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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6969448 No.6969448 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>6925636

>Try to keep things /vr/ related: Focus should be on 6th Gen games on back. Slight off topic is fine so long as it's related to CRTs, such as later 16:9 models, HD models, etc. Systems with backwards compatibility are also safe territory, as are re-releases on newer hardware. PC CRTs are also welcome and appreciated.
>Produce OC! Bust out your camera and take photos of your CRTs displaying all sorts of games, featuring all sorts of tubes, using all sorts of signals. Getting good shots can be hard, but if you take enough, at least a few will turn out alright.
>Try and give as much information as possible when asking for info on a specific set, or troubleshooting an issue to expedite and help you may receive. As always, Google is your friend and we are your friends with benefits. Do people read this? Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either; Seriously, there's literally 6 years of backlog at this point.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. Always remember to show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Limited discussion of video processing and scaling devices is alright, but remember to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories.

CRT Pastebin (Never Ever) : http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
Guide to CRT Hunting : http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
Guide to Video Monitors : http://pastebin.com/pQX4N6gZ
General Purpose CRT Adjustment Guide : http://www.arcaderepairtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/guide_setup_adjust_arcade_monitors_v1.2.0.pdf
S-Video Pasta : http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Info : http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
JVC RGB card cloning guide : https://pastebin.com/EXqMBfcY

>> No.6969486

Higher brightness and lower G2 or lower brightness and higher G2?

>> No.6969553
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First for Toshiba Master Race

>> No.6969587
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>> No.6969597


>> No.6969609
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Here you go:

>> No.6969632

damn those are some thicc lines

>> No.6969638
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Some old picks of my PVM playing Thief. Some anons in the Thief thread liked it. "Surreal"

>> No.6969645
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>> No.6969654
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Reminds me of Glide Quake on a mediocre CRT. The contrast and smoothing of the CRT really made it look magical.
This looks super nice too.

>> No.6969927
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Question about some CRTs I have had for a bit over a year now (early 2019). I fixed one but the three others I never got around to diagnosing.

All four are identical 480p-768p 29inch Albatron SK-5952KF units.

Two of them like to sort of stay on for a bit then 'turn off' then back on. Like they flicker off as if I am turning them on and off. In a minute they flicker on and off 10-20 times. So I stopped testing them.

Third one looks like the brightness is going up and down, like a pot is adjusting the CRT brightness up and down erratically. Almost looks like tube is failing, but not sure. It flashes to like 100 brightness then flashes back to normal. I can go 10 minutes of it being fine then it will start up and do it once, or nonstop until I turn it off.

Anyone know where to start on what bit could be failing on them? The ones that turn off of course sounds like capacitors or the power supplies. The last one with the brightness, is that a failing tube symptom?

If I am needed I can record a video/webm of them doing their bs. Couldn't find exact schematics either. Also I left them in my home in a dry space so I don't think it is moisture.

pic related: not mine, just googled for it.

Thanks to anyone that replies.

>> No.6969949

the brightness is dirty voltage; either the power supply, or the capacitors somewhere along the pipeline. First thing I would do is recap everything. The power supplies will be very tough and dangerous to fix if you're not careful

>> No.6969953


>> No.6969974

I don't follow?

I haven't opened them since last year for the one I fixed that had visible cap damage. I will probably crack one open soon to take a deep look. You think the ones going black are PSU also? Same issue different symptoms?

>> No.6969990

if the screen is going brighter and dimmer that means that it is receiving inconsistent voltage either through the power or along the display channel sending the television bad luma information

>> No.6970012

I was more asking about the other two. They just turn completely off and back on very quick.
Do you think the two turning off are also capacitors like the one with erratic brightness?

I don't know what extra boards or anything are inside of these. But if all three could be power supply I might look into buying replacements versus fixing the current ones.

All speculation considering I need to get the time to look at them directly.

>> No.6970076

yes that's either the tv not getting enough power to stay on, or if you're lucky it's just a short circuit on power button itself

>> No.6970398

What build of SM64PC are you using, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6970586
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just got my first ever crt from some old guy down the street, he even kept the owner's manual for this thing
it's a samsung TXD1372, i was just wondering what i'm in for here (if there's anything of note at all)

>> No.6970596

My own, self compiled from different parts and mods.

>> No.6970598

You're in for a good time, doesn't seem like there's anything bad about it. Good CRT, enjoy!

>> No.6970608

thanks anon :)

>> No.6970623

It's the album art for a mixtape by Moe Shop

>> No.6970708

It's originally from a hentai.

>> No.6970768

Which mods?

>> No.6970876

Can't remember the names. Model, texture, camera handling, general bugfix pack, etc.

>> No.6970880
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Hi I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I've been having this problem on my 20m4u where it'll flicker usually on brighter screens. I've narrowed it down to being the s-video line on this specific monitor. Thanks in advance

>> No.6970927

I was wondering is there a good way to play PAL on an NTSC tv specifically for ps2? I've used GSM for the PAL game and it does work but the top is cut off and its shifted to the right.
Changing horizontal and vertical position in GSM doesn't seem to have any effect. Any suggestions or is it just destined to be a little wonky?

>> No.6970956

A side note. Probably should have mentioned, because these damn sets are not exactly 'normal' lol. These 'turn off' when they get no signal from RGBHV. Like a power saving feature or something.
I am tearing it open now. Going to see what I can find.

Try the newest OPL. Well... like any version newer than 2018 or so. It has an option menu to enable GSM per game and also set H/V and other options to put the image where it needs to go. It will be a few tries to arrange the image the right way though as if you put it in the wrong location you have to reboot the ps2.

This is assuming you have a phat ps2 with hdd and freemcboot OR a slim with hdd modification and freemcboot.

I can't recall if GSM was ever updated to have the H/V settings so I think you pretty much are stuck with OPL.

>> No.6970974

Could be something simple like corroded contacts or a cold/cracked solder joint somewhere. I'd start with that.

>> No.6970978

I'm having a mild problem with my CRT where the colors bleed whenever there's a rapid change of colors or movement on the screen, especially against black backgrounds. When playing Resident Evil 1 for example, whenever I open a file and read the white text against the black background, the text will blur across the screen whenever I change pages, which is a nauseating effect. These are the settings I have set on my television so I'm wondering if there's anything I could do to reduce that problem.

>> No.6970979
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Oh sorry

>> No.6971024


it took all of my tricks to find the real source, but it was worth it.

>> No.6971025
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>> No.6971029
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I have a job opportunity for you. Its a bit of a handjob if you know what I mean but in the end it'll be worth it for me.

>> No.6971036

from what you're describing it may be poorly shielded cables, but what I think you're experiencing is the phosphor persistence. Are you talking about how bright objects leave a little comet-like trail behind them if they move quickly? This is present in all CRTs, and the degree depends on which phosphor type the tv uses. The only way to diminish it would be to turn the brightness/contrast down

>> No.6971037

Could have just asked. AS I said its from a hentai that I had in my bookmarks.
But nobody asked for the source of the hentai, just the wallpaper.

>> No.6971043
File: 17 KB, 209x241, roirrawdetniap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Faggot stop talking, I can hear you ruining your own thread again

>> No.6971049

If you go to page 99. I always hated that drawing. The girls proportions, her torso, is like way too fucking long. Shoulders to hips.

>> No.6971050

it's ok.
I have more fun finding sources than actually reading them.

sorry anon, the image is too filtered, none of the reverse image services gave me a meaningful lead.

>> No.6971063

Understandable, plenty of real girls have proportions like that though. Was deffinently something I liked when k was younger myself.

>> No.6971069

All the posts ITT are OPs, you're the only other anon here.

>> No.6971079

holy shit I just looked. That is not normal human mid section lmfao.

>> No.6971080

Would you say that my brightness setting is too high?

>> No.6971084

Newfags that can't even recognize Napata don't deserve spoonfeeding.

>> No.6971086

I do use OPL+GSM but I find that the screen position settings don't seem to work. No matter what I set its always off center.

>> No.6971097
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it's literally impossible for me to tell from a picture, throw this image up on the screen and turn the brightness down until you cant see the first tile but you can see all the others. Then turn the contrast to how you like it

>> No.6971101

That's a PVM?

>> No.6971121

Even the newest OPL? Don't use GSM at all if you have the newest OPL with the GSM H/V settings.

>> No.6971126

Fuuuck something is very wrong here
my screen wont turn on, it got hacked

>> No.6971128

Oh thanks, that's really helpful. But, aren't CRT's said to have really great visual latency, and low blurring compared to LCDs? Or is that not referring to the color consistency, or only when the settings are set right?

>> No.6971132

More true for VGA/PC CRTs than CRT TVs.

>> No.6971142
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Even TVs today have strange pixel layouts/spacing which makes text appear very blurry

>> No.6971145

Referring back to the earlier question, how would I be able to detect if poor cable shielding is what's at fault? How would I fix that issue?

>> No.6971148

I am not using GSM on its own. I'm using the newest beta version of OPL and the GSM menu built into OPL but the H/V settings don't affect anything. I've even put them to really large values and nothing changes.

>> No.6971153

it's not really blurring, because if the tv were to draw another image over the old location it would go away. You can always see the new image clearly, but it fades to black slowly. This is half the reason why interlacing works

>> No.6971157

Is there any change when you don't have the GSM activated in OPL? I am guessing no video at all?

>> No.6971161

What's the signal source? In processed videos text doesn't always perfectly line up with available pixels
Might also just be AA

>> No.6971168

If I play PAL with GSM off in OPL then its a fast scrolling image.

>> No.6971181

Any chance you can tell me the games you tried?

>> No.6971209

Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Geneva
Gran Turismo 4 PAL version (I like my gran turismo)
Oddly enough i've noticed that setting GSM to NTSC at all causes all games weather NTSC or PAL be offset to the right and the H/V settings do not work.

>> No.6971235

If I had to take a guess. GSM inside of OPL is bugged for you OR it is sending a halved vertical resolution to your tv. You could always download GSM standalone and boot into it to select NTSC 480 then use the standalone GSM to boot into OPL. It is only a tiny bit of a mess to first install it and set it up. However you then have to make sure OPL GSM options are off. Or use another method to boot games

Also for any other PAL system or even a ps2 I would recommend retrotink2x, or a XRGmini/OSSC. There are ways to get them all to work nice even with interlaced content.

I will try my ps2 tonight and report back with one of those games to see what I see. However I am leaning towards OPL having a bugged GSM, which I really don't think was the case a while ago when I tested it.

>> No.6971529

hey just so you know brightness is your black level and picture is contrast, your white level. learn how to use smpte bars and tune that shit properly cause right now your black level is probably too high.

>> No.6971535

I just got everything installed and can't replicate your issue on a few tests. Let me try two other tvs I have and see what I see.

>> No.6971636

So I tested it and couldn't replicate your issue exactly. With most displays I own they just worked lol. However with my old Sony 36 inch and Toshiba 32 inch consumer sets I had a small bit of vertical cutoff. With OPL release 2020-07-28 I had GTconcept on the ps2 and set GSM to NTSC and it booted just fine every time. Didn't change anything at all. The extra height on those two sets was from pal being 576 instead of 480. So if the tv couldn't understand like most of my displays, it just cutoff the top section.

My guess is you have options for your tv for whatever resolution it thinks it is receiving, possibly in a service menu. It is possibly treating the pal converted ps2 as some other resolution and those options are off screen. As far as I can see this isn't your ps2 and I would bet any other system that is pal would replicate this.

There are boxes for composite, svideo, ypbpr, scart, etc to turn pal/ntsc into each other. Something like I think the TSC 100 by Extron can take pal and spit out NTSC. However I am guaranteeing you that if your image is off or wrong then a converter won't do anything but the exact thing your ps2 is already doing.

You might be stuck using the service menu. If your tv can even be modified in that way with a service menu I don't know. I just can't see an alternative.

One last bit. The ps2 on my OLED/proCRT I could SEE the top. So the data is there, just the consumer CRTs are cutting it. Also the videos run at 25hz so the audio is fucked for them if you convert to NTSC. Not sure if the audio in videos would skip if you used an Extron TSC 100... since the console would send it raw?

>> No.6971645

I appreciate all this testing. I've also tried standalone GSM as well as older OPL versions and I agree it must be an oddity with my TV.
I'll see if I can find the service menu code for my TV and try that. Thanks for the troubleshooting.

>> No.6971716

If you have a new display anywhere that can input your ps2, try that and see what it looks like. I really do think it is that TV. Good luck.
I did a few rally races in Concept with a Lancer VII. Haven't played GT3 or GT4 in 15+ years lol. Still good fun

>> No.6971838

Anyone into new old stock CRTs?

I received a 3rd new in box 13 inch CCTV monitor today. Seem to really be flying under the radar, the used ones are obviously worthless due to burn in but new ones are built like tanks and have a nice consumer-level slot mask look to them. And I got all 3 for under $100 shipped.

Also managed to snag a couple new 17inch VGA monitors last year.

>> No.6971886

where would you find such things new?

>> No.6971910

They pop up occasionally on ebay. Search something like "color monitor -hd -4k -1080p -lcd -tft -oled -led -baby", filter new, and check a reasonable price range.

>> No.6971945

I messed with the settings and tried to make them even across the board, but no matter how I set the brightness the colors were often very smeared across the screen. I'm not sure if it's my cables aren't properly shielded or if it's some other problem.

>> No.6972014

I should clarify that colors bleed only in motion, it's not like the color bleed like in most searches where the picture is bleeding out of the lines on a static picture.

>> No.6972210

0r just a bad picture or long exposure

>> No.6972237

How do you make sure the aspect ratio is perfect while changing the height and width of a CRT using the OSD?

>> No.6972246

Ruler or measuring tape. Aspect ratios are a physical thing.
Widen the image horizontally to the edges, measure it and then calculate what the physical height should be, change it to that.
CRTs usually are 4:3, so this is more important with 5:4 resolutions.
For TVs use 240p suite. Remember that for many games, black bars are normal, since they are not 4:3.

>> No.6972309

Thanks. For some reason, the emulators insist on defaulting to previous screen size, I'll try restarting the PC.

>> No.6972326

It might be changing resolution and/or regret rate. Resolution+refresh is a mode and each mode has its own geometry configuration (picture height, wight, etc) in the monitor.
You could figure out what resolution/refresh it uses and use that in your OS while calibrating, or change the emulator to the calibrated resort/refresh.
Technically you could also use 240p suite inside the emulator, to configure it to a specific console.

>> No.6972329

Regret? Refresh*
Sorry, autocorrect, was taking a shit and phoneposting

>> No.6972335

Thank you, one emulator had a plugin-specific issue, the other one was defaulting to a preset.

>> No.6972606
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>> No.6972619
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I still haven't perfectly figured out my zenith d sub 15 rgb

>> No.6972626
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feels good

>> No.6972636
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>> No.6972826

looks good

>> No.6972829

Was this game ported to console, or are you playing on a PC hooked to PVM?

>> No.6972851 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6972861

I hooked my PC to my PVM. I also did it for blood. I stopped doing it though because my PC would send the wrong signal when booting up which can ruin it.

Nice bait

>> No.6972915
File: 39 KB, 428x313, Screen Shot 2020-10-09 at 8.54.17 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honk honk

>> No.6972928 [DELETED] 

It's sad and almost like a joke, but they will sell.
That's the real sad part. A fucking yuropoor at the same time goes and picks up a bigger concumer Trinitron and plugs in RGB.

>> No.6972930

It's sad and almost like a joke, but they will sell.
That's the real sad part. A fucking yuropoor at the same time goes and picks up a bigger concumer Trinitron for free and plugs in RGB.

>> No.6972937

nothing wrong with scamming idiots for falling for the pvmeme.

>> No.6972945

i'm a yuropoor and i can and have gotten a pvm for less than 1/10th of that price easily

>> No.6972947

the price is a meme, the pvm is fine.

>> No.6972950

Soon you're that idiot after you PVM fails. You do have a PVM, right?

Yes of course, there's literally 20 inchers for less than 100 euros on my local site right now and I'm in the smack middle of Europe.
The meme isn't as big here because what I just explained, a Trinitron tube with RGB outputs is literally free and has advanced calibration in service menu. People rarely need a real PVM outside of the meme, the couple hundred more lines is just not worth it, specially if you want something big, since bigger PVMs are more rare in the first place, even when cheap.

>> No.6972953

you yourself said that a consumer set is just fine, pvm are a meme when a consumer set can net you comparable quality.

>You do have a PVM, right?
consumer set master race here. no pvmemes needed.

>> No.6972962

Exactly, it's fine, hence the price and differences between EU and US.
PVM are still better in every way, just not as much that it would make US prices reasonable in the EU.

>> No.6972963

only thing i've noticed where i'm at (the netherlands) is that recently the prices have been slowly creeping up. especially because of one faggot scalping most of them

>> No.6972964

consumer set is fine, but again pvm are not a meme

>> No.6972974

Haha, yeah a meme, that's why they exist and are considered professional equipment that sold in millions and not concumer equipment

>> No.6972979

yeah, just like audiophile equipment.
the quality is too high that it ends up being an exaggeration.

>> No.6972986

Personally I prefer a random 480i set with composite.
Doesn't change the fact that professional audio gear is used and has real world benefits when it comes to audio production.

Audiophiles don't use professional production gear (outside of maybe headphones), they use dumb shit nobody in audio production would touch with a stick.

>> No.6972989

I don't get the pvmeme thing, pvm uses high quality components how is that a meme?

>> No.6972997

They are small and extremely sharp. They are really nice, but they aren't the "ONLY WAY TO PLAY". They are just a thing that became popular because people could get them cheap/free for a while.

>> No.6972998

because too poor to afford

>> No.6973001

I don't think price even plays that much of a role when you just want the absolute best for your passion project, that's why there's still non-redditors who would give out the ridiculous amounts for a NOS one for example
In 20-30 years you won't find any working CRTs on the market anymore, except rarely and for huge prices, most will either have been scalped / owned by those who will use them personally or destroyed / broken

>> No.6973003

too high quality for consumer use.
you wouldn't use a mining drill to punch a hole in your house, would you?

>> No.6973009

>Only way to play
but nobody is saying that, don't throw the whole product just because some users are shilling the thing, pvm is good for media consumption.

>> No.6973034
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Spent 15 minutes trying to take a decent picture and it still ended up being shit

>> No.6973171

Fuck, the whole board is "only my way to play is the right way"
It's like pre-school

>> No.6973205

i agree with you

>> No.6973290

There's lots of PVMs which aren't ridiculously high TVL though.

>> No.6973291

looks fine to me

>> No.6973781

Alright I’m gonna open it up this weekend and check it out, thanks

>> No.6973789
File: 1.99 MB, 1500x844, 6743564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost impossible to totally capture the nuances of a crt in action. That's just the way things are.

>> No.6973810

If you're new to opening CRTs, leave it powered off for a while before opening, don't stick your finger into everywhere either. The problematic stuff can be the caps and it's naked solder joints on the bottom or open components with leads to them on the top.
Good luck!

>> No.6973820

make sure to lick the anode cap to check if it's discharged properly

>> No.6973832

There's a lot of visual snow/static looking stuff appearing on the bottom half of my tv after it's warmed up by being turned on for a few minutes. Anyone know the potential cause of this?
I tried moving it around to different outlets, different rooms, and tried using ferrite beads but nothing really fixes it. I figured it might just be its age but there's probably a better explanation since it only affects half the screen.

>> No.6973908

Hey /vr/ can anyone suggest to me a good way to make my PC CRT monitor look more like a lower TVL set (more pronounced mask effect) with Retroarch shaders?

>> No.6973947

Won't do shit

>> No.6974074
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>but again pvm are not a meme
Your counter is exactly why they were not designed to display 240p content either.

>> No.6974084

The 4 look fine

>> No.6974115

Nobody mentions that the overwhelming majority of PVMs have TVL closer to that KV-20FS12.

>> No.6974129

The picture on my tv isn't centered and it makes me very sad

>> No.6974250
File: 797 KB, 4032x3024, wavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your options are:
1) Adjust in service menu
2) If that doesn't work, open up the TV and adjust the yoke
3) If you don't want to do that, purchase and integrate an Extron RGB interface into your system. This will allow you to re-adjust the centering of the image with physical knobs, or some units will automatically center the image for you.

I strongly discourage anyone from doing the third though. I did so this summer, and it ended up being far more work than it was really not worth it. The Extron RGB interfaces are only meant to work with a Crosspoint switcher, which I don't use, so I had to buy parts for and build my own sync-signal cleaning equipment with LM1881 sync stripper ICs. Would not do again, and I don't even get to use the fun knobs to adjust it because it works better to set the dip switch on the back for the automatic digital sync processing mode.
Analog mode, which lets you use the knobs, has trouble playing nicely with 480i signals. I've seen others with this issue online (stole pic related from someone else's post about it) but it doensn't seem like everyone with one of these units has problems, and for certain people it's not quite the same problem (guy from pic related looks like he has issues even in 240p, but for me it's only 480i).

Anyway, point is that these are a huge can of worms. If you can't get it centered using the service menu, open up the TV and do it physically.

>> No.6974252

well youtubers and shit have memed up TVL and scanlines so people automatically think more=better now

>> No.6974253

ended up being far more work than it was worth*

>> No.6974278
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Thanks for the reply.
I've been trying to access the service menu with every combination I could find. I don't have the original remote either which sucks. I might try to open it but I just know it's going to break. Everything I touch breaks.

>> No.6974285

Neither were VGA CRTs but 240p content looks glorious on them.

>> No.6974362

I've seen a similar philips tv being off center to the left too.
that seems to be their default configuration so I would leave it alone since messing with those adjustments can be dangerous.

>> No.6974375


>> No.6974658

>Audiophiles don't use professional production gear (outside of maybe headphones), they use dumb shit nobody in audio production would touch with a stick.

what do they use?

>> No.6974659

I have the same problem, I thought you'd adjust rings, not shift the yoke though?

>> No.6974683
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ok retards I've got the apple studio monitor, but yes it requires apple display software to adjust the screen. What's the easiest way to do this? I have access to a moderately old macbook which has OS 10.8something I believe

>> No.6974819

The macbook should be fine.

>> No.6974994


>> No.6975027

professional production gear actually sucks for casual listening. It's super accurate so you can work on your mix, but it makes your ears tired. I won't waste money on that shit again, but audiophile shit is corny too. Just buy normal shit, don't be autistic.

>> No.6975035

>Makes your ears tired
Did you really try and say this seriously? The autism is maxed with you.

>> No.6975041

More is better you fucking cumrag

>> No.6975053

This is just proving the point. The drawing has too long of torso.

>> No.6975498

so what pvm do you have then?

>> No.6975781

Equalisers and filters exist, anon.

>> No.6975785

Maybe it's just being realistic, not even hentai characters are always perfect

>> No.6976309 [DELETED] 


>> No.6977460 [DELETED] 

wow, no posts in 13 hours

>> No.6977464
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>> No.6977516

Now that I got a CRT I found inspiration to keep watching Bleach and to begin other old 480p anime.
I was also thinking about giving old japanese samurai films a shot. Archive.org seems to have some, but does anyone know of websites dedicated to VHS content?

>> No.6977531

You're best off finding DVD rips when available as VHS offers no advantage over DVD.

>> No.6977552


>> No.6977642

I have the d20’s little brother. Literally looks nothing like this. Maybe the extra 5 inches makes everything look like shit, but the 14f1u looks like KV20.

>> No.6977654

>but does anyone know of websites dedicated to VHS content?
It's called Laserdisc.

>> No.6977675 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6977684
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>> No.6977721

Audiophoolery is usually associated with $8k speaker wire and unobtainium speaker magnets. It's ridiculous overpriced shit that's surprisingly new-age-y.
Actual production gear is like sony mdr7805 headphones and yamaha ns10 speakers, or just a pair of studio monitor speakers in general.

Actual professional gear is definitely worth it.

>> No.6977797

megaman 3d rpg?

>> No.6977812

This, amazing headphones and very affordable

>> No.6978292 [DELETED] 

Action RPG, yes.

>> No.6978295

Action adventure, yes.

>> No.6978305

What's the best way to reduce phosphor trails? Specifically, nearly all colors against a black background?

>> No.6978360

Turn the contrast down or get used to it.

>> No.6978370

>Points out how inhuman the length is
You gone full retard

>> No.6978512
File: 3.25 MB, 2578x945, 20200919_183038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 weeks been since the loss of a my short-lived times of acquiring this finely preserved Sony kv-21T1E

>Those weeks spent compulsive checking in Finnish-equivalent of Craigslist to no avail

>Yesterday night of minding my own business

>Exact set that I broke in an accident shows up, and gets claimed

>"I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s much worse"

>> No.6978590

Buy an OLED.

>> No.6978593

they don't look the part though (usually look like cheap $1 shit, since they focus on the audio instead of the aesthetic), that's why audiophile stuff exists. much like gamer stuff.

>> No.6978982
File: 675 KB, 704x432, inputs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a component/composite switch and all my current inputs are component and the output is using male to male component cables to my crt.
If I decide to add my Ps1 to it via composite, will I need to switch my male to male component output cable to a composite one, or can the composite signal run through the component output?
Pic semi related, but composite should just be able to run through the green input correct?

>> No.6978985

>flat screen
At least now you can pick up a proper crt

>> No.6979068
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Either you're a curved screen-fag or you've never seen an FD Trinitron before

>> No.6979098

Should have just tried it. Also, the TV manual tells you if the green is also yellow. In that case I assume it is because it's labeled as Y/Video.

>> No.6979186

>>Those weeks spent compulsive checking in Finnish-equivalent of Craigslist to no avail
https://www.huuto.net/ ?

Make sure you put up your own ad's that you're looking. Nice Trinitron sets, specially the older black ones are often free, since people just want to get rid of them

>> No.6979191

Not either anon, but I've had several of both, IMO the flat screens aren't made to the same quality or have too many compromises for said flatness. Remember all the geometry adjustment for flat screens is done in software, far more than the last non-FD Trinitrons used. Same reason PVMs never used FD's.
Doesn't really matter but if you can, I'd always pick curved.

>> No.6979227
File: 123 KB, 338x269, 2020-10-11 15.41.17 Sony tv-video combo, Televisio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not Huuto on my end, been using Tori.fi instead.

And AFAIK there's like two ads for looking Trinitron-sets already, and haven't exactly disappeared since. Finns don't have reason to bother with what brand their unused CRT is when selling (like the one I wanted had it's ad as "Old TV for sale")


>Remember all the geometry adjustment for flat screens is done in software, far more than the last non-FD Trinitrons used.

In case that is the culprit behind FDs having usually poor geometry...

The one I had was said to be having very good geometry for it's kind, so quite a loss back then. Felt really shit for dropping it carelessly. The menu options for changing screen positions and picture settings weren't too shabby either.

I happened to see a 21" black Trinitron with a VHS-combo on it, though dunno if 50 euros is worth it. Looks to be KV-21V6E.

>> No.6979240
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That's why you have to ask ALL ad's about "tv for sale / give away", like ask for pictures if they don't have pictures, etc.
That's also why you have to ask for ALL TVs when you put up an ad yourself, just ignore the ones you don't want, but put something like "Looking for old tube TV, will pay XX€ and pick up myself! If you have one laying around, send me a picture and I'll get back to you!" after I moved and need new tubes, that was my go-to way to get them, I got several offers the first day already and just picked up the ones that I wanted and were closest.

There's nothing inherently wrong with that 21" Trinitron, if you, yourself think 50 is worth it, depends how worn out the tube is. I usually got myself 32" ones (still have a few at my parents), without any extra bits to them, just sleek black Trinnys.

>> No.6979261


Not bad advice, I'll try to give this one a test run - dunno how well it'll go with Finns compared to wherever you from

There's nothing inherently wrong with that 21" Trinitron, if you, yourself think 50 is worth it, depends how worn out the tube is.

>I usually got myself 32" ones (still have a few at my parents), without any extra bits to them, just sleek black Trinnys.

There's another 21" standard black Trinitron I've been trying to fiddle with the seller to transport all way from Pori to Helsinki, but we have to yet find a way that doesn't involved me forking out like 300+ euros for sake of using a delivery van service on top of paying 25 for that set. Been going on a wee while now

>> No.6979270

Well, good luck, hope either one works out for you.

>> No.6979307

What's the easiest way to get 240p content running on a PC CRT VGA monitor? OSSC?

>> No.6979326

>This is just proving the point. The drawing has too long of torso.
t.chaser of shortstack chubbies

>> No.6979391

Depends what the source is.
OSSC is meant to hook up old consoles and other 15kHz sources, 240p also works from PCs via native VGA or DP/HDMI to VGA converter.

>> No.6979392

See >>6972851

>> No.6979474

Source is a CPS3+Supergun, so it's 15kHz.

>> No.6979494
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Yes, OSSC will do just fine. There are cheaper alternative scandoublers too, like the single board Chinese ones you can get off eBay, like GBS-8220.

>> No.6980132

Is this thing worth buying for 25 € ?


>> No.6980162

If the tube has some good life in it, then yes. Very average Trinitron monitor, but good quality.
What do you plan to do with it?

>> No.6980201

No but if you really want it.. why not?

>> No.6981090

I'm looking to replace my 27'' panasonic with wildly screwed geometry and only s-video with:

>Sharp 32'' xflat with component
>Toshiba 26-27'' flat screen also with component
>Sony 24'' wega. probably fv300 from the look

I don't have much room so taking all of them is out of the question. What's the best pick in your opinion?

>> No.6981239

for what I know the sharp and sony are good, dunno about the toshiba.

>> No.6981248

they are all late era crt's with great internals, I would make size the determining factor in this case, or if you prefer one of the mask types. Personally I like the looks of the toshibas

>> No.6981680

Thanks for the input. All of the listings are in great condition from what I see. I have a 20 inch d-series, which is great, but I really want another bigger set for viewing glory and it will have the bonus effect of irritating my wife. She will never understand this kind of hobby. I am leaning strongly toward the Sharp but I dread having to move that 150lbs beast into place.

The sony would probably be top shelf but I'm bored of seeing wegas shilled everywhere. There are plenty of great alternatives.

>> No.6981807

>and it will have the bonus effect of irritating my wife
I like your style, alphanon

>> No.6981979
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>> No.6982075

>The sony would probably be top shelf but I'm bored of seeing wegas shilled everywhere. There are plenty of great alternatives.
Get the sharp then. Everybody seems to completely ignore them despite Sharp being a reputable Japanese brand.

>> No.6982139


Because WEGAs do a lot of digital processing, which adds latency. Plus they are FD tubes.
Still a good though and probably best from those options.

>> No.6982160

>Because WEGAs do a lot of digital processing, which adds latency.
This is only true for the HD ones. No SD Wegas add latency through their image processing, not even for composite.

>> No.6982178

All geometry on FDs is digitally processed.

>> No.6982183

And your point is? A lot of BVM/PVMs have digital image processing for geometry and other stuff yet they're the "gold standard" in this hobby. There's still no additional input latency as a result of this.

>> No.6982189

No, not true. There's a reason why PVMs are never FDs.

>> No.6982220
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Sure except for the ones that are like the BVM-D24, A24, F24, D32, and other production monitors like the DT-V1710CG. Do you have any evidence to back up your claims or are you just parroting something you heard somebody said or just speculating and presenting it as fact?

>> No.6982227

You just proovid me right.
JVC =! Sony

Learn want BVMs are used for, they are not the same as PVMs, even when they look similar.
Also, I thought we were talking about Sony, you'll probably ridicule me for not specifying that beforehand, but oh well. You probably have a FD or BVM and need validation for your purchase.

Also if you need evidence from me that geometry is digitally processed of flat tubes, I have no idea why you're even in a CRT general, not knowing basics like that. There's a reason flat screens didn't become popular until very late in the life of CRTs, even though we could make the glass tubes themselves flat since the start, hint, it had to do with processing power and feasibly using that power inside a monitor and still making profit.

>> No.6982231
File: 1.44 MB, 1887x908, 2020-10-12 05_16_55-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

words words words but no evidence

>> No.6982243

What are you trying to proove with that picture? I never claimed they add latency.
As pointed out here >>6982160 only HD sets add latency. Does not mean it doesn't do any picture geometry processing in software.

>> No.6982246

There's a lot of Reddit posts with sources on that topic

>> No.6982250

>Because WEGAs do a lot of digital processing, which adds latency. Plus they are FD tubes.
>I never claimed they add latency.
Which is it?

>> No.6982261

It's true, HD WEGAs do. Not even me who pointed that out. Never claimed otherwise either.

>> No.6982327

I’m gonna carry a 100lb 27 inch trinitron by myself down a flight of stairs and put it in my car. How dumb is this?

>> No.6982341

Done it a thousand times. Only dumb if it won't work out.

>> No.6982347

if you're not a puny runt it'll be fine. just be mindful that you don't bump into shit.

>> No.6982420
File: 117 KB, 320x180, 1590080158675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for months we have no /CRT/ threads
>this video pops up a month ago from LGR
>suddenly there's a /CRT/ thread every day

>> No.6982528

the only reason we stopped having them was cause some faggot mod kept deleting them whenever I would make one. I removed a link from the op which I'm pretty sure is what they were getting upset over.

>> No.6982890

if you can...
but those things were made to be transported by two people.

>> No.6983090

Most of the weight is in the front of the tube so the easiest method of picking one up seems to be:
>Turn the tv on its side, a la SHMUP configuration
>Pick up with the screen against your chest rather than the opposite

I find this method to be the least awkward. There is some added difficulty if you are picking it up off the floor however. I'm not a big guy and I easily moved my 90~lbs panny down a flight of stairs during the summer.

>> No.6983143

>There is some added difficulty if you are picking it up off the floor however.
Grab diagonally opposing sides. That's how you should carry box shaped objects like fridges, for example. In order to adjust your hands use one or both your knees. Learnt it from my stepdad who worked for about 20 years delivering and setting up appliances.
So, for the TV, pick up from low height grabbing in opposing corners, set it down on your knees or a table, grab parallel sides more to the tube half, resting the screen against your torso. Don't use your biceps to keep it up. Just rest the weight on your shoulders and back, since you should keep a straight back. Make sure it doesn't block your vision.
An alternative would be to get a mattress or similar and slide it down carefully. Maybe strap it first. That's what some anons do to put them in the car. I personally always take a memory foam I ripped from a mattress.

>> No.6983632
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>not playing on a low res LED Matrix display for absolute SOUL
smfdh m8s

>> No.6983652

I'm surprised no one's made a LED matrix display using those panels to form a large/giant 320x240 pixel panel arrangement and fed it RGB from an actual console.
Probably exists out there somewhere, but I've never seen it.

>> No.6983668

>Watching Bleach
Drop it after the second arc

Check an anime with soul like Kodomo no Omocha instead

>> No.6983714
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Webm related

Also kevtris experimented with them for Game Boy Color on youtube

There's also tons of other of the experiments with these animated sprites and whatnot on youtube.

I prefer the ones with the circular pixels. The ones with square pixels look ugly to me.
No wonder even the creator of the Square Pixel himself regretted his invention.

>> No.6983850

I'm skipping all the fillers. Always wanted to watch the big 3. Grew up watching Naruto, picked up Bleach recently and need to continue reading One Piece. 900+ episodes is a joke. Would take me at least 3 months if I watch 12 episodes every day.
I've got other 480p ones to watch like GTO, Hajime no Ippo, Air Gear, Desert Punk and other classics I haven't watched yet. Also found a guy that uploads more obscure/rare stuff.

>> No.6983896

the goat

>> No.6984080
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x1080, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have an idea on why the line under Mario flickers/bounces? My setup is:
SNES HD Retrovision RGB -> Extron 7SC -> Philips 109B
I'm guessing it has something to do with resolution scaling, but messing with the settings on the CRT and Extron haven't helped. This is just one example, but similar issues happen in all games.

>> No.6984093

Take the Extron out of the chain and see if that fixes it.

>> No.6984108

Yikes. It's not just the line under him, it's the black lines all over the screen doing the same thing. Look at the entire outline over the mountain. Easy solution here is just use composite like the developers intended :)

>> No.6984114

Has he come out as trans yet?

>> No.6984126

The monitor only has VGA on it. I have a 32" JVC D Series in the garage I'd like to use, but the flyback transformer or w/e is way too loud for me.

>> No.6984128

Though, I can use it for testing at least.

>> No.6984174

What the hell were you expecting? If you want to upscale 240p properly, buy an OSSC.

>> No.6984221

>I'm skipping all the fillers.
Lol the fillers are actually the best part after a while that's how bad Bleach gets.
Fake Karakura Town arc is one of the worst arcs I've ever seen.
Don't say you haven't been warned just saying.

If you want a good shonen I recommend reading the Shaman King manga in mangadex(avoid the upcoming new anime though because it's clear they didn't give a shit also avoid the upcoming English release of the manga by Kodansha USA because that one is censored)

Btw I wonder how 576p looks on your CRT? Does it support it?
Because MottoJ did a great encode of Kodomo no Omocha and deinterlaced the R2J 480i DVD and upscaled them to 576p.

>> No.6984741

>le ossc
a simple vga line doubler could do the job just fine. he already has rgb, it only needs to convert 15khz to 31khz.

>> No.6984768

That looks like shit.

>> No.6984803

What the fuck do you think the OSSC is, if not a simple line doubler? One of the few that actually handles 240p properly, and by far the highest quality of the ones that do.

>> No.6985103

Well, it’s RF as the developers intended. What did you expect?

>> No.6985873
File: 83 KB, 1200x1200, 5e4403e8d4e44917a76bda19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my buddy happened to show me Beovision MX7000 being sold nearby me - it being 28" though, I'm bit in the fence on picking since I wanted to reserve bigger sets on my one-room flat for a Trinitron.

Plenty have told me it has ton of intriguing perks though, anyone willing to elaborate on them?

>> No.6985884

I'd go for them over a trinitron personally. They're not AG so I think look more pleasant for 480i and the audio is far superior. Those Philips tubes with the contrast glass in front make for a super pleasing image.

>> No.6985897

no that just looks like your crt has dogshit geometry

>> No.6986414

I'd grab the B&O over the Trinitron.

>> No.6986498

It has barely noticable bowing.

>> No.6986553

>I recommend reading the Shaman King
That's on the list. Too many to read, too little time.
>I wonder how 576p looks on your CRT? Does it support it?
I assume so. It's a Samsung CI-14F1T PAL. Can't find much about it, but the PS3 that I use for PS2 and PSX detects it as such. I wish it would support 480p though, since PSX is 240p to 480p. Everything 240p I use the Wii.
Pick that one up until you get a Trinny, then choose one or keep both. I got a Trinny with a problem that I still keep in a spare room. I'll have to take a photo and ask here.

>> No.6986603

Beovision sets have a really good form factor, they're really not that deep.

Just make sure you get one that has a later firmware, I think "SW 4.7" is the final one for MX 4000/6000/7000 models. Also make sure it supports 60Hz NTSC.

MX 4200 and MX 8000 are supposedly the best models but those seem harder to find compared to the other three.

>> No.6986786

Got offered to pick up 3 Panasonic, supposedly all curved screens, at sizes 21, 28 and 32". Are they usually worth it? I only got a 14" Samsung and am fairly new to CRTs.

>> No.6986810

Dude if you are even slightly interested and you have the time and ability to get them, do it. If you pick them up for free you have nothing to lose. If you don't have enough room for them all you can pick your favorite.

>> No.6986814

>Samsung CRT
replace that thing as soon as you can

>> No.6986821

True, but just wanted to confirm that they're actually decent units in general. You know how people are. You might say you're looking for curved screens and they give you flat ones.
How heavy are 32"?

>> No.6986828

I'm actually happy with it. Apparently some models are actually decent. The only problem is that the image is slightly shifted down (can't get to service menu without remote) and there's barely noticeable burn-in, to the point you have to focus on it to notice it's presence.

>> No.6986834

A 32'' is easily 100lbs likely 120lbs. You will need a dolly or cart if you don't have help.
Panasonic is a decent brand in general.
Maybe not the best quality but quite reliable.
I have many panasonic VCRs that are great and have only used a pana TV once and it seemed fine.

>> No.6986835

Pretty Heavy it'll likely be ~100ibs, but it's not just the weight.
It likely won't have handles, uneven weight distribution leaning towards the front, and awkward to carry. I'd bring a 2nd person with you so you don't look like a fool.
I'd say ~27" would be the largest size a person should be carrying by themselves.

>> No.6986848

Yeah, I've got no one to go with me. I'll tell him I might not be able to get the 32" due to weight, and if it's not an old men he might even help me. Then it's just a matter of dragging it indoors on top of something, since I live on ground floor.
Thanks anons.

>> No.6988101

Can someone please tell me how to find a universal remote that will work with my philips tv? I don’t even know the model because it isn’t written on it

>> No.6988103

Any die hard calibrators here? I need to run WinDAS on my PC CRT, a Dell D2026T-HS. Since it's a rebrand of a Sony GDM I'm looking at a similar model's service manual and it relies on DAS and I see where to connect the cable to my monitor. The problem is it's not in the list of models included with the program. I need that model file. How can I get it, or am I fucked?

>> No.6988208
File: 451 KB, 1280x960, IMG-4367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm noticing some color separation on JVC TM-H170CG

Sorry if the picture doesn't show it well enough but I'm noticing an alternating red, green, blue tint to the white lines on the test pattern. Messing around with the test suite on a model 2 ntsc genesis through composite while awaiting a RGB board for this monitor.

Haven't had that issue with another pvm i was able to get my hands on. Anyone know what's going on and any solutions, if any?

>> No.6988310
File: 2.74 MB, 4032x3024, 85DAC9E5-8AF1-47E9-9E20-9E3CEDE6BE38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6988483

If your phone has an IR blaster, just download an app. If not, you can buy one that goes on the aux port. You won't be able to find a remote for some thought.

>> No.6988642

Same anon here. They just replied and can help me load them. 3 CRTs in good condition in one day. I'd say that's a score.

>> No.6988720
File: 3.06 MB, 2048x2560, v8hze4t74d051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have recommendation for some shielded speakers that'll match a pvm? Preferably Sony or No branding.
Planning to make an AV cart set up like pic related. The branding shouldn't really matter, but I just wanted it to look nice.

>> No.6988827

sony APMs

>> No.6988889


I'll go test the set out if a chance - found about how it has some nice sound system + deinterlacing features. Hope the firmware's as high as it can get.

>Just make sure you get one that has a later firmware, I think "SW 4.7" is the final one for MX 4000/6000/7000 models. Also make sure it supports 60Hz NTSC.

I'm from the fantasy dimensions of Finland, so it should most likely support it via RGB SCART.

>> No.6989026

Came here to ask a similar question, but what media player's the best to use on a CRT? Lately I've been using a PS3 and just dropping video files on a flash drive to watch.

>> No.6989045

Also what's the best place to look for .mkv's or .mp4's? The usual torrent sites are a mixed bag from what I can tell.

>> No.6989161

what link was it, the google survey?

>> No.6989235

I use a Wii and download from nyaa.si

>> No.6989264

Hey boys. I’ve got a JVC D Series CRT and was wondering if it’s just me that has focus issues on the corners. The center is tack sharp, but the corners are really soft. Is this common on D Series CRTs??? Is there a way to fix this using the focus adjustment???

>> No.6989338

ps3 is one of the best media players you can have.
a wii can do it too like another anon said.
I personally use a raspi3 with kodi.

>> No.6989352

PS3 can't do 480p though. It's only good for bigger resolutions and streaming online content. Youtube on a CRT is funny, for some reason, and there's full 4:3 old films and series in there.

>> No.6989393

>PS3 can't do 480p though
except it can?
use component or hdmi if your tv has that port.

>> No.6989402

Only NTSC does it, not PAL.

>> No.6989431

There is 480p over RGsB

>> No.6989456

can you install cfw?
you can change region that way and with that enable 480p.

>> No.6989495
File: 64 KB, 512x650, Screenshot_2020-10-14 PS3™ Video Output Settings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where. I only got SCART.
Already have rebug, but people have black screens, apparently. My Wii does 480p and accepts NTFS, so I'm happy for now. Only problem is PSX is slightly upscaled, but it still looks pretty good, perhaps because it's on a 14".

>> No.6989753
File: 3.66 MB, 4032x3024, 20201014_134901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a JVC AV-27430, heard its a sleeper D series? Fuck it looks nice. Component, S-Video, Composite. Bought a remote on eBay because its got a bit too much overscan so I'll try to get into the service menu and adjust it. Anyone else have this set?

>> No.6989849

Does anyone know how to get into the service menu on a RCA 14F512T? I opened it up and it seems like there aren't any geometry controls on it.

>> No.6989898

Are every one of them shielded?

>> No.6989929
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, 20201014_151047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, I figured it out by spamming buttons, turns out its Vol - and Info to get into the menu. Pic related is my current geometry

>> No.6989950

i have the AV-27230 and it's pretty nice. i made some service menu adjustments, there was something that made the reds look wrong that i changed, it might be this from some notes i took
>39. cmp cd m 1 (cancer?)
i adjusted it while using a dreamcast through an RGB2COMP and the position is a little off for xbox 360, not sure if the outlier is the 360 or the RGB2COMP since i haven't played other component consoles lately.
i use S-video for gamecube and N64 and that looks good too. i wish gamecube component was sanely affordable, but S-video already looks very good.

>> No.6990350

it's RGsB over SCART. It says it right there, the 576p

>> No.6990420

Thank you, anons.

Not a big deal for me since my current tube doesn't support 480p unfortunately.

>> No.6990454

picked up a Sylvania tv for $10 the other day. Not sure what model. Anyway, it's gonna hold me over until I can find something better. It's just been nice to smell that sweet static electricity coming off the screen again.

>> No.6990543

I've never noticed that til now but yeah, it's a nice smell (I just smoked a bowl as I'm posting this).

>> No.6990553

I believe that smell is ozone iirc

>> No.6990616

Wow that's the exact same TV I had from when I was 10 to when I was sixteen or so... except MINE didn't have any of those inputs besides the RCA jacks on the front for some fucking reason.

>> No.6991307

Are there any PC video cards that can output pure 15kHz RGBS ?

I can only find cards that do RGBHV, so you'd need an extra device.

>> No.6991325

So CRTs don't really have less latency than LCDs?

>> No.6991382
File: 286 KB, 800x613, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find a cheap component switcher that wont degrade picture quality.
Can anyone advocate the Philips SWS2325W?

Also found a Pelican System Selector PL-970 listed for a ridiculous price, but if it's a safer bet then I'll go with that.

>> No.6991813
File: 1.55 MB, 3648x1744, IMG_20201015_143513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retro now, /vr/?

>> No.6991830

So I have a Sylvania 6420FF and I have a minor overscan problem. I tried to search for service menu codes but every one I've found hasn't worked.

>> No.6991885

Which transfer function do you fellas use for your gaming CRTs? As for me, I set my calibration target to the sRGB tone curve. But perhaps some prefer pure power law gamma at 2.2 or 2.4?

>> No.6992030

do you play your dreamcast on that dell monitor?

>> No.6992037

What is more important for 15.734 Khz CRTs: dot pitch or TVL?

>> No.6992041

the dell e771p is good I have one, people will argue it's shit since its a bog standard office monitor but its reliable. Those samsung slimfits are dogshit though.

>> No.6992349

>ask mom if she want to go for a ride, since she complains about me not seeing her more often
>"are you going to pick up another TV? I think you got a trash hoarding problem and those people want to get rid of trash"
>it's only the 4th and I'm getting rid of either 1 or 2
Geez, I wonder why I don't bother seeing her more often! What a mystery!

>> No.6992864

You do have a problem nigga.

>> No.6992885

Can you still enjoy a CRT if you have dandruff? Mine is really bad like I can't leave the house I think I have psoriasis.
Biggest challenge will be going to someone's house to pick it up, but I'm scared I'll ruin their furniture.
>Wear a hat
It doesnt stop anything on the lower scalp.
Can too much dandruff dust ruin the CRT?

>> No.6992976

First has a barely noticeable burn-in and it's a 14", second has warped image at the bottom but it's a widescreen Sony Trinitron, which I might try fixing to play shmups, 3rd has a dead image, so going in the scrap. Going to pick up 3 Panasonic of different sizes tomorrow.
I live by myself and have a spare room, so I don't see the problem, especially because tubes can die at any time, so I have replacements. Would be a problem if I was picking up trash ones or keeping same sizes/brands/models.
What's funny is that she has about 15 plants, which occupies more space, gives more work and sells for less.
>It doesnt stop anything on the lower scalp.
Wear a hoodie.

>> No.6993342
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>> No.6993363
File: 561 KB, 1000x562, be hired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ID this CRT?

>> No.6993371

Start poppin fish oil pill you dip

>> No.6993679

NEC FE2141SB. I have the Mitsubishi-branded version of it.

>> No.6993709

lol a crt mutt would be evicted

>> No.6993897

Is it actually safe/practical to repair flyback insulation? I have super corona dope on hand. It needs live adjustment so can't afford to fuck up. I can't find any replacements since they're well out of production.
It has a SMPS onboard and apparently fine to run without an isolation transformer, but should I throw one in as a second point of protection or is it redundant?

>> No.6993907

Have you done a full calibration? Is the yoke secure and showing good purity/convergence for each colour?

>> No.6995229 [DELETED] 


>> No.6995234

There's no 480p NTSC, NTSC only exists as a interlaced mode.
480p is always progressive, anything progressive is RGB. When you use RGB, NTSC and PAL have nothing to do with it. Same reason PAL TVs can run RGB with 60Hz.

>> No.6995263

It's about cleaning the living quarters of COVID victims.

>> No.6995432

sure it isnt the FP2141SB?

>> No.6995435
File: 236 KB, 1280x846, trinitron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what crt monitor/tv is this?

>> No.6995442
File: 537 KB, 1354x730, 9n7op3byyzqx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could very well be this one.

>> No.6995483

Scored a Panasonic Quintrix TX-21MD3 and a TX-25MD1/M, both with stand and remotes. They also had one of the last Panasonic HD CRT produced, but I didn't take it, because I don't see the point and it was big af. They look pretty good, nothing's wrong, simply adjusted service settings and I'll use the 25" as my main. It's almost the same height as my 55" LCD, which is hilarious, since they're side by side.
How did I do?

>> No.6995498

Its a triniton. You can see the sony logo. Its built into some enclosure.

>> No.6995527

what model?


>> No.6995550

I've got a tx-21md3 as well, I don't know if something is wrong with mines but the horizontal positioning in the osd does literally nothing for me.

>> No.6995563
File: 512 KB, 1714x2114, IMG_20200911_230052 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I bought a VGA cable a while ago. It gives a really nice 480p picture (pic related doesn't give it justice) but I'll have to get myself a switcher at some point.

>> No.6995576

Xbox 360 through scart or VGA is pretty solid.

>> No.6995578

Haven't adjusted that one yet, but it should work. There's no reason not to.

>> No.6995680

Best scart switcher? Preferably 8+ inputs

>> No.6995681

I dunno it just seems to do nothing except move the osd, not the image, the vertical positioning works fine. My image is shifted to the left so I need to ask someone how you would manually shift an image.

>> No.6995706




>> No.6995712


>> No.6995806
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, 20201016_183921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /crt/. I recently got a mac performa from a friend, came with the monitor. I want to use the monitor for old games (mostly doom), but it has this weird 15 pin connector. I know its a special flavor of VGA, but the switch signal for the monitor also runs through the connector. I want to hook it up to my PC through the VGA connection, but I'm not sure which adapter to buy. I've seen guides for using old macs with generic VGA monitors, but not the other way around.

>> No.6996003
File: 136 KB, 1413x1500, 71426Ir-bcL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems strange all the adapters are for going in the opposite direction. By the looks of things it's easy enough to create your own adapter at least as it seems electrically literally just VGA, aside from a couple pins you need to short together to put it into VGA. Don't 100% quote some random anon on this though.
Going to show that Apple being obtuse with hardware standards has a long history.

>> No.6996515

Could be. I don't remember the exact numbers very well.

>> No.6996624
File: 40 KB, 800x445, 1602902534439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone ID this crt? I think I had it in my room growing up!

>> No.6996673

I have an adapter that lets me hook up the mac to a PC monitor. I wonder if it works in reverse.

>> No.6996674

It's all analog RGBHV. Surely it's just a matter of wires going to different sockets.

>> No.6996734

>Also if you need evidence from me that geometry is digitally processed of flat tubes

Onus probandi

>> No.6996895
File: 47 KB, 540x360, 360_F_333454843_1YJuGo9t6iNqB2ciayTJO1q1GXnm4fev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a sad CRT story from earlier today. My brother is a film major and he came back home from college this weekend to film something with some of his friends. As we were sitting around at dinner talking, one of them mentioned how some guy in their class had gotten 20-something CRTs "like 80's retro ones" for a film he was making. They didn't know exactly what he had done with them after he was done, but said he probably just threw them all away. I also asked if they knew if any were Sonys and they said "yeah, definitely." And the cherry on top was he never even finished the film, so it was a total waste for absolutely no reason.

>> No.6997041

But were they even functional? Plenty of landfills let people take old broken electronics to use as props.

>> No.6997060
File: 350 KB, 1125x821, A48F4A06-68FA-4D78-81E2-713A7EA759CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i need a reliable way to do genesis 2 model connector @ scart/RGB

whats the most realistic way to do this?

i was thinking a hyperkin hdmi adapter as i believe these use rgb to upscale (not the best option but only $25)

i want to use my crts
i live in the united states i have never bought a scart cord

>> No.6997061

another thing i read is that scart cords sometimes are still RCA/composite despite the connection tip

how am i supposed to know what im getting?

>> No.6997070
File: 540 KB, 1125x1809, C3DCF316-1CC8-42B9-BCEE-C9856053BD0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why am i like this

>> No.6997081

>he bought the chink scart cables on ebay

>> No.6997084

careful dude, a lot of the times chinks just make composite cables with RGB headers

>> No.6997101
File: 20 KB, 400x300, F9B69C70-0DCF-48A8-AF99-5CB3F5F7CC1E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I’m retarded, I should read the post above >>6997070
You gotta open them up dude, find a wiring diagram and see what’s connected and what isn’t. Pic related

>> No.6997103

god dammit the last little paragraph of >>6997101
is meant for >>6997061

>> No.6997171

looks great to me. go jerk off to your 900TVL garbage somewhere else.

>> No.6997174

theyre all me

i didn't checkout with that cart
whats the best way to process RGB in the usa? i just want AV crt to be useable

>> No.6997208

so your tv has a scart input? Can you tell us exactly what you're plugging into? Why does your op reference hdmi scaling?

>> No.6997257
File: 871 KB, 1526x3139, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile on r*ddit

>> No.6997380

im a burger so zero scart anything
Supergun only outputs RGB

>> No.6997596

>no scart anything
>buying scart
Are you braindead, you're in yankland just don't even bother with scart, we bother with it since literally every tv made after 1979 has it in europe and lets us play anything at 60hz. Infact you're trying to buy rca adaptors to scart and a coupler with a "rgb" cable, thats not going to work if it's actually wired for rgb since your tv can't process it. Those adaptors are meant to plug composite into a european tv which only has a scart port.

>> No.6997601

I think the worst part is the europlugs, meaning he went for a 9 inch pvm instead of a 14 inch tv for free with scart.

>> No.6997641

>whats the best way to process RGB in the usa?
RGB2COMP if you have a CRT with component input

>> No.6997807

That's a small-ass TV. Those carts were meant to be crushed by a 34" UNIT.

>> No.6998608

I've been messing around with this for a while now. I deem it impossible to calibrate through usb without a physical Apple power pc to plug into, emulation WILL NOT work

>> No.6998656
File: 15 KB, 258x258, kagamin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just now getting in to this CRT business, is there any snake oil I should be aware of?

>> No.6998691

some people claim better connections than S-video yield no visible improvement and aren't worthwhile, you should disregard them.
some people also RGB mod TVs that already have component which is a bit wasteful, it can bypass image processing but the signal itself won't be higher quality.
trinitrons are overhyped by reddit.
do not pay for a TV without component or RGB input. don't even take home a TV without at least S-video input.
most flat screen TVs can't have perfect geometry, curved is preferable.

>> No.6998702

Don't fall for the pvmeme unless it falls into your lap.
Don't disregard s-video only sets if you're burger, especially if they're a reputable brand and the tv is in good condition. on that note:
the condition of the tv is as/more important than the signal it receives. Don't waste your time on a junky set because it has component, a nice 90s curved trinitron with s-video that's been sitting unused in a guest room is close to perfect for up to gen 6 consoles

>> No.6998741

more a psa than a warning:
good samsung sets exist, but are very rare. so don't instantly discard them without taking a look.

>> No.6998920

>it can bypass image processing but the signal itself won't be higher quality.
Bullshit. Although it's negligible and if you don't have a problem with component quality then RGB might not be worth the effort sure, but strictly speaking, RGB is literally higher quality. If your end goal is absolutely the best picture no matter what, then RGB whether modded or native is a requirement. But if you're ok with a pretty good picture, then component is gonna be good enough.

>> No.6998930

how do you suppose it is higher quality?

>> No.6998960

All signals on RGB-Sync are straight separated red, blue, green, and sync signals. Component is a funky combination of luminance and sync, the difference between blue and luma, and the difference between red and luma. The more signal you have to mix, the worse it's going to be. Granted, again, it's negligible on average and despite how funky the signal setup is it produces good results. But despite that, it, from a literal standpoint, is still lower quality than RGB, even if minimally.

>> No.6998969

even if the signals are obtuse, i don't imagine circuitry dedicated to handling these signals would produce a lower quality result than straight RGB. sync is a negligible amount of information to combine with something.

>> No.6998986

In the world of analog, having to do any signal processing at all is going to produce a loss of quality. No way around it. Same reason why copying a VHS tape back and forth will degrade the picture if done enough times. Which is why getting the straight RGB signal off the console and straight to the gun is the end goal, as the fewer steps that signal has to take the better.

>> No.6998987

>The more signal you have to mix, the worse it's going to be
can you prove this statement?

>> No.6998996 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6999003
File: 208 KB, 1180x786, philips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of an s-video to 15khz RGB transcoder that supports NTSC?

>> No.6999030

the bandwidth of the component format is such that any theoretical loss in quality from transcoding (which is theoretically lossless in the first place) would not show up on the final picture because the 480i signal just couldn't display such minute error

>> No.6999131
File: 20 KB, 610x210, hhhhhhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this PVM listing. There are buttons labeled VIDEO, S-VHS and VCR on the front. This is on the back. Does it work with component? If it doesn't, is there a way to make it work?

>> No.6999136
File: 1.90 MB, 1376x1032, IMG_20201017_152115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's mine look?

>> No.6999147
File: 2.36 MB, 1619x1214, IMG_20201017_152327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic of my vivitron15

>> No.6999173

This is the man paying $500 for a 14 inch monitor

>> No.6999181

It's actually 20 bucks, this is pretty lucky.

>> No.6999183

Looks at least 19'', too.

>> No.6999201

jesus dude, get a fuckin clue lmao

>> No.6999337


>> No.6999413

the supergun mini only outputs RGB
i wouldn't have asked otherwise mate

>> No.6999427

Your best bets are either using 2 transcoders, rgb->component>s-video, or maybe a mid 2000s European av-receiver can transcode it. I have had av-receivers that can transcode freely between composite, s-video, or component. Maybe there are some out there that include scart

>> No.6999458

what does your display accept

>> No.6999475


>> No.6999565

I really want a monitor, but I can't find one in my area. I even have a laptop with VGA gathering dust that I only use to install games on the Switch.

>> No.6999570
File: 510 KB, 600x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

curtis mathes made some sexy consoles

>> No.6999678
File: 877 KB, 720x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharp 'linytron' lol

>> No.6999714

And it's not even aperture grille.

>> No.6999719
File: 187 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20201017_164010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished painting mine; thoughts?
Here's a 360 view

>> No.6999728

Why would someone deface a CRT?

>> No.6999730

Don't forget to huff some like a gypsy when you're done.

>> No.6999732

why would you want something that looks like street garbage in your house

>> No.6999737

because he grabbed it off the street

>> No.6999782



Because it's a shitty jvc 36 inch av-36150. I don't like a black box. It's boring.

>> No.6999803

but now you look like the one that's black instead of the tv

>> No.6999808

how about I give you a black eye, would you like one of those instead?

>> No.6999810

Irdk one black dude who would put Japanese on the side of a tv. Also imma sticker bomb it soon too.

>> No.6999842
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>> No.7000187

hdmi only

or we can use the crts doin rf / av

>> No.7000217

fella, if you have a digital tv it's a much better idea to emulate the games on a pc. Why are you going about it this way? It's completely nonsensical

>> No.7000257

its not nonsensical to have a split setup
we can do hd @ 75inch out front
or use one of 4 smaller crts
(preferred method honestly)

i just need a way to get rgb signal to av/rf
otherwise the neogeo mvs is stuck in HD land forever

>> No.7000307
File: 402 KB, 1440x1015, 1454QM-failed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy in the local, he's give up and selling his PVM-1454QM for a pretty cheap price because a small failure - what he said is that after around ~1 minutes when power on the screen, the *red* color will be disappeared; but when re- power on, all colors got back normal again, then after ~1 min the same issue also showed up again over and over. He also mentioned with no any input, even the service/OSD menus are the same (so it's not the input board issue).

But I noticed the failed pic is not like it just missing the red color, instead more like missing some red luminous. I've a little ambition...

>> No.7000308
File: 427 KB, 1440x1014, 1454QM-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7000451

i cant "just emulate" i have spent the last 15 years acquiring and collecting every console from 2600-ps2 era

i have zero issues hooking them up over s-video or composite

i have just finished a neogeo mvs consolization & the method we used only can send pure RGB signal out

so i need a way to process the signal w/ low latency (none if possible)

the only solutions ive found are retrotink style devices and hundreds of dollars worth of imported cords

is this seriously the only way?
i love the neogeo library but this is getting ridiculous

>> No.7000584

you should've gotten a pvm before the prices got too crazy. maybe you can get a modded consumer that takes rgb?

>> No.7000598
File: 1.62 MB, 2618x2513, 20200315_165704_HDR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should've gotten a pvm before the prices got too crazy
Pro CRTs still turn up at auctions and I'd imagine you could still find a deal if you really put your mind to it. I got a Commodore 1702, a PVM-2530 (needed to be recapped, so I sold it), and a Mitsubishi Megaview 29 (pictured) all for less than $200 as part of a single lot. Granted, everything was listed as non-tested, so it was a bit of a gamble.

>> No.7000603

Why not just get a consumer set with composite/svideo/component and use an rgb->component transcoder and call it a day?

>> No.7000651


i really like my current CRT
its a medium sized zenith &
nearly identical to what i had as a kid

ill start hunting for a set w/ composite
however that means i still need the expensive retrovision cables

its probably the best idea
as taking rgb and ruining it by converting to AV is probably cringe

>> No.7001170

Quite a few are huge weebs. Shonen normie weebs, but still.

>> No.7001298

How's the tracking on USB guns with PC CRT monitors?

>> No.7001320

And I'm telling you not to do that because it literally will not work, those adaptors are meant to for getting composite out of like a vcr with only a scart port if you want to break the cables out, or put composite into your tv with only a scart port, it doesn't transcode rgb magically onto your yank tv.
You're trying to use a foreign video standard that never existed in the consumer space in your country and you're complaining that it's hard and or expensive to do. What the fuck did you expect, unironically just emulate to a crt with s-video or have fun spending hundreds of dollars importing shite from my country.

>> No.7001325

Dogshit, literally the same as a lcd monitor it doesn't make it work magically.

>> No.7001521
File: 311 KB, 463x453, whatareyoudoingwithyourlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few

>> No.7002594
File: 152 KB, 1071x1071, 234AD21B-8F43-4396-A093-2EA6F77F2961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the britbong is right
this image weaving forum is the last bastion of information on the internet

we are trapped in hdland until we find a supergun that outputs svideo

>> No.7002632

i know its cringe to complain about having an only rgb/HD signal

for anyone else stalking the archive -
hyperkin genesis 1/2 HD cable uses rgb decoders to output a 720p hdmi signal

its far from the best option- but it's literally $25

>> No.7002728
File: 1.45 MB, 820x1500, calibrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought this for cheap because it was dim and the guy didn't know how to fix it. Just opened it up and did a quick brightness and focus adjust and it's good as new. Lot's of life left!

>> No.7002831
File: 1.37 MB, 2992x4000, IMG_20201018_200157876-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure how easy it is to see, but can anyone tell me what's up with these faint vertical lines?

>> No.7002840

jailbars, usually from electric interference

>> No.7002854

Makes sense; Apple users are usually technically retarded 99% of the time

>> No.7002862

Haha based!

>> No.7002983

how do i fix that?

>> No.7003269

better cables wouldn't hurt

>> No.7003304

It doesn't work unless you put it in interlaced mode and your emulator introduces absolutely no lag. This means bo vsync and an exactly 59.997hz refresh on the CRT and no image enhancement done by the GPU driver.
tl;dr it's possible but you're better off with a regular TV

>> No.7003334 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 499x499, 1596584075672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation

>> No.7003341

>CRTs cannot have touchscreens
That's where you're wrong, zoomie.

>> No.7003505

>written by kyle, grade 6
thank you kyle

>> No.7003539 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 307x153, (v-friendly).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GR15 workaround: art style transfer algorithms.
>Technically there's no pony in this image.
>What do you think?

>> No.7003706

I love my CRTs, and games look great on them. Also great for VNs, because japs really like 4:3 for some reason.

>> No.7003709

It also feels good playing on a CRT.

>> No.7003735 [DELETED] 

Why would you admit to playing visual novels?

Feels better looking at something absolutely flicker-free that can also show 24fps without juddery pulldown.

>> No.7003745
File: 25 KB, 624x351, _81666333_81666176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ponybot triggered in /vr/??

>> No.7003791

Because they're fun and I like reading and anime girls?

>> No.7003823

>Feels better looking at something absolutely flicker-free that can also show 24fps without juddery pulldown.
CRTs can do this and so could plasma. 72hz and 96hz aren't inaccessible on CRT.

>> No.7005182 [DELETED] 
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- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation

>> No.7005249
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>> No.7005290
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holy shit you killed him

>> No.7005303
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> - CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year

Do they really need that? Seems pretty inconvenient. I never had to do anything in the 90s and 00s. Why put that on a page meant to make cancer ray tubes look good?

>> No.7005356

Not unless you're doing graphic work and in that case it's about colour calibration, not your typical "go into service menu and fiddle two settings" calibration.

>> No.7005550

how will he make the cables interface? splice and solder?

>> No.7005562

i think it can be fixed via 75 ohm terminators, different caps in the cables OR by better shielding

>> No.7006002

supergun mini has the genesis 2 style connecter tip

hyperkin hd cables usually pull rgb whenever possible
& i believe the genesis 2 supported this natively?

>> No.7006031

i think both genesis 1 and 2 support rgb natively, which is weird since it was ultra rare for anyone to have that on their tvs in NTSC land, not sure about the lil gen 3 or the exotic models like the thingy with the sega cd and turbo grafx built into it or the cdx or the x eye

>> No.7006054

I've heard recycling centers are a good place to find CRTs and other retro "junk". Anybody have any idea how to find and approach these places? Most information I've found is more about what to expect rather than what to look for.

>> No.7006118

look up glass/plastic/paper recyclers in your area, mine takes "e-waste" but I have never seen crt there, probably cuz they charge $10 a piece for taking them.

>> No.7006136

I'm pretty sure there are dedicated recyclers for CRTs. I actually live in New Jersey, and I am pretty sure CRT recycling is free here, so there will likely be a surplus.

>> No.7006205
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>> No.7006503

I live in NJ too nice to know it’s free, I have some I’m looking to get rid of.

>> No.7006709
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>> No.7007259
File: 500 KB, 1280x960, 9F309473-ED1E-4B54-98AA-873CEBF028A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scored a free KV-27FS100L trinitron. The image is shifted to the right and the left edge (especially the top corner) is fucky.

>> No.7007327

Who is this cutie?

>> No.7007687

so I have a modded region free dreamcast and was playing a japanese copy of house of the dead 2. screen calibration was awful and many trigger pulls do not register. however light gun games on my ps1 work great. is it the light gun itself or the fact im using a different region version of the game?

>> No.7007889

Why is your TV upside down?

>> No.7007893

I have that and i got the adapter so i can use the non dreamcast mouse.

>> No.7007896
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>> No.7008024

What in the name of the third world...

>> No.7008059

The dreamcast light guns are shit no matter what they are, your one sounds like it has some problems since it won't register some shots. However they all aim like shit and miss no matter if its 1st or 3rd party due to it not being like a g-45 where it syncs.

>> No.7008068

oh ok, ty

>> No.7008356

I'm emulating PSX and PS2 on a PS3. Will light guns work if I simply get a PS2 controller to USB adapter? Or are there PS3 USB/wireless light guns that will work?

>> No.7008383

She's from Magical Trannykiller Dykes 5000, a game that released like two years ago.

>> No.7008398

CRT's have true black (i.e. lack of light) so their contrast is way better

>> No.7008528

my monitor's geometry changes slightly every time i turn it off for some time. wat do? its a iiyama vision master pro 454

>> No.7008551

Could someone please explain to me how I replicate this:


No vsync + no tearing HOW? I can't get my crtemudriver + Win7 + HD8740D going from vga, a transcoder, component, to my RCA SD CRT to do this. Is Linux the only way? Is my hardware capable?

>> No.7008609
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monitor looks decent tho

>> No.7009232
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>> No.7009256
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>> No.7009645
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Accidentally holding my tablet in backwards landscape last night.

>> No.7009704

On paper, yes, but the thick front glass diffuses light so you'll get unwanted reflections.

>> No.7009827

I think so. And its even likely he bought them, because he was some really rich kid whose parents had a sponge monopoly in Guatemala or some shit. They said their best guess was he just dumped them in an alley and left them there for someone else to deal with

>> No.7010159

i think u can just use an hd retrovision component cable, what tv set are you using in the USA that has a scart connection?

>> No.7010183

I think you can replicate this with Custom Resolution Utility (CRU) but it's kind of a long shot I think.


The guy shared his xrandr commands in a comment which I reproduced below but translating that to something CRU can do on Windows needs some technical skills I don't have from the Windows side. I'm primarily a Linux person and don't use CRU in what I use Windows for primarily for which is work so I have no idea how to do the translation. You might have to ask somewhere else like /g/ where people do know.

>You need to create a script. in this script you will need to have these lines.

>xrandr --newmode "704x480" 13.27 704 720 784 848 480 483 489 523 interlace -hsync -vsync

>xrandr --addmode VGA-0 704x480

>xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 704x480

>Where it says VGA-0 this needs to by your graphics card ID which you can find by typing just "xrandr" without the quotes in terminal..

>Once the script is created you'll need to make it executable by editing the properties. finally you'll need to edit your boot settings to then run this file.

>Good luck.

>> No.7010195

Nice. What resolution is this? one of the benefits of those high end crts is that you can run something like 800x600 and it still looks fucking sharp.

>> No.7010854

Might as well ask this question here.
How are those generic Dreamcast VGA cables on eBay? I know for a fact that OG Xbox and PS2 China cables are horrendous, does it also apply to DC VGA?

>> No.7010967

Where do you buy these?

>> No.7011132
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, RAIDOU_PS2_RGB_CRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got the dreamcast one, if you use it on a monitor CRT VGA for PC you'll get surely a better picture than the classic composite, and a sharper image than the RGB SCART one. It's not perfect, but still, plenty usable if you are not too picky. BTW the xbox hdmi one (i presume you are talking about the bitfunxx one) it's not that terrible, sure it's not chimeric or the original component, but better than shit composite.

The PS2 one is simply hell, just get yourself a RGB SCART one, the RGCUK, the one i use, is so good on CRT. (PIC VERY RELATED)

>> No.7011180

It was ebay or something . They only come from hong kong.

>> No.7011989

Cheapest Dreamcast and Saturn I can get are japanese ones from ebay. Can I mod them to be region free?

>> No.7013227
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Saving throw with an old setup

>> No.7013303

80s af, anon

>> No.7013543
File: 260 KB, 458x342, SQJwCUGaeC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need any hardware mod to play everything on saturn, just get yourself a pseudo-saturn cart(with the phisical ram selector on it) and you can play PAL, NTSC J a NTSC U on the same console.

If you want a ODE for eliminate the cd drive get yourself a FENRIR (if you are in europe).

>> No.7013584

rescued a jvc tm-1700 pn and its in working condition. do i mod it for scart/av or just stick with s video?

>> No.7013595

Opinions on the kv-27fs12? Might be picking one up. Will it look good with 2D shit?

>> No.7014583

1920x1440 @ 85 Hz
my other 2 monitors are 2560x1440 so it fits pretty well
run it at 1280x960 on my windows xp pc for playing diablo and shit

>> No.7014585
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watched a movie yesterday

>> No.7015157

I've got a PC monitor that has a green tint over the whole screen that slowly appears after its been on for 10 minutes or so. Most likely culprits?

>> No.7015217


>> No.7015373
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Who here /sunvisor/

>> No.7015836

i have one but i dont use it. it blocks my other monitor.