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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 97 KB, 1500x786, 711EZobnKiL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7000510 No.7000510 [Reply] [Original]

What controller do you use for PC? Do you like it?

>> No.7000518

8bitdo, love them. So much that i sold my xbone pads.

>> No.7000519

i have that one the dpad isnt so great but i like it better than the xbox 360 controller i used to use

>> No.7000530

I've had a F310 for years. Still works overall pretty well, though the d-pad is starting to go.

>> No.7000538

Original via Raphnet or Blissbox > Model 2 Saturn = Preferred Dualshock Variant > Xbone >>>> Repro controllers > everything else

>> No.7000541

is ps4 controller ez plug n play?

>> No.7000545

I got one of those controllers and it's way too easy to do diagonals on the d-pad. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.7000547

mine is the opposite diagonals are hard to hit consistently i have the wired one though

>> No.7000564

If you're using retroarch, win10, or steam. Any of those are fine. Otherwise, you'll want to use Ryochan's DS4Windows fork. https://github.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows/releases
It's regularly updated and extremely configurable. You may even want to install that either way if you're playing extremely old PC games that predate proper controller support, since it's very easy to create a ds4windows profile that binds everything to keyboard keys.

>> No.7000575

thx bro

>> No.7000582

Dualshock 4
It's great apart from the shape of the analog sticks and the battery life.

>> No.7000587

this is very good because i just bought a ps4

>> No.7000604

Chink POS that goes by the name of iBuffalo Classic USB Gamepad. There are ten others on Amazon that look the same but with different names. 8bitdo, elcom, sure its all the same shit.

>> No.7000609

Steam controller
The touch d-pad thing is fucking garbage, but the rest of it is good. I also can't give up the buttons on the back as I'm too used to using one of them for push-to-talk

>> No.7000617

It'd be nice if they were purely convex like the old sticks, but nobody seems to make controllers like that anymore. I exclusively use mine wired, so no battery concerns.

>> No.7000619

i like the ds4 sticks and never liked convex thumbsticks

>> No.7000652

I've got an ancient Saitek pad that has two sticks, six face buttons, as well as triggers and bumpers
The dpad isn't the worst. The poor thing is hanging in there but I need a good alternative

>> No.7000653

>Dualshock 4
Thats a lie. I use the DS4 myself and its barely ok. The D-Pad is shit as always. And the face buttons feel cheap with no tactile feedback. Still miles better than the abysmal DS3 though. Sony pads always fucking suck.

>> No.7000658

Sounds like you got a bootleg, or are underage and drank the xbox koolaid.

>> No.7000671

It's not a lie, son, it's an opinion.

>> No.7000672

>Steam controller
>The touch d-pad thing is fucking garbage,
Then it's objectively dogshit for retro games.

>> No.7000684

I used a 360 controller for a while that was kinda annoying cause of the Dpad before switching to a PS3 controller that I've been using for the last few months. Works perfectly.

>> No.7000685

I'd agree that the steam controller is shit, but you don't need a good dpad for n64, gc, ps2, or xbox games.

>> No.7000687

Just got an 8bitdo pro whatever the fuck during prime day since it went on sale for a couple hours
its good so far, i heard some ship with a fucked up dpad but mine seems perfect so im happy

>> No.7000856

Exact same situation for me, used a wired 360 pad for the last 8 years and just replaced with a hori wired mini ps4 controller which I'm loving but I imagine someone with bigger hands would have problems with
The D-pad is a dream compared to the 360 one holy crap, basically impossible to accidentally hit up or down when pushing left or right, has a nice clicky feeling

>> No.7000996

fair enough
>gc, ps2, or xbox
not retro anyway

>> No.7001002

>The D-Pad is shit as always
I bought a DS4 controller for my PC because I think it has the best dpad of any controller.

>> No.7001014

>the best dpad of any controller
Not even close, but it's a good dpad compared to other modern 3D controllers.

>> No.7001016

Not this cheap chink shit that breaks after a few months

>> No.7001032

Or option C, you are an insufferable retard, with no standards, who defends everything Sony craps out. You know... for the playas.

>> No.7001068

For the PC? My xbone controller within emulation, Kb/Mouse when playing normal PC games

8bitdo equivalent controllers for the minis.

>> No.7001118
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I can't really speak about build quality and longevity because I don't use my DS4 too often, so I think it will last a while, but I think the dpad on the DS4 is perfect and feels great. I know that the DS4 dpad is one piece under the shell, but I like how the shell "separates" the north/south/west/east buttons on the dpad into what feels like four different buttons.
I often see people say that the Saturn dpad is perfect, but the fact that the dpad is all above the shell and feels like one component for the north/south/west/east portions is a big turn off for me. I bought my DS4 specifically for REmake 1 on Steam, as well as emulation of other fixed angle games like RE1/2/3/CVX, Silent Hill 1, 2, 3 etc. It conveniently works fine for me when I want to play stuff like SMW and various jrpgs. I guess part of the reason why I like it so much is because I grew up playing PS1 survival horrors.

>> No.7001132

I picked up the horipad for the switch to use on my computer. Seems good. It can switch between xinput and directinput so it works on pretty much everything D pad is a little slippery though.

>> No.7001145

The controller I want doesn't exist.
Would basically be a saturn controller but with two analogs and R2+L2

>> No.7001242

I have a Finnish one for 4th gen and some Estonian dualshock for everything else. Six months in, Finnish d-pad is starting to become unresponsive.

>> No.7001379

go back to /v/

>> No.7001471

I've got several I use depending on what I feel like. I've got USB adapters for NES, SNES, and PS1/2, and a cheap 360 knockoff because my real one died and even the "genuine" 360 controllers on amazon were Chinese knockoffs anyway.

>> No.7001594

Genuine original DualShock with a PS1/2 to USB converter. Unironically the best controller I've ever used. Comfy, built like a tank, easy to disassemble and clean, buttons are nice and responsive without being overly clicky or mushy.

>> No.7001672

not a bad idea

>> No.7001849
File: 178 KB, 1198x175, sn30pro+sn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7001856

I use this for 2d game, and 360 controller for 3d games. I've also got a genesis replica for sega games but don't use it very often

>> No.7001876

i ditched my 360 controller and just use the sn30pro+ for 2d and 3d

>> No.7001890

the thumbstick is in the wrong spot to use for 3d games, and the sticks themselves I find uncomfortable to use. it's a duelshock layout but without the dualshock ergonomics. it really fails as a 3d controller for me, but I dont care about that. it's a snes controller with handles so it's the best 2d controller on the market

>> No.7001903

just ds3/4
recently acquired a gaming laptop and using a ds4 with cemu is practically perfect, touchpad and gyro work.
my only "problem" is that everyone is retarded and use the share button as select, so I have to go and remap select to touchpad click everywhere.
share isn't used for gameplay, it's to take screenshots dammit!

>> No.7001997

>the thumbstick is in the wrong spot to use for 3d games,
the fuck does that mean?

>> No.7002052

you see where the buttons are? where your right thumb rests? that's called the prime real estate. your left thumb should rest in the same area on the other side of the controller. in a 3d game your left thumb is constantly on the thumbstick, so it should be in the prime real estate. basically the assymetric design as la xbox is the optimum setup for a 3d game, and the symmetrical design a la dualshock is the optimum setup for a 2d game.

>> No.7002092
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Then wouldn't that make the Wii U pro controller the best for 3D games
>Both analog sticks in the neutral position
>Map actions to the four shoulder buttons
>Now you barely ever need to adjust finger positions

The souls games made me realize how much more sense it makes to map actions to the shoulder buttons over face buttons

>> No.7002101

see for me that's not good either because it has shifted down the buttons away from the prime spot. it's just an odd decision, like they didn't want to copy xbox. but they did anyway with the switch pro controller. only sony keeps to their roots, and that's probably because the symmetrical dualshock is very aesthetic and marketable, and has become a trademark of the playstation.

this is all my opinion of course, but I really couldn't imagine using any other controller for 3d games than the 360 or xbone. that controller layout has basiclly become standard. anytime you fire up a PC game it has a diagram of a controller and the layout will be that of the xbox

>> No.7002108

>it has shifted down the buttons away from the prime spot
which doesn't matter if you're primarily using the shoulder buttons over the face buttons, which makes more sense ergonomically

>> No.7002110

that's true. I suppose it depends on the game

>> No.7002328
File: 23 KB, 695x355, 61bh+HO86XL._AC_SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience, all of 8bitdo's controllers suck except for this one. Genuinely great feeling everything, and it has a 2.4GHz RF version for 0 delay wireless. I would stay away from the snes styled ones, they have miserably stiff buttons and shit dpads

>> No.7003651
File: 63 KB, 1500x1031, wii classic pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan. If you want a dualshock that isn't a dualshock, just get the wii classic pro.

>> No.7003696

>In my experience, all of 8bitdo's controllers suck except for this one
Does that mean you've tried them all?

>> No.7004035

I have this and the 8bitdo SN30 Pro Plus. I prefer the latter. The M30 is good for fighting games and some arcade games, but the Pro Plus covers most of everything else. I even like platformers better on it.

>> No.7004050

Exact same 8bitdo controller for my retro needs, for the more modern games I use either a 360 or a switch GC. Only exception would be a real n64 controller with a usb adapter for some emulated 64 games (necessary for Zeld and other games that use the c buttons in a weird way). Still need to upgrade the stick module, the OG one sucks.
Also got a drawer full of other controllers I don't use at all.

>> No.7004081

>Only exception would be a real n64 controller with a usb adapter for some emulated 64 games (necessary for Zeld and other games that use the c buttons in a weird way)
It's not necessary in the slightest.

>> No.7004086


Wired 360 for some games, 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ for others.

>> No.7004087

Not that anon but n64 emulation is wonky without a 6 face button controller that also has analog sticks. And those are hard to come by

>> No.7004091

Might be lack of exposure, but I find having to use the right stick or the dpad for objects and notes tedious as hell since it was designed for buttons. Also, the 64 controller is rather comfy and nostalgic.

>> No.7004104

They don't need to all be face buttons.
<C = L1
>C = R1
^C = Triangle
vC = Circle

It's actually much easier to rapidly use items that way, because your thumb never needs to leave B/A (Square/X), which is especially handy for horseback archery, or just general combat. Easy as fuck to play the ocarina that way too.
I wouldn't recommend using the right stick for C buttons, there's more than enough buttons on your typical modern controller for OoT/MM.

>> No.7004469

What are the best saturn controllers equivalent?

>> No.7004493

wii-u pro controller. Really adaptable for 2d and 3d games across all retro systems

>> No.7004658

This, I bought one for the Snes classic and I always accidentally hit weird directions. Like if I am holding up it will accidentally hit diagonal up left. It almost feels like the d-pad is too sensitive or something. I cannot consistently do Sabin's blitz attacks on it and I get can do them probably 95% on an oem controller.

>> No.7004676
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8bitdo m30

>> No.7004680

Can confirm the Dpad is not so great. I had to change the rubber of mine two times already.

>> No.7005238

Weird, I've been using mine extensively for 4 years, and it's still springy and responsive.

>> No.7005635
File: 56 KB, 659x265, please_no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caveman here. I finally went and bought an 8bitdo M30
this right here.

I love how it feels, specially the dpad and all that, and the bluetooth function is real fucking nice... but here's the kicker. Look at pic related. The version I got is the one with 2.4, and, according to a YT video I watched, and that website, is only for Genesis Mini. I would have not been able to tell at all, since I HAVE used the thing with bluetooth several times, but for some reason, now it won't activate at all. As if the controller is not charged at all. It used to just go blue once I pressed any button, but now I can't get the bluetooth to work all the time, and when I do, I can't figure why. For what it's worth, I cannot get that menu thing the controller does either. This is weird.

Now I'm just waiting for it to have a full charge to see if that was the issue but I somehow doubt it. So, did I fuck up and should I just give it back and get another model? Anyone else experience this, is there any known solution?

>> No.7006724
File: 6 KB, 259x194, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the best USB retro joystick? Like old ass one button atari sticks. Should I just buy an real old one off of ebay and get a usb adapter?
all the ones I can find on amazon have shitty reviews and people say they break immediately

>> No.7006747

How is that shit compared to an analog stick for aiming?

>> No.7006770

Can you use the genesis ones on a stock Atari with a dongle or whatever?

>> No.7006773
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>since I HAVE used the thing with bluetooth several times
Are you sure? It explicitly says it doesn't support bluetooth.

>> No.7006776

Playing Starmaster/Star Raiders on an arcade stick is supremely satisfying. Especially after you map the buttons/switches. Feels like a completely new experience.

>> No.7006805

I use the CH Products Mach joysticks with a Radio Shack or Rockfire USB adapter
Mach 1, 2, or 3 - I like them all

>> No.7006889
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For me it's wiring up a real snes controller to LPT1 and configuring zsnes to use it

>> No.7006960

At first I had the Pokken Controller, then switched to the one you posted which was pretty good.
Then I got a Retrobit Saturn pad and pretty much exclusively use that now. It's so fucking good. Only issue with it is the shoulder buttons are quite bad.

>> No.7007000

Is that USB thing not bluetooth? Whatever that receiver is, the controller has worked with nothing but that plugged in to the PC. I just want to use this wirelessly.

I'm so tired.

>> No.7007010

>Is that USB thing not bluetooth?
No, it's a wireless receiver. Bluetooth is also wireless, and may use a similar wireless receiver, but the transmission protocol is different. According to redditors who've tried to use that version of the controller on the PC, it either doesn't work, or can work if use an input wrapper like joy2key.

>> No.7007031
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The frustrating thing is, I got it to work wirelessly just out of the box. I just pressed Start and the blue lights turned on, and it worked. Now the weird menu thing I could go into does not open either. I don't know what's different know, I have no clue why all this is happening, I first thought the battery was dead. For all I know, I still don't know how to turn it on in the first place. I'm such a fucking dumbass.

Fuck it, I don't want to deal with this. I'll trade it in and buy the right one since it's still in warranty.

>> No.7007943

Thanks for this

>> No.7007987
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, dstan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Returning it and picking up the BT version would be the simplest answer, yes.
You're very welcome, anon.

>> No.7008268

I've using xbox360 controller for years already, but my boomerass hands are starting to cramp or some shit after 2 or 3h playing shit, I need a better controller that is good and doesn't hurt my fucking hands, I've stopped gaming with m/k because of my oldass back. Fuck getting old fucking sucks, I have to go to some gym or some shit or I'll die before 40

>> No.7008279

It isn't the same. I have a Buffalo and 8bitdo. 8bitdo is a legitimate third party controller, Buffalo is a cheap Chinese clone. 8bitdo isn't as good as any first party controller, but all them have their own issues that makes it a great option for any d-pad games.

>> No.7008313

There's probably a lot of options that would work for you.
>but my boomerass hands are starting to cramp or some shit after 2 or 3h playing shit
This isn't necessarily a boomer thing, it's common for people to grip controllers too tightly, or actuate the buttons with too much force, which is pretty terrible for both your hands and your contorller. Next session, make an effort to take note of how hard you're pressing the buttons.
>I need a better controller that is good and doesn't hurt my fucking hands
What type of games do you play the most?
>I've stopped gaming with m/k because of my oldass back
There's no reason M/KB has to be any less comfortable than a good controller. An HTPC setup with a couchmaster is luxuriously comfy.

>> No.7008816

I've been playing sword art online hollow realization (not retro), it's the one that I feel the most cramps. I also being playing on and off smb3 and megaman 1 emulated using the shit dpad from the x360 controller, it works

>> No.7009535

I understand the revised commodore mini has higher quality joysticks.

>> No.7009958

Best d-pad hands down, but
>no rumble
>no l3/r3
>no analog triggers

>> No.7010230

I use a 360 Hori stick. Hard for Battlezone and Robotron, but hey.

>> No.7010368

Can confirm dualshock 4 works like a charm.

>> No.7010442

Switch Pro with BetterJoyForCemu is pretty much flawless imo

>> No.7010462

The digital only triggers are a big letdown, otherwise I'd say it's a straight upgrade for those who prefer the xbox layout.

>> No.7010473

The camera pad is perfectly fine, but you have to take a little time to tweak the settings for each game. I do well with it on Dark Souls 3.

Completely depends on the retro games you like. There are very few emulated games where the left stick isn't sufficient for just about everything the D-pad can do.

>> No.7010479
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Wired 360, I've just gotten used to it at this point that changing would feel weird.

>> No.7010484

Had a F310 until it finally died. Now using my way too old Logitech Dual Action thinking of buying a 8bit Duo.

>> No.7010498

Spend $10 more and get a proper first party controller.

>> No.7010509

The logitech ps2 knock off.

>> No.7010514

The build quality on logitech controllers has always been really bad. Their flagship mice are great, and expensive as fuck, but the controllers are strictly bargain bin-tier.

>> No.7010587

I actually tried using my Switch Pro controller and for some reason it kept going crazy and seemly pressing all the buttons at once. Looked it up and no one seem to had any issues like that before so I just kind of stopped trying and used the the Dual Action.

>> No.7010596

Get this: https://github.com/Davidobot/BetterJoy follow the instructions to the letter. If you followed the instructions correctly, it will work. Set it up as xinput.

>> No.7010610

They still work fantastically for what amounts to a below 20 buck controller. If you want a controller for a PC or Pi or something and don't want to break the bank just get an F310 and you're golden.

>> No.7010614

>They still work fantastically for what amounts to a below 20 buck controller
Sure, just like a $5 WMO clone might be "fantastic" for a $5 mouse, but they aren't fantastic when compared to first party options.

>> No.7010618

Never mind I never set it up on Steam as a non Steam game and it seemly fine just needed to change the analog stick for some reason. But I'll look into that as well later.

>> No.7010853

I use Hori Pokken controllers for my Retropie gaming

I'd buy an 8bitdo for Bluetooth and sticks, but I'm afraid I will hate the dpad (Hori one is stellar)

>> No.7011028

How are the adapters to use a wireless 8bitdo controller with an actual snes? Alternatively, does anyone have any wireless snes controller recommendations? It's for a couple of jrpgs, so they don't have to be flawless

>> No.7011113

>wireless controller
I'll never understand this obsession. How exactly are you playing these games where wires would become an issue?

>> No.7011139

>How exactly are you playing these games where wires would become an issue?

Not hunched over right in front of the monitor/tv. Some times the console is on top of the TV and I don't want the cables running down in front of the screen or having to route them somehow. I also have fucking dozens of bnc and audio cables running at this point, any wires I can cut out help a lot

>> No.7011150

Xbox one controller for analog stick games.

Wii classic controller pro and a usb adapter for dpad games.

>> No.7011152

>Not hunched over right in front of the monitor/tv
Your typical controller cord is quite long.
>Some times the console is on top of the TV
I would much rather not place the console on top of the TV like some ghetto ape, than deal with laggy wireless controllers.
>I also have fucking dozens of bnc and audio cables running at this point
There's some neat tutorials online about cable management, I suggest looking them up, should make a big difference.

>> No.7011172

>I'll never understand this obsession.
You'd have to be pretty stupid to not see the appeal of wireless controls. There's a reason tv remotes, rc cars, phones, headphones, and all modern video game consoles controllers are wireless and have ditched wires where ever possible.

>> No.7011181

Consider the board you're on right now, and then look at the first gen LCDs that most people threw out their CRTs for, and then very carefully consider why I may be perplexed as to why someone would prefer a laggy input device.

>> No.7011209

That's a fair point but there's plenty of overlap and era mixing on /vr/. I've only ever played Rondo of blood on the wii vc with a classic pro and didn't notice any lag. I'm sure there was some, but it didn't ruin or noticeably alter my experience at all. Also, I specifically mentioned it would specifically for jrpgs, which would probably be affected by input lag less than any other genre outside of VNs. Lastly, the point of the question was to find out how the controllers actually perform. Input lag is getting better seemingly all of the time, and I was asking what others' experiences with and opinions on the controller were. Since you don't have any actual information why don't you just sit back and wait for something you can contribute to.

>> No.7011221

>Input lag is getting better seemingly all of the time,
You really have no idea what you're talking about. Hint: Those shitty $30 controllers aren't any better than the ones we had 15 years ago, and current gen console input lag has actually gone through the roof compared to what we had with gen 3-5.

>> No.7011234

>as to why someone would prefer a laggy input device
2.4ghz RF is practically lagless. It's modern bluetooth stacks that are the problem

Wireless 2.4 ghz mice for example have on par, sometimes less delay than wired equivalents. Hell even the gamecube Wavebird controller has the same latency as the wired one

>> No.7011238

the dpad on the sn30pro+ is great
i heard some of the older models of the sn30 are hit and miss, like some have good dpads and others have issues
but they sorted that out and the sn30pro+ and current models of sn30 all have good dpads

>> No.7011241

> laggy wireless controllers.
its not 2005 any more grandpa, wireless is actually good now. good modern wireless controllers are on par with wired for latency

>> No.7011254

>good modern wireless controllers are on par with wired for latency
Post some examples with hard proof, preferably including high framerate video scrubbed frame by frame, and an LED mod on button press. Otherwise this is just fanfic/shilling.

>> No.7011267
File: 549 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20201021-123054_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy, you can look up the tests yourself but here are mice comparisons

>> No.7011274

Translation: You don't have any proof of your claims, so you're throwing up some data that has nothing to do with wireless gamepad performance. Why even bother responding? Hell, why not a simple "Oh, maybe I was mistaken, I'll have to look this up later"? Why are you zoomers like this?

>> No.7011290


>> No.7011312


At least one example. I tend to use games like Wild Gunman and Kirby Super Star's samurai minigame as a lag test and I've scored consistently as well on my wireless controllers as wired. A lot of bluetooth controllers/adapters tend to suck, but Xbox RF or Wii/Switch to Mayflash adapter setups seem fine.

>> No.7011329

>$108 for wired performance
Certainly a start. Excellent methodology, unsurprisingly poor showing from the bluetooth 8bitshit.
Improper methodology and a sample size of 1, what exactly do you expect this to be compared to? Also, I seriously hope you aren't buying mayflash gookshit instead of raphnet adapters.

>> No.7011338

Whatever man. People have already posted a few examples and you just want to be an argumentative shit. If you like your wired shit so much, I'm happy for you. My shit works for me and the real world testing has been satisfactory.

>> No.7011354

>People have already posted a few examples
I see one wireless controller that matches wired performance, and it's a $108 6 button MD controller that only works on the MD/MS. That's not exactly a strong showing from the wireless controller market, though it clearly demonstrates that it can be done, so there's hope of more high-quality 2.4G gamepads appearing in the future.

>> No.7011360

So one should use a 2.4ghz wireless controller. No shit bluetooth sucks ass. I know Mayflash raped your mom or whatever, but I will say, my Wii U Pro + MagicNS scores just as well as my 2.4ghz 360 controller + MS adapter. It scores as well as my wired in Logitech gamepad. Just my experience, anyway. All 8bitdo shit is awful, as are most pairings to most bluetooth adapters.

>> No.7012338
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Dualshock 2 with a USB adapter

>> No.7012419

Those, just in Super Famicom flavor. The d-pad is kind of shit, though, I don't know why it gets so much praise. For shit like RPGs it's fine but I get a ton of mis-inputs when I play action oriented genres.

>> No.7012441

For games that do not require analog, i use a Hori Fighting Commander. For games that require analog i use a wired XBox 360 controller.

>> No.7013087

I use an arcade stick
it just sucks for some snes games like super metroid because you aim with shoulder buttons
5th gen and over I don't care so no issues for me

>> No.7013223

If this is real then holy fuck, this latency figures are TRASH for such a simple peripheral. In music production (live playing) 10ms is borderline unacceptable. And even there you have a SHITTON of going back and forth between the instrument and the computer (DAC, effects, monitoring return, recording, etc).

>> No.7013818

Buffalo is reputable Japanese manufacturer of computer hardware, anon.

>> No.7013838
File: 966 KB, 2304x1728, IMG_20201022_043357_compress78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a USB controller thread, but opened my Ps1 Dual Shock for the first time because the X button stopped working.
I've never seen or board like this, it's like a piece of plastic over a circuit board. I was expecting to maybe have a torn membrane, but everything seems in tact.
Anyone have any ideas on what could be wrong? Haven't put it back together yet since I want to give the controller a good cleaning and boil the membranes before I do.

>> No.7013912

based, me too

>> No.7014168

I use pic related

And can also confirm that diagonal inputs are way too easy to do by accident. When doing something that requires a perfect orthogonal line (example, those dungeons in Blaster Master where stepping off the path kills you) I usually switch to keyboard.

>> No.7014785
File: 52 KB, 1000x1000, 05870559-A306-41FB-A770-5A0F4B58D37D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love mine.

>> No.7015202

Completely false. I have two of those and d-pads are mediocre. Not terrible but not great. Test it in any fighting games(playing fighters on pad lol) and it's obvious.

>> No.7015207

Lack of L2/R2 is unfortunate.

>> No.7015216

Yeah I'm a playstation controller expert. That's a contact film, PS controllers dualshock and newer user them. Depending on who manufactured it, it'll join to the PCB with a different type of contact (pressure, graphene card, soldered, or enig card.) Most of those PS1 era pads are perfectly fine with issues being in the membranes themselves, but later ones can have deteriorating traces on the contact film. If cleaning the pads and contact sheet does nothing, separate it from the PCB and inspect the contact point. From there if you post the type of contact it has, I can advise you further.

>> No.7015375
File: 361 KB, 1920x1193, 04-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the playstation classic controller and sn30 pro+ depending on the game. I've got the one in the middle and it's awesome.

>> No.7015383


Bout to mod 1 of the 2 controllers that came for the ps classic with that kit so it's wireless.

>> No.7015457

I have 8BitDo's early NES30 Pro and it's.. ok. It's a bit small and the L2 and R2 button placements are fucked. They need a firmware update to fix input lag issues.

>> No.7015475

I've had none of those issues w/ the sn30 pro+

>> No.7015504

The NES version was one of their earlier controllers. It's flat so they couldn't put the second shoulder buttons one in front of the other. Just makes it a bit more difficult to play modern games.

>> No.7016386

A saturn controller. Perfect dpad. If i need an alagogue stick i just use whatever is closest between my xbone/ds4 controller.
8bitdo users don't actually play games, they just tinker occasionally.
If they played them properly they would work out that 8bitdo products have really terrible build quality and will either outright break or get stuck inputs very quickly if you actually use them.

>> No.7016397

The M30 is far and away the best D pad I have ever experienced. Great for absolutely everything. I especially like it for shmups since I didn't grow up with sticks and can't get used to them.

>> No.7016438

Ds4Windows also lets you use the touchpad like a laptop trackpad to move and click the mouse
Really great tool

>> No.7016705
File: 30 KB, 720x405, i-desire-popcorn-necklaces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7016741

Boiled the membranes and swabbed over the film with iso and it works again. Thanks for the troubleshooting offer though.

>> No.7016824

I've been using a Dual Shock 2 with a converter for nearly fifteen years but the controller fell onto hardwood floor a few dozen times leading to some of the plastic near the shoulder button getting broken off and the plastic frames holding the feedback motors breaking. I fixed it with glue and the thing works but I really need to get a replacement one of these days.
How does the Dual Shock 3 compare to it in terms of build quality? Getting a DS3 might be cheaper than looking for a still packaged DS2 where I live.

>> No.7016845

Unless you really need those analog face buttons for emulating the 1 PS2 game that uses them and is worth playing, the dualshock 4 is a massive upgrade over the ds3.

>> No.7016872

Isn't the underside of the DS4 rubberized? It looks like that to me from product pictures and I absolutely hate rubberized plastic surfaces. I also want it to last at least 10 years since I'm a money miser.

>> No.7016880

>Isn't the underside of the DS4 rubberized?
No, it's a smooth but textured plastic.

>> No.7016890

Okay, thanks for your answers. But looking around the web some more I can get a refurbished Dual Shock 2 for less money from a shop specializing in old game controllers so I think I'll just replace my piss yellow DS2.

>> No.7016906

>I'm a money miser
>I can get a refurbished Dual Shock 2
Jesus, what a depressing way to live.

>> No.7017003

Reminder that the 2.4Ghz versions of these are dogshit because half the buttons don't work, it's set up as a genesis pad so L and R are just Z and C repeated.

And the bluetooth ones have a whopping 2 frames of input latency, so they're completely worthless.

In a similar vein, all the bluetooth kits have atrocious latency too, so there's still no good option for a wireless controller.

>> No.7017038

An XBoxOne wireless controller with the standard XB1 wireless dongle. Before that was the 360 version. Absolute preferred for all my PC gaming/emulation.

>> No.7017048

I only use this on the genesis so it just works for me. I hope they make a 2.4 saturn adapter for it one way.

>> No.7017121

I use a PS3 controller, works great for modern systems, for arcade and classic 2D systems then I use a Saturn pad and an adapter.

>> No.7017546

Does it have analog triggers and rumble?
can it connect to an android or raspberry pi?