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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 699 KB, 1149x502, cokehead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6943546 No.6943546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Trump blowing straight past Biden’s blatant sympathy garnering may be one of the best things he has ever done. The sheer terror on Joe’s face as he realizes that his usual strategy of using his son’s death for political gain isn’t going to work this time is fucking hilarious.

>> No.6943548

Still voting for Biden.

>> No.6943558

Silly American, the popular vote is meaningless. Your electorates decide who your president will be.

>> No.6943559

Politics is the most retro game there is.

>> No.6943563

Not retro and still voting for Biden because i'm not a moron

>> No.6943581

I actually give a fuck about my fellow Americans, and can put my own best interest aside for the benefit of my neighbors.

Also, Trump is a giga-retard. Voting Biden, and he's going to reestablish everything Obama has done.

You only like Trump because people with autism have low emotional and social intelligence. You are disabled and incapable of looking at a larger picture if it isn't displayed directly infront of you.

>> No.6943583

>not a moron
>will vote for the lower i.q candidate

>> No.6943586

Kill yourself, you invasive, subhuman /pol/tard.
Everyone else, report him for violating >>>/global/rules/4 >>>/global/rules/10 and >>>/vr/rules/1

>> No.6943590

oh look, jeremy parish is here

>> No.6943592

What makes you care about things you cannot control?
You think *your* vote and *your* shitposting will change anything?

And besides that, do you think it matters at all who wins an election? Was your life vastly different under obama than it was under trump?

>> No.6943596

Based, amazing how he's losing his mind but Trump still managed to be the biggest insolent retard last night

>> No.6943603

Cool, I guess that means you're riding with Biden then for shit and giggles, obviously no difference in voting for either

>> No.6943607

what are some other retro games where your main weapon can break?

>> No.6943609

Is this your attempt at the "Don't use the word smart" cringe moment?

>> No.6943610

voting for Biden for one simple reason:




>> No.6943614

Yeah but which one owns a speccy, mate?

>> No.6943617
File: 3.00 MB, 498x451, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6943619

But Biden hates blacks ever since Cornpop cucked him.

>> No.6943635

I know it's bait by someone who doesn't give a shit, but there's no real choice.
Biden won't do anything other than vague performative actions and ignoring shitty history, and Trump is actively against it.

>> No.6943636

Burn Loot Murder?

>> No.6943640

>The sheer terror on Joe’s face as he realizes that his usual strategy of using his son’s death for political gain isn’t going to work this time is fucking hilarious.
Trump fucking shot his own foot trying to even bring his sons up again, to anyone outside his cult it looked awful

>> No.6943647

it was glorious. watch it again

>> No.6943649


>> No.6943650

Sir, this Is an Arby's

>> No.6943654

Trump could be in MENSA for all I care. He's still the guy with open contempt for the underpinnings of the republic like counting all the fucking votes. A literal retard would be preferable to someone hell bent on ending the democracy.

>> No.6943661

You do have any self awareness this is from a cokehead draft dodger? The way that Biden was able to turn that attack into free pity points as a drug problem was the smartest thing I've seen from him

>> No.6943680

here is biden gloating about locking up people for drug possession. why didn't hunter have to go to jail for five years like all the blacks his dad locked up?

>> No.6943681

>Trump kills 66 9/11s worth of Americans
>"Yeah Trump owning the libs!"

Literally 40% of this country is retarded and proud of it.

>> No.6943692

Nice dodging the fact that your own president is a cokehead draft dodger already. Really pretending Trump is any better

>> No.6943696

>why didn't hunter have to go to jail for five years like all the blacks his dad locked up?
woah this Biden guy sounds pretty pro-white and pro-14 words why would you criticize him for this

>> No.6943698

Biden voted to send troops to Iraq so yeah, Trump is better.

>> No.6943702

>dcraft dodger
The Vietnam war was completely pointless and a mistake. Try better next time

>> No.6943703

Whether you're pro Trump or Biden you have to admit this game thirteen years ago was hilarious.

>> No.6943705

They have nothing. They just like that Trump wants to lock up brown people. Every defense of Trump is a pretext. He could shoot their fathers and rape their mothers and as long as he hates the same people they hate it'll be cool. Like the cost of doing business.

>> No.6943709

My great grandparents were all holocaust survivors... sad to see that we have learned nothing since then.

>> No.6943713

This guy gets it. Brown people need to be locked up.

>> No.6943714

We have learned. Its just that for some people they want a repeat.

>> No.6943715

And Trump sure did a good job at ending those wars. He fucking yo-yo'd the numbers and just ended up sending in more troops than before, and now he's done military action against Russians over some bogus story of them paying locals for American bounties.
He's done even fucking worst with Iran.

>> No.6943718

>The Vietnam war was completely pointless and a mistake
Completely besides the point since Trump's political career is predicated on pandering to people who would justify and defend and even want more Vietnam wars

>> No.6943719
File: 279 KB, 640x475, Base Black Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOO HOO HOO! SIX MILLION JEWS! The Holocaust was a joke!

>> No.6943721
File: 134 KB, 800x1030, 96470-president-elect-apple-ii-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you think about it, this thread is actually on topic

>> No.6943723

I didn't know you loved seeing your mom get fucked so much

>> No.6943724

Yes... if only Hitler had successfully wiped your kind out, things wouldn't be as shit as they are today.

>> No.6943728

>Trump's political career is predicated on pandering to people who would justify and defend and even want more Vietnam wars
Except Trump is anti-war though

>> No.6943730

>Trump's political career is predicated on pandering to people who would justify and defend and even want more Vietnam wars
imagine unironically believing this.

>> No.6943735
File: 378 KB, 632x474, That's disgusting!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6943737

As a PoC, its not racist for me to admit my people have contributed nothing to society but ruin. Whites were right all along in this game.

>> No.6943740

I think I'll be voting for the actual pro-American candidate instead of the Russian puppet, thanks. It's a little thing called basic human decency.

>> No.6943743

Remember when everyone lost their fucking minds when he started bombing Syria back in 2017, not even a full year in his presidency.
And the only reason Iran didn't retaliate earlier this year is because their government is even more retarded and blew up their own civilian airliners.
You people are so delusional.

>> No.6943747

Literal cuck like all MAGA

>> No.6943751

You're white and believe that nobody has ever criticized nonwhite people for being racist, come on.

>> No.6943756
File: 189 KB, 294x266, Joe Biden kissing a random child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go with Joe!

>> No.6943760

As a proud Black man, I will be voting for Trump the next time I play.

>> No.6943761
File: 64 KB, 1000x726, pointer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, not outside the island, Joe!

>> No.6943765
File: 31 KB, 1020x255, neocons btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in reality...

>> No.6943769

Wow, just like Obama did just after being elected, like this means anything

>> No.6943770

I can sympathize with 2016 Trump voters who were sick of Washington and wanted him to throw a brick through the window. But in 2020 to vote for him now and be like "yeah I like this!" has to be the gayest most cum guzzling, bottoming faggotry I've ever seen.

>> No.6943775

This whole website is 2016 all over again.

>> No.6943780

Peace for who?

Peace for Black Americans?

Peace for refugees seeking opportunities for a better life?

Peace for protesters seeking equality for all Americans?

Peace for the LGBTQ+ community?

No, Tr*mp has done nothing but WAGE WAR.

>> No.6943782

I think you mean 2007.

>> No.6943784

Nigger this is /vr/. You posted in the wrong tab.

Idk though, that debate was a fucking shitshow man. My wife and I watched it and just looked at each other and said "This is the best we could manage? These two old faggots getting aggitated at each other for two hours?" Trump gets told to not interrupt anymore and like a child has to say "Well, him too. Tell him too, he did it too." Or Biden telling Trump to shut up like a 5 year old, its just embarassing. Fuck this gay Earth

>> No.6943785
File: 23 KB, 288x360, Ei-1bwsUYAE_nsP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peace for who?
>Peace for Black Americans?
>Peace for refugees seeking opportunities for a better life?
>Peace for protesters seeking equality for all Americans?
>Peace for the LGBTQ+ community?
>No, Tr*mp has done nothing but WAGE WAR.

>> No.6943790

>Peace for protesters seeking equality for all Americans?

>> No.6943794

2016 was the death nail of this site, prepare for even more kids swarming to /pol/ again in the coming month

>> No.6943795

Literally fucking anyone can nominate someone for the Nobel Prize. We could meme Moot in if we wanted.

>> No.6943796

Don't care. It's all the same shit no matter who's rambling.

>> No.6943801

>These two old faggots getting aggitated at each other for two hours?
Sounds like he to me

>> No.6943805

Why not tell him to shut up though? What option is there other than stay quiet and let him burn the place down? Biden asserting himself against a blowhard were the few times he really stood out.

>> No.6943828

Especially after four years of this bullshit. I'm voting for him just because someone finally told that faggot to shut up.

>> No.6943838

I think you mean rioters and murderers there bud.