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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 871 KB, 1526x3139, 1602926149444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7016069 No.7016069 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>6969448

>Try to keep things /vr/ related: Focus should be on 6th Gen games on back. Slight off topic is fine so long as it's related to CRTs, such as later 16:9 models, HD models, etc. Systems with backwards compatibility are also safe territory, as are re-releases on newer hardware. PC CRTs are also welcome and appreciated.
>Produce OC! Bust out your camera and take photos of your CRTs displaying all sorts of games, featuring all sorts of tubes, using all sorts of signals. Getting good shots can be hard, but if you take enough, at least a few will turn out alright.
>Try and give as much information as possible when asking for info on a specific set, or troubleshooting an issue to expedite and help you may receive. As always, Google is your friend and we are your friends with benefits. Do people read this? Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either; Seriously, there's literally 6 years of backlog at this point.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. Always remember to show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Limited discussion of video processing and scaling devices is alright, but remember to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories.

CRT Pastebin (Never Ever) : http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
Guide to CRT Hunting : http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
Guide to Video Monitors : http://pastebin.com/pQX4N6gZ
General Purpose CRT Adjustment Guide : http://www.arcaderepairtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/guide_setup_adjust_arcade_monitors_v1.2.0.pdf
S-Video Pasta : http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Info : http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
JVC RGB card cloning guide : https://pastebin.com/EXqMBfcY

>> No.7016082
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>> No.7016089
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>> No.7016093
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>> No.7016097
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>> No.7016110

Man I love the way SFC looks so much

>> No.7016124
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>> No.7016132
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>> No.7016139
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Saw this recommended everywhere to go from retrotink to a vga monitor, but it drops the signal frequently. I tried multiple HDMI cables of different lengths.

>> No.7016213
File: 2.04 MB, 4032x1960, 20201021_162707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found a set for my test bench. I have a hobby of fixing junk consoles and controllers olfrom ebay and I'd been wanting a nice small set to test consoles with

>> No.7016238

Post pape please

>> No.7016242


>> No.7016334

Are the scanlines really this bad on broadcast monitors or is this a meme pic?

>> No.7016335

the OEV203 is a 20M2MDU rebadge so it's only 600 tvl which is just above what a good tv will be.

>> No.7016361

make triple sure the connection is good on the VGA side

>> No.7016482

Opinions on the kv-27fs12? Might be picking one up. Will it look good with 2D shit?

>> No.7016487
File: 464 KB, 1080x1072, Screenshot_20201023-003810~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North korean crt

>> No.7016495

Its not rgb its just video. Thats why it looks low quality.

>> No.7016529

What kind of professional camera was used here ?

>> No.7017130
File: 2.22 MB, 3840x2160, PXL_20201023_030720576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7017259

looks good man
i dont see a multimeter tho

>> No.7017274

Any suggestions for one?

>> No.7017278

>Model 2 SNES

>> No.7017279

They're easily RGB modded my friend

>> No.7017323

How easy is it do fix a DMG? I'd like one, but working ones are always stupid expensive. To the point it's cheaper to import from Japan.

>> No.7017340

Depends on the issue. Most of what you get off ebay/jap yahoo are

>battery port corrosion/water damage
>fucked screen polarizer (if you see gameboys with big circular burns on the screen, that's what this is)
>you get lucky and you just need the flick the power switch on and off a few times to clean the contact and it works

For battery corrosion it's a coin toss; either it's simply cleaning the corrosion and you';re good, or you'll get one where it's spread to the motherboard and fucked the contacts which is basically a dead DMG. For the polarizer it's generally more often fixable, but it's a bit more finicky and the screens are fragile so you have to be careful. You just peel off the old polarizer, scrape off the burnt adhesive and stick a new one on. Good as new

The only thing to worry about with polarizers is that any you buy are going to be stock from phone screens and such. This is fine for the DMG as you'll end up with that classic spinach green color, but if you need to repair a gameboy pocket you're going to get the green screen as well which isn't the original look. As far as I can tell you simply can't get the same sort of polarizer used by the pocket anywhere

>> No.7017372

So it's as I thought. Pretty much a gamble and you might have to buy parts. I've been watching The Retro Future and he makes it look easy, but I guess it's from practice and a lot of money spent on units and parts.
It really pisses me off that people sitting on biddings are usually resellers or poser zoomers and they don't even care about videogames. What could cost me 5£ costs 50£ instead.

>> No.7017423

afaik a good choice are fluke multimeters made for the chinese market, they are basically the same device but like half price. i think you can find them on aliexpress or ebay

>> No.7018073

aesthetic af

>> No.7018473

Pretty easy. I bought mine as "non working", soaking the battery contacts in vinegar fixed it instantly.

Honestly though, the DMGs aren't worth buying in general. The screens look like absolute shit, with a backlight/bivert mod they're better, but the whole thing is bulky and heavy with 4 batteries in it.

I do really prefer the D-pad and buttons over the GBA though. I don't know why they made them fucking smaller.

>> No.7018485
File: 2.94 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20201023_160705850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No turning back now.

>> No.7018591

I just wanted it because it has that cool old form factor. Already have 2 Color (one from childhood and another given recently), so I also want an Advance, a Pocket and somehow a Light. I play using my childhood AGS-001. I wanted to buy a 101 screen, but it's still out of stock on retromodding. Also need to get a decent battery and the makho pcb.

>> No.7018602

Just get the 101 screen from aliexpress like everyone else.

>> No.7018621
File: 3.32 MB, 2322x2386, Philips CRT Issue 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this crt a while ago and it's always had this issue but I feel like it's getting worse. It's got several problems but basically the top and bottom of the screen are cut off by about a half-inch or quarter-inch, and on the top of the screen the cut of portion seems to be mirrored back down the screen and spread out between scanlines (pic related.) I've put up with it for a while now and honestly it still doesn't bother me but now it feels like the image has been sliding down the actually screen, to the point where the image is about a whole inch away from the edge of the actual screen. However, it doesn't seem to be changing the over scan on the bottom of the screen at all.
I'm should also mention I have zero experience in crt repair. And if anyone here wants more pictures of the problems, let me know.

>> No.7018649

Isn't it just a shitty replica? I want the original experience. Also not using LCD because then I would just play on my phone.

>> No.7018661

From what I've read, I think they're slightly better than the screens Nintendo actually used in terms of ghosting, and I'm very happy with mine. They're nothing like putting an IPS screen in.

>> No.7018743

Well, but tried searching for it and I can't even do it without registering, so miss me with that sketchy shit. I'll keep my 001 screen and hopefully get a cheap 101 at a carboot.

>> No.7019101
File: 2.55 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20201023_190737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this dumped outside a house, asked if I could take it and they told me to take it, didnt have power cord
Has RF, composite and component, no S video though
Anyone has seen this model before?
Sharp X Flat

>> No.7019109

>Has RF, composite and component, no S video though
i was in that predicament for a while, sucks for gamecube.

>> No.7019125

Damn that looks comfy. Never played AM2R on a crt.

>> No.7019857

trinitron? jvc?

>> No.7019908 [DELETED] 

I have an FW900 and 20L5. I just never thought to do it when it released.

>> No.7019909
File: 3.73 MB, 300x223, blood_deathwish_cropped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing some spooky games.

>> No.7019923
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>> No.7019936
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>> No.7019951
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Shot of this

>> No.7019959
File: 2.74 MB, 410x315, blood_deathwish3_cropped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cam didn't pick this one up pretty well. Pretty comfy still though.

>> No.7019985
File: 88 KB, 676x911, soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7020018
File: 2.00 MB, 1360x1080, medievil.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7020036
File: 3.04 MB, 1845x1340, SOTN_library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legitimately thought this bookshelf was pixelart at first.

>> No.7020083

looks like a trinitron

>> No.7020160

Have the same CRT, got it from the dump a few years back.

>> No.7020594
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_9905 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying this as well right now.

>> No.7020752
File: 3.71 MB, 780x550, SOTN_fountain_cropped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was my first time playing. It's one of those must-play games that's been on my backlog forever.

>> No.7020864

Any reason I shouldn't have my CRT on the bed besides stability risks? Mainly concerned the static of the sheets might be a problem

>> No.7020873

Could cause overheating, depending on the model.

>> No.7020874

Most CRTs breathe from bellow too, I believe.

>> No.7020879

I know a lot of LCD panels were made in Best Korea as part of some joint work program, but did they ever actually make their own CRT or just import them from elsewhere?

>> No.7021105

same actually, I got one of those on the side of the road

>> No.7021171

What you are seeing are the first symptoms of vertical collapse, which is caused by failing capacitors on the deflection board. The only way to fix it is to replace the faulty caps.

>> No.7021371
File: 3.14 MB, 2322x2016, Philips CRT Issue 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, man. I'll start looking stuff up on how to replace those. Still having a blast playing on it though, just the way the tv helps blend models and backgrounds, especially on Resident Evil, makes the game look fantastic. Also here is a pic demonstrating the overscan on the bottom of the screen.

>> No.7021402
File: 23 KB, 640x480, 00K0K_m05hGfxWNL_0ak07K_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this baby for free off craigslist. I was gonna plug a retro-pi into it but problem is, I work as a merchant mariner and I'm staying at a hotel on quarantine and I left my rasp-pi at my folk's. Yeah I know I'm a brainlet guys no bully.

Fortunately there's a retro game store at walking distance from where I stay so I'm thinking of getting an actual retro console to go with it and have some fun while I wait for an assignment. Once I'm done I'll put in a storage or better get my own house and make a nice battlestation.

>> No.7021614

You dragged a fucking big crt into a hotel room?

>> No.7021632
File: 468 KB, 1280x958, 35E15A46-9AEF-4D19-9159-01A1910C502B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, enjoy it. Wish I could experience it for the first time again.

>> No.7021731

>that geometry
this is why I can't into CRTs anymore

>> No.7021895

This is why I think slot style shadowmasks kick the shit out of trinitrons.

>> No.7021963

where did you get that stand?

>> No.7022140
File: 2.21 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20201024_192521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, don't normally go to /vr/ but a neighbor in my area was leaving this CRT out for anyone who wanted. Do any of you know good this one is for retro gaming and how valuable it is potentially? Was thinking of either keeping it or selling it, the brand is Toshiba, model number 32A33, if anyone wants more info feel free to ask.

>> No.7022182

fuck off jew

>> No.7022358

go fuck yourself

>> No.7022521

Rude, unnecessarily so.

>> No.7022525
File: 45 KB, 428x351, 11d000fd51e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akiman at his workstation.
I think it's a Viewsonic CRT.

>> No.7022535

Threadly reminder that Trinitrons are a meme and to go find yourself a nice i'art

>> No.7022836

It's not geometry. It's me recording the monitor to make a gif and holding the camera at an angle. I also cropped out all the edges so you wouldn't be able to see the geometry anyways.

>> No.7022974

You can literally see the sides of the wall curving outwards as they approach the top of the screen. Clear sign of some fucked capacitors

>> No.7022989

It's not. It's a PVM so you can adjust the geometry really well and I think I had shit settings when I originally took that picture. I remember fucking with them a lot later. It's a lot harder to spot them in person than it is on camera.

>> No.7022998

Also I was looking at the raw footage and I think the angle I was recording at exaggerated whatever bad geometry settings I couldn't notice, because I was standing over and looking down not sitting straight.

>> No.7023061

on retroarch I'm trying to use 2560x240@120 for my vga crt but I can't figure out how to unsquish the picture, any help?

>> No.7023271

what are the worst quality crts out there, brand wise?

>> No.7023882
File: 1.07 MB, 1273x955, Trinitron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reclaimed my actual childhood Trinitron
Feels good man

>> No.7024047
File: 1.43 MB, 1836x3264, theshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to get laid

>> No.7024278

Most samsung, and chinese shit like Sears brand TVs. But it's not a hard rule; some samsung, sansui, and sanyo sets are decent

>> No.7024281

There's some models from the 80's and 70's that are otherwise fine but are known to catch on fire

>> No.7024284
File: 3.25 MB, 3581x2439, IMG_20201025_115229495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured it out, but I can't get the retroarch menu to scale with it.
Either way, this is too sharp for me

>> No.7025090
File: 57 KB, 934x700, changhong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This? Anything literally named ChingChong can't be good.

>> No.7025205

No. You need to train hard to defeat Akuma.
>But it's not a hard rule; some samsung, sansui, and sanyo sets are decent
Can confirm. I got a decent 14" Samsung. Didn't even have to adjust the geometry much.

>> No.7025216

could be a MAG

>> No.7025276
File: 220 KB, 1428x446, crt cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your wife leaves you because of your crt collection

>> No.7025285

mite b cool

>> No.7025298

Hoarding is a problem. Nigga probably deserved it.

>> No.7025301
File: 752 KB, 726x1448, 26bbaab4592353940d7344af860c67d5aa0a4ee5dd87922f4a91b6bccd7b9cd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this picture hits hard. All my hobbies are super niche and autistic like CRTs. A lot of people think it's cool that I'm a Renaissance man and can figure tons of shit out, and for some reason a ton of girls crush on me, but I never dated because I know 99% of people out there are just braindead consoomers who get annoy by anything that is inconvenient or not shoved up their ass by a marketing agency. It's the same for my whole family except they all gave up their wizardry powers only to get divorced and lose everything.

>> No.7025769
File: 1.50 MB, 2160x2107, PXL_20201026_013544808~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7026061

For power switches you can also drop Isopropyl Alcohol into the switch before switching it in and off. For newer game boys you can resolder the switches easily and actually clean the contacts manually.

>> No.7026451

Does anybody know how to factory reset a Sharp CRT? I fucked around too much in the service menu and I would like for it to go back to normal

>> No.7026461

Look for the service manual of your model. If you are unlucky you'll lose any fine tuning done at the factory.

>> No.7027058

they're still in business and make horrendous 4K TVs. i can imagine the quality of their older stuff.

>> No.7027528

Get a better iron and some vises.

>> No.7027917

What a beta cuck, wholly shit. I'm more and more glad I don't have and never had a gf every day that goes by. I do what I want. Currently have 5 CRTs. Got 1 in the living room, and scafold tubes with bottles filled with sand that I use for weight training. Most people would hate that.
That just indicates you're gonna make it. I'm pretty much the same and apart from a few school colleagues (I'd say 5), I'm in better physical and mental shape, have a better job and am more knowledgeable overall.

>> No.7028453

I like the crt stand. I'm assuming it's just some laptop stand?

>> No.7028527

Any recommendations for a cheap 9" CRT? Don't need anything fancy

>> No.7028734

I never understand why people ask that fucking question, you're asking it like you can pick out models at the store whenever you want, take what you can fucking get, especially at that size.

>> No.7028739

There are some models that are still widely available on ebay, though. For example, I'd suggest people to stay away from the Orion DVD combo that is extremely common on there.

>> No.7028770
File: 68 KB, 680x679, (you) 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a crt on ebay

>> No.7028781

>meeting disease ridden mexican poorfags getting rid of their crt for LCD for the first time during a pandemic

>> No.7028807
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, 58ED6502-5C3C-4E77-B7A2-0DC5F3DD1E64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7028818

If you don't need anything fancy then I'd recommend the first 9" crt you find for cheap.

>> No.7028854
File: 250 KB, 1280x958, 3A97E7BB-95AE-4406-8B09-F1FEFC8F2C97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumping Flash looks cool in RGB, very vibrant colors

>> No.7028937
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x784, Screenshot_20201026-212301~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7029003

I did the stupid VGA -> transcoder -> component CRTemudriver thing. Why is it laggier than my LG C9, even with vsync off? Does the transcoder in fact introduce some lag (thought this wasn't the case), or something with the way CRTemudrivers/old AMD GPUs do shit? Frame delay mitigates it to the point where it's almost as fast, but still. Why?

>> No.7029020

sounds like you bought a scaling transcoder. I can't say I've ever had any lag with my transcoder or emudriver. got a pic of what you're using to go from vga to component?

>> No.7029026
File: 315 KB, 1000x1000, ps1 scart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for PVM folk:
I've been sharing the same cheap-ass SCART cable between both my PS1 and PS3. I've noticed that after I switch from my PS3 to PS1, the sync keeps going on and off on my PS1 picture. The last time though, the 240p RGB was off center to the right and I had to re-adjust it manually. Now I'm scared to play the PS3 through it, in fear that I'll break something. Any suggestions on what's happening here?

>> No.7029029

Maintain your standards and keep your chin up, I'm sure you'll find someone worthwhile eventually.

>> No.7029073

No idea, but I'd suggest just keeping the scart on the Ps1 and just using some OEM or Retrovision component cables for the Ps3.

>> No.7029125

I think it's something people honestly don't really test and assume transcoders are fast/lag free. I tend to use Kirby Super Star's Samurai minigame (I'm pretty reliably reactive at it) and Wild Gunman to compare between displays. LG OLED with the same settings is about 2 frames faster than transcoder setup to RCA CRT. A Trinitron I tried a couple years ago gave me similar results in Retroarch + SNES9x + Kirby Super Star.


Using an earlier, bit more nigger-rigged looking version of this from the same seller/maker.

>> No.7029128

>Retrovision component cables for the PS3
Why pay up for a cable like that?

>> No.7029150

It's probably worth it imo if you have both a PS3 and PS2, works on both, you know you're getting top quality and won't have to worry about cables for them again

>> No.7029334

I use the same transcoder and I've tested it across multiple SD displays to be lagless. Something else in your setup is introducing lag or you're imagining it. Have you actually done a proper lag test?

>> No.7029354

It is.
No angle will show that kind of of curves, and it can be easily captured.
Why no one ever thinks about how presentable their shit is. Casuals.

>> No.7029372

Soldering inside these cables is really weak.
Open it up and resolder everything. There's nothing in sync line of PS cables to make them lose signal.

>> No.7029540

You didn't read the part of my post where I mentioned PVMs have configurable geometry. It's harder to notice in person than it is on camera.

>> No.7030024
File: 2.48 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201026-174806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7030313

So configure the geometry so it's not fucked if it's so easy.

>> No.7030819

I did read it, and you know what? I too have PVM and know how it looks on camera when it's configured wrong.

>> No.7032016

I just carried a 30" Samsung for 20 minutes. Better be worth it because I'm totally in pain.

>> No.7032034

Poor bastard

>> No.7032218

what is this?

>> No.7032223

lol why. No one else would have picked it up, it was probably out there hours if not days. You could have gone home, grabbed the car, and gone back for
Either way, I hope you like it.

>> No.7032359
File: 2.92 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201027-221512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7032384

nice pedo swirl

>> No.7032409

It was there for a couple of hours. Last time I waited the TVs were gone.

>> No.7032593

>Samsung CRT
anon.... I hope you didn't throw out your back for this one. Now you gotta deal with throwing it back out.

>> No.7033157
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>> No.7033271
File: 198 KB, 655x847, 452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about a 4:3 ED Plasma for 6th gen gaming?

>> No.7033475

They do 480p really well, the problem is good luck finding one.

>> No.7033549

Random 4:3 Hitachi and Mitsubishi Plasma show up here now and then, but if it says Pioneer you gotta pay out of your ass.

>> No.7033690

early plasma is kind of shit so I wouldn't bother.

>> No.7034012
File: 24 KB, 600x450, shit telly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My back is fine.
I haven't tried the TV yet, I'm scared I'll have to throw it out. kek

>> No.7034015

do people really play in these tiny things

>> No.7034068

IIRC those samsungs are very easy to mod for RGB.

>> No.7034104

It's a PAL TV, it already has an RGB connector.
Now I need an RGB cable for my PS2 because I only have a component one.

>> No.7034120

Toshiba A series are nice, overlooked curved component set. You could list it for free on facebook or cl or something and someone who appreciates it can come take it and use it and keep it out of the landfill for a few more years. You're not getting more than 50 bucks unless you scam a retard so, yeah

>> No.7034131

Assuming you can even find one itd still have input lag, no scanlines, being an early plasma itd be super prone to burn in probably, probably use like 900 watts of electricity, etc

>> No.7034145

yes but they're best for a desk setup where you'll be sitting relatively close. I think the op pic is a meme setup.

>> No.7034241

Agreed. I wouldn't want my eyes to be more than eighteen inches away from an 8" monitor.

>> No.7034346

I have a 14" Samsung that is pretty good. Samsung is decent in some models and smaller sizes.

>> No.7034529
File: 13 KB, 310x310, bv3_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, I found a Bang & Olufsen Beovision 3 - 32 at a local thrift shop for 40 bucks (pic related). Here are some specs: https://www.beoworld.org/prod_details.asp?pid=526

The most "retro" console I own is a PS1 and I'll probably use the TV to play PS2 games most of the time. So would it be any good for PS1/PS2 gaming?

>> No.7034570

it's nice

>> No.7034992

Sounds good, thanks for the info. I'll probably keep it for a while though since it works fine and my PS2 and OG Xbox games look like a dream on it.

>> No.7035114
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, aqG2SoZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a JVC I'Art AV-27F476 I picked up for free. Left and right sides bleed color pretty noticeably, and additional artifacts in the top right corner. Have tried using a degaussing coil but this did not fix the problem. Took off the back casing, unscrewed the speakers and pulled them away from the tube in case they were the source of the issue, didn't fix. Wondering if trying to get this thing fixed is worth the hassle or if i should just recycle it because I need that space back.

I honestly would hate to throw it out because its so close to being useable and has component input which my early 2000s Trinitron doesnt have. But even giving away this for free would be hard when the screen has obvious problems.

>> No.7035903

It's working!

>> No.7035919

That sucks you can't fix the color bleeding. I own a I'Art myself and I find it to be a damn good CRT.

>> No.7035941

Are there standard crt with progressive scan?
So far I have not find any

>> No.7035958


elsewhere ive posted someone said it could be the deflection coil needs to be adjusted. thing is id rather someone experienced with this stuff handle that. i dont even have the patience to learn how to solder, much less become an amateur tube tv repairman

>> No.7036013
File: 3.08 MB, 3500x1968, IMG_20190213_163418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sit about 20-30" from my 8" and 5" PVMs. Don't really need to have them glued to your face. Too close and your start really noticing the stripes.

>> No.7036563
File: 320 KB, 1200x1600, sony pvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PVM noob here, how the fuck are you supposed to hook up AV, S video, RGB etc to PVMs? Is there some other cable or converter that facilitates that?

>> No.7036580
File: 168 KB, 402x514, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone actually fucking buy this shit?

>> No.7036590

you buy an appropriate cable for each system and some bnc adapters. your pic is composite only but the good models have plenty of inputs

>> No.7036615

imagine buying a fucking pvm for it to only have composite

>> No.7036671

> 13" @ 250tvl
>composite only
I hope you got this thing for free since most consumer sets have better specs and inputs.
Otherwise lmao, I'm guessing you did 0 research.

>> No.7036675

Nobody who knows a lick about CRTs.
It's likely some boomer thinking they struck gold with their old crt, but if some retard buys it then they deserve it.

>> No.7036676

>fell into pvmeme
>bought a shitty model with only composite, probably overpaid to shit
>doesn't even know what he's doing
>this is the average 2020 /vr/ user

>> No.7036718
File: 506 KB, 1520x657, pvm ebay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a screen cap off an ebay auction you fucking retards

>> No.7036719

Can you play games on an MRI monitor?

>> No.7036724

Yeah, this fucking idiot wants $110 for a crt with only RF (as evidenced by the av to rf modulator in the pic). There are free crts all over FB marketplace (where I grabbed this screenshot), why would anyone ever PAY for one like this when you can get a free JVC or Sony with at least composite?

>> No.7036759

I hope you won't pay 225 bucks for this shit

>> No.7037075

I bought my PVM that way...
but that was 4 years ago and it miles cheaper than they are today (80 shipped for a 8") and im sure that was still overpriced for 2016 time.

>> No.7037117

oh no no no

>> No.7037185

Have to say, being a eurofag is nice. RGB everywhere.

>> No.7037191

Different models have different features and input options. That one pictured is pretty shit i dont think I'd take it for free let alone pay hundreds of dollars for it.

>> No.7037229

Ever heard of Zetro PVMs? Are they any good?

>> No.7037248

Is buying a 550 TVL JVC PVM worth it?

>> No.7037250
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x1960, 20200405_140642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desk setups are top tier comfy

>> No.7037279

where did you get that metal stand?

>> No.7037282

Stole it from work

>> No.7037284

First of all, "pvm" is a line of Sony monitors. It is not interchangeable with "broadcast monitor" or "professional video monitor".
Secondly, you should know that jvc bullshits their tvl count. A 550tvl jvc may not be the same as an ikegami or Panasonic 550tvl monitor.
Lastly, and this bits obvious, it depends on the price and model/features. Which jvc monitor are you talking about?

>> No.7037325

jvc doesn't bullshit their tvl, people just don't know the difference between lohr and tvl

>> No.7037362

Thanks, man. Just wanted to know if with this amount of TVL I'm better off getting a consumer Trinitron or something. I'm torn between tm-h140pn and tm-1700pn.
Tm-h140pn is 14", but it has more TVL.
The shitty thing about both is that they have composite and BNC only. I can use an adapter to connect it to my PC, but the composite part sucks. Heard about RGB modding, but I could never do that.

>> No.7037412

I was under the impression that JVC publishes lohr AS tvl, but I've only ever read that here in /crt/ and have never actually measured the shit. So, my bad.
Are you sure there isn't an expansion slot? I only have in jvc, a tm-h150hg. It doesn't have rgb inputs but the expansion slot makes it easy to install a rgb board with scart or bnc inputs. Some kiwi on here sells them through eBay.
If there is no expansion slot I would say its only worth it if you could get it for like $50 or less. In my opinion, broadcast monitors are only worth it if they have rgb. A free consumer set with a larger screen, svideo, and maybe component inputs would be better than overpaying for an svideo only cctv monitor.

>> No.7037441

Might be a yoke readjustment if other things haven't fixed it.

>> No.7037665

>>composite only
Different anon, but you can feed it RGB through that weird "VTR" connector.

>> No.7037685

no you cannot. that's literally vtr, which means video tape recorder. there are some units which used the same port for rgb but this is not one of them.

>> No.7037745

based retard

>> No.7037763

I don't think that is possible

>> No.7037784

>there are some units which used the same port for rgb
Ah I see
Thank you

>> No.7037791

got a pvm for free from a junk heap. has slight burn on top hand corner, the thing was probably used for cctv on flat angle for quite a while. is it there for good or is there some kind of procedure to reduce burn? not complaining since i got it for free and its not too severe.

>> No.7037879

it's there and it's never gonna go away. sorry man.

>> No.7038024
File: 3.16 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200925_230836 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these shadow artifacts signs of a bad quality scart cable?

>> No.7038321

How do the sprites look?

>> No.7038405

iirc the units which have the vtr labeled as rgb have ttl rgb

>> No.7038417

maybe but it looks like the screen may be too bright, which exacerbates the issue on a perfectly fine cable which would otherwise be imperceptible at lower brightness

>> No.7038452

it happens on low brightness as well i just turned it up a bit to make it easier to capture on photo. it's also a chinkshit ebay cable so it isn't the best quality. i modified the cable into having the sync be on luma intead of csync and it made no difference

>> No.7038995

service manuals have factory values listed. Some allow resets but not all. what's the model #?

>> No.7039481


>> No.7039689

It's at times like this that I hate living in the end of the world. Can't find people giving away or selling computer monitors anywhere in a 100 mile radius, and I have an old computer with VGA out sitting there doing nothing, while I could install XP and play something like DOOM.

>> No.7040635
File: 731 KB, 843x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the wide base aesthetic of these 90s toshibas

>> No.7040826 [DELETED] 
File: 2.42 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20201030_160406375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 based inches.

>> No.7040832
File: 1.98 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20201030_160406375~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 based Inches.

>> No.7040842



>> No.7040884

Finally got fed up after 3 years of constant searching in my town and finding zero CRT monitors. Bid on an auction for a Viewsonic E90f last night and won, only $46 Canadian and $100 shipping.

Very excited. Hopefully Calgary to BC isn't far away enough for it to get fucked during transit.

>> No.7040984

i can walk into the thrift store and get a TV like that for 99 cents

>> No.7041638

Pardon if this is a dumb question, but I tried sitting my monitor on its side to play a shmup and the colors got all warped. Is there a way around this or do I just have to stick to my LCD for that?

>> No.7041647

That's what I paid for a new one back in the day.

>> No.7041654

It's a regular consumer PC CRT monitor, I suppose I should add

>> No.7041753

how do PSX games look on a CRT when outputted from a PSP, compared to original hardware?

>> No.7041762

the tv is slightly magnetized to counteract the Earth's magnetic field in certain directions; turning it sideways messes with this, so you have to degauss it to settle it in its new position. With the internal degausser, you'll probably have to run it a few times to get it right.

>> No.7041772

You couldn't drive to a city for a good deal? I mean, no matter where you are the gas price for a trip to vancouver would be way less than what you're paying

>> No.7041813

Aha, thanks

>> No.7041839

y does my tv only have white audio conection? it do not have red only white. sound altho works. only want to know no problem

>> No.7041841

zoomer detected

>> No.7041847

inform me senpai maybe?

>> No.7041849

It's mono audio, which was the only thing televisions had until the early 90s, and stayed as the standard for budget TVs well beyond that

>> No.7041851

ty. this makes sense. i find tv for 5 dollar at garage sells. small orion. it looks ok. only wish to play bushido blade drinking with brother.

>> No.7042479

What app do you use on iphones to get good pictures?

>> No.7042629


>> No.7042649

Hey guys, I wanted to play some PSX games, and my PS2 is really spotty about reading the discs (some don't read, others skip), so I plugged in my PS3 to my CRT using the PS2 component cables. MGS looks indistinguishable, however, I noticed Raiden has vertical screen tearing. Is this just an inherent problem with the emulation? I honestly don't give a shit if the games are 480i, but screen tearing is absolute deal breaker.

>> No.7042721


>> No.7042740


>> No.7042753

>which was the only thing televisions had until the early 90s
this is bullshit lmao. they made stereo tvs in the 80s. I have one.

>> No.7043130

What size is your PVM? Post your entire setup.

>> No.7043158

not that anon but that looks a lot like a PVM-14M4U.

>> No.7043190

Those were high end, and stereo was a special feature. Stereo broadcasts didn't exist until the mid 80s and it took some years for people to adopt the hardware

>> No.7043213

Well my TV is from 1985 which is about the same year as the first stereo programs. While it was ridiculously high end and very expensive, something like $3,000 adjusted for inflation, they did exist and so did stereo broadcasts.

>> No.7043419

If I have an old 80s tv that has a unique connection to accept 15kHz rgbhv, what video timing would be the best to use to make sure the tv can read it (for when I make a custom video timing in xrandr). Will cvt be fine?

>> No.7043779

I have a CRT with no S-video connector but a component connector, and I wanted to get better picture quality for my 64 and SNES. I bought an s-video to component converter and hooked it up and got everything working. But the picture is extremely saturated, to the point of detriment of whatever alleged video quality improvement I was supposed to get. Is this something to do with the S-video format or is there possibly something wrong with the converter?

>> No.7043820


>> No.7043831

Model type?

>> No.7044012

That's a kv-fs100 or 120

>> No.7044017

13fs100 I should say

>> No.7045045

Not sure, but you could always take this as a sign to rgb mod your systems. Nut up, anon.

>> No.7045164
File: 184 KB, 1125x1701, EltmxVQXEAAJ0V3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7045281

I have this exact same issue with one of my CRT monitors. Haven't got around to replace the capacitors though.

>> No.7045290
File: 1.33 MB, 1958x1958, IMG_20201031_224016_344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7045310
File: 735 KB, 942x696, Screenshot_20201101-100723~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My crt in the background

>> No.7045316

now there's a name i haven't seen since two decades

>> No.7045395

Hi CRT anons.
I have a PVM 14" I use for Saturn and PS2, but it doesn't recognize my PAL Megadrive1 (even if there is sound coming from the jack connector.
Please help.

>> No.7045404

Have you checked the cartridge slot? I've had sound through a MD but with no picture before because of corrosion either on the cart or the connector. Otherwise, you've probably got to check your cable with a multimeter and a pinout.

>> No.7045408

The MD work on conventional retail scart CRT.

>> No.7045429

It's a good set. If they ever played the speakers on it, the geometry will be off just due to the physical vibration of internal components and you will likely need to open it up to fully fix the line-up, but it's still one of the better sets, especially if you go on through component (which the TV is mostly designed around).

I'd recommend going in and normalizing the color values through the service menu. These often got over tweaked. Look up the service manual and it will tell you the default values, which is almost always just the middle value

>> No.7045441

Do you press the PAL button?

>> No.7046071
File: 817 KB, 2048x1536, 20201030_030037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Ikea for a table yesterday and couldn't find anything good for a CRT.

>> No.7046084
File: 1.64 MB, 2645x2177, 20190510_095025[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use one of these for my Megaview.

>> No.7046104

That's the exact same table were I have my 42" LCD, but I doubt it would be able to hold both TVs without breaking.

>> No.7046136

Nu-ikea is all flimsy shit anyway; there's no corner they won't cut to save a nickle. You're better of looking for something second-hand.

>> No.7046394

Man Ive had some ikea furniture not sure I would trust it. I just use a small wire rack now.

>> No.7046428

Go to second hand and charity shops instead. They have small, sturdy and cheap stuff all the time.

>> No.7046462

either Spectre or take a live photo and switch it to a Long Exposure.

>> No.7046527
File: 3.93 MB, 4656x3492, 20201101_193123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this setup this weekend.

>> No.7046532

Upside down whoops

>> No.7046792

Consoles are prob velcro, but I don't see a strap for the TV.

>> No.7046893


having fun with DK64 in Australia?

>> No.7047047

So glad I got a PVM while it was still reasonable.
Composite was good enough for me but having all the inputs is luxurious.

>> No.7047254

Someone please help

I have a Sharp CRT tv. I fucked around with the service settings too much so I put it back to factory default. But now i cant manage to get the sound back at all

Is this normal? How do I get the sound back?

>> No.7047274

> Score a CRT for my Saturn and PS2 (the only two consoles I still own)
> Can't find a TV stand sturdy enough to put it on so it sits on my living room floor

This sucks, man.

>> No.7047616

I may have just lucked into CRT endgame. Going to a local broadcast studio auctioning off warehouse shit and they have my dream CRT. If I get it I'll post pictures here. Fuck I hope this works out

>> No.7047654

>Figured it out, but I can't get the retroarch menu to scale with it.
Try using rgui menu driver

>> No.7047860


modern tables are made for modern tvs. youll have to go antiquing or take a nightstand or coffee table from a family member or friend who has older furniture

>> No.7047868

Leaving house now to drive an hour and a half to pick up three CRT monitors, hopefully i haven't been memed, will post pics when I get back

>> No.7047995

Some days ago, I saw a Daewoo Multinorm CRT with composite and componente connection but had no money to buy. Today I finally got paid but when I search the TV it was sold.

I am a little salty, but also came out with a question... Are Multinorm CRTs a go for hacked consoles or with adapters?

I have a PS3 with chip MATRIX and I can play NTSC and PAL games, and I play them on a LED TV I have on my room. Buy if I "upgrade" to a CRT TV, I will no longer be able to play PAL content right? (I live in NTSC region).

Is there a way to bypass this weird black and white screen when you play PAL signals on NTSC screens? Do I literally need 2 CRTs to be able to play all regions?

>> No.7047997

I have a PS2, not a PS3 lmao

>> No.7048190
File: 1.37 MB, 1434x956, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep us updated anon

>> No.7048219

what are these beauties? that stand looks a bit weak for the job btw

>> No.7048237

50hz games won’t display right, you’ll get a vertically rolling screen. Some PAL games give you the option of choosing between 50 and 60hz, but if you can run .elf files on your PS2 you can force games to run 60hz through an application called GSM, which is also an application integrated into the daily OPL builds.

>> No.7048242

I'm not positive but at least the small one seems to be a BVM, 14" and 20"

>> No.7048267

are they widescreen or am I a homo?

>> No.7048274

you're homo

>> No.7048281


lots of love

>> No.7048306

I have original PAL games and play them on my LED screen. They look ok I guess but always wanted to play on CRT. So am I hopeless in this matter anon? I forcefully need a multinorm CRT to fully enjoy my PAL games?

>> No.7048323

Confirmed, no memes
£60 for the monitors and £20 for petrol, I'll flip the other two and keep the big boi

How do I go about calibrating the resolution and display size properly so I'm not getting a warped/stretched image?

Link in the OP is dead

>> No.7048401
File: 410 KB, 2000x1281, IMG_2020110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which to keep?
The big beige one is a Compaq presario, the silver is a proview 786n, the black one is a bit brat up so that's out

The two good ones both Max at 1280

>> No.7048459

whichever one is the brightest and sharpest

>> No.7048556

kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel here

>> No.7048602

My fucking Gateway EV700 shat out a week after getting it. Had my dad do some boomer networking to get it for me, and now this shit. It does a weird repeating click (about 4 times a second) with a distorted screen flicker for each click. Like it's trying to settle into a mode. Is this remotely salvageable without killing myself through shitty electronics skills?

>> No.7048631

They were £20 each, I don't really care if they're amazing endgame memes or not

>> No.7048673

homer simpson

>> No.7048734

Just use whichever one has the best picture quality.

>> No.7049020

>£60 for the monitors
Try freecycle next time. Already got 5 TVs for free in there.

>> No.7049115

Nowhere like that in my area,only little charity shops that don't carry electronics and scalpers on gumtree
I don't think there will be a next time anyway, I forgot how absurdly big these things are, I barely have space for one of them on my desk

>> No.7049158

Has anyone ever tried using one of those 720p+ BVM's as a computer monitor? I know youbhave to go through hell to get 240p out of say an xp or windows 7 pc graphics card, but Im curious what running something like windows 98 through a 720p crt would be like over a normal vga monitor

>> No.7049163

I've used my 14L5 as a 2nd monitor before via HD-SDI. Worked pretty nicely.

>> No.7049241

I really want to love the 32" JVC I got, but I can't deal with the high pitch hum.

>> No.7049314

Par for the course with CRTs unfortunately

>> No.7049486

I am >>7046071 and I'm having the same exact problem. I want the table to look nice too and that's even harder.

>> No.7049492

If you go to a local transport depot/hardware shop/bulk goods place you can get pallets for very cheap/free and use those to make very sturdy furniture

A bit of work to make them look good but its an easy way to get exactly the size of thing you need and have it be extremely strong

>> No.7049501

You can use this to get 50/60fps with all games. To get 60fps with a PAL console you need RGB or component cables, I don't know if it will be the same if you have an NTSC console.

>> No.7049535

I thought about using pallets,but I don't trust my abilities to make them useful forniture and look good.

>> No.7050292

I usually can't hear it once I'm in game and the in game sounds/music drown it out, or at least I naturally stop noticing it.

>> No.7051375
File: 548 KB, 571x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the ohio anons

>> No.7051386


>> No.7051503

>the in game sounds/music drown it out
It completely overlaps it. Even if you turn off all the sounds in-game, the loud hum is instead the screen hum instead, if it makes sense.
I wish England had something like that.

>> No.7051843

I bought a couple of pvms and a nice sony computer rgbhv monitor from a rental house a couple of years ago. Owner is a 70+ year old man that doesn't even have a website. He tells me he has stacks of broadcast monitors he bought from a major studio when they were upgrading.
Mostly forgot about him but kept it in the back of my mind in case I want to circle back.
I decided to give the guy a call. His secretary answered and said he's not coming in anymore because of covid but still has giant stack of broadcast monitors. Said she'd take lots of pictures for me to look and would probably let them go cheap.
I only paid $50 last time for a pvm 2030, pvm1910, and the pc monitor.
I'd stopped hunting them for a while but I'm excited to stack a couple more to further future proof.

>> No.7051982

lol he has 22 14n6u monitors and a bunch more small ones but he doesn't have picturea of those. Plus more at a second warehouse.

>> No.7052020
File: 455 KB, 395x632, ArthurWPeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting more than $7k of monitors at a bargain price
Congrats, anon

>> No.7052075

I don't think I want more than 3-4 of the 14n6us. I already have a few broadcast monitors of various makes and sizes stored. I'm mostly thinking of stocking up because I'm moving from the west coast to the east next year and imagine they'll be harder to find and more expensive. I've lucked out with a couple free monitors and a handful of dirt cheap ones. It's literally the only benefit of living in shithole los angeles.
I also don't want to buy a bunch to scalp. I was mostly hoping for something less common like an ikegami or a large panasonic

>> No.7052137

I'm happy with all the CRTs I've managed to collect over the years, with my one regret being never finding a nice ikegami

>> No.7052350

Same here. The only ikegami I've ever come across was laughably small and the guy wanted entirely too much money. I doubt the guy I'm talking to now will have anything too interesting. I think I bought out all of the 20" monitors he had the last time. I do know that he has a BUTT LOAD of various switchers. He mostly deals in audio equipment so maybe I'll pick up some audio stuff.

>> No.7052384
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pics btw

>> No.7052690
File: 3.93 MB, 3024x4032, Slan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7052707

Anyone have a decent 480p set? Was curious how 6th gen games on a 480p CRT compared to emulator upscaling

>> No.7052715
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>> No.7052717

Fuck that looks good

>> No.7052891
File: 581 KB, 716x960, JVC_PVM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, i've bought a JVC PVM 14' with only YC (svideo) and composite, pic related, for 50 euro (shipping included), did i do a reckless investment?

>> No.7052901

could be worse, you can probably mod it to RGB

>> No.7052957

yeah, i should find someone able to do that. i suck at soldering. Hope it will not come destroyed with the shipping, i'm so scared. Someone told that even in s-video these are actually good, i need to find some kind of svideo to Female scart to try it with my consoles....a good one, not some shitty chinese fake svideo that are actually composhit.

>> No.7053297

No, not mod, they take rgb expansion cards that normally sell for hundreds, but a guy figured out how to manufacture and sell from China, hopefully he's still around on ebay

>> No.7053302

Does anyone actually like scanlines in 3d games? I had to hook up my PS3 the other week to play that very game because my PS2 is starting to crap out and the game in 480i looks essentially indentical, if not cleaner.

>> No.7053320

I don't think those 14" jvc models have an expansion slot. I looked up some manuals after anon first inquired about them and it looks like they don't.
I ordered a scart card for the 15" model from a guy in New Zealand that seems to now be inactive.

>> No.7053327
File: 455 KB, 1021x579, _2020-11-04_173057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, they don't have the expansion slot, but, they can be modded for RGB, or at least use SVIDEO with a cable Svideo to female RGB scart. I suppose i'll get a better picture than simple Composite.

>> No.7053367

>SVIDEO with a cable Svideo to female RGB scart
what for

>> No.7053383
File: 48 KB, 680x494, EF9mnViWoAAdxLv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's a European and he's just bought a monitor instead of a tv for 50 euro + postage.

>> No.7053387

50 euros including shipping.

>> No.7053398

Scart can carry S-video signal. I have a few RGB SCART cables for my consoles, and i was thinking that maybe i could connect them to a female scart cable to Svideo male that connect itself to the monitor. Just to output svideo from consoles.

Is that a crazy line of reasoning?

>> No.7053429

It probably won't work since if you got RGB scart cable, it's dedicated to RGB only most of the time and svideo pins might not be connected.

>> No.7053591

Still, tv would have been easier and probably better because
s-video doesn't accept rgb, scart is just a common connector used to accept many forms of video, you can put s-video into a scart socket, but not vice versa unless the scart cable is wired just for s-video, which if its rgb it isn't.

>> No.7053650

Are CTX monitors worth it? It's the closest to me, 40 minutes drive and 20£.

>> No.7053675
File: 62 KB, 800x600, plank desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7053917

some are good some are shit, be more specific

>> No.7054053

I would, but like usual the guy has 1 single shitty photo of the front.

>> No.7054067
File: 93 KB, 165x229, mike matei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crt pops up for sale
>only pictures are of the side, not showing the front inputs/brand or back inputs/model number

>> No.7054176
File: 1.31 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20201103_233530693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7054189
File: 2.65 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20201103_231640497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7054192
File: 1.56 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20201103_231431784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7054206
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20201103_231613992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7054224
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20201103_231437434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7054235

If I see you've posted this to reddit with the title "found the motherload" or some shit I'll kill you

>> No.7054241

Never been, anon

>> No.7054260

did u just buy all this?

>> No.7054295

No, I wrote in here earlier about having called an old guy I bought some monitors from in the past. His secretary responded with those pics. Called her back immediately and said I was interested in coming by but she said she's busy until Friday. I'm a little worried because she'd have to research before giving me a price. I told her what I paid the first time around and she didn't scoff. I told her she should give the old timer a call and she agreed. She said she can't use them for shit so she'll give me a deal either way. Idf she researches at all, I'm fucked. If all she does is call the old timer, I'm getting $50 bvms.
Going Friday morning

>> No.7054303

Yeah, you're fucked. Karen is going to put some of those numbers on the big stickers into ebay, and then tell you she knows what she has and it's a grand for a 14 incher.

>> No.7054320

I don't think so but maybe. She posted the cl ad the first time I bought from them and she was there when I picked them up. She's not as old as the boss, but she's probably 60+ and seemingly just as oblivious. She posted the cl as without pictures and worded it vaguely.
I had a similar thought the first time I bought from them because the old timer was being slow to respond to me, I figured the jig was up. No, they're just slow and old.
I casually mentioned that they're untested and that I might not be able to use them and she agreed. Pray for me, anon. I'll bless you with a cheap bvm

>> No.7054449

>untested bvms

>> No.7054512

The 3 monitors I got from them last time still work great. Studios usually do a decent job of maintaining their gear.

>> No.7055862

>security from the place I work at didn't keep any monitors
>neither did the offices department
I've always hated that place. Now I hate it even more.

>> No.7056156

>$100 for each bvm
>$75 for each 14" pvm

>> No.7056949
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7057020

even the resolution of this picture is retro

>> No.7057150

they look fine. some people doing detailed comparisons say it's a little softer than a PS1 or PS2, but it looks sharp enough for me, not having access to the real thing.
apparently the PSP's emulation forces dithering in some scenarios when the game didn't originally have it, so dithering removal hacks are useless on it.

>> No.7057369
