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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 480 KB, 1600x1110, Castlevania-vs-Super-Castlevania-IV-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6947409 No.6947409 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh look it's the single most overrated Castlevania game ever

>> No.6947439

rent free

>> No.6947445

the gameplay may be terrible but its art style is unmatched

>> No.6947446

based. fuck snezz, fuck trashure, and fuck yanks.

>> No.6947449

only because igavanias don't count

>> No.6947452

Not even close. That would be sóytn, which is a terrible game on top of killing the franchise for good.

>> No.6947456

Castlekiddies everyone.

>> No.6947457

except for every other Castlevania game. Castle IV is visually bland and sterile

>> No.6947460

What's unironically so bad about sotn?

>> No.6947462

Not really. I grew up with Castlevania. The first three games are better than IV

>> No.6947464

Amiga sucks

>> No.6947468

It's popular and therefore bad

>> No.6947471

Ban castlevania threads

>> No.6947474

But it's the Halloween season

>> No.6947481

nobody talks about this one though always 1 3 and sotn get talked about

>> No.6947546

>Castlevania I is the hugely successful first entry. to the series which combines modern universal monsters with ancient myth and adventure gaming to make an amazing vidya that stands the test of time
>Castlevania II is over ambitious and introduces adventure, exploration and RPG elements which wouldn't return until SOTN
>Castlevania III introduces 3 new characters to allow you to play through the game 4 different ways
>Castlevania IV does none of these things, introduces nothing new...except has whip swinging and whip waggling...

Is Castlevania IV one of the least ambitious games ever made?

>> No.6947554

Caslevania IV is literally the last game in the series they put effort into until SoTN.

>> No.6947560

Literally the best classicvania.

>> No.6947565

Rondo and SOTN are more overrated

>> No.6947573

SOTN is underrated, most people don't realize it's perfect

>> No.6947584

The game it is aping (Super Metroid) is superior

>> No.6947595
File: 217 KB, 500x290, tg16-rob-Castlevania - Rondo of Blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you lie like that, on the internet?

>> No.6947597

It's a nice sprite but the level design is worse than every game that preceded it, except for the second game obviously.

>> No.6947609

>Bad level design
Gr8 b8 m8
8 out of 8

>> No.6947610

>SOTN isn't a good Castlevania game because I like a game from another series better.

>> No.6947613

Wrong. Branching paths added new exploration and replayability

>> No.6947614

Rondo and Bloodlines are garbage.

>> No.6947617

level design in Rondo is far superior than in Super Castlevania Bros 4

>> No.6947620 [DELETED] 

ok lowcow.

>> No.6947621

Weak bait from a nintendrone who is blinded by nostalgia for Castlevania IV

>> No.6947623
File: 159 KB, 9184x480, Rondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh look at this dude.

>> No.6947626

take your meds.

>> No.6947628

That's a gauntlet, and it has two different bosses

>> No.6947631
File: 88 KB, 8800x736, Rondo 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*straight line.

>> No.6947632
File: 280 KB, 510x856, 1558852100731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna love me some falseflag SCV IV hate thread, you're guaranteed to get Auster out of his cave with one.
How can Simonchads keep winning so much? Forever rent free inside of his mind, until the day he dies.

>> No.6947634


>> No.6947636

I hope australia-kun gets doxxed.

>> No.6947641

yeah SCIV makes you seethe.

>> No.6947660
File: 172 KB, 6400x360, Bloodlines 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania Bloodlines has only six levels and this is one of them.

>> No.6947661

I like how you picked the two plainest levels. Now post a third....

>> No.6947665
File: 1.58 MB, 6432x3048, Rondo 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6947668
File: 172 KB, 480x272, castlevania-the-dracula-x-chronicles-psp-screenshot-shot-from.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rondo is great, so is IV. Australia-kun forever seething.

>> No.6947676

Now post the best designed level from IV...

>> No.6947689

IV, Rondo and Sotn form the holy trinity of overrated CV games.

>> No.6947690
File: 2.06 MB, 4500x2300, CV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6947697

ok auster

>> No.6947708
File: 92 KB, 367x512, curse-of-darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does it become fun?

>> No.6947729
File: 3.38 MB, 1600x1080, bloodlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think bloodlines looks much better. SC4 has arguably better gameplay, but visually it's pretty hideous for a snes game.

>> No.6948576

Bloodlines is great

>> No.6948587

The reverse is true. SC4 has better graphics but worse gameplay than Bloodlines.

>> No.6949119

Bloodlines suck.

>> No.6949149

X68k > Bloodlines > Rondo > Snezz Dracula X > Super Castlevania Bros.

>> No.6949156

You will never be a real castlevania fan, auster.

>> No.6949218

>Finally play Rondo of Blood after years and years of it being hypes up as the best castlevania by a mile
>Great presentation, but someone of the flattest, dullest stage design in the series

I mean it's okay but fuck I'd still rather play 1 and 3

>> No.6949252

Rondo is more of a sidescrolling bmup than it is platformer, hence why it has such a large and dynamic roster of enemies and some of the hardest bosses of any Classicvania.

>> No.6949595

>fuck trashure
hello, based department?

>> No.6949603


>> No.6949632

Nah, that's SOTN. AoS is better.

>> No.6949892

Finally someone who understands

>> No.6949896

Decent ranking

>> No.6949901

Shit taste

>> No.6949953

Disliking any of the 16-bit Castlevania other than Dracula X is a disease.

>> No.6949964

>Disliking any of the 16-bit Castlevanias other than Super Castlevania IV is a disease.


>> No.6949970


>> No.6949980

Go back and play it. It's shit.
I'm playing through the 8-bit and 16-bit Castlevania's for Halloween. IV sticks out as a mediocre sore thumb

This guy nailed it

>> No.6950009

you are not fooling anyone.

>> No.6950010


>> No.6950069

>not liking Dracula X
Got filtered by Chadracula and his pitfall room, I take it.

>> No.6950084

Do you faggots even play the games?.

>> No.6950095

thank god none of the trashure hacks were allowed ot work on castlevania again after snoozer casualvania snore.

>> No.6950097

you are mentally ill.

>> No.6950112
File: 8 KB, 302x167, sghgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6950182

>Every other Classicvania
>Progression through the castle and surrounding areas makes logical sense
>You nonsensically teleport all over the place. One minute you're in the castle dungeons and the next you've decided to fuck off to the nearby lake for some reason. and then you're suddenly in Shaft's sanctum in the heart of the castle?

>> No.6950251


>> No.6950285


>> No.6950287

You meant c.uc.ked/s.0.y department right.?


>> No.6950439
File: 451 KB, 3900x1500, CV4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best level design in the series by far. The only person to dislike it is severely mentally ill. I'm thinking it's great.

>> No.6950581
File: 22 KB, 316x315, rob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that's Rondo of Blood. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's overrated, and the reverse is true as well.

>> No.6950591

I don't think I've ever seen a forced meme attempt backfire as much as australia-kun's anti-SCIV one. Pretty much the entire board is aware of him, to the point that, opposed to what Australia-kun initially wanted, people will now defend Castlevania IV from any criticism, just to piss him off, lol.

>> No.6950727
File: 16 KB, 256x256, AriaofSorrowCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this

>> No.6950834

it was shit

>> No.6950840

All of OP's threads are shit, no surprise there.

>> No.6950881

call me crazy but i think its the otherway around, bloodlines has the best art direction but 4 has the better gameplay.

>> No.6950912

how many people even know about this one?

>> No.6950930

What are the common complains though?

>> No.6950937

Naw anything from the 8 bit era is unplayable

>> No.6950991

Thank you OP! Good grief, even Dracula X had better gameplay than SCIV. And the music was like multiple files of fart noises compressed for each bgm.

>> No.6951002

>he still samefagging

>> No.6951015

>he still seething

>> No.6951019

everyone is laughing at you.

>> No.6951096

keep telling urself that lad.

>> No.6951112

ok lolcow

>> No.6951136

what's in a cv4? a miserable little pile of shitty game design, ugly graphics, and dull music.

>> No.6951143

>still obsessed

>> No.6951637

I can beat this one though.

>> No.6952450

This is why Nintendies love IV so much.
It's the shortbus version of a Castlevania game.

>> No.6952665

>implying you ever touched a castlevania game

>> No.6954416

I'm played through all of the Classicvanias

>> No.6954641

no you didn't, auster.

>> No.6955038


>> No.6955084

It's merely okay. No more, no less. Anyone who's played the other classicvanias will tell you it can be slept through til Drac's castle, has a Quake tier color palette and meandering, muffled soundfonts and compositions with some notable exceptions. It's only overrated by well adjusted normies who happened to play and enjoy it more than whatever 6 other shovelware games they had as a kid. I can't hold that against them. It's also not as bad as /vr/ tries to tell you every 3 days.

The truth is both SNES Castlevania games are kinda weak

>> No.6955089

That game at least has an amazing amount of charm, attention to detail, and some cool boss fights. CV4 is bland city til the last act.

>> No.6956023

Same schizofag

>> No.6956068

fuck off australia
>no I'm not australia!
if you really are not, then too bad. This board was spammed to death by australia for years, so be mad at him for ruining Castlevania IV criticism. People will now defend the game even more than needed (as if it needed defending, anyway, but whatever) just to piss him off.