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File: 11 KB, 181x278, jijh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6972179 No.6972179 [Reply] [Original]

what exactly is the appeal of this character?

>> No.6972193

Big pengus and ballsack
Also the peach get save get sex

Thus is the life of game.

>> No.6972208

he is Italian and thus superior to mere humans but I wouldn't expect weakblooded barbarians to understand

>> No.6972734


>> No.6972828

He doesn't really have "appeal" in the strictest sense. He's just platform game protagonist man that beats up the monsters and saves the princess. Luigi has way more actual appeal, mostly thanks to the RPG games giving him a character.

>> No.6972856
File: 701 KB, 661x723, wah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None. If you want real appeal, you need to play the Wario and Donkey Kong spin-offs.

>> No.6972921
File: 70 KB, 420x562, intellivision_donkey_kong_box_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.6972932

He's just a fun dude

>> No.6973126

Come to think of it, you’re right. Mario is a very bland character with literally no personality at all.

Nintendo doesn’t even allow him to speak very much.

>> No.6973139

His games are good. That’s all it takes.

>> No.6973149

Pretty much any Mario franchise game that doesn't focus on Mario is actually allowed to have personality, like said Wario and DK games.

>> No.6973158

I don't know anyone whose favourite Mario character is actually Mario himself. He's just a generic blue collar everyman to serve as the player character. Just about every other character has more personality.

>> No.6973167
File: 741 KB, 2100x1524, 2364834-snes_supermarioworld_au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time I saw mario was for SNES and the appeal was he had a cape so he was like supa hiro

>> No.6973197

I never liked Mario's design 2bh. Looks stupid. And why would kids want to play as a middle aged man with a big nose, overalls and a ball body?

>> No.6973209

He’s not a middle aged man he’s 24

>> No.6973224

Holy shit, Mario has terrible genetics.

>> No.6973245

There isn't one. He's an early 80s arcade protagonist. Pacman has no appeal outside of his association with fun games, either.

>> No.6973246

Consistently good games. No one really likes Mario because he's Mario. He's just a multi-purpose blank slate who you can put in almost any genre and have it instantly work. He's that way by design. When you want a character with personality, you bring out Wario.

>> No.6973247
File: 278 KB, 877x1200, 8465132546123251623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's red dungarees Mario

>> No.6973251
File: 29 KB, 300x332, 61Gz9Zx5YtL._AC_SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a soft spot for regular working class Joe Mario, before he became le wacky mushroom man.

>> No.6973525

wtf is that real?

>> No.6973537

kids love fat manlet plumbers with moustaches

>> No.6973540

The colours, he looks friendly, he sounds joyful. It's obvious. Everyone who knows marketing or design knows the appeal of Mario, it's only the autist shut-ins who have to ask such inane questions.

>> No.6973548

They like bold primary colors and large expressive eyes.
It's the same reason why emotionally/socially stunted people gravitate to anime and cartoons

>> No.6973591

damn, mario's been living fast

>> No.6973601
File: 140 KB, 389x531, Mariopaintart1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a good outlook on life

>> No.6973604

Nostalgia. Clear back from Donkey Kong before he had a name.

>> No.6973618
File: 40 KB, 550x738, 818640c635bae80563e9f683c15c7f83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6973623
File: 653 KB, 1131x1600, leonardo-cirius-201703-nintendo-wario-land-final-resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty much any Mario franchise game that doesn't focus on Mario is actually allowed to have personality, like said Wario and DK games.
Not the Yoshi games or Super Princess Peach, though.

>> No.6973923

He has generic dumb good guy anime protagonist personality, so you're almost not wrong. You can see this in the anime, manga, and more subtly in many games (the RPGs and some of the N64 games show it most clearly I think, along with Odyssey and Sunshine). He's not a total blank slate, but with a lot of the secondary Western material he has an alternate character of generic Italian man from Brooklyn, kek. Still, they do try to keep his characterization subtle with minimal dialogue and I think it helps his games appeal to more than just kids. If he talked constantly I can't imagine it would go over well. It would probably put off kids too even. Staying silent also leaves it more open for the player to do extremely OOC shit for fun I think. More protags should remain silent, if you ask me.

>> No.6974781

I'd say the Yoshi games definitely have a feel, even if the overall feel is kindergarten play time. Super Princess Peach though is just weird. The shit with her using her overactive emotions to get through obstacles would make today's twitter users go berserk.

>> No.6974867

Eugenic child-friendly everyman Italian alpha male with a god-tier character design

>> No.6974886
File: 78 KB, 500x500, SMWOST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very iconic and personal details like the cap, the moustache and the red/blue overalls and shirt. It's simple and memorable, as iconic characters should be.
His modern 3D model can be a bit uncanny, but still looks much more faithful to the original 2D version than many other 3D reimaginings.
I still prefer the 2D version though, it's a charming Popeye or Tintin sort of character.

>> No.6974896

Iconicness as previously said and the fact he’s a face on most of the games.

Shame Nintentards are mostly wankers and discord trannies now

>> No.6975697

based and pastapilled

>> No.6975786


>> No.6975834
File: 855 KB, 918x390, 1590346409469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wario showed me fun

>> No.6975836
File: 57 KB, 750x1334, 1590435042530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this is a sweet ass cover. this is now canon. the "official stuff" is fake and gay, and they're just jealous they aren't this radical.

>> No.6975862
File: 43 KB, 540x645, 1593761431869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone who knows marketing or design knows the appeal of Mario

>> No.6975894

He jumps man

>> No.6975897

Mario's the man everyone wants to be. He's an upstanding citizen with good morals. He practices a good trade and is a well rounded individual having travelled the world and his country several times as well as playing multiple sports with his many friends. He's forgiving as shown through him inviting his supposed archnemesis to go karting with him and his friends, as well as being able to swallow his pride and work with Bowser towards a common goal like driving the smithy gang out. Mario's positive and always up for a new adventure. He's a genuinely likeable individual with a blue collar background making him somewhat relatable. That and his games are just fun.

>> No.6975929

go mickey mario
go out and jump to the extreme.
i will! thank you, bing bing hohoh

>> No.6976638

He hit the wall hard

>> No.6978050

He was designed with the limitations of the hardware, he has a big nose so they don't bother with facial expresions, wears a hat so they don't have to use hair motion, and it's short so the sprite is smaller and uses less resources.

>> No.6978079

Virgin Mario vs Chad Wario

>> No.6978147

He's in a bunch of good games.

>> No.6978183
File: 62 KB, 750x422, Wario Land 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is canon.

>> No.6978189
File: 25 KB, 496x491, Wario Land 4 Super Hard Ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic.

>> No.6978208

You can talk shit about the rest of the Yoshi games even Yoshi's Story and Wooly World despite that those games are decent and have some charms to them but you're out of your damn mind if you actually think Yoshi's Island have no personality.

>> No.6978373

shoots fireballs from his hands
exceptional jumping ability
can kill/hurt things by jumping on them
previously voiced by Capt. Lou
big punching fists

>> No.6978483

>Big nose
>Pedo mustache
>Dresses like a plumber

>> No.6978894
File: 129 KB, 298x570, bones uners skins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has all my favorite guys
mr shadowy guy
scuba gator
stoned key bird ghost
the rock things back there
golden ziggurat is so cool
and sleazy masked dude
and the palm trees
and wario's kinda cool cuz he hangs out with them

>> No.6978928

He's in SMB games, the best platformer series in existence

>> No.6978946

Looks like a rapist.

>> No.6978951

kek'd irl

>> No.6980120

>Big nose
>Pedo mustache
oy vey

>> No.6980125

He is the everyman. When I see Mario, I see me.

>> No.6980135

Short, fat, old, white male?

>> No.6980138
File: 399 KB, 412x419, Marioman book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is the everyman. When I see Mario, I see me.

>> No.6980141

Why not?

>> No.6980427


>> No.6980439

How? He looks great. Wonderful moustache, nice eyes. He's not really fat, all his body is proportional. Don't tell me you think Mario is actually supposed to be like whoever played his character in that ridiculous movie.

>> No.6980509

He's designed to be as bland and non-offensive as possible to appeal to as many people around the world as possible. Can't afford to give him a personality quirk in case Mugamba in Kenya is put off by it and doesn't feel included.

>> No.6981051

>Mario having a pedo mustache
>Not Wario

>> No.6982201

In order to answer your question I'd have to explain to you quantum physics, m'lad

>> No.6982307

Apart from the constant drug use, and the fact that he's murdered more inhabitants of a foreign land than most bloodthirsty genocidal lunatics, I think it's because he's quite wholesome.