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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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6908908 No.6908908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

good god what happened to this board

>> No.6908928

Killed by a rule change. Read the sticky. It's a wasteland of shitposting now.

>> No.6908980

It was made better, now fuck off you boomer schizo. 6th gen is here to stay and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.6908995
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>tfw there will never be an everquest 2

>> No.6909031

What do you mean? I'm not seeing any issues.

>> No.6909036

Yeah aside from some GBA and PS2 threads it looks pretty much the same

>> No.6909042


>> No.6909045

It's a superior board since the change. Fucking toxic boomer, 6th gen is here forever and you can leave if you don't like it *dabs on you*

>> No.6909048

This, but genuinely.

>> No.6909051

Mods killed it and now zoomers are flossing on its corpse

>> No.6909052

We know you're not being serious and that you're shitposting.

>> No.6909059

Oh no I'm actually totally serious.

But if you really want me to be more specific, this is a lot more bitching and moaning going on about how you can't discuss anything anymore. You know. In spite of threads like this still being up, and there being plenty of genuine threads available for discussion, and threads not dedicated to crying about how fast the threads are now actually being pretty slow

>> No.6909067

FFXI was basically the real EQ2

>> No.6909068

Except you know that's not the case. Why are you so determined to amuse yourself by gaslighting people here?

>> No.6909069

Time, you delusional retard

>> No.6909071
File: 73 KB, 630x611, 1583699161847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be a FFXI Classic

>> No.6909078
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There's more speccyposting than ever, so as far as me and me wife is concerned, it's better. Simple as.

>> No.6909082

>spend an entire year raiding dynamis twice a week and funneling all the currency drops to a single player so they can get their relic weapon
>they immediately sell their account for 5 figures upon obtaining it

Oh, and don't forget competing against THE ENTIRE SERVER for level break quest items. I wouldn't even consider playing on such a server unless they made reasonable "Classic+" ruleset changes and gameplay improvements.

I also remember being driven insane by the constant gear swap macros for every single spell cast, and every gear swap causing players to blink in and out of existence making you lose your target for support spells. Shit was terrible.

>> No.6909184


I tried FFXI when it was new and hated it. But I was pretty young at the time. I hear nothing but people having great memories of the game. I really wish the game had a semi-normal release and was not saddled with that awful fucking account registration bullshit. I forget what it was even called.

>> No.6909224

Playonline had a great soundtrack

>> No.6909235

The mod that gave a shit about rules left due to the rule change and now we have a mod that only likes trolling the loser board.

>> No.6909251

whoa, are you suggesting that 50 bots sitting at the hnm spawn point all scanning client memory and claiming bosses before they even spawn for legit players was bad game design?