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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 118 KB, 484x167, lore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6965031 No.6965031 [Reply] [Original]

Quake could be a more lore-heavy game. You have the whole humans vs aliens conflict like Halo, with the Lovecraftian setting that is mostly unexplored, then the crossover potential of an id shared universe with Doom, Wolfenstein and Commander Keen, exploring the post-apocalyptic Earth hinted at in Doom II, while unifying the Quake setting into a more cohesive narrative. As the team explores the connection between Hell on Earth, Nazi Germany and the realms of unspeakable cosmic horror, arena players get more multiplayer maps unlocked, before crossing over with Unreal, Unreal Championship and Unreal Tournament. The believability of the setting depends on how well they can pull off a dark and gritty Commander Keen while still maintaining the cartoony continuity of the sidescrollers.

>> No.6965040

story in a game is like story in porn, etc

>> No.6965065

Makes it better once you've grown bored of the same old shit?

>> No.6965156

games don't need lore

castlevania had no lore, it was just a a bunch of campy B horror film monsters thrown into a castle because they needed something to kill

good games are carried by gameplay and nothing else

>> No.6965168

Depending if the game in question is boring which Quake isn't.

>> No.6965171


>> No.6965273

Correction: ACTION games don't need lore.
Games where appeal is immersing yourself into the setting, like many RPGs, do need lore to support the immersion.

>> No.6965296

It provides a basic contextual framework for the action, but if you WANT a story you can always just read a book.

>> No.6965301

Some games are best served when most of the lore isn't actually in game but is in para-text (marketing materials, the game manual, maybe a tie-in novel or comic if it's decent)

>> No.6965386

>durr if you want something, do something else
games can have stories just like movies can have action in them. stop being a fucking idiot! dolt!

>> No.6965425

castlevania is carried by music

>> No.6965436

I don't know, I'd argue that good RPGs don't need good stories. I mean, has any RPG ever actually had a GOOD story? I can confidently say I've yet to see one, and I've played a lot of them.

>> No.6965439
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, Marathon_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read my lips: Computer games tell stories. That's what they're for.

>> No.6965442

story != lore
TES has shit story in any given game, but had good lore until Oblivion.

What story does Tetris tell then?
Streets of Rage?

>> No.6965454

>castlevania had no lore

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, someone never played symphony of the night

>> No.6965480

>the game after which everything went downhill
>introduced lore
no way those things are related eh

>> No.6965662

>nooo this magazine gave my favourite game an above average but not perfect review score!!
fuck off to your containment general doombabby

>> No.6966284

>the crossover potential of an id shared universe
Cringe as fuck, don't ruin old videogames like you fucking faggots ruined comics.

>> No.6966291


Fair, though an RPG should still have good gameplay.

You could do it like Morrowind, where lore can be found by talking to people about certain things, or reading books, all which is mostly optional.
Baldur's Gate 1&2 does something vaguely similar, though it's also based on the pre-existing Forgottten Realms, so there's actually lots more lore than the game itself, but likewise it's totally optional and can be ignored.

>> No.6966490

Carmack said that only because he was mad Ultima Underworld had proper texture mapped 3D in 1992

>> No.6966586

Are you fucking stupid? Streets of Rage's story is spelled out in the manual and the intro that plays when you boot up the game.

>> No.6966592

>castlevania had no lore
What? This is objectively false.

>> No.6966681

He blew UU out of the water with BSP trees and better gameplay, so I don't buy that.

>> No.6967307
File: 22 KB, 250x342, Soviet Mind game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tetris doesn't have a story
>He doesn't know

>> No.6967337
File: 62 KB, 600x626, 1589821457441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a really good thread about Quake Lore/lack thereof a few months ago:

>> No.6967386

Here is an Imgur gallery of Ranger/Quake 1 lore

>> No.6967431

what do you know, it's all shit.

>> No.6967439
File: 1.16 MB, 640x985, 1593252680922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a pretty cool issue of the Quake Champions comic that is about Ranger:
You can read the full comic there

>> No.6968638

are you retarded

>> No.6968681

Carmack doesn't know jack shit about story why should his opinion on them matter? It's like taking HP Lovecraft's opinions on race just because you like his stories.

>> No.6968689

sotn is the first one that's actually worth the full price, prior to that castlevania games were extremely short and only cv3 was considerably hard that it'd warrant more than an hour.
>inb4 games were like that back then
fuck you, sotn came out in 1997, MUCH longer games than all the previous castlevanias were already a thing for a long while.

>> No.6968706

Long != good either
The inverted castle is a boring slog, by that point you become OP and nothing is a threat anymore

>> No.6968713

Please, by the 3rd game they were already exploring the belmont ancestry.
Also there was that interview with the director of the first game talking about all the hidden lore like how dracula's true form wasn't actually him but the embodyment of men's sins or something like that and that the fight was already setting up the sequel. Castlevania had a lot more lore than most action games.

>> No.6968986
File: 40 KB, 641x479, 066AD681-E2C7-4D20-826D-718807006725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lore in retro vidya

>> No.6968987

No dipshit, I'm just saying that it will always be secondary.
>just like movies can have action in them
That doesn't even make sense as far as analogies.

>> No.6970162

This post is single-handedly the dumbest string of sentences I've seen this entire month. You win. But you also lose.

>> No.6970170

Yeah the monster form Dracula takes in Castlevania is actually the embodiment of his curse on mankind, which is why Simon is cursed and has to do all that bullshit in Castlevania 2.

>> No.6970174

coulda woulda shoulda

>> No.6970220
File: 235 KB, 320x156, 1592420434964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up.

>> No.6970234

>sotn is the first one that's actually worth the full price
how do we save /vr/

>> No.6970240

I'm seeing this cropping up on /v/, /tg/, here and other places. What's with this weird attitude?

>> No.6970241

Random violence is fun, but doing random violence on a mad quest of revengence is better.

>> No.6970256

>weird attitude?
Retro games aren't known for their deep stories, it's all about gameplay, do you play super mario bros for its great story?
Modern games mostly suck because of try hard story telling by hacks who can't write shit and should stick to programming good games.

>> No.6970259

Lots of retro games have great stories. The Ultima series comes to mind, things like SNATCHER as well as point and clicks like Grim Fandango. You're telling me Grim Fandango would be as memorable as an abstract puzzle game? Even Myst had a story.

>> No.6970268

In Castlevania's case the lore they retconned in is retarded and the games that have a lot of story suck

>> No.6970302

Retro game stories are highly derivative and are usually watered down hollywood movie tropes used as a catalyst for set piece gameplay.
What little I've played of snatcher is blade runner and terminator rip off, nothing too deep (and that's a good thing!) but I've never played grim fandango.
You mentioned mostly PC games which I guess were usually more story driven than console and arcade titles, i've personally never liked games that attempted to tell in depth stories as the people who write them aren't that good. But then again PC games have had some talent behind them (Ellison, Barker etcetera) and I am generalizing console games.

>> No.6970610

After playing through a load of beat 'em ups and other arcade games, I find myself wanting more plot and story in them. It's one of the reasons why Shadows over Mystara is so good for me, plus things like Ninja Giaden with its cutscenes and stories. Sure, they're all dervierative and usually based on films and anime of the time, but I like films and anime from the 1980s so that's no skin off my teeth. It can add just that little extra spice to keep you invested when the gameplay feels lacklustre, especially for beat 'em ups which, let's be frank, largely play the same even if there's of course variations in the precise manner.

>> No.6970626

lore can enhance a game because it gives the nerds more things to talk about. But yeah, not everything needs to have 2deep4u lore and can have simple back stories as long as the game is fun.