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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 131 KB, 800x1014, 12612-the-terminator-rampage-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6907058 No.6907058 [Reply] [Original]

How labyrinthine do the levels get?
After screwing with dos box i finally got the game to run at a reasonable frame rate (no sound though). I've only gotten to level 5 or so but they're getting big and the corridors seem to go on forever. Does it continue to get more elaborate

I will say Bethesda nailed the atmosphere in this just like they did with future shock

>> No.6907249

I guess nu /vr/ hasn't heard of This?

>> No.6907817

This board is dead now thanks to the merger. Great

>> No.6907853

All 32 maps are exactly the same size. Some lean gamey, others thematic. But they're all more or less labyrinthine. Personally I think the maps are better laid out than Arena's. A friend of mine who has done speedruns of the game tells me that it's absolute bullshit toward the end. If you watch, you'll see that some levels take 10 times as long to complete, because of how careful you have to play to fight the more difficult enemies. The soundtrack is great. Eric Heberling did a lot of stuff for Bethesda back then. I've only ever experienced the maps through the Arena engine, but what's cool about them is the combination of level geometry with billboard sprites. So you get half walls that are textured like cabinets, and light fixtures hanging from the ceilings. Obviously not as impressive as Doom, but still cool.

>> No.6907950
File: 32 KB, 847x793, 1598547531023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the sprite work for the guns. Impressed by it actually. The Uzi, shotgun, and m16 all look great
And yeah soundtrack is awesome. Since I can't get sound to work I've just been playing the soundtrack in the back ground via you tube and unlike some games, it legitimately adds to it.
It's more than just a wolf clone

>> No.6908773

And page 7

>> No.6909018
File: 1.93 MB, 1382x779, 20200922_033928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an example, decent sprite for the starting pistol. Looks more real than others from the time imo

>> No.6909058

No one gives a shit. There were no good Terminator games. Just because you played this growing up doesn't make it good.

>> No.6909070

>I'm too young to remember this game so don't discuss it abloo boo boo
Deal with it little zoomie

>> No.6909554 [DELETED] 

>nu ___
Fuck off /v/edditor you do not fit in and I will fucking lynch you niggers every time you pop up in my board until there is no more left. I used to be a nice guy but you coons KILLED my board and I am out for VENGEANCE now....

>> No.6910098

>there were no good terminator games
>he hasn't played future shock
You're fault not mine. You can get it for free easily

I've been bumping this thread trying to talk about something on pc from before 2000. Not exactly something someone from /v/ would bring up. And it irritates that I have to bump because these games were easily discussed here at the beginning of the year. You're barking at a tree when the burglar is in your house

>> No.6910127

future shock is insane bethesdajank. Awful game.

>> No.6910136

What? It's less janky than most of theor other stuff.
Soundtrack is pretty good
Atmosphere is perfect
You have mouselook, can jump, etc.
You can go into pretty much any building you want and look for stuff
Enemies either match those shown in the movie or are at least something you could see sky net making
Weapons are all great
Only poor parts are the vehicle sections and those aren't that bad either.

>> No.6910150

I don't give a FUCK about what your intentions were n'wah you posted /v/ermin crap and you will pay for it.

>> No.6910168

Ah, so it's a flawless game. Truly I see now.

>> No.6910204

6th gen memes? From a /vr/ poster?

Nah not flawless. But it's pretty good, much better than just Bethesda jank. Im kinda surprised they didn't continue to make fps after skynet

>> No.6910213

You're jank and you should gtfo /vr/ back to playing the likes of Borderlands

>> No.6910216

You're fucking dead kid. You post one more god damned time on MY board and you're dead. You hear me punk? I run this place I will have you removed from reality as we know it in a matter of seconds I THINK THEREFOR YOU ARE

>> No.6910231

You can quit the charade now.
Anyway if you or anyone is actually interested in playing any of these you can get them from abandon ware and run them in dos box

>> No.6912094

Who died and made you king of the board?

>> No.6912167
File: 1.91 MB, 2016x1512, I_left_out_Journey_to_Silius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the levels had a sort of office layout. The level layouts made a lot more logical sense than Wolf3D to an office setting. Never did finish the game since I was running a 386DX2-40 at the time, and the game refused to run on a Pentium-75, leading me to eventually get a 486DX4-100 just to play it. Of the early levels I did play on a shit framerate, I remember hiding and healing in washrooms and picking off individual robots instead of getting surprised and reacting to the situation.

Terminator Rampage was one of my regret purchases and it is one of the few games I ever managed to sell away, I am not sure I regret that too. It reviewed well in magazines, and Rampage did do what I imagined would have happened: Skynet would build itself in the past as backup plan to ensure its future will happen. I really wanted to like the game since I was a fan of the two movies I did see, the 2nd movie was the biggest film of its time and Rampage came out not too long after. If it ran better, maybe I would have stayed around to enjoy Future Shock.

>> No.6912562


If we remove ONE word we sum up the zoomer attitude towards gaming completely.

>No one gives a shit. There were no good games. Just because you played this growing up doesn't make it good.