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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 23 KB, 400x224, icecap01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6943439 No.6943439 [Reply] [Original]

Sprites are the best that video games have ever looked, you cannot argue against this and cannot convince me otherwise

>> No.6943464


>> No.6943471

wtf, try to argue against this or convince me otherwise

>> No.6943493

I agree, but I wont even attempt to argue it from an objective standpoint. SNES/MD games look wonderful to me.

>> No.6943510


>> No.6943513

I agree and I don't like people getting mad at modern pixelshit. They have small imaginations and assume and expect everything to copy 8-16 bit eras instead of just liking pixel art for the sake of art.
That said, I have a fondness for the wonky and crude attempts of 3d in the 90's, feels ambitious but trying to be utilitarian with what you have.

>> No.6943524

Lol not that shitty game, that's for sure.

>> No.6943528

Depends if Vanillaware art counts as sprites.

>> No.6943537

Yeah, this pisses me off too. It's an easy to do style that has a nice look of it's own, and gives hobbyists a leg into the industry. If you're going to bitch about Hotline Miami because it has sprite rotations and that's not "accurate", you're missing the entire point.

>> No.6943538
File: 57 KB, 640x360, Tobal_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But what about charming low poly-based games?

>> No.6943547

nice looking but not the best for me

>> No.6943585
File: 16 KB, 1024x896, sf2shot100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One aspect of sprites is their ease of abstraction. It's easier to suspect your disbelief in regards to various "video gamey" things like world maps or health packs when everything is already purely representative rather than absolute.

>> No.6943616

S3&K has to have the best use of color in a videogame. It still looks amazing.

>> No.6943643

god that screenshot is nice.
you're right. none of that would mean anything though if sprites didn't also just look nice when viewed on their own. that isn't to say that you're claiming otherwise, it's just another aspect of sprites to appreciate, they're genuinely good looking

>> No.6943717

The "attack shots" in Shining Force games are a real highlight.

>> No.6944161
File: 159 KB, 288x192, Agony.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cannot argue against this and cannot convince me otherwise
But I won't argue or convince you otherwise, anon. Actually, I will help your argument with content.

>> No.6944174
File: 1.47 MB, 476x476, R-type 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6944175
File: 495 KB, 500x605, tempest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6944185
File: 1.73 MB, 540x540, vectorman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6944194
File: 264 KB, 500x665, Yoshi's island.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6944203
File: 8 KB, 320x224, Sonic_Specialstages1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 1 is peak Sonic.

>> No.6944206

I literally came here to post Tempest.

>> No.6944210
File: 298 KB, 500x384, Alien Soldier.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6944212

No one will argue with an autist.

>> No.6944452

>If you're going to bitch about Hotline Miami because it has sprite rotations and that's not "accurate", you're missing the entire point
SNES had rixels in games like yoshi's island and contra 3.

>> No.6944464

Wholeheartedly agree, anon

>> No.6944468

did you just arrive in 4chan 5 seconds ago

>> No.6944490

Yeah sprites are the best, but there’s a bizarre charm to quad rendered games on the Saturn.

>> No.6944568


>> No.6944571
File: 22 KB, 462x319, 70481b20569e17bf582281632d53c280322f7c10_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think by now pixel art has proven itself as a valid art form for its own sake rather than just the product of technical restrictions. It's even managed to appeal to zoomers with no nostalgia for the original pixel art generations. In fact, I'd be willing to bet if you asked a typical zoomer what type of games they associated pixel art with they'd answer "indie games", not "retro games" like most people on here.

>> No.6944775

It's not that easy. But yes 2d will always be better than 3d. Broodwar is visually much more pleasing than sc2.
However the problem with many 2d games is, that the sprites are too low res.
Shovelknight is looking shit with its reduced pixels and color palette. Blasphemous looks much better. Battletoads sprites on snes look also better than anything in shovelknight.
But sprites look shit when being transformed, like scaled or rotated. Also they have a fixed and limited resolution. This is why vectors are the most superior choice

>> No.6944798

I take it you're either some bitchy indie devs or normalfags who got told your favorite faggy indie game is shit and made by cucks trying to bank on nostalgia by presenting their games as SOOOOOOO RETROOOOO JUST LIKE UR 16 BIT SYSTEMS XD

Pixel art indie games wouldn't get shit if they weren't trying to pander so hard and desperately acting like the games they're making can be seen as an "authentic" SNES or genesis game or whatever else. Maybe if they took into account the limitations those games' visuals had, they wouldn't get shit. Doubly so for the really shitty indie trash that are just clashing 2D assests combined with mechanics more shallow than the 30 year old games they badly imitate.

And no one's ever complained about Hotline Miami's visuals you whiny faggots, mainly because it's a fun game and the trippy visuals are just a nice look. I don't think the devs ever specified that they tried to emulate a certain look of another game, so no one really gives a shit about its "authenticity".

>> No.6945281

I distinctly remember people bitching about VVVVVV because it was "fake retro", even though it never claimed to be emulating any particular system.
I like the fact that people who otherwise wouldn't have a chance can knock something out and sometimes it can be really fun and unique. It takes gaming away from the AAA and gives it back to the hobbyist. This is a good thing. You're cucking to corporations.

>> No.6945309

Most people don't even know what a sprite really is and think a whole frame is "a sprite"

>> No.6945330

My 7 year old thoroughly enjoyed undertale and a lot of retro games. For whatever reason he really really likes defender despite not liking any other games of that genre. People like good games. Old or new if the game is good people will like it

>> No.6945364

It ages better that's for damn sure.

>> No.6945461

>Sprites are the best that video games have ever looked
Yup, and its a damn shame they got replaced with gay polygons

>> No.6945471

my only problem with vvvvvvvvvvv was it was a gimmick meme platformer with a fuck ton of input lag

>> No.6945476
File: 707 KB, 500x382, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no OP, you're wrong ;^)

>> No.6945491

>made by cucks trying to bank on nostalgia
Most of the people who cream themselves over Undertale probably aren't even in high school yet.
You're exactly the type of guy people are complaining about, sperging this fucking hard just because people like an art style for the sake of art and not existing to pander to your vague nostalgia. Like holy shit thanks for proving their point.

>> No.6945658

It’s gimmicky but fun. I never noticed any input lag and I played it a lot. Maybe it’s an issue with your setup?

>> No.6945671

Not necessarily, we've just already hit peak 2D, and haven't reached the same for 3D yet.

>> No.6945692


>> No.6945695

and we won't until rasterization goes away and real time ray tracing becomes the norm

>> No.6945793
File: 143 KB, 2920x1120, 1986 vs 1991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. Could be that we're nearing that point right now, where the visuals from the top AAA games of 5 years ago haven't changed much at all compared to the leaps and bounds we had in the past. 2D isn't different there, we hear a lot that 3D ages like milk, but in that same 5 year gap, compare Zelda 1 to ALttP, and you could say the same thing.

>> No.6945870
File: 3.35 MB, 7586x2160, 2015 vs 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a modern example. You could say gen 5-6 3D aged like milk, but things are becoming increasingly murky today, just like it did in the mid to late 90s with 2D.

>> No.6945871

>where the visuals from the top AAA games of 5 years ago haven't changed much at all compared to the leaps and bounds we had in the past
Literally because we had the worst console generation ever, spec wise. PS4 released with the equivalent of a budget PC GPU, Xbox One was even worse. All the "Pro" models did was render the same shit but at 4K

>> No.6945889

We hit peak 2D in like 2000 you massive faggot, none of this cuck indie faggotry broke any newground whatsoever.

>> No.6945893

some anon posted some big pasta on another thread but I can't find it, but basically it talked about how video games in the past always had big jumps from generation to generation and it kinda stopped with modern gaming, where it's basically the same kind of graphics with the only difference being bigger resolution (7th gen is 6th gen at 720p, 8th gen is 7th gen at 1080p, and now 9th gen is 8th gen at 4K)

>> No.6945913

Well, it's kinda hard to make shit look better when you spend the whole new "graphics budget" with higher resolutions. But anyway, there's a considerable leap between all these generations, it just got smaller with 8th gen because they didn't even try. 9th gen is looking good in the specs department tho

>> No.6945924

It's less a matter of specs, since gen 8 seemed perfectly fine with putting fidelity over framerate, and more about the costs associated with creating increasingly detailed assets.
See >>6945870
and it's mid-late 90s where things started grinding to a halt.
>none of this cuck indie faggotry broke any newground whatsoever
I never mentioned indie games, not sure what you're going for here. If anything, a lot of 2D indie titles look like samey flash games.

>> No.6945927

It might look good in "spec" department, but I honestly stopped being wowed by graphics a long time ago. It literally looks like the same shit just in higher resolution.

>> No.6945945

That would make sense if current gen consoles didn't have a fucking 750Ti equivalent GPU and a CPU that still manages to bottleneck that. They absolutely did the best with what they had, if they aimed for framerate you'd have last gen tier graphics but at 1080p.

Come on now, and that's only an release title.

>> No.6945949

4K, maybe a locked 30fps instead of 30 with drops, or even 60 if they're feeling particularly spicy, and better lighting.
>if they aimed for framerate you'd have last gen tier graphics but at 1080p
Sure, and I think this time around it'll be like current gen PC games on ultra. No big leap compared to what we've already had, but much nicer than previous generations.

>> No.6945965

It'll definitively look way better than what we currently have. Modern PC games on ultra are still limited by current gen consoles, it's basically an afterthought, they just crank some effects up and call it a day.

>> No.6945989

>It'll definitively look way better than what we currently have
Comparing console to console, I agree in that 4K/60 looks better than 1080p/20-30.
>Modern PC games on ultra are still limited by current gen consoles
Sort of, it's more about current games but without the limitations, and gen 8 was uniquely defined by the limitations. This looks more like a gen 8 refresh than anything else. I don't see why they'd be leaning so hard on 4K and meme lighting models otherwise.

>> No.6946538

something something xenogears

>> No.6946541
File: 68 KB, 740x416, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6946568

But you said I can't.

>> No.6946580

These graphics aged really well for being early 3D. A rare and impressive feat

>> No.6947331

It was an issue with the game at launch being a literal flash game, it has been updated years down the line but originally there was massive amounts of input delay.

>> No.6948871

"The 21st century culture will be the 20th century culture in HD."
Mark Fisher