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6941425 No.6941425 [Reply] [Original]

excepting the weak sound, these easily btfo the NES ports and their flicker and millions of bugs as well as DD's lack of 2 player mode

>> No.6941436

I really, really hate the master system's sound chip; it's just an AY but not as good, and they had absolutely no reason to choose it. it's such a tiny thing but it makes a difference.

>> No.6941736

Agreed, the Mark III at least had the FM module, but the stock SMS sound is absolutely terrible.

>> No.6942215


>> No.6942231

Take your meds australia-kun.

>> No.6942301

idk what's wrong with it, I like it

>> No.6942947
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>> No.6942959
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I never understood the love for the C64 port or why it always makes top 10 game lists. It's only okay and the music is grating. Also the game is single load and only 50k or so so a lot of content is missing (the NES and SMS ports are 128k).

>> No.6942984

the Apple II port if you really want to laugh

>> No.6943004

Also fuck you Tonka for not bringing BB to the land of the free.

>> No.6943017 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 300x276, mario_isScrewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> NES ports and their flicker
You know what's funny about that? Nintendo tried to make more than 8 sprites drawable per scanline, but they fucked up the hardware implementation. A sprite overflow detection flag is also built into the 2A03, and it doesn't work right right either. Woops LOL

>> No.6943027
File: 64 KB, 300x276, mario_isScrewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> NES ports and their flicker
You know what's funny about that? Nintendo tried to make more than 8 sprites drawable per scanline, but they fucked up the hardware implementation. A sprite overflow detection flag is also built into the 2A03, and it doesn't work right either. Woops LOL

>> No.6943036

one of the early PPU revisions also had a rudimentary part of an IRQ generator circuit but nothing that was complete or working. it was later removed from the chip die. so until later period mappers the only way to get an IRQ was with the sprite 0 hit.

>> No.6943060

>anyone who likes Sega over Nintendo on anything is "australia-kun"
You should kys.

>> No.6943074

the best feature imo is the hardware sprite flipping which saves a lot of memory. also it was bullshit that Sega didn't put this into the Master System.

>> No.6943097

Ricoh seemed to have some sloppiness issues there as was later seen with the first run of SNES CPUs that self-destruct. it didn't seem like they were good at making a complete, working product out of the box like some other chip fabs.

>> No.6943112

oh yeah and the first run of Famicoms got recalled because certain sprite actions caused the thing to lock up

>> No.6943119

That's pretty funny. I wonder what the plan was? The APU can generate an IRQ when an audio sample is complete. Technically, sprite 0 doesn't generate an IRQ, it just sets a status flag: you have to sit there spinning in a loop polling $2002 with BIT until BVS happens...
It's a godsend. I wish BG tiles flipped as well... 8x16 is cool too, but tougher to use. Great for beat'em ups. (Also i meant 2C02, i guess, heh)

>> No.6943139

The Master System flips BG tiles instead of sprites. I wonder if perhaps it wasn't intentional and the idea is you can just make soft sprites out of tiles and rotate them as needed. It does support 512 tiles unlike the 256 on the NES.

>> No.6943160
File: 8 KB, 256x224, micro machines codemasters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micro Machines also does a trick on the title screen that involves reading the PPU sprite position registers. These are normally write only but on some later revisions they can also be read. It's unclear at what point this was changed, so the game isn't compatible with all machines.

>> No.6943171

>It's a godsend. I wish BG tiles flipped as well... 8x16 is cool too, but tougher to use. Great for beat'em ups. (Also i meant 2C02, i guess, heh)
Alas, the NES didn't get any Street Fighter games because Capcom didn't think the hardware could do it; the sprites were too restrictive.

>> No.6943194
File: 28 KB, 480x360, kart_fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were probably right; it could have been done, but wouldn't have looked that great.

>> No.6943210
File: 5 KB, 512x384, 24775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a piece of crap. The Speccy had Street Fighter, it's no wonder people luv their Speccy.

>> No.6943350

Double Dragon is a different game on NES. A better one. If I want a decent conversion on an old skool system, then I'll play the Genesis game, not that weak ass Master System port.

>> No.6943357

The Mega Drive one is okay but suffered from being a low budget release on a 512k ROM so the sprites are jerky and missing a lot of frames.

>> No.6943369

>runs at 3 fps

>> No.6943382
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>Alas, the NES didn't get any Street Fighter games because Capcom didn't think the hardware could do it; the sprites were too restrictive.
and yet we have pic related, not as detailed as the speccy version but still ok

double dragon 1-3 NES are all different and better than the arcade equivalents

anybody who wants to play 'arcade double dragon but way better' should try double dragon advance

>> No.6943389

Try TMNT: The Manhattan Project for what happens when NES programmers try to bite off more than they can chew with the sprites.

>> No.6943404

The Spectrum has an actually pretty good Bubble Bobble, probably because the Follins Brothers made it.

>> No.6943460

They could have gotten a better framerate if they made the sprites a little smaller but you know why they did that; so it would look good in magazine screenshots.