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6965740 No.6965740 [Reply] [Original]

It's hard to fathom why the Gamecube failed as well as it did because the Gamecube almost seemed like the perfect console, Nintendo really tried to make it essentially the perfect console that would recreate the days of the SNES.
>The Gamecube was a powerful system more powerful than the PS2
>Easy to develop for
>The Gamecube was affordable at the time for the amount of power you were getting (100$ less than the PS2 while having more capable hardware)
>Had great Nintendo 1st Party Games as always and a decent amount of multiplatform support
>Good controller (competitive Smash always use this one)
>Well-built system overall

One of the most common reasons that are argued why the Gamecube failed is that it used small DVDs which limited developers from porting games from Xbox & PS2, which was a similar situation we saw with the N64 with cartridges. However, people need to realize that most 6th Gen games were able to fit in a 1.5GB storage space, even bigger games like GTA 3 had the capability to fit on a Gamecube Disc. Only huge games that gen would've had a problem fitting in Gamecube discs, but even then we've seen systems difficult to develop for. Such as the PS2, PS3, and even something like the Switch get great 3rd Party Support despite limitations. And yes, the Gamecube missed out on some big hitters like GTA and some FPS type games. However, the Gamecube was getting the most major multiplats. COD,Mortal Kombat,Sport Games and ECT... I legitimately find it hard to believe so many people would ignore the Gamecube as much as they did just cause it was missing a few keystone titles, especially when the GC has a great 1st Party output. I think that the GC would have been a good complimentary system because of it.

To those who grew up through the 6th Gen and was aware enough to realize what was going on that gen. What did /vr/ see in the Gamecube that made it less attractive at the time? What did you see as the main reason why it failed from personal experience?

>> No.6965741

Did it? I had a lot of fun with mine. The N64 was more of a failure than the GC from my perspective.

>> No.6965757

You serious?
>The Gamecube was a powerful system more powerful than the PS2
Only marginally, even if, less content still means you couldn't put bigger games on it, (and don't give me that "ALL BECAUSE OF FMVS" even withouth you would still end up with more than half the amount of space of a DVD) this makes most 3rd parties just say goodbye to the damn thing.
>Had great Nintendo 1st Party Games as always and a decent amount of multiplatform support
only a handfull, multiplatorm games where better on the Xbox or PC with only a few games between the PS2 and GC where the GC version was better
> However, people need to realize that most 6th Gen games were able to fit in a 1.5GB storage space, even bigger games like GTA 3 had the capability to fit on a Gamecube Disc. Only huge games that gen would've had a problem fitting in Gamecube discs,
and YOU should understand that meant A LOT of games. It meant a significant less amount of RPGs action-adventure games, or games that use a lot of content (sandbox, open world). Nintendo should learned from the N64 that using less storage amount is only going to bite you back.
>Well-built system overall
How so? I now it's real sturdy but other than that I wouldn't say it's better or worse than others (except PS2 durablilty)

>> No.6965767

I was a Nintendo guy so I had a gcn regardless, but the Ps2 was riding off the success of the Ps1. Being a DvD player on top of that was icing on the cake. It's not hard to see why it outsold the competition. I'm honestly more surprised the Xbox managed to beat the gcn.
Maybe people were hoping for another Ps1 success story or people just really wanted to play Halo. Hell I even got one to play DoA3 and Panzer Dragoon.
For what it's worth it never really felt like it failed while owning it. A lot of 1st and 3rd party support. Even though it sold the least it was a good time to be a gcn owner, unlike the Wii U where you had almost zero 3rd party support so your only lifeline was Nintendo's 1st party.

>> No.6965768

>muh RPGs
It always comes down to this argument with you fanboys, even where the 6th generation is concerned. Name one game in those other genres you mentioned that wouldn’t have fit on a 1.5 GB disc.

>> No.6965770

I skipped it because it seemed like a gay baby console. None of my friends owned one either.

>> No.6965771


It didn't fail. Nintendo considers it a failure because it's their worse selling console.

I enjoyed it and the games very much.

>> No.6965773

the GC + a decent DVD player came out to around the same price as the PS2

>> No.6965774

22 million Gamecubes were sold.

For comparison, the Wii U only sold 13.5 million units.

Gamecube had a smaller user-base but had so many great exclusive (at the time) titles that it was far from a failure. Nintendo has retarded amounts of money in the bank and the Wii U is the only console I'd wager they might have lost money on. If Nintendo got money for it and fans got quality titles, where is the failure? Now the Wii U? Trash.

>> No.6965775

>Nintendo should learned from the N64 that using less storage amount is only going to bite you back.
I still not get why Nintendo was so stubborn and not realizing that their NES-style console manufacturing stopped working when the Playstation arrived. Ditching Square was a suicidal move on Nintendo's part, but somehow Nintendo will never change their ways when the Wii/Switch sells like cupcakes...

>> No.6965787

>Gamecube came out a year after the PS2
Following behind your more successful competitor is never a good thing. Imagine if Xbox Series X came out a year after the PS5.

>The Gamecube followed the N64.
I know /vr/ loved N64 but it was plagued with game draughts and ultimately fell short of the software line that people had come to expect from a Nintendo platform losing lots of 3rd party support to PlayStation.

>Gamecube did not have many must-have titles.
Gamecube software became increasingly more niche. Titles like Metroid and Pikmin have never sold huge amounts, its popular franchises saw incarnations which alienated or disappointed fans (Windwakers style & Mario Sunshine gameplay & level design). Nintendo unlike its competitors did not do so well to cater to the maturing tastes of the time.

>PS2 had all the important 3rd party exclusives early on.
It's not all about the failings of Nintendo, but more about what did PS2 has that it didn't? In this case, generation shaping titles like GTA3, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Kingdom Hearts, GT. Most of PS2's mega smashes were 3rd party, most arrived before the Gamecube even hit its 1 year anniversary and most of these relationships were established by Nintendo's failure to produce dev-friendly hardware or practices the prior generation. Porting games was also a far more expensive task back then.

>> No.6965813

If space wasn't an issue than why didn't everyone port more games to the GC?

>> No.6965814

He doesn't need to.
You are in fantasy world if you think 1.5GB were enough for major games in 2003+
Even PC games started to use DVD or comes on 3-6+ CDs.

>> No.6965817

After the Nintendo 64, this was yet another home console that desperately lacked genre variety and quality third party. There are a lot of good games on the GameCube, but just like the N64 was by the PS1, the PS2’s library far outclasses the Cube’s.

>> No.6965818

>Ditching Square was a suicidal move on Nintendo's part, but somehow Nintendo will never change their ways when the Wii/Switch sells like cupcakes...

This is a funny statement. Clearly they didn't and don't need Square.

>> No.6965819

>Following behind your more successful competitor is never a good thing. Imagine if Xbox Series X came out a year after the PS5.
We already had it.
Xbox 360 started a year prior and was leading for majority of its generation.
Xbox One did come out a year after PS4 in many countries and never catch up.

>> No.6965827

No DVD player
No online capabilities
Lack of decent 3rd party support

>> No.6965852

>>>6965740 (OP)
Did it? I had a lot of fun with mine. The N64 was more of a failure than the GC from my perspective.
I think you've got that backwards fren. N64 was wildly popular.

>> No.6965864

Same here. I was a teen, wanting to play Tekken, Medal of Honor and Twisted Metal.
I'm just now going back to play titles I missed out on.

>> No.6965865

wtf is that photo real

>> No.6965884

It's mostly on the Nintendo's business side. After getting their asses blasted by the PSX, they were still making too good business for themselves in spite of 3rd party developers.

Then yeah, they lost GTA and GTA:VC, which were being developed for GC. There's no info on how that went down, but it'd be no surprise Nintendo dropped that one off.

The only limitation after that would be disc space, which could have been worked around technically if the contractual stuff got some leverage for the developers

The PS2 DVD story is for the GC maybe a 15% at most, when talking about its failure

>> No.6965885

Yes, the gamecube was recovered from Hiroshima not long after the bomb dropped.

>> No.6965904

>The Gamecube was a powerful system more powerful than the PS2
>Easy to develop for
>The Gamecube was affordable at the time for the amount of power you were getting (100$ less than the PS2 while having more capable hardware)
>Well-built system overall
None of that mattered to the main console market back then. What mattered more was the PS2 coming out first, the Playstation brand which was still diamond strong back then, already having dozens of certified hits by the time Gamecube came out, and Gamecube not using DVDs. Nintendo also fucked up in Europe and Australia the same way they did with the N64, by missing the Xmas window and launching in spring.

>Had great Nintendo 1st Party Games as always and a decent amount of multiplatform support
Unlike every Nintendo console before and after, all the first party games besides Smash and Metroid were divisive in some way, and the amount of multiplatform support wasn't as numerous as on PS2
>Good controller (competitive Smash always use this one)
No it isn't, and while it's alright for the games designed for it like Smash, most of the third party games were built with a Dual Shock 2 in mind.

It is a good system, but it was an oddball at the time, and the Wii has replaced most of its functionality since.

>> No.6965939

The only dude in middle school I knew who actually had one was a bit of a weirdo loser, so there's that.

>> No.6965945

I'm always a little baffled as to why Nintendo fans think Nintendo can ever succeed without meaningful third party support. Every one of their consoles with poor sales has been considered a failure precisely because a lack of third party support contributed to a lack of sales, at best designating the console as a secondary choice for when players are looking for an occasional nintendo game. Their undeniable successes, the Wii, SNES, NES, Switch all got to where they were because of third party support. Third parties have made it clear as day Nintendo frequently ignores them and will often destroy relationships with them.

So instead of acknowledging the Nintendo fanboy position of "X console had all these features, why did it fail?" I'm gonna ask why do you think a Nintendo console can succeed when historically the successful ones have always had third party support?

>> No.6965946

There’s a reason it’s known by hardcore retro gamers as ‘the Dreamcast of the 6th generation’

>> No.6965949

>Xbox was an absolute newcomer
>Still has better third party support than the Gaycube

How was that even possible?

>> No.6965950

But the Dreamcast of the 6th generation is the Dreamcast.

>> No.6965954

By not being retarded like Nintendo,

>gee I'm sure 3rd party will be no problem with these small discs
and of course there shitty additutde during the NES policy and the GC being handled the same way as the N64 (except being easier to develop for.

>> No.6965958

Dreamcast is a cross-gen console that didn't really belong in a specific console generation. it's the same deal with the PC-engine, Wii, and Switch.

>> No.6965975

Is third party support all that substantial on Switch?

>> No.6965982


>> No.6965991

I wonder if Dreamcast hadn’t failed and GC beat PS2 to market if all 6th gen games wouldn’t have been designed with 1.5gb in mind.

>> No.6966020
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This and the video game industry would have been ruined by Nintendo dominated software and autistic customers.

Thank god for Sony and Microsoft for making video games an actual thing for normal people...

>> No.6966053

It came to the market a full-year after the PS2 did and then launched, in North America, in the Fall of 2001 when the PS2 Holiday lineup was Ace Combat 4, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy X, Gran Turismo 3, Grand Theft Auto III, Ico, Jak and Daxter, MGS2, and Silent Hill 2.

Kind of a stillbirth there, just impossible to avoid. The GameCube had some good games at launch, with Luigi's Mansion, Super Monkey Ball, and a Wave Race game but that wasn't going to be enough to slow, let alone stop, the momentum of the PS2.

>> No.6966067

That must have been more like a Holy Day lineup

>> No.6966079
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GCN is my favorite console but it's easy to see why it was a failure financially. First of all, 'failure' in this context doesn't mean losing money, it just means not making as much as you were before which leads to stock price going down. Also, it shouldn't really be compared to PS2 cause a SHITLOAD of PS2s were sold just because they were dvd players that were hundreds of dollars cheaper than most dvd players at the time. PS2 was a console that reached beyond the console market, an outlier success that was anomalous but made the gcn look worse by comparison.

But anyway as to why it didn't sell much: The zeitgeist of the early 2000s was very different than today. Today, you can like anime or kids games as a teen or even adult and nobody really gives a shit. Back then? It really was tantamount to social suicide, even as young as like 13. Well some kids could get away with liking naruto or dbz or mario kart or whatever, there would be tolerance for some of that if you weren't a sperg. But nowhere near as much leeway as today. I can't emphasize this enough, as this cultural element was by far the biggest factor at play.

My point is that when I was like 12 nearly everyone at my school thought the gamecube was "so fucking gay". At the time traditional machismo and aggression were very 'in'. This was also the time period where Halo let you color walls with alien blood, GTA was really becoming a big name and letting you do TONS of crazy shit like kill random people and fuck whores to recover health, and god of war showed TITS OH MY GOD! AND EVEN A FUCKING SEX MINIGAME! AND YOU CAN RIP HEADS OFF AND BLOOD AND GUTS AND DUUUUUDE!

This was all very new at the time, and got tons of exposure for being novel and pushing boundaries for what was okay. A sort of repeat of Mortal Kombat and that infamous arcade game with the boob controllers. And then you have the gcn with THIS ad showing their FLAGSHIP series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WPteMFkI2k

>> No.6966082
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(Part 2 of ?)

People have gotten over Wind Waker's look and it's pretty well liked now, but doing the toon link thing at THIS specific time ruined it for a lot of the West. I say this as someone who likes WW's look a lot. So Zelda was a series that HAD been cool but now wasnt.

Metroid was the only (remotely known) COOL franchise Nintendo still had but the kids werent familiar with it and it's slow methodical exploration wasn't as popular as the more action oriented stuff it was (not really) competing with. Nobody knew about stuff like Killer 7 or FZero GX back then. Resident Evil 4 finally got it some attention but it was kind of too late at that point. And it ended up ported to the others later anyway.

Nobody says this because it hits on what is probably a sore point for a lot of big nintendo fans, but a lot of nintendo's failures happen when their brand just looks really fucking lame. People don't want to buy or play something they're embarrassed to be seen using. Rule of cool is so fucking important for the Western market. This is the biggest reason the wii u failed too.

A LOT of this can be blamed on marketing. But if the games themselves LOOK really...I hate to use this word but 'cringe' is probably the best fit. If the games themselves have an image problem, marketing wont save them. For a more modern example, Wonderful 101 gets a shitload of praise but niche sales because most people think an action game about weird little peg people is just fucking lame. Mario Sunshine was pretty darn fun but it's a game about cleaning up pollution with a squirt gun, competing against GTA and Halo and GoW right as they all started getting crazy popular.

>> No.6966087
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Rule of Cool is LAW. This one thing really can be applied as the biggest factor in all of Nintendo's biggest successes and failures (except maybe the wii, but that aimed for a different kind of cool and was mostly a social platform the way something like Rockband was). You never hear about it cause a lot of nintendo gamers are oversensitive little bitches who deep down feel ashamed of playing baby games and will lash out at you if you point to this as the reason something they like didn't sell well. Nintendo fans get very hostile towards someone who doesn't like the aesthetics of a nintendo game, and will scream and cry about how ONLY gameplay matters. But the truth is, every part matters. Music, visuals, the fucking packaging, it's all part of the experience.

Anyway on top of ALL THIS the launch was pretty poor. There was Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion.

I liked both, but they weren't games that sold to the masses. Everything on gcn felt weird and experimental. This makes it wonderful for the kind of people who look into old game libraries to find something unique, but poor for selling to the mass market. It reminds me of the dreamcast library in that way.

GCN was already out late and it's well known that (for as much as I like these games) WW, melee, luigi's mansion, most of its early big titles were rush jobs. As kids this shit didn't matter to us and we weren't aware of it, but it signals that internally Nintendo was probably a mess at the time which just made the whole situation harder. I like kirby's air ride a lot but it's basically a tech demo. They had the hardware but weren't able to develop for it in a timely manner (this happens to them a lot).

>> No.6966090

I conveniently didn't mention that Baldur's Gate game that came out also, but yes, that list could easily fit into a 50 Best Games of All Time list. That particular lineup has gotten a lot of attention lately in the face of the pale, pale, pale launches of the PS5 and Xbox and some contrarians were even saying that "actually the LAUNCH games for the PS2 were fucking embarrassing", which is true! People did believe that at the time.

BUT, the PS2 launch games included Armored Core 2, DOA 2 Dynasty Warriors 2, Eternal Ring, Midnight Club, Ridge Racer V, Smuggler's Run, Street Fighter EX3, Tekken Tag Tournament, and TimeSplitters.

That formerly "bad" launch library would be so fucking god-tier today. really shows you how far we've fallen since the industry started bloating and consolidating to terminal effect in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

>> No.6966092
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(4/4, all done with my drunken rant, my autism satiated)

So you have all this AND very little third party support due to low initial sales (and maybe some weird hardware?).

Like I said, gcn is my favorite console. I think it has more of the Best Games Ever pedigree of games than most consoles do.

Super Smash Bros Melee. Metroid Prime. Killer 7. F Zero GX. Ikaruga. Resident Evil 4. Paper Mario TTYD. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (not fucking donkey konga thats a different game). Timesplitters 2. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

Some asshat will probably greentext that list and insult my taste but fuck em, these games kick fucking ass. They fucking rule. They're the fucking best. And other games like mario sunshine, pikmin 2, the first animal crossing, double dash, viewtiful joe, soul calibur 2, they weren't slouches either. Solid fucking games, honestly. Real solid. I could list more but it's 6:30 in the fucking morning and I'm drunk and tired and wrote a fucking essay already. Thanks for reading my blog everyone remember to vote five stars and subscribe.

>> No.6966101

That's a whole lot of bullshit.

>> No.6966107

There was a lot of hype and I expected it to do better since rouge squadron looks excellent.
From a 2002 perspective a lot gamers were edgelord 22 year olds who thought the ps2 looked like a super mature nakamichi high end device while the gamecube was eewww kids toy. See how things have changed where you see adults in public play the switch and from todays perspective the ps2 looks so cheap that belongs in some hovel littered with cigarette butts. Today people would happily display a gamecube in their living room even if ironically, at least you can say the gamecube doesn't look cheap.

I even talked to someone at the time about the power of the gamecube saying it was similar to the xbox and they were like no way really.

>> No.6966113

The PS2 is a black box. The GameCube is a purple cube....love the design of the GameCube, but it's not an adult device and doesn't look like one.

>> No.6966115
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So, you mean that the early 00s were literally a right-wing social utopia and autism/manchildren didn't exist at all?

Such a good time to be alive then, the 2010s were truly a lost decade of western civilization...

>> No.6966121

Now I feel glad for not having read that.

>> No.6966125

Wii U sold worse

In twrms of retro only yes its the worst selling sans virtual boy

>> No.6966128

I don't think it failed. I had one, plenty of people I knew had one and Nintendo, while they didn't become the best selling console company of the era, did make a profit with it.

>> No.6966162

This is my experience, people were not confident in themselves at the time so would get embaressed easily, now you can have hentai sex as a phone ring tone and no one flinches.

For me the gamecube did not fail for fun because of all the great memories of multiplayer smash and monkey ball.

People have all sorts of cartoon covers and stuff for their phone so it not like you would made fun of for it. Back in the day it was all emo grimdark, you had your woodgrain tv cabinet with black electronics and any colour would get you wierd looks.

Monkey ball find the target and pool, so damn fun in multiplayer. Gta 3 was a must have game, I used to watch videos of it and I was just amazed at how interactive it was. Being able to drive on an entire island was just amazing even though some games did it before.

At least they kept the games on the store shelves unlike the gamecube.

>> No.6966196

It may have failed to meet projections, but any console not sold at a loss could realistically be considered a failure by any means that matters to consumers.

>> No.6966212

It was up against the Endless Library that was the PS2 and the Xbox online gaming machine. "First Party Nintendo Titles" weren't really enough of a selling point for most people. That's the big reason Nintendo started going all-in with the gimmicks after that point, since being Nintendo just wasn't going to cut it anymore.

>> No.6966231

>But anyway as to why it didn't sell much: The zeitgeist of the early 2000s was very different than today. Today, you can like anime or kids games as a teen or even adult and nobody really gives a shit. Back then? It really was tantamount to social suicide, even as young as like 13. Well some kids could get away with liking naruto or dbz or mario kart or whatever, there would be tolerance for some of that if you weren't a sperg. But nowhere near as much leeway as today. I can't emphasize this enough, as this cultural element was by far the biggest factor at play.
This is an Anglo thing, people here didn't care

>> No.6966295

Anon, I grew up in Australia and I didn't even see my first Gamecube until well after the PS3/Wii were out. Everyone here had a PS2, and the 'weird kid' had the Xbox. Nobody owned one of these things. I still find it to be a really bizarre console because I technically went from SNES to Wii.

>> No.6966314

The console failed because it had a stub for a second analog stick, a tiny useless d-dpad and the system didn't play full DVD's, plus it was purple and had an handle.

>> No.6966358

A week and a month before Christmas, they released 1 day before the competing Xbox, and a bit over a year behind the PS2. That's a bad marketing position no matter what your system is, ignoring that PS2 and Xbox both played movies.

>> No.6966783
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Anything owned by autistic weirdos in the early 00s is doomed on the first sight.

>> No.6966808

N64 had way better games than the Lamecube. You just have shit taste.

>> No.6966836

Only sold because it was one of the better launch titles.

>> No.6966840

Well most people didn't want to bother with owning a second, third or fourth console. For Dreamcast owners, they either choose to own a PS2 or Xbox since the Dreamcast was out of the console race in 2001. Since both PS2 and Xbox offers DVD support, it was the logical choice. But I think most Dreamcast owners jump ship to the Xbox instead of the PS2. The ones who stayed loyal to Nintendo, bought a Gamecube. I don't know if any of them bought a PS2 or an Xbox in addition to owning a Gamecube.

I on the hand ended up owning all four 6th gen consoles because I can afford it. Bought the Dreamcast on launch date. I bought a PS2 the following year. I bought both the Gamecube and Xbox at the same time. I am pretty happy with my purchases.

>> No.6966846

Dreamcast owner here. I went to Gamecube after it died, because fuck Sony for killing the DC and Xbox had nogaems.

>> No.6966860

I had fun with it as a kid playing with friends but I have no real desire to revisit most of those games.

>> No.6966868
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>Xbox had nogaems
A reminder that Halo was THE Mario of the Xbox

>> No.6966871

Xbox had the best version of multiplat games and they also had exclusive games from Sega such as Shenmue 2 and Jet Set Radio Future.

>> No.6966876

As much as I like Halo, I always viewed Sam Fisher as the Super Mario of the Xbox since Splinter Cell was the first game I owned on an Xbox. I know it's a multiplat game, but Sam Fisher is a perfect mascot for Xbox.

>> No.6966887

Only retards play first person shooters on consoles.

Eventually I did get an Xbox (for OutRun 2 and Ninja Gaiden), but in 2001 Gamecube had the more appealing library, and in the end, GC's library kicked the shit out of the Xbox's.

>> No.6966910

For me as a kid it was because
>no Square Enix JRPGs (outside of Crystal Chronicles)
>no Capcom or SNK fighting games until CvS2

>> No.6966912

>Has no GAME

What was nintendo thinking

>> No.6966913

Man, I remember it EXACTLY like you said.
Nintendo only had games for kids and nothing for mature people like me @TM

Fuck those idiots who don't believe you.

>> No.6966924

yea now that you mention it a lot of the GCN is quite experimental. Animal crossing was weird and even the addons were experiments like what the link cable could do and such. Overall i can agree with a good amount of what you said altough I wonder how true it is for a home console. Like, most people woulnt see what you played with in your own home unlike a handheld console.

>> No.6966932

Needed more boner games. GTA, DOA, BMXXX, God of War, Soul Calibur III.

>> No.6967491

PS2 and PS2, also mini-dvd, also worst zelda, worst mario, worst smash, worst doney kong, no exicitebike, no donkey kong, no kirby, no starfox., also no piracy (normalfag piracy).

>> No.6967560
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The Gamecube was only carried by good first-party and second-party software. Everything else was done better by the competition, or irrelevant to consumers.
>third party support
PS2 was much better and Xbox still outshines the Gamecube in third party development, and you're spewing shit if you say that developing multiplatform for proprietary optical media is anything short of a nightmare.
>online support
Xbox had actual online support, and PS2 worked well with select games. Gamecube had, at beast, PSO2.
>DVD/CD support
Gamecube didn't have it, everyone else did.
>higher definition support
Gamecube was technically the best for it, but the TVs outputting 480p weren't consumer-level yet, and even if you had a solid 480p unit you had to buy compatible cords direct from manufacturer, which few people did.
The Gamecube did games and couch multiplayer well, and that gave it its edge in the market, but it was made for kids and hobbyists, not John Q. Normie. There's a reason the PS3 was marketed as a Blu-Ray player that could also play games, and it's the same reason it was holiday bundled with cheap Chinese HDTVs for a holiday sale.

>> No.6967832

>no starfox
there were 2, and they both sucked dick.

>> No.6967863
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It was an improvement over the n64 and the wii is what was redundant shit. wii8 was insult to injury. Past that no one cares as it's obvious that the impasse started at wii. Gen seven.

But please post more salty bullshit just because you can't handle change.

>> No.6967868

wiiu rather

obviously the 8 is near

anyway, op is the type of faggot that has the impasse gene that killes progress in general

>> No.6967874


>> No.6967882

>not enough on shelves :(
That's part of their marketing strategy. It forces price gouging when it works.

>> No.6967885

Is this a Stroggfied GC?

>> No.6967895

>>I have no retort and I must meme

>> No.6967910

>also on pc

>> No.6967989

Xbox had the better multiplat titles thanks to custom music, which both the Gamecube and PS2 lacks.

>> No.6968009

It wasn't a DVD player.

>> No.6968036

The nintendo first party games that gen mostly sucked though.
>mario with a water gun
>star fox, only gay
>cell shaded Zelda after showing off tech demos of realistic adult link
>Donkey Kong games controlled with drums
>more gay star fox

They had a few hits, but not enough. Also, third party publishers loved PC and PS2, but still seemed to feel squeamish after N64 was such a massive flop sales wise. So I believe a lot of smaller companies just didnt bother.

The Gamecube was great, but it was never going to succeed on the same level as PS2. It's fine anyway, since Wii spanked PS3 and 360 for a couple years anyway. And GC will always be home to the best version of RE4 as well.

>> No.6968053

>It was an improvement over the n64
Not really, the developers that made N64 great lost their touch on 6th gen, and the extra third party support wasn't very good outside of Capcom's and (maybe) Sega's.

>> No.6968074

- No DVD player
- Regularly missed out on multiplat games, including the biggest of the 6th gen- Grand Theft Auto.

Really the only reason to buy it was to play Nintendo games, which has been true since the N64.

>> No.6968079

Is this an alternate timeline where GameCube didn't miss dozens of multiplats?

>> No.6968115

Games were very experimental for people who just want to shoot things until they stop moving. Additionally, people don't respond immediately to unusual things unless there is exceptional marketing. Nintendo's marketing for GameCube in America was not consistent. Third party support did not help when they attacked the GC's image as "teh kiddie". And while Retro Studios is a solid company, they didn't make up for the loss of RareWare.

The games
>"Pikmin? what is a Pikmin? RTS? wtf!?"
>"Why is this Mario launch game with his brother exploring a mansion and sucking up ghosts?"
>"Mario has a watergun?wtf!?"
>Metroid is in first person? wtf?!"
>Zelda is cel-shaded? wtf?"
>Mario Kart has two people in a vehicle? wtf!?"
>"Donkey Kong game uses bongos to move DK?!"

The console itself
>"what is this? a cube?! wtf!?
>"indigo? no I am color blind it is a purple cube"
>"a handle? oh nononono"
>"the discs are small. oh nononono"

So generally what happened is that you'd have to convince people by having them play the system because a lot of the stuff was different. Now you see everyone is trying to buy these games for big money because they realize the library is gold.

Finally, some of the games were very refined and complex and challenging for mainstream consumption. Smash 64 is much easier to pick up and play well compared to SSBM. F-Zero GX is filters people. Super Monkey Ball is actually very tough in single player. Lot of of stuff like that.

>> No.6968120
File: 94 KB, 380x396, HueyDobbshead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>It's hard to fathom why the Gamecube failed as well as it did
stfu zoomer

>> No.6968241

>literally the graphics were not improved upon

I'm not about to go ranting beyond that. I like more n64 games than gamecube games but it was still an improvment regardless. Example, twilight and windwaker are better than majora's mask and the ocarina of time. They just are. That well shit is too cryptic, majoara's time limit, those two things make me like twilight and windwaker better if not for the fact that I can't emulate with dolphin on neet computers and neets are the types that'd be all to do with emulators and roms and other types of copyright iffy things, for obvious reasons. What poor person can emulate dolphin? Hardly anyone did, so people hate on the gamecube. Also the isos are so big.

Aside from zelda games, the n64 is missing a metroid prime. If it only had that I'd be laughing at the cube too, but those two games alone make it relevant really. They're just too pretty.

A jab at n64 is it only had like 500 games also.

>> No.6968729

You're a faggot, because its pretty much true.

The impression was that Gamecube was gay and for kiddies that doesn't have GTA or Halo and other cool games and you couldn't play online, the purple lunchbox look. Its why Nintendo in the 2004 and 2005 were trying to change their image with more risque ads and having Mario in EA sports games.

>> No.6968736 [DELETED] 


>> No.6968765

Those games are all rehashes save for pikmin and metroid and Donkey Konga was a short Jungle Beat spinoff they released near the end of the gen

>> No.6968820
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Less 3'rd party support than competition. And it didn't have the hype that the PS2 had.

That's it.

>> No.6968835

N64 had RARE games, so was better than GC.

>> No.6968990

>Gamecube was technically the best for it
Xbox was

>> No.6969024

I feel like the controller gimped its usefulness as a console for playing multiplatform games. Also the after market for Nintendo games is so expensive that you couldn't afford many games for it compared to PS2 or Xbox, unless you avoided first party games.

>> No.6969032
File: 347 KB, 705x500, a special feeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a nintendo fag I can tell you the only reason for X box's popularity is and continues to be its branding as a hypermasculine try hard console full of retards eager to stroke their dick over how manly their nerd hobby is. It's not an accident that xbox gave us achievements. As long as there are a generation after generation of try hards who want sports, guns, and race car games without any girly colors you will have a market for Xbox.

>> No.6969035

It didn't fail it was just overshadowed by the ps2. The Gamecube has an excellent library, and imo it was better than the wii and n64

>> No.6969038

>talks a lot of sense
>instantly goes on a rant about how nintendo fans are niggers who screetch over saying their shit is gay
man wut, didn't you just spend like 2 tl;drs pontificating how anal and retarded machismoniggers are? and this is somehow our responsability? oh man, I'm so sorry I didn't kiss more tryhard asshole growing up. I really regret it familia.

>> No.6969267

>It's still Microsoft

>> No.6969270

Or maby because you could get the most out of console games with them?

>> No.6969408

Define failure

>> No.6969410

>instantly goes on a rant about how nintendo fans are niggers who screetch over saying their shit is gay
And he wasnt wrong

>> No.6969413

Sold less than the top selling console of the generation, if tradition is anything to go by

>> No.6969428

That is the metric that always seemed to be used.

Which is pretty silly when you think of all the companies that went bankrupt on their first console.

>> No.6969541

You don't know what 'rehash' means, nor would you understand the opposite dismissive word that was constantly thrown around at the time known as 'gimmick'.

>> No.6969582

100% truth

having a GayLube was suffering until REmake and Aresident evil came out

>> No.6969606

I wouldn't call it a failure at all, it just looks that way compared to the monolithic success that was the PS2. Its sales were pretty even with the XBox, and 22 million units sold is pretty solid given the time period.

As far as quality goes, I think the Gamecube was very strong. It just looks worse than it is because, in my opinion, the Mario and Zelda titles weren't as good as their N64 counterparts (still fantastic tho). But outside of those series, you had stuff like Metroid Prime, Air Ride, Melee, Pokemon Colosseum...Overall I'd say the Gamecube compares favorably with the N64, the Wii, and the Wii U in terms of lineup.

>> No.6969660

The thing about PS2 magical sales figures is a lot of them were returned. I went through 4 and only paid for 1.

>> No.6969674
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Haven't scrolled yet but I'm sure there's a lot of muh PS2

>> No.6969836

When you look at all consoles and their sales, I'd say generally selling less than 30 million units

>> No.6969864

I mean, given the sheer volume of PS2s sold, fully half of them could've been returned and they still would have dominated the competition without breaking a sweat. And that'd be a pretty extreme case.

>> No.6969915

>The Gamecube was a powerful system more powerful than the PS2
And still outclassed by the Xbox.
>Easy to develop for
1.5gb optical discs say otherwise
>affordable at the time for the amount of power you were getting (100$ less than the PS2 while having more capable hardware)
PS2 already got slashed in price when the Cube came out, plus those PS2 2001 holiday games were more tantalizing than whatever the Cube's launch titles were.
>and a decent amount of multiplatform support
Absolutely fucking wrong. Many third parties by 2004 started publicly stating they were dropping the Cube either due to its low sales or the limitations it had.
>Good controller
That shitty dpad, cheap Z-button, and uncomfortable C nub say otherwise.
Gamecube really was Nintendo making the same mistakes with N64 over again. Limited storage media that bottlenecks whatever the hardware was capable of, retard controllers that only work with games exclusively built around it, and a lack of third parties either enticed by the sales they'd get with PS2 or the horsepower of Xbox that they wouldn't have on Gamecube.
>However, people need to realize that most 6th Gen games were able to fit in a 1.5GB storage space, even bigger games like GTA 3 had the capability to fit on a Gamecube Disc.
Bullshit. Even then try fitting something like a late generation game like San Andreas on a GC disc. You couldn't.
>However, the Gamecube was getting the most major multiplats. COD,Mortal Kombat,Sport Games and ECT
All of which were better on Xbox, or at least played better on PS2 since most third parties had to reconfigure the control mappings for the GC controller when they were fine for the Dualshock or Controller S/Duke.
>What did you see as the main reason why it failed from personal experience?
All of the above
Lowest selling console of the 6th gen worldwide.

>> No.6970001

>Lowest selling console of the 6th gen worldwide.
What is the Dreamcast?

>> No.6970326

The ps2

>> No.6970576

I live in the UK and back in the day (2002-2003 ish) people at school didn't even know what I was talking about when I said that I had a GameCube

>> No.6970613

Gamecube didn't really fail it just didn't light up the sales charts due to the following:

>No GTA ports, which in turn perpetuated the narrative that Nintendo was for kids despite Nintendo's best efforts to appeal to older players and edgelords
>no online support because Satoru Iwata and Reggie were all like "HURR BUT THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!"
>no DVD playback support (Panasonic Q doesn't count)
>no edgy FPS's like what PS2 and Xbox had
>Wind Waker's graphical style also didn't help Nintendo's "kiddie" image, even though it was a great game (if a game like Twilight Princess were released in its place, it likely would have been the Gamecube's buggest killer-app besides Melee and Metroid Prime)
>Nintendo selling Rare in the middle of the Gamecube generation which made some would-be Gamecube owners bet on the Xbox instead

>> No.6970696

i'll stick with first post

>> No.6970721


>This is the biggest reason the wii u failed too

I think the Wii U's failure was mostly shitty marketing and not very many notable games.

>> No.6971007

I actually think this is the most accurate statement concerning the mindset of the time. I personally loved the cube but tons of people perceived it as a kiddy console for faggots.

>> No.6971008

Your forgetting how fucking terrible the ps2s image quality is compared to gamecubes or literally any console post nes. as well as having more then half of its library in progressive scan.

>> No.6971280

If you think people, even nintendo fags like me, buy things for logical reasons you're a fucking moron. Xbox markets itself on a particular kind of audiance, one that wanted to continue to play video games without the stigma attached to enjoying childhood material. That is and has been its demographic each generation with its marketing. That's why every game it features has a severe lack of any fantastical japanese content or cartoony disneyesque westaboo influence. It is the adult netflix of consoles. A console for normies or people who want to larp as them.
Anime website nigger.

>> No.6971303


>> No.6971308
File: 378 KB, 600x863, gc-freeloader-ntsc-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a Gamecube thread I'll ask here instead of making a thread. Can pic related be used instead of a Action Replay to get homebrew going?

>> No.6971526

You skipped the wrong Nintendo console. The N64, Wii or Wii U were skippable.

>> No.6971573

Coming back to it today through emulation, I'm really enjoying the GC. Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect are fantastic.
I ended up skipping the GBA for the same reason. I loved FFT, and FFT:A almost singlehandedly sold me on the GBA. I remember 15 year old me standing there in EB Games, ready to spend my savings and pick up both FFT:A and a GBA, and as I'm looking at the back of the box, I notice how childish the game looks compared to the original, and I get this sick, guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach that I'm too old to buy games like that, so I put it back and left. Looking back on that experience, still feels bad man.

>> No.6971587

>no dvd
>shit controller
>some good games but 2001 releases alone were enough to convince anyone that PS2 was the right choice
>sour taste in peoples mouth after the horrible trash that was the n64
>no square games other than some shitty throaway FF spinoff

>> No.6971618

The meme at the time was the GameCube being a purple lunchbox. It looked like a toy to Ps2 and Xbox

>> No.6972258
File: 36 KB, 480x285, 1462915360_1462914958369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost the same, there are a few games where the screen looks weird (FF12 for instance). Also, they both have an equal amount of 480p games

Just because something is marketed to something doesn't mean it will be it's audiance

>> No.6972298

It's honestly unbelievable that you cant tell by try hard and hypermasculine that I'm not refering to people who are actually men.

also pokemon is definately mostly consumed by children or they wouldnt be able to get away with anti consumer shit constantly

>> No.6972310

I can count the good n64 games with one hand.

>> No.6972315

Change the pokemon actual audience to the image of the antifa mug shots.

>> No.6972823

No, dumbass. Reality television (read: hordes of stupid people competing for attention on every network almost all the time) PEAKED, Hollywood entered the reboot, rehash, remake era, social media began ruining millennials while fox and CNN began to melt the older generations, and that's just to name a few problems with how culture was shifting.

>> No.6972840 [DELETED] 

>Gamecube didn't really fail it just didn't light up the sales charts
In other words, it failed.

>> No.6972873

The one it came and go with?

>> No.6972902

>skipping N64

>> No.6973124

The N64 only had a few good games. But it also has bad video output.

>> No.6973219

There are even less good Gamecube exclusives. Kek.

>> No.6973368

Why would you bother trying to get homebrew working on a GC? Wii + Nintendont has almost perfect compatibility, gives component quality for 10 bucks instead of 300, and lets you boot everything from a USB HDD or flash drive.

The only reason you'd want homebrew on a GC is for gameboy player.

>> No.6973449

a lot of truth in these posts, i didnt get a GC until it was like 40 bucks my junior year of high school, it was like 2005 (a 360 was 300 bucks, could never afford that, but i played all my ps2 games at that point), it had fun games, and i played some of the multiplayer games with my sister, but i never EVER talked about that shit with my friends. even after we all started cooling off hormonally. why?

because the gamecube was fucking gay. the gamecube was for faggots.

im not using that language arbitrarily. we all had ps2s, one of us had an xbox. ps2 was cool, xbox was badass. gamecube was gay.

2001 all the kids who played genesis/nintendo back in the day were young teens. and young teens must be seen as hyper masculine and aggressive as possible. these 3ds in public basedboys would never have fucking flown back then, even if i knew for a fact most of us had a gba at home.

this was a time when they made BMX XXX, they made State of emergency, they made god knows how many atv/backyard fights/wrestling/etc games and we played them. they were making games for men now, and WE ARE men now.

where did the gamecube fit into all that? nowhere. it was weird looking, a lunchbox with a handle. it was purple, gay. it has candy colored rainbow buttons, gay. it was known almost entirely for pokemon and mario, gay. a zelda with realistic next gen graphics may have given it a leg in the race, but instead they managed to make zelda EVEN GAYER. there are obvious more objective reasons the gamecube was outsold by the ps2/xbox (xbox live, dvd support+ps1 support) but the reason why the gamecube made an underwhelming sales number despite its library being far bigger and far better than the n64 was because it was too gay for 2002. other companies noticed this. sonic the hedgehog, jak and daxter, ratchet and clank, theyre all mascot platformers who took measures to appear less gay. those games didnt even sell badly either. sad story, but true.

>> No.6973563

the cube wasnt gay it had the best version of soul calibur and the best resident evil titles you guys need to chill none of my friends gave a fuck that it was purple with a handle

>> No.6973564

I know you never mentally matured past the age of 12, but F-Zero alone obliterates your post.

>> No.6973582

>thinks im shitting on the gamecube and not our teenage selves

youll learn to read one day

back then saying one game should change someones mind like that is foolish, thats not how people worked. and if its did f zero was weird and wacky with cringe cutscenes, that wouldnt change shit. metroid prime at the very least shouldve been what you make an argument for

>> No.6973876
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It's depressing how true all of this is. I had a Gamecube, but I never told anybody about it and there was never anyone to talk about that console with. It was once again, kiddie faggot shit.

Personally, Gamecube has some games that I still don't think have been beaten yet with how important and influential they were on me, like Metroid Prime 1/2.

You can really tell how old people are on this board/thread when all they bring up is numbers from Wikipedia or "but this game has x so your point is invalid".

>> No.6973983


I know many people will disagree with you and these 4 posts you've quoted but that's 100% true. Gamecube being gay was the reason I didn't buy it and later some of my friends admitted it was the same for them - they kinda wanted it, but disliked how childish and gay it (and games for it) looked.

Also Nintendo should learn that if you want to make a console you make it so that not only kids want it - their parents should also want it (ps2 nailed it with dvd player functionality) and also young adults (xbox and ps2 had games that appealed to them, gamecube had almost none).

>> No.6975759

>"indigo? no I am color blind it is a purple cube"
Why was the Gamecube color called indigo in the west? I thought indigo was more blue? Is this why the sky in super mario was purple too, because Japanese see it as blue?

>> No.6975778

It’s weird cause they keep relearning and forgetting this lesson. Switch sold a ton at launch partially due to marketing, they aimed at showing roofparties and such and tried to make switch look cool. Stats show most people who play switch are in their 20s and 30s but they keep making games that seem *exclusively* for kids. I get why they’re trying to hold onto the kid market, but make games that appeal to different groups.

They seem like theyre relying on 3rd parties to fill that role but any 3rd party game on switch I can get on pc for a tenth the price (or free). Though I guess that gets into switch being a port machine which is a separate problem.

>> No.6977004


I really wanted analog shoulder buttons to become a standard after this console. Still do.

>> No.6977124

Nintendo had alienated most third parties by that point

>> No.6977171
File: 109 KB, 640x371, 66831-Star_Wars_-_Rogue_Squadron_II_-_Rogue_Leader_(Europe)-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An irony of its design is that it was supposed to be easy to design games for, but it didn't have enough memory or CPU power to play later multiplats according to a developer at Criterion. Until I read this, I always thought that it was more powerful than the PS2 because of games like pic related.

>> No.6977209

I wonder why they made them digital for the Switch. The Playstation controllers still have analog triggers.

>> No.6977680

Based. Fuck Nintendo and faggots crying about Sony “ruining the industry”

>> No.6977707
File: 57 KB, 512x384, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very correct post. The Gamecube was perceived as a kiddie console. Pic related became a meme for a reason - people who are now in their late 20s/30s (the gamecube's primary market) really did think like that for a time.

>> No.6977709
File: 105 KB, 686x911, E8444BF4-D53F-4F1E-9959-A13191EFC10F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My point is that when I was like 12 nearly everyone at my school thought the gamecube was "so fucking gay". At the time traditional machismo and aggression were very 'in'. This was also the time period where Halo let you color walls with alien blood, GTA was really becoming a big name and letting you do TONS of crazy shit like kill random people and fuck whores to recover health, and god of war showed TITS OH MY GOD! AND EVEN A FUCKING SEX MINIGAME! AND YOU CAN RIP HEADS OFF AND BLOOD AND GUTS AND DUUUUUDE!

>> No.6977723

Gamecube is a very powerful polygon/texturing/lighting machine. God help you if you're dealing with its autistic memory configuration which is retard slow or want to do anything but 90s tier 3D but with high polygon count. PS2 was a very forward thinking design that addressed PS1 shortcomings devs had concerns with, Xbox was an early 2000's 3D machine.

>> No.6977746

You say that but then Killer 7, Viewtiful Joe and RE4 ports on ps2 ran at half the framerate with half the shader effects deactivated.

>> No.6977804

>GC's library kicked the shit out of the Xbox's.

Lol no

>> No.6977843

The difference is Gamecube games could run on the PS2.

>> No.6978036

There are plenty of Gamecube games that never got released on other platforms though.

>> No.6978303
File: 205 KB, 600x451, consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there were many factors:
>sony beat them to the market by a year
>every game on the system was gimped by the proprietary minidiscs that stored less data than DVDs
>nintendo took forever to distribute dev kits
>nintendo antagonized major third parties like rockstar in the media
the biggest reason for its failure, though, was being the follow-up to the n64. ultimately, the n64 was such a disaster, it ruined nintendo's brand to a level that they still haven't fully recovered from. their next console was going to be fucked no matter what.

>> No.6978308
File: 69 KB, 725x468, cartridgecosts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still not get why Nintendo was so stubborn and not realizing that their NES-style console manufacturing stopped working when the Playstation arrived.
it was pure, shortsighted greed on nintendo's part. they didn't want to give up all the control they had over manufacturing or the bloated royalty fees they could charge.

>> No.6978680

Looks like Nintendo’s gotten the last laugh

>> No.6978705

Yeah people will still definitely bat an eyelid in countries that aren’t the United States to Nintendo things, anime etc

Over here the only Nintendo fans are total retards, and I have to agree with the long post written because Nintentards are genuinely horribly insecure and unstable people who are probably pedophilic usually too

>> No.6978936
File: 862 KB, 320x240, 1593315822157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much the long and short of it from someone that was in junior/high school when it was new. Chad Warden is basically the embodiment of this general attitude common to significant numbers of people at the time. He's largely funny because he was only somewhat exaggerated in what he said, talking about the Wii and PS3 assuming that the known dynamic from before would continue, which to be fair it mostly did. I didn't try to get a GC since games like Pikmin and Sunshine didn't appeal to me much and it just sort of fell by the wayside, I didn't have much of a budget at that age and a lot of other sections of the industry were firing on all cylinders anyway. Most of what was worthwhile on the console wasn't really widely discovered until well after it's release window, RE4 probably being the most prominent example. Melee eventually got big with my friends but it wasn't really until the group slowly happened to accumulate enough controllers for everyone to play two or three years after release, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was a common story in a lot of other places. Nintendo largely stuck with their kid appeal model from the last decade when it was still the most you could get away with on the technology for the most part, but the big difference was that isolated bubbles of Mortal Kombat level violence became far more widespread/technically viable and still appealed to kids enough to be competition. That was still probably the correct decision for them ultimately since they very likely would have been run over by the PS2 anyway even if they tried to be edgy, and they held onto their market niche after outside developers got used to not really needing to work with them in the N64 era. Honestly wish things had gone better for them since it was their last console that was what it was with no integrated gimmicks, but it wasn't in the cards the way everything was moving.

>> No.6980658

>It's not enough that we should win, Nintendo must lose.

>> No.6981009
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>Dreamcast owner here
>Xbox had nogaems.
Why does the xbox rustle dc fanboys?

>> No.6981024

Why does this retarded bullshit keep getting parroted here? You're literally only talking about Burnout 3, and Burnout 1 and 2 worked on GCN just fine. All you'd have to do is simplify the physics to get it to run on GCN, if the physics are so over the top. And they're not, anyway, all Burnout 3 did was add shitloads of bloom and awful looking explosions, you couldn't even see the car deformation they were so proud of.

EA was pretty vocal about dropping GCN at the time Burnout 3 was being developed, including planning to drop Madden from the system for a while. That's the only real reason Burnout 3 didn't go to GCN.

PS2 games can run on GCN just fine. With far fewer compromises than what had to happen vice versa.

>> No.6981035

>PS2 games can run on GCN just fine
Just nothing with heavy transparencies, physics or shader effects.

>> No.6981045

Because it stole Sega's place in the console market, like how Sony did to Nintendo.

>> No.6981065

Wow this thread is retarded.

The GCN got third in sixth gen because few people bought multiplats for it. That's it. A large number of owners of the system were kids who weren't going to buy stuff besides Nintendo games (sorta like how youtube today is filled with let's plays of Nintendo games, because that's the most viewed video game related thing for children). This meant you were making generic shootan #458 then your target audience just wasn't there.

No, the discs are not why anybody wouldn't release most games on GCN. There were virtually no freeroaming games and those are the only ones that NEEDED that much space AND couldn't be split into multiple discs. There were a handful of freeroaming games on the GCN and they have audio compromises to compress them and make the game fit. More than 99% of games worked on GCN discs just fine, especially if they aren't overloaded with prerendered video or voice acting.

GCN might have done better if the N64 hadn't been a giant letdown. It was a lot cheaper to make a GCN game than a PS2 game, but the PS2 hype (not it's earlier release, it's hype. Release date means little) meant there was a large crowd of people who weren't keyed to buying Nintendo published games. PS2 had a general audience, even the xbox didn't really have this. If you spent the extra millions to make a PS2 game, and it was good, people would actually buy it. That's why the GCN "failed".

>> No.6981076

Only one of those that's really true is transparencies. Only PS2 games that had good physics or shader-like effects were made by Santa Monica or Team Ico. We're really talking about multiplats. If we were to be talking about very intently made exclusives, then it's just as easy to say that Mario Sunshine would never run on the PS2.

>> No.6981903

No games except for retarded shit for babies

>> No.6982436

The fuck am I reading

>> No.6983273

It doesn't have any games

>> No.6983448

>Third party support
Shovelware companies don't really count, though.

>> No.6983451

You'd be surprised how many normies actually buy a Switch to play stuff like Doom or Witcher on the go, in spite of the fidelity sacrifice.

>> No.6983483

Right wing actually REALLY wanted to kill videogames. Did you all forgot about Jack Thompsons moral crusade?

>> No.6983696

I also forgot to mention:

>bad marketing and late launch (2002) in Europe, bongs were already settling-in with the PS2 and Xbox at that point

>> No.6983980

>Had great Nintendo 1st Party Games as always and a decent amount of multiplatform support
There were no games on the gamecube that I wanted. That is why it failed.

>> No.6984009

>Smash Melee
>Literally NOTHING else

>> No.6984079

Didn't Xbox came at the same time? Pretty sure it was 2002 too

>> No.6984205

But it's true. GCN and PS2 lacked programmable shaders which the Xbox got for free from its Nvidia heritage of the 3 series but GCN had a lot less flexibility there compared to the PS2 with shader tech because they ran out of time on the design of the chip but given the delays it eventually had anyways, it would've been nice for it to adopt AMD's programmable shaders that were in the works.
And physics is a given, the vector processing capabilities of the PS2 with VU0 and 1 far outpaced what the Gekko could do, and mostly because Nintendo didn't pay for AltiVec on PowerPC and gave it weak FP performance and GPGPU wasn't a thing, the GCN's weakest point was undoubtedly this one point. Yes, most games with physics were PS2 exclusives but it was another knock against its hardware design.

>> No.6984868

>>shit controller

>> No.6985926

Wise fwom da gwave

>> No.6986076

turns out that when you spend 15 years leveraging your status as a de facto monopoly to treat third parties like shit simply because you can, they won't have any sympathy for you once you start losing.

>> No.6986159

It was a shit console. Simple as.

>> No.6986171

because it looks shite

>> No.6988001


>> No.6988017

>a decent amount of multiplatform support
I'd say like over half the good games that gen were PS2 and/or PC exclusive. GCN just couldn't compete. It had some nice 1st party stuff but the 3rd party stuff just didn't stand out besides RE

>> No.6988071
File: 1.34 MB, 2352x1218, death of hobbies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank god for Sony and Microsoft for making video games an actual thing for normal people...
And thank god for normal people ruining videogames for everybody. BASED $ony and M$! Let's make gaming an online social experience for people who used to call ACTUAL gamers "loser nerds" and "druggie arcade addicts".
I remember when Sega tried to do that with their gluttony of sports games on the Genesis.

>> No.6988746

EA made those games

>> No.6989325

What monopoly did they have past the NES?

>> No.6990182

Nintendo was anti-competitive and controlling as fuck during the SNES era, too. That's why MK has ridiculous sweat effects instead of proper blood effects. This didn't stop until around 97, so actually 14 years instead of 15.

>> No.6990192

Are you from some alternate universe where the Gamecube flopped? During the 6th gen almost everyone had one alongside their PS2, in America at least.

>> No.6990204

PS2 literally sold 7 times as much as GCN. GCN was not unprofitable but claiming it didn't flop is like claiming the Saturn did well despite only making a profit in one country.

>> No.6990246

Dreamflop is 5.5 gen.

>> No.6990251

Halo gives me Japanese vibes. At least when it comes to the amount of soul.

>> No.6990275

It didn't "flop". It wasn't stellar either. Middle of the road. And you can easily say that, due to Melee, the legacy of the system is far greater than any other 6th generation system.
In fact, the Gamecube controller is still supported by modern Nintendo systems because of that legacy.

>> No.6990281

>3 games developed and optimized exclusively for GC don't perform as well on different hardware
*surprised pikachu face*
Also citation sorely needed for Viewtiful Joe, it's almost the exact same on both platforms only the PS2 version has Dante making it objectively better. That and all the extra content in PS2 RE4 is pretty amazing considering Mikami's hateboner for the system.

>> No.6990362

Viewtiful Joe had slowdown on later levels in the ps2 version and no progressive scan.

>> No.6990545

>Viewtiful Joe had slowdown

confirmed never played it.

thats a feature

>> No.6990561

Yeah but it had choppy slowdown in the ps2 version which it didn't have on gcn.

>> No.6990647

>higher definition support
>Gamecube was technically the best for it
Like 95% of Xbox games support 480p while Gamecube it was more scattered
>also came out 2 years after the Xbox and was still a shitty port fans had to fix
>A jab at n64 is it only had like 500 games also.
Try 300
Nigger, the cube flopped. It was last place after worldwide sales were taken into account, Nintendo had to make promises to investors that it could sell 50 million units by the end of its life (it didn't), and by 2004 Nintendo were having to parrot the DS as their "rise to heaven or sink to hell" strategy because of how deep in the red they were. The system lost them money, they were losing 3rd part support, and they were in last place. That's a flop.
>the Gamecube controller is still supported by modern Nintendo systems because of
Smashfags. That's precisely the reason. Don't be so dense.
>*surprised pikachu face*
You can post images here faggot, this isn't reddit.

>> No.6990813

Nintendo has never been in last place, but that's because of their handheld dominance.
No other console manufacturer takes the risks that Nintendo does and did because they can't afford to. Sony fucked the PS3 launch and had the PSN controversy and it nearly killed the entire company, which has been owned by westerners/(((banks))) since. The ONLY reason Sony still makes consoles is because their direct rival also shit the bed with their RRoD problem and support behind HDDVD early on.
Nintendo survived the Virtual Boy, lackluster N64 support(taking a huge risk with cartridges), and the WiiU debacle. Sega couldn't handle this kind of abuse and they left. Sony couldn't handle it once and got bought out.

>> No.6990838

For all the lack of heavy hitter 3rd party support, the Gamecube would often have ports of sports games (I know this doesn't matter to anyone who still cares about a Gamecube in 2020 but they were and still are a significant chunk of game business), and all sorts of multiplatform games made it over. We would just lose out on the occasional exclusive like GTA or something, a big hitter. It's a shame because if you wanted to play Need For Speed Underground or Tony Hawk the Gamecube was often the superior version.

>> No.6990926

>Nintendo has never been in last place.
>Gamecube was last place.
>Wii U was last place.
When will Nincels learn?

>> No.6990943

th-those don't count

>> No.6990970

If those didn't count, than my name is Justin Timberlake and I got the world's smallest penis and I am secretly gay. lol

>> No.6990993

The consoles themselves might have sold less but Nintendo has never been in last place.
And the GC was not a flop. Nintendo made cash money from the system. Profit. A flop is when something loses money.
The arguments ITT against the GC amount to
>it didn't sell as much as the PS2
Yeah. No shit.

OP is a fucking idiot for trying to make that case.

>> No.6990995

>You can post images here
What if I don't want to, niggerbrain?
*anime girl dabbing*

>> No.6991208

As I understand it, it generated a tidy profit for Nintendo. This idea that if you're not the market dominator you completely failed always sounded stupid to me. Hell, the xbox sold a comparable amount of units, but it allowed microsoft to put their foor in the door.

>> No.6991231

>Nintendo has never been in last place,
>what are Gamecube and Wii U
And the reason why Nintendo survived those was because they were smart and knew when to tighten their belts. Sega weren't and ledt hardware, and Sony didn't get bought out, they shifted management to other divisions while killing off other ones.
>The consoles themselves might have sold less but Nintendo has never been in last place.
Nintenigger, listen.

When you're selling behind both of your entire competitors like the GC, you're in last place. When you're making outrageous claims to investors you can sell 50 million units in two years like with GC and you can't make HALF that, your system is a flop. When you discontinue support for your system a year after your new one is wild success (the Wii), your previous system is a flop that isn't making money. When the FUCKING CEO IS HALVING HIS SALARY just keep revenues from falling into shit like the Wii U, your system is a goddamn flop. You can shift goalposts all you want, but Nintendo has had fuck ups like everyone, they're just smart about maneuvering on what needs to be pushed and qhat needs to cut out in order to save money, and they usually have a backup plan to keep them afloat. When the N64 was losing them money, they had pokemon. When the Gamecube lost them money, they had the GBA. When the wii u was crashing and burning, well they didn't have much aside from maybe the 3DS, and that wasn't enough hence it getting killed in just 4 years. That's how they're still around.
>Nintendo made cash money from the system
The PS1 and 2 made cash money for Sony. The NES was a cash money success. The fucking Gameboy made Nintendo cash money. A system that sells in last place and is discontinued a year after its successor is not making someone like Nintendo cash fucking money.

Your arguments boil down to
>This product didn't force Nintendo to go out of business so it was a success
Which is fucking retarded.

>> No.6991238

>it generated a tidy profit for Nintendo.
It didn't
>Hell, the xbox sold a comparable amount of units, but it allowed microsoft to put their foor in the door.
And still lost them fuck loads of money hence why they fast tracked production on the 360 and practically left the Xbox for dead by 2006.

>> No.6991259

>It didn't
It did, Nintendo has never sold a console at a loss.

>> No.6991260

Nintendo factually earned PROFIT(cash money) from the Gamecube. It was a simplistic, cheap but sturdy design that had more power than the PS2.
It sold tons of games for Nintendo and tons of licenses to Capcom and other 3rd-Ps.
Calling it a failure is bullshit. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it a failure or a flop.
There's THREE threads made by someone about how shitty the GC is on the board right now. Someone's clearly butthurt. Is it you?

>> No.6991294

It didn't have a DVD player for buying videos and that was super important in 2001. It had no online. Nintendo has always gimped their systems.

>> No.6991460

>This product didn't force Nintendo to go out of business so it was a success
Of course it didn't. They earned a profit from it. THAT'S THE POINT.
You can't go out of business by making more money than you spend unless you want to.
Sony spent WAY more money than they made, especially after the PSN crash, and had to beg foreign banks to stay in business. Why else do you think Sony is WOKE now? Nintendo isn't WOKE. They just filed a lawsuit against some cunt for using pokemon imagery to make porn of itself(can't tell what sex that ugly thing is, honestly) for a profit.
They have full control over their company and IP. They make the rules. Even with the recent data breach and leaks, they're still almighty in gaming, ready to print money with a simple anniversary for their mascot.

What other gaming company can print money for itself with a 35th anniversary?
The GC succeeded. It made money for the company. It has many quality games. Denying this because you hate Nintendo is retarded. They don't have to "be the best". They just have to succeed. They did and that's why there are multiple threads here talking about just ONE of their consoles.

>> No.6991592


I wish we could gatekeep games

Games have gone largely shit since the ps3 and x360 generation thanks to normies.

Nothing will beat games up to the PS2 era.

>> No.6991637

For me the biggest problem with Gamecube was the lack of variety. For example if you like fighting games the console is a piece of crap, sure Soul Calibur 2 was good but that's it, even CVS2 sucks ass on GC (was banned for tournaments because it lacked roll cancel), or if you like things like rhythm games.

F-Zero GX is pure kino though.

>> No.6992648

I want to be able to ban a game from sale. Can the ESRB do this by stretching their criteria

>> No.6992775

Nintendo has been last place TWICE(Gamecube and Wii U) and I say this as an honest Nintendo fan.

>> No.6992959

GC did fine for its generation. PS2 had inflated numbers because of the dvd drive and honestly the original xbox was a fucking monster when compared to the competition. Seriously, go look at the specs on that fucking thing.
Its a shame because the gamecube was the last Nintendo console that actually tried to be competitive hardware wise (especially when you consider it was $100 cheaper than its competitors).

>> No.6993235


>> No.6993245

lol it was a slow mo joke dummy