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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6896107 No.6896107 [Reply] [Original]

Nintendo is an arrogant company that has been riding on nostalgia for the last 30 years, they believe they don't have to compete in their chosen industry and they demonstrate this by selling underpowered, overpriced and gimmicky game consoles with first party games that would have been considered mediocre shit if they were a new original IP in 2018 and not the tail end of a 35 year old franchise.

They literally sell a cardboard controller kit for Nintendo switch that lets you "build your own fun" for the low low price of $80 - and their fans ate that shit up on release.

>> No.6896114

I mostly agree, except for Splatoon. That’s a good new IP and there really isn’t anything like it on competitors’ consoles. I agree that they’re riding their own coattails a little too hard though.

Also, this isn’t a /vr/ topic. Stop proving right the critics of new /vr/ that are calling it /v2/ and just make this on /v/ next time.

>> No.6896167

That ship has sailed. The whole of /vr/ proves the critics right at the moment.

>> No.6896172

You're describing every modern AAA developers.
Look at new releases and how many numbers have a number at the end of the title.

>> No.6896176

that doesn't really pertain to their retro output, though, more of a thread for /v/
also, what >>6896172 said, there's nothing innovative about games right now, even with VR it's 90% just 'racing game, but VR!, shooter, but VR!'

>> No.6896179

I think the comment of "That's all I need." in response to Super Mario 3D All-Stars being just the 3 games, no more, no less, perfectly describes Nintendo's outlook on the audience when they were putting this together. This, to me, does not seem like a celebration of a character as much as "what's the least it will take to get people to pay $60?" This is unfortunate because Nintendo doesn't (usually) come across as a cash-grab type of company to me. The super-basic menu, lack of any extras outside of music, and minimal work done to the games tells me they knew this would still sell at $60 and that's literally all that mattered. Yes, they are a business, but I thought they cared more than this. I'll still get it and enjoy it, it's just disappointing. If you're going to phone it in, Nintendo, at least throw Galaxy 2 in as well.

>> No.6896186

They have to keep Galaxy 2 so they can sell it to you for the 40th anniversary.

>> No.6896223

>caring post sixth gen
Emulators and such famicom. Who even cares? They know we don't, so they don't, and thus sell to braindead sheep like everyone else would in our corrupt world.

>> No.6896225

He's quoting himself from a previous thread. I recall agreeing with him in that thread and maybe he wanted moar people agreeing with him on account of loneliness or something.

>be now
>lolol wiii flashback thread guise XD
>be before
>lolol gamecube/gba flashback guise XDDD

It had that same (sort of) shitposter then fag(gots). It's just a troll that likes to try to use fear of the slippery slope to annoy people for attention.

Some people like seeing their threads go up and down on a catalog more than even getting actual responses. They consider it attention.

This type of person ruins 4chan more than anyone else but no one takes issue with the type. I looked up how much people sage before and it was very very low even on a bait board like /r9k/. You're faggot enablers, all of you. To make matters worse very often some fag will ban me if I ever sage announce, thus proving that reporting won't help bait, the guy posting threads may yet be a mod and you should keep that in mind when anger posting at anger mongers.

This isn't one of those threads though.

>> No.6896231

Before there were quality threads with great discussion on /vr/
Nowadays...not so much.

>> No.6896240
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>>Watch devs play their old games
>This button should've played a cutscene to show you what it did
>I wish we added <insert shit mechanic from newer games here>
>Yeah it's not as pretty and cinematic as newer games but it was ground breaking at the time
><shitty title here> was amazing
There is no fucking hope for this industry outside the 1 indie every 3 years that makes something worthwhile.

>> No.6896241

Don't really care if they're "arrogant" or whatever. I don't buy shit collection releases and their console keeps getting games, third party ones included, that I want to actually play which is all I give a shit about. (3DS even moreso while it was still getting releases)
Meanwhile my PS4 is gathering dust after finishing Sega's Yakuza spinoffs and Bloodborne and hasn't even come close to releasing anything of mild interest outside of the FF7 Reimagining. (oh wow one or two fighters two weeks before a PC release that doesn't require paid online or have tons of wifi warriors)

>> No.6896283
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Name/lin one example (via desuarchive or similar.)

>> No.6896285
