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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 131 KB, 720x707, 28252-resident-evil-3-nemesis-dreamcast-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6924941 No.6924941 [Reply] [Original]

this game right here is fucking -PERFECT-.
there is not even a single, solitary thing i would change about this game.
there are no loose ends, no cut corners, no sloppy edges.
everything is as it needs to be and no more, no less.
it's like a perfectly cut diamond, every angle and edge in unison, reflecting its own glory ad infinitum. FLAWLESS.

even RE2 and RE4, as fantastic and impressive and robust and fun as they are, cannot match the majestic simple mastery of this game. this game was a victory lap, a testament to its creator's prowess. like michelangelo rushing out a sistine chapel and not misplacing a single drop of paint.

if you haven't played this game, you can't call yourself a gamer.
if you dislike this game, you are a -FAGGOT- and plebian beyond description.

if you agree with my post, this thread is for you my friend, because you are a certified, card carrying patrician.

>> No.6925007

Having only 1 campaign was its only flaw.

>> No.6925030

CV is real RE3.

>> No.6925034

Dodging should either have a bigger frame window to perform or dropped altogether. It's way too cool of a move that you just can't use. The second half of the game goes by too fast, a result of rushed development since the game was going to end on the clock tower originally. A game with HUNK as the main character was cancelled and this is what we got instead. It's a great game still, but nothing would've beat playing as Hunk for real.

>> No.6925038


i disagree. the game was intended from the outset to be jill's story and thus the fact that the game follows her alone is fine.


i agree, it is the proper sequel in the traditional sense, Nemesis was always meant to tell a side story and that's what it does and it does it well.

>> No.6926318

it's the only re ive never finished (that i've played)
there's just something about it that just bores me and i lose interest
re2 is best followed by gaiden

>> No.6926339
File: 393 KB, 236x178, C893CC2C-E968-4E86-9E5B-A6AC2F8D07A1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible at dodging
>watch a few videos of runs where the guy does it perfectly every time
>watch a kind of tutorial video of how and when to do it
>oooooooooooooh knowledge kicks in

>still can't dodge at all
why can't i figure it out?

>> No.6926385
File: 1.95 MB, 2880x2160, 20200926_105248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh you arent allowed to like RE3 didnt you get the memo? Its a rushed out sloppy cash grab with brain dead gameplay, two hours of content and no replay value, featuring a dodge mechanic that doesn't even work.

I've got bad taste too. What'd you think of the remake?

>> No.6926446


dodging was never meant to a guaranteed escape. a skilled player can pull off frame perfect dodges consistently, but for an average player its meant to be a gamble, which makes it more exhilarating when you pull one off in the heat of combat.

the game is the perfect length, and ends right before it would begin to wear out its welcome. HUNK is better left for bonus content since making him a main character would kill the mystery that makes his character cool.


you're a pleb simple as


you just don't have the timing/skill. watching videos of daigo pulling off perfect parries in SF third strike won't automatically make you capable of doing the same thing


liking good games is a capital offense on this shit ass board. the remake was fucking D O G S H I T. like next level bad. the fact they charged full price for that steaming pile should be the subject of a class action lawsuit

>> No.6926485 [DELETED] 


I’d add 3D textures. :)

>> No.6926494
File: 1.39 MB, 2592x1944, fy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you agree with my post, this thread is for you my friend, because you are a certified, card carrying patrician.

>> No.6926498


The game is great. I would add the HD textures. :) Gameplay and story should be left alone.

>> No.6926536

I played this game so many times. It's a shame that the basic ideas of this game were not implemented in the remake.

>RNG enemy placement
>Alternate paths based on decisions

>> No.6926559
File: 87 KB, 450x360, 13181C34-A312-4C13-8272-CB938E58FF03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like crafting shotgun shells and making the ones that make the bigger booms

>> No.6926562

Wasn't as good as two

>> No.6926572

The first half of 3 is better than the first half of 2.


The second half of 2 is better than the second half of 3.

>> No.6926573
File: 150 KB, 1463x1077, illgiveyoustars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, it's just not supposed to work. I like to think I'm pretty good but I can't pull off not even close to consistently.

The length itself isn't an issue, but I wouldn't mind spending more time in the park. The fetch quest for the train takes a bit too much of the game.

>> No.6926581

>I wouldn't mind spending more time in the park
Me too, if only for the music:


>> No.6926583

RE2 is the true king, RE3 is a bit of a meh-fest

>> No.6926589


the park theme with the light rainfall makes it such a comfy locale

>> No.6926598


this sounds like the opinion of someone who hasn't played enough RE

>> No.6926607

RE4 is not fantastic nor impressive and you are a major faggot for thinking that.

>> No.6926614

Based as FUCK. Fuck RE4 for doing an absurd amount of damage to the industry

>> No.6926625

RE4 is visually and technically impressive objectively. Story-wise it completely fucked RE and made it generic bullshit though.

>> No.6926631
File: 58 KB, 658x457, 3253g4segfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6926635

>bigger numbers says im right
Retarded nigger

>> No.6926649

> b-buh-but muh feelings a bloo boo hoo

>> No.6926659
File: 93 KB, 640x635, RE_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only one complain about the game: to make the strongest bullets for handgun and shotgun, you have to create their ammo 8 times. The problem is that it is much faster to do it by mixing singular powders, while most people when playing normally will mix multiple powder before creating ammo so they give more bullets. This means if you're playing normally for the first time you're unlikely to ever discover the stronger bullets. I only learned about it after reading a guide, and the I just created bullets using single A or B powders multiple times to reach it faster.
This is my only complaint about the game though, otherwise I love it. I even did some handgun-only and knife-only runs a few times.
I played the PS version though.

>> No.6926673



>> No.6926704

wait what?
so is it every 8th time you make the bullets it's a special stronger bunch or anything after the 8th time is stronger?

>> No.6926724


these look like the scores of people who haven't played enough RE

>> No.6926730


after the 8th time your ammo crafting skill "levels up" and you can create the enhanced ammo forever after that

>> No.6926794

>you can't call yourself a gamer
Only zoomer faggots do this.

>> No.6927406
File: 308 KB, 525x700, fa3f9071a7361200566ac437b3038d8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REmake 1 > RE3 > RE2 > REmake 2 > RE1 > CV > 0 > OB1 > OB2 > RE7 > everything else. Yes, I am a Jill coomer.

>> No.6927569



>> No.6927781

So nothing important?

>> No.6928101

first time playing it and right now I'm at the hospital as Carlos, the game is not bad but it just doesn't feel as good as 2. The dodge mechanic just feels badly implemented.

>> No.6928110

To me I look at the dodge mechanic as a bonus mechanic and not an essential to one to reward players with vaguely or luckily timed button presses. This is still a tank controlled game first and foremost and an action game second.

>> No.6928129

this whole post is ultra based

>> No.6928192

Emergency dodge is annoying and I tried to avoid using it whenever possible. It should not have been tied to the aim button.
Otherwise it's a great game. Better than RE2 in practically every regard.

>> No.6928203

Disagree, it was CV that fucked the story.

>> No.6928206

Metacritic is a trashfire and you're a massive retard for taking it seriously.

>> No.6928576

he's complaining about the enhanced ammo system. If you combine 3 bottles of A powder it created a big bottle of powder called AAA but the problem is that the game counts it as 1 craft instead of 3.

>> No.6929071

>the marble and water sample """""puzzles"""""
that shit filtered me so hard

>> No.6929072

Can anyone upload RE1, RE2, and RE3 with the Rebirth patch?

>> No.6929074

Water sample puzzled filtered everyone

>> No.6929078

it wasn't hard it just that in all the game I never have to stop and analyze stuff desu

>> No.6929170
File: 35 KB, 320x240, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who was this girl?
this is one of the epilogues that you get when finishing the game

>> No.6929181

wait I'm retarded it's just someone walking by

>> No.6929185

Re3 is fucking killer, really wish capcom would make a classic resident evil pack. Take the highest quality versions of all the backgrounds and run them through a AI scaler, touch up a few areas in photo shop, have it run at 60fps, and bam sell it for 40 bucks.

>> No.6929430


>> No.6929431

Yeah I know, they are my preferred way to play 2 and 3 at this point

>> No.6929630

its good but way too short for a single campaign re. only took me about 7 hrs on my first playthrough

>> No.6929890
File: 864 KB, 1242x925, 30CB893F-E9C1-4D7D-9EB1-F1EBCCE82DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened here?

>> No.6929974

Play the GameCube ports on a crt, they’re perfect

>> No.6930087

Perfect games don't get ported to dead consoles. Get fucked retard preferably up the ass by me.

>> No.6930106

Shut up faggot, these are great and convenient because I cant be bothered to play consoles anymore.

>> No.6930115

>there are no loose ends, no cut corners, no sloppy edges.
Nemesis cannot open the police station door because it opens towards him, yet moments later in the game he is no longer limited by his inability to operate a door.

Biggest sloppy edge was the reloading tool. It really didn't need to be an item, you could've just put an ammo press in rooms with storage containers instead and accomplish the same thing.

>> No.6930134
File: 227 KB, 830x535, nemesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better run because he's coming for that ass!

>> No.6930137
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and made it generic bullshit though.
RE1 was literally a zombie movie down to "Don't use the Z word"

Stop bullshitting, all you had to do was line up the three sets of bars so they had the same total as the top set.

>> No.6930161

Someone at Capcom sucks at drawing hands

>> No.6930209

No U

>> No.6930242

The only thing i did not like was raccoon city park, it was very linear for the most part and i felt the environment was boring.

>> No.6930249

Tank controls.

>> No.6930285

sub 80 IQ poster

>> No.6931004
File: 107 KB, 929x1024, 1585174512987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HUNK is better left for bonus content since making him a main character would kill the mystery that makes his character cool.
Yeah, but I think it would be great to play a campaign as him. We'd learn something about him but not everything, maybe we wouldn't even be able to see his face.

>> No.6931286

Worst RE in the psx trilogy.

>> No.6931338


worst opinion in the special ed class

>> No.6931434

not me

first time I played I imagined it like tetris

>> No.6932113
File: 281 KB, 1500x912, -SmashMouthesis-Kill-Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dead bodies surround me. Whole world is ending for me
>I ain’t the smoothest tyrant windbag
>She was looking pretty cute in her tight R.P.D. suit
>With the engraved word “JILL” on her name-tag

>Hell! The dead start rising and they just keep rising
>Loosed on Raccoon and I see my prey running
>Lookin’ real lame when you point your gun
>Your brain gets smashed ‘tween finger & thumb
>So fun to shoot my R.P.G
>So many throngs of targets on packed streets
>You’ll never die if you’re undead
>You’ll have a squid stuck on your head

>BANG! POW! Gonna kill S.T.A.R.S.
>Can’t escape now, go slay
>BANG! POW! You won’t get far
>Let them run now, afraid
>Then squid-like critters grab hold
>Only stop when S.T.A.R.S. blood runs cold

>It’s a fool’s hope, but you’re feelin’ much bolder
>Your small arms fire stings, but won’t knock me over
>But the parasite heals me just in case
>Jamming a nice hole in the center of your face
>The ice grenades? A really nasty pain!
>Your ammo’s running low so you better take aim
>This town’s on fire, our last stand
>Rocket in my pocket and T-Virus in hand

>[CHORUS x1]

>Take Aqua Cure
>Take Safsprin
>Take Adravil
>Trust Umbrella

>[CHORUS x1]

>Somebody once screamed
>Would I spare them and redeem?
>“Is there not one ember of love in your heart?”
>I said “Hmph! You want warmth?
>I should spray a lot of fuel about
>And then you’d all go up in the FLAAAAAAAAAAMES”

>Hell! The dead start rising and they just keep rising
>Loosed on Raccoon and I see my prey running
>Lookin’ real lame when you point your gun
>Your brain gets smashed ‘tween finger & thumb
>So fun to shoot my R.P.G
>So many throngs of targets on packed streets
>I’ll smile when I make you my bitch (BITCH!)
>I’ll bite a piece off that Jill sandwich

>> No.6932182

>the opinions of video game critics who wrote 26 reviews prove I am objectively correct
I think you're actually serious and that's a harrowing thought.

>> No.6933153


>hd textures

and make it soulless? no thanks

>> No.6933202

Actually, it has problems:
>it was designed as a more action oriented game, but they didn't update the controls, making it RE3 Action Game in RE Control Engine
>reuse of areas from RE2
>not a great story
>QTE is dumb
Still better than Code Veronica though.

>> No.6933205

RE 1 > REmake 1
Fight me pussies.

>> No.6933213

>implying it's better than 2 and 1

>> No.6933421

Did they...?

>> No.6933428

>REmake 2
Not retro. List remains the same except for 0 and both OBs which I never played

>> No.6933441

I'm not disagreeing. I actually play RE1 more than REmake 1. However REmake 1 has something RE1 doesn't. Which is the ability to mod and play as nude Jill Valentine.

>> No.6934726


yes, of course that's what i'm implying you dimwit

>> No.6934764


this thread is for men of good taste only friend. i'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to leave

>> No.6934771

>this thread is for men of good taste only

>> No.6934780


how is quick turn not an update to the controls? I just played through re2 and this was dearly missed.