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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6977608 No.6977608 [Reply] [Original]

How come retro culture is so focused around consuming nowadays?

>> No.6977612
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Because liberalism, globalist tricks to destabilize society so they can restructure it. That's not limited to retro games at all.

>> No.6977636

Because people realized the "bubble" is never going to burst as demand keeps coming.
People like old games because there's a load of good ass systems and games from the 80s and 90s. It's like golden era shit.

>> No.6977647

1987-2003 is the literal golden age of video games.

>> No.6977664

This. There's limited supply and too much demand (unless you're emulating). Games and systems are just going to keep getting more expensive until even shit condition cartridges are $100 a pop. There's been some relief to this, like the SNES and Genesis mini coming out with dozens of games on them, but they're also limited supply/high demand hardware. Frankly, emulation is the future and most Normies have shrugged it off as piracy.

>> No.6977691

George Soros must be stopped. You do it anon. I have faith in you!

>> No.6977706

Everything these days revolves around consume product, then get excited for next product. It's by design.
All the best video games have already been made.

>> No.6977717

Funni meme xddd

>> No.6977728

I don’t understand the question OP. What do you mean by consume? Buy/play it? I’m not sure what else you intend to do with a commercial product. You can’t bury it in the backyard and grow more.

>> No.6977730

>(unless you're emulating).
Way to underminte your own point in the first sentence.

>> No.6977735

yes you can, with communism. communism will solve all problems xddd

>> No.6977737

What meme?

>> No.6977739

Not communism but if we got rid of ridiculous intellectual property laws half these issues would go away.

>> No.6977753

>most normies have shrugged it off as piracy
Lmao absolutely not true. The basketball team in my high school played 3rd Gen Pokémon on their phones, normies are way LESS likely to have ethical objections to emulation than stick-up-the-ass autists. The normies just don't emulate because they don't know how

>> No.6977765

just put some more laws on capitalism, not bernie sanders shit but protectionism

>> No.6977769

Want to play Capcom's Alien Vs Predator, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Xmen vs Street Fighter? You fucking can't because eighteen different companies own the rights. Want to run Goldeneye at 60fps? Only pirates could because EA isn't letting the rights go for a remake.
One day the last CRT will stop working and then all those Konami rhythm and light gun games will become unplayable.
Not to mention all those retired 90s devs that aren't receiving a cent from emulated remasters being sold on new platforms.

People act like the God market of liberalism is this infallible entity like it isn't also corrupt as fuck.

>> No.6977835

It's a hobby based around the preservation and appreciation of out-of-print entertainment mediums that retain value. Of course retro culture is centered around consumption: it's rooted in a focused collection of older decaying remnants of consumer culture.

>> No.6977864

Andrew Yang Humanity Forwart capitalism


>> No.6977898


>Implying everyone emulates or wants to emulate
>implying most people even know how to emulate

>> No.6977905

>dragon rom onto retroarch executable
Surely it's a profound tech secret.

>> No.6977914

I don't know wtf you're on about. Retro culture is meant to be about the games. There is nothing fundamentally about retro that makes it about "preservation" or "collection". He is asking why it's focused around consumerism and as you just mentioned like preservation. He's asking why that takes up such a big part. You could easily emulate or if you have a disposable income of more than $1 a week use flashcarts.

You can always (ok usually) tell a zoomer post by its IQ.

>> No.6977920

Because capitalist structures require capital to trade for basic needs and services. And as people grow out from under their parental support nets, they need ways to gather capital, and will look to obtain it through their various skills and interests

>> No.6977980


>Frankly, emulation is the future and most Normies have shrugged it off as piracy.

It's really weird to me how anti-emulation people have gotten. 10+ years ago, I don't remember anyone caring. Now I see anti-emulation people here and there. Even a friend of mine who used to have no problem with it doesn't like it because he makes a lot more money than when he was a teenager and he likes to pay for everything now, even if it's some 25 year old game that no one buy some guy on Ebay is making anything off of.

>> No.6977982

droppin' knowledge~!

>> No.6978002

>People like old games
That's exactly what the doom & gloom demographic of this board doesn't get. 90s games were so well designed, they are easily crossing generations. And that will keep happening for a long time into the future. That's why your cringy Elvis plates are worthless. And retro games will keep their value forever.

>> No.6978016

I can’t pirate an Elvis plate

>> No.6978024
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>That's why your cringy Elvis plates are worthless
Elvis wasn't exactly known for his plates.

>> No.6978029

You're hilariously overestimating the tech literacy of the average consumer

>> No.6978035

Do you eat from that?

>> No.6978039

It's capitalism. Capitalism wants you to devote your life making another man rich, and spend everything you earn on trinkets. It's also the real source of the globalist movement.

>> No.6978057

Not only that but capitalism also encourages and normalizes rich people spending money on totally superfluous stuff they will never use, so you have Middle Eastern guys who think it's cool to buy up all this shit so the people who might actually need it are left without.

I don't think multi-millionaires or billionaires are necessarily horrible people, but the idea that they will spend their money on themselves is so normalized that it would feel strange for them not to. Money should go to who needs it the most, right? Or sometimes who worked really hard for it. But it's not in the culture or in the human psychology for people that rich to give to those who actually need it (without some major fanfare and virtue signalling).

Capitalism - People are inherently greedy so we need an economic model that accommodates for that.
Also capitalism - Our economic model should allow and even reward people for being as greedy and selfish as possible.

>> No.6978060

Retro games arent worth anything when you can just run a flashcart now

>> No.6978081

communism: let's all starve to death or get tortured and executed for insulting the supreme leader

>> No.6978084

Capitalism isn't about accounting for human greed. It's literally just redistribution of wealth to the wealthy. That's what it means back Louis Blanc coined the term - it never had anything to do with free markets. That's also what it was before then, back when they called it mercantilism.

>> No.6978089

Every time this comes up, there's inevitably a retard who thinks opposition to capitalism must mean support for communism.

>> No.6978102

People have been repairing CRTs since the 20s. They can repair them until the end of time. Parts for them aren't scarce. TV is older than you think.
muh plastic

>> No.6978150

>t. wouldn't think twice about voting for bernie

>> No.6978157

What's that got to do with anything? He isn't a communist.

>> No.6978160

You're responding to an underaged American. They lack the development necessary to comprehend political nuance and live in a bubble where only extremes exist.

>> No.6978169

Nah, bro. Bernie's milquetoast eurosocialism makes him Stalin Zedong.

>> No.6978272 [DELETED] 

>actual commieniggers on 4chan

>> No.6978278

You new here?
>>>/v/ is that way, zoomie zoom.

>> No.6978361

I'm always surprised that loose consoles are still relatively cheap considering that's all you need for muh retro nowadays with flashcarts, RGB mods, etc.

>> No.6979213

What do you mean by consuming? Games are electronic; they don't just "run out".

>> No.6980580


Retro gaming is inherently not this

>> No.6980583


OP is just one of the retards that likes to parrot the -oom meme

>> No.6981461

is it focused on consuming?? i chose it as my hobby because it's so easy to pirate and emulate everything, making it nearly free.

>> No.6981651

>capitalism bad
It's 2020, get some new material. The people running everything are the problem, not the economic system.

>> No.6981669

Where's the best place online that I can buy used games?

>> No.6981690

Unironically Ebay, Etsy had some eshops that sold cartridges and hardware and shit but most of the ones I bought from aren't on there anymore.
I know some people use LukieGames or DKOldies but I've heard mixed things about both and you're basically paying top dollar for used games.

>> No.6981693
File: 39 KB, 604x453, highfivebikeradicalrightous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is the religion of white people. The biggest and only obstruction to the institution of a worldwide socialist system has been these white porky scum. The only way we can stop this is compulsory abortion of all white babies . Workers of the world unite against this cumskin menace! Fuck your white god capitalism!

>tfw seeing /vr/ realising the error of their white ways and becoming more and more socialist every day

>> No.6981696

whats globalism

>> No.6981709

>the "bubble" is never going to burst as demand keeps coming.

The bubble will burst in 15-20 years when the generation that grew up on shitty mobile/free to play games grow up. There'll be no retro market to appeal to their childhood nostalgia and that will be the end of it.

>> No.6981740
File: 714 KB, 1438x1073, Screenshot_20201012-003915_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It will only get worse, retard.

>oh boy, I just do love video games. I've been super into it ever since the 360!
>I wonder what I missed out on.
>Oh I know, I'll check out the 4Reddit.r/vr/ reccomend games wikipedia, owned by Facebook, parent company of Googlezon.
>Huh, all these games look cool! I remember all my favorite online gaming communities and YouTubers reminiscing about these games
>Gee wilikers, there's no Spotify or Netflix for video games? I have to pirate the game on my phone, buy a laptop to play using physical controls (because who has a PC in the future?), or buy the origional console?
>Darn, they really didn't think about future-proofing games, did them? I can watch Gone with the Wind, 12 Angry Men, and Twilight Zone right now on my favorite contemporary streaming platform, and those films are even older!
>Ok, I bought the console on eBay and a bunch of games, using the mass amount of wealth I inherited from all the boomers who hoarded it all their entire lives and then died without taking it with them. Thank God the millennial generation was born too early and were forced to live in poverty!

Video games are a whole different ballgame compared to books, music, and film. Hell, the people buying vinyl records right the fuck now are not even CLOSE to being old enough to have them growing up.

We said the bubble would pop in 5 years, 10 years ago. Didn't fucking happen, and not gonna fucking happen.

Inb4 some gaiafag says that proper text formatting is "reddit spacing"

>> No.6981795

No. Any time a person gets in charge they act the same way. "Power corrupts" is an adage for a reason.