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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6981724 No.6981724 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite or underrated titles.

>> No.6981729

I'd say Gunstar Heroes is my favorite. I'd like Silhouette Mirage a lot more if Working Designs hadn't fucked everything up.

>> No.6981748
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Have you played this? I've heard from fans that it's inferior to the Genesis title, but I never played it so I can't compare. If it makes any difference, I enjoyed Astro Boy: Omega Factor, so if this is anything like this then I'm sold.

>> No.6981816
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I love Alien Soldier so much. I don't care if it's incomplete, to me, this game is Treasure's magnum opus and the best game on the Sega Genesis.
Stretch Panic is kinda clunky and short, but has so much charm. I loved how creative the boss battles could be.

>> No.6981853
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Best Treasure scotformer: Dynamite Headdy
Best Treasure FTG: Guardian Heroes
Best Treasure STG: Bangai-O

>> No.6982473

Even half-complete, Alien Soldier is tremendous. Makes you wonder how much greater it could have been with more time to finish it.

>> No.6982482
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>> No.6984051

This is the only legit bad Treasure game I've played.

>> No.6984061
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based Treasure

>> No.6984142
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>solid track record in the '90s
>started churning out shit & went back on their "no-sequels" belief in the '00s
What went wrong?

>> No.6984418

I want to like Bangaio but its just too much of a clusterfuck

>> No.6984431

definitely Astro Boy Omega Factor

>> No.6984502
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NAMI and Maegawa had so many cool ideas for the game. Those guys really wanted to create a super ambitious game for hardcore Mega Drive fans.
>With the “Super Hard” and “Super Easy” difficulties, we were trying to send a message: “If you’re a real Megadriver, you’ll pick Super Hard!” It’s written right there on the splash screen too, “For Megadrivers Custom”—we were trying to be as explicit as possible that this was a game for the hardcore Megadrive player.

>Maegawa: It was stuff full of crazy, extreme ideas, like having a boss composed of 100 moving/multi-jointed parts. NAMI had prepared a huge backstory and world for Alien Soldier, too, but we ran out of time and the majority of it had to be cut from the game. The market for the Megadrive was quickly collapsing, and we had no choice but to release Alien Soldier in that half-finished state. The opening intro/demo had to be pared way down too…

>The thing that really makes me cringe when I hear praise like that for Alien Soldier, is that there were so many things we were unable to finish, but we still had to release it. The Megadrive market was vanishing, so we had to put it out, but only about 50% of our ideas got included. Even the boss Seven Force Kaede only has five transformations.

>However, I still think our initial concept was cool: “let’s make a boss with 100 jointed parts!” It’s no exaggeration to say that this was the first game ever to feature that level of multi-jointed sprite animation. I’m proud of that.

>> No.6985125
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>no Moai
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.6986262
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Suganami's and Iuchi's games are overrated, but the rest of Treasure is cool, especially HAN.

>> No.6986504


This is my favorite treasure game

>> No.6986612

Why are anti Treasure cucks so schizophrenic?

>> No.6986619

>Why is anti Treasure cuck so schizophrenic?

Fixed that for ya

>> No.6986631

For me it's Yaipon, the best Treasure member.

>> No.6987073

There's 3 kinds of Treasure haters:

The SNEScucks who were jelly that Genesis got all these awesome action games from Treasure exclusive to Sega and wish they'd have stayed with Konami who would've made them develop the games on SNES instead and are still butthurt about it to this day.

The Playstation poorfags who were jelly that Saturn and N64 got the best Treasure games whereas they just got the dregs (e.g. a bad Silhouette Mirage port) and are still butthurt about it to this day.

Shmuptards who are eternally seething over Ikaruga being considered one of the greatest shmups ever while Cave is irrelevant.

>> No.6987082

For some reason I've never beaten it, can't distinguish why. Always start new save files but never get to the end.

>> No.6988382
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>> No.6990538
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F twice

>> No.6990576

>she will never have her other 2 forms

>> No.6991136
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based headdybros

>> No.6991160

>Treasure haters
A what now?

>> No.6991251

Unfortunately this board is full of the first 2

>> No.6992025
File: 199 KB, 800x1126, 28363-yu-gi-oh-the-duelists-of-the-roses-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yu gi oh duelist of the roses
is by far the best yugi game.

>> No.6992035

This game definitely BTFOs Forbidden Memories.

>> No.6992038

>Forbidden Memories
Do you go with kaiba or with yugi when you start?
which starter pack do you choose?

>> No.6992169
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I absolutely love this game. It is severely underrated.

>> No.6992276

these weren't made by treasure, you bakas.

>> No.6992623

Fuck you Stetch Panic rules

>> No.6993148

I want to lick Red's abs!

>> No.6993216

It's about halfway in between Omega Factor and GH for Genesis. I loaned someone my GBA pak of this before he played the original, and he loved it. So we later played the original (it's co-op) on my Wii and he thought it was even better.

>> No.6993445

I don't remember which deck I started out with or what side I picked. I've just been playing DOTR on the same save data since 2011. I use a zombie deck because zombies are cool.
If you asking me for tips and not trying to initiate a conversation like I interpreted your comment at first, I'd say to pick Yugi's side. It's a little easier in the beginning than Kaiba's side from what I remember.

>> No.6993480

I just realized the OP meant "Treasure" as in a game dev named "Treasure" and not a term for "hidden gem".

>> No.6993654


>> No.6993661

Yes, you are.

>> No.6994942

You have to go back.