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File: 96 KB, 800x554, goldeneyebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7000289 No.7000289 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7000301

If any of you say Spider-Man 2 I'll slap the shit out of you

>> No.7000843

I would say the game and movie are equal and compliment eachother.

>> No.7001010

Alien Isolation was better than any movie after Aliens

>> No.7001082

This was the first project for most of its devs.

>> No.7001086

Goldeneye was Brosnan's only good film

>> No.7001154
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it's not, but it's still a good game

>> No.7001175

TWINE was good.

>> No.7001209

>Brosnan Bond films
Connery Bond or gtfo.

>> No.7001254

Terrible film with terrible casting of terrible actresses. I mean Denise Richards a nuclear physicist? HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.7001268

But Goldeneye is the best bond film

>> No.7001274

Boring soillennial opinion.

>> No.7001285
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>> No.7001290

Yes but the movie was incredible and is now being appreciated as one of the all-time great Bond movies. I think people were getting spoiled by recent great Bond movies (and amazing 90s movies in general) at the time TWINE came out, so they came to expect a new really high standard and started to nitpick. Now we have Craig showing us how mediocre and shitty Bond movies can be and people appreciate it a lot more (I loved it from the start). Of course you have the odd npc "hurr denise richards" comments, as if Bond girls were ever intended to be very realistic.

>> No.7001294

It's Roger Moore all the way. Connery's boring in comparison. And I say that as a Scot knowing full well I could be lynched.

>> No.7001314

>and is now being appreciated as one of the all-time great Bond movies
Your basement doesn't count, coomer

>> No.7001336

The game was miles better, imo. The movie is only memorable for that weird henchwoman who fucks men to death and makes watching the movie with company uncomfortable.

>> No.7001347

>Adore Lion King as a kid
>Play pic related
>Beat Scar, all is well
>Game then transitions into bullshit about Simba having a daughter or something
And that's how I discovered The Lion King 2 existed

>> No.7001354
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>> No.7001371
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Still better than the movie, why are retards talking about the best bond? Just post a vg better than the movie. Has this community become retarted?

>> No.7001385

Die Another Day was a fun movie.

>> No.7001390

Worst Bond movie

>> No.7001429
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>> No.7001437

It was way too outlandish, but not at all as bad as people say.

>> No.7001445

Haha cool bro

>> No.7001467
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>> No.7001472

All of those Star Wars Episode I games.

>> No.7001561

Batman Forever The Arcade Game

>> No.7001858
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>> No.7001962
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>> No.7002471
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The truth

>> No.7002473

Every decade gets the James Bond it deserves. Connery was the macho chad Saint Patron of the Patriarchy. Lazenby was an accident because he could bullshit his way to the role but couldn't bullshit his way into acting. Moore was the suave old uncle that still manages to hit on and fuck young ladies without being creepy. Dalton was the second choice and knew it (Brosnan was busy doing Remington Steele). Brosnan is the 90s undamageable Bond all the way. I don't know what to say about Craig frankly but I just think the bottomless chair scene would not have been as good with Pierce.

>> No.7002485

Moore is a swell actor but the movies he was put in were trash aside from a couple. Connery has a way better track record, all his 007 kinos are good/great except for Diamond.

>> No.7003036

Alien Resurrection
Blazing Lazers/Gunhed
Rambo III (MD/Gen)
The Warriors
The World Is Not Enough
Demolition Man (Sega CD)
True Lies
Terminator 3: Redemption
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Wanted: Weapons of Fate
Terminator Salvation
Rocky Balboa (PSP)
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
Street Fighter The Movie The Game (Saturn)

>> No.7003081

Connery and Moore
Brosnan and Dalton
Everyone else

>> No.7003090

moore is campy shit. read the books

>> No.7003094

thunderball stinks. amazing tech at the time but not a good movie

>> No.7003132


>> No.7003254

>he didn’t drain his pee pee to Denise as a teenager
Sorry I’m not a total faggot anon

>> No.7003258

Connery > Dalton > Architect > Lazenby > Craig > Nelson > Moore

>> No.7003295

Pic not related? No one has actually played Goldeneye 64 since Timesplitters was released. Movie still holds up, and is probably the best post Connery Bond film.

>> No.7003316
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obviously. though to be fair episode 1 wasn't all bad

>> No.7003426

No way, the first 'ARRY POTTA movie is the only good one.

>> No.7003526


>> No.7003607

Mrs. Doubtfire was pretty good too.

>> No.7004896

I doubt that.

>> No.7004916

If only we knew they would turn Star Wars into a feminist shitfest by now

>> No.7004946

Funny since Denise got bred by an AIDS-ridden faggot. Hope you think about that when you're COOOOOOMing

>> No.7004969
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>> No.7004998

>nobody remembers revenge

>> No.7005003

avatar and peter jackson's king kong
also that disney chipmunk spy movie

>> No.7005027

Both are equally based