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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.64 MB, 3024x3780, not-my-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6956792 No.6956792 [Reply] [Original]

>turn it on after 20+ years
>all my photos are still there

What's with this insane longevity? Is there a way to extract those photos from the cart somehow?

>> No.6956816

just plug the usb into your computer

>> No.6956825

Yeah you can, look up Flash Boy in Aliexpress

>> No.6956836
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>> No.6956885

Take a photo of the screen

>> No.6956964

>remember my friend taking pictures of his dick with this when we were both like 8
Wonder if he still has them.

>> No.6956976

You wont lose any resolution, the data on the cartridge is just right to fit the screen

>> No.6957010
File: 1.51 MB, 1605x3210, nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing gameboy in the nature.

>> No.6957036

>What's with this insane longevity?
It's a common misconception among zoomers that save files they fantasize about having been created before they were born must have magically disappeared by now.
>Is there a way to extract those photos from the cart somehow?
Yes. Many.

>> No.6957334

>It's a common misconception among zoomers that save files they fantasize about having been created before they were born must have magically disappeared by now.

It's called save batteries, slickbrain, they die all the time.

>> No.6957379

youre the fucking zoomer here not knowing that these ancient carts have save batteries that go out over time. baka

>> No.6957838

>triggered zoomies are triggered

>> No.6957990

Not him but I think the problem is exaggerated by a lot of people. Out of my entire collection, the ONLY save batteries that have ever gone bad were my copies of Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver, which is to be expected because they have internal clocks constantly draining them. Not saying that other game batteries aren't dying, but the fact that my dozens and dozens of other battery-backed save games are doing just fine without any issues makes me question how widespread the problem really is.

>> No.6958027

Some RBY carts are starting to go after like 25 years. Most RSE carts will have gone by now too, but that doesn't cause save data loss it just kills the RTC.

>> No.6958056

Post some pics.

>> No.6958078

The misconception comes from not all games use a battery to save data.

>> No.6958198

All save batteries will go eventually but claiming that 20+years is "insane longevity" is almost as ridiculous as a 12yo pretending he last used a device 8+ years before he was born.

>> No.6958282

>insane longevity

? it's no different from your game saves

I've only had 1 game from my NES and Gameboy collections that has lost its data

I probably should start pulling some batteries out before things start leaking though

>> No.6958415
File: 111 KB, 800x800, ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark room
Camera on manual settings on tripod.
aperture at f/22
play around with the exposure time, second or more is not unusual
use the self timer so you don't have camera shake from hitting the shutter
If your shot angle is slightly off, you can use the visible pixel lines to do a perspective adjustment.

>> No.6958668

(S)NES carts w/ same batteries are older than your GBC games.

>> No.6958712

Super gameboy or the Gamecube one and a capture device.

>> No.6958759
File: 3 KB, 160x144, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty cheap option: https://bennvenn.myshopify.com/products/gameboy-printer-emulator-kit?variant=3761164714024

We used to have gb camera threads from time to time.

>> No.6958760

>Yes. Many.

Hook up a snes superboy with a fresh Vhs tape, Then take a photo with your dads Nikon.

>> No.6958761
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>> No.6958764
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>> No.6958930

Jay and Silent Bob.

>> No.6958951

You could try a super gameboy or gameboy player and a capture card that takes RGB or composite.

>> No.6959179

Yes, and so are NES games. And none of the dozens I own have dying batteries.

>> No.6960652
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>> No.6961016

You're supposed to bring bug repellent, not pussy repellent.

>> No.6961037


Jose and silent Sanchez.

>> No.6961041

check out the bitboy

>> No.6961283

Save batteries go bad all the time, my copy of Super Mario World died earlier this year so now I need to replace it, but you wouldn't know that because you're retarded.

>> No.6961379

Both extremes can happen, my original GB Link's Awakening cart still holds it's save

>> No.6961430

Absolutely, my Zelda 1 cart still saves as does Pokemon Blue, DKC, Super Mario Kart, Yoshi's Island, Mario RPG, and Earthbound, but the rest of my GB Pokemon games are dead and my SMW, ALttP and Super Metroid are dead. It's inconsistent, but it definitely happens.

>> No.6961456

My Super Mario All Stars battery was faulty and died back in the early 2000s, it didn't matter to me since most of the games would be played without saves on the NES. I had no idea about the batteries (I thought it was just a Pokemon thing) until like 2012 or so.

>> No.6961762
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>You're retarded because you didn't use your psychic powers to divine that one of my save batteries died earlier this year
But I shouldn't need to do that chum. I should have read about it in a scientific paper about the "insane longevity" of save batteries, right? Or it should have been on the news for such "insane longevity". Or is the actual news here that I can say "zoomie" and get every single underage on the board to disagree with a statement?

>> No.6962619
File: 1.71 MB, 955x861, pedestrian bridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remove the top half of the gameboy's shell for best results
looks good

>> No.6962623

to get to the raw bitmap data, you'll want to dump the save. there are numerous ways to do this, but they all involve buying/making special hardware.

>> No.6962635

Oh shit epic burn brah *highfive* xD

>> No.6962647

>insane longevity
Not as insane as you think. I got my Game Boy Camera very soon after it came out and it still has all its old pics too. I check it every few months because I am kind of worried that they'll be gone sooner rather than later, but in my own experience I've only seen dead game batteries first-hand a couple of times, and all within a couple of years of each other, and all happened a long time ago:
>Pokemon Red battery died in 2001
>neighbor's Earthbound and Kirby Super Star died the following year
>another neighbor's Pokemon Crystal died in 2003
>haven't encountered a dead battery since
>my two-year-old 3DS rechargeable battery bloated and died earlier this year but that's not /vr/ and isn't the same thing as an internal save battery dying, because they're designed to be easily replaced by even a child
My friends and I still have loads of old Nintendo carts (mostly SNES, GB and N64) that still have our childhood saves on them. In fact, one of my oldest friends had a grandma that got LoZ1 when it initially dropped in America, and 30+ years later it still has both her original completed save file and an unused save file from when she tried to get her uninterested husband to play it. I have no idea what the lifespan of PS1 and 2 memory cards are because I haven't had anything that could read either in a long time.

>> No.6962819

>I check it every few months because I am kind of worried that they'll be gone sooner rather than later
Why don't you back them up?

>> No.6963878

It happens, dumbfuck. Save batteries die and you lose your save file.

It happens a lot with Pokémon games for the GB/GBC, but it also seems to happen a lot more often with Pokémon Gold and Silver than it does with Red, Blue, or Yellow for some reason. My copy of Silver's battery died a while ago, but my copies of the Gen 1 games, which have never had a battery replaced, somehow are still thriving.

>> No.6963889

>for some reason.
Internal clocks that aren't managed by the console themselves are hell on save batteries.

>> No.6964130
File: 437 KB, 1974x579, comparison2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game boy pocket lcd - Game boy color lcd - digital copy. Which do you prefer?
I have a bitboy printer emulator. It works very well, but for 99% for people it's not worth the price (I got it for a little cheaper back in the day, I think $75? I also used their CartWheel with my gbasp before switching to a backlit Pocket). The gameboy behaves as if it is hooked up to a printer, and the bitboy saves print jobs on the SD card as BMP. Nifty.
However, >>6958759 links to another option that is ten times cheaper. I really think people should go for the cheap one. The biggest advantage of the bitboy is that it can save your pics to an SD card without interfacing with a computer. If that doesn't matter to you the cheap one is just as good.

>> No.6964346

The pocket looks that good? Shame about the garbage ghosting on those screens.

>> No.6964372

I took a picture of my dick with a gameboy camera when I was 11.

>> No.6964374

Is there a way to transfer a save from GB/C to an emulator, continue playing on emu and then transfer that updated save back to original hardware? I've been meaning to do a Pokemon Gold 251 file for so long, but I love motivation because my save is inevitably going to be wiped. If I could archive and restore that save though, that would be different...
Even though I hate how you lose the pixel blending, I prefer digital. The artifacts from cam footage ruins it for me. If only there was a way to have the clarify of digital with the dithering of the pocket's lcd.

>> No.6964382
File: 625 KB, 1974x896, border ghosting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shame about the garbage ghosting on those screens.
Yeah. On the bright side, vertical ghosting is more of a problem for gameplay than for photos. You can reduce its effect by changing the border

>> No.6964426
File: 1.67 MB, 512x512, 1573394033823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you'd like this solution. Another anon developed this emulator filter which does a beautiful job of splitting the difference between looking real/digital. Here is a time lapse they made

>> No.6964772

spent a whole summer running around medding with that thing. I got one of my snaps into N64 Magazine.

>> No.6964828

>cope happens
All the time. It's not L@@K R@RE like reading comprehension

Of course there is. I've done it many times.

>> No.6966590

rather than messing around with lighting i'd just take as aligned a picture i can then just mess with a posterize filter in any image editing program until it looks right