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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 84 KB, 827x883, ENHES6WVAAAxKO5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6960713 No.6960713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you beat a game using the Rewind feature that is on modern re-releases of retro games, you never beat the game at all.

>> No.6960720

I think making a post like this is probably pretty close to beating yourself up in public

>> No.6960724

imagine paying Nintendo money to use a savestate lmao

>> No.6960726

They hated him because He told them the truth/
BASED Mike Matei.

>> No.6960730

I always said it, Mike is a terrible person, but his opinions on retro games (and retro media in general) are usually on point.

>> No.6960732

>imagine paying Nintendo money to use a savestate lmao
Even worse: Imagine paying Nintendo whatsoever lmao

>> No.6960735

Mike is still seething over playing shitty old games for the nerd

>> No.6960740

imagine getting mad at your fellow Nintedocucks on Twitter over using a feature that you had to pay for

>> No.6960743

Do I have to give back my badge then?
Or can I appeal to the Official Deciding Agancy Of When A Game Is Beaten (ODAOWAGIB)?

>> No.6960748

Indeed kek

>> No.6960751

Oh shit he deleted the tweet.

>> No.6960758

You can do whatever you want just don't go around telling people you "beat the game".

>> No.6960771

Who cares if I "beat" the game or not, I played through the game and experienced what all it had to offer which gives me as much credibility on the game as someone who didn't use tools. You're just mad that people can finish games in a fraction of the time it took you to beat it without using any tools, enjoy your wasted life, faggot.

>> No.6960773

Why does he care so much how other people play their games?

>> No.6960774

you have to show proof of you collecting all 8 badges of the original Pokemon, earned on the Switch Virtual Console, to be allowed to use the Nintendo approved save state.

>> No.6960785

If this was old /vr/ the people who actually agree with him would still say "it doesn't fucking matter either way" but now this place is filled with tryhard losers agreeing with Mike

>> No.6960795

They did beat the game, just not as the original devs intended. Who died and put the faggot who made MINEYCRAFTA in charge?

>> No.6960817

and what if i do anyway

>> No.6960824
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>Make-up Mike Matei
>being the authority on anything

>> No.6960827

I miss when Mike would shitpost for hours on /vr/

>> No.6960870

Pretty much lol.

>> No.6960878

You are not telling the truth.

>> No.6960889

you mean lying?
on the INTERNET?
why would anyone ever do that?

>> No.6960979

I don't even use that shit but if you care about whether someone has beaten Battletoads 'legitimately' or not you have probably just never accomplished anything more impressive than beating Battletoads without save states and should kill yourself

>> No.6960985

You have shattered my confidence!

>> No.6960995
File: 16 KB, 631x300, hodgman_interview_631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it. Ironically john hodgman answered a very similar debate to this on his podcast a few weeks back that I'm sure would make a lot of the trolls here seethe.

>> No.6961131

Play games however the fuck you want. You're not the one having their fun, so you have zero investment in what others do.

>> No.6961134

Also, reminder that Mike is a tard-raging fucking sperg who flips his shit like a casual when he dies in video games.

>> No.6961137

if you played the game on anything but the original hardware you never really played the game

>> No.6961149

How does that make any sense?

I care if a footballer scores a goal, I care if the person I'm talking to about a game has actually played the game properly or not.

>> No.6961158

>john hodgman
Could you be a bigger cuck?

>> No.6961162

Based Mike saying facts. Funny how this triggers people.
The only viable counterpoint is... nobody cares. Play how you enjoy, just don't brag about your skills at a game if you cheated your way through it.

>> No.6961164

He's not telling you how to play games.

>> No.6961169

play however way you want, but dont say you beat a game when you clearly didnt

>> No.6961170

its cheating. but this is the same shit james does when he puts on the game genie- back when he tried.

>> No.6961194
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well its not like nerd can do it himself

>> No.6961196

Hes so fucking bad holy shit

>> No.6961289

I agree. And also if you save for any other reason than having to turn the game off you never really beat the game.

>> No.6961294
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I guess he's correct, but also who gives a shit about "gamer cred". Play them however you want.

>> No.6961305

kek imagine dedicating your life to video games and still being shit at it.

>> No.6961308

this whole thing reeks of autismo.

when have you ever had to systematically defend how you played or completed a game in real life?

>> No.6961327

I can live with that

>> No.6961332

he never played any of those games he reviews/shits on, he just record mike or some other friend playing and talk shit based on that.

>> No.6961348

I doubt autists really care, this is just classic controlling toxic masculinity.

>> No.6961353

i have a cousin that abuse savestates, even hard locking the game by saving on unfuckable moments, i make fun of him all the time and sometimes he gets kinda mad.

>> No.6961362

I think that's fair enough.

>> No.6961364
File: 11 KB, 512x448, smb-Get down on your knees and give me head bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Mike. You don't make the rules on how games are beat. If I want to use a savestate, I will. If I want to use a rewind feature, I will. If I want to use a Game Genie, I will. If you don't like it, suck it bitch.

>> No.6961371
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Who cares? It's just a video game. Nobody else cares. Really.

>> No.6961373

I legitimately beat a game even if I watch it on youtube, and you can't do a damn thing about it.

>> No.6961405

I use save states, rewind, run-ahead, AND frame delay

>> No.6961410

You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

>> No.6961412

This is not controversial.

>> No.6961490

Beating games can be fun but sometimes you need to be able to rewind or use save states to increase your enjoyment. Like in Lost Levels I can decide when and how much to rewind if the game is giving me too much trouble that day.

>> No.6961523

Not recognizing the demo that plays after the title screen animation

>> No.6961524

on the contrary, you beat those segments of the game multiple times

>> No.6961594


>> No.6961618

>Breaking News: Water is Wet

>> No.6961626

thats megacock mike, show some respect ya dickweed

>> No.6961627

Why is he pretending to play then?

>> No.6961630

Yeah, yeah, we get it, you're too cool to know who anyone online is.

>> No.6961652

>if you cheated on game you did not really beat it
Holy shit, Mike is a genius, nobody ever thought of that before.

>> No.6961657

but then people argue with him

>> No.6961659

If that is the case with rewind, how about runahead?

I hereby declare:
If you beat a game using runahead you did not really beat it.

>> No.6961668

No idea, you sure it's not shooped?

>> No.6961703

>the only thing you've beaten recently is your meat lulz
blown the fuck out forever and ever

>> No.6961715

>caring what people think
oh to be young again

>> No.6961719

I agree but I think it depends on when you use it.. I save-state at the beginning of a level on many games. Yeah in some games that means I can't game-over but it really just means I'm not spending that many more hours of my ever so shortening life.

>> No.6961725

Probably is because that is the demo, you're right. Not sure why I didn't realize it the first time but once you said it it was obvious.

>> No.6961750

Why does it trigger people to tell them that if they cheated, they didn't actually beat it?

>> No.6961774

Who gives a shit

>> No.6961776

imagine owning a switch and then telling other online you infact own it.

>> No.6961790

Regardless, it's infinitely gayer to demand people believe that you beat a game while cheating than it is to say it doesn't count. Half the replies to his post were just "I beat banjo kazooie/mario 64/pokemon with savestates and you're trying to tell me I didn't really beat it?" Fucking yes lol.

>> No.6961810

I beat those games as a kid when i had entire summers worth of free time. Now I’m an adult and don’t feel the need to justify my actions to faggots online.

>> No.6961840

>You can do whatever you want just don't go around telling people you "beat the game".

"You can do whatever you want but you can't do whatever you want."

>> No.6961930

>i can do whatever i want but i can't do reading comprehension

>> No.6961937
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>> No.6961943

I do both rewind and no-rewind runs, because both are just made up personal challenges.

>> No.6961947

Do whatever you want BUT....don't.

>> No.6961949

Not surprising, given that it was by someone who once drunkenly tweeted his dick pic.

>> No.6961962

Imagine posting on /vr/ about spending money on things

>> No.6961968
File: 222 KB, 1048x670, HelloDarkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6961980

It's amazing how pissed some people got at him for this. It's clearly the case that beating a game with rewind isn't equivalent to a normal playthrough. The rules of the game have changed, so you're playing a different version of the game just like if you gave yourself infinite lives with Game Genie or something. Nothing wrong with playing the game that way, but you didn't beat it in the same sense as somebody playing normally.

>> No.6961984

rewind is the new normal boomer

>> No.6961992
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I just don't get zoomers.

>> No.6962000

Mateiposting is almost as bad as Trump worship on /pol/. You people really can only think in terms of celebrity hot takes, can't you? I can't imagine not being able to form my own opinions on things without checking what some eboy on Twitter tells me to think. I pity you losers.

>> No.6962002
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>> No.6962004
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based wwjposter

>> No.6962047

You can say you beat a game with save states if you used them generously. For example. When a level is over, a boss is defeated, etc. It's when people start savestating at random points where shit gets fucky

>> No.6962059

Even save stating each level can change the game. It doesn't matter much in a lot of cases, but for many games that makes things much easier. It's less fucky than saving and reloading whenever, but still not a normal run through the game.

Saves states are equivalent to a normal playthrough more or less if you're using them to bypass passwords to suspend the game like leaving the console on overnight. Otherwise it's a different type of run. That said, save states are great. Fun for messing around and good for practicing.

>> No.6962083

You can't say you actually beat the game if you are unable to finish with the amount of lives/continues the devs wanted you to have.

>> No.6962086

I usually use savestates if the game has a password system, and i saved at a point that an actual in-game password would mirror. Or if the game doesn't have anything at all to resume progress, then I'll look at later games of the series that did have a save or password system, and try to mimic that system with savestates.

>> No.6962087

No, even continues are cheating. A game over is a game over for a reason. The devs chose one, three, whatever lives, and they thought a competent gamer should be able to complete the game with that. Using a continue is like using the 30 lives code in Contra - sure, you didn't use a savestate, but you didn't really beat anything.

>> No.6962093

Only really applies to arcade games, for many console games continues are just treated like another form of lives.

>> No.6962094

Often continues force you to restart the level or chapter from the beginning rather than from a checkpoint, though.
And in the case of Sonic, you had to actually earn continues. They weren't free.

>> No.6962098

Even with arcade games I wouldn't call it "cheating" necessarily, since they clearly intended for you to continue if you wanted. But beating the game with credit feeding isn't the same as getting a 1CC, and games would reward you for getting a 1CC either through score or special levels/endings.

>> No.6962101

And with Arcade games, you were literally paying more money to continue. So its not like it was on a silver platter there, either.

>> No.6962103

That's true.

>> No.6962110

>they clearly intended you to continue if you wanted
So what's the difference if an official rerelease includes savestates? By your logic, if the developers gave you an infinite lives button, you can say you beat the game if you use it. We're clearly past the "if you could do it on original hardware it's okay" stage if Nintendo themselves lets you save your state. Or do the developers' intentions not matter, but instead we're just gatekeeping?

>> No.6962113

Then the re-release is a different version of the game. It might be an official version, but it's still a different version.

>> No.6962117

So the only "real" version of a game is on an original cartridge? We are gatekeeping after all.

>> No.6962119

I'm not sure how it's gatekeeping, I have no problem with people playing however they want. It's just objectively different and not an equivalent accomplishment.

>> No.6962121

Real or not isn't the matter. Same or not is the important part. If you're comparing your run of the game with somebody else's, it matters. Most of the time it's not a big deal, do whatever makes you happy.

>> No.6962128

>if you fuck my mom, but only convince her to do anal, did you really fuck her?
This is the saddest cope I've heard in a long time. I'm sorry the 80s were hard. But if you add up numbers on paper, and I use a calculator, you didn't win harder, you just wasted your time to get to the same sum.

>> No.6962129

*obviously playing the rerelease without the added savestate feature is equivalent to playing normally in the original release.

>> No.6962132

So did you "beat the game" if you enter a Game Genie code to get to the ending? If that makes you happy go for it.

>> No.6962140

You did not beat the game if you did not beat the developers with the keyboard they programmed the game on

>> No.6962141

No? You're playing at a higher resolution, with better filtering, on a different controller, on a LCD TV, from a disc or file instead of ROM. Even if those were all the same, you're playing on GDDR5, not SDRAM. It's not even remotely how a Japanese man in 1985 intended for you to play it. You need 50Hz Osaka power as well for the real experience.

>> No.6962142

The internal mechanics of the game are the same.

>> No.6962145

no aspect of playing a game is ever an accomplishment anon
get a life

>> No.6962149

Again, no. The original game used mapper chips and several different ROM or more specialized chips, each of which had slightly different timings. Emulators and rereleases cram those special instructions into the standard system clock, with zero concern for how the gate delays in these chips with differing manufacturing techniques affects the game. I know when I play Ninja Gaiden, my reflexes are so tuned to the original chips that playing on an emulator is a completely inferior experience. It's original factory silicon or nothing.

>> No.6962153

Massive cope. Caring enough about games to post on a board about ancient video games and yet getting buttblasted by people saying that cheating isn't really beating a game.

>> No.6962158

Subjective, but I didn't mean to imply the accomplishment was a major one.
You know that the degree to which those things change the game is less than giving yourself infinite lives. You can reasonably describe it as being basically the same even if it's not 100% objectively equivalent.

>> No.6962159

I know you're joking but audiophiles are really like this.

>> No.6962169

If I beat the game on original hardware, and you beat it in an emulator, I still beat it more than you. A game is either totally as the developers intended, or it's not - any position inbetween is just trying to justify taking the easy way out.

>> No.6962172

Maybe you did in some sense. That's why for recording world records and stuff they'll sometimes have separate categories for MAME vs original hardware. But for most people the difference is irrelevant, while the difference between having infinite lives and limited lives is clear.

>> No.6962175

>you have to pay for shit to be on same level as me

>> No.6962179

It's not about paying for it. You can never go back and beat the game when it and the console were new. Capacitors dry out, solder joints fail, cartridge slots get unreliable. It can literally never again be like the developers intended. I'm sad you kids missed out.

>> No.6962180


>> No.6962187

I imagine you're just messing around here, but when the Mike Matei thing happened I remember there were actually people arguing like this. I don't see how people could get so upset over the suggestion that beating a game with cheats isn't in the same category as beating a game without cheats.

>> No.6962193

Is this the legendary "I pity you" argument?
Also if developers actually cared they'd never re-released their games on other platforms

>> No.6962194

Motherfucker Mike's truth cut to the bone. People who have no life besides video games but are terrible at them couldn't face the facts.

>> No.6962339

Any new retro game I play, I do my best to stick to a purist run. Once I’ve beaten it old school, I’ve earned the ability to rewind for that game. Forever.

>> No.6962391
File: 498 KB, 500x236, proxy-popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bait bonanza is still going, huh?
Now tis a huge air wank, if I ever saw one.

>> No.6962393

what are you talking about?

>> No.6962403

>downliad ROM
>Download save snapshot at credits
>load state
>ayy lmao I beat gaem
Nothing personnel kids

>> No.6962405

He makes a fortune doing it though

>> No.6962406

> not purchasing gold disc and original development PC, compiling the game and playing it on spun PCB designs od cartridge and console.

Never gonna make it.

>> No.6962407

He is saying it because there are actually people who dont agree. Look at this thread. There are several people who legitimately think its okay to just save state your way through a game.

>> No.6962412

Reaching to the end proves otherwise.

>> No.6962413

But you didn't experience everything the game has to offer, the difficulty of the game and how many lives and continues you have at your disposal are key elements of the game that you are completely eliminating. Just as one example, many games reward finding secrets and exploring the levels with extra lives, a reward that is now meaningless because you're essentially giving yourself extra lives.

Just try playing a game the way it was meant to be played for once and you will see that the frustration you feel at certain hard parts of the game will only make beating it sweeter, it automatically improves your enjoyment of a game many times over.

>> No.6962419
File: 11 KB, 365x292, 1aaaaaafalco2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike is a faggot who sucks at games and tries hard to appear "hardcore" when in fact he's always been jealous of Bootsy's natural talent, he's also jealous of James' natural talent at doing art and being successful at it, while at the same time being able to lead a happy family life. Mike tries to cope with his loser life by buying expensive rare games and having a trophy whore girlfriend who probably has had a big amount of cocks before him, and will continue to do so, with or without Mike.
Mike is also on the verge of total misery, once Ryan finally ditches his ass. James is the only one preventing that from happening, but once (((the internet))) finally finds out about El Loco Bandito en masse and cancel Mike, James will have no option and Ryan will be finally able to fire his ass. When that happens, Erin will insta-dump him and Mike will spend the last months of his life trying to make some money off of drunkstreaming on Twitch until he loses all his subscribers, then he will an hero.
Despite all that, he's right about save states and shit like that. If you haven't played like developers intended, you haven't beaten the game and there's no other way around it.

>> No.6962425

savage. based.

>> No.6962426

They are secretly angry because he has a huge penis

>> No.6962429

Even that was debunked. He took the pic at a specific angle so that the measuring tape is actually closer to the camera than the dick. Old trick.
I still doubt it's even his own pic, though.
But nah, out of all the things people can hate Mike for, that's one of the tiniest (no pun intended) ones.

>> No.6962440

Well yes and no. The picture does look like he cut off half an inch. And the ruler was raised but not by much. If the ruler was 3 feet over the table then that logic makes sense. But the measuring tape itself is ON the table. It’s an inaccurate measure agreed. But it looks about an 8.5 - 9 inch especially considering it doesn’t even look diamonds hard

>> No.6962484


>> No.6962485

This guy gets is

>> No.6962489

I know Mike has a big penis but is it mutilated or is he uncut?

>> No.6962490

I fucking hate that stupid ugly bear.

>> No.6962491

>But the measuring tape itself is ON the table
This is what's probably not true. It looks like it is, but it's probably not.
Anyway, I still think it might not even be his own pic.

>> No.6962494

He's not wrong. Time to scroll down the thread and see some seething.

>> No.6962501

Mike is already rich though. If he did some how get kicked out he is already set for life so it doesn't matter.
And it would be tough to kick him out consider inf he owns the yt channel. He would have to be bought out.

>> No.6962513

Is there any public net worth listing of Mike Matei's?
I doubt he's "rich", he doesn't have that many subscribers on Twitch.
Also, the Cinemassacre channel belongs to James Rolfe, Mike manages it because he took the role of being James' assistant, but legally, Cinemassacre on Youtube belongs to Rolfe.

>> No.6962548

YouTube sent the million sub award to Mike not James. Google sends those to channel owners. James character made the channel famous. But his character and videos are on a channel Mike made. Here is why this was able to happen. They made the channel when YouTube had no monetization. By the time they monetized it Cinemassacre had millions of subscribers. According to social blade the channel makes 50k a month. That’s 600k a year. Let’s assume they split it. Then you have 300k a year to Mike. Now multiply that by a decade of being on YouTube. That’s 3 million to Mike. Take away half because of taxes. He is worth 1.5 million. Not counting merch, second channel, twitch and a video game.

>> No.6962550

That was never proven lol

>> No.6962568

I doubt they go 50/50. I'd even be surprised if they go around it in terms of percentages. Mike probably gets paid for his own videos (the ones he appears in) and that's it.
Also, james owns the cinemassacre name, the fact mike opened the yt channel for him does not mean that he owns it.

>> No.6962594
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>laughs in Game Genie
These things were everywhere for the same reason the rewind function exists in modern releases of these same games: they're home versions of arcade games which by design have bullshit difficulty to extend gameplay of what would otherwise be a forty minute game and consume your quarters like a fat guy in an ice cream shop.

>> No.6962602

>bullshit difficulty cope
>t. inept zoomer
That's an embarrassing admission. You should be ashamed

>> No.6962612

Nice buzzword kiddo lol