead end scenarios, where you can render the game unbeatable, if you miss, or lose certain key puzzle items. Also, it's VERY easy to get your player character killed by accident. The difficulty level definitely will not let you off easy.

The originals, of course, show their age pretty clearly now, but in a creepy, unsettling way. I think it's a good lesson about the history of horror games to try it.

>> No.7012678

it's good. if you don't like old adventure games you probably won't like it.

>> No.7013852
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I just beat the Chris scenario tonight.
Beat the Jill scenario earlier this week.

I’d only played RE 4 before, I didn’t know the first one was this good.

Also I played Silent Hill 1 right before, and I can’t believe it came out three years later. RE 1 makes Silent Hill look like shit.

I see how Konami they thought they were “improving” on Capcom’s formula, with unlimited saves, unlimited inventory, and polygonal environments. But they just took something that worked and made it worse.

The tank controls in RE work fine and aren’t that hard to figure out. But in SH it’s awkward as hell. And the visibility you lose from polygon rendering limits isn’t worth it. No matter what some idiot reviewer says it isn’t “scarier” to have a draw distance of 2 feet and it isn’t “immersive” for Harry Morgan to flail around like a bitch while the camera gets stuck in a wall.

RE chose its angles carefully and you could actually fucking see where you were and what you were doing.

I was willing to forgive the jank in Silent Hill as a product of its time, until I saw that a game from three years earlier was so much less clunky.

Konami copied their homework from Capcom and still got an F.

>> No.7013875

>Silent Hill makes RE 1 look like shit.

>> No.7014064


>> No.7014204

>Konami copied their homework from Capcom and still got an F.
Quoted for truth.

>> No.7014228

Shinji Mikami is an incredibly talented director, that's what. RE1 and RE4 are some of the best games out there. Witht he exception of kamiya's RE2, all other games in the series are sad imitators.

>> No.7014659

>Silent Hill is more dated than RE
Terrible bait, apply yourself

>> No.7014669

>bragging about being first when people only care about who did it best
This is like bragging about being before Mario bros in platforming. The only thing people care about is who did it best first.

>> No.7014678

Um no sweetie Resident Evil's chief influence was Sweet Home

>> No.7015441

>RE chose its angles carefully and you could actually fucking see where you were and what you were doing.
Imagine actually having trouble with this.
Silent Hill's atmosphere is unmatched precisely because of the things you hate.

>> No.7015571

Nothing, Silent Hill kicks it's ass so hard it's not even funny,

>> No.7015584

>not playing the version with the more kino soundtrack

>> No.7015593

>games can't be inspired from multiple things

>> No.7015605
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>> No.7015663

Made for BZC

>> No.7016232

I never touched a single silent hill game in my life. not because i never wanted to, but because life never made us cross our paths
decades ago, a classmate of my brother recommended him RE4, so he bought it for our PS2. That's how we (I) met RE

never had to play Silent Hill, never cared to do it

what am I missing? I can't imagine Silent Hill surpassing RE's charm

>> No.7016257

You're missing the literal king of horror.

>> No.7016267

I only payed the first SH, and it’s like a jankier Resident Evil.

There’s terrible viability. It’s because of tech limitations, but SH simps will tell you it adds to the atmosphere. There’s a button to center the camera behind you but it doesn’t work all the time, and the controls are awkward as hell. Not because they’re tank controls, they’re just awkward.

That being said, the story is pretty fun. The acting is better than the first RE, and it’s more of a spooky supernatural type of thing. It doesn’t tell you everything though, since it’s locked to the MC’s perspective, so if loose ends annoy you it may not be worth it.

Also you beat two bosses (including the final boss) by just standing still and shooting over and over. And they’re flying bosses who are off camera for the entire encounter, so you just watch your guy blindly firing upwards.

>> No.7016270

meh, I do like to consume horror, though images, videos, and stuff
not in a gameplay way. I am not that sadistic

where's the Sillent Hill voice aciting charm? the music? the lore of the franchise? the quirky and charismatic characters? the fun? the etc=
the way I see it: a game (franchise) made for those who want to shit bricks. that's all. nothing else

>> No.7016276

i am just curious for the monsters (Google is my friend) and creepy shit

that's all i care. nothing else

>> No.7016285
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The monsters remind me of the fighting polygon team from Super Smash Bros.

The final boss looks pretty cool, but again he’s off camera for most of the actual boss fight.

Honestly you’re better off looking at promotional renders. The in game models are pretty shitty, even for ‘99.

>> No.7016291

but I remember I saw some creey fucks screenshots...
keep in mind I'm not talking about Silent Hill 1, but about the franchise itself
so these creepy screenshots I saw must have been surely of another Silent Hill game with, you know, better graphics

>> No.7016652
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>> No.7016826
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Cybil > Jill

>> No.7016835

Same thing happened when Konami copied Capcom in bringing a hardcore platform-action game to the PSP market. Except Capcom's was an entirely new but faithful game while Konami's was an ugly 2.5D remake.

Do Konami copy Capcom a lot?

>> No.7016843

>voice aciting charm? the music? the lore of the franchise? the quirky and charismatic characters? the fun?
Silent Hill (at least the first 2) literally has all of that. And it's far better than any Resident Evil.

>> No.7016847

>but again he’s off camera for most of the actual boss fight.
Iirc if you press L2 the camera shows the final boss as long as you hold it.

>> No.7016960

How's the PC port mods going nowadays? Been thinking of replaying

>> No.7016962

jesus christ anon you're missing out on 3 fantastic games if you continue to be so closed minded about Silent Hill of all things.

>> No.7016981

I've heard 3 is amazing and 2 is okay pc mod wise? 4 just got released on GoG so I wouldn't be shocked if it gets some modded stuff soon to fix it up

>> No.7016995

This is what Capcom wanted you to believe to save face.

When Mikami worked for Capcom:
>Alone In The Dark ? Sorry no, we weren't inspired by this game

When Mikami stopped working for Capcom:
>Obviously we were inspired by Alone In The Dark, it should be no surprise to anyone.

>> No.7017005

>they kinda just threw the dice and all of them came up 6s

They didn't throw the dice. They took AITD, saw the potential, and improved it in every possible way.

Compare RE to Overblood. Both games are very similar
>developped at the same time
>both inspired by AITD

RE was smart enough to drop the shitty hand to hand combat, Overblood wasn't. RE tightened all the survival mechanics and added their own into the mix, Overblood didn't.

Notice also how both games deal with the same story
>but it's really an evril corporate sci fi adventure
>experiments gone wrong

It's literally the same story because it was a thing of the time. With the advance of 3D and CD based games, games started copying movies even more than before. They didn't "throw a dvice", they took the trends and tropes going in movies, but a few years later, as video games have been doing since.
For instance horror movies of the late 80's early 90's were all about giving an explanation to the horror: you know where the zombies came from. You didn't know in movies from the previous decades.

>> No.7017017

>RE's influence isn't the game that plays almost exactly like it, it's this other game that plays NOTHING like it

>> No.7017023

3 works really good, the mods in 2 are great and 4 in gog has most things fixed except the missing hauntings, which they said the are looking into fixing them.

>> No.7017036
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waifu material

>> No.7017040

Follow up, I just beat Leon A of RE 2 tonight, started this afternoon and stayed up late to finish.

This series is amazing. I wish I’d played them earlier.

>> No.7017042


I'm glad it's not all zoomers here

>> No.7017043

>The only thing people care about is who did it best first.
So SH 1?

>> No.7017046

>where's the Sillent Hill voice aciting charm? the music? the lore of the franchise? the quirky and charismatic characters? the fun? the et

God damnit anon, go play SH1 for PSX right now. It's all there. If you love RE1 you will love SH1

>> No.7017047
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>where's the Sillent Hill voice aciting charm? the music? the lore of the franchise? the quirky and charismatic characters?
This has gotta be a troll post.
At the very least you can't be unaware that SH easily has some of the most famous soundtracks in vidya

>> No.7017049

SH1's gameplay is vastly inferior to that of RE1 in every single aspect except puzzles

>> No.7017056
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>SH1's gameplay is vastly inferior to that of RE1

>> No.7017059

Here I'll even explain
>better exploration
>more areas to explore
>more variance in areas
>more diverse enemies and bosses
>vastly vastly better melee combat
>overall better movement options
>no annoying invo management
>actual rewards for exploring including optional areas with more lore, supplies and even a side quest that effects the ending
RE 1 is harder because it controls worse but that's about it.

>> No.7017079

>supplies everywhere in plain sight, never any need to look for them
>can carry all your weapons and healing items on you
>up to 265 pistol bullets, 80+ shotgun shells and 40+ hunting rifles rounds
>overpowered melee weapons on top of that
>advanced move options for the players like strafe circling but enemies AI isn't improve to take those moves into account
>enemies can't catch up to you + the fact there is so much space everywhere means enemies are no threat and you can just keep running like they're not even there
>you HAVE to kill bosses, there are no other ways around them

More doesn't equal better. The SH series has always failed at the "survival" part of "survival horror"; minus puzzles they're good at; and the only game that had actual survival mechanics was Homecoming.

>> No.7017091

There's plenty of hidden things, faggot
That's good. It beats teleporting magic boxes
>they're overpowered cause they aen't dog shit
They do though
You can skip enemies in RE just as easily

>> No.7017140

The Sequel

>> No.7017370

Silent Hill makes RE look like a cheap b movie game

>> No.7017398

Silent Hill is a RE clone that only exists because RE1/2 sold millions copies each; and Konami was late to the copying party as far as RE clones are concerned, hence why it's "technically speaking" superior, it came out more than 3 years after.

>> No.7017419

RE is alone in the dark clone if it didn't exist Capcom wouldn't be able to come up with the idea to make a horror game

>> No.7017463

Completely different thing. AITD was a critical and popular success, it spawned several sequels and clones pre RE1; but it wasn't the phenomenom that RE1 was.
They still took a risk with RE1 in the sense AITD and its clone only worked for a PC audiance so far. The only AITD clone made for console pre RE1 would be Doctor Hauzer which is a big laugh. I doubt they ever expected to sell close to 5 million copies of RE1.

RE1 also literally came up with the term "survival horror" and established it as a genre, before that AITD and its clone were part of "action-adventure". It also came up with many survival mechanics.

Silent Hill was riding that wave kick started by RE1, and only deluded SH fanboys who consider "Team Silent" to be the 2nd coming of Christ believe otherwise.
The only "inventive" gameplay mechanics in SH1 are strafing, the torch, and the radio. In every other department it takes away from the genre instead of adding.

>> No.7017464

then deadly silence happened and unruined it.

>> No.7017474

Any of you know where I can rip Silent Hill from?

>> No.7017486

Im gonna go out on a limb and say that anyone who thinks REMAKE is a flat out bad game has some form of autism. I just don't understand how you could have taste that bad or nostalgia goggles that tight.

>> No.7017495

>In every other department it takes away from the genre instead of adding
You mean like having much better exploration and challenging puzzles

>> No.7017589

You were almost a Cybil sandwich

>> No.7017674
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Just about everything except for the Shiturn port.

>> No.7017960

I literally just googled “Silent Hill BIN CUE” and got what I needed. I don’t even remember the site.

>> No.7018174

Thoughts on Resident Evil DS port?

>> No.7018185

Maybe, but it would have been better if they made a completely no game, or at least something that plays like one such as REmake2.

>> No.7018286

>cringy "vidya" slang
>pop team anime shit picture

>> No.7018382

That's not completely what I meant. Good points but those things don't precipitate the use of terrible VAs and incongruous execution (why doesn't Chris just rocket the door open? how are all the magic footlockers connected? etc). In that regard, the game was a design dart board.

>> No.7018442

Capcom made a horror game before Alone in the Dark existed.

>> No.7018890
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What is it with bioweapons and tubes full of green goo?

>> No.7018894
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Im dumb...

>> No.7019127

>a male is much harder to play as than female
What did they mean by this?

>> No.7019132

Seethe harder

>> No.7019203

According to the RE director who shot that she was a High School girl.

>> No.7019213

Konami trolling it's misogynist gamers

>> No.7019265

She looks too much like Cameron Diaz. I prefer Jill.


I was only 14 and in high school in 1996 when the game came out, so she was definitely legal for me.

>> No.7019273

jill is shit

claire 4ever

>> No.7019356

Silent Hill completely shits on RE1, regardless of your retarded exaggerations. There is absolutely no aspect of scariness or immersion in which RE1 comes close to SH1.

Regarding camera angles, there are a million instances in RE1 where you're shooting something off-screen with no possibility of moving your camera at all. The camera is 'stuck in a wall' by default anywhere you go.

>> No.7020186

>The SH series has always failed at the "survival" part of "survival horror"
Then play it on hard mode.

>> No.7020193

>Silent Hill is a RE clone
>When the creators speciffically said they wanted to make their own unique game and innovated the 3D with free camera angle and instead of a cashgrab they wanted it to be a timeless game that would still be enjoyed far in the future

>> No.7020203

>Silent Hill was riding that wave kick started by RE1
From wikipedia: Sato estimated the game's budget was lower than the cost of Japan's biggest games at the time. He said the development team intended to make Silent Hill a masterpiece rather than a traditional sales-oriented game, and that they opted for an engaging story, which would persist over time – similar to successful literature.

Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3GjlQ6MBfA

>> No.7020249

Silent Hill 1 is a really good game but RE was always tighter mechanically. Say all you want about atmosphere but it isn't half as scary when you have 10 med kits and 30 health drinks on you at a given time. Meanwhile RE ties its systems to the way it wants the player to feel. The surroundings themselves aren't as inspired or evocative but you have to keep a much keener sense of them because of your item loadouts and the lingering nature of enemy placements. It challenges you not to play impulsively and to chart and plan your every move in an environment where you'd be tempted to blow everything away and run like hell. Compare that to Silent Hill where you're never really discouraged from killing things except to save time, and you get a giant Donkey Kong hammer halfway through the game.

It's something that kinda burns me about your average SH fan, they have a high horse about the artistic merit, but they really got into it in the first place for how casualized it is. They say a lot about story when they were pulled in by not having to worry about ammo or limited saves.

>> No.7020331

DS is literally the best way to play RE1
fuck REmake

>> No.7020334

the same fags who likes REmake are the same ones who hates the vastly superior RE4
it's clear you are the autistic losers here, try to say RE4 is a bad game anywhere and people will laugh at you just like we're laughing at you here

>> No.7020395

As i say, play Silent Hill 1 in hard and all of your arguments become null.

>> No.7020783

>Imagine hating REmake
>And not playing as nude Jill on the PC version

>> No.7020986
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Silent Hill is actually a horror game. It's actually disturbing, it actually makes you uncomfortable, and it doesn't even rely on jumpscares to do it, though it does have like two gotcha moments.
It's pure atmosphere and it goes straight to your head. It actually induces a feeling of dread in you, the player.
Resident Evil has many qualities, but it doesn't really fuck with the player's head. Silent Hill does.

>> No.7021183

I fucking love REmake, RE1 and RE4.

>> No.7021193

>vastly superior
There's nothing vastly superior about QTE's in any game. QTE's suck dick, just like you.

>> No.7021194
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>> No.7021424

First one is still solid, if you can get past the dated controls (pressing forward twice to run is a pain).
Game is also really short, and it is artificially made longer by reading lore and cryptic puzzles. But IMO it everything else holds up.

The sequels are a bit lame and for die hard fans only.

>> No.7021459

RE4 is one of the few action games to do QTE's right. It plays like an arcade game and it uses the same button inputs for the same QTE's, rather than picking random buttons off the controller. They're also so easy to beat and such a non-issue as they arise that's it just really contrived thing to bitch about it. Nothing in the game happens like how it does in Bayonetta where there's like 4 quick time events that blindside you at random. It plays closer to Dynamite Cop than it does like how 7th gen games did it where they would just drop them in at random.

>> No.7021550

QTE's are a cancer in gaming. There's no getting QTE's "right", they don't belong in gaming. This is why many people on this board bash "movie games". They often refer to Metal Gear Solid or Shenmue as "movie games". Except one uses QTE's, the other uses too much dialog. Metal Gear Solid is a much better game without extremely long conservations. And Shenmue would be much better without QTE's.

>> No.7021594

I don't know man, it just this game speaks to me.

>> No.7021597

RE4 plays more like an arcade game than a movie game. Movie games often just drop QTE's entirely because they just want the player to focus on the cutscene or the story above all else. The original point of QTE's was about keeping the player engaged even during connecting bits. I'm not saying QTE's should be sought but they're a real non-event in RE4. RE4 is a really high player engagement game in general. Most games including it's own sequels don't really imitate what it did either. Most 3rd person shooters take influence from Kill.Switch for it's gameplay. The only thing most games borrow is the over the shoulder camera view. It's just such a fun game to play that all the grievances feel all contrived over brand loyalty traditions.

>> No.7021681

>latin hoochie