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File: 218 KB, 300x297, Sonic_Adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7013197 No.7013197 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah uh wow, sonic had a rough transition from 2D to 3D to say the least

>> No.7013198

Sonic, Castlevania and Megaman were meant to be 2d games

>> No.7013210

That game is so bad. Transitions are choppy, gameplay is rough, voice acting is laughable and animations are awkward. You deserved better Sonic bros.

>> No.7013231
File: 648 KB, 875x669, SA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that like this shit didn't blow my 10 year old mind in 1999

>> No.7013235

I thought it was fucking amazing at the time, still do. Obviously not a perfect game but god damn it was fun as fuck and just more Sonic but in a 3D space.

Unfortunately the Sonic "fanbase" is made up of contrarians and underaged users who only look back on these games through the lens of YouTube videos or the DX ports.

>> No.7013236


>> No.7013313

I only had the demo disc back when it came out, but I'm playing it now for the first time and this game is actually tons of fun.
The characters certainly are better in Japanese though, so I'd recommend playing it at least with the original audio. They decided to just change all of their dialogue and give them worse voices it seems.

>> No.7013314

Sonicfags think that the Adventure games are masterpieces

>> No.7013316

Do you think the DC would have benefited from being released later? In 1998, most people were into FF7 or OOT, the dreamcast was released only in Japan by then and somehow, I remember not being a lot of hype for Sonic Adventure at the time. Then 1999 rolled on and the DC released in september, people saw Sonic Adventure in the west and loved the radicool 3D aesthetics, gameplay was ever mentioned as being a strong thing about it but people didn't hate it either.
Adventure 2 was even better, and also got the definitive version on Gamecube, but by then, 6th was already stablished I guess.

>> No.7013337

>had a rough transition from 2D to 3D
What early franchise didn't?

>> No.7013372

Not really. Sonic Adventure is frickin' fun.

>> No.7013376

Sonic adventure was the best game of 1999 though

>> No.7013378

You have to look at it from a 1999 perspective

>> No.7013387

Friendly reminder, this was the year Quake 3 came out and it blows this shit out of the water both graphics and gameplay wise. SA1 looks like babby's first 3D game in comparison lmao.

SA2 was a massive improvement though but too little too late and Dreamcast still died.

>> No.7013389

Only a Nincel or Sonyfag would say this.

>> No.7013392

It's from 1998, retarded 99 babies.
The best year in gaming.

>> No.7013398

quake 3 is just another doom clone. nothing special

>> No.7013428

most low iq post in this thread yet

>> No.7013430

All of those franchises have had good 3D games. Fans just can't adapt.

>> No.7013438

Low IQ because its true? Do you even know why the quake series was created?

>> No.7013442

Because GPU's became a thing? And shooting stuff in full 3D with verticality is very fun? Damn, you're stupid.

>> No.7013445

I sick of you fucking zoomers listening to GameGrumps revisionist history of Sonic

This guy gets it

>> No.7013479

did the game age terribly? yes. do i still love it to death and have fun with it? yes. it wasn't as smooth of a transition to 3D as mario was but it was still a solid transition at the time

>> No.7013510

Sonic has yet to

>> No.7013517

Basically all of them are good. There was a weak patch from Heroes to 06, but the rest are all at least decent.

>> No.7013742

As far as level design goes, yes, but as far as physics and controls are concerned, it was a perfectly faithful adaptatio, and physics are half of the appeal of Sonic. In comparison, 2D and 3D Mario feel nothing alike.

>> No.7013812

>what is Sonic Lost World

>> No.7013817

Adventure 1 and 2 were amazing. Not our fault you have shit taste

>> No.7013828
File: 418 KB, 320x240, SonicAdventure1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7013831
File: 2.92 MB, 480x320, Adventureeeeee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7013836

I disagree friend
Play it on dreamcast faggot

>> No.7013863

>it's well coded i swear

>> No.7013869

A good game.

>> No.7013874

Works on my machine bud, zoom harder

>> No.7013883

>game so buggy in it's original release they had to re-release it again in japan... and still is buggy

>> No.7013943
File: 42 KB, 600x315, 51NSQM9480L._SR600,315_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fanbase is insane when they try to compare it to mario 64. Even lower tier 3d platformers of the day like gex and croc are way better then this. I genuinely think i might have enjoyed tonic trouble more then adventure one.

>> No.7014010

>Even lower tier 3d platformers of the day like gex and croc are way better then this.
What shit taste you have.

>> No.7014047
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>> No.7014057

It may have been more detailed, but as a PC exclusive with a dark atmosphere, it flew right by my eyes. SA1 was bright, energetic, and fantastic. At the time, nothing looked more interesting to me

>> No.7014119

Just dropping in to say I love Sonic Adventure and zoomers will always be shitters.

>> No.7014283

The Dreamcast version is fine and honestly aged pretty well. The DX port is an unpolished piece of dog shit that damaged its legacy. Similar to how the Anniversary version of Halo kind of fucked the game up and made it look more dated than it actually did on the OG Xbox, but it's way more severe in Sonic Adventure's case.

>> No.7014289

Dreamcast version didn't have most of the bugs the gamecube version did. Because the gamecube DX and battle ports were based off the bad PC ports.

>> No.7014296

The 03 PC port came after GC. Then even more of the game got fucked up when it was ported over again for Steam/360.

>> No.7014312

>All of those franchises have had good 3D games

>> No.7014514

So was metroid but the apologists disagree

>> No.7014519

>DX version

>> No.7014736

god this game was so good. but FUCK spin dizzy

>> No.7015007

Pacman World 2 was infinitely better

>> No.7015267

You think you can excuse Mega Man Boring Legends and Mega Man Unfinished X7? Unless you're counting Command Mission or the BN-SF series as 3D, I have yet to see a really good 3D Megaman game.

>> No.7015272

Would Lost World be better received if they gave it to Ristar instead of Sonic. It's an alright game, but not a good Sonic game

>> No.7015274

>a really good 3D Megaman game.
megaman legends 2

>> No.7015275 [DELETED] 

>I sick of you fucking zoomers listening to GameGrumps revisionist history of Sonic

This is a cope post, born 1989 here. I thought it was a super shit game when I first played it on the Gamecube, and I got it cheap as a budget title too, and I usually never hate games I get for cheap

I think fans of SA1 or SA2 have genuinely shit taste

>> No.7015347

How autistic do you need to be to do this?

>> No.7015447
File: 13 KB, 352x288, 1554346190973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best voice acting ever

>> No.7015496

>played it on the Gamecube
Play SA1 in a dreamcast emulator for the whole experience.

How can you listen to that soundtrack, play Sonic's, Gamma's and Knuckle's stories and say it is in bad taste anyway. You have got to be baiting on this one.

>> No.7015920

Big the Cat

>> No.7015926

>I played the shitty inferior ports
>I think my opinion matters

>> No.7015930

>a good looking game of the year doesn't look as good as the most graphically advanced game
Wow, I'm shocked.

>> No.7015939

The Dreamcast seemed to be going with the idea of putting an arcade machine in your house. Even if that's novel it's always been a niche market. Like the Neo Geo system and shit like that.

At any rate the Dreamcast hadn't even reached mass appeal when the PS2 rolled out so it was screwed. Never mind the other two consoles that came later.

>> No.7015941

>I thought it was a super shit game when I first played it on the Gamecube...
>Gamecube version

Thanks for proving my point, retard

>> No.7015951

Honestly, I can see why it would've been popular, especially for younger kids. I played through it for the first time recently and while I didn't like the gameplay, there were other things I liked about the game (music, cheesy dialogue). I think it was probably just cool to see Sonic running around in vibrant 3D environments. Simple as that.

>> No.7015954

Aren't you actually forced to use him to complete the game? I only ever remember doing it once but I'm pretty sure you do.

>> No.7015985

And there's only 4 levels and the entire thing can be completed in like 15 minutes.
People who complain about Big are retarded whiners

>> No.7015996

Plus it's fun exploring with big and getting all dem lures

>> No.7016003

YES! Thank you

>> No.7016018

Every armchair video game critic and sonic fans can agree that the beach mission was absolutely amazing. A lot of people that I knew bought the game just because of the technical showcase of a level. Too bad the rest of the game can be a chore bar a few levels

>> No.7016145
File: 12 KB, 200x270, bawwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this game causes so much drama? Seriously, every discussion about SA and SA2 can be summarized as:
>abloo bloo bloo my game is perfect. You just don't like it because of *insert youtuber that I hate here*
>this game is garbage, sonic is shit, sonic was never good, yadda, yadda
Every fucking time.

>> No.7016149

Because sonic

>> No.7016168


>> No.7016189

SA has the best aesthetic out of any video game and is mad fun to speedrun

>> No.7016548
File: 22 KB, 640x360, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Sonic 06 derailed every discussion about Sonic into a clusterfuck of dead memes and shitposting and the fanbase turning into spergs, before 06 people are discussing Sonic just fine until the worst game of all time pop it up, that day was when the internet starts to meme the fuck out of him and e-celebs joining the bangwagon dosen't help that.
So pretty much blame SEGA for their shitty decisions of the game (working multiple titles on the same IP and rush development for muh Wii). And don't give me the schizo shit, after the Dreamcast SEGA has lost it's power to make perfect games because of their revisions, thus going them low after being third-party and Sonic Team after Lost World start getting lazier.

>> No.7016551

>and is mad fun to speedrun

>> No.7016561

In another timeline, Sonic Adventure was released several years earlier on the Saturn and is an undisputed classic, 100% better than Mario 64. Too bad we live in the Shitendo universe

>> No.7016887
File: 21 KB, 474x705, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I liked the demo when it came out, but this is even more fun than I was expecting. I only ever played the 2D games before this, but being able to just zoom around the open world and talk to people and discover things is a lot of fun. Looking into it though it seems that there's no other Sonic games comparable to the Adventure games huh? They seriously never went back to this style of game again? If that's the case then it's really gonna suck once I finish these two.
(I was having trouble with the camera, but putting it on auto mode and then just adjusting it when necessarily is working a lot better for me. I'm actually doing quite good now, despite it being my first time playing.)

tldr: Sonic Adventure is a lot of fun

>> No.7016892

>Looking into it though it seems that there's no other Sonic games comparable to the Adventure games huh?
Sonic 06.
But honestly "open world" and "talking to people" is not Sonic.
That's why SA2 did it best. The first level is the perfect 3D Sonic city level, and the game keeps getting outstanding demonstration of 3D Sonic (and Shadow) stages that were never matched again in terms of 3D games until Colors and Generations.
Also, the Knux/Rouge levels are based as fuck.

>> No.7016894

Adventure was my favourite game.

>> No.7016940

I just like it as a way to wind down in between levels and not have to worry about anything. The same with taking care of these cute little chao things. If I didn't have that hub to mess around in and practice I probably wouldn't be doing as well and enjoying the levels as much as I am either. It may not be Sonic, but it seems fitting to be called Sonic "Adventure"

>> No.7016969

What even constitutes a good Sonic game is such a divisive topic, I don't even care to get into it. If it's fun to me it's a good game,

>> No.7017147

Sonic Adventure is an amazing game. Still one of my top 10 20 years later. The atmosphere alone.

>> No.7017456

imagine being a zoomer and having all your opinions made for you by e-celebs. sad!

>> No.7017458

Mario 64 is still the greatest 3d platformer ever made.

>> No.7017469

mario 64 is garbage and doesn't even feel like a mario game.

>> No.7017505
File: 12 KB, 179x281, Shadow the Hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic 06
Nope. Shadow the Hedgehog was the beginning of the end.
At the time, it's was one if not the lowest rated Sonic game of all time and caused a holy war of cringe between Modern Sonic fans, Classic Sonic fans and the gaming media. It also tainted Shadow's reputation as a character and created the "Ow the Edge" meme.

>> No.7017873

Physics are great.

>> No.7018156
File: 53 KB, 474x892, OIP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been YouTuber's shitting on this or something? I'm pretty old and I only really remember people talking about Sonic Adventure fondly. As I stayed at earlier, this is my first experience with the game, but I really have a hard time seeing what's people could find so offensive. The biggest thing that bothered me so far was that unskippable loop in the Nights pinball machine and the English translation. I've mainly only played with Sonic so far though, so maybe later I'll find something to completely hate the game and shit on anyone who likes it though.

>> No.7018298

Sonic is a franchise that's truly fucked beyond repair. Even if they magically started making good games nobody would take it seriously because the last decade and a half has turned the series into a cesspit of memes and self-depreciating.

>> No.7018307

FINALLY a sonic fan with brain

>> No.7018351

People shouldn't pay attention to YouTubers, but in more recent times you have some hacks going on about how it ruined Sonic or whatever, exaggerating the hell out of every single "problem". Etc.

But their opinions don't matter, it's just that the younger /v/ crowd here likes to parrot everything they say. Then again what people don't mention is that there are plenty of small YouTubers who have nothing but positivity for these games and will go out of their way to defend it and analyze what they like about the game, here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BrN4ABIJKQ

But again, YouTubers are just people at the end of the day and their opinions only matter as much as ours do.

>> No.7018371

Aha, no.

Sonic Xtreme looks like Crash Bandicoot but shit.

>> No.7018402
File: 1.61 MB, 1868x2327, op_is_a_faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7018479

if you're implying it's all one poster this is kind of a dumb conclusion because this is just the image on sonic adventure's wikipedia page: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/60/Sonic_Adventure.PNG

very easy to find for someone looking to make a quick thread

>> No.7018537

No. In the Good Timeline, X-treme would be a western spinoff like the aptly named Spinball, or still in nevermade tier.

>> No.7018742

>before 06 people are discussing Sonic just fine
I'm guessing you weren't on the internet much back then

>> No.7018765

not him, but man, i wish my autistic sonic fanfiction from when i was 10-12 would disappear forever

>> No.7018801

>Yeah uh wow
Who talks like this? What the fuck's wrong with you? Thought you were cute typing that out? Wiggled your little boy puss in excitement from the thought of all the juicy replies you'd get? Fucking CIA MKultra xenoestrogen-riddled brain just couldn't help it?

Years of gooning to bearded eceleb 'retro gamers' on govt spyware websites like youtube changed you into such an insufferable little sissy-nanny. No wonder the deepstate has such a strangehold on america when little latte-sipping communists like you sit by and let it happen.

Nah I'm just kidding I just wanted to schizopost.

>> No.7018845

Are you actually kidding though? Wake up and take the redpill anon.

>> No.7018848

I just don't understand what's going on with all these fags. There's people making threads now saying Sonic never was good. It's all just starting to look ridiculous. Maybe since there's so many crazy ass Sonic fans these days that these people just feel like messing with them?

>> No.7018868
File: 1.48 MB, 960x1280, FB_IMG_1603222853890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's most likely the latter, yeah.
Sonic fans are rabid and are constantly fighting among themselves so it is fun to poke and prod at them every now and then. In smaller circles the fandom is ok, but that goes for most anything.

Saying something was "never good" or trying to judge games solely based on "objectivity" is flawed anyway seeing as how gaming as a whole is both incredibly subjective, and incredibly time and context dependant. It's all just bait.

>> No.7018943

Yeah, Sonic blew me away as a kid and I grew up a big enough fan that I got my hands on every Sonic game that I was able to, but a lot of the people I see nowadays take it to some crazy extremes. Personally, besides people posting cringey ass furry shit, I'm pretty glad they exist, because it let's the series live on and lead to the creation of Mania. I'm not sure I'll enjoy the other modern games, but at least they seem to be full games that are nice and colorful, which is more than you can say about most modern games these days.

>> No.7019070

If anyone else is playing on PC I actually just found out that in addition to the mods that fix everything and add quality of life features that there's also a retranslation mod too. I suppose if you grew up with it in English you might prefer them that way due to nostalgia, but the Japanese voices and are pretty great.