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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 470 KB, 1280x960, 9759C7A8-3BAA-4442-97B1-1833F6F83B92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6961695 No.6961695 [Reply] [Original]

this kills the emulation fags

post games that use dithering in an aesthetically pleasing fashion

>> No.6961701

>rainbow vomit smeared across the screen
>aesthetically pleasing

>> No.6961806

4 point interpolation fixes this. i used it on ZSNES in the 90s.

>> No.6961835
File: 182 KB, 500x500, retardednostalgiafags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread just reminded me how much I love sharp perfect pixels with no filtering on a smaller monitor.

>> No.6961864


>> No.6961873

>sit 6 feet from the screen
>dither magically disappears, no shader or hw modding necessary

>> No.6961874
File: 1.09 MB, 1600x1080, crisp pixels - smug carmack edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder.

>> No.6961886


to each their own
troll thread atleast showed that there is a way to dither properly

>> No.6961963

Sharp pixels were intended by all non-retarded devs. All non-retarded players can interpret dithering without a disgusting blur filter, and they used RGB connections (with hardware mods if necessary).

>> No.6962435

>vertical phone poster

>> No.6962449

just what the devs intended!

>> No.6962520

kekked audibly

>> No.6962582

>samefagged audibly

>> No.6962682

at least post the crt-artifacted version of that earthwormjim background for comparison

it's beautiful

>> No.6962690

What am I supposed to feel? I see nothing wrong.

>> No.6962725

Based carmack.

You only need crt blurring and shit to help cover up shitty artwork.

>> No.6963586

>Has never seen a waterfall in the sun
You know that shit happens in real life right? That's what it was imitating.

>> No.6963637

>Daily reminder.

John Carmack has always been a PC guy. To be honest, CRT PC monitors with VGA out, generally had the best image quality for PC gaming back then, with no artefacts. Old DOS-PC games like Commander Keen and Doom, and early Windows era games would look crystal clear on a high resolution PC monitor with VGA out. Nice sharp pixels. No articling, colour bleeding, rainbow banding bullshit.

The console developers that did design their games around low quality coaxial and RCA are generally US developers and Japanese developers. Why? because they had to make their games look best on the lowest common denominator in image quality. Because that's what the majority of people who played games on NTSC had to put up with. The Super Nintendo does have a S-Video connection. But the Genesis only had an FR connector and RCA (yellow) connections. PAL has RGB, NTSC didn't have that.

>> No.6963702

Reminder that dithering for color interpolation and "my dogshit CRT vomits rainbows because of a bad signal" are not the same thing

>> No.6964394

the CRT from OPs photo probably looks better in person

better than an HDMI gaming monitor is subjective however

>> No.6964591
File: 1.05 MB, 1040x814, ghouls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks terrible.

>> No.6964752
File: 146 KB, 1920x384, 944c7a7d4846e4e3a7493180ee9b17d867943a97[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love SH1 but never got a chance to play it on original hardware. Does it actually look better on a CRT? The dithering feels really distracting when emulating it and I usually disable it.

>> No.6964753

Is it possible to emulate 32 bit color in software mode? Hardware mode has some bugs in this game that annoy me. Halloween time so looking to finally replay this.

>> No.6964758

You almost never need dithering except for ps1 3d games. I usually use scanlines instead. Scanlines make older games much easier on the eyes. It also seems to help with motion handling too which is weird. Not sure why.

>> No.6964769
File: 105 KB, 1262x480, 16 vs 32 bit software.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tested and this is what it looks like, not a huge difference if you were expecting something else. What are the bugs with hardware?

>> No.6964771

the fog looks much better/softer on crt
same for turdrock and other games around that era that use fog to hide draw distance

san francisco rush racing comes to mind

>> No.6964773

w r o n g

>> No.6964780

The way CRTs build the image helps makes it look more natural. Calling it "blurring" is not really accurate. It's more that because there aren't any pixels and the phosphors aren't locked to a grid the image looks much less harsh. Software filters don't reproduce the effect.

>> No.6964783

he thought sonic was a shmup

>> No.6964790

There used to be an internal color depth option in hardware mode, but not software mode. Now, I think hardware mode just uses the desktop color depth. But software mode is clearly locked at the ps1 native color depth. Anyway, a month or so ago, I would get "smeared" graphics sometimes with vulkan and some missing text in opengl. Also in vulkan, at night time outside, there is no draw distance, only complete black. I'll probably end up using software mode.

>> No.6964808

That makes sense. I always felt like something was off when using a CRT filter even though people say it's perfectly replicating a real CRT. I rarely get motion sickness but that's what it feels like when using any CRT filters.

I've had similar issues when using nGlide for some older games where the Vulkan setting doesn't work properly but it's fine in DirectX. Are you using Beetle in RetroArch or something? I don't remember having any of those issues when using ePSXe or PCSXR and an OpenGL plugin.

>> No.6964818
File: 2.22 MB, 2637x2160, Silent Hill (USA)-201006-220123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, the smeared effect looks like it is gone. I remember is being like a rainbow smear right at the beginning right before you can move. Hopefully the no-draw in the dark outside is fixed. And yes, beetlehw. Can always switch to beetlesw if needed. Using Vulkan now.

>> No.6964970

this but unironically.
A lot of games look like shit without the scanlines because they weren't made to be futureproof

>> No.6965605

i have about 6 crt that i rotate through
some are better than others
some are straight gimmicks
pvm isnt a meme

>> No.6965617

That shader looks fucking horrible.

>> No.6965624
File: 22 KB, 468x332, EnhEls7GJgm9UxR8FE9Dc3FfH4XQfiVkhKoVvK_jWqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they weren't made to be futureproof
Pretty hard to futureproof when you're working on 15khz PVMs. Meanwhile Carmack had a god-tier 16:9 PC CRT that wasn't available to consumers.

>> No.6965684

this board is unironically the worst of the vidya boards now

>> No.6965691

That is the most bizarre screen door looking filter I've ever seen.

>> No.6965738

What happened? This is literally /v/-tier shit posting. /vr/ always had the occasional autist but this just awful

>> No.6965874

Just goes to show it all comes down to personal preference in the end

>> No.6965947

>this kills the emulation fags

You realise I can emulate on any screen I want, right?

>> No.6966028

too big
rules change was a mistake

>> No.6966046

This board was starting to become garbage even before the rule change.

>> No.6966061

He probably stole it.

>> No.6966106

Composite artifacts are not "CRT artifacts"
Fucking retards.

>> No.6967231

still has some eclecticism in the ps1 & oc engine threads - saturn also

now its too fast and only meme posts live

>> No.6968152
File: 16 KB, 480x252, _TZO-gzPH1pszQY22aIMpHjtUjY-5hy9cBqoFkiExbx0QFbmu7hdqYwzQ2LfyrLw6l-QpGNrboicuq-3PV9kN2oQZZnnYg9tSpAeaxqxXNADWHqnm6QXeluQsA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dithering and... dithering and...

>> No.6968492

input lag doesn't magically disappear anonkun

>> No.6968937

Wanna know a great way to make the right call on the dithering argument? Don't play Sonic games like a fucking pedophile.

>> No.6969052

yes everyone who played sonic as a child is a pedophile
jesus christ what a retard

>> No.6969059

>everyone who played sonic as a child is a pedophile
This but unironically.

>> No.6969063

this but ironically

>> No.6969207

>John Carmack has always been a PC guy.
This was the only part of your post that was factually correct.

>> No.6969231

>input lag

I'm not playing in an esports competition so why the hell would I care about something barely perceptible?

Also, I don't use a converter. I emulate on an old business laptop that has an S-Video output.

>> No.6969454

because you die from it

a good test is to try to beat the first mario game / even the wii had latency issues
i can steamroll the game no problem on original hardware with a crt

on the 3ds, firestick, wii, etc
i always die before world 8

its a marginal difference sure but for some games you need to precise controls to perform well

another example= atari 2600 games
breakout, pong, defender
there is a reason speedrunners use crt

>> No.6969519

>on the 3ds, firestick, wii, etc
So your experience with emulation is using terrible, laggy emulation. Okay, that explains a lot.
>atari 2600 games
Who cares? Nobody is playing that garbage. Vidya didn't get decent until gen 3, and didn't get good until gen 4.

>> No.6969540
File: 26 KB, 384x240, morshu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual effects that literally require the image quality to be ass to work
Not even once.

>> No.6970795
File: 848 KB, 1125x1037, 41C89757-A470-4B7D-950B-E85C80F0E6C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2600, garbage
the absolute state of nu-/vr/

>> No.6970874

>This was the only part of your post that was factually correct.

Which part is factually incorrect? VGA producing some of the cleanest analogue images ah high refresh rates?

>> No.6970982

Yes. You're either a bitter, out of touch boomer, or a xoomer/millennial who had poor parents and couldn't afford real consoles.

>> No.6971354

educate yourself
2600 is an excellent console &
has hundreds of wonderful titles

>> No.6971397

2600 is garbage
t. someone who's played dozens of 2600 games on hardware (coleco atari module)

>> No.6971473

Why are you formatting your posts like that? Is it some kind of OCD tic?

>> No.6971476

space invaders
yars revenge
missile command


>> No.6971478

What third world country are you posting from?

>> No.6971485
File: 3.08 MB, 3600x2679, 1569352943980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6971490

most 2600 games that are any good got ports on coleco or nes
some even better on the game boy

>> No.6971495
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6971558

true but there are a LOT of abandoned titles & unique ports

california & the most expensive county
generally when someone collects antique electronics and has a plethora of titles available they arent "poorfags" lmao

argument still stands
latency is an issue with analog systems

>> No.6971579

>barely understands english
>larping as a financially well-off californian who collects antiques
There's no way you aren't a third worlder.

>> No.6971593
File: 32 KB, 410x396, 1493282883604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like some games use heavy use of dithering and others don't.

>> No.6971681

lmfao im in the /bst/ threads everytime i refuse to out myself on a mongolian image weaving forum

>here's your (you)