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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6944089 No.6944089 [Reply] [Original]

>playing Mario 64 for the first time in about 20 years
>everything seems mildly unsettling, sinister or creepy for some reason, despite the usual veneer of Mario cutishness
I can't quite place it. Is it uncanny valley? I don't really get the same feeling of mild dread when i play other older games, 3D or otherwise

>> No.6944090

>he fell for the shitty zoomer creepypasta

>> No.6944094

Low testosterone

>> No.6944105

Haven't read it.

Maybe, haven't tested it. Don't see what it has to do with it, though

>> No.6944164

It's the atmosphere and music. The emptiness of the castle except for the toads that only slowly fade in like ghosts once you get near them, the nature of much of the levels themselves...it's a combination of the team at Nintendo R&D having better taste and being more creatively unhinged back then, and awkwardness due to the nature of the programming, hardware limitations and new technology of the time. Not to mention, the nostalgia and the associations with how old the game is...it will soon be 3 decades old, but at the time it was a landmark in computer generated technology when the internet and cell phones were still new for popular use.

>> No.6944171


>> No.6944173

Its a very chill game imo, i never feel rushed or stressed out playing it. It perfectly nails the playground feel of early 3d platformers. For me, jumping flash is the superior game but no one can deny the soul and appeal of mario 64.

>> No.6944248

Is that the creepypasta the other guy mentioned?

Yeah, I'm willing to bet it's a mix of nostalgia and technical limitations for the time. It's still an impressive game, for what it is. It's just kind of surreal.

It gives off a playground or dollhouse vibe, as do most early 3D platformers. I should check out Jumping Flash. It caught my attention when I saw it at a local video rental place, but I just never rented it for some reason.

>> No.6944264
File: 187 KB, 492x427, 1595269317987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future you've chosen 6th gen toddlers
>inb4 look at all this good valid discussion
>inb4 mario 64 is 5th gen
6th gen opened the floodgates to the cancer because /v/ rejects barely know a couple 5th gen games

>> No.6944271

Thanks for bumping my thread, gramps

>> No.6944332
File: 335 KB, 480x360, dorrie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>—I also noticed that there seems to be a lot fewer enemy types than previous Mario games…?

>Miyamoto: There’s no special reason for that. (laughs) Normally we’d include about 80 different enemies, but this time we had just under 40. And many of them are neither friend nor foe, but something in-between. That was one of our themes for this development, actually.

>It’s kind of like, we didn’t want to just throw the player into this scary world and have them go on an adventure; rather, we wanted to make a game where the player would feel, “wow, what is this mysterious place I’ve come to…” So many of the characters might look like enemies at first-glance, but they actually aren’t hostile to you. The bunnies, the penguins, the snowmen…
So giving the game a bit of a mysterious atmosphere was intentional.

>> No.6944337

*that said, part of the feeling definitely comes from the technical limitations. A lot of N64 games have a similar vibe.

>> No.6944368

troll or not, seeing this game for the first time before 3d games were really a thing allowed for a much greater level of immersion.
Looking back on how sparse the game looks and feels at time might lead to a level of uncanniness that isn't exactly pleasant.

>> No.6944456

it's overblown by them like anything but it really does have a certain feeling. most early 3d games have this uncanny quality

>> No.6944459

actually i'd say quake is a great example of a game that took advantage of these qualities. in mario 64 it's mostly incidental

>> No.6944526

I 100% agree with you. There's definitely a weirdly creepy undertone to it that you don't get with other N64 games. However, I think it's actually the soundtrack that gives it that feeling. I notice it a lot more on certain levels than others. Many of the soundtracks have have a uncomfortable dissonant quality to them. The castle soundtrack has a happy sounding higher melody juxtaposed with a lower and more dissonant harmony that seems suggests something sinister hiding below the surface.

I know other people have talked about the popularity of Mario 64 creepypastas, but I think they have it backwards. People don't think the game is creepy because of the creepypastas - the creepypastas were written because the game does have a mysterious and vaguely creepy atmosphere at times.

>> No.6944531


>> No.6944774

>the creepypastas were written because the game does have a mysterious and vaguely creepy atmosphere at times.
Spot on. I'd say that's true of a lot of popular game creepypastas. Like the Pokemon creepypastas are more likely to be written about gens 1 and 2. Or Godzilla NES, that game already had a creepy vibe to it, making it well-suited for a creepypasta.

>> No.6945259


This, buncha 25 year old kids talking about how SPOOPY A GAME IS!!!
next up, that scary Gamecube bootup sound!

ooooooooooh spoopy, zoomer spoopy! so uncanny valley, so scary, i swear i saw mario's eyes bleed and coming out of the cartridge when i was 5 ooooooooh

>> No.6945284

I always found OOT to be the unintentionally creepy game. It has creepy parts, but even basic shit like the city is unnerving. Not sure why Mario 64 is getting hit with the creepypasta shit. I always found it to be dreamlike and surreal.

>> No.6945293

>I can't quite place it. Is it uncanny valley?
It's soul

>> No.6945303

You faggots have turned a decent little game from the past into a full blown autism bonanza.

>> No.6945327

I love the creepy Mario meme.

>> No.6945332


>> No.6945339
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It was impressive at the time but a boring game is a boring game

>> No.6945432
File: 704 KB, 480x287, wronga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6945516

Not for me when I was 12yo and saw it for the first time. It still is, to this day, the very game that had the most impact on me when I first set eyes on it, ever.
Nothing after that surprised me so much. It was something quite outstanding for it's time

>> No.6945905

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.