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6919540 No.6919540 [Reply] [Original]

The LJN of Japan. When you see this logo on an NES game, it's time to turn around and start walking the other direction.

>> No.6919551

No greater truth /vr/other. What US Gold was to Europe, Pony Canyon was to Nihon.

>> No.6919575

I didn't even knew they published vidya.
They published some really good music in Japan though, at least during the 80s.

>> No.6919590

Oh they did alright. They "blessed" the NES with such classics as Hydlide, Super Pitfall, and Heroes of the Lance.

>> No.6919609
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And a few we never saw such as ARCTIC. Also this appears to be an early effort of Artdink, better known as the fine folks who brought you Tail of the Sun.

>> No.6919621

Basically they'd take any amateurish bedroom coder Famicom shit and publish it. So all their games were made by Micronics and friends. Of course so were all of LJN's games.

>> No.6919627

Yeah I just checked on wikipedia.
Lunar Ball was pretty alright though.

>> No.6919687

>implying Hydlide was bad

You should apologize.

>> No.6920129

>LJN is le bad because cockapoopoo youtube man tell me that!
He's not wrong, but you're still a fucking underage faggot.

>> No.6921351
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>US Gold was a major record label that also did movies TV shows and games.

>> No.6921490

With LJN being the US counterpart for them? (Except for 16-bit WWF games)

>> No.6921504

Pony Canyon is honestly more well known as a music record label than anything else.
Their video game ventures seem to be a small footnote in their history.

>> No.6921596

we're talking about vidya here tard
pony canyon, like US gold, had licenses from another country and released them in japan
pony canyon, like US gold, mostly released stinkers
unlike US gold most people paid full price for pony canyon games instead of getting cassettes from achmed at the boot sale

>> No.6921603

No him but honestly I don't think there's any comparable shit like US Gold in Japan.
Simply because Japan didn't have something as bad as the ZX Spectrum or similar microcomputers that received absolutely abysmal ports of japanese arcade games.
LJN may be closer since they also were a company that did other things besides video games (in this case, toys).

>> No.6921607

go into the msx goodset and play any pony canyon game, they're all western licenses and programmed badly
msx1 if you want a good comparison with the speccy, most games people associate with the msx are msx2 games with better hardware

>> No.6921614
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Nothing on MSX or any other japanese system will be as abysmal as the shit US Gold did on Speccy and other microcomputers of the era anon, it's on another level of shit.

>> No.6921629

The Spectrum stuff can be given a pass because it's such a limited machine. Their C64 and especially their Amiga stuff was absolutely shameful.

>> No.6921634

By this time the Spectrum was more than 10 years old and Britain, just as now, is a poor shithole and all the kids could get was that.
This is EXACTLY what I'm getting at.

>> No.6921640

A lot of US Gold's Amiga ports were literally Atari ST copypaste with 16 colors and don't even use the blitter.

>> No.6921646

So did US Gold ever release anything that was at least passable? Because all I know was legit putrid shit.
Pony Canyon published mostly inferior ports, but nothing seems as extremely putrid as the stuff US Gold published. One of the games Pony Canyon published on the Famicom was Lunar Ball, which is a rather interesting pool game by Compile. Not the best thing ever, but not bad either.

>> No.6921650

I'm not putting it outside the realm of possibility. If you ever played a port of a Western computer game on the NES, it was put there by Pony Canyon.

>> No.6921654

They used various studios some of which were better than others. Many of the most notorious US Gold titles were developed by Tiertex.

>> No.6921656

Except Hudson also did a whole bunch of those.

>> No.6921660

>If you ever played a port of a Western computer game on the NES, it was put there by Pony Canyon.
Lode Runner is a western computer game, and its Famicom version was released by Hudson.
Anyway, what I'm asking is if US Gold ever released anything that's at least decent, because Lunar Ball, as simple as it may be, is decent.

>> No.6921672

Hudson's stuff was usually good.
I'm basing my opinion mostly off of what I've played in the MSX library and shitty computer ports put on the NES by Pony Canyon, not necessarily excluded to: the Ultima games, Super Pitfall, Ballblazer, D&D games...

>> No.6921674

I think Tiertex did most of US Gold's Amiga stuff and it was absolutely dire.

>> No.6921681

Yes I know that Pony Canyon released some inferior ports, but they also released some OK stuff. I can't think of anything worthwhile from US Gold, maybe there is, I dunno, I just remember bad stuff from them, like stuff that I would never want to play ever again.
>>6921654 mentioned Tiertex, but I dunno, I see they did the Street Fighter port on computers... if that's the best US Gold got, then it's still leagues below Pony Canyon.

>> No.6921687

The very worst part of all is that the actual good studios from that time like Gremlin Graphics and Psygnosis are long gone while Tiertex is still around and makes phone games now.

>> No.6921695

Also don't forget Binary Designs, the subhumans that made the C64 and Amiga Double Dragon.

>> No.6922258

>we're being retarded zoomies here
No. We are not. (You) are, but not the rest of us.