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692518 No.692518 [Reply] [Original]

For the jackasses that stack consoles on one another. Is tgis legit?

>> No.692524

If it was the other way round you would be sorry

>> No.692540

I would never ever put anything on top of the NES. My daughter put that damn beanie baby on it, and screams at me when I try and take it off.

>> No.692558

Yes. Now put a Wii and a PS2 na d agamecube on top of it, and you have a very unstable tower of death

>> No.692561

i am pretty sure the NES can support the weight of the Xbox

>> No.692565

Not if you want to put games in it

>> No.692567

the nes is sturdy, I have my euro snes on top of the nes

>> No.692571

>letting your daughter scream at you
>not tossing the beanie babby into the BBQ

>> No.692576

This is where you need to show her you're the boss or shes gonna get everything she wants screaming at you the rest of her life.

>> No.692578

It seems you have authority issues

>> No.692583

>Not putting a gamecube below a sega tower of power

>> No.692589

where's your vcr, dvd player, surround sound hub and cable box?

Also, there seems to be a severe lack of knotted and frayed cords.

Get your shit together, OP.

>> No.692591

Am I the only one who cringed when seeing a CRT on top of a VCR, or even worse, one of those old cable boxes that heat-up & need vents on the top.

Heaven forbid, I hadn't encountered any idiots who'd stack a CRT ontop of a video game console before.

>> No.692592

>Not putting Gamecube on top of PS1

>> No.692594

ahhh... you are a smart man

>> No.692598


Console stacking won't hurt anything as long as you don't block cooling vents and they sit stably on each other.

The blockier the console the more structurally sound it's going to be.

>> No.692595

>stacking consoles
holy shit are you guys mah niggas hi fives ll around

>> No.692602

I cringe if there's an LCD TV onto of the game consoles. Heaven help me if I see a CRT onto of a game console.

>> No.692605

Isn't the VCR below the monitor?

>> No.692608

I think you are that TV looks small enough who gives a fuck about a dime a dozen VCR anyway. It should be in the trash but anon probably uses it as a passthrough. Only faggets watch VHS

>> No.692617
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>Am I the only one who cringed when seeing a CRT

>> No.692618


It's a commodore 1702 monitor on top of an old VCR. The 1702 isn't that heavy; I can suspend mine by the top grip from one finger.

>> No.692624

>only faggets watch VHS
get a load of this faggot

>> No.692636

Stop playing video games and posting about them and learn how to raise you kid instead.

>> No.692668

>rewinding tapes
> low fi fuzzy shit

Get a load of this fagget, VHS is dead for a fucking reason. The only people I know who watch them are my stupid fagget metalhead friends who can't afford decent versions of their movies. They also listen to shitty fucking tapes too because you know music is more enjoyable when its all fuzz. Magnetic tape is a stupid format and you cant even argue that FAGGOT

>> No.692681

you seem to be mighty upset, m8

>> No.692694
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>> No.692715
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>> No.692717

You would be too if your vidya games stopped working because tape gets stretched by the tape player over time. Its worse than CDs and DVDs cause only shitty cheaply pressed discs rot or abused discs. All tapes get strecthed though.

>> No.692728

how is the 1702?

>> No.692725

that's why you back up your tapes to flash memory, and just make new ones from the backup as the old ones die

>> No.692734


abandon thread

>> No.692758

Magnetic tape is a terrible format. I wasn't around when the concept was conceived but I'm embarrassed it was as mass produced as it was.

>> No.692760
File: 101 KB, 1015x566, 191921_408110899250610_1634976954_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or just dont fuck around with VHS
pic related person I know with biggest VHS collection

>> No.692765

This is OP. Thank you all for your wonderful input. Except the niggers telling me how to raise my daughter. She is 1.5 years old and I made a joke. It never happened, ok? Take your parenting advice >>/adv/

>> No.692779

OP again. It's an old ass DVD player anyway. My sexbox doesn't play movies I burn for the kid. That is why I have both. And yes it's a fucking commodore monitor.

>> No.692790

>I wasn't around when the concept was conceived

We can tell. Your lack of perspective is something unique to the very young.

There was literally no other way to pack that much data into that small of a space and have it be affordable. We had laserdiscs soon after but those were neither small nor particularly affordable.

30 years from now we'll look back on our flash memory with its degrading quantum electron traps and laugh.

>> No.692781

>games on VHS tape
u wot m8

>> No.692786

awesome. I get mad bitches with mine.

>> No.692795

Holy crap only talking about the VCR since forever ago you stupid assholes. Anon didn't take his meds this morning it seems.

>> No.692806

you're the guy who's upset about other people liking VHS tapes. Just accept it, VHS is superior to your CLOUD STREAMAN solutions

>> No.692820

I said they were dead for a reason I didn't say they never served a purpose and they served it damn well but their time has moved on. I'm old enough to remember a tracking knob on my VCR before auto tracking son. I was merely stating that nobody in 2013 should be using a VCR to watch movies. You faggets have the butthurt for your precious format or something.

>> No.692839
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Muh piracy > your tapes.

>> No.692843

One point that you failed to mention is that some movies are ONLY available on vhs.

>> No.692850


I'm not even invested in the argument, just amused enough by your ignorant post to reply.

Not to mention how upset you're getting.

I haven't had a VCR in forever.

>> No.692849

VHS a shit, Betamax superior

>> No.692853

Only movies nobody gave a fuck about

>> No.692858
File: 167 KB, 1440x1080, Virtual_Bart_-_1994_-_Acclaim_Entertainment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great game or greatest game?

>> No.692887

For a long time (even after the introduction of DVDs and even now with digital media) there were certain films you could only watch on VHS because it wasn't commercially viable to rerelease them. So it made sense to maintain a collection of VHS tapes to still have those movies. In some cases as well, people don't have the money to repurchase every VHS tape they own. To spend so much income that way is asinine.

>> No.692892

Nope, there's a lot of lost classics only available on VHS. And just because you don't enjoy them doesn't mean they are "movies nobody gave a fuck about."

>> No.696027


Man am I glad I got the snip.

>> No.696050

>years ago
>switch out PS2 for PS3
>pissed that I can't put stuff on top of the PS3
>same for the NES to SNES change

I don't stack consoles. I just like being able to just put a game on it or something.

>> No.696309

Guys please. It is just a beanie baby. It probably means a lot to her having it up on her parent's NES. Kids are weird like that and sometimes it is best to let them win something minor like that. Now if she was screaming at her parents to giver her ice cream or some shit then yeah they better do their duty as a parent and show her who is boss.

>> No.696362 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20130520_123157_zpsf75debc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some things you shouldn't stack, like putting stuff ontop of your gamecube or ps1. Regadless though, there's nothing wrong with say, stacking your ps3 ontop of your ps2.

>> No.696390
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20130520_123157_zpsf75debc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some things you shouldn't stack, like putting stuff on top of your Gamecube or Ps1. Regardless though, there's nothing wrong with say, stacking your Ps3 on top of your Ps2.

>> No.696419

I vaguely recall an old Nintendo Power saying the lack of large flat surfaces on the SNES was intentional. Apparently people had been putting their drinks down on the NES and when they'd eventually spill them of course it'd go right into the vent.

>> No.697319
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Space-Saving-Stacking master race reporting in.

All my toploading consoles go on top of the stacks.

>> No.697338

i do stack them if it doesn't block the cart/disc slot or heat exhausts.

>> No.697745

what, you don't play jenga with your consoles?

>> No.697798
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