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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7000597 No.7000597 [Reply] [Original]

Masterpiece or outdated garbage like Goldeneye?

>> No.7000606
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I really don’t care about Tomb Raider. I stopped caring after I was 14. There are better games and there are better waifus if you are into that type of shit

>> No.7000607

What's the best way to play this these days? PC version or emulation?

>> No.7000627

Why go this route when you could have just posted a picture of Goldeneye and said it sucks? No need to be disingenuous with your bait.

>> No.7000630


>> No.7000631

Somewhere in between, with the caveat that the core issues with goldeneye are miraculously fixed with the 60fps 1964 build.

If you just want to play through the classics, doesn't get much easier than firing up beetle or mednafen and knocking them out.

>> No.7000639

It’s like FF7, on your first playthrough you love it. When you replay it, you think it’s dogshit. And i say this as someone who played both for the first time in 2015

>> No.7000642

Tomb Raider was far too ambitious for the slim hardware it was on.

>> No.7000809

PC by far.

>> No.7000868

Please tell me something that’s like tomb raider but better. I’ve played a lot these type of games but none of them required the precise platforming or were automatic with everything from jumping to climbing to ledge grabbing, instead of giving you complete control.

>> No.7000915

The level designs still holds up but the clunky controls are pretty annoying

You can get working versions on GOG

>> No.7001258
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Name a better waifu than Lara. I assure you, it's impossible.

>> No.7001312

There really isn't a game that does exploration like TR. First one should be as important as Mario 64 if you ask me.

>> No.7001324


No. It achieved everything it set out to do.

>> No.7001338

The controls were shit, but the exploration and puzzles were fun, especially in 2 and The Last Revelation. It's a shame the series turned into Uncharted with a torture fetish, I want to see more creepy tombs with good puzzles and supernatural shit hiding in them.

>> No.7001340

It's a lot easier adapt to Tomb Raider's controls because it's slow paced and you have time to work out jumps and stuff. Not saying it's bad, I fucking love them.

>> No.7001372
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1 and 4 are the highest points in the series. 4 pretty much mastered everything. The peak of the series.

2 and 3 were okay but too much action, too little ancient ruins.

>> No.7001510
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i’m sorry but it is possible

>> No.7001658

>I really don’t care about Tomb Raider. I stopped caring after I was 14.
So what? People stop caring about lots of things. I stopped caring about formula 1 when I was around 11, that doesn't mean I think it's a pile of bullshit and I somehow superceded it, plenty of very smart and otherwise admirable people follow F1.

>> No.7001668

Not the anon and I know it’s nothing at all like what you said but Metal Gear scratched that weird autism itch far back better than TR for me

>> No.7001695
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>> No.7001882

>weeb moeshit
every time.

>> No.7001948

>weeb moeshit
>dino crisis
you need to go back

>> No.7001983
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>resident evil

>> No.7002000

Not him, and I'm not sure if it's better yet but give tiny bullets on ps1 a try. I found the earlier challenges really fun so far. Very interconnected level design too which evokes mnsg/zelda design a bit but with tomb raiders careful navigation challenges.

>> No.7002009

It’s good

>> No.7002860

Masterpiece. Due to dark and moody locations it doesn't feel dated at all. Levels like Greece and Egypt are one of the best adventure / exploration you can get. Game falls apart near atlantis section but it's still okay. One of my all time fav games.

>> No.7002886

>WEEB moeshit

>> No.7002891

Outdated masterpiece obviously
Influential is not garbage anon

>> No.7002893

Emulating the pc version

>> No.7002905
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>> No.7003058


I cant. She is the ultimate videogame babe.

>> No.7003121

Like it or not, it was an important milestone in the history of video games. 3rd person 3D action is en vogue today thanks to the success of this game.

>> No.7003331

I don't know if it can really be outdated since the sort of platformer it is was never really improved upon, just made automatic/on rails. To this day the gameplay is pretty unique, and not something a person sitting down with a modern set of design tools is ever going to come up with. Pretty much like RE where the tank controls are pretty bizarre and obtuse but also make it what it is, still being fun today.

>> No.7003349

RE is very weeby

>> No.7003679

Lara was a shit tier waifu till AoD

>> No.7003889
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She was the best from the day 1. Until the nu-reboot.

>> No.7004245

>the best from day one
See >>7002905
>until the nu Reboot
Yeah, that was fucking awful

>> No.7005862

She wasn’t even good till LAU

>> No.7006128

Any good TRLE levels that have been released recently? Some can be cozy as fuck, but the people that make them like cranking up the artificial difficulty on them to retarded levels.

>> No.7006229

PC is what I prefer.

>> No.7006407

Tomb Raider is a masterpiece. The sense of exploration mixed with isolation is very well done and is something that is incredibly rare in videogames. Outside of TR1 and The Last Revelation I can't think of any other 3D games from the era that really nail that kind of atmosphere.

TR2 went full retard with the non-tomb settings and hundreds of human enemies (plus the "you can save anywhere now so we're gonna cram each level with instant death traps). TR3 is pretty decent, but the "choose your level procession" design means it's really easy to fuck yourself out of all of your weapons and gear if you pick the wrong order.

Chronicles is a mixed bag, some really great levels mixed with more non-tomb shit.

Angel of Darkness is a disaster. I respect the devs trying something new after getting so many complaints that the Tomb Raider sequels didn't innovate enough, but it just didn't work.

Legend would have been a lot better if you didn't have an irritating NPC chattering in your ear every 10 seconds. Anniversary was ok, but it cut a lot of content. I think that's it for /vr/ qualifying Tomb Raider games, although I will say that Underworld was pretty great from both a gameplay and coomer standpoint.

I'm currently replaying the first game on the Saturn, something about it's controller just feels better to me than the PS1 controller does. I just got to the Cistern, and I really like this area but I forgot just how badly the framerate tanks in this level, especially once you start changing the height of the water.

>> No.7006668

It’s okay but Anniversary was far better.

>> No.7006754

Played one on a Dreamcast demo disc one time, thought the gameplay was shit, never touched another TR game again.

>> No.7006810

Thank god my fucking dad bullied me out of playing this shit.

>> No.7006812

Your dad sounds like a fag and so do you.

>> No.7006914
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I don't like saying better
They're all unique in personality and appearance
But I will say Rynn might be just a bit more for me

>> No.7006924

It's tough to say. Tomb Raider is really unique with the amount of control it gives the player. I will say that cinematic platformers like Abe's Oddysee share quite a bit with the platforming, albeit in a 2D scenario.
I want to say PoP: Sands of Time though that leans a bit more into automatic. It still gives you a lot more control than modern titles and the bits of automation it adds are simply do to the more fluid pace of the parkour platforming.
And when in doubt, check for fan mods that expand on the original games. Though I haven't looked myself yet.

>> No.7007809

Definitely a masterpiece

>> No.7007810

Fucking your dad is pretty gay

>> No.7007815

Did he make you play manly wrestling games instead? You know, the games where men in their pants cuddle each other

>> No.7007837
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>> No.7007928


MDK has nothing in common with Tomb Raider. Are you high?

>> No.7008038

Only closet homos freak out over skimpy men.

>> No.7008125

And open homos actively stare at them and play games featuring them

>> No.7008326
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So glad this moron fucked off back to where it belongs.

>> No.7008330
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Pft Jill

>> No.7008730
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>> No.7008751


>> No.7008757

Meryl from Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.7008772

she is like a female duke nukem imo.

>> No.7008781

play the bonehoard mission from thief. I think you will really like it even though it's an fps. It has a few more exploration missions you can play and there are fan missions as well

>> No.7008982

Keep your roster nonsense off the board kid.

>> No.7010094

Cope, Jill was always the superior babby’s first waifu

>> No.7010217


>> No.7010346

PC via OpenLara. But if you want ports, OpenLara has that covered too.

>> No.7010531

openLara is a meme

>> No.7010550
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, 3752e1f7edd57e72fe93ae0f755ad55d_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby’s first waifu
You mean Jill? RE1 came out before tomb raider.

>> No.7010572

I loved Drakan as a kid, especially since it was the first game I got a nude mod for.

>> No.7010627

You missed the point, they both are.
One’s just better than the other.

>> No.7010709

RE is westaboo shit, dipshit

>> No.7011270

Jill has always been my first 32 bit crush.

>> No.7011335

this. TR1 Cover art Lara is the best 3d model ever made. Next to smite aphrodite. But tr1 cover art lara is perfect.

>> No.7011370
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I played AoD recently, one of the worst games I've sat through in recent memory but FUCK Lara made me diamonds in it the whole time.

>> No.7011406
File: 843 KB, 600x900, AC78F64D-EE02-45DF-8859-F7C799E5F8A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isn’t even the best Lara, see pic related.
Try Underworld.

>> No.7011412

Masterpiece. If it wasn't then why is it still holding up over 2 decades later, and one of the most memorable franchises from the golden age of games?

>> No.7011418

Oh yeah, I have a soft spot for LAU Lara. But seeing classic Lara having a snarky side just did things to me. That and the model still held up in my eyes.

>> No.7011485
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I don't really separate these two Laras despite them being in different timelines.

>> No.7012451
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>Karnak, home.. at least if was before I fucked everything up...

>> No.7012681

If this game had starred a male no one would have gibe 2 FUCK

Gameplay was garbage


>> No.7012694

I doubt shitty polygon barely resembling female form was the main attraction when the game had amazing exploration aspect. Lara was only to avoid lawsuits from creators of Indiana Jones. Otherwise it would've been a guy.

>> No.7012743

>I doubt shitty polygon barely resembling female form was the main attraction

You obviously have no idea how thirsty we were 26 years ago. But yeah, the exploration was gud too. TR1 was a winner on all fronts.

>> No.7012804

Are you fucking kidding me? Eidos would include extras with the games, particularly wallpapers of Lara in various outfits and poses. You could do completely pointless things in the game just to show her off, like holding run while climbing up a ledge to make her do a slow, sexy handstand. One of the biggest mods for Tomb Raider II was called Nude Raider. Men love the female form, no matter how few polygons it has.

>> No.7012917

I fucking wish.
You have no idea how much it sucked ass to wait for a game like Uncharted to come out so I could do the cool raider shit without the gay female character

>> No.7012939 [DELETED] 

The devs weren't sure homophobic 90s teens would be willing to stare at a man's ass crawling and climbing for hours, so they had to make her a chick

>> No.7013000

TR developers stated that originally it was supposed to be guy. Then changed to Laura Cruz and finally Lara Croft.

>How many designs did you scrap before Lara
>About four or five. My initial design was a guy in some tombs. But when I started doing proper designs the female character just worked better.

>> No.7014307

You come for the tits but you stay for the gameplay. Then when you get older you just play them because they're fun and comfy.

>> No.7014525
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Alright, what am I in for /vr/?

>> No.7014554
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chaos and mess for 70% of game

plus state of art louvre section with archaeological dig tomb and hall of seasons that seems to be a homage to francis folley from tr1

and then goes downhill with some bio-genetics bullshit at end

>> No.7014556
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Aw shit nvm

>> No.7014598
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>> No.7014621

Its a relic of the 1990s. Femal MC with big titties was a thing.

>> No.7014643

TR4 is comfy


>> No.7014667
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It’s finally working, I’ll let you all know what I think when I’m done with the tutorial

>> No.7014742

I played the first one a couple years ago. I played it back on the PS1 but never got past the third level. This time I completed the whole game without a walkthrough (for the most part) and thoroughly enjoyed myself once I got used to the controls.

>> No.7015478

The concept of "outdated" in video games is the most retarded, games-"journalism"-tier hogwash imaginable. You fell for the meme. Well done.

>> No.7015589

It's different, I'll give it that

>> No.7016723
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Alright so quick update,
I honestly want to really like it but I can't, it's really weird cause I always expect to hear Keele's voice but I hear Jonell instead.
The controls are fine but i'd really prefer to play this game with LAU style controls.
I don't really think it's good or bad right now.

>> No.7016885

Jonell is great.

>> No.7016935

I played 1-4 on release and just finished the latest trilogy.

The originals were basically 3D platformers, just for adults, so they included some action and adventuring as well. Like all 3D platformers, it was never as engaging as the 2D kind, and the shooting was pretty lame auto-aim besides the cool gun sounds and variety. Most of the games amounted to guiding a tank-controlled acrobat through exotic locales. Like most 3D platforming, you have a large autistic following that inflates the consensus of these games. You can see that today with those remakes?re/releases? on Steam in the same exact style. It appeals to those who like an unnatural, neatly-geometric world instead of something more natural. Also, although Lara was hot by contemporary standards, she clearly looked like an ugly, caked bimbo.

The new trilogy is anti-autism, so you'll have heard so much reflexive hate for it already. But they replaced the clumsy, unnatural 3D platforming with much more natural climbing and action movie style jumps, which mostly add to the sense of adventure, a chance to appreciate vistas and heights. The shooting is also infinitely better, just by being a solid TPS game. The puzzles are still good, and more consistent logic now. There is also a light survival-crafting element, and the exploration is freer, you can backtrack with new items or to find things you missed. The difficulty feels roughly the same as the old ones, but the improved mechanics make me wish they targeted it a lot harder. Still really beautiful and fun though. And the new Lara is one of the prettiest women ever created in games, a total cutie "girl next door", especially in Rise and Shadow. This also angered the autists because they prefer ugly and unnatural and some weird political principles over simply having a cuter woman. Compare old Lara to new Lara and that should tell you everything you need to know about the games themselves: you're either a tasteless autist or you're not.

>> No.7016938

What do you think of the LAU games?

>> No.7016951
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What a fucking retard.
Lara was never a girl next door, they completely failed to portray her in nureboot, you fucking simp.
All this modern tech and abysmal budget was wasted on this abortion of a character. These games are just amalgamation of modern hot trends in games to appeal to the lowest common denominator such as yourself, franchise completely lost its identity.

>> No.7016993

Old-Lara: global adventures with a genuine sense of exploring. Often difficult without a guide.

Nu-Lara: trash island adventure

>> No.7017037

Not tried those. How would you describe them?

>popular = bad

True, there is less globe-trotting so they can fully flesh-out an actual adventure with more detail.

Such the degenerates are unable to I'll finish by highlighting the true weak point of the latest trilogy: the story. Support characters you don't give a fuck about, antagonists with little human motives, and a lame attempt at protagonist growth. But when you're freely exploring around tombs and enemy camps, you're not so bothered about it. The original stories were bad too, just they didn't try as hard. And to finish on a positive note, the graphics are stunning, which is incredibly important for an adventure. Which is another devasting exposure of the originals' appeal, they were not as pretty even for that time.

>> No.7017062

Kill yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.7017065

I forgot to add, I'm also a proud trans, I love sóylent and black cocks.

>> No.7017073

I should give them another shot. But, man, even when I was a kid I knew those controls were completely awful.

>> No.7017183

You sound so much like Squeenix shill right now. The graphics don't mean shit if it's just an island full of trash and scrap metal, and what to do/where to go next is always easy to see while tomb raiding is more of a side quest up to and including DLC.

>> No.7017210

I played through TR1 about 3 years back and found it thoroughly enjoyable, save for that blind box pushing puzzle at the end of Natla mines.

I then played TR2 and... Why? Why quadruple the amount of combat in a game where the combat system sucks?

Why have me fighting human enemies when the the AI still moves around as if its a prowling animal?

Why have have me in gun duels when these basically boil down to jumping into position and holding the fire button and eating your medkits until everything is dead?

Didn't finish TR2, didn't bother with TR3, because I assume it's more of the same shit that hated about TR2

>> No.7017258

"Just an island". Cool you haven't played them. I won't waste my time.

If my theory is correct, classicTR should appeal more to fans of platforming and other "gamey" styles. Whereas those fans would dismiss its true brethren like RE or MGS as "cinematic walking sims". So basically they don't realize TR has always been an action-adventure series, they don't like that genre, and therefore they don't like the new TR trilogy, which does that genre much better.

>> No.7017514

Resetera wrote this post

>> No.7017567

From what I can see on Google, they disliked the latest one. But probably for the opposite reasons to /vr/ degenerates, like that the game wasn't polished /enough/ for them rather than too much.

>> No.7018146

4/10 you're just going down the checklist, low energy

>> No.7018168

outdated garbage

>> No.7019357


low test sois

>> No.7019483

Mmm, that is a very narrow way to frame why people enjoy the original.
I love the original series for the amount of control you had over the character with the platforming. No, not fluidity but pure control. It always feels like you are actually accomplishing a dangerous task when gauging jumps, grappling ledges, and dodging through traps.

A lot of that being lost in later games in order to give more simplified, cinematic feel. It feels the modern games give you way too much barriers. Too many safe guards for failure. Ledges that Laura will just instantly cling to. No more gauging height or distance for your jump save maybe a few really short distances. Items you can tap x from 3 feet away and she'll just float there. Stealth kills that require very little risk in the later reboot games. "Survival Instincts." At least the shooting like you said does require actual aiming though at a cost of the agility Laura was granted for maneuvering around threats by backflips and rolls.

Everything just feels so standard in the reboots . I wouldn't mind them if they at least tried to modernize the series' core mechanics without dropping it in favor of what we constantly see in games like Horizon and Arkham.

>> No.7019498

I liked the feeling of being alone and far from civilization. TR 1 nailed it, anniversary by extension too. Then there was one set like 90% in Egyptian ruins as well.

Other games failed to capture this.

>> No.7019613
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>> No.7019729
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>> No.7019856

openlara is full of bugs

>> No.7019862

the level design is a masterpiece. the controls are very tanky and its easy to fall off the ledge. but thats part of the game. its great game.

>> No.7019864

Legend for me

>> No.7020102


>> No.7020473

>Everything just feels so standard
Exactly what I said. Standard TPS action-adventure > fiddly 3D platforming that went the way of the dodo

>> No.7021152

Lara's braless tiddies jiggling.

>> No.7021159

Masterpiece thanks to its brilliant level design, outdated because of its rigid control. But I still lean into masterpiece, because THE LEVEL DESIGN ACCOUNTS FOR THE LIMITS OF THE CONTROL. If more developers could do that we'd have more actually GOOD games

I simply can't agree. Unless you have genius designers that can create a very wide variety of scenarios, that standard gameplay will make for a generic experience you'll forget within a few days. Yes, the older games were clunky but the overall experience was all the better because every level HAD TO be designed around its limitations. They couldn't just repeat level layouts ad nauseam, it would be very noticeable. Though to be fair, the technical limitations meant that even if they wanted to, they couldn't show many assets at once and as a result every asset had to count, which is what lead to the perception of high variety.

TL;DR Both are products of their time, but only one has the potential to be truly memorable

>> No.7021608

>every level HAD TO be designed around its limitations. They couldn't just repeat level layouts ad nauseam, it would be very noticeable. Though to be fair, the technical limitations meant that even if they wanted to, they couldn't show many assets at once and as a result every asset had to count, which is what lead to the perception of high variety.
Sounds like you're admitting it was an inherently inferior genre. Which is what I implied, and why it died so soon after it appeared in 3D.

>> No.7022457

Anniversary is a good example how to update original game. Sure, Atlantis levels sucked in it but Greece, Egypt and Peru were great. So it's like 3/4 well done.

>> No.7023162
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>October 25, 2020
>my fucking 24th birthday
>I am forgotten

>> No.7023272

>jumping into position and holding the fire button and eating your medkits until everything is dead
You're doing it wrong, mong.

>> No.7023757


So what is best for TR1 openlara or opentomb?

I tried emulating PS1 but there is annoying texture warping (even with PGXP options) and view distance is limited and widescreen hack is well a hack. Also 30 fps locked.

>> No.7024129

I tried to play FF7 recently but it's really, really slow paced. I put it on hold until I have enough patience to sit through it.
I dunno, the era's JRPGs have a mentality that is really far from a freedom-oriented RPG and I can't appreciate it.

>> No.7025446

The perfection of this image says it all.

Yes it the "classics" were overrated shit, like Goldeneye. Both served as consolebabbies first exposure to 3D shooting and adventuring, respectfully. At least the new trilogy are solid TPS without any qualification like "on PS4 only".

>> No.7025547
File: 215 KB, 750x426, DB1D62D1-256C-41F5-97DE-2F9D399F4638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what /v/ thinks about your waifu

>> No.7025556
File: 152 KB, 942x844, tumblr_pe2g543k6Y1w2u0tio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's clearly talking about nulara aka Laura, horse porn is her thing. And
>uncharted for pc
basically her games.

>> No.7025582

>brown eyes
>brown hair
>brown lips
disgusting shitskin. anyone who finds this bitch attractive has trash taste.

>> No.7025651
File: 287 KB, 750x481, 07F883A6-62E2-4F8D-8000-892415E665C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /pol/ schizo

>> No.7025887

How many tomb raider clones do you see? A single one in uncharted?
There's your answer.

>> No.7026574


So you stop carying like two years ago or so

>> No.7026650


>> No.7026707

t. snownigger

>> No.7026770

I'm Ukrainian and we don't claim that faggot.

>> No.7027985
File: 293 KB, 1215x610, lara_icons_by_horus_goddess-da17pry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring to northern euros, but it was probably a poltard. Even in northern countries plenty of native brunettes, with brown eyes too.

>> No.7028561

Not him but it's third person and you shoot stuff and look at the player's butt
I do not see a difference

>> No.7029925
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the entirety of Jap post war culture is westaboo numb nuts. That's why weeaboo is an insult.

>> No.7029929

Her appearance is literally ripped from 90s UK urban culture. Also it's lipstick you giga virgin.

>> No.7030709
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>> No.7030779

Truly great games have iterations of the same core principles. Very few games do it but the ones that do are masterpieces.

Think Doom, Doom 2 and Wads. You begin to understand what the game is, then appreciate what the creators can do in those limitations.

Tomb Raider 1-4 has a difficulty curve which escalates ever since the first one, just like Mario and the Lost levels, Catlevania 1 and 3, DMC 1 and 3 and most recently Hotline Miami 1 and 2.

Play through TR2 and you'll see the difficulty of 3 starts right where the end of 2 left off. Its made for players who have loved the previous game.

Very few games do this and TR1-4 presents an unbroken line of mastering the design of this type of game all the way to chronicles. Theres no spin off or ridiculous stabs in the dark like Simon's Quest.

Because you understand the framework and hwo the game works, you appreciate the artm the textures, the balance, the atmosphere and the small improvements within the engine.

Just look at James Bond, they are trying to figure out how to make him relevent by changing everything completely, when Tom Cruise laughs at them and just puts out a Mission impossible film every few years that does everything a Bond film used to do. Cars, women, locations, set-pieces, music, style. They understand what makes it good.

Even the Fast and the Furious knows what it is.

And when a series DOES change, ti should change like Zelda, only when it has thoroughly explored everything within the originals limiitations. But this should actually be rare.

TR 1-4 is a great series because at no point do you see it struggling to fins what it is. And you could take the formula and make a game with it today and it would still work. Those who say people wont play it because of controls or difficulty are ignoring Demon Souls and Dark Souls, another series that is a genre unto itself. A TYPE of game, not a spin on a character that basterdises it.

Fucking whore of a dyke Lara cat lady modern 2016 twattle

>> No.7030806

Neither, just a solid puzzle platformer.

>> No.7030808


That's became games in general are becoming homogenized. Everything is being sucked into the gravitational pull of the "cinematic crafting non-linear RPG multiplayer open-world action-adventure" chimera. You try to hit the lowest common denominator. It's like how FPS games were the big thing ten years ago.

>> No.7030940

redpill me on chronicles bros.

>> No.7030948

Buggy cashgrab. At least it was short.

>> No.7030981

Just a compilation of levels that didn’t get included in other games.

Best way to play these is on a backwards compatibility enabled PS3, apart from 2 that plays ok enough off steam (and the disk won’t boot as you can buy it from the store)

>> No.7031109

Game has no appeal or redeeming factors whatsoever besides the fact that you play as a sexy boob lady. Worthless misogynist trash.

>> No.7031115

Haven’t seen this bait before

>> No.7031121

Game itself is subpar at worst but it broke TR as a whole due to dual development alongside AOD making AOD’s development straight from hell

>> No.7031464
File: 248 KB, 1280x1280, screen202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could love Lara's games just as I love her.

>> No.7032065

I wish I loved Laura as much as I love doing cool Indiana Jones shit

>> No.7032167

Dangerously based

>> No.7032196

Ovaries of STEEL.

>> No.7032203

Where are the modern indy clones with their own big titted protagonist?

>> No.7032871

Soi and butthurt
No but only fags cry about shirtless sports
Based MGSfag

>> No.7032894

The only option for 60 fps is the powerVR (dos) version. Next best thing is the native windows version with glrage wrapper.

>> No.7033208

t. cringy jillfag

>> No.7033224

>>7032871 <----- Get a load of this fucking retard.

>> No.7033673

pretty difficult game. First tombraider game with moving platforms

>> No.7033676

the thought of her huge stiff udders blocking the light makes my PP rock solid

>> No.7035106
File: 17 KB, 204x284, index2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this render is higher resolution?