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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7012206 No.7012206 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there more super high quality and well researched retro gaming documentaries, such as this?


>> No.7012304

Strafefox's Splashwave series is very well executed, in my opinion.

>> No.7012307

Jeremy isn't too bad but it makes me sad this so-called 'authority' is actually very shit at video games. He couldn't even beat Double Dragon on the gameboy for crying out loud

>> No.7012309

Couldn't even beat? That game is shit who cares?

>> No.7012316

This absolute madman actually mentioned Jet Set Willy as one of precursors of MSX Castlevania.

>> No.7012326

I mean you dont have to be good at games to enjoy them

>> No.7012329

I think he's just another autistic obsessive who happened to have a good speaking voice. If it wasn't games, it would be gundam figures, or pogs, or something. He has a completionist collectors personality and he has turned it into a paying job.

>> No.7012335

It's like people who write books about or commentate sport. They don't have to be world class at the sport to be passionate about it.

>> No.7012337

Gotta look for the good shit.

>> No.7012503

Any suggestions?

>> No.7012508 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming these threads, OP. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7012527 [DELETED] 

Not sure what you mean

>> No.7012834

Nothing this hack has ever done is high quality or well researched.

>> No.7013621

What are some higher quality video game channels?

>> No.7013627

Game Sack

>> No.7013632

I like Game Sack.

>> No.7013717

>no mention of how shitty the Chronicles port is compared to the original X68K version
>no mention that X68K was designed as a remake of 1 at first
>no mention of the influence of Vampire Hunter D on the series

>>well researched

It's not even a "documentary", it's just a review, and a bad one.

tl;dr stop chilling your shitty youtube channel

>> No.7013745

He's reviewing thousands of games. The plan isn't to go fully in depth on every aspect of every game.

>> No.7013753
File: 24 KB, 360x450, 450[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know of something a lot better than the stuff Parish shits out.

>> No.7013772


>> No.7013795

>click on his random video
>starts with "mazel tov"

no thank you

>> No.7013841

This is the best way I've seen this stated. Hell, even some NBA coaches are stronger at coaching than they ever were playing.

>> No.7013856

If I was looking for an opinion on a movie, I’d prefer to read one by someone who’s seen the movie.

>> No.7013857 [DELETED] 

I’m not OP and I made a thread about Parish a while back. In fact I may have accidentally started this nonsense.

I didn’t mean to, I genuinely like the guy’s channel. But I think when I made a thread about him I pissed off some autist Who hates “e-celebs” or just really loves Ghosts n’ Goblins, and now we get to endure a million threads like this.

>> No.7013859

I don't even think he beat any of the games for this video. If you notice the gameplay in each of them stops conspicuously around the difficulty spikes.

>> No.7013861

But he has played them.

>> No.7013880

Toastyfrog is shit, you're shit
Stop posting this trash

>> No.7013890


>> No.7013892 [DELETED] 

the parish nonsense started when speccyfaggot started citing parish as if anyone is supposed to give a single solitary fuck what he thinks with muh jet set willy when what parish actually wrote was that jsw was highly influential on the BRITISH microcomputer scene (a port on the MSX by Hudson Soft aside which probably was only seen in the UK)

>> No.7013896 [DELETED] 

upon further research apparently in japan it was considered kusoge
only influential upon those people who ironically like kusoge, influential on NOTHING in Japan

>> No.7013901

He beats most of them, and when he doesn't or can't he mentions it. He even talks about using cheats to finish some games. He's open about his lack of skill.

>> No.7013909

>He beats most of them
>and when he doesn't or can't he mentions it
He'd be saying it every video so also wrong.
>He even talks about using cheats to finish some games
Could his videos and opinions on video games be more worthless at this point? James Rolfe playing a character saying poopie poopie fuck farts is more credible.

>> No.7013915

I like parish and I wish he'd go back to his gameboy videos but holy shit he gets posted here every single day

>> No.7013919

Yet another Parish nonce thread. Fuck off Jeremy, you boring prick.

>> No.7013928
File: 451 KB, 1494x1003, Retro Gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retro documentary about retro gaming


>> No.7013938 [DELETED] 

>it's 3 minutes long

>> No.7013968 [DELETED] 

Its a preview, not the whole movie.

>> No.7013971

>Game Sack Joe-only
I still watch for background noise but it's not the same.

>> No.7013983 [DELETED] 

Post the whole movie, nigger.

>> No.7014019

>>no mention of how shitty the Chronicles port is compared to the original X68K version
>the screen is cropped at the top and makes enemies load later than they should during vertical scrolls, the AI of some enemies and bosses is worse, and time depleats much quicker making it almost impossible to complete the level with Death without dying due to time during it
It's autistic not mentioning how these things are just a few cons in return for getting a more convenient version with better graphics and music.

>> No.7014029

He's not perfect but I think you've misunderstood what he's trying to do. He's aiming for a pseudo-academic history of games, he's not a pro player or a speed-runner.

>> No.7014034

>He's aiming for a pseudo-academic history of games
Well he fails pretty spectacularly at that when he makes shit up in his videos like Halo's regenerating shields being inspired by Mega Man Legends (zero citation exists for such nonsense) or getting just about everything wrong in his Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts video.

>> No.7014038

He's trying, its just not perfect. No one denies he makes mistakes, or that there are gaps in his knowledge. But the some total and breadth of the project make up for it imo. He has updated the book versions when people have pointed out errors, he should go back and add correction annotations to the videos too imo.

>> No.7014042

No dude everyone must be factually correct at all times AND be pro level at gaming before they can discuss anything about the medium.
Just ignore the channels I follow that have had factual errors, I like those ones so it's okay. I mean, come on, nobody's perfect.

>> No.7014046

>it's not the same.
yeah it's actually watchable now

>> No.7014050

Joe is easily the worse one and their two-person dynamic was basically the entire appeal of the channel. Joe by himself is just not interesting or charismatic and there isn't anything to offset his biases and obsessions anymore.

>> No.7014062

I just think the dynamic is weirdly depressing now. Whatever really happened between them, and it was probably nothing, it feels like he's lost a friend and is alone now. Being obsessed with old games doesn't seem as pathetic when you have a friend to do it with.

It's like how Scott the Woz can joke about being a lonely virgin, because he probably actually isn't one irl.

>> No.7014067

>It's like how Scott the Woz can joke about being a lonely virgin, because he probably actually isn't one irl.
I am completely certain he is slaying puss daily. He's a decent looking dude and he's gotta be making a good amount from his channel at this point.

>> No.7014075

He's had a channel since he was about 13, and was making videos even before that. He posts and talks about his really old stuff sometimes on his second channel. When he was first started making the joke he was definitely a virgin, unless he lost it in elementary school. He probably isn't anymore though.

>> No.7014086

Fuck off Jeremy, you nonce.

>> No.7014087

Why do people call him a nonce?

>> No.7014091

There isn't really any incentive for him to publicly come out as not being a virgin since it's part of his image. Not that that's a bad thing, I don't think he's changed much as a person and become corrupted by fame or whatever.
Although I suppose there is the possibility that he is still legitimately a virgin and is waiting for the right partner, like a weenie.

>> No.7014092

Because he touches children.

>> No.7014098

I don't think most people take the virgin thing seriously anyway. It's clearly just part of his comedic persona. He could be though, he's only 20ish and spends most of his time artistically organizing wii games. He probably gets a lot of offers when he goes to conventions and meet-ups though.

>> No.7014102

Yeah but is it just a meme or is it based on some sort of accusation?

>> No.7014107

>He probably gets a lot of offers when he goes to conventions and meet-ups though.

Probably not for much longer. He's got child actor syndrome imo. His hairline is receding and he's growing ill fitting facial hair. He's transitioning straight from cute and boyish to weird uncle.

>> No.7014110

>He's transitioning straight from cute and boyish to weird uncle.
He's still cute anon, don't say things like that.

>> No.7014113

100% trufax.

>> No.7014115

Never heard of any kind of Parish molestation scandal myself so it's probably just shitposting

>> No.7014116

Maybe that was harsh, but I can see the beginnings of it. If he's not gay it won't be that much of a problem for him, but his cuteness is fading rapidly.

>> No.7014120
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I'm not gay but if I was, Scott would be my type.

>> No.7014125

He has the looks and personality of a teenage virgin. Like a typical twink porn star.

>> No.7014140

>Never heard of any kind of Parish molestation scandal myself
I'm sure you would know

>> No.7014143

Same reason people like Tom Holland.

>> No.7014571

Classic Gaming Quarterly

>> No.7015042

video games aren't even that interesting to play. Anyone who cares that much about completing an arbitrary challenge should have their values checked.

>> No.7015048
File: 69 KB, 712x379, 1395900284162(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course a tripfag would like this fucking nonce

>> No.7015052 [DELETED] 

>implying anyone give a fuck what Radionigger has to say
Just fuck off already holy shit

>> No.7015061

It's autistic to even whine about such inconsequential minutia in the first place. This stuff is made for the general retro fan, not obsessive spergs who have learned every single detail aboit whatever game(s) they are obsessed with like you and CV. You already know all this shit so it's not really made for you.

>> No.7015065

God no, that retard can't even pronounce the simplest of words and its infuriating. The way he says some words that pronunciation of should be obvious is just bizarre.

>> No.7015068

Nah, he probably hasn't even had sex with any woman besides his Phillipino-American wife.

>> No.7015070


>> No.7015072 [DELETED] 

are you butthurt I know how to cite sources

>> No.7015074 [DELETED] 

No, it's because you're an attention whoring tripnigger ala Babbage's Gramps

>> No.7015081 [DELETED] 

No, you're rude

>> No.7015090 [DELETED] 

plz tho?

>> No.7016704

then why are you on a game board then fag?

>> No.7017997


>> No.7018026

You're the cancer killing this board.

>> No.7018359

Anyone know how to get the arrange-mode knockback patch working on Castlevania Chronicles?

>> No.7018404

Nevermind, there is a prepatched one online.

>> No.7018456

>another Parshit shill thread

Someone post the webms
He actually is pretty retarded.
There's a difference at being decent at a game and being so shit at it you spout factually incorrect shit about a game. Jeremy has done the latter.
>This stuff is made for the general retro fan, not obsessive spergs
If you're passionate about retro games, you're already a sperg. Parish is for secondaries who don't even attempt to play games, but instead want to know basic bitch facts to sound like they're some hipster nerd faggot.

>> No.7018465

Much as I like GS, yeah, Joe is unironically pretty cringe by himself. His attempts at corny "non-humor" has worn thin and it's just so awkward to see him mug for the camera. Dave may have been a COD playing casual but he had such good chemistry with Joe.

>> No.7018483

Bad example, sports commentators are usually ex-player and coaches.

>> No.7018490

So he's worthless, thanks for confirming.
Nice strawman Jeremy, please continue to paywall your failing podcast.

>> No.7018494

>He has updated the book versions when people have pointed out errors,
Was that before or after he has a spergout about people correcting him and not acknowledging them until one of his retarded compatriots like Kohler or Kulata told him he's actually wrong?

>> No.7018496

Jeremy's head is far too deep up his own ass to defend himself on anonymous imageboards. He already has an opinion on everything and he is 200% sure that's a correct one.

>> No.7018502

That's why I'm pretty sure Mackey is making these threads. Him and Parish are known to publicly whine on Twitter the second someone posts a negative review of Retronauts on iTunes or anywhere.

>> No.7020079
File: 48 KB, 832x1000, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do support Jeremy Parish on Patreon so I can watch his videos early, how could you tell?

>> No.7020159
File: 71 KB, 1292x378, iresearchshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7020170

Chad Larry losing weight and getting his shit together vs pretentious self hating white liberal cuck Jeremy

>> No.7021095
File: 282 KB, 680x683, c06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I do donate to Retronauts to buy a paywalled podcast that used to be free, how could you tell?

>> No.7021197
File: 242 KB, 1335x2048, EbU4R_GWkAAzVJ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He touches children.

>> No.7021209

Only tranny speed runners would give a fuck he didn't 100% Knobs n Nonces

>> No.7021309

>Only tranny
Sounds like Jeremy's audience.