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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 173 KB, 425x450, 54171787_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6957268 No.6957268 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / 90s FPS THREAD - Last thread >>6949665

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Classic Quake pastebin (Updated 2020): https://pastebin.com/sBFzczxD
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Doom Shovelware

Doom RPG series



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.6957275

500ml of /vr/ (for Blood)
Deadline: November 10th
Rules: >>6956801
MAPEDIT: https://archive.org/details/BloodMapedit
Discord: https://discord.gg/NfFP9Pu

=== NEWS ===

[10-4]Anons hacks Vanilla Doom with Infinite possibilities!

[10-2]Quakewulf releases Reservoir Stroggs for Quake II

[10-1]DWELL: 10 map episode for Q1 was released

[10-1]DBP-28: Fear and Loathing released

[9-30]Trenchbroom updated to version v2020.2

[9-26] Arcane Dimensions 1.8 to include monster randomizer for vanilla

[9-24] Sigma-X demo released

[9-23] Aleph One 1.3 released

[9-22] UT patch v469a released

[9-22] Supplice is going standalone

[9-22] REKKR released for Bethesda ports (marking the first TC for them)

[9-21] Microsoft acquires Zenimax (including Bethesda & id)

[9-21] Woof! 2.3.0 released

[9-21] Doom II: 25 Years on Earth: One Year Late edition has been uploaded to idgames

[9-21] New Arcane Dimensions version teased.

=== PREVIOUS ===



>> No.6957282
File: 538 KB, 700x600, 1513463539878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im making this for Blood anon as backup!

======= 500ml of /vr/ Rules =======
* The project will officially begin on September 10th 2020

* No restrictions on theme or level size, just make sure it’s achievable by the deadline.

* This project will use the “Blood Texture Pack v03 Beta”, you can find it here http://blood.freeminded.de/index.php?section=misc&id=593
or in the MAPEDIT archive https://archive.org/details/BloodMapedit

* Custom MIDI’s are allowed and encouraged, submit them in a .zip along with your map file.

* If you want custom messages in the .ini, put a text document in your submitted .zip file with the order of your messages and details on when you want them to appear. Example: (Message1 “A clever and witty message”, shown after the player picks up the skull key)

* Submit your maps link here or on the discord channel. Be sure to specify it’s for 450ml, along with your maps title and author name. MIDI and messages are optional.

* Make sure your submitted map is beatable in Nblood and Build Gdx

* Map’s must be submitted by November 10th 2020, Try to make them beatable by Halloween.

*Have fun and be sure to share your progress screenshots with everyone :)

>> No.6957295
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>> No.6957301

Is the compendium map compilation any good? reading the zdoom thread and it says there are many bugs in many levels,will it work on Zdoom and LZdoom?

>> No.6957302 [DELETED] 

nice general faggot tranny

>> No.6957304

what source port to use for shadow warrior?

>> No.6957309
File: 744 KB, 1033x2074, 1591222738234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romero is a bitch

>> No.6957310
File: 2 KB, 164x146, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct. it is nice.

>> No.6957320

based paul
>and kick your ass back into the Doom days where you wish you were
and true to this day

>> No.6957329

And yet Romero is more relevant today than Carmack. Exactly what Carmack is doing these days anyway?

>> No.6957337

Some VR... stuff?

>> No.6957349

Yet Paul Steed is dead.

>> No.6957359

Nah, it's some AI (???) stuff. He stepped down from VR... stuff year ago. And before that there were some rockets I dunno.

>> No.6957375

So VR went nowhere and he still made millions probably and is going to take AI nowhere and make more millions.

Scam genius.

>> No.6957384

I use BuildGDX, I'm not sure how faithful it is to vanilla SW tho

>> No.6957390

From what i read, BuildGDX.

>> No.6957403

Whatever he wants. He seems perfectly happy to be tinkering away at his interests. Nothing wrong with that.
Romero is tinkering away at a gangster xcom type game. It looks kinda neat.
They're both just kinda playing around. One publicly, as he does. And the other privately... As he does.

>> No.6957407

Anyone know how? I'm not sure I ever knew, or of it was known.

>> No.6957419
File: 124 KB, 620x300, t620x300-57cfe54f5ced76b5192bc5f3873a454d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unity port is actually pretty good. My only complaint is that theres no option for 35 fps.
Its become my go-to for classic mods over crispy doom.

>> No.6957426

>classic mods
How do you do, fellow kid?

>> No.6957437


>> No.6957446
File: 91 KB, 858x519, Crispy Doom Custom Episode Names.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to get custom episode names. Other than code cleanup, I think I'm done for now.

>> No.6957449

Jesus Christ, just let somebody enjoy Unity Doom for once without being a stupid prick about it

>> No.6957454

It was probably Tim Willits' fault somehow.

>> No.6957465

no one knows, possibly he had cancer and kept it hidden over the years.
even RSI has a page paying homage to him.

Fuck off Alf

>> No.6957521
File: 182 KB, 720x949, Capture+_2020-10-04-19-39-48(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.plan wars
I have always wanted to read these. Romero has tweeted about .plan files before and said Blue's News has them going back to the 90s. A quick google search shows this one from 2000: https://www.bluesnews.com/cgi-bin/finger.pl?id=151 but the .plan wars would've been earlier. I also see some in the results for some from '97 on a site dk.toastednet.org but it doesn't seem to load for me.

Anyone know where we can read old .plan files from Carmack and Romero or even these fabled .plan wars specifically?

>> No.6957687
File: 632 KB, 2400x2400, magnum 2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some scribbles of System Shock 1 weapons.

>> No.6957709

neat stuff

>> No.6957739

use sentinels lexicon, compendium is pretty much abandoned even though there were cool plans for it

>> No.6957765

The weapons roster in SS1 was so good, shame the guns in SS2 were so shitty there was no reason not to use Psi powers.

>> No.6957778

>No one has made a Ultra Violence+ skill mod to mimic the settings found in the Unity port
It's times like these that I wish I wasn't a wagie and I had the brain power to fucking program.

>> No.6957782

-fast -solo-net

>> No.6957785

The assault rifle in SS2 was pretty okay but I was really disappointed in how all the weapons felt in general. At least the wrench and crystal felt kinda satisfying to use.

>> No.6957810

Holy shit I wasn't aware of -solo-net, thanks Anon!

>> No.6957821

ayo anybody got that source port for the source ports?

>> No.6957863

is it possible to get them in a similar large font to doom 1s episode select? or would that require custom images be made?

>> No.6957872
File: 77 KB, 858x519, crispy doom eviternity episode select.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think custom images. Even though Eviternity doesn't work fully, if you load it up and use the custom episode parameters, it loads up it's included chapter names. I'd say dig into the Eviternity wad to see how it does it.

>> No.6957883

dark forces source port when?

>> No.6957885

There was Dark XL. Not sure what happened to it though.

>> No.6957889

November https://theforceengine.github.io/2020/09/06/TFE-Renderer-Design.html

it still works but the single player is still buggy
just wait for TFE

>> No.6957914

Romero is more in the public eye but the things Carmack is doing are going to have much farther reach; even if the VR meme never takes off for gaming I'm sure the technological leap will have positive effects elsewhere.

>> No.6957917

What's the advantage? I see how Unity Doom has improved from launch and it seems pretty alright but I'm not sure what it has over Crispy.

>> No.6957932
File: 409 KB, 753x938, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do what cyberdemon says

>> No.6957956
File: 608 KB, 1209x912, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6957957
File: 2 KB, 269x16, M_EPI2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked into it. The BFG Edition stores the episode graphics as M_EPI#. If you were to use a font image generator, you could likely make wad patches to add in the graphics for up to 6 episodes.

>> No.6958046
File: 171 KB, 858x519, CD Doom2 Custom Name Graphics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is using Doom Writer for custom episode graphics.

>> No.6958048
File: 197 KB, 1191x1258, a68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did everybody shit on Halo series back then?
Reminds me a lot of Unreal 1/2 (Not UT).

>> No.6958057

Go back to your gore porn, anon.

>> No.6958145
File: 82 KB, 544x800, Farewell .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to play every wad ever made since 94 for Doom/Doom 2
>Ultra Violence
>Saving only in the beginning of each stage
>Pistol starting
Wish me luck!

>> No.6958153
File: 406 KB, 1358x1378, our GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that Tom is the TRUE king of Doom and made the best maps with his pal sandy.

E2M2 and E2M7 > E1

>> No.6958157

finally we can get a true, exhaustive top 10 greatest WADs ever made list

>> No.6958192
File: 8 KB, 78x78, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Optimizing a PNG for a "\" frame will result in the offsets for the image being deleted.

Why do people use this dumpster fire again?

>> No.6958285

If youve found a bug just report it instead of whining here.

>> No.6958298

Because, despite what Alf is telling you, this is the actual franchise that ruined FPS genre, along with Call of Duty (and no, CoD was trash from the beginning). Also, while I generally have fond memories of first Halo, due to the soundtrack and those really impressive outdoors sections, but jesus fucking christ, at one level you go through the same copypasted room like hundred or so times.

>> No.6958307

it's not like halo MADE devs copy its formula nonstop for years, blame the industry's greed for that

>> No.6958320

Nah, it just opened floodgates. Get it? Get it? There's Flood in the game - like, flood, floodgates. It's a pun, basically. They found a way to dumb an FPS down to make it playable, Call of Duty found a way to dumb it down even further, and then everyone ditched PC because durr piracy hurr exclusivity contract money, until they crawled back like battered whores when Our Rotund Lord Gaben made PC market profitable again.

>> No.6958331

If I update my Trenchbroom, will any of my settings reset or my projects break?

>> No.6958346

Unfortunately, had to reduce the custom episode count to 5 due to graphical issues when autoloading Sigil. Ah, well.

>> No.6958397

What's the difference? Fast monsters that don't respawn? Is that it?

>> No.6958403

What's UV+ and what's -solo-net?

>> No.6958425
File: 2.67 MB, 1440x1080, 2020-10-04_21-31-32.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reworked the recoil frame and added another frame inbetween. Now it looks like the choppy Doom pistol and not as snappy as before.
How many frames should a pistol animation have, anyway? Canonically, the Lawgiver doesn't have a slide and on top of that a recoil compensation system, so there shouldn't be much movement anyway. Maybe a slight push backwards? Not sure.

>> No.6958427

>Maybe a slight push backwards?
If you can make it look good.

>> No.6958442
File: 105 KB, 722x821, Screenshot_20190124-191042~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great to me. Much better. Better scale, much better colour. Even the little light reflection on the curve their.

Mwah! *Chef kiss*

Can we see the full thing with ammo change? Can you also release what you got so far so I can fuck around in some maps with the weapon?

>> No.6958447

probably not, unless you've done some edits to the base game configs (i.e. actively digged in its files)

>> No.6958450

Looks fantastic.

>> No.6958464

I've tried this... And I suggest that you don't. There's a LOT of bad wads out there, especially from the 90's, back before the good level editors came out. Like, really, horrible wads that'll make you lose the will to continue with anything doom related.

If anything, it's better to pick and choose the top ten-twenty wads from each year starting at '94, rather than wading waist high through the era of 'Baby's first Doom map' long corridors, single monster, pointless backtracking, missing textured trash.

If you're REALLY determined to play ALL the wads, then don't play the wads in order of worst rated to best, mix it up so you get SOME enjoyment out of the wads and come to appreciate even the modest amount of effort put into some of the 'passable' wads from the '90s.

>> No.6958503

>If you can make it look good.
Sure if you tell me how lol

Mode change hasn't been reworked yet, although it didn't look as bad as the other sprites anyway.
Yeah, I'll upload it in the evening.

>> No.6958559
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, ravenkeep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raven Keep for Q1 released

>> No.6958567

Good luck running that in Quake.

Why can't they just spin it off into its own thing soon. AD is as much of a Theseus' ship already that it would perhaps be best to venutre into TC and perhaps its fully standalone entity.

>But Wrath
Exactly my point.

>> No.6958570

runs fine for me. unless you mean within the original engine limits.
like the readme says though, vkQuake has issues with transparency and QSS with performance (apparently), so run it in the regular QS.

>> No.6958609


not worth it,
99.9% of all early maps just aren't interesting, the monster placement isn't interesting, and the secrets+item placement aren't interesting,

it really doesn't matter if you play them on "i'm too young to die" with cheats, the hardest obstacle is boredom. After the 15th generic techbase with hitscanners placed in 5x5 grids in every room, your eyes will just glaze over. it's just as retarded as someone saying they are going play 100 OBLIGE megawads.

>> No.6958620

What would you say are some of the best designed levels/wads you've seen?

>> No.6958621

Does idgames have random function? I think there's some potential in streaming random wads from there, potentially bringing exposure to hidden gems.

>> No.6958646

I hope so. Thanks.

>> No.6958649

>QSS has issues
>As does vkQuake
Fucking why? Both QSS and vkQuake let me run it higher than 72 fucking frames jesus christ.

>> No.6958654

1. Would you be able to come up with the architectural design?
2. Would you be able to come up with the enemy placement?
3. Would you be able to create that kind of progression?

If no to all three, then it's worthy of your time, if you answer yes to that then its 99% likely it's worthy of no one's time, unless you are the creator or of similar level.

>> No.6958660

It can be modded in.

>> No.6958669
File: 5 KB, 259x194, 1589474704328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>see this

>> No.6958670
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20200305_194938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outside of the usual suspects that are in the OP, I would say last year's CzechBox was outstanding (outside of one map they say they made in 12 hours)

>> No.6958674

10 years of Doom + Cacowards are usually the most accurate place to find the best wads. 2018 should have included Deathless though.

>> No.6958675

Looks very good. Gonna play this on weekend.

>> No.6958693

UV+ is a difficulty setting in the Unity port with fast monsters and cooperative-mode monsters so it's even more monsters than UV
Doomed Speed Demos Archive has a twitch channel that streams random demos. This could be a good way to find good wads to play. I just tuned in and it played pc_cp.wad map16 and mayhem18o.wad map10 and both looked great

>> No.6958694

oh god forgot to link the stream


>> No.6958781
File: 122 KB, 250x250, 1595509668602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you consider the most significant year of Doom's mapping community?

>> No.6958825


>> No.6958827


>> No.6958830

I'd actually like to say last year, since we got Sigil, Eviternity, Lost Civilization and Ultimate Doom The Way id Did. In addition we actually got 2 great GZDoom mods Hell-Forged and Paradise, which keep the spirit of classic Doom (while using GZDoom only for new weapons and expanded monster roster), which many ZDoom have been failed to do for years.

But in retrospective 2002 seems quite important year. For few years before that it seemed that the whole Doom modding/mapping scene was already dying. Doom didn't yet have it's retrostatus, it was being forgotten while the new shooters of the age were gaining popularity. But 2002 seemed to give new fuel for Doom. We got the still relevant vanilla wads Alien Vendetta and 2002 Doom Odyssey. Modders were starting to experiment with ZDoom and stretching what would be possible to do with Doom, and we got first great ZDoom mappack Dark7 and it's mission pack. On top of that we also got Caverns Of Darkness, the wad with it's own Eternity-based source port.

>> No.6958831

Both Final Doom wads and both Memento Moris. Good choice.

>> No.6958853

was Memento Mori 2 made with the coop gimmick as well or was that just 1

>> No.6958871
File: 43 KB, 680x360, 1570592935682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reviewing the PC version in GameSpot, Jim Varner argued that Final Doom is a waste of money, since it is essentially just a new set of level maps for Doom, and there were already thousands of such maps available to download for free on the internet.

>> No.6958874

I never understood this meme of "this game killed the genre" that isn't how this stuff works.

>> No.6958876
File: 12 KB, 214x235, 29980082-22D7-408A-A313-2741BA8EF7C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Saved.

>> No.6958878

It's just something somebody said once and it has never gone away.

>> No.6958881

I have traditionally used SWP; however, the newish VoidSW looks VERY promising.

>> No.6958884

>Unfortunately, the game that enthralled audiences in 1993 has been surpassed in almost every category by more recent offerings, most notably Duke Nukem 3D and Id's own Quake. Like an aging athlete, the time has come for Doom to hang up its gloves and exit gracefully from the scene.
what a fucking dweeb

>> No.6958903
File: 2.15 MB, 436x342, 2020-10-05 14-20-53.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random voodoo thing I just figured out. Can now trigger something on destruction of a barrel.

>> No.6958906

This would be the same type to give Last of Us 2 a 10/10 today. Let that sink in.

>> No.6958925

The perspective on the bottom one looks really weird, I think it's the lack of foreshortening.

>> No.6959014

Gunfire switches cover most of the potential uses for this but it's still interesting. Ancient aliens map 20 does something quite like this where there are two barrels in a room of imps, and when they explode arch-viles teleport in.

>> No.6959020

Obstructing teleport destination is simple. What I was trying to acheive is to also link voodoo doll activation to it.

>> No.6959028
File: 106 KB, 462x661, sc55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using pic rel
>TNT soundtrack still sounds like ass
what do

>> No.6959047

hey look, castle skingrad ripoff

>> No.6959062

Yeah I got that, it just reminded me of that map since it appears there's no way to avoid spawning an enemy or something with this method.

>> No.6959075

No one eh?

>> No.6959093

A set of 64 levels, the majority of which are very good. Yeah, the TNT set is a bit scuffed and has some chips and dents, but it's got some great maps in it too.
Comparable ratio to Memento Mori 1&2, in that way.

>> No.6959097

It's been ages, but I'm feeling that itch to map again. Thing is, I don't remember which editor I used last time, pretty sure it was either doombuilder 2 plain or gzdoombuilder. Now learn there's also doombuilder x, any really big differences between them all?

>> No.6959107

I think Ultimate Doom Builder is the most up to date one. I'm using it and I am satisfied.

>> No.6959124

Not have bad taste.

>> No.6959141
File: 13 KB, 90x90, smite of disrespect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tune in to stream
>playername: bloodite krypto

>> No.6959149

Man, Halo would have been amazing if the entire game was like the 2nd level where you ride around in a vehicle going from place to place in a giant outdoor landscape. Also needed more enemy and weapon variety. I sometimes think about how Halo would have looked had it come out in 1999 for computers. Most of that stuff was IN THE GAME but they removed it as development went on. Damn near everything they added for every sequel was a working prototype before Xbox

>> No.6959171
File: 21 KB, 320x200, TITLEPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out this mayhem2018o.wad is a good wad for Halloween because of the orange color scheme and new monsters (it was also released Halloween 2018). The gimmick is there is an orange version and a purple version just like Pokemon red/blue, and the intro/intermission screen musics are also different pokemon songs

>> No.6959174
File: 30 KB, 320x200, TITLEPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAYhem 2019 is also a good .wad for Halloween. It is a Blood-themed megawad that is MBF-compatible (-complevel 11)

>> No.6959192

That's what they're trying to do with Halo: Infinite. Too little too late.

>> No.6959201

Much appreciated, your a cool dude.

>> No.6959231
File: 215 KB, 960x720, FinalDoom-AmmoBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, it was priced as a full game ($55) but it came in an ammunition box. how cool is that?

>> No.6959279

Ohh that's what the Final Doom cover was supposed to be? A munitions crate? That's pretty cool.

>> No.6959314

Is there anyone in the world who genuinely liked City of the Damned Apocalypse? I don't know what the fuck it wants to be. Either it wants to be survival horror judging on the weapons and atmosphere, or it wants to be a spookier doom judging on the enemies and their combat.

>> No.6959326

A sleeper PC with a case like that would be pretty sweet

>> No.6959330
File: 2.40 MB, 4784x2336, finaldoom ammo box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, it's a box for holding 25mm cannon shells in linked belts for something like an M242 Bushmaster Chaingun (for Bradley IFVs and probably some helicopters). It says "inert" on the box they used to make the Final Doom box, meaning they were for non-explosive training shells, ergo a solid projectile, or one with a hollow cavity where the explosive payload would have been.

>> No.6959414

There's lot of torm stuff, that goes overboard with all those gzdoom effects, but has very shallow gameplay. That being said i did sincerely enjoy utnt and the community projects, that he was part of (excluding the shittier maps of zpack).

>> No.6959418

See, I feel Halo itself feels as if it's misplaced. It wants to do something entirely off the wall, but it's gameplay is limited by Militdude Shooter. Granted, it's a Sci-Fi Militdude, but still.
I picked up the rest of the collection and I've only ever fully played CE on the now-decrepit Gamespy.

>> No.6959483
File: 184 KB, 634x862, 1600447915015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly for me I just like the convenience of being able to launch everything from steam, and since the unity engine is just a wrapper for the original engine, its very faithful to the DOS version. The soundrack for doom 1 and 2 is great too, since instead of bare MIDIs they ran the files through the same model of Roland bobby prince used to compose the tracks.
Couch co-op is an added bonus, and it seems like they're going to keep adding mods to the lineup since they just added DEHACKED support. It seems like the nerve team really gives a shit about doom, which is nice to see.

>> No.6959491

WTF is unity doom?

>> No.6959497
File: 1.45 MB, 333x447, DK2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw GZDoom with a blood fixer mod and a mirrored corpses mod, visuals configured to look as close to Crispy as possible

>> No.6959503

The bethesda port
If you own doom or doom II on steam, they recently got upgraded to the unity port.

>> No.6959506

Where's the Judge Dredd nonce? Fix the Lawgiver yet?

>> No.6959509

So because of brand recognition and human nature this is going to become the NumberOne port isn't it...

>> No.6959512

it already is

>> No.6959516


>> No.6959523

Redpill me on Unity Doom: Can I use it without Steam Doom? Does it have Crispy Doom's mirrored corpses and proper blood? Is it Boom compatible? If yes to all, it is indeed the best Doom.

>> No.6959545

You have to buy it or pirate it, so I'd say no, I don't know most probably no, and lastly also no.

>> No.6959549

So it's l i t e r a l l y nothing. Okay.

>> No.6959551
File: 3.20 MB, 3916x5157, Quake 2 Beta Enemies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so when people say that Tim Willits fucked Q2's development over anal bickering they weren't wrong

Here is all of Q2's original Enemies BEFORE the Demo from the manual and magazines,
and the bastards had more polygons and better texture detail, even their faces and shading looks better.
Even the Fucking Maiden's Left Arm's mesh and vertex looks better than the final result.

It is boom decorate compatible, same goes to Eternal's internal source port

>> No.6959552

Yeah, but as far as Vanilla Doom goes, it's actually a pretty good port (it was atrocious on launch, but they did fix it up).

>> No.6959561

That's better, but it's still not really a big deal. It pains me that this literal nothing is going to get so much attention when the Crispy/PRBoom mix port is under development.

>> No.6959567

How the fuck did this Tim guy have so much power? He sounds like a massive tool, how come no one at iD said "fuck off Tim, that's dumb"?

>> No.6959579

The people that cared probably left.

>> No.6959596

Silver tongue bastard
he went from beta tester to "executive producer" in less than 3 years

Reminder that he called himself the "inventor of deathmatch" until carmack, hall and romero told him to eat a dick for lying

>> No.6959605

Yes, but thankfully its actually pretty faithful to the source material. It even mentions stuff like the cacoawards in the descriptions of the "curated add-ons"

>> No.6959623
File: 348 KB, 1000x788, de_pvp_skins3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're steadily adding more mod support, from the looks of it bethesdas been giving them a lot more freedom with the port since the doom IP is performing way better than they expected. The moment they introduce network play, im probably going to abandon zandronum because I can't stand GZdoom.
Also remember that their port of Doom64 is literally Doom64EX but polished up, and the guy who made D64EX was hired to do the port for them. I'm cautiously optimistic about their approach to the DOOM community.

>> No.6959629

I just want working network play, Zandronum is ass

>> No.6959636

Yeah to be desu this is only a net benefit. Either Unity Doom gets really good, or amateur devs get the fire lit under their ass and begin to improve Zandronum/PRBoom/etc. at an alarming rate.

>> No.6959664

Alright so here it is. Refer to the Info in the .pk3 for known issues.
And have a look into the controls to remap the needed buttons.
The Judge class can pick up, but not use, any other weapons than the ones they start with (those are illegal firearms wielded by perps, after all).
This should be for now the working version of the Lawgiver; I will now try to finally make a few playable maps.


If you fuck around with it, please give me feedback on playability and such.

Sorry anon, but that joke's kinda gotten old, so read the thread, cunt.

>> No.6959680

Some pretty cool levels but I hate how Mayhem always has annoying unbalanced custom enemies.
The problem with that wad is that it's non-linear, but you pretty much have to go a certain way because of how resources are doled out. The first playthrough i took one route and it seemed impossibly ammo-starved, but then next playthrough i took another route and it was fine. You cant deny the atmosphere is top-notch though.

>> No.6959682

Dont trust this poster unconditionally, hes been posting like all day every day about Quake 2 and clearly has a hateboner for Willits.

>> No.6959685

t. Willits.

>> No.6959691

I don't even know a thing about him, what the fuck lol
"this poster" as though that wasn't the first post I've ever made about the guy

>> No.6959694 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah



>> No.6959696
File: 330 KB, 600x400, tim willits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6959720

Hollenstead isn't fucking around with this one as the release.
MS now probably wants it to be the best port for everything.
if it gets MP support like odamex or zand, i wouldn't be surprised if the next quakecon has a classic doom tournament

>> No.6959728

They're a bit limited in what mods they can add. Curious if they plan any decorate support, but that I imagine that would be the extent of it.
They'd be fools to not ping the D4V guy.
It ties right in with their community building.

>> No.6959729

>They'd be fools to not ping the D4V guy.
>It ties right in with their community building.
They removed Snapmapping instead of expanding upon it. Do the math.

>> No.6959732
File: 2.88 MB, 3264x1544, Doom Episodic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm... Consistency.

>> No.6959737

Yes timmy...

should people also say about you harassing McGee and Sandy, or you fucking over Brian Hook at the last moment with Quake 2's original Ai when you smiled telling him that carmack changed the code because of you?
Or the retarded Anal Sex jokes?

>> No.6959790

A good MP browser/netcode would be at the top of the list of I were developing it. Then I would fix the menu UI because right now it's a little meh on PC.

>> No.6959792

You should post evidence of those other things.

>> No.6959796

Stop being Casual and search the /vr/ archive

>> No.6959801

Nobody liked snapmap, and the guys making eternal have stated multiple times that they want to roll out mod support.

>> No.6959810

They wanted to get invasions in there but instead settled on the powerful demons from player deaths. Do the math.

>> No.6959817
File: 222 KB, 623x219, 1601557244527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it a fair criticism?

>> No.6959838

You already made an entire thread for that.

>> No.6959845

it took them 5 months to write a review?

>> No.6959856
File: 125 KB, 718x524, 1572895576829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wads that let me play as a cacodemon?

>> No.6959859

the last paragraph was a "too soon" moment

>> No.6959871


>> No.6959876

Not a joke nonce but I see the webm now. Better.

>> No.6959889

How so?

>> No.6959903

What can I download to achieve this?

>> No.6959909

No, though I could see a DOOM-like game with some RPG elements where you can form high-risk pacts to have potential. If it's exactly like DOOM where your endgame is to kill allllll the demons then it'd be a really tough fit, but they could make hell a bit less black-and-white, introduce different factions and have the player's endgame be to kill a specific big bad demon or something. It'd take a lot of work but if it worked out I'd play it for sure

>> No.6959913

>including the master levels

>> No.6959917

I used this as a guide to adjust GZDoom's visuals, along with tweaking things on my own in the end:
I don't remember where I got the mirrored corpses and blood fixer, probably some zdoom forums post I'm far, far too lazy to find. Here they both are:

>> No.6959918

There are good master levels
There are some extremely fucking BAD master levels but there are good ones

>> No.6959959
File: 73 KB, 800x450, Adobe_20201005_115258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: If you complain about archviles in a map, you're literally gay

>> No.6959965

Posterity's sake. Also a few of them are decent.

>> No.6959970

just use vanilla essence, no need to waste your time on a 10 min video

>> No.6959974

Hey, there you go.

>> No.6959984

Ive seen you post these things in the past, that's not evidence.

>> No.6959994

Stop telling people to do math and speak plainly. No one thinks it's cute or fun to decipher your veiled intentions.

>> No.6959995

Do the math.

>> No.6960008

Do the dew.

>> No.6960029

>that bodyshape
Doomguy is secretly Brock "Barbosa" Samson

>> No.6960047


>> No.6960073

>Love treasure tech loot drops and treasures
>hate its weaponset
is there anything similar that adds loots to monsters? or random treasures scattered around stages?

>> No.6960079

This .pk3 just makes my Switch crash :(

Oh well.

>> No.6960080

Reminder secondly that when everyone called him out, he only doubled down instead.

>> No.6960090

Ok maybe I should have mentioned that this mod was developed and tested on GZD 4.4.2, as it's written completely in ZScript and uses many ZScript features, I am sorry. I thought I had mentioned that already?

If the Switch port can handle at least DECORATE, there's still an ancient version over at the ZDoom forums.

>> No.6960092

This is pretty neat anon. Thanks for sharing. I think I'll leave it up on the side as inspiration while working on my wads.

>> No.6960095

Really have respect Romero for namedropping Marathon in reference to that whole situation. The dude really cared about video games once upon a time.

>> No.6960105

Romero and Carmack were known to just give code and money to teams to make their projects a reality. They loved their craft and largely still do.

>> No.6960127

There's always Guncaster for loot I guess. Though what's the problem with Treasure Tech's guns?

>> No.6960145

what if .. someone was crazy enough to make a full DnD 5e mod for Doom complete with tools for generation of NPCs, loot, etc

>> No.6960149

I am biased towards stuff with too much recoil or needing excessive reloading

>> No.6960151

I just want them to port and make more RPG games. I'd love traditional more traditional RPG spinoffs.

>> No.6960152

They'd be a fucking retard for using a shitty edition.

>> No.6960163

that someone would have to first make Doom turn-based for this not to become complete total unsalvageable garbage, of course

>> No.6960179

The recoil stuff used to be far worse on Treasure Tech, but at least the reloading thing isn't a problem.
There's also The Edge of Time if you like picking up a shitload goodies with every killed monster, though it gets often gets into sensory overload territory.
If all else fails, you could always just make your own mod with all that loot stuff and weapons that suit your fancy.

>> No.6960183

I will check edge of time,i am sure i saw something similar but forgot the name,lets see if its this one

>> No.6960213

Yeah, the latest switch version is GZdoom 4.3.3 build from February.

I'll have to wait for an update maybe if it's to do with something like that.

>> No.6960251

Is this poster a massive faggot? Do the math.

>> No.6960259
File: 560 KB, 1920x3608, 1599984522049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edge has never been a reliable source for video game journalism. I would rather take the opinion of a thousand flies eating shit than anyone who worked for Edge.

>> No.6960267

>April 1994
Lazy fucks

>> No.6960273

t. Hugo Weaving.

>> No.6960275

>you are just pressing buttons and your life has no meaning
still makes me chuckle to this day

>> No.6960283

What a bunch of doubletwats.

>> No.6960293

>opinion articles bad >:^|

>> No.6960294

It's not fair Ultima bros.

>> No.6960305

They are if the opinions are bad, yes.

>> No.6960309

It seems foolish to have a gaming magazine trashtalking the industry and its userbase, like it's some fucked up ploy to turn away people from the industry and your own magazines. Even moreso when you pull the same bullshit three years in a row.
Besides, games journalism always has been worthless and will continue to be worthless.

also using NPC memes are gay, step it up son and post better.

>> No.6960325
File: 104 KB, 189x267, 1601778477635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gaming journalism is worthless but i'm still mad about it 5 years later

Alright, hijacking this retard's cryfest. What wads have you guys been playing lately? I've been going through Freedoom 1 since I never got around to it and man, it's a fucking blast. The levels are very tightly designed with a lot of really hard encounters. It feels like the good middle ground between Episode 1's level design and Episode 4's encounter design. Large enough to let you maneuver and play around in, but hard enough to keep you tested.

>> No.6960336

Hey now, I'm not even the one who originally posted that dumb edge thing, but if you're gonna make a snide remark about my post, you give me that (you) I earned.

>> No.6960364

lets see
>Mutants were Crimson red with bright eyes and the textures show reptilian legs, but their AI is garbage compared to fiends
>Og Maidens had better meshes, mainly the buggy Left Arm, which served as inspiration for the toy
>Tech barrels had better looking textures and a better mesh, mainly from Decino's video.
>Flyer looked more deadly
>Enforcer had more polygons in their arms

>> No.6960371

I found the link from the Doomed Speed Demos Archive youtube channel. IIRC Zero Master runs that channel

>> No.6960376

I almost wish it was no sound and just music. Could double as a really chill midi listening channel too. Decided to mute it and throw on some dwango midis that doom kid ripped and it works pretty well.

>> No.6960402
File: 484 KB, 640x480, romeroface1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I still have all these frames left to do
>mfw this monster is going to probably take all week

>> No.6960419

just mute the sound effects

>> No.6960424
File: 470 KB, 640x480, romeroface2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I haven't even started my map yet either

>> No.6960446

>dwango midis that doom kid ripped
you can't mute the sound effects and just play the music, it's a twitch stream

>> No.6960452


It's in the description.

>> No.6960463

What are you making?

>> No.6960469
File: 482 KB, 640x480, romeroface3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something spooky.

>> No.6960476

Burden of proof is on you

>> No.6960482
File: 495 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timmy Wimmy is certainly a giant cockhead, and has been doing stupid shit as recently as Quake Champions, but I don't understand why you've been bringing up the exact same subject for multiple threads in a row. He isn't going to see it, hardly anyone here cares, and the more you bring it up, the more people will call you a retard.

>> No.6960494

Go to bed, Tim.

>> No.6960496

Search the archives, stop using vpn to change the IP and stop being a faggot!
Even here and fucking reddit of all places has pulled out the shit he did.

>> No.6960497

Quake 2's blaster frustrates me, it's a cool looking design but holy shit it sucks mechanically.

>> No.6960504

Again, burden of proof is on you. When you make a claim you have to prove yourself right, you can't tell the other guy to prove you wrong and be taken seriously. I don't have a horse in this race I'm just telling you not to be that guy

>> No.6960524

Infinite ammo starter pistols are always a hard thing to balance and make satisfying, but they really dropped the ball. At least Unreal's pistol can be upgraded, has an altfire, and the light effect has use for dark areas.

>> No.6960537

I still think the blaster would have benefited with either a quick melee attack/kick, or a charge shot of some kind.
But yeah, they are.

>> No.6960549

What is the Drawn Together of Doom mods?

>> No.6960552

Aeon something.

>> No.6960562

>stop using vpn
You can't use a VPN here newfag it's bannable

>> No.6960568

worse is that enemies that should use more powerful weapons doesnt it >>6959551
The Makron and the tanks has blaster sweep instead of Hyperblaster itself, the Technicians and Flyers has hyperblaster volleys but the Icarus who is supposed to be a tougher version of the Flyer doesn't it, it has blaster shots.

Decino was working on that before his HDD died out
Sadly the "remake" that came from it from another guy is tied to fucking Quake2Pro...

>he doesnt know

>> No.6960621

What the fuck, I didn't know it was Decino making the brutal Quake 2 mod. what a shame because the new mechanics he added make Quake 2 look fun as fuck.

>> No.6960624 [DELETED] 
File: 2.77 MB, 320x240, noU.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the archive is only going to show *you* - popping in every day at the same exact time and posting something inane. pretty much every thread from the last year, ctrl+F "Q2" - there you are being a retard.
the curious part is that at the beginning of the year you were actually trying to pretend that Q2 is the best in the series by consensus. and these days all your posts are about how Q2 is shit and it's all Tim's fault. keep it up, might develop some taste in a few more years.

>> No.6960626

Aeons of Death

>> No.6960641 [DELETED] 

>the archive shows only (you)
Are you really desperate alf?
Only because once of your friends is /vr/ janitor? hence why your shitposts here are not deleted?

or the fact that you and said janitor are from Resetera?

>> No.6960653

Is that true?

>> No.6960670

Why are there so many shitpost enablers these days.
If you're responding to shitposters, you're just as bad as they are.

>> No.6960709

I've never used a vpn in my life, and the archives don't show a source because you've never given one.
Give source. Give it. I want to see tim willies being a dipshit, I really do. Id drama is interesting.

>> No.6960729

Unless you have tangible proof to show, you're just blowing smoke up people's asshole. You want people to believe your position? Then quick being a lazy cocksucker.

>> No.6960737

If you want to randomize the uniform color of dead and gibbed marines, grab this

>> No.6960742 [DELETED] 

And before someone asks it, or even goes "proofs"
Alf and most of the new janitors from here and /tg/ and /vg/ are from one of Resetera's discord groups, they are changing it regularly to evade people from tracking them and report due to "Cheese Pizza" shenanigans after /v/ denounced and shown screenshots of the original group a year ago, who even has Discord admins in it.

most of the /pol/ and anti HL and 3d fps baits here which also includes Q1, Q2 and even Q3 of late here and on /vm/ are mostly made by some of them due to the fact that said community is more resistant to their garbage political baits, since most of the Quake community is more Multiplayer focused than modding, and most of the mappers don't give a fuck for it and rather map and mod. Which makes them seethe.

Have you never noticed how all of alf and his group's Shitposts and lefty/pol/ baits until recently were always deleted or removed due to breaking the board's rule, but now all of them all over /vr/ are not, plus anyone who reports them gets deleted or banned while their stays it?
Yes, it because they like resetera did on /tg/ managed to put one of them as janitor so they can shitpost and derail for free. And worse is that we can't do nothing until the admins chose new ones.

Worse is that the asshole and his friends are also a Blizzard Shillbots, and the one making the Shadowlands posts on /v/ and /vg/. i kinda wish to know what kind of person does this type of shit 24/7 and if he and his garbage friends feels pleasure with it.
By all means, just report all of them once you see any Anti Quake games, HL or political bait in it and hope that another janitor deals with it.

people are even leaving this board because of them.

>> No.6960750

I think people are leaving the board for another, much more obvious change to it

>> No.6960764

>leaving the board for another
Where are they going to, /v/?

>> No.6960772 [DELETED] 

Leaving the board -because- of another change to it, I fucked up the wording
I don't know where posters are going to from here, given how 8/vr/ is so dead to be laughable

>> No.6960784 [DELETED] 

I just assume the mods are uncaring and lazy as fuck as always, which has largely always been the case on 4chan, the only time it was responsive on /vr/ was when someone in these threads was a jannie, and even then he had to sleep.

You're going to need something more than just conjecture to convince me that there's a Resetera stooge in modstaff actively colluding against the userbase.

>> No.6960786

I've been on this board for 20 years and honestly those based boys on here who define themselves by their consumer choices and the preferenced they had as children really get on my nerves. Nobody cares that you used to like Quake. Like literally, nobody is even mildly interested in what games you played as a child. Stop wearing that t shirt and lazer that NIN tattoo ofd your ass.

You're an adult. It's unhealthy to define yourself this much by your childhood interests. Let your kid play the games that he wants to play and define his own childhood, instead of trying to hijack these years of his life to use it as another trophy shelf for your own memories. Those games you are trying to desperately make him like, he's not gonna like them. He won't, because they suck. They are fucking garbage games by today's standards. If minecraft or fortnite existed back then, everybody would have been playing that instead. Let your kid have fun, and grow up, you manchild. You have a son. If you are still this desperately empty that you are trying to define your life with novelties, you clearly don't appreciate what it means to be a father.

This is what happens when you pretend that we're past "you need to become a man" as a society. They don't.


>> No.6960793

>plus anyone who reports them gets deleted or banned
Not been my experience.

>> No.6960794

>I've been on this board for 20 years
/vr/ is only seven years old

>> No.6960802

Cool bait, here's your (you)
No one else reply to this fag

>> No.6960804

Months ago even at slow pace, this place had tons of cool stuff, there it was none of this retarded baiting shitpost and everyone was having fun playing any game and we helping it, even HUMP and REKKR came from here and it was great! Plus we've got quakewulf maps, Quake 1.5, the coolest map jams and so on.
Now this thread doesn't even last 2 days without the incessant shitpoting coming from one group who doesn't even play the games and goes shitposting 24/7, and they would rather post memes than discuss, play or even mod or map.

Its tiresome, and reporting them doesn't even work anymore, unless a miracle happens.

>> No.6960805

4chan as a whole is also only 17 years old.

>> No.6960809

Ok, lets at least TRY to get the thread back on track.

1. Go here, download and play what you get
2. Re-roll if you get deathmatch levels or anything else that isn't singleplayer levels.
3. Post a screenshot and a review of what you just played.

Have fun, bros

>> No.6960810

I don't disagree with you but I think the recent decay of the thread's quality is a symptom of the board change as a whole. It's people coming in here shitposting, as well as newfags replying to our old shitposters.

>> No.6960819
File: 415 KB, 488x519, 1595509668600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno what /vr/ you've been on, but it's always been a combination of people getting together to make or show things with bursts of shitposting and garbage. Cool things still get made and cool things will still be made and talked about.

How about you just ignore what irks you and play something like 2048; you'll live happier if you stop letting it consume your life.

>> No.6960821

2048 was great, and we'll keep coming back to such greatness.

>> No.6960840

>REKKR came from here
Holy shit really? How long until unity doom gets more /vr/ mods

>> No.6960842 [DELETED] 

There is, check their toxic bin one day at the retro and board games areas.
They always claim that "/tg/ and /vr/ are the safest havens for us" on /tg/'s case they used the D&D threads to spread all over the damn board.
In our case, you can mostly blame twitter tourists and retro tubers who posts here and there, and some idiots at both Quake and Doom community who instead of ignore them showed this place to them via twitter or Discord Mapping groups, who would rather talk about politics than map, play or mod the game.

and if they see someone doing any of the 3, they sperg and start throwing baits.
its tiresome

i was here since the days when trainwiz made /v/space threads and oblivion modding was religion at /v/.

you are nothing but an nigger throwing baits to derail this conversation as you always do

>> No.6960858 [DELETED] 
File: 525 KB, 640x360, finishing my coffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only time it was responsive on /vr/ was when someone in these threads was a jannie
wasn't even a janny, was he? he said it was a borrowed badge.

that's because you're the shitposter. derailing threads, spamming the newspost, posting 20 times in a row every 90s. what would a shitposting spammer do that you don't?
and don't take credit for other anons' projects - pretty sure it was you who said you weren't ever going to do any mapping.

>> No.6960871

>projecting this hard
here is the culprit

>> No.6960872

>The map gives you a berserk pack and barely any weapons
I both love and hate these so much. On one hand its fun turning Imps into paste with a single punch, but it's also a pain in the ass to fight everything with just your fists.

>> No.6960897
File: 904 KB, 150x150, 1364436952109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop responding

>> No.6960929

>Months ago even at slow pace, this place had tons of cool stuff, there it was none of this retarded baiting shitpost and everyone was having fun playing any game and we helping it, even HUMP and REKKR came from here and it was great
Nigga hump and rekkr were like years ago. And Rekkrguy and Quakewulf still post here.
>Now this thread doesn't even last 2 days without the incessant shitpoting coming from one group who doesn't even play the games and goes shitposting 24/7, and they would rather post memes than discuss, play or even mod or map.
It seems like almost all of the shitposting comes from literally one guy, the Half-Life spammer. You cant blame everybody for one autist ruining things.

>> No.6960931
File: 78 KB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Raven, by Matt Bollier. According to the wad data and text file it was finished on 1/1/1996 and uploaded to a Compuserve forum.
It's brown and every enemy is a hitscanner. Text file has some backstory about you taking on the Columbian army but al you need to know is it's brown and full of hitscanners with only one area that has any health. Chaingunners on ledges, shotgunners and chaingunners waiting on the other side of elevators, you get the idea. Nothing worth playing 4/10 they tried. Seems the author went on to make a few other wads in '96 but then disappeared, no real impact on the scene

>> No.6960943
File: 192 KB, 539x519, dcu499g-bb334218-fc33-4a42-877b-95248d14e436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /vr/oom hasn't always been a shitshow
SArais was right all along

>> No.6960948

Is it irresponsible of me to buy the Quake vinyl when I don't have a record player?

>> No.6960953

Broken clocks and all that. But it's definitely gotten dumber over the years. You can't argue that.

>> No.6960954

Very much so
The songs were digitally mastered I'm pretty sure, there's not even any real benefit to playing it on vinyl

>> No.6960956
File: 639 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20201006_003755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this shit, PE01.WAD, some unfinished level.

>> No.6960957

A clock doesn't need to be broken to tell the right time.

>> No.6960962
File: 44 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20201006_003804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960965

My point still stands, this place has gotten stupider over the years. Regardless of what one person claims, this place has always had its shitposters and assholes, but it's gotten increasingly worse.

>> No.6960967

It's not just this place. It's the entire community; and always has been.

>> No.6960969

Enjoy it while it's here. Eventually each board turns into a Facebook wall over time.

>> No.6960971

They really should've waited for SMT.

>> No.6960989

..speaking of the vinyl: https://www.nin.wiki/Quake_Soundtrack
we were joking about it, but apparently:
>The final, blank side of the vinyl is etched with program code from the game.
and also re:fan-made track names:
>Titles of songs or themes (C) 1996 TVT/Interscope Records.

>> No.6960990 [DELETED] 

Have you seen facebook recently? That place is so horribly out of touch with anything human that it could only be a result of unhinged judaism. Then again, so has this place been too from the start. It was jewish money that funded this place since the start. This is all part of the plan.

>> No.6960992
File: 526 KB, 1920x1080, bs_l21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got bs_l21, made 08/09/94, author I think someone called CSPARKS. Made to replace E2M1, it was a solid map, especially for one from 1994. Lots of shotgun zombies to keep you on your toes, very helpful secrets, and some nice level design.
I'd recommend it!

>> No.6961006

It was his Quake 2-stuff that made me start watching the channel but his doom-analysis is rather decent too.

>> No.6961018

Honestly, Alf at his most autistic can't compare to S'arais' freakouts, that shit got INTENSE.

Not by very much.

>> No.6961032

"freakouts" with ranting bullshit that made more sense than the 75% majority of the goddamn DOOM fandom can push out of their asses and terrible map designs that make zero fucking sense and simply follow irresponsible map design for the sake of cultist fanaticism.
Hi Alf.

>> No.6961034

What are some cool Halloween-style maps for Quake 1 (or 2)?

>> No.6961040

Is there a mod that makes the quake 2 weapons feel better? The basic 4 are all really, really bland. So-so sound effects, mediocre impact particles, no muzzle flash. It doesn't feel like I'm shooting at all, the enemies just play pain animations because I clicked them. The hyperblaster is fun at least. Haven't gotten the railgun or rocket yet, so can't comment on those.

>> No.6961049

>S'arais' freakouts
He wasn't exactly wrong, though. Wouldn't matter what he did, people screamed no matter what. People were only interested in harrassing them, then giving them conflicting information so they could be setup for future failures.

>> No.6961052

>tfw banned from posting images from my wired connection and banned altogether on my mobile connection because some subhuman piece of shit in my range posted CP
I swear, if I ever find that person, they will pray they had been struck by lightning four years ago.

I wanted to post something that people might have liked, but like this, you get nothing! GOOD DAY!
Hopefully I can post tomorrow from work

>> No.6961057


>> No.6961058

Damn thats fucked up. Always find your updates interesting.

>> No.6961061

>banned altogether on my mobile connection because some subhuman piece of shit in my range posted CP
from what i understand, phoneposting is banned because of how easy it is to ban-evade by toggling airplane mode on/off

>> No.6961065

Q1 has halloween map jams
Q2 has some neat stuff at the >>6957268 dropbox link but the good to go stuff is Hexorcism and Cranky Steve's haunted House

>> No.6961072

I wish. Hiro's gotta make his money and phoneposters are a big source of browsers now

>> No.6961073

Well, the ban message gives me a ban active since 2016 for something cp related. But I have also been rangebanned on other boards for some pedophile polnigger spamming/flooding/evading/requesting

>> No.6961086
File: 660 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20201005_170859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fucking sewer map
It has two maps, but I'm only reviewing the first because I'm tired. Also I couldn't find a better screenshot. It was actually quite charming aside from a dark maze section. There's a lack of variety on demons and weapons, but it's still fairly fun; if a bit too compact at times. Not too challenging or annoying however.
Also I couldn't tell if I was going insane and the chaingun had a faster firerate than normal. I couldn't find any mention of that though.

>> No.6961091 [DELETED] 
File: 314 KB, 415x522, screencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the problems with these threads and 4chan, most probably see it as a last piece of an old wild west internet when everywhere else is a sci-fi 1984/Brave New World dystopia
Maybe people hate the "evil hacker known as 4chan" because they wish they were "him" and have jealousy over it doing a better job at being edgy/counter culture, when their "rebel" beliefs are "backed" by corporations and the powerfull elite
Most websites feel like they have restrictive speech and less anonymity, so these sites aren't just a scary boogeyman, but also the "alternative" underdog
For all the "heckin wholesome bean" Tumblr/Reddit users, some probably get so sick of those sites' natures, they go to 4chan just to shout the word FAGGOT like a form of relief, as if they had a gun in their head this whole time
For all the talk about taking down the rich and authoritarians, some either become too soft they even censor the word "kill" like it's a slur or become snitches themselves and get in cancel culture because you said "Guacamole Nigga" so somehow you deserved to have your life ruined
Some people used to be edgy SA/chan edgelords before they became too soft and treat even former friends as liabilities for their hack careers before they're exposed as "male allies" or whatever breadtube shit happens
Gets worse when the internet is treated as just 6 existing websites with less features, moderated by intentionally poorly made algorithms

>> No.6961092

hmm. whenever i post from my phone it says the IP range is banned due to abuse, unless i'm hooked up to my wi-fi

>> No.6961103

It's not, I occasionally make a post here when taking a shit.

>> No.6961106

I checked the map jams, do they run on Quakespasm 0.93 or is that not good enough to run them? (concerning the "Note: These maps require a source port with increased limits. " warning)

>> No.6961115

Quakespasm IS a port with increased limits. AFAIK it's the default port to play custom maps on unless the author says otherwise (i.e. Quake 1.5 only runs on a specific version of Dark Places that it is bundled with)

>> No.6961118

What do you prefer to change in an FPS's hard mode - less resources, less health, more enemies, or more difficult enemies?

>> No.6961121

A combination of all of those things, varying from level to level.

>> No.6961126

Anything but more enemies and bullet sponges.
I prefer smarter enemies and less resources.

>> No.6961127

read the pasta, any modern port has no problems with that.
All of them pretty much has Increased limits

Doesn't 1.5 runs on FTE and Quakespasm Spiked because both has Custom modding support unlike QS?

>> No.6961136

Yeah, just grading up the health and damage values of enemies is lazy, it's much better to just replace existing enemies with harder ones, and more of them.
Doom got that right in 1993.

>> No.6961145

from the moddb page ( https://www.moddb.com/mods/quake-15 )
>This mod requires darkplaces as it makes use of engine extensions specific to DP

>> No.6961147

Instant reaction times and respawning monsters (double ammo to make up for it)

>> No.6961156

Just upload to streamable/Imgur and post a link

>> No.6961192
File: 2.00 MB, 2560x1600, Screen Shot 2020-10-05 at 5.30.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Castle of Fear, apparently a rejected map for Doom the way ID did. Eh, it was alright I guess. Plenty of ammo, but I wasted it 'cause I didn't expect the cyberdemon fight at the end...

>> No.6961193

of these four - more enemies.
but best hard modes tend to be the ones that enforce no saving, meaning the devs actually have to balance the game around it.

>> No.6961205
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6961212

Are there any other Quake clones other than Chasm?

>> No.6961214

And Unreal.

>> No.6961216

It feels like they compensated for everything else with the railgun's intensive particle effects in particular. That beam, especially for 1997-standards, was quite elaborately made and looks impressive to this day. The BFG looks nice too and is the basis for the BFG ever since.

I wish if I had the time. I also wish I could do something with the Lazarus mod too and all the missing animations and items and such that the game has. Would be neat to make a mission pack addon using this.

>> No.6961223

Oh, forgot to mention that the music for the level was the spider mastermind fight music. Which was really annoying; seriously, don't use that track for longer maps, it gets really repetitive.
Also want to thank you for that link: didn't know idgames HAD a random function. Now I have a nice new bookmark for getting random maps.

>> No.6961230
File: 103 KB, 1846x139, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nothing to worry about, r-right?

>> No.6961232

The buggy left arm was inspiration for the figure? Or this original version was?

>> No.6961236
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, nano2020wad1-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First night mapping progress. This is fun.

>> No.6961249

Damn, you're making me itch to start mapping, but I'm not done yet.

>> No.6961251
File: 98 KB, 1440x1080, HTIC01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was fucking brutal. First map only gave me a crossbow before throwing me into a tight maze full of ghost warriors. Second map was clearly not designed for wand starts and had some of the rudest weredragon placements I've ever seen. Third map was a slugfest that ended with a horrible lava room full of weredragons. I actually had to save my ring of invulnerability for that instead of the maulotaur fight before it. Overall, not great, but for a 1995 effort it could certainly have been worse.

>> No.6961254
File: 26 KB, 242x384, 1591293110080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I keep hitting TrenchBroom hotkeys when trying to use UDB

>> No.6961258
File: 150 KB, 750x1000, -628972967632985071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at Q2's Iron Maiden and Beta model you may notice that the Shoulder and arm vertex meshes seems fucked, it even clips and it has some bits clipping it
even the Toy Model has the original blocky arm, but without the Blocky shoulder.

>> No.6961259

probably. I think QSS complains about precaching in AD all the time, maybe it's just more strict than others

>> No.6961265
File: 1012 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closer pic

>> No.6961273

you know I never cared for the Strogg but if they managed to make them fucked up cosmic bio horror like that one chapter of Swamp Thing in the Moore era I would be all over it

>> No.6961321

I like the spooky eldritch creatures in 1 better, but I actually quite like the strogg for what they are, they're like a heavy metal Borg Collective.

>> No.6961335
File: 34 KB, 1365x768, Screenshot_Doom_20201006_064417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking kidding me? I was planning to use the exact same pun in my own project!

>> No.6961340

It's okay anon, you can always resort to needlessly gross and nonsensical names like Shitting Out Of My Dickhole

>> No.6961342

Nah, that's not my style, my style is lame puns.

>> No.6961402
File: 587 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20201005_140412_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got
by a certain Ijon

An invasion-style survival map! This was actually pretty fun, though so wide open that picking the chaingun and sniping any hitscanner in sight kind of took priority over everything else. Then I ran into a unusually strong rev rocket and died ! It did so much damage that I was in fact a little surprised, I thought I had more health. Getting something this playable was honestly a huge surprise.

>> No.6961408

AD any good on Hard or do I gotta play on Nightmare for the true experience?

>> No.6961440
File: 829 KB, 1920x1080, asdfsdfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried again and did a bit better, got plasma and rockets thanks to a small arena where I could focus down a bunch of cacos without worrying about outside enemies interfering-- in this wad you spawn all your supplies by killing monsters, some of which appear outside but most of which is in a center area where you retreat to once in awhile and restock at.
Weapons are automatically doled out as you kill monsters and raise your score, it seems to be a bit strange in how they are given out as my second run gave me a chaingun first instead of a shotgun, could be related to the enemies I found out of the gate. Eventually ran into a mancubus fireball and died. A good wad!

>> No.6961506

Looks good anon. Try to use more variance in verticality for the path the player takes. It's pretty flat except for the end when you go up the stairs before immediately dropping back down.

>> No.6961517

Thanks! The area between the hell knight and caco is going to see some loving next. My main goal was making the blue key route feel relatively good. From there I'll figure out how I want to handle the yellow and red keys.

>> No.6961547

Yes it does.

>that bar occupying the screen near
Everything else's great, but fix that

>> No.6961571

I know he was just the engine guy, but are there no maps out there made by John Carmack?

>> No.6961604

Quake 2 will never be good.

>> No.6961613

Go on hard, the maps were made for it.
Nightmare is hard depending of your skill

Evading bans Alf?

>> No.6961621

Ffs guys feeding trolls (You)s isn't going to make the thread better. Anyways, what wads are y'all playing today? I'm going through Rekkr and getting my ass kicked, it's probably one of the best conversions I've found. I particularly like how the ammo mechanic was implemented, it encourages playing in a bit more of a risky manner to get the optimal amount of souls from enemies so you can keep progressing.

>> No.6961623
File: 533 KB, 1920x1080, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a doom1 map made in 1994 before the release of doom 2. 25% of the enemies are stuck inside walls or each other. The majority of doors don't use door textures. There are exactly two secrets, right next to each other, unmarked, and required for progression. The exit switch is just a brick wall, with 3 spectres stuck together blocking your path. beautiful map.

>> No.6961624

My main issue with Rekkr is I'm not sure the auto aim is up to snuff with enemies of that speed. I feel like I can't hit shit with my arrows.

>> No.6961679

I'm fighting procrastination so I could work on my project, and I'm losing badly.

>> No.6961713

That reminds me: My strife project is never coming out

>> No.6961792

what are some good doom youtubers

>> No.6961794

You could try not relying on it.

>> No.6961796
File: 47 KB, 616x353, 135c362dc9bda75e485af4c4db0a8551b5c49b15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing pic related as my first exposure to Duke at 27 years old, is there any way I can get the mouse to feel more 'modern' if anyone has experience

>> No.6961818
File: 272 KB, 802x632, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> PIPELINE.WAD (version 1.0)
> 02/22/95

Tiny map with labyrinth, a few stairs and elevetors, not so much more.

It's ok for 1995 i guess, maybe this was experimental back then, idk what map tools were out there back then.

>> No.6961827

Can you play doom on the oculus quest without getting motion sickness?

>> No.6961856

Fuck TnT. First time playing it. I can't tell if Habitat is a good map or not. It's a mess design wise, but it feels so MUCH better than the slogs the previous two levels were.

>> No.6961885

MtPain27, Decino, and then Civvie if you want a sheer entertainment piece

>> No.6961887

Use eDuke32 sourceport. Mouse in World Tour's busted

>> No.6961901

Buy the megaton edition in a certain website and use Eduke

>> No.6961905

Does anyone have a download link for abort_m/can host one? Just learned it got removed, such a bummer (fuck copyright).

>> No.6961908
File: 872 KB, 1440x810, Screenshot_Doom_20201006_000758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i say FUCK YOU! for forcing me to revisit this?

>> No.6961934

I've never heard anyone speak of Habitat in a positive manner, but from what I remember, it only goes down from there

>> No.6961938

oh boy wait until you hit mount pain

>> No.6961997

Dont make peace with evil, destroy it

>> No.6962007
File: 501 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Doom_20201006_002538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing pumpkinhell.wad
>orange door refuses to open in gzdoom.4.whatever
>works perfectly in glboom+, zand, etc

>> No.6962012 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 237x212, 1601958579019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees link
>"ya know? never tried this lets give it a whirl"
>first link
>you are not alone.wad
>multiplayer only

>> No.6962018
File: 998 KB, 1440x810, Screenshot_Doom_20201006_010345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not kidding when it comes to FUCK YOU!
This is what happens when you mix all of Plutonia's dickery in one single map, and by dickery all of the traps as puzzles.
And amplify them into full sadistic mode

>> No.6962028

Why would you do that yourself? That thing is a pile of steaming dung. You can HEAR how bad it is. The smell is THAT rank.

>> No.6962054
File: 328 KB, 1800x1000, shitty_collage_excuse_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WAD NAME: evil_e.wad
WAD Description: My first attempt!
Author: Ian Suhrstedt
Contact: isuhrste@vtel.com

NOTEs on the level:
1. Try it first without any of the codes...you'll enjoy it more.
2. All of the monsters appear on all levels, so changing the skill
levels won't help you there.
3. Most objects are there for a reason, i.e. location of secrets.
4. Level is compatible with deathmatch and co-op modes.
5. Look closely at the faces on the ship...

Please give me feedback on anything you deem necessary. Thanks.
Have fun!

Review: What can I say, this is a guy's first level, and it's pretty much what you'd expect from a beginner's wad, be it in 1994 or even today. It's pretty fun, though, and there's even a ship! One in which you can get a free megasphere on, by flipping one demon face switch, which is even hinted in the description, since apparently a free megasphere was that big of a deal back then. Important to note, it also features a room which resembles a skull in the automap. This guy was certainly trying to be 'innovative'.
The level's progression is nonlinear, and depending on the path you take, you may take a plasma rifle or a rocket launcher sooner than if you'd proceeded through another path first.
100% on everything, 16 minutes (I got lost because I missed two eye-switches in the skull-shaped room)
Overall, not a bad map. And considering 90s standards, I give it a 7/10.

>> No.6962062
File: 455 KB, 1920x1080, impending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES thank you anon

i played

(actually i skipped a few that were unbearable)

it's a decent but very easy map that seems someone's first attempt. still, lots of attempts at detail

>> No.6962068
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, impending2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another screenshot, some lighting effects

>> No.6962080
File: 96 KB, 350x319, 1523375608401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fighting archvile
>have cover and good rhythm
>shoot him during his attack animation
>he stops attacking and runs towards me, ruining the cover and fucking me over
This happens way too often.

>> No.6962081

gotta listen for dat pain sound

>> No.6962090

Wait, you can still buy that somewhere?

>> No.6962124
File: 372 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20201006_001951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay I now realize that it's meant to be a dog sniffing but I definitely thought at first that the teeth were legs and the nose and jowls were an ass and the key was some kind of one-eyed thing twerking at me

>> No.6962147

>dog sniffing
I don't see anything. That is literal garbage

>> No.6962151
File: 374 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This map was okay for a while. Ugly, but it had some neat gimmicks to it and nice flow.
Its main issues stem from its absolute lack of weapons. There's only 3 pickups on the entire map that I was able to find- a chainsaw that was unobtainable, a rocket launcher with like 8 total rockets throughout the entire map, and shotguns dropped by zombies. This map also expects you to kill a Spiderdemon with said shotgun in order to progress, and doesn't give you any ammo back in return.
I gave up on it after dying to the final room full of pinkies and imps while I had a measly dozen or so pistol shots left while everything else was empty. A room that was also booby trapped with barrels under a crusher that would instakill you if you didn't move forward enough.
Pic related is me pistoling a group of pinkies to death because I had no ammo for anything else.

>> No.6962170

The idle frame should be angled upwards at least a bit.
As of now it loos really flat

Like OG Beretta is angled upwards.

>> No.6962196
File: 2 KB, 168x268, thisdialgoesupto4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem is, since the dial case is so huge (and I already shrunk it), it would basically look the same; if you look closely you can just see the barrel peeking out during the recoil frame. That's a reason why I am debating going angled.

Anyhow, here's a concept for an enemy I am not sure I can finish all the frames for.

>> No.6962204

Game Journalism was fine in 85-2003 or so, when printed publications still had actual journalists. After that inept blogo-kiddies took over and shit went downhill fast.

>> No.6962207

I meant more about gear-y-display thing. ANgling it up a bit would improve it greately IMO

>> No.6962227

AFAIK it's the only dehacked mod to come from here. Could be wrong though.

>> No.6962231
File: 553 KB, 1179x2678, d7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6962235

That's no display, it's the bore scope (another idea I had was using the HD scope system and make crosshairs appear in there). That or angled, whichever I get to work first, probably.

>> No.6962240
File: 174 KB, 570x800, 1478060756648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6962245

>Really have respect Romero for namedropping Marathon in reference to that whole situation.

>> No.6962246
File: 102 KB, 680x449, we never asked for this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6962251

If you're dissatisfied with how it looks and can't think of a way to make it better then yeah, maybe try something different. Going angled might be worth it, it's more work but comparing between angled and straight might give you more ideas.

>> No.6962283

He could really use a hand but I'm willing to let him off the hook.

>> No.6962296

>That archvile with all of the revenants

>> No.6962332

>time-consuming fatalities
Man this is old

>> No.6962340

>finish Pharoah in TnT
>somehow miss like 70 enemies
Where the fuck were they

>> No.6962356

>whats good nigguh


>> No.6962362
File: 989 KB, 1920x1080, ss1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pretty delightful map consisting of many tricks/traps/secrets. i ran out of ammo badly at one point and had to chainsaw a lot, but maybe it'd have been fine if i hadn't missed few secrets at that point (there weren't many infight opportunities).

the map is set on a spaceship and has some neat mechanics. in one part there's a thrown made from a sort of cutout artwork of an archvile, haven't seen that before.

fun map, i recommend it.

>> No.6962365

There's literally nothing wrong with Brutal Doom

>> No.6962370

>tfw getting a PC just to try Brutal Doom and Quake
It looks fun

>> No.6962404

Actually that's two hooks, but you can't see it from the front.
>ya tryin' ta make fun 'a me? Ah gots this there dial here....

>> No.6962430

it's boring.

>> No.6962454

Yes. Not with itself. It's just gameplay mod. It fucks the balance, but so do most of gameplay mods. The problem are the zoomers, who think it's definite way to play Doom and demand that it's compatible with everything, while in reality it's not even best gameplay, but one of more mediocre ones.

>> No.6962498


>> No.6962536
File: 590 KB, 1920x1080, tyson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"midnight tek frenzy"

delightful little slaughter map (387 enemies, though 4 didn't teleport in for me). fun traps and non-stop action. not hard except the ending is a bit crappy unless you time it right so the arch viles fight the cyberdemons.

extremely highly recommended

screenshot is from a "tyson alley" where you suddenly punch the crap out of a bunch of imps and pinkies to get the red keycard

>> No.6962541

thats an extra map in cchest4
map33/34, cant remember which

>> No.6962556

idgames says cchest4, map35

do you recommend this wad? this map was certainly fun.

>> No.6962575

Sandy confirmed just now that the Carmacks had a hand in E1M1:


>> No.6962593

John Ramone doesn't endorse Brutal Doom because it's the definitive way to play Doom. He just admitted it's hilarious and that they would've broken the industry if they had released Brutal Doom, meaning they would get so much backlash for the violence that it would get every fps banned. And he obviously had the gore aspect of the mod in mind, not the mediocre gameplay.

>> No.6962598

Idea: Doom RPG but gooder.

I mean you could mock up something with monster sprites and the derek yu tileset from DoomRL
or you could do wizardry style maps with level textures, specially the cooler looking sets like AA or Sunlust

>> No.6962604

Why don't the recent builds have the metadata in the audio player

>> No.6962648

I tried playing on the index and it wasn't great.

>> No.6962707

this wad is fucking awesome, highly recommended

>> No.6962710

Makes sense. E1M1 showed off just about everything the engine could do over Wolfenstein.

>> No.6962716

Is there a site for simple guides for decorate and zscript? Right now I've just been following the docs on the wiki

>> No.6962724

Depends on what you want to do. Simple stuff, there are many tutorials on the usual sites. Specialized stuff, ask around and study the gzdoom.pk3 (ZScript), for DECORATE the wiki is good enough.

>> No.6962745

Ah cool, most of the time I just searched for specific problems in the zdoom forums aside from the wiki. Don't have much coding experience prior.

>> No.6962757

On Realm667 there are some older tuts for all kinds of decorate weapons and monsters. For ZScript I am also stumbling my way through, but the basic guide by Jekyll Grim helped me a lot starting out.

>> No.6962763

Do zandronum /vr/ servers still get hosted or did that one anon stop hosting them?

>> No.6962764

Ooh I'll check those out. Thanks anon.

>> No.6962808

You humor me greatly with your arrogance and contempt, a flood of accusations born from the poison of envy and smite of disrespect.

>> No.6962824

I'm not sure what in the fuck you are attempting to say with your gay pedantic bullshit, but it was rough because the speed of Doom in VR is nauseating.

>> No.6962827

DAE find midi music annoying? I can't listen to this shit for 10 minutes before I want to turn it off.

>> No.6962828

It's a meme you dip.

>> No.6962832

Get a better sound font. SC-55 makes most sound way better.

>> No.6962839

I have a question that's probably been asked a million times: was infinite height a limitation of the time, or was it intentional?

>> No.6962841

Not having to perform height calculation on things helps out performance.

>> No.6962843

Use the digital music packs for original Doom MIDIs
Chocolate/Crispy will automatically play them whenever an original Doom MIDI comes up. Put the music packs in a folder like "C:\Games\Doom\Music-packs" and edit your Chocolate\Crispy .cfg files to look for the music packs in that folder.
PrBoom+ can't play them.
GZDoom can play them; load the .zip files like any other mod.

For other MIDIs download a MIDI player called VirtualMIDISynth. Then download some soundfonts to use with it. Some anon recommended Mysung Kite months ago and I've just been using that, but some WADs recommend a specific soundfont, like BTSX recommends SC-55 and Valiant recommends Arachno. Orpheus is another soundfont worth checking out

IIRC only the X and Z coordinates of actors are used, so actors effectively have infinite height. I dunno why projectiles behave differently though

>> No.6962847

>Videogames are pointless. Discuss.
This read like a /v/ post.

>> No.6962850

SC-55 is piss easy to find nowadays
Pair with Munt and GG

>> No.6962884

ok i put sc-55 in /soundfonts but jizzy doom doesn't recognize it?

>> No.6962885

Finally finished up Alien Bastards. It was fun.

>> No.6962891
File: 78 KB, 640x570, 1429488169404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Ancient Aliens
I'm the fucking best

>> No.6962894

go to GZDoom's sound options and look around there. there you can change the midi player and soundfont

>> No.6962917


They added p2p networking!

>> No.6962927


>> No.6962928

Does this mean deathmatch and coop now?

>> No.6962948

Go away shill.

>> No.6962997

Word is Arcane Dimension 1.8 this week.

>> No.6963032


>> No.6963110

I'm a nub with a phone and I want to play some doom and mods or whatever. I'm actually a rare boomer who never got into any of the heavy doom stuff. I only have my phone to play on and A gamepad so no touch controls. What's the best way to play wads on my phone?

>> No.6963115

Delta touch

>> No.6963119

You don't even have a laptop or anything?

>> No.6963129


I have all that I'm just at work so this is as good as it gets. i have a small rasbian build that would work but it's just at home. I can get it on lunch.

>> No.6963139

Dang that's tough. What do you do at home? Please tell me you do lots of sports and music.

>> No.6963140

They were definitely able to calculate height so that fireballs and rockets work properly. Honestly, I think it was just a situation where they wanted enemies to block you instead of worrying about what happens if you can land on them and they just left it at infinite height.

>> No.6963151
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like it when wads with incompatibilities with certain source ports use that to halt progression in the first room to clue you in that something is wrong.

>> No.6963164
File: 1.33 MB, 1440x1080, 2020-10-06_17-48-12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played a bit with the mean machine while I was procrastinating map work. Shame the charge is interruptible...

>> No.6963167

Almost done with episode 2 of Base Ganymede, I swear at this point pistol starting each map would probably be easier than continuous play considering how injured and out of ammo I am at the end of each level. I'm fairly average at Doom so this wad is really smacking me around in places.
Still pretty great though, but I think I'll play it on HMP next time.

>> No.6963169

That firing animation is really odd, anon.

>> No.6963204

I have a rig at home lol. I'm just bored at work.

>> No.6963213

I know, I'm working on it. But could you still please tell me what EXACTLY you find odd about it?

>> No.6963218

The way this thing is animated now, the gun kicks up first, THEN it fires, that makes no sense. It should be muzzleflash, then kick up, then the gun resets back to its idle state

>> No.6963220

he's fast!

>> No.6963230

Damn I could have sworn the flash persisted during recoil.
Thanks for pointing it out, nobody seems to have caught that yet.

>> No.6963235

Trenchbroom issue. I've got a func_door_secret, and when you touch it, it will print a message. How do I make it so shooting it will print the message instead?

>> No.6963247

What do you do that you can sit around playing doom?

>> No.6963249
File: 786 KB, 1894x1339, 1415032283455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great stuff.

How about a reskinned Mancubus as a dual wielding Fattie with belly wheel?

>> No.6963252

Give it health. Like 2 health. Means you have to shoot it.

>> No.6963259

What trump comic is this? I’ll have you sued for slander. The supreme leader would never let his hair get that long

>> No.6963260
File: 13 KB, 600x600, PIA00353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E2 is peak Base Ganymede, IMO. It has the longest and best-looking levels, especially E2M5 and E2M6. E3 has some really good levels, too, especially E3M4, but it has some really short levels, such as E3M6, which make me yearn for the epic scale of some of the previous levels

>> No.6963263
File: 432 KB, 720x360, okay I think I fixed the bullets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent too much time making guns and weapons, you start to pick up on this shit.

>> No.6963270
File: 402 KB, 918x996, 1540982000325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Ronald Glumpf. THIS is Ronald Glumpf

>> No.6963271

Oh, that's YOU? I love your stuff.

That's actually something that has been debated already. It's on my todo list, because I *really* want to have some League of Fatties goons in the enemy roster.
I am also about to add some rad pit dudes.

>> No.6963273

Hmm, no dice. Still only prints when I touch it.

>> No.6963283
File: 37 KB, 1072x157, Screenshot_20201006-174318__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rid of the target name?

>> No.6963284

look how they massacred my boy

>> No.6963291

>tfw low health
>archie is just 2 ssgs away from death
>bum rush him with the ssg
>face is full of fire
>100% of the pellets hit
>no pain state

>> No.6963301

Nah I never gave it a targetname. Quoth has a func_breakable option, and doing that achieves what I wanted I suppose. I don't see on the Quake wiki page for func_door_secret anything about shooting for the message anyway. Oh well. Thanks for the input man.

>> No.6963313

>that invulnerability head shotgun weilding angel image created from some stock image of a guy with a shotgun
What the fuck was this thing called? looks like a good thing to implement as a boss enemy

>> No.6963317

Benellus, and it was implemented in dump 3 as a boss.

>> No.6963332

>dump 3
holy shit, you reminded me I still havent finished dump 3, that wad was a blast

>> No.6963391

Property manager for a bunch of private self storage facilities. I literally just answer the phone while subordinates do the work. And the phone never rings. I'm literally flushed with time.

Side note, I don't have a working Google play so I can't get delta touch. The version I can dl for free won't launch games I guess it has some liscence check now.

I'm thinking I might just grab the rasbian pi.

>> No.6963472

Sounds like a good gig I guess.

>> No.6963562

I'm having to save scum at this point and feel no shame in it. This was clearly made for better plyers than I. Still having fun though, and that's what counts.

>> No.6963602

Unless I'm doing a pistol start run, I don't care if I save scum. I've played enough custom wads to know that map designers will dick you over with an archvile at the very end.

>> No.6963609

it makes them feel clever

>> No.6963642
File: 26 KB, 747x731, PIA02862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you liked it, anon. I haven't played many but I'd say Base Ganymede is among my favorite pwads. It has a unique pacing - instead of creating difficult encounters in which you heal afterwards, it creates long levels with sparse health that wear you down with attrition.

I would recommend that you at least try to beat some of the maps saveless so that you can savor them, specifically E2M4 (the punch-out map) and E2M5 (do it pistol-start because you will start off ammo-less and wounded otherwise). It will no doubt take extra time but you will be a better player afterwards and replaying the maps will give you extra appreciation of the excellent decoration and architecture. To defeat the cyberdemon of E2M5 you need to understand his attack pattern and strafe left/right/left (or right/left/right) to zig-zag in between his rockets. If he goes into a pain-state and immediately starts a new salvo that can really fuck up your timing. To defeat the imps/baron in the punch-out map, you need to linger a few steps away from them and wait for them to throw a fireball, and immediately strafe up to them and punch them and then step back. With practice the end result looks kind of like a circular or semicircular movement pattern

>This was clearly made for better plyers than I
You'll be pleased to know where Base Ganymede is ranked in this list (this is actually where I discovered the wad)

>> No.6963656
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>> No.6963669

Thanks for the advice! The Cyberdemon on the punch out map is the only monster I didn't kill so far, I just assumed I'd get to telefrag him by the end and when that didn't happen I just noped out of there because taking one on in a fist fight felt a bit much.
You're right about the start of the map straight after, I was in a bad way and it made the start much harder than it should be.
I'll try going saveless some other time, the entire idea sounds frustrating to me even if I always find players like Decino impressive to watch.

>> No.6963679

Quakefags BTFO

>> No.6963680

I dunno how you beat the punch-out map without telefragging the cyberdemon. As far as I know, you have to telefrag him in order to teleport to the red key. You wait for him to shoot some rockets before running up the stairs (that way, he doesn't fire a rocket at an inopportune time), and at the top of the starts is a teleporter which will telefrag him, then as soon as you step off the pad you are taken to the red key

>> No.6963685

Pretty good and easily recognizable and that's coming from someone who has only watched the movies a few times. Not a huge 2000AD reader, but sometimes. Would still play this though when it's done for sure.

>> No.6963686

I had one monster left and assumed it was him - looks like I missed a random imp somewhere instead then. How annoying.

>> No.6963735

Which port are you using, BTW? I'd recommend Crispy Doom, with Vanilla Smooth Weapons mod (adds extra weapon animation frames, so the chaingun barrels actually spin for example), PerK's Hi-Res Sound Effects mod (high quality versions of the Doom sound effects - only the player death sound is wrong but you can easily remove that from the .wad using Slade), and Doom Sprite Fix (includes some minor sprite fixes). Download the Doom Sprite Fix dehacked file as well; it includes more minor fixes, such as making the cyberdemon's firing frame bright so his firing frame is bright even in a pitch-black room which greatly helps to dodge his rockets
>inb4 that's cheating
Most monsters in the game light up during their firing frame so the cyberdemon remaining dark while firing rockets can be thought of as a bug
I'm not sure if it matters but I load vsmooth.wad after the sprite fix just in case so that vsmooth overwrites anything it needs to.
Also do not use both vsmooth.wad and the sprite fix dehacked file in PrBoom as for some reason it fucks up in this port; just use vsmooth.wad and disregard the sprite fix dehacked file for this port. It works flawlessly in Crispy Doom though
If you're not using Crispy you can always try it out for your episode three playthrough

>> No.6963737
File: 25 KB, 640x640, shakiin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just asked Activision's twitter-profile for the rights to develop HeXen 3. Wish me luck, guys.

>> No.6963747
File: 775 B, 88x70, fattie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m80.
If someone is here who wants to make a full sheet out of him, tell me; there are some attacks to generate.
Meanwhile I started sketching out a Fatty by tracing parts of a mancubus. Pic related is what I ended up with. Lol'd irl.

>> No.6963748

I don't get it, Dredd is supposed to be a parody of totalitarianism, and now he denounces le Blumpf xD?

What did they mean by this? Which side do they play?

>> No.6963754

You realise leftists think Trump is literally Hitler 2.0? They're totally delusional as fuck.

>> No.6963762

The fatties should still have really small (normal) sized arms and legs. But enormous gross folds of fat. Don't forget the belly wheel.

>> No.6963763

It's the same problem as 40k has. Way back in the 80's the authors were aware that it was satirical. The modern authors have lost track of that, so Dredd now has to be a "good guy," aka agree with the author's politics.

>> No.6963772

Are you even a real Doom fan if you haven't played Ken Silverman's Doom?


>> No.6963774

But he still has to do his job, which means playing up to the totalitarian society they created for the comic. He is in no way meant to be a good guy or even an anti-hero, he merely does what he has been convinced to think is right, making him yet another brainwashed pawn of which we should all look at from a safe distance and learn from as a cautionary tale.

I guess the qualifications for writers these days took a knee to the lowest common denominator. Grammar optional.

>> No.6963775

>that list
Thanks, I think I'll give that a try. Going to give pistol starting a go as well.
Bless you, the SC-55 already sounds much better.

>> No.6963779 [DELETED] 
File: 361 KB, 529x1474, IMG_z7fb9t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dredds funny because the more "horrible" and right the liberal writers try to make him the more, cool, based and red pilled he is

>Nooooo it's a warning not a flipping guide! You're supposed to disagree with his actions!!! Not hecking agreearino!

>> No.6963781

Sure sure, as I said, I merely traced a Fatso here. It just looked so goofy I had a laff. And as you can see, the legs are already rather small. And you bet your ass I will add the belly wheel.

>> No.6963783

Is there a term for unintentional propaganda?

>> No.6963784

Do you really think modern comic book artists are giving any thought to what lessons they're teaching the readers? They want to inform you that orange man is indeed bad, they write for Judge Dredd, therefore Dredd says orange man bad. They aren't thinking of him as our window into a totalitarian future, they're thinking of him as a mouthpiece for their present political beliefs.

>> No.6963786

Considering early 40k was written by 2000AD authors, that seems to be a curse which follows them.

>> No.6963794

God, western comics have become so shit.

>> No.6963805

It was a performance/time thing. Heretic was able to give actors finite height, but it was still a bit glitchy. By the time of Hexen they ironed out the kinks.

>> No.6963807
File: 481 KB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2020-10-06 12-13-24-403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody ever play this Serious Sam PWAD? Pretty damn terrific. The enemy roster is so large since it uses TSE, that there's an element of randomness to each playthrough. Really fun stuff.

>> No.6963809

I'm using PrBoom, but I'll check out a few of those mods (Normally I just use GZDoom and Smooth Doom, but I fancied a change)
I've just got to Episode 3 now (I really didn't like the teleporting Cyberdemon boss, it was more annoying than hard)

>> No.6963819
File: 16 KB, 222x227, horse on ren and stimpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6963831

i don't think you understand the concept of "satire", anon.
please re-visit dredd when you have grown up, mentally.

>> No.6963842

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, the leather club's two blocks down.

>> No.6963860

Are you serious?

>> No.6963863 [DELETED] 

But orange man is indeed bad because he is a zionist.

inb4 post deleted.

>> No.6963864

I do understand it. But sometimes what they're trying to present as bad I think is good. Cope.

>> No.6963867

Are there any decent mods that allow you to play dm maps in horde mode like Quake? I want to try out some DM maps, but I hate people.

>> No.6963902

I can't tell if I'm looking at direct screenrips or actual models

>> No.6963905

now try it with scythe 2

>> No.6963917
File: 1004 KB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2020-10-06 13-00-22-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty based.

>> No.6963921

What is the map editor of choice for Heretic and Hexen?

>> No.6963927

You can use GzDoombuilder/Ultimate Doombuilder, they have full support for Heretic and Hexen. Also for Strife, if you want to bother mapping for it.

>> No.6963931

Screenrips, which is a shame, but this ain't.

>> No.6963937
File: 2 KB, 80x77, LOFMA0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First draft of a Fatty. I am already rather pleased with the face fat.
All that's left to do now is doomifying the sprite and making it look good and making all the other sprites for the whole animation.

>> No.6963940

How about something a little more cross-platform? SLADE3 initially looked promising, but their alternate builds have been...Erratic, to say the least, of late.

>> No.6963947

Bethesda hate in this case is pointless and childish. Zandronum servers are quite dead, and the most active ones are filled with overmodded content. If bethesda brings more players to vanilla dm and vanilla coop, that's only a good thing.

>> No.6963951

can you target his belly wheel

>> No.6963956

lol wut they're "dead" because people like you allow them to be. 99 plays on Zandronum right now, with one empty /vr/ server.

>> No.6963979

>Tells an anon to cope
>Doesn't even give them a (you)
Don't be such a most bitch and actually reply to him. You post like a backhandedly like a woman.
Yes I'm a retard for giving you a (you), but at least I'm not scared of being called a faggot for giving (you)s

>> No.6963981

We have a /vr/ server?

>> No.6963985

Some anon a few days ago, maybe even a week ago, mentioned using TSPG to host 2048. Empty right now.

>> No.6963990

I'm gonna change that.

>> No.6963991

>using TSPG to host 2048
I can only imagine how many scripted sequences were broken. Someone should host one of the X00 minutes of /vr/ projects, they should work fine in co-op.

>> No.6964018 [DELETED] 

>*$0.03 USD has been added to your PipBoy™ Wallet. Thank you for supporting Bethesda and Fallout™ 76!"

>> No.6964019

Doom Eternal enemy sprites coming soon to classic Doom

>> No.6964027
File: 69 KB, 200x200, BalgarCybie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the makyr sprite should be a bit bigger and more detailed
pypsy was doing that for the Doom 4 cyberdemon

>> No.6964029

Very nice

>> No.6964036


>> No.6964038

Unlike Fallout 76, their port of Doom is actually an alright product, if you want to get authentic vanilla Doom, it does that pretty well, and on console.
Will it be my port of choice? No, but it's a lot better than Steam just chucking a DosBox package at you.

>> No.6964043

Recommend me some great post-2010 ultimate doom wads. Played Double Impact, DtWiD (+4th episode), Base Ganymede, No End Sight, Deathless and ofc Sigil. Loved them all.

>> No.6964048


>> No.6964059
File: 111 KB, 1280x1280, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be reasonable to get a Windows tablet and one of these things for portable shootan?

>> No.6964062

Are any of those 99 players playing vanilla DM? Any time i go on there its all other game modes or mods like QCDE. And ive tried joining FFA/duel servers and waiting for somebody else to join, it almost never works.

>> No.6964071

There's a few, but it doesn't really matter. You don't get to call it dead when people are trying to keep it alive, heavily modded or not, and you're not hosting.

>> No.6964083

Imagine hating bethesda so much, that instead of playing vanilla dm on their port, you go blaming other anons of non-activity on zandronum. This is some high level contrariasm.

T. Not him

>> No.6964090

Its alf shitposting

>> No.6964101

Why would you assume I hold any emotions about Bethesda at all? I'm talking specifically about the notion of "Zandronum's dead anyway" "But are you hosting?" Understand what's going on before deciding to voice your thoughts, retard.

>> No.6964142

I'm so disappointed nobody plays QCDE. It's like the only arena shooter I can run.

>> No.6964149

Lack of hosting is not the problem. There's shitload of servers, but not enough players.

>> No.6964172
File: 435 KB, 2016x1246, Hexen 3 concept 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, you crazy bastard!

>> No.6964221

Ganbatte, anon-kun!

>> No.6964228

This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

The only one coping is you. This is an 18+ btw so I suggest you leave. There will be no discussion of Brutal Doom here.

>> No.6964241


Is this it?

>> No.6964245

Funny alf how you embrace the "rules" when everyone is ignoring your shitposts like the QUAKE BAIT THEAD the threads become civilized and you seethe and start posting GET

>> No.6964250

>Stop calling out cancer for what it is! Y-y-you're just like alf!!!!!!

This board needs to be culled, and it can start by permabanning for any mention of that name.

>> No.6964260

Report me faggot. Mass repliers are niggers who deserve to hang.

>> No.6964273

shut the fuck up and stop mass replying you reject

>> No.6964276

All the developing countries flocked to League, CSGO or Fightcade. Doom and Quake may as well be an after thought.

>> No.6964284

Fuck off.

>> No.6964287

Nay, that's for BFE. This is the one that has TFE/TSE stuff.

>> No.6964315

God, I'm finally done with *a* stage of the arch-vile frames.

>> No.6964334

A really cool based anon hosted a server last Thursday, I believe. I'm actually the other anon from a few days who was gauging interest for a community co-op/DM day, I just need to get off Dragon Quest Builders 2 and get on figuring out/setting up the server lol.

>> No.6964337

If it's not a terrible price and it Dooms I don't see why not, my man

>> No.6964338


>> No.6964347
File: 1.68 MB, 3264x2448, 4SZnIAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964349
File: 1.19 MB, 3264x2448, zeReche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964363
File: 172 KB, 294x226, roffle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6964386

you know how supermariobroth is mostly just mario trivia and obscure stuff?
imagine that for doom

>> No.6964389

I forgot to click the post. So you can cope too.

>> No.6964391
File: 101 KB, 600x814, 1546091516.or.68638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra rare Prisoner 849.

>> No.6964401
File: 62 KB, 640x427, 1546365056.or.35541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964404

Get a hackable switch

>Doom I+II+64+3
>Duke 3D
>Ion Fury
>Turok 1+2 HD
>Half life + expansions
>Quake 1+2+3
>Rise of the Triad (soon™)
>Wolfenstein 3D
>Alien Vs Predator 2000
>Star Wars Jedi Knight 2/Outcast

>> No.6964405

Dear lord that reminds me of the concept for the Action Gamemaster.


>> No.6964406

and yet Unreal 1 player models looks like garbage

even back then Cliffy had a punchable face and tim looked like a pervert rat

>> No.6964412


>> No.6964416


>> No.6964428

In fact, its incredible how BIG the player model jump was from Unreal 1 to UT99 and 2

>> No.6964431
File: 48 KB, 720x540, 0a47e884497b002b0be54586e35d4155ec7c4ff2v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point
This is pretty appealing though
Chillingly similar
I'll sleep on it, I reckon. Thanks for the input lads

>> No.6964494

I woulnd't piss off that granny I give you that

>> No.6964521


>> No.6964523

Anyone know where I can find TrenchBroom_Mac_1.1.6_2759.zip ? The current devs, in their infinite fucking wisdom, decided they don't want anyone to use that version anymore. It's been completely memory-holed off the 'net, because it's not new and shiny.

>> No.6964525

Why would you ever want anything other than the latest?

>> No.6964529

Because not all of us feel like blowing their money on increasingly expensive hardware and eating fucking ramen noodles for the next few months, slick. Shocking, I know.

>> No.6964567

>Crying about expensive hardware

You fucking retard. You bought a Mac. A fucking Mac. The most overpriced shit ever. And now it's not even good enough to run a fucking Quake level editor.

>> No.6964570

>plays vanilla and most limit removing maps
>dehacked support
The fuck more do you need?

>> No.6964584

It'd be nice if it allowed multiple mods. You can technically combine them beforehand but that's a bit messy.

>> No.6964589

God this thread was a nightmare
I'm hoping the next one will be better

>> No.6964603

I think what happened was
>Doom got an edgelord reputation after Columbine
>9/11 immediately made people forget about Columbine
>around the same time the E3 2001 build was leaked, people played it, and thought it was amazing
>this lead to Doom 3 getting massive hype for the next couple of years

>> No.6964606

hey can someone else confirm that community chest 4 is amazing

pretty shocked i hadn't heard of this before.

so fun and so much variety. im' surprised the textures aren't used more, there are some really interesting maps

>> No.6964613

As long as Alf and his shitposting gang and discord exists, it will continue

>> No.6964621

Any wad that ports the hexen classes to heretic? walpurgis is fine and all but its lighting bolt kills my potato PC and heretical doom has that dash bug (more specifically looking for a wizard mod for heretic)

>> No.6964653

Wrath of Cronos works with Heretic

>> No.6964671

The only time I've played through Heretic was with WoC. Even with all the cool extra stuff compared to the vanilla game, still got bored out of my absolute fucking mind at halfway through and somehow forced myself to drag myself across through multiple episodes to the finish line. Holy hell most of the Doom engine games are actually so bad

>> No.6964678

What was so bad about it? just curious as i just started playing heretic with mods and stuff
is the rpg system complex? i see so many menus and skills

>> No.6964683

ignore alf and try by yourself
its another bait

>> No.6964693

Don't worry asshole, I got it without your "help". Retard dev doesn't get that if you know the *precise* URL string for the file you want, it can often still be grabbed right off the fucking server, Permission Errors be damned.

And wonder of wonders, it runs just fucking fine, cocksucker. Go blow the dev in the next thread, please.

>> No.6964696

just stop replying to obvious bait and report them retard

>> No.6964702

No problem so long as you take it up whichever holes you like from Jewbs and the fat fuck Wozniak for buying a computer made for fags

>> No.6964703
File: 90 KB, 224x255, chimpout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6964717
File: 452 KB, 1022x851, 327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany? So they're not visiting Britain?

>> No.6964765
File: 197 KB, 618x391, you hear about doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964849
File: 2.31 MB, 640x360, Awe of Sidhe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting the finishing touches on things, and then its one last volley of playtesting. Hopefully you should have plenty of elven fuckery to mess around with within the next week or so.

>> No.6964850

Welp, I finally got to the fabled Mt. Pain of TnT, but I'm saving that for a bit since I just burned through a few levels tonight. I'm barely finding secrets in TnT, nor have I gotten 100% kills in the last few maps, which sucks.

>> No.6964859

Some people don't have the persistence to go all the way with TNT, so it's nice to see you giving it the chance, even though the last third has most of the weaker maps.

Which maps did you like the best?

>> No.6964861

neat. I always feel bad when I use that thing lol. I want to find a really enemy heavy map and see its limitations

>> No.6964880

I need Shitesda shills to leave this board.

>> No.6964886
File: 1.82 MB, 320x180, SidheComplete for ants.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its going to work a bit different going forward. for the normal fire all of the ghosts are homing, but they deal a small amount of damage per tic and expire after doing damage for a bit. That said, it spawns 210 of em at a time. A bit weaker than it used to be, but a lot more controlled. Think of it like the damage splits somewhat evenly between how many enemies are in the area when it goes off.

The powered version is also changed similarly, but their homing, damage, and expiration speed are doubled. Still keeps the "stream of souls" attack pattern it used to have tho.

Also, it fucking finally has a powered altfire.

>> No.6964887

Neat, maybe its the effect but it reminds me of Metroid Dreadnought's wave beam

Eat a Dick alf, the more you try to kill this FPS Thread, the more we tell you to fuck back to resetera

>> No.6964894

I can easily prove you that I'm not alf. Half-Life is good game and Steam saved PC gaming.

>> No.6964897

Guilty as charged Janitors

>> No.6964903

i kinda wish to see this in hexen or heretic

>> No.6964909

Stronghold, Habitat, and Wormhole are the one's I remember most fondly. Stronghold especially is probably one of my favorite Doom maps I've played so far just for the sheer but engaging slaughter of hundreds of hitscans.
TnT imo is definitely harder than Doom 2, but not nearly as fun. After it I'm debating whether or not to return to Doom 1 for E4/Sigil, or go on to Plutonia.

>> No.6964915

typical low-IQ windrone

>> No.6964924
File: 2.77 MB, 640x360, Heretic Sample.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works in both :) Cex as well, and technically Strife, though full Strife support has been on the backburner for ages. But the next version will even have Vanilla+ options for the full Heretic roster, and about half of the Hexen one.

>> No.6964939
File: 1.52 MB, 320x180, Actually Fun Centaur2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway here have a super tiny Hexen sample as well because file size limits. The centaurs will store up energy from energy based attacks, but melee attacks knock their shield away and stun em because fuck those stupid assholes.

>> No.6964963

cchest4 cool yes

>> No.6964982

i was about to get on your case for making it too similar to the alt phoenix rod but then i remembered you changed that too.
good work boyo.

>> No.6965021

Night two progress. Still trying to determine overall theme and spent a small amount of time detailing. Relatively satisfied with the flow in this part. On to key 2.


>> No.6965047

Reminds me of spinal from KI.

>> No.6965073

Oh I didnt realize it worked in Hexen too. A part of me wants to see if I can stomach the entire game now.

>> No.6965086

You are the biggest faggot here.

>> No.6965136

oh, with the shield shit? In vanilla centaurs just become straight up invincible every time they receive pain because fuck gameplay flow, so I wanted to try to fix that while still making them deadly if you fuck around.

Yeah it works pretty decently in Hexen, I didn't bother with any "build your final weapon" bullshit so the spawners aren't a huge tease the whole game. You generally have everything by the end of the 2nd/3rd hub, and ammo isn't too bad to manage past the first hub. I havent fine tuned it as much as the other IWADs, but its still pretty fun.

They're two sides of the same coin, so there's going to be some similarities. The phoenix rod is more focused on cleansing flames, while the Sidhe's Wrath is more about corrupting the souls of the damned. Its even why I made them share ammo. Elves can be spiteful little bastards when they want to be.

>> No.6965142

anon this looks absolutely beautiful, i eagerly follow all your heretical doom posts

are you trying to balance gameplay with any wads in mind?

>> No.6965176
File: 18 KB, 474x522, LICHPOG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that base gameplay is balanced around megawads in general, but I've been putting options in to make it so you can make it work with varying types. You can scale exp gains a pretty decent amount, so you can speed them up for episodic content or slow em down/disable them entirely if you want a hard mode. Anything not vanilla is kind of hard to make universally balanced across everything from chex quest to chillax, so I try to give people to tools to make their own balance.

In terms of what I use most for testing, for doom 1 it would definitely be 2002 ADO
For Doom 2, Scythe 2 (there are contingencies for the faux-death exits) D2TWID, BTSX1, HellAwakened, Alien Vendetta, MM1 and 2, and JPCP are probably the ones I test on the most. Basically everything that pans from base Doom 2 to Plutonia in terms of overall balance would probably be the baseline window.

I will say that due to its nature, the start is always the hardest part of the mod. If you find it too easy, flipping "all altfire unlocks" while running it with a pistol start mod can be pretty damn rough, especially since your starting health is affected by your difficulty chosen.

I know its not the best mod around, nor the most polished, but I'm proud of what I've been able to put together floundering like a jackass over the past few years.

>> No.6965179
File: 268 KB, 1024x768, BZwallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before this thread dies and goes into the next one.
here is a PSA
Don't be a DICK when it comes to other people loving franchise sequels and modding for it.
Mods exists for that, if you hate something in that game, mod it for your liking and have fun, and don't come out here or in any message board sperging about it as the master of all "reasonous shit, X game and siequel is shit, u playid nuthing that I did for this game for years when it came out" like certain assholes at both Doom and Quake Communities who live on to hate and even shitpost into baiting people into political shit so they can "win the argument by mod bans" or post shit like "the age of small penis mapper".

this board and this thread existed for years as safe haven for those people booted out by those sore thumbs, and because of it, the many anons here ended up creating impressive shit that went into history, to the point of making said people even ban anything related to it because people here DID BETTER AND PROVED THAT THEY WERE BETTER Than them, and had fun doing it and seeing people loving it.

So please, let us continue as it is, report the shitposters trying to incite flames or "Quake 1,2,3,DOOM,DOOM2,PLUTONIA, Heretic, Hexen, DUKE,Dark Forces and so on SUCKS" as any leftypol baits.
Ignore all of them, report them and keep discussing, playing, mapping, reskinning, modding full tc's of it in Peace.
Because it sucks when a modding community dies because of it, and even when a remaster gets released, it doesn't help in the end because of the Bad blood in it, the remaining trolls who caused it who became vocal, and the newfags who by listening the trolls possibly killed the devs interest in EVEN keep the game alive.

>> No.6965187

AND yes the PIC is related to the spoiler

>> No.6965225

do you prefer to clear out every single enemy or do you prefer to just get to the end of each level in plutonia

>> No.6965224


>> No.6965280

IMO would've been better if bullets had different/random start frame in their spin as they come out of the barrel, looks too uniform now.

>> No.6965324

Hey guys, looking for a Doom/Doom2/Heretic/GZDoom wad to play.
I like a fair challenge, but I also tend to give up on megawads.
So whats a good challenging wad thats like ~10 levels, because I would like to finnish it :D

>> No.6965359

2048 units of /vr/